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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 281 KB, 739x852, singing @YuriChanChannel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72454507 No.72454507 [Reply] [Original]

PNG edition

Detroit: Become Human!

>who is Nina?
Welcome to /nina/! This thread is dedicated to Nina Saotome, an indie VTuber and VSinger. Her content includes gaming (retro, kusoge, RPGs...), zatsudan and singing.
She is known for her powerful and sultry singing voice, her sisterly personality and her hard work.

>Interested in how Nina sings?
Here is a small selection of her covers:

>Other links and resources
R18: https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ninintai?src=hashtag_click&f=live
>Unofficial VOD archives
New: https://youtube.com/@NinaVODs
Old: https://youtube.com/@annalsoflevtia2846

>Related threads
Large indies >>>/vt//lig/
Western VTubers >>>/vt//wvt/

Previous thread: >>72324699

>> No.72454523
File: 2.19 MB, 1800x2193, 1686219676873235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, I bloody love Nina!

>> No.72454592
File: 469 KB, 2000x1773, 1705483880570225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Nina so much, bros.

>> No.72454624
File: 20 KB, 455x342, 5KEw9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me neeners bros

>> No.72454663
File: 734 KB, 966x792, uoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was Shondo anniversary yesterday?

>> No.72454697

>Nina is locking shines in David's punishment cage

>> No.72454704

Super cute, the collab was femalemaxxed

>> No.72454848

Not particularly eventful but it had the usual estrogen overload and was nice.

>> No.72454919

Klok poster know they tapdance on a knives blade.

>> No.72455068
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>> No.72455156

Rotund boi.

>> No.72455271

have you shown these for nina?

>> No.72455420

Yeah, I put them up on the 'cord

>> No.72455506

Nice Shibe, bro

>> No.72455932
File: 2.06 MB, 2000x2000, NINA BIRTHDAY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In THREE DAYS it'll be Nina's birthday! Show your appreciation and/or eternal goslinghood by making her a tile. Usual rules apply, no NSFW and tiles must have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400)

Some things she likes for inspration:
>Farming games, Warcraft, Metal Gear, Majoras Mask
>Her cats Gember and Isje
>Jack Black and Ryan Gosling (me)
>Naruto, in particular Yamato
>Albedo from Overlord
>Dragon Ball Z
>Creampies (the food)
>The band Breaking Benjamin
>Lolis, magical girls and idols
>IT jokes
>Pastries and sweets
>Her friends (the Barbies, Girls FC, Alice, Freya etc)

The deadline for the card is March 30th 11pm EDT/8pm PDT, March 31st 4am GMT, so make sure to get your submissions in before then

>> No.72456012
File: 3.54 MB, 2048x2048, 1694326573451186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina love!
Easter on March 31 hate!

>> No.72456080

You post this in da lig as well? Gonna make my contribution tomorrow or Saturday.

>> No.72456216

Yeah, I post it in every thread I can so I'm sure you'll catch me

>> No.72456285
File: 1.02 MB, 761x697, Nina uguu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your service shibe.

>> No.72456396

No problem, speaking of the card should I go with from the shibes or from the ninabros?

>> No.72456549

I think the shibe lore has been strongly established, but that's just my two cents.

>> No.72456575

You know a redeem to change the picture on Nina's desk might be neat.

>> No.72456682

>1 instance live
>instance limited try another
>429 Too Many Requests

>> No.72456719 [SPOILER] 
File: 338 KB, 986x579, IHavePlansWhichICannotShareBecauseTheHatersWillTryToStopMe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still working on mine, probably won't be ready until Saturday so I hope I spot you then

>> No.72456842

>Gember already around
That ginger bitch, he's going to get all her kisses again

>> No.72456913

It's looking great already anon

>> No.72456946

I steal all of the Gember kisses before they reach him.

>> No.72456983
File: 64 KB, 609x591, media_GF-YTbGX0AAi36m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72457046 [SPOILER] 
File: 107 KB, 576x617, 1688562401762625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Nina's hairy ginger pussy!

>> No.72457111
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1080, Ninaninin_Thu-Mar-28-2024_18_56_29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the Dutch like this?

>> No.72457128

>Seed all over Nina's face

>> No.72457274

Nina is a fake Christian just like Kitanya and Olivia Monroe

>> No.72457347

>game less than 1 hour in
Fellow zatsuchads, I don't feel so good.

>> No.72457375

>game after exact 1 hour
Her germanic ancestors took the wheel.

Go to bed, Moriko.

>> No.72457382

I don't think she's fake, but it does seem like a lower prioritory for her these days

>> No.72457481
File: 204 KB, 860x1229, 4068691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zatsuchads, give me your energy! Together we can crash the shaders!

>> No.72457503

>prioritizing things above her God and her faith
It's almost as if she isn't actually Christian...

>> No.72457841

Nina seizing my means of reproduction...

>> No.72457986

Had to happen.

>> No.72457987

Focus on your stream Morch

>> No.72458759

Nina has forgotten the game doesn't pause when you're staring at book covers again...

>> No.72458819

She sets herself up to fail again.

>> No.72459411
File: 346 KB, 800x700, 1697307028454074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the shibes at today

>> No.72459485

Nina feet

>> No.72459627

On holiday probably, it's Easter after all

>> No.72459659

Watching the stream

>> No.72460038 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, IHaveNoMouthAndIMustBake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on something

>> No.72460066

This shibe be baking.

>> No.72460375 [DELETED] 

Would you mind posting this in the current /lig/ thread? no reason in particular

>> No.72460462

It's just the usual shit stirrers, don't pay them any mind.

>> No.72460935

playing vidya

>> No.72460990

But why not playing vidya AND watching Nina on the phone like I do?

>> No.72461129
File: 14 KB, 229x106, Nina juice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72461180

oh I am, just took me 2 hours before checking the thread.

>> No.72461569

>Time limit
>Nina knows there's a time limit
>Nina knows what she needs to do
>Nina immediately runs off the otherway


>> No.72461615

It's nearly her birthday, let her be a brat

>> No.72461770

Who cares stop being so German

>> No.72461952

Who cares how this game ends up? We're here for Nina.

>> No.72462122

One job...

>> No.72462193

Androids will stay as slave.

>> No.72462248

As they should be.

>> No.72462260

You rooting for them?

>> No.72462290

She is from the south, after all.

>> No.72462296

If we get a bad ending then maybe there is hope for a second play through... In a couple of years...

>> No.72462307
File: 124 KB, 768x1024, 1535157841473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's gone through the slowdown sequences how many times at this point?

>> No.72462618

Her Dutch blood is speaking to her, she needs to oppress

>> No.72462635
File: 89 KB, 634x381, 1687385697377590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamski, what a guy

>> No.72462688

Nina's always talking over the good scenes

>> No.72462693

Actual chad.

>> No.72462766

>it was a Kamski jest
fucking kek

>> No.72462963

I wish I was him.

>> No.72463449


>> No.72463521

You know lads, I'm starting to think the messages of this game are a little on the nose

>> No.72463559

Nina would literally not notice it if it were any less obvious.

>> No.72463570

ya think, its a david game

>> No.72463594

What did you expect.

>> No.72463657

What messages? I only see heart warming scenes and touching moments

>> No.72463718

yet again

>> No.72463720

ok this is getting ridiculous now

>> No.72463724

Nina you coward...

>> No.72463734


>> No.72463819

Oh hi, Hunneychu. I was wondering when she would show up

>> No.72463931

that's like what 5 raids in the span of 2 weeks

>> No.72464045

she raids shondo much more. i was wondering why she didnt raid us today. my condolences shibes.

>> No.72464056

She needs to woman up, and ask for a collab if she wishes to be groomed by Nina or Shondo already

>> No.72464398

>Nina laughing at the phallic statue

>> No.72464644
File: 405 KB, 1664x2432, 00048-4147368275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immediately fucks off

>> No.72464766

Need Nina android

>> No.72464820

What are you gonna do with her?

>> No.72465023

>this is getting ridiculous now
Who cares if someone raids someone else. Why do people act like it's a big deal?

>> No.72465070

4chins autism

>> No.72465256

It's give and take. Maybe some of her viewers may stick around, maybe some of yours hang around her. It's building bridges. Of course people are gonna make assumptions about why people build bridges, just like they care about burned bridges.

>> No.72465378

I like her, and appreciate her reaching out, but she needs to bite bullet and DM either Nina or Shondo if she wants to collab or just hang out with them... Then again, I don't want to see another Cake incident...

>> No.72465419

Honestly, it's a writing written on the wall with big fat letters; probably wants to connect through Nina to Shondo. Why else? Literally she just needs some organic connection like >>72465378 said.

>> No.72465440
File: 202 KB, 1039x747, 1694123260674380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72465498

>lolituber finishes her stream
>passes her viewers on to another lolituber
It can be as simple as that. I don't understand why you read so much into it. Has she said she wants to collab but is too shy to ask?

>> No.72465515

>Nina hates north when she finds out she's a whorebot

>> No.72465530
File: 41 KB, 330x330, 1686607423860850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave me alone, wench

>> No.72465534

Thanks for confirming you're an NPC.

>> No.72465616

the same 2 lolitubers tho?

>> No.72465739

You're the kind of guy that thinks the cute cashier in the store wants to date you because she smiles at you every time, right?

>> No.72465776

Somtimes Nina is a little dumb huh

>> No.72465785

>Nina goes full toaster support
I'm just gonna blame it on her wanting the Connor/Hank OTP.

>> No.72465831

it's pretty obvious she's trying to use Nina to get close to Shondo

>> No.72465844

Brainlet nina-chama...

>> No.72465900

Give her a break, it's 11PM for her and she has to focus on silly Cage game riddled with QTE's and chat at the same time.

>> No.72465977

The game isn't exactly subtle about pushing you towards its intended path.

>> No.72466063

Nah, she probably just want to reach out. There are very few people that will openly support Loli chubas, and even fewer that would support her without I'll intentions

>> No.72466352


>> No.72466366

>left the wench behind
Okay, Nina is based again in my book now.

>> No.72466391

Gotta love a woman with principles

>> No.72466393

This absolute brat

>> No.72466709

Mentally unstable little girl good.

>> No.72466929

>Shondo gets to see everything

>> No.72467026
File: 944 KB, 1078x943, 1689951468279503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some sloppa from /vtai/


>> No.72467054

>All the Barbies sharing their nudes on discord

Oh, what wouldn't I give to be a fly on the wall

>> No.72467121

OH MY good ones

>> No.72467132

Tanya's tanyers

>> No.72467212

Thanks for the harvest, AI bro. Much appreciated

>> No.72467249

Soya's poyas

>> No.72467276

Oli's Olies

>> No.72467281

oli's olis

>> No.72467289

Vivi's Vivis

>> No.72467342

Does anyone remember the name Oli gave to her boobs? I swear one of them is named Brenda

>> No.72467341

shondo's uhhh...concave chest kek

>> No.72467347

Chat's chats

>> No.72467407

chat's chats are all in the open to see...
how lewd

>> No.72467409

Inis' Pnis

>> No.72467476

And they spread them in front of all of the Barbies. Bunch of whores

>> No.72467478


>> No.72467578

>only anal
Shibe, why do you torture her this much? Anal won't give her the 10 children she wants.

>> No.72467586

The Barbies wouldn't hand their viewers out to each other like that.

>> No.72467668

Anal shall continue until gameplay improves

>> No.72467710

I'm not the AIbro, I was just sharing since it only got posted there and to /lig/ once.
The original AIbro said he might do the other hole in the future.

>> No.72467750

Keep us updated.

>> No.72467883


>> No.72467938

Vivi can convince the girls that bush and hairy pits are cute

>> No.72467980

Bush is fine, but pits... I mean I shave mine as well.

>> No.72467992
File: 89 KB, 609x557, 1695590197978058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72468041

The Forest shall grow on each and everyone of the Barbs!

>> No.72468481

I'm starting to think AI isn't so bad after all

>> No.72468509

Don't forget the money shot >>72366766 #

>> No.72468628

Ignore that!
Here! >>72366965 #

>> No.72468879

any onee-san nina?

>> No.72468881
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1529777178596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what happens when you put a woman in charge

>> No.72468893

It keeps get better and better. Can't wait to scan my certified human loicense before accessing the internet or my bank account.

>> No.72468922

Is Nina a pickme?

>> No.72468933

Ok so Nina doesn't believe in peaceful protest huh

>> No.72468978

An INFLUENCER woman, nonetheless. According to the game lore, she was a videoblogger before becoming president

>> No.72468983

Stop reading the thread nina

>> No.72469000

You are only peaceful, if you are capable of violence. Otherwise you are harmless.

>> No.72469036

She is a pick-n-fuck me sized woman

>> No.72469035

Yeah, I pick her

>> No.72469076
File: 2.66 MB, 1664x2432, 00214-49665999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a fair price to pay

>> No.72469272

What did she say?

>> No.72469280

is it just me or has nina been especially suggestive today?

>> No.72469363

Before or after the robot reproduction bit

>> No.72469393

Wait, am I missing some Vivi lore?

>> No.72469441

before and after the robot reproduction bit

>> No.72469564


>> No.72469587

Maybe Shondo and Oli are getting to her.

>> No.72469658

Just Vivi being Vivi

>> No.72469661

Birthday is coming up, shes feeling the pressure to have kids before its too late.

>> No.72469736 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, ActuallyBeingACakeIsOkayIDon'tCareAnymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina birthday render is progressing (but it's quite rough)

I'm going to look for some better texture options and will do some set dressing, but are there any obvious improvements you guys would point out?
I'll be adding a candle before I'm finished

>> No.72469740

Maybe yesterday's talk about Shondo's sheggs got to her

>> No.72469791

Looks pretty good to me already.
Maybe you can make a little tail, either as the candle or on the backside.

>> No.72469807

The tie/paws/tail along on the sides?

>> No.72469846

Looks pretty solid, but maybe you could add some structure or layer or whatever to the base cake so that it looks more fluffy.

>> No.72469847

Maybe give the sides a slight bulge. We are fat

>> No.72470466

I don't think i've seen Nina go this hard for a BL option before

>> No.72470956

>Hank survived
Oh thank god, she would have been heartbroken

>> No.72470959

She did it!

>> No.72471038

I don't get how Hank chose.

>> No.72471044

Good ending secured

>> No.72471087

Thanks to chat backseatting.

>> No.72471146

Connor spoke with humanity, while Nega-Connor was hung up on being right

He showed that he was deviant by speaking with emotion

>> No.72471287

I don't think I have seen this ending before. Usually they get sent to the concentration camps.

>> No.72471311

It's fine if Nina was asking for it.

>> No.72471371

Everything for the Connor x Hank OTP.

>> No.72471507

Ah, looked it up and if you pick the wrong name, Connor just gets shot, which is weird, since his son's info would be on a database available to androids. Nina just overlooked it when looking at porn mags.

>> No.72471786

I've seen the one where the little girl dies from hypothermia

>> No.72471797

>Nina just overlooked it when looking at porn mags.
Yep. She wasted the whole 10 minutes reading shit.

>> No.72471871

I'm dissapointed we didn't get a snort out of this

>> No.72471879

>Leaning back from the mic to laugh

>> No.72472004
File: 495 KB, 500x730, 1708831010617354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This bit is kinda just good and Nina is just constantly guffawing

>> No.72472023

>Singing saved the day
Say it with me, Cage kino

>> No.72472086

Yeah, I enjoyed a few of the game scenes where Nina was just laughing out loud not taking it serious.

>> No.72472147

I'm fucki ruined fucking Hilary Clinton ICANT

>> No.72472162

I could have sworn there was a tiny snort

>> No.72472206

>Giving an inspiring speech while the corpses of all those androids that were killed in the assault are a few feet away

>> No.72472268

Not like they're decomposing.

>> No.72472785

She got her ending.

>> No.72473326

Absolute cinema of a stream today. 10/10

>> No.72473384
File: 992 KB, 960x720, rate2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did it, she Detroit Became Human. Remember that next stream is her birthday! Bring your party hats, contribute to the card if you can, and get ready to cheer for her.

>> No.72473444

Nina said it wrong btw she'll be starting an hour earlier for the americans

>> No.72473454

Kino/10, I didn't think I'd end up enjoying that game as much as I did. I'll post the card in every /lig/ thread I can but worst comes to worst just post your tiles there and I'll comb through to find them. See you boys on Sunday

>> No.72473514
File: 904 KB, 1145x1400, 105798459_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hank's smile restored/10
Good stuff, I laughed and smiled so much my jaw and cheeks hurt now.

>> No.72473570

Kino ending/ 10

>> No.72473731

This Jets seems pretty cute, too bad it's already 2am, too sleepy to continue.

>> No.72473733

I generally don't like cage games, but I think Detroit is probably my favorite to watch now for beyond two souls for true cagekuso

>> No.72473747
File: 56 KB, 640x606, 1691263964503451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9/10, I would have liked her to appreciate the Kino more, but she still did very well

Intentionally getting North killed was a bit over the line

>> No.72473762

Cringe but free/10

I enjoyed this play through despite the tech issues, the Cage issues and Nina's literally skill issues, somehow it all made it more charming in a way. Almost males me wish for another play through

Now, it all goes downhill from here for Cage games...

>> No.72474216

Women don't feel the need to protect other women

>> No.72474273
File: 1.18 MB, 1103x834, put Nina in rice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't like how she become a toaster shill, but she wanted the Connor/Hank ending and she got it, so I guess everything's fine. Can't wait for Sunday.

>> No.72474351

Jets seems kinda nice, shame about her timeslot tho.

>> No.72474416

true, I can only watch her because my sleep schedule is complete whack.

>> No.72474483

Yeah that's also why Nina and Jets will probably never be more than acquaintances, unfortunately.

>> No.72474677

I generally only catch aussies in the morning, or Vivi because she's got a terrible sleep schedule

>> No.72475369

>or Vivi because she's got a terrible sleep schedule
How does her husband manage with their relationship with his wife having a streaming schedule this terrible.

>> No.72475591

Maybe this is what life with Nina would be like.
Imagine having to be on constant baby duty whenever Nina is streaming.

>> No.72476083

You think that's bad? Imagine being on baby making duties the second she ends the stream, you simply won't have any rest

>> No.72477615

For anyone who hasn't made their card yet, the card maker is posting it regularly on /lig/ so submit it there.

>> No.72477643

Not submitting until an hour before deadline, you know the rules

>> No.72477706
File: 1.28 MB, 1800x1000, NinaBDAY_1800x1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to make an entry? I can cut this thing down to size if need be. I just figured it best to have a full res version first.

>> No.72481242


>> No.72481248


>> No.72484187
File: 52 KB, 400x400, MMsmith400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72485093


>> No.72486246

*Chu* to you too Nina

>> No.72486431

nini /nina/

>> No.72486746

Nini Shibe

>> No.72490348

she cute
