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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72435373 No.72435373 [Reply] [Original]

I believe these threads are crucial for VTubers. There is often a lack of a safe place to share concerns, frustrations or just vent anonymously.
Everyone and their mother knows 4chan is the melting pot for free, open discussion.

Whether you're well-known, just starting out, independent, or part of a company, you're welcome here to express yourself safely.
Remember to be careful and not reveal anything that could get you in trouble. You could label your manager, company or even other genmates as X.
For example, you can say, "I struggle with being in X because of these reasons."
If a specific scenario happened, try to be more vague about the details because that scenario may well be unique to you. In that case, maybe speak in the 3rd person or heard from a friend of a friend, whatever it takes to stay anonymous.
If you feel alone or lost, voice your concerns on why you do.

Enjoy and I hope this helps.
This seems to have went pretty well last thread.
Remember to try enjoy life as it comes at you. Getting sad over the small things helps nobody. Finding solutions is better.
Let Mei-chans words guide you.
Never give up!

>> No.72435534

I'm getting tired of managing myself. I just want soneone to boss me around and tell me what to do or put expectations/requirements on when to stream / make content.

I either overwork myself or end up slacking too much.

I honestly almost ( not entirely) would rather be in a black corp/agency than being indie sometimes.

>> No.72435652

It's disgusting that non vtubing streams are becoming more commonplace among the indie vtuber community.

>> No.72435736 [DELETED] 

I dislike lewdvtubers, it attracts a problematic audience for new vtubers that want to start making content that doesn't pander to them.

>> No.72435781

Then you need to distance the managerial aspects of the work from yourself even more.
The easiest way to do that is have "morning you" be the boss and every other time be for "streaming you"
Have a meeting with yourself, go over your activities whether art, music, thumbnails, video editing and the like. Treat it like you were going to a proper meeting.
See what tasks need to be done. Keep. Notes.
There's many productivity apps / programs out there for keeping track of your work, some even game-ify it.
If there's financial stuff involved, use a spreadsheet be it MS Excel or Google Sheets. (that extends to life in general, seriously, use them, they remove so much mental hassle)
Be realistic with yourself, otherwise you are just lying to yourself.
Schedule time to do those tasks. Don't over-exert yourself regularly, once the time period is over, tidy things up, leave notes on your thoughts for next time, close that shit down and go about your day. (unless it is vital you complete it ASAP, but try to keep things like that to a minimum!)

>> No.72435917

I have my avatar, I have the microphone, but I lack a good internet. Recently, my internet just started to freak the fuck out when I stream. My frames would drop like crazy to thousands pf dropped frames, and the connection bar would go from red to green and green to red randomly. OBS also fucking sucks because every time I stream, my microphone would have a random new problem. I had the same filters for a while but then one day when I streamed the filters would stop working as they should so I had to change them. I can’t set my goddamn microphone right because this shit doesn’t work. I couldn’t care less about the audio quality, but that mixed to the slideshow stream pisses me off.
I decided that I will switch to making youtube content for now until I’m able to pay for a better internet or something, but I am really mad that I can’t stream because of the stupid problems that come up without explanation with things that are out of my control

>> No.72436646

Shitty internet always sucks.
Literally put a hole in a wall once when it kept disconnecting while I was trying to do something important.
Complain complain complain to your ISP and say you're getting a shitty connection.
Go further and loosen your modems connection at random during a time they say they will "test it" so it fucks with their testing and forces them to come out and deal with it.
Average ping spikes, most ISP cunts won't care. Hardcore pings and packet drops and they tend to care a bit more because it could be a serious line fault.
Either way it will get them checking the whole "last mile" to your house to verify shit ain't broken. Good luck.

>> No.72437543

I'm not totally against it, if it is specified from the get-go. People hopping on it or dropping it suddenly is a bit shitty.
It has always been a thing in vtubing, it literally started out as people replacing webcams with face-tracked avatars before people started creating entirely new channels for vtubing-exclusive stuff.
Kayfabe vtubing is still a minority of vtubing even today.
I have massive respect for people who can keep up a hardcore kayfabe channel, not steering in to personal stuff or what they did in the day, can keep stuff lore-accurate, etc.
But truth be told? Most people don't give a shit. The largest vtubers talk about their IRL shit all the time, including Pekora. That's still a far trek from say, doing cosplay or webcam streams on the same channel, but even that's not all too far from some of the stuff they've done in the past.
It's pointless to care about it, in the end. It's better to focus yourself on bettering things around you.

>> No.72439334


>> No.72439447

you can hire a manager and still be an indie. don't menhera away your IP, it's a big mistake a lot of ex-corpos have come to realize

>> No.72439738

Honest question, but why? Isn't it down to what kind of content you want to make yourself? Or do you consider it some kind of unfair "cheat" for popularity, in which case isn't that just admitting you can't differentiate your content on its own merits?

>> No.72440310

I've been a vtuber for about a year and at first I was inspired by the many vtubers both in company and independent. But as time went on, the feeling I've once had towards other vtubers turned to jealousy and bitterness. I haven't been able to shake this feeling off since I've seen so many new vtubers getting hundreds-thousands of followers in a matter of days or weeks just by revealing a character and establishing a community in short time and wishing I have even a fraction of any of that since I put a lot of time and thought into making entertaining content only to get glossed over/BTFO by a new person while nothing I post ever gets any attention its like I'm never good enough for anyone.

It's gotten to a point where I can't even watch other vtubers cause I see where they are at and I wish I could do or say the things they do to their communities, but I've got nobody to say it to and this has created a lot of jealousy and self-loathing.

A lot of people say to not compare with others but that's just impossible when you have to work with social media for growth and you're constantly exposed to other peoples successes (whilst being constantly reminded of your own failure).

Another point worth mentioning is a lot of indies who made it big ends up being exposed as being reprehensible people doing reprehensible things. That hasn't helped with how I feel towards others (e.g. what if this person ends up being caught as the next pos).

>> No.72440771

You are right - it's basically impossible not to compare yourself to others.
But a better way to think of it is not so much "wow I'm so shit and small and pathetic" - rather see that it's not always a case of "if I put the work in, I will shine", more that making it in any capacity is a huge fucking amount of luck.
So many people stream and make content that barely gets any views, if any at all, and it does hurt to think about.
But if you try to reframe it as doing it for yourself, it hurts a bit less. Try not to impress others - impress yourself.
There's about a billion different articles out there on how to promote yourself on streaming sites, if you've not read any of them, try a few, sometimes they have things most people don't even consider could help.
Can't hurt, right?

I had a friend streaming for years basically just for us, or streaming us fucking around on MP games.
But suddenly out of nowhere he got a random boost on Twitch and he regularly gets high 2view sometimes even rare low 3views and he did nothing for it besides stream stream stream.
Do it for your own love of sharing at the very least.
If you're doing it for fame / friends, you'll need to shake that "other people are awful" mentality and just get yourself out there without caring about their personal shit, and distancing only if that awful shit comes out. Keep their personal lives at an arms-length and DMs professional for the most part.
If you're doing it for money, however, you're going to have to do a complete change in how you do things, sometimes even unsavoury things.
Shit sucks, but a lot of it is luck in the end.

>> No.72441830

You can even try get a friend to help act as your manager, as a sort of fun thing but also to help motivate you.
You can also join some of those co-working sites that are the hot new thing right now to help keep yourself sort of accountable by being around others who are also trying the same.

>> No.72442676

What to do when you are sure that:
1) there is a groomer in your community
2) they are trying to groom other vtubers on other accounts
3) they aren't a total ass, but sometimes do act like asses in chats and Discord
4) actually help pay the bills. quite a bit in fact
5) are actually fearful of being booted from the community so generally probably won't completely overstep boundaries but you're still sure they've attempted to find where you are. (by accidentally self-reporting the fact, a thing I don't think they realized)

>> No.72442724

I want to be in Hololive so badly it is consuming all of my thoughts

>> No.72443147

>actually help pay the bills. quite a bit in fact
First mistake. If you're doing it to pay the bills, you open yourself to this kind of people, and they know it.
>they are trying to groom other vtubers on other accounts
As callous as it may sound, focus on yourself first, this is just confirmation that the guy is in fact a groomer.
>won't completely overstep boundaries but you're still sure they've attempted to find where you are
This is the risky part, you'll have to bait him and hope he takes the bait, but if you fuck up as early as setting the bait, he'll know you're onto him. The safe choice would be to endure it and drum up your infosec/opsec.

As an indiefag, are you streaming? Do you like the ambience that Holo has shown? Have you even applied? Or do you only want the clout?

>> No.72443260

If you do, I hope you know it doesn't just mean streaming, it also means a lot of singing practice, dancing practice, merch designing, voice acting and recording for clips, merch and the anime eventually, Twitter stuff, other misc meetings, song recording, etc.
Likewise you open yourself to a lot of activity, some of which people might not realize. A noisy chat alone is overwhelming for a lot of people.

>> No.72443665

Actually yes I do stream! And make other content.... I've always wanted to be an idol. I've applied... probably over 5 times now... TT_TT. One day.... maybe....

I considered applying for other corpos too, but I decided to focus on leveling up as an indie! It's just hard sometimes since I have no one to really talk to about this.... hence me posting in here.

>> No.72444225

>Isn't it down to what kind of content you want to make yourself?
I don't entirely disagree but this is just my personal opinion. Vtubing is one of the few spheres in which artists are appreciated. Nowadays though, many indies don't care for the art and use it as a stepping stone towards regular twitch streaming or OF. This isn't anything new of course, but I find it disgusting that it's making its way to even the popular indies and a few non-indies. It's sad that the sanctity of vtubing is being lost but I understand that for many it's just another way to make money and I don't really blame any of them.

>> No.72444337

Word of advice? Remember that Holo is just a springboard. Work for your dream on your own. If you get into Holo that's good, but it shouldn't be your goal or one of your steps. Also, remember to work on your opsec/infosec.

>> No.72444349

Some of them have taken many attempts to get in before without success until finally they got noticed.
Just keep trying trying and trying again.
Lets face it, there's some people in there that aren't even particularly good streamers or singers, but they still got there, even recently. It's a lot of luck. Some of them were relative no-name streamers on small sites. (Haachama for example)
Just keep at it. But don't feel disheartened or sad if you don't, that just means more time to do your own thing and that might also go somewhere you didn't expect.

>> No.72444606

>for many it's just another way to make money
/lig/fag here, I like when the whore chuubas make money with their avatar and they do little to no LOOK AT MY RTX bullshit.

>> No.72445283

>The safe choice would be to endure it and drum up your infosec/opsec.
Basically what it going on now.
No bait required actually, as they already self-reported the fact lol
It's not like they have an address and name is fairly common in general. Still weird.
Thank you friends who don't know how to disable location services.

>> No.72446256

I think the ones where they can get by even with a shit model are better because that means they are engaging enough that they actually like the shit they do.
More persona / kayfabe versus a model / flesh carrying them

>> No.72447749

This. Do things for yourself and hope things get somewhere, but don't base your entire time around trying to get in.

>> No.72448381

This is a good idea that would have gotten deleted a year ago but it seems the jannies have lightened up about meta threads

>> No.72449795

Not sure why given it is just people giving advice or telling gripes to others.
Yeah there will be occasions where people will probably LARP, but either way it can be helpful even if the scenarios themselves are fake and people respond seriously.

>> No.72450469

If you want to try and grow you should definitely try and learn how the tiktok algorithm works and abuse the shit out of it because its just free views.
Caseoh went from a nobody to streaming to 40k people on avg in less than a year (granted he was also insanely lucky) meanwhile a bunch of the hololive girls barley ever break past 5k views per video on tiktok because they just post their youtube shorts that only get views cause they are already famous

>> No.72452745

What a retarded thread

>> No.72455570

The one yesterday was pretty good.

>> No.72455671

Yeah not quite sure why this one is pretty dead.
Maybe the different time it was made factored in.
The one yesterday was pretty damn active surprisingly

>> No.72457159

That’s because yesterday’s thread had a chuuba complaining about being daughterzoned by her audience, which caused an outbreak of fatherhood LARPing among anons trying to give advice on how she could make herself more generally appealing to the male 30-somethings that watch her.

>> No.72458636

Well that and she kept replying with more details which generated more posts. There's only so much advice one can chime in given limited context

>> No.72459637

lol that whole discussion sure was something.
I'm wondering if it is someone I actually watch because I know someone who is in a similar situation who got hard daughterzoned despite her general desire to be lewded. (as she was in her past company / indie life)
To be fair, I do both. She's my daughterwife after all.

>> No.72459703

was that also the slag who posted pictures of herself on her vtuber account? not hard to imagine why her chat is so dodgy

>> No.72461882

She honestly gave out WAY too much information about herself (though it just as easily could’ve been some rando pretending to be her), but if they were who I’m pretty sure they are, then no, she hasn’t posted any irl photos to her twitter that I can see just glancing through her media tab.

>> No.72462866

might be thinking of a different slag then

>> No.72462940

It was not someone impersonating her.
She was replying to posts live on stream.
>What is mating press.

>> No.72463189

From waht I saw of her streams, I'd give her a watch, but she completely overlaps my oshi, like right now.

>> No.72463389

Ugly model and broken rigging. No idea how you could feel comfortable streaming with something like that.

>> No.72463648

This bitch ban me from her chat months ago. ironic that shes begging for approval on 4chan. Shes decried the place many time before, seems only in it for the money as she has no other skill

>> No.72463730

>ban me
skill issue

>> No.72463933

the real skill issue is her art skill which she hardly improved on in how many years? Id hate to have “passion” like that and still be shit at it after thousands of hours

>> No.72464083

you sound like a disgruntled women

>> No.72464092

hololive iofi...

>> No.72466082


>> No.72467217

I must have been the only person to miss who it even was.
Mind you I did skim through the thread.

>> No.72469690

retard-chama you were literally given a shortlist of options and a handful of defining characteristics

>> No.72470718

That you know of and can apply to someone you know.
Guess what, there's well over 5 digits in vtubers out there. At least that was the case in 2021.
There was only one thing I absolutely could follow and it was a certain short-lived drama in a certain community that thankfully got sorted out before it blew up.

>> No.72471973

At least two things mentioned ended up being an obvious tell.
>certain short-lived drama in a certain community
Some posts later some guy vagueposted being innocent.

>> No.72473594

>not quite sure why this one is pretty dead
Because even venting is done where you think it's safe (unless you're from Niji). Few if any chuuba would consider this hellhole safe enough to actually vent.

>> No.72474403

Reviving this one last time, though I'm sure it won't be any help.

>> No.72474526

It's probably better as a monthly thread, give it enough time for people to forget how the last one went

>> No.72476276

You can if you do it anonymously by removing names, places, even times if it was very recent.

Seems sensible actually. Arguably even a week could be doable, maybe at the weekend.
A week is a fairly long time for a bunch of frustrations to build up. Getting them out there can be healthy.

>> No.72480742

