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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72358148 No.72358148 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for fans of Sayu and her content.

Surprise Dual Stream Edition

>Twitch (LIVE!)

>YouTube (LIVE!)





>Twitch VODs

>> No.72358580


>> No.72358880
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this is what she's drinking

>> No.72359126
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>> No.72359479

I missed her

>> No.72360376

me too! I didn't even know about her guerrilla stream until I looked at her twitch earlier. I'm watching on YT because it's just better on the consoomer side.

>> No.72360600

I want to have Sayu discipline me because her voice is hot as fuck when she's laying down the law but I don't want to be a shitter in chat and spoil her good mood. What do?

>> No.72361072

I like how visible it is on her model when she's eating. Someone should make a webm.

>> No.72361519

Sayu Ring Fit stream in the future!
StreamElements dono as she's ending stream? you might get bonked tho
truly one of the best Live2D models I've ever seen.

>> No.72362991

Anyone else feel a deep primal urge to impregnate Sayu or is it just me?

>> No.72363699

I'm liking Runie more and more every time she collabs with Sayu. Sorry Sayu one woman is not enough for me

>> No.72364049

I have been very busy lately so I've been missing a lot of streams and have barely used twitter the last couple of weeks, what was the whole vshojo and zen thing about? I'm kinda worried about her so I just hope it was a nothingburger and she didn't actually burn the bridges she just started to rebuild. I love her but I'm always worried about her emotional outbursts.

>> No.72364348

I had that urge with one chick in meatspace, thankfully my big head stopped the little one, that'd have been a costly mistake.
Sayu's model is prime coomer material, tho, and the fact that she only shows off rarely makes it all more precious.
I too like her as a regular collab partner but I have zero interest in her on her own which is pretty normal for me, actually.
most of that is just sisters seething and stirring shit. Zen is intelligent enough to know what Sayu meant by what she said, and she might pay more attention to the clique's shit now of which matara is obviously a part of, even as an ex-niji

>> No.72365872
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>> No.72367177

What she said made it into a False video, so someone in VShojo is probably at least aware of what she said. We just have to hope that it didn't sour her to Zen and other members.

>> No.72368069

/vsj+/ in general doesn't like Sayu, and even they dismissed the dramafags, that's how big of a nothingburger this is.

>> No.72368588

Meh, it is literally a nothingburger. Vsj started as a clique and opened up later but that clique mentality still remains strong.
Anyone who doesn't to accept it is either on full denial or too sensitive.
Plus Sayu fans have a habbit of doomposting too much. Where are those saying that Filian was soured and wouldn't collab with Sayu now?

>> No.72368990

So who's that cuck without a backbone that said he/she would be friends with her in private but not publicly? I can only imagine it's someone well known. These people fucking suck man...

>> No.72369526

Possibly Cy Yu but that's only speculation.

>> No.72369641

that's most normies, actually. finding actual friends who'll stay by your side in hard times is difficult.

>> No.72370115

Could be Merryweather, he and Sayu used to be close (close enough for Sayu to hook him up with the Niji gig via Xsoleil lore video)
I remember he tweeted in defence of Zaion when she got suspended, then deleted it once Nijisisters started turning on him. I'm sure there are screenshots floating around of this.
I don't think they interacted ever since

>> No.72370864

Sayu's getting old... she likes the granny voice

>> No.72371558

>Sayu Ring Fit stream in the future!
She is going to die...

>> No.72371947

My gut says that it was Doppio. He didn't say anything when Zaion was terminated, but his RM started following Sayu.

>> No.72372080

even Henya survived it barely so I'm sure Sayu will be fine. but one thing's for sure, Sayu in 3D would be fire!

>> No.72372427

>Sayu RFA
My cock won’t survive such high levels of HAG SEX

>> No.72372632

>Sayu is preparing something special for us
Finally feet stream part 2

>> No.72372922
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>> No.72374195

OP here, heading out. When is she going on Filian's show?

>> No.72374217

11 hours from now

>> No.72374391

god fucking dammit. I'll catch the VOD then.

>> No.72374490

I'd have been tempted to take a plane if she was there for real

>> No.72376845


>> No.72376944 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.72377406

Nothing but comfy stuffs so far.
Gonna be more chaotic later with Fillian

>> No.72377946

Welp see you later anons, probably in a newly cooked thread.

>> No.72378527

Are you guys working on the sincroknights design?

>> No.72379012

Yeah, but I'm stuck because anything cute I try to draw ends up looking too much like a SSRB. I think I will just draw something cool and call it a day.

>> No.72379864

Ye, just cleaning up linework and adding a cool Gundam version when combining all Sincroknights.

Sayu design details work surprisingly well for mixing different designs

>> No.72379909

Tbf SSRB is peak mascot design.

>> No.72380048

it's a knock-off tako.

>> No.72380164

Can't draw for shit so I simply observe others

>> No.72382518

She used to play tennis, she'll be fine

>> No.72382833

A long, long, long, long time ago.

>> No.72382860

Her manager is rather unsightly.

>> No.72383037

This was back from years back. Her bones and muscles aren't what they used to be

>> No.72383620

Being active and moving a lot in your early life can bring lots of benefits to your adulthood. If anything this will should her muscle memory and I want her to exercise more
