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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 86 KB, 500x278, 1701811125455656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72140978 No.72140978 [Reply] [Original]

cat food edition
>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Open for business.

Previous thread: >>71871347

>> No.72141052

I always stream in my underwear

>> No.72141070

Mic and interface came just need to wait for the xlr cable then I can have good audio

>> No.72141110

desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu

>> No.72141197

>>72111383 ACTUAL previous thread

Posting anew for new thread

Aspies, I need you to make me an ad, preferably an ad for your channel, but whatever really is fine. 10 seconds to a minute long.

>> No.72141333

If anyone here wants a certain kind of title/the card effect, let me know. I really want to try and make this happen. :)

>> No.72141451

i want a card that ultimately wastes time most of the time but can be utilized in a niche victory condition

>> No.72141690

Plus hook up with Lance and the other Vcard members and make actually fun card effects.

>> No.72142199

Never thought the first /asp/ie to pull a hero would be Alto

>> No.72142275

Maple is the first, actually
also, proof?

>> No.72143067

As in suicide? Because I'm pretty sure we have others before that

>> No.72143489

i hate when streamers read out the full message people send in chat, your chat is NOT that fast to do that

>> No.72143584

I just like reading it out cause I'm not gonna stare at the screen in silence for 10 seconds and say 'yeah true'

>> No.72143736
File: 178 KB, 283x352, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pafu love

>> No.72143818
File: 251 KB, 500x500, EmotesLurk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game?

>> No.72143903

It won't be a game (or maybe it will?), it's just an excuse for me to practice art and I imagined it would be a fun way to do it.

>> No.72144024

Well if it's cardgame related I'd love to be a part of it! Not as a boss monster or anything, maybe as a supporting card of some sorts

>> No.72144059

All /asp/ies will be legendary cards! Because we're all legendary. :)

>> No.72144449

this and it's helpful for people who might just be listening in and not actively watching.

>> No.72144802

Please reply to this post with the artist who did your avatar.

>> No.72144853

I made it myself

>> No.72144983

I tried some asmr last night. It was kind of fun even even though I didnt take it super seriously. I am happy that it didnt drive away most of my audience somehow. I might try to do another few streams of it at some point. It was a lot more fun to do than I thought it would be, I wasnt able to contain my laughter sometimes.

>> No.72145002

Avatar? You mean model?

>> No.72145015

me! That's why it looks so bad!

>> No.72145309


>> No.72145386


>> No.72145603

"Male suicide is pathetic, girl suicide is aesthetic"

>> No.72145909

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.72146468
File: 13 KB, 743x119, alto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His last post on twitter appears to be kind of a joke implying abandoning or quitting more than anything. Doesn't come across like the kind of post you would do before a planned suicide.

>> No.72146710


>> No.72147043
File: 1.14 MB, 1402x1086, 1704059900778573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still doomin' it

>> No.72147141
File: 258 KB, 533x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be basil please be basil please be him be him please I beg to god be basil please be basil oh god hear me just once please make this anon be basil please do it basil archia I beg you please.

>> No.72147342

Sorry that isn't me, but I did just upgrade to an at2020 and I'm waiting on my XLR cable to come so that I can use it. I'll try my best to do something with it soon.

>> No.72147431

Not really. Heck I don't know if a lot of people would even call it asmr. Theres plenty of room for improvement I am sure. I did it live and for the first time without practicing. Feel free to check it out I guess.


>> No.72147433
File: 737 KB, 997x813, image_2024-03-23_215245739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clicking circles - quickly.

>> No.72147489

Its hard to believe even a nobody like me could be friends with a vtuber. It was supposed to be impossible but she is very convincing

>> No.72147684

I did made it myself :]

>> No.72147718

Just hit affiliate and I want to have as few as ads as possible on my channel.
Aside from having the preroll ad what can I do to minimize it for a 3 hour stream?

>> No.72147768

you're already set
as long as you dont touch any other settings, the preroll is the only thing an active viewer will experience

>> No.72147916

Is there any way to disable prerolls? Or is that the price of becoming affiliate?

>> No.72147943

>Or is that the price of becoming affiliate?

>> No.72147985

Its usually not always there anyway

>> No.72147988

Ah okay, thanks for the info.

>> No.72148106

Ok so apparently I'm known as the sad streamer and the depressed boring streamer no matter what I do. How can I capitalize on this? The anti-streamer in the manner of "anti-comedy"
How can I do everything wrong?
How can I ensure my streams are so uncomfortable they are addictive?

>> No.72148256

you can fuck off
self-deprecation is not trendy anymore

>> No.72148304


>> No.72148329

>How can I ensure my streams are so uncomfortable they are addictive?
just become a lolcow like chris chan or whatever schizo you prefer, good luck ineda

>> No.72148402

Thinking of doing BFE ASMR too like
"I'm trying to stream and do ASMR but my mom walks in and starts telling me I need to get a job and socialize"

>> No.72148459

Removing preroll ads means you're going to play 3 minutes of ads once every hour (this happens at the same time for every viewer, roughly).
Viewers who aren't on mobile can get around ads easy without addons if their browser supports picture-in-picture as well, by popping out the stream preview above the chat box, muting the real stream's ads, and unmuting the pop out picture.

>> No.72148933

If you could seriously cry every stream it might attract a bit of a crowd. Can't say I know of any guys who do that. Might be an untapped market.

>> No.72149015

there was this guy who came in 5th gen who cried on stream, he got some audience from here, but he disappeared afterwards..

>> No.72149023

If I put a nail through my cockhead I might cry a little

>> No.72149097

you have a great voice! story based games and literature reading would be very cozy.

>> No.72149255 [DELETED] 

I have BPD ADHD dyslexia depression

>> No.72149515

Did Camui and Chrii give up and decided to join the threads again? What the fuck

>> No.72149543

i recommend becoming an artist instead of a vtuber

>> No.72149684 [DELETED] 

I'm already a vtuber. I'm going to be the anti-vtuber like anti-comedy. I streamed two days ago and it wasn't good enough. In going to go all out in the opposite way.

>> No.72149714

Not enough mental disorders. You need at 10 mental disorders or your ngmi.

>> No.72149817

I have done quite a few story based games with a ton of dialog and even visual novels before. Its something I really enjoy.

>> No.72149927
File: 23 KB, 112x112, Wokege.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone here watches cracking the cryptic???

>> No.72149971 [DELETED] 

I wish I had trauma so I could be a good vtuber.
I wish I was a girl too. Not just for vtubing. Being a girl just is so nice. There's just no point in being a man now I hate it. I hate it so much

>> No.72150100


>> No.72150155

hi ineda

>> No.72150281
File: 303 KB, 1280x720, 1635696059153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artist still not done with my reference sheet

>> No.72150493


>> No.72150974

That artist? Me. That rigger? Also me.

>> No.72151235

sex with ineda

>> No.72151239

Do what Denpa did and make a sad drunk stream where you say you got fired then mope about how you think everyone hates you and how you totally tried to kill yourself before.
It got her popular

>> No.72151364

How does it make you feel that no matter how much you cry about her here it will never do anything?

>> No.72151394


>> No.72151413
File: 14 KB, 370x215, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know true pain

>> No.72151571 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 640x388, ineda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of ineda, he's got some some wild ideas for the future

>> No.72151606
File: 60 KB, 1000x563, 1666488263952010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my artist handed me my png in a week
>its been a little over that for a reference sheet
>some of you are waiting months

>> No.72151708

Anon that's from last year...
It's been nearly 1 year and 2 months...

>> No.72151836

>I got 1-3 updates/sketches within 48 hours of agreeing to start with my artist
>1-3 updates a month
>done in 3 months model/sheet/logos (the sheet and logos were free as a surprise with the model and pngs)

>> No.72152038



>> No.72152166
File: 68 KB, 617x101, 1707670636043281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.72152362

Silly slime you forgot to give a deadline

>> No.72152655

I can't forget what doesn't currently exist. I still have to build the systems I want for this in SAMMI so there's AT LEAST that much time. Plus some people may want to learn a little video editing for their ad, so I want to give people time for that as well.
I'm also thinking I might add any video I'm sent for this to the TV in Voices of the Void for shits and giggles

>> No.72152767

my artist is 3 months overdue and hasn't even finished the base yet. she agreed to finish everything by next month (base model this monday that just passed) but just tweeted yesterday that 'shes not feeling well' again and ghosted my message

>> No.72153028

Sounds like the behavior of every artist here. Don't trust artist that require full up front payment next time desu

>> No.72153116

my L2D art took 9 months and then 2 months to rig
granted, there was actually a pretty good reason with evidence, and all the extra time helped me figure some things out and I got some extra free stuff as apologies

>> No.72153146

My artist finished my reference sheet in a month. Either you guys picked artists who don't know how to time manage or you haven't given your artists clear direction.

>> No.72153208

also i got my reference sheet the day after the art was done

>> No.72153260

My artist designed and drew my reference sheet in two weeks.

>> No.72153306
File: 472 KB, 640x417, 1658608717473159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>send my artist a message
>responds as long as he's conscious

>> No.72153533

For my second outfit my artist sent me a rough draft for approval the day after I paid, and sent the psd of my second outfit 6 days after that

>> No.72153928


shes a twitter artist. funnily enough is also an artist for an adjacent chuuba too and i didn't realize until they sneak peeked their 2.0.

i'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt but she literally said she was done with school like a month or two ago so i have no idea what shes been doing

>> No.72154417
File: 154 KB, 500x500, Untitled195_20240207190021_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got it boss!

>> No.72154511

>twitter artist
You really like losing money

>> No.72154685

NTA but does someone count as a twitter artist if they have a skeb?

>> No.72155016

I got my model and rigging done in about a month each...

Though I do expect Sigman and the eventual rigger for that to take a lot longer on my 2.0

>> No.72155131

I got my model art and rigging delivered in 1 day

>> No.72155285

My model and rig were done in 2 weeks. Love my artist.

>> No.72155523
File: 89 KB, 1290x1193, 20240308_190852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when my artist sent a sketch of my avatar I got a boner

>> No.72155580

im a static png

>> No.72155769

I'm too poor to stream.

>> No.72155967

I am too depressed over the loss of my oshi to stream

>> No.72156492
File: 225 KB, 418x427, 1658436530181837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72156838

what happened to them?

>> No.72156922

it's the white digby guy

>> No.72157768

Not now, Quartz semiconductor

>> No.72157914

Fellas, is Clara... Y'know... Cracked?

>> No.72158577

hope you're okay

>> No.72159194

Go to bed. You need your rest.

>> No.72159293

I did the rib cage thing, Iriya, and it felt good

>> No.72159345

>rib cage thing

>> No.72159398

What’s up asp how ya doing

>> No.72159485


>> No.72159826

Get some warm blankets and sleep good :)

>> No.72159846

Sticking your fingers underneath the bottom of your rib cage and pulling really, really hard

>> No.72159973

That sounds painful and like a good way to dislocate your ribs

>> No.72160044
File: 239 KB, 442x450, haram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72160167

you all will commit medical atrocities in the name of cute boys????

>> No.72160288

i can stick my fingers under my ribs but im hesitating on pulling, im kinda just tugging them rn

>> No.72160326
File: 231 KB, 540x618, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

share cool aspiring vtuber tricks

>> No.72160480

Nigger don't, Iriya is trying to get you to dislocate your floating ribs which is extremely painful

>> No.72160649

Filtering out fat chicks
Fucking based

>> No.72160773
File: 97 KB, 500x500, IMG_9713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72160919

Stop making being a medical student your whole personality.

>> No.72161111

not yet

>> No.72162433

Shut up bitch stop making self harm yours, at least being a med student requires effort beyond being pathetic

>> No.72163518

>medical student

>> No.72163800

the ribs are elastic, you know that right? they're made that way on purpose for when the lungs are expanding and breathing. a little tug here and there wont break them unless you get into a serious accident with heavy trauma
>t. EMT in training

>> No.72163842

What if I'm purposefully trying to dislocate them by pulling them

>> No.72163978

i can't believe y'all let a different fuckin self harming retard live rent free in these threads again and this time he doesn't even have to self-post

>> No.72164024

I like that 50% of Chaos' streams is just really good music.

>> No.72164238

then you do you i guess, have fun in the ER
but from the little i've seen and heard of Iriya he's trying to help self harmers harm themselves in a smart, more controlled way. if that makes sense
i dont fully understand it but to each their own. i will say, i do want to get to know him better and learn how he knows all these little tips and tricks. the one that really caught my attention was taking asprin before cutting to really bleed and have that "satisfaction" of bleeding thats when i knew that he knew his stuff. pretty cool imo

>> No.72164476

i know, and i know iriya knows what he's doing but do you think anons off a vtuber board do

>> No.72164477

I didn't know anyone else did this wtf

>> No.72164597

Everyone here is too fat to try

>> No.72164737
File: 33 KB, 640x480, Please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knows thess things because he's a menhera, seek jesus

Someone post the alt and the pastebin

>> No.72164786

YES, renata is too weak, she doesn't believe in the true yaoi power

>> No.72164917

I'm being groomed, and it's not as cool as I thought it would be, it's pretty weird actually

>> No.72164970
File: 114 KB, 450x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of brush is the groomer using

>> No.72164991

You're cute renata, thanks for caring about us

>> No.72165000

things like this picture and other little visuals help us anons work through natural selection
that might be true but im curious about his knowledge when it comes to these things

>> No.72165050

How so?

>> No.72165135

not her, another PMfag

>> No.72165349

Iriya really must have bewitched this thread, men, and women acting like retards for him

>> No.72165359

What is she doing to you?

>> No.72165618

Thanks for hanging out with me, today :] I will never recover from the shame of the scuff at the beginning. Kidding, but I was horribly embarrassed. I hope I didn't let the raiders down. I'll do my best to make the next one better, and I'll actually try to stick to the plan this time. Let this be a lesson, learn well the tools you endeavor to stream with.

>> No.72165688

You can just tell me to fuck off. It'd be easier than just letting me think we have something.

>> No.72165770

Just goes to show that you don't need to be good at anything to be popular, you just need to be weird enough that people can't take their eyes off you

>> No.72165784

Vagueposters making me invested again

>> No.72166080

I can't stop thinking about my vague poster, who is it?
What's their goal?
What do they expect me to do?
I will never know...

>> No.72166115

You're lucky, Vita. I wish I had a vagueposter.

>> No.72166334

I don't have a vagueposter or else I would've received a DM by now.

>> No.72166747

Vagueposters don't DM anyone, that's the problem.

>> No.72166791

I hope mine is a girl so I can suck on her pussy like fwooop fwoop fwopp

>> No.72166847

Do people dislike old games? Half my viewers left when I started playing an old game. :(

>> No.72167031

going to sleep now. please leave some vagueposts so I can pretend they're for me when I wake up

>> No.72167107

You make me so sad sometimes. Do you make me happy and then upset me on purpose?

>> No.72167124

Hes so vain he probably thinks this post is about him.

>> No.72167187

I love you. I'm going to kill myself if you ever leave me.

>> No.72167228

i fucking dropped my pasta bake when i was pulling it out of the oven

>> No.72167257

I noticed a lack of shmupchuubas, can i fill the gap?

>> No.72167273

why do you think there aren't any shmupchuubas

>> No.72167328

Was a good stream, but didn't look at any analytics like one anon said to... A lot more people were chat when we were playing Eve tho. Does thread like Eve? XD

>> No.72167352

Who live?

>> No.72167437

Because no one like shmups?

>> No.72167443


>> No.72167504

Well that just answers that question, huh???

>> No.72167665

But i like shmups :(
Don't people love touhou?

>> No.72167715

Those 5 whole viewers have no idea who to watch.

>> No.72167993


>> No.72168021

I wasn't talking to you

>> No.72168670

i think it's fairly obvious what he wants, he wants to tease you so stop giving him attention

>> No.72168775


>> No.72168831
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x1080, WhiteDigby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White Digby you say?

>> No.72169064

what the fuck evil digby

>> No.72169169

gato sexo

>> No.72169182

Oh damn my fav horse really won the race

>> No.72169335

Stop gambling.

>> No.72169619

I want you to find out who I am and confront me Vita, I want you to punish me for everything I've said and done, treat me like your tight, wet boy toy.

>> No.72169780


>> No.72169879

No way I will blindly go ask people if they are you.
I guess it wasn't meant to happen then...
Will still continue to watch your streams tho.

>> No.72169938

How weird is it to go into other vtubers chats and read thier comments out loud alone for practice

>> No.72169954

I've been leaving you hints, you can't give up that easy. I'm curious, do you really wanna know, didn't you say you're not gay?

>> No.72169955

if nobody knows you're doing it then its not weird

>> No.72169998

Not your vague poster but I haven't seen you in over a week...

Do you hate me?

>> No.72170059

aw frick

>> No.72170225 [DELETED] 

You only ever gave me one hint, other than that the only hint are the times you post at...
Sorry I'm a brainlet
Yes, I hate you, I hate all vague posters.
But actually I just been in a really low mood lately, I wouldn't say depressed because that word has lost all meaning over the internet by now, if I had to chose a description it would be crippling low mood, I eat once every few days, I stay most of the time on my bed and I can barely watch streams, the only reason I logged on to twitch this week was because it was haru's birthday otherwise I would have continued to lurk.
I'm sorry.

>> No.72170291


New model is ready but debut is still far away

>> No.72170354

I hope you recover soon, I'm always happy to see you around in chat

>> No.72170450

killing you with a rock *cutely*

>> No.72170451

I'm sorry if the kind of stuff I'm posting is bothering you, even if I do want you to choke me an inch from death, feel better soon Vita.

>> No.72170489

Don't worry it's not that, if anything your posts are a nice distraction.

>> No.72170573


>> No.72170624

mom im dissociating from the perceived difference of myself against my vtuber self again

>> No.72170663

i want my avatar to sit on my lap and kiss my chin and hug me and tell me to relax and that everything will be fine

>> No.72170820

My vtuber self has a lot of qualities and traits I don't myself, as a random example, let's say I don't find horror games scary but my vtuber self does or I don't find games emotional, but my vtuber self does. Is it normal to be able to slip into my other persona and do a 180 with certain traits simply because I'm playing a character? I'm not faking it, while I'm the other me I genuinely do feel afraid or engaged in ways I don't in my normal life.

>> No.72170954

All you fuckers are starting to look the same

>> No.72171011

My vtuber model is built to reflect the personality traits of my irl self. I'm quite happy with it. I feel like too many people go for pure aesthetics and neglect making sure the model also communicates something about who they are too.

>> No.72171092


>> No.72171179

>April 20th

You share the same birthday as Hitler.

>> No.72171400

my model reflects the kind of things I want to make, which is stuff that I have fun with, which is obviously then reflective of my personal interests
i think the problem is that there are people who really like watching me and really like my model but I feel like most people would hate the real me if I'm exposed somehow, but I know that's an irrational feeling because I'm just doing what comes to mind naturally and people enjoy it. maybe it's because I can't maintain these feelings of joy and freedom in the other parts of my life

>> No.72171848

Kuku and Camui have the same birthday I hope they suck each others cocks on stream while Horst Wessel Leid plays

>> No.72171947

Put them in SS uniforms with their fat dicks poking out and rubbing together and cumming while they kiss…… >///<

>> No.72172109
File: 818 KB, 1691x1670, Screenshot_20230303_112556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.72172178

I masturbated to this mothaphukkin post fuck yall
t. Sterling G bitch!!!

>> No.72172308

>right click
>shade smooth

>> No.72172556

Right click these nuts in your mouf mothaphukka!
t. Sterling G bitch!!!

>> No.72172730
File: 1.12 MB, 1800x900, DD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright back to Dragon's Dogma 2 today, more adventure!

>> No.72172777

That guy? Me

>> No.72172826

>too much muscle to do iriya's bidding
Damn IT

>> No.72172855
File: 86 KB, 1248x1206, 1710911109805049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my mic setup and mixer in! I can finally start testing shit

>> No.72173112
File: 56 KB, 736x718, 1711154228844253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragons dogma 2 and then some battlefield


>> No.72173190

I love this guy for real

>> No.72174089

He's got great energy and is fun to chat to or keep company in general.

>> No.72174714

Recording some vocaroo to test voice, gimme a short sentence or two to say

> Male

>> No.72174733

has anyone ever been as far decided as to even go do want to look more like?

>> No.72174803

Ich frage euch: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?!


>> No.72174821


>> No.72174886
File: 47 KB, 513x513, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning /asp/

>> No.72175040

Good morning cheen

>> No.72175095


>> No.72175476

Good morning Cheen. Hope you have a good day today bro.

>> No.72175650

Go the fuck to sleep, American. This isn't a voice request, I'm tell telling you to go to sleep because I know no one is waking up this early on a sunday, so that means you stayed up the whole ass night instead of sleeping. Go to bed NOW.

>> No.72175818


But anon I already slept 8 hours and woke up at 7am, is it that hard to believe?

>> No.72176147

How do I make my voice less shit? Like, not equipment quality, but the actual voice and everything? My natural sound is fucking shit

>> No.72176240
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, DigbyFugi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really need to sort out my audio. I feel it sounds too tinny or sharp.
Anyone got any decent audio guides?

>> No.72176347


All I know is the general rules:

> Get really close to the mic and know if it's omnidirectional or directional
> Room you record in matters a lot more than you'd think, rugs and things on the walls help a fuckton. If you're in a large area with no soundproofing, consider legitimately getting in a closet if you can
> Decibel level should be between -9 and -12 for human voice
> Pop filter obviously

I'll listen to some of your vods and see if I can recommend anything specific.

>> No.72176473
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, DigbyAirTalk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much obliged mate
Right now my mic is a fair bit from me. Other side of the desk, really need to consider buying an arm for it to get it closer

>> No.72176605

>had dream Renata was my gf
What did my brain mean by this chat?

>> No.72176628


Yeah it's definitely almost entirely a distance problem from a quick listen. I can hear the reverb from the room which is the tinny noise you're hearing. You probably want to test it out roughly six inches from your mic.

>> No.72176700

You want to get railed by Kliffoth

>> No.72176841

I had a nightmare that Denpa was my GF and abused me constantly. Have to go drink until I can't remember anymore

>> No.72176849

St. Abe has shown you a vision. You have been chosen to attempt to breed the fujo.

>> No.72176859

Yes because it is 6 for me and I am still awake. Don't you see, you fool? I was projecting the whole time! I'll do it again too! muahahahahaha

>> No.72176952


NOOOO anon get your rest it's important!

>> No.72177070


>> No.72177157
File: 104 KB, 222x280, IMG_9526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't want that.

>> No.72177366

Yeah it's true.. I'm sleep now.

I did listen to both your links, you have a good voice, very solid announcer type voice.
Processing wise, perhaps a bit flat in this one. The midrange might be a little muted(?) Doesn't sound that bad though

Ok thank you for your for replies have a goodnight

>> No.72177498

I can fix your fujo, but what's wrong with you is hotter.

>> No.72177609
File: 60 KB, 197x194, good_morning_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72177814

>become vtuber
>collab with cute girls every time i stream
How hard would that make the threads seethe

>> No.72177871

Go look at the past 10 threads of wasp for your answer

>> No.72177897
File: 2.01 MB, 1920x1080, DigbyDraws2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah figured that was the issue. I'll grab myself an arm for it or something

>> No.72177914

no you can't. stop

>> No.72177949

That place is literally just all the most schizo of male viewers (Yuko refugees) and the handful of girls that did post there have been driven out for not being unicorn friendly enough

>> No.72178129

NTA, I'm new itt
So do I have it right that wasp used to be part of this place but they split because they can't stand males so now wasp is for unicorns looking to groom 1-2 views and asp is actual startups?
I genuinely know nothing, but this is me guessing based on how schizos think

>> No.72178212

Two anons where goofing off in the thread which caused the split and people kept bumping the thread in hopes one anon would post their boobs. Then PCG come in and ruined the thread.

The girls here are mostly pro males, it’s the viewers who suck

>> No.72178393

/wasp/ was created by a femanon promised another anon she would post her tits if /fasp/ was created. He created it, femanon never posted tits but the creation coincided with the Yuko return drama where she told all her parasocial fans to kill themselves and so a bunch of refugees from /pcg/ were all looking for new girls to groom, they found /fasp/ renamed it to /wasp/ and now try to groom girls into being ultra-unicorn friendly GFE simulators. The only reason is it alive is because of males trying to groom girls who think it's a thread full of other girls. The only advice they ever give is 'don't collab with men' and it's not a community like /asp/ is, it's a viewer thread like all the other generals.

>> No.72178400

The concept of being "pro" male or "anti" male is some next grade weirdo behavior.

>> No.72178444

sorry correction, not /pcg/ although there is a shitton of /pcg/ fags in there, all the refugees are from what the idolcorp thread is

>> No.72178534

You just made me realize that pochi and yuko are genmates. Holy shitshow

>> No.72178571

The more you deny it, the more I'm interested in (you).

>> No.72178622

It is weird, but unfortunately a category female vtubers either fall in or don’t

>> No.72178704

The reality is that early on the schizos who were invested in trying to keep the split alive did what a lot of other startup threads did. They went to other generals and tried to appeal to them to trade bumps. I guess strictly speaking this would count as a sort of networking since the thread was advertised as "there are girls that like what you like here" or "this is a thread where you can push that thing you like, too" That means it got filled with posters from places like /fig/, /jong/, and the new /euro/. Recently, /pcg/fags (a thread already known for having now what, 6 splits?) started moving in because the unicorn signal finally reached them and the OP has either had or been about Phase girls for several threads now to try to attract more of them. Every time somebody asks "oh well, she posted once on /asp/ 3,000 years ago so she's one of ours. The thread is parasitic by definition because they define who should and shouldn't be discussed there based on whether or not they post or posted here. So really its just "/asp/ 2: its no longer off topic to cry about male vtubers apparently"

>> No.72178747

Probably because a large segment of vtuber viewers are literally autistic so even an ironic "grrr boys have cooties" joke may as well be literal misandry.

>> No.72178793

Anyone have tips for getting more of a radio voice for streaming?

>> No.72178810

>The only advice they ever give is 'don't collab with men'
They also tried "just don't pay your taxes what could go wrong."

>> No.72178829

/asp/ has a pretty basic rule if you can be discussed here and that's if you self-posted or not.

>> No.72178895

Radio voice is something you either have or don't. You can, depending on your natural tone, sweeten it a bit using filters and EQ. Learning to keep a clear and even read to how you speak can help cut down on the mushmouth or mumbling that is opposite of radio voice.

>> No.72178897

There's only going to be more schizos now that she's gone

>> No.72178926

how much can I moan on stream before twitch bans me?

>> No.72178935

Yes but that's different from "You posted in a different thread, therefore you're on topic/belong in this thread."

>> No.72179059

Did anon ever deliver on the daiya tribute?

>> No.72179411

It's actually even worse than that since many if their big names have never selfposted on 4chan. Mond, Khubie and Bonnie have never self posted, though there's speculation that Bonnie's PL did in /asp/.
You should also bring up the Anya schizo who has been attempting to split threads now for years. His constant samefagging is half the reason /wasp/ doesn't die at 80 posts each thread.

>> No.72179536


>> No.72179707

who made Haru's new png?

>> No.72179728

Why not ask him? He was on stream for a long time.

>> No.72179735

Mond absolutely self-posted in /asp/ but never in /wasp/

>> No.72180761
File: 142 KB, 1440x865, IMG_1721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CodycatVT get over here so I can push you over and rub on that pooch all you little kitties have

>> No.72181106

If I want to get a model commissioned, would you say it's better for males to stick with artists who have done male models in the past? Or have you tried commissioning one that normally does girls?
My problem is I'm not really familiar with ones that do males so I don't really have anyone in mind

>> No.72181232

commission someone who has drawn males before. if your design is androgynous, you can go with either.

>> No.72181290

There are fewer artists who do male than female models (or art for that matter). Typically they do that because learning one general body form is easier than learning complete anatomy or multiple forms. If you're trying to have a very masculine male model, going to an artist who has not or does not do male artwork is probably a bad move.

>> No.72181408

Do you guys have any suggestions for people to look out for if I want a high-end commission done? Just looking for a starting point for shopping around. Otherwise I'm just gonna be combing through thousands of random streams

>> No.72181444

What's your budget?

>> No.72181509

My priority is getting what I want, but for practical reasons let's say 5k usd

>> No.72181711


>> No.72181761

at that budget you could get any of the hololive artists easy

>> No.72182059

vtuber artists can only draw cute girls and cute girls only. Trying to find a vtuber model artist who can draw good looking men is really hard.

>> No.72182084

That's the impression I have

>> No.72182134

someone already said 5igman

>> No.72182147

I’m just celebrating my bday the 20th… it’s actually on the 26th…

>> No.72182221

NTA ill try to look out for more artists that do male L2D art. ill create a list and share it here eventually. everyone has a different type of style they like though, so what I think looks nice might not be what you like.

>> No.72182232

hitler themed birthday!!!!

>> No.72182238

Wishing someone happy birthday before it the birthday is a bad omen. Better do it after or during it.

>> No.72182292

Literally this. 5igman is your best option.
Get 5igman to make the model and Marburg to rig it. You'll be stuck on two bastard waiting lists but the outcomes will be worth it.

>> No.72182314

biggest problem is mostly finding the more affordable ones, nobody wants to spend 1-2k on a male model starting out

>> No.72182382

How much is 5igman?

>> No.72182401

nta but I'm curious about the commission process. It seems really hard to find info about the actual process online. So obviously you need a designer and a rigger. But since I know nothing about designing or rigging I dunno what to expect.
Does a designer give you assets? Outfits? Is it just a drawing? Basically, when you commission the designer, what are you expecting to be given, specifically? A jpg?
And then, for riggers, say they finish the work and I get handed the model. What if later I want to get a new outfit or asset but the original artists died in palestine or something. Is it easy to just get someone else to add onto their work with their style?

>> No.72182416

Bro just browse nizima and coconala to get the japanese artists contacts and browse booth to get the chinese artists contacts, you can get a good model + rig for a quarter of that budget

>> No.72182490

Unsure. I know he's on the pricier side though.
He's Japanese too so you'll be stuck trying to communicate with him through auto translate

>> No.72182534

But the funny weed number…

>> No.72182626

no girls genuinely call each other “sis” i don’t know how that thread keeps getting away with it

>> No.72182659

>find designer
>if you dont have a design sheet you'll have to pay extra for a design
>find references and make a mood board of what kind of designs, outfits, hairstyle, accessories you want
>let artist combine it and send you a few drafts until you like it
>they start work on drawing L2D model which requires separation of layers and cutting of parts properly so the rigger can work on them later
>have it done and the file zipped, you send this to the rigger
>the rigger stitches it all together and adds in extra stuff like animations and toggles and accessories
>if the artist dies and you need new stuff, the rigger can add on top of it if your base model is naked which makes it way easier to add in outfits

That's how it goes, more or less.

>> No.72182695

How can you buy a model on nizima if you’re not in Japan though?

>> No.72182803
File: 44 KB, 715x685, okxfqirl06181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy he responded to and I'm in Japan

>> No.72182806

Lance paid 400, but I think the others paid somewhere between 800 and 1200

>> No.72182858

some artists do both but generally, yeah. you need an artist to draw your design and 'cut' it. the rigger will make it come to life, but may need to get some of the cuts added/adjusted prior to that so it's important to make sure your artist doesn't have some weird hidden fees for updates (just bring it up before starting) designer can make extra pieces for you as a cost, if you want a possibility of multiple outfits, I would discuss with them about getting a naked base model so that the clothes can be drawn on after, rather than having an outfit attached to the body.

>what do you get
you get a psd from the artist

> what about rig
you'll get files that can be imported into VTS. the artist will keep the .cmos or whatever file to themselves which contain all the parameters that make up your movements. (most will never share this and you don't actually need it)

> new outfit, but rigger is dead
without the cmos file you can't edit the model, so you're just SOL. try to keep your rigger alive or pay 2x the price for your rig in some cases to get the file. but even then, some riggers won't want to re-rig on top of someone else's work because they all work differently.

>> No.72183014

This was very helpful, thank you

>> No.72183088

sadge. there’s lots of good models there but i’m not in japan

>> No.72183671

No, bad omen.

>> No.72183687

You don't have to be in Japan tho, most JP artists have their homepage and twitter contacts listed on their nizima page, that's where you can contact them directly. It's just that the inexpensive ones have a super long waiting list so you might want to quickly book them if they're free

>> No.72183706

>caught another /asp/ie unfollower
You people are really dumb

>> No.72183760

name em

>> No.72183988

Amateur hour, I just mute people I don't care about anymore.

>> No.72184298

Today, we're FORCEFULLY DELIVERING DEMOCRACY to your house trough a Helldivers 2 collab!
I'll be playing with @Lapis_Windbloom, @Momonga_Altosk, and @cat_digby.
A wizard, a fey, a fish, and a cat are the best we have to offer. Super Earth protects me and YOU!

You've been democratically chosen to watch my POV, at gunpoint, here:

>> No.72184330

good to know i can add digby to the dropped list for collabing with you

>> No.72184331
File: 31 KB, 306x332, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gm aspies don't kill yourself today

>> No.72184342

Name yourself so I can block you instead.

>> No.72184369
File: 397 KB, 1920x1080, helldivers 2 - 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic. 10k hours on gimp

>> No.72184438

you are actively unwanted and people only collab with you out of pity

>> No.72184520

And this is why I'll never reveal my stream /here/ lmao

>> No.72184549

you dont have to worry if you're not an AI-addicted coomer

>> No.72184824
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, SalutingHellDigby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digby will collab with anyone

>> No.72184836

>aspie unfollows me
>delete them from everything and put them on a permanent shitlist

>> No.72184856

Are there any successful (read: self-supporting) male vtubers outside of corpos?

>> No.72184905

Why are you people so weird about when someone unfollows you?

>> No.72184908

>aspie unfollows me
>start sending the gay porn directly to their dms instead

>> No.72184933

use a tierlist to keep track of your followers/unfollowers

>> No.72185014

Someone that unfollowed me is someone that I was looking forward to raid when the opportunity presented.
Now I realize how awkward it would've been to raid someone that doesn't like me.

>> No.72185066

Was meant for >>72184905

>> No.72185177

Shxtou but he networks a lot and got into a lot of big groups overtime. he streamed for a while as a pngtuber tho and has been in the game for a couple years. Not sure what he did differently, I just think it was a lot easier to grow back then since there weren't a lot of chuubas

>> No.72185201
File: 2.64 MB, 2348x2712, 1702854484863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay away from my tummy!

>> No.72185293

Why do you pay attention to who follows/unfollows you? Just let people do as they do and don't be a spiteful little bitch over it

>> No.72185344

He's bi (pretty sure more gay leaning), but panders hard to women by giving off big bratty bottom energy, while having a low soothing voice. His voice (and the equipment he invested in to make it sound better) is why he liked by many.

>> No.72185361

It's a dramaschizo that isn't a chuuba.

>> No.72185487

Uwoslab is one recent example

>> No.72185568

He's not a chuuba though. His content is so niche, it's hard for someone here who's trying to learn from another copy what he's doing.

>> No.72185745

Why do you assume it's because they don't like you? I have unfollowed people not because I dislike them but because I don't want to see their content on my timeline

>inb4 mute
Wouldn't you rather have people who aren't interested in your content unfollow you so you aren't doing a rendition of the emperor's new clothes where we all do this stupid dance of muting each other so nobody gets their feelings hurt but ultimately everybody is hurt because your metrics are not truthful?

>> No.72185780

Uwoslab is the perfect intersection between chuuba and not chuuba.
I think he is gonna have the opportunity to collab with flesh streamers sometime in the future (it's only a matter of time) and he'll be a bridge to connect both flesh and vtubers, and might lead to an increase in vtuber viewership.
Not sure if he still browses this thread, apparently the clip asking post was a skinwalker.

>> No.72186163

I talked with him and asked if he still looks at the thread and he says he does. Im just unsure whether he posts here anymore.

>> No.72186220

>Was a skinwalker
KEK. How many gallons of copium are you in to believe that

>> No.72186306

Tell him I've already prepared a statement of support for Lava for when she makes a twitlonger about getting sexpested by him.

>> No.72186321
File: 2.12 MB, 1086x1082, 1593179980787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Citadel
just ate mcdonalds edition

>> No.72186480

Mond has 100% self posted
I'm also wondering if she was the one that posted my stream yesterday...

>> No.72186545

>though there's speculation that Bonnie's PL did in /asp/.
Nigga there is no speculation, just check the archives, she did.

>> No.72186567

you unfollow aspies think your slick hugh?

*cocks gun*

I'll show you "unfollow"


>> No.72186594

Follows are worthless if that follower is not also a viewer

>> No.72186707

retarded take. How are you going to raid someone? and vtubers rt your debuts or events which makes free advertisement

>> No.72186793
File: 23 KB, 298x274, it&#039;sme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna ask some advice. I am actually quite happy with my growth and feel like things are going well. my growth has pretty much stopped which I'm fine with at this point because I think I need to work harder on other stuff anyway.

I do however feel that because I only do art, perhaps I'm alienating people who aren't artists themselves. so I wanted to know people's opinions here. I've more just word vomited here but if anyone has any ideas or thoughts regarding my content to improve it or just insights in general I'd appreciate it a lot :)

>> No.72186891

Your art is your main appeal, your streams are very comfy too

>> No.72186959

Depends on outfits, layers and toggle you need premade but anon is right. Most recent ones are probably between 800 and 1200 unrigged.

>> No.72187022

Gonna give you some tough love.
People only watch you for free art, and because other chuubas are in your chat so they get to talk and network. Your stream has basically become a chuuba network + maybe free art hub. You're doing a lot better than most male aspies because of it, but you've reached the limit of how much /asp/ can offer for you.
You need to branch OUT of /asp/ now, you need to meet artists outside this place and network with them, participate in other events.
Hell, draw fanart of chuubas you don't know so that they and/or their fans learn you exist and you can get more followers on twitter which could lead to more followers on twitch (tho not always) and could also lead to more opportunities.
Stop giving aspies shit for free, specially when you draw the SAME aspies over and over again, their fans already know you exist.
Draw for the bigger people.

>> No.72187123

charles... the thread is gonna die...

IMO Some people just like to hang in art streams because they are by definition more chill. It's not a bad niche. But you can always branch out. Usually most artists aren't serious gamers either, so it might be worth playing some story games since stuff like Dota wasn't feeling right. You have handcam, maybe something fun like cooking? If you have the autism, speedrunning will get you far. Even non gamers like to watch that because it's fun seing people break things.

>> No.72187197

fresh bake

>> No.72187247

>guys has there ever been a successful X?
>guys has anyone ever made it?
>guys has anyone ever joined a corpo?
>guys why has nobody ever made it?

How many variations of this question are we going to post just to post the same answers over and over again?

>> No.72187285

Very disingenious. There are plenty of vtubers that hang out in chat that don't get "free art" And charley has plenty of actual viewers too that are usually other artists that don't need "free art"

Kys btw

>> No.72187347

People asking these questions are usually just trying to get a "yes, don't give up!" kind of answer.
It's people who are starting to have second thoughts of this and feeling like they won't be successful, so they ask here to remind themselves that yes, you CAN make it.
They already know the answer, they just wanna feel better.
