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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 98 KB, 900x900, pochi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72146966 No.72146966 [Reply] [Original]

> Failed to meet donothon quota
> Misunderstandings. Thought the company stole her money without reason
> Used the "NotStarbucks" because she knows idol corp is dealing with anti-jews
> Thought she can be like doki who is "the victim of the corrupted workplace" and she will be praised for standing up against "Niji 2.0"
> Idol corp not terminating her and instead clearing up the misunderstandings
> Got so embarrassed she refused to have a farewell from the company
> Idol corp won. Pochi will probably be irrelevant tomorrow

Why did she hold the gun backwards and pull the trigger ?

>> No.72148335

Anti-corpofags fooled her, thinking any corpo chuba can be the next doki as long as they just graduate

>> No.72148519

She's always been an idiot. I think she has actual mental problems, she seemed like a nice girl at first but deteriorated into full blown Mike-level menhera over time. It's pretty hard to fuck up victimhood grifting, if you can't even do that in this day and age you know you're pathetic. Also god damn her 2.0 model sucks, its worse every time I see it. Thankfully that shouldn't be ever again.

>> No.72148569

Did she move countries to fuck Tomer?

>> No.72148644

>> Got so embarrassed she refused to have a farewell from the company
She was never going to get a graduation even if she wanted to. She was totally given a "Quit or I fire you and you get nothing" ultimatum.

>> No.72149342

so true jewsister

>> No.72153399

you need to be popular in the first place to do a doki. it dosent work on literal whos

>> No.72154081

It's sad bc they fucking let her redebut before Genesis too. I KNOW for a FACT that Idol payed for her second model, but no one expected her to rugpull the 41k, not do the donothon rewards, and ghosting them to graduate later thinking that the money will automatically go through her pocket.

She whined about not getting her money and do the typical excuse when nothing's there: "I felt stressed and anxious" which didn't work so she folded because she thought shes Dokibird but people weren't on her side.

That's not how it works Pochi/Fen. You can not just start shit up that hurts account and claim victim when called out, framing as if your the bigger person by not pursuing it when you just did it out of convenience.

>> No.72154479

it's genuinely amazing how many people are trying do "pull a dokibird" not realizing some VERY clear advantages doki has
>Years of good will in the community
>Laughably small amount of Real Yabs (Raging at apex doesn't count)
>A Corpo that shot itself in the dick 5000 times over with a history of being shady and disliked
>Constantly Deescalating the situation and fully moving on without instigating or making any long callout posts/google docs
People just see the "I left a corpo they abused me" part and think that's all it takes, Even the Nijifags shitposting about her fucking think that's all it was, Ignoring the YEARS of selen being a Nijishill and taking bullet after bullet for them before they finally kicked her out

>> No.72154576

most vtubers have 0 self awareness and are just mindless fad-chasing attention whoring drones so it's not really surprising

>> No.72154621

don't care
I got my fap material from her already

>> No.72154725

her 2.0 was the official mark of her downfall. she didn't understand what made people even tourists like myself enjoy her initially

>> No.72154884

>donothon goals are buying a bunch of shit for stream
>Idol doesn't give her the money
Yeah, not weird at all.

> Idol corp won.
Pochi wanted the money and get out of the corpo. She achieved both of those things.

>> No.72155045

Yeah. I doubt many people are going to actually ask for refunds regardless of how they feel. Pochi gets the money. Idol corp dodges a menhera.

>> No.72155193
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I don't think it's as simple as blaming the crazy woman for being crazy.
At the end of the day Idol hired her and Idol failed to properly wrangle her woman brain issues. This wouldn't have happened with competent management.

>> No.72155222

I think 2.0 was meant to be for a different/new talent, but Pochi saw it early and wanted it. With that said, I think her 1.0 design was infinitely better.

>> No.72155543

At least we got to see her feet

>> No.72155571

I actually preferred her 2.0, but it didn't fit her
Her 1.0 was a better model in that regard
Someone else could have done that 2.0 model some justice

>> No.72155608

She made idol waste money on that new model too. Better for them to cut ties now or she might pull some shit again. Like holy fuck how hard is it to just fucking stream?

>> No.72155690

That's what I mean. The voice, the mood, the emotions, it just didn't fit the 2.0 design.

caloart30 is going to have to find a new oshi to draw

>> No.72155696

Very unlikely that they were planning to have a 2nd dog loli.

>> No.72155763

>Better for them to cut ties now
They were the ones trying to make her stay, not the other way around.

>> No.72155846

Kicking a semental manager was a mistake.

>> No.72156933

many such cases

>> No.72157100

Pochi's 1.0 was stacked, not exactly a loli

>> No.72157410
File: 43 KB, 871x375, hurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, the corp covers all donothon expenses - as in, any donothon goal that gets met is fully funded by the corp (meaning that all money for buying that shit for the stream came from the corp), and the talent gets all the donothon money.
...Assuming they intend to keep working on their goals without immediately bailing and making a number of them impossible to complete, like Pochi did.
>ah but they changed it and that's why she was mad!
The corp has always gloated about covering donothon expenses, sorry you're new.
>trusting jews
Yes I'd rather trust a CEO than a seething retard on /vt/.

>> No.72158195

Can go wolf loli to new girl

>> No.72158249

Can never have too many whore lolis.

>> No.72158354

Terrible model

>> No.72158615

This, doki's situation only worked because
a.) She was, in much of its history, the biggest most famous nijiEN girl to begin with
b.) We could SEE it, we could SEE the company fucking with her when her MV was pulled and were already told about the vindictive petty behavior both from management and from talents behind the scenes - behavior we already saw on full blast with Zaion.

Doki's situation worked because it was like seeing a girl vet away from an abusive man and it was in fact way worse behind the scenes than we were even daring to rrat about. Pochi almost never streamed to begin with, but was in a shitty company as seen in the Riro situation but we always got the sense Pochi's problems were self-made, self-induced and were not really the fault of Idol itself or its other members.

>> No.72158620

its obvious as day aviel had lied multiple times. you are just really retarded.

>> No.72158718

Idol refuses to pay their talents for an undisclosed amount of time so they can probably invest that money, make money off of it, and then cash out and pay them later.

>> No.72159233 [DELETED] 
File: 438 KB, 474x474, selen 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot that doki is a fat pig

>> No.72159241

>retarded menhera is retarded
Just another drop in the bucket.

>> No.72159287

keep kidding yourself retard, biggest nijien girl, retard tourists never watched her to know she was middle of the pack based on viewers

>> No.72159352

shame doki didn't actually kill herself, world would of been better off, nope she just suicide baits and you faggots fell for it

>> No.72159379

Nigga this is how all your oshis look like

>> No.72160415

In the last few months after she was effectively a depressed shell of her former self after years of being beaten down by shitty management?
And she STILL was middle of the pack?
Holy shit grim.

>> No.72163282

Hot take: she should have received the money. She held the donothon stream. She raised the money in the stream she held. Therefore Idol had no right to withhold payment to her. Further lack of work towards fulfilling the donothon rewards would have been grounds for termination, of course, but she should still have been given the money. (Not to mention the fact that she did fulfil a good part of the rewards, but let's assume she didn't.)

>> No.72163701

kys pochi. grifting hacks like you don’t deserve a penny when all you did was a rug pull

>> No.72163816

This actually.

>> No.72163830

>don’t deserve a penny
That's not how employment works.

>> No.72163831

But she will receive the money.
As in any money that doesn't get refunded.
As in the guy who donated 11k already asked for his refund.

>> No.72165742

Born a lazy whore, die a lazy whore

>> No.72166721
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A chuuba... with mental problems???

>> No.72167040

Are fans entitled to refunds for incomplete goals, yes or no?
If yes, why is she entitled to money given in exchange for completion of said goals?

>> No.72167074

This, and they even admitted the wrongdoing themselves.
People trying to dicksuck the company when they both came to this mutual agreement are fucking idiots.

>> No.72167076
File: 79 KB, 1000x745, 1700202984644304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hot take: she should have received the money
She will be receiving the money once the time limit for refunds is up.

>> No.72167097

Oh also she had like 15 incomplete goals and most of the ones she completed were <30 minute stream segment filler goals designed to be done during the donothons themselves.

>> No.72167339

>Hot take: she should have received the money. She held the donothon stream
Shiver me timbers! Your take is so cold I'm contracting frostbite! Donothon streams themselves are never the donation incentive. It's always the promise for more high effort content afterwards. Here's a real hot take: She should be reported to immigration and left in the gutter.

>> No.72167449

I don't give a shit about the company, Idol were retards for dragging it out as long as they did and thinking someone like her wouldn't run to twitter for back up eventually. What I do give a shit about is lazy whores getting away with obvious exit scams, and retards like you supporting it because #BelieveAllWomen

>> No.72167541

Letting her redebut and immediately pull another donothon is actually crazy. Hopefully they've learned their lesson with this.

>> No.72167548

Most people think that screaming "harassment" and flailing arms is enough. Reality is that amount of faggots that will care about it is negligible and they have attention span of a goldfish.
Doki's situation was result of multiple different things going on at once. It was result of Nijisanji's repeated neglect of their livers, not a whim of a spoiled brat.
It also did not helped that Pochi is already known for pulling similar tricks before she joined Idol.

Honestly this entire situation makes Idol look actually even better - Pochi tried to stir some serious shit against them and they professionally dealt with her childish tantrum, calmed her down and she's leaving company.

>> No.72167759
File: 602 KB, 614x867, IMG_1890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72167810

A dude donated 11k? Lmaooooo

>> No.72167904

And we call the talents menhera...

>> No.72168821

Who knows how many talents are having their superchats and shit withheld from them. Idol has shown they will do it from one person, how many others aren't they paying? Do they withhold payment as punishment? Do they do it to fund other shit?
>but there's no proof of that
They've done it once that we know of, what's stopping them from doing it again?

>> No.72169634

>held productive discussion
her mother slapped some sense into her and made her talk to the company
>we want to learn and grow
we? Pochi and the voices in her head?
>my previous posts may have been rushed
you don't fucking say you dumb bitch
>please refrain from using those statements against them
ie I don't want to be sued
>I want to sincerely apologize yadda yadda yadda
please don't sue me
>I'm glad Idol worked with me to resolve this matter
saw she couldn't get the Doki treatment and decided to take her meds for once

In short, good fucking riddance

>> No.72170181

>middle of the pack
Only Enna ever consistently got more viewers than her, because the Luxiemsisters liked that she was a bitch.

>> No.72170682

Her biggest whale donated 11k and James donated 10k. If both dip out that's already half her money gone, funny shit.

>> No.72170764

Contrary to what some retards might tell you, Israelis know how to conduct business properly. Dicku Slutzumi could learn a thing or two from him.

>> No.72170775

No one needs 40k for furniture anyway.

>> No.72170887

Yeah a 5 dollar plastic outdoor chair is all you really need for seating anyways

>> No.72170993

>Idol corp won.
oh yeah, they totally would let her have a graduation stream btw, too bad she didnt want it. She just had a change of heart the moment she graduated. no way the jews threatened to sue her, no no.

>> No.72171095

>her mother slapped some sense into her
>please don't sue me
>decided to take her meds for once
Holy fanfiction. The menhera threatened idol with airing their dirty laundry and immediately got what she asked for.
How does this look like anything else for you when her initial statement was about leaving the company and getting the donothon money?

>> No.72171097

>trusting jews
kek, and you call us a retard

>> No.72171122
File: 165 KB, 591x601, 1710712312831887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pochi almost never streamed to begin with, but was in a shitty company as seen in the Riro situation
This is an remarkable conclusion to come to after Riro got exposed as the actual menhera whore Unikeks only ever constantly fantasize about and they ejected both offending parties

>> No.72171134

>Your take is so cold
That's not how this works. The fact that you disagree with it increases the heat.

>> No.72171171

>Honestly this entire situation makes Idol look actually even better
They hired her and failed to reign her in. Those are both not the signs of a competent company. Doubly so when "Pochi was already known for pulling similar tricks before she joined Idol" is true.

>> No.72171245

Phaseklux falling back on their typical /pol/ NPC factory settings after their dramashilling completely evaporated. Shouldn't you be doxxing one of your oshis for liking races with bigger dicks than yours?

>> No.72171289

They didn't kid gloves her and cover it up and so are the bad guys. Even though they would be even worse guys had they done that at it come out later.

>> No.72171310

Quebecois women not even once.

>> No.72171482

It doesn't say a lot for their recruitment, but that's a hard task in an industry full of menheras - even Hololive have hit on duds occasionally. The Pochi we all saw at debut was quite removed from where she ended up.
They made attempts to accommodate her, more than you could ordinarily expect from a small corp, and have concluded the situation about as neatly as could be hoped.

>> No.72171519

The hiring was the terrible part, but it's unavoidable that you will get some bad apples. It's not like they didn't improve, we are talking about the fact they also managed to snag Roca who is one of the best EN singers.
Someone should've caught her history that she had done this before as an indie. It sucks for them that they made such a big business mistake and most likely lost money over Pochi's entire career rather than gain anything.

>> No.72171586

That's insane. What did pochi do for them to think she deserves that amount of money

>> No.72171719

The mind of a whale is a strange place indeed

>> No.72171754

before en1 became a success idol was an actually completely irrelevant company no one had heard of, with just a gen of borderline 1view hebrew girls that were mostly pulled off the street, so I imagine their pickings were fairly grim at the time. they obviously got at least luckier with en2, which is a lot more stable besides momo being dead and never streaming, but at least unlike pochi she actually gets along with her genmates.

if they deserve to get any shit for an obviously bad hire, it would be riro.

>> No.72171846

>most likely lost money over Pochi's entire career rather than gain anything.
I doubt it, she managed to snag whales like >>72170682 said and she did do ASMR and GFE although not in a traditional sense. Idol made their money but it's a failure of an investment when you had to put time and energy into a business relationship that didn't work out.

>> No.72171860

you should see elia stelarias 80k donothon, the top 3 put up over 70k i am pretty sure

>> No.72171988

I mean... yeah hiring her was kinda risky but as other ppl mentioned - Idol was not some huge corpo when they started EN1 so they probably did not had a lot of choice.
And their way to deal with her tantrum was pretty much perfect, imho. They just took notes of what happened, corrected their system for the future, gave this big fucking baby consolidation reward and let her go. Bitch's satisfied and quiet, Idol does not need to take care of her bs, situation did not exploded into huge drama and they even got precious opportunity to improve. Where's the fucking problem? If only other companies could deal with crap like this.

>> No.72172032

With Riro they obviously bought into the misguided hype from retards who thought successful anime adjacent meme singer == gura2. You saw it all the time back then when people were discussing candidates, even up to Holo. But creating meme songs and being a good streamer are basically unrelated skills, and she was bristling with red flags too.

>> No.72172230

Riro got hired because she lives in spain and spain is a 1-hour flight away from israel. They knew each other or at least tomer did

>> No.72174054

Where do you think Spain is? That's a 4-5 hour flight.

>> No.72176407

In your case, the only thing you believe is made up outrage in /jidf/ to get angry at.
She was going to do the donathon shit when she moved, until they fucked her over and put her life in to complete and utter turmoil over finances.
Moving is stressful as fuck as it is.
Moving to another country is doubly stressful.
Moving to another country and having your finances yanked from out under you is suicidally stressful.
Yes, her finances, so none of you cunts even start that shit again when even Idol admitted their stupidity. Timeloop over before it began.

>> No.72176542

Gura is hardly a good streamer either. She was a literal meme song maker.
Guras entire hype was meme upon meme upon meme, self fuelling themselves on Twitter.
If those retweets, if her subs, actually mattered, she'd be a billionaire by now.
She's not, and they don't, because most of her subs are sadly dead subs like everyone else. All meme subs from Twitter reposts of ADHD kiddies that don't actually watch streams. The Tiktok / Shorts generation.
I love the girl, and I personally like her streams, but come on now, be real, she's an average streamer and always has been. She's not engaging to be considered "good". She merely exists most of the time, and occasionally bounces off chat.

>> No.72176584

Sorry, I meant 1 hour by private plane. Not overcrowded slow bus with wings

>> No.72176632

>Doubly so when "Pochi was already known for pulling similar tricks before she joined Idol" is true.
>similar tricks
>joined a company and having to stop streaming so being unable to complete a few tasks that were very much related to streaming
>similar tricks
lol. Okay.
Huff the /jidf/ shitposts less bro. She's no saintly being but neither is that stupidity.
Given she is coming back she may very well continue where she left off.

>> No.72176709

aah yes the old cross-Mediterranean dick theory.
she and the manager were definitely flying in and out of an active warzone to bang every weekend. despite no breaks in streaming at the time.

>> No.72177216

You have no understanding over what makes a good streamer, and you're doing your arguments no favours by being so nakedly delusional.

>> No.72177232

Pochi pls.
The very idea of moving means you’re already privileged. Most people have to save up for years in order to move or are so poor they can never move at all. You got moving money at the snap of your fingers. Katta, Nikki, and Roka all postponed their own events for your sake. You are so spoiled, you got a second model when most vtubers only ever have one.
I know it’s you because there is not one person out of your two hundred and sixty three average CCV who would bother to defend you this hard. Your fans are all either whales who felt scammed or casuals who don’t care or groomers who will tell you whatever you want to hear in discord so they can get close to your female friends. A good two thirds of your fanbase are corpo fans who only watched you in between streams of the other idol girls or only because you were a genmate of their main idol girl.
I’ve met several people who described moving as stressful, instead of as a fun adventure like most people throughout human history have felt moving to be, so I understand why you would feel that way but it doesn’t give you an excuse to backstab your fans by neglecting to do the work that you promised them. Remember the Jews have a history of being nomads, even before the diaspora after they lost to the romans and wandered for a millennia or so, they wandered the desert for a long time even before that. Moving is natural to them. Can you understand their point of view, how other people might seem moving as an ordinary activity with nothing out the ordinary? Are you even capable of sympathizing with your co-workers or your fans who you scammed?

>> No.72177375

No the world wouldn't have been better off--because now I get to set here and laugh at faggots like you cope and seethe with her continued existence.

>> No.72177380

True, she's not your standard streamer.
Her PL channel still gets high traffic.
Her current channel also maintains high traffic without streaming.
She isn't the type that must constantly stream to maintain the parasocial fans.
Proven time again the many times she has returned.

>> No.72177430
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>Moving to another country and having your finances yanked from out under you is suicidally stressful.
Sounds like a skill issue

>> No.72177449

Imagine what she'd do for them NOT to take the money back. Would be a great time for her whales to slide into those DMs.

>> No.72177942

>fire the only manager that was able to dick menheras so good that they were able to be stableish
>menheras are beginning to leave
Aviel should hire black men as managers

>> No.72178340

By her own (now deleted account) she put in her graduation request in early January, and didn't expect any of her donothon funds until early February. She didn't receive them because she was negotiating which tasks she would do. So barely a month after her donothon, she was trying to quit and trying to weasel out of her tasks. Note she also said she COULD have been working on her tasks the whole time, but she wasn't.

>> No.72178455
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>Yfw pochi got fired and drama chads won

>> No.72178572

The whole thing ended in the least dramatic way possible.

>> No.72178681

There have been quite a few people who have been wanting idol to take more L's
Cute fox

>> No.72178750

Take your meds you fucking schizo. I'm British.
>work for free, slave! You'll get that money we promised after you do things unrelated to it!
Yeah bro, normal people do that.
The only people that cucked are videogame developers, which is why I never went in to the industry because of how fucking scummy it is.
I'm sure you'd just get on with it as well when you're living in an empty apartment with basically no liveable furnishings, panicked to high fuck over no income in a country you just moved to.
Fuck off. Unlike your NEET ass I know what it would take to actually get some stability in such a scenario and trust me you have no fucking time to be fannying around wasting time on shit that might not even get you the money you were owed because you'd be on long ass phone calls and/or meetings with banks to try get loans and shit like that, or meeting welfare staff to try get bennies just to fucking make it to the next day.

This. Sadly there's still retards trying to shit on both sides as being solely responsible for this mess.
Neither side is innocent here, but this is the best outcome for everyone.

>> No.72178928

you'll never win an argument with the Idol fanboys. they oshi Aviel and management over any of the talents.
3 times now something has happened in idol that should make the fans angry at the company, but each time they fervently defend the corpo.

>> No.72179245

You're just the type who will place all blame on the corporation in all situations irrespective of details. There are more than enough people like you on this board to recognise it.

>> No.72179290

> Claim that for $40k you'll do X, Y, and Z
> After the money is given, but before you receive it, immediately try to quit, making it impossible to fulfill goals Y and Z
> After you realize you can't run off with the money without doing the tasks you promised, try to negotiate just doing Z for the money

Maybe there's a damn good reason they didn't give her the money after she explicitly tried to graduate, making it impossible to fulfill her part of the donothon goals, and leaving the company on the hook to refund the money. Maybe they saw this bullshit coming and put a stop to it.

>> No.72179348

> Failed to meet donothon quota
>Company is jewish
she was doomed anyways

>> No.72179410

You fucking retard, you can't even get the proper story down.
Protip - there were 2 donathons. I suggest you go read up on either of them before the channel goes down.
One of them was entirely for her to move and settle in to the new place. I'll let you figure out which one that was. That's your homework.

>> No.72179436

No, I'm fucking pissed at management. I still haven't received any of the physical merch I ordered, they fucked up letting Riro go as far as she did, they fucked up in handling Origin and their redebut into Genesis, and they fucked up letting Pochi get TWO donothons and a redebut, way before any of the more deserving talents did. This ONE time, they didn't fuck up, at least not as badly as they could have.

>> No.72179471
File: 142 KB, 713x1013, 1711079081973067 pochi goals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you tell me what this is?

>> No.72179539

What the fuck do you think it is?
Spoilers - Not the fucking one you're talking about, retard.
We're finally at the 2nd hand info smearing by retards that have no clue about anything.

>> No.72179815
File: 1.84 MB, 2448x1080, Screenshot_20240324-092153801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a list of ALL of her donothon goals. The bottom half from December. Why do you think it's ok to make promises to your fans and then not deliver?

>> No.72180131

It's both of her Pochi donothons. It's also not updated to show that she did UWU roleplay or the retro console video.
For reference, she would still be gaining money when she streamed. The only money withheld from her was from the donothon, and she was claiming she could use the money to complete the tasks, though the tasks left uncompleted that would require some sort of money are:
>shim (if she cant draw)
>game, if she cant code
>e girl renting
>ponpup mascot live2d/plush
>off collab
Offcollab, song, and the ponpup stuff require her direct participation, as well as the outfit concept stream and the e-girl stream. ASMR, voice packs, Mamapochi, UWU Pochi, all require her to be actively participating.

>> No.72180413

>they fucked up in handling Origin and their redebut into Genesis
In what way?

>> No.72180611

Pushed back multiple times (once for Pochi's redebut), they moved all of Katta's old videos to the $15 tier, no official archive of Nikki's old videos (they might be back after she opens membership), and they deleted ALL of their old tweets with no warning.

There's also the fact that they felt so mistreated by management that they were both planning to graduate in December, explaining both of their breaks, but things seem to have been worked out since then. They seem happy now, so that's good.

>> No.72180692

Seconded. Across both donothons, there are around 10 goals either already paid for (first one) or don't require an investment. Pochi could have worked on any of them, but she did explicitly claim that Idol did not "let her complete her tasks", which is at the very least disingenious.

>> No.72181053

>I fire you and you get nothing
retard, when they fired riro they issued refunds for the donothon, all she would have to do is cry in her pl about money and her whales would just give her the money directly

>> No.72181629

Were those stream cancellations aimed at convincing Idol to stop and just break amicably for once?

>> No.72181684

jewish propaganda

>> No.72181995

I feel bad for Idol company
Great company it seems but they employed a lot of terrible talents
Also she wanted to leave the company right after her 2nd Donothon, so her leaving was inevitable

>> No.72182376

>make 40k dollars for promises you know you won't fulfil because you're leaving
It was quite the masterplan

>> No.72185612


>> No.72186483

what were some of the donothon rewards? I need to know that to understand how reasonable/unreasonable doing them or not was. As well as Idol's position after she didn't do them.

>> No.72186839

Check the list >>72179471
Most of it is streams and commission work with vague timelines. By that point, they were already on bad terms.
I consider pushing art and merch before graduation too much grift. For what it's worth, "fulfilling all planned projects" is a way to keep someone in limbo.

>> No.72186978

why would she leave in the first place? on bad terms on top of that.
she was set for life with a top tier model and big fanbase

>> No.72187111

But did she give away her used socks as part of the donothon?

>> No.72187182

>Pochi will probably be irrelevant tomorrow
Was she ever relevant?

>> No.72187474

never side with corporations.

>> No.72187718

This. You need to have a good fucking reason to be a martyr and not half-assing "corpo bad" because you're jumping on the bandwagon and hoping you got a huge support kek what a stupid bitch

>> No.72187847

Black Corp

>> No.72188295

>break amicably for once?
why do people act like riro is the norm and not the exception? the 3 he girls that left all left fine with graduation streams.

>> No.72188879

I don't think people realize how severe and exceptional the Riro situation was. It led to the lead talent manager getting kicked to the curb, the guy that was friends with the owner and present from the start. I still think they made too much noise with it but its not surprising it was handled different from a "chronically lazy and unmotivated idiot quits her job" situation like Pochi's.

>> No.72189790

Yep, good post. I hate that fucking argument NDF use where they say we're just taking the word of one person vs the words of a bunch of her former coworkers because we're mindless anti corpo bots. Not the case with me at least. We had a history of Niji pulling ridiculous shit over and over again, to the point where people didn't trust Niji even before the song. Then the shit they pulled after firing her, such as the black stream, proved they were operating in a weird vindictive emotional place rather than professional, which matches up well with Doki's claims.

>> No.72190168

Because they didn't pay her for the work she did

>> No.72191346

remember to refund

>> No.72191603

It's obvious as hell she was forced into settling with idol. Look at her tweet, I don't know what a more corpo response can look like.

>> No.72191643

*the work she had yet to start, but totally was going to finish before graduating, trust her

>> No.72191860

>trust jews
>get backstabbed
Many such cases

>> No.72192043

When will people learn?

>> No.72193795

No, the work was the donothon, there was no legal obligation to do those rewards.

>> No.72194227

Hardly forced. She wanted it over with.
The fact 3 talents themselves tweeted discord in-company and 2 later deleted those tweets says a lot. It's obviously they realized they fucked up.
Takes a lot to admit mistakes.
I just hope Fen doesn't ruin her chance to make up for hers.

>> No.72196300

