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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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72110849 No.72110849[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>34k subs behind Bae

How did you let this happen?!

>> No.72111086

phase yabe deflection thread

>> No.72111148 [DELETED] 

>not your friend
>not an idol
not that hard to figure out

>> No.72111418

Stopped her ASMR. She’d be ahead if she actually stuck with it.

>> No.72111440

Fauna SWEEP!

>> No.72111486

Hard work wins in the end.

>> No.72111554

She was boring, stopped doing asmr and then stopped streaming frequently altogether. When you are the Ina'nis of Promise, you have to stream or people forget you even exist.

>> No.72111642

>When you are the Ina'nis of Promise
She any good at drawing?

>> No.72111865

Yeah, drawing my ire.

>> No.72111943

Ye, better than Mumei half-assed drawing

>> No.72112084

Fauna is bad at literally everything except being a woman, which is surprisingly hard for most women to be good at.

>> No.72112110

>shit half assed bait thread
like pooetry

>> No.72112135

JP pandering is the best way to inflate your sub count.

>> No.72112445

Phase yab deflection thread, but I'll answer anyway. Bae did a bunch of vertical streams and shorts that hit the same algorithm that gives a bunch of subs. The same way IRyS got to 1 milloin, but IRyS didn't do shorts. The problem is that those new subs don't translate into actual stream viewers, so bae is still the least watched promise member. She also did collabs with top hololive members

>> No.72112560


>> No.72112726
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>Bae is still the least watched promise member
live viewership isn't the only metric there is and is quite irrelevant in the grand scheme. There's far more important metrics like watch hours or monthly views, both categories in which Bae has Fauna consistently beat (and resides at the top of her gen)
Just wanted to dispute this claim of yours, otherwise you are correct about the reason for her subs gain.

>> No.72112782

Bae is more talented than Fauna in more areas which increases her potential fanbase.

>> No.72112811

If only...

>> No.72112940

Ame you aren't popular enough to pull a Gura.

>> No.72113138

no notable talent whatsoever. only there because she doesn't collab with males.

>> No.72113584

Shorts count in total views and both mori and bae do them. Do you think short views are as valuable as stream views? Do you think Ironmouse is actually almost as popular as pekora or miko, because she leaves her stream on when she sleeps and gets tons of watch hours? Bae's vod views and ccv are both pretty bad on her regular streams, but she streams a lot

>> No.72113717

/bfg/ thread?

>> No.72113800

Fauna does them too so that's no excuse
Fauna also has a ton of ASMR vods which are proven best method for passive view farming so they are on even grounds. Ironmouse is not to be used as an example here since no holo does what she does

>> No.72113852
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>There's far more important metrics like watch hours or monthly views, both categories in which Bae has Fauna consistently beat (and resides at the top of her gen)
Don't be stupid, if live viewership is irrelevant than so is watch hours since that incorporates CCV, and actually Fauna is quite competitive with Bae in watch hours and frequently beats her.as the top watch hours streamer in Promise

>> No.72113856
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/bfg/ thread.

>> No.72113926

Friendship matters, have you ever seen bae going on a rant in the middle of a stream to knock down her viewer down a peg? People are figuring out the obvious grift some girls are pulling and in result are turn off by it.

>> No.72114052

I'll concede on that front since I was using data from the last 3 months. I was just disputing that other anon's point about her being the least watched Promise member.

>> No.72114130

Do you have one for this year?

>> No.72114410

>Literally a well known anime illustrator on her other account
>One of the best art streamer
Falseflagging newfags should kill themselves.

>> No.72114489
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Yeah, just wanted to correct you a bit since a lot of the time since whenever I see this argument I just see people picking whichever stat they like best instead of looking at the big picture. Also surprised that neither of you mentioned Bae's music as a factor in her growth, I'm sure that's important as her music does quite well, see also Nerissa who's been growing like crazy.
All these charts are here, have fun. There's quite a bit of fluctuation month-by-month which is why I used the 2023 charts.

>> No.72114594

I like how he choose the only screenshot where Mori and Kiara has fucked up total viewcounts.

>> No.72114610

>shiori same numbers of subs as sana
holy grim

>> No.72114744

Bae has more than 3 times the amount of shorts Fauna has. By least watched I meant that the total amount of people that come to watch her regular streams is the least in promise. If we're talking about the total amount of watch time, she performs quite well, because she streams a lot more than the other members, so in that way you are correct

>> No.72114817

The thing is, they're all doing it, the ones that are hated are the ones trying to warn you. It's not a coincidence the GFE queen turned out to be married. When a vtuber tells you she doesn't like parasocial stuff or she tells you to back off, it's because she doesn't want to look like a villain when it gets leaked that she has a sex life. They're preemptively protecting themselves from the inevitable.
>but it just makes them look like a villain now!
No, it scares away the paypigs they feel guilty for taking money from. Vtubers want to be successful as streamers, it doesn't hit most of them until long after they've begun that their success hinges on them being perceived as a lonely, nerdy girl, and some of them aren't okay with that because they know it isn't true. You're basically shitting on vtubers for their honesty.

>> No.72114874

Now look up her superchat earnings.

>> No.72114962

Bae and Fauna's shorts views are mostly irrelevant here since neither of them are particularly successful in that area
It's vertical streams which give you subs these days, I saw Biboo just get 2k subs in one stream last week. Everyone in Promise has done them recently except Fauna.

>> No.72115172

It’s the power of vertical streams.

>> No.72115274

Bae has been doing vertical streams since December, with 3-4k subs gain every time. Without vertical streams she would be behind Fauna right now. Subs gained that way barely translate to any other metrics like normal stream views, superchats, memberships and merch, because shorts audience only subs to get more shorts from that account they watched for 30 seconds and had a slight giggle. 1k subs gained through normal content is worth more than 10k from shorts and vertical streams. It's a cheat code for faster 1m subs milestone and nothing else.

>> No.72115420

You might be right but your post comes off as seethe because Fauna could easily do the same with vertical streams like half of EN is doing, she's just stubborn and won't. Just calm down sapling. It's okay to be the runt for subs. Because after all it doesn't mean anything, right?

>> No.72115454

thats oke tho isnt it? bae works a shit ton more than fauna so its only natural for her to reach more people, plus fauna is more chill and personal, she will get there, slowly but surely, they are both my biggest oshis

>> No.72115702

I'm more annoyed with vertical streams in general, they are a stupid format only good for zatsu and karaoke, and used solely for farming subs. If not for those subs nobody would bother. If anything it's good that Fauna doesn't care.

>> No.72115816

they're talking about Fauna, not Ina. follow along now, k?

>> No.72115878

I dunno if it's good that she doesn't care because it's clear the girls do get something for 1M subs and it's a big milestone. But it's true that it doesn't really do anything for most streams. So in the end saplings won't care, only numberfags and shitposters.

>> No.72115905

Her trips to Japan Mori-fied her. I'm worried about Fuwamoco now.

>> No.72116451

If there was some internal push for 1m, they would all do more verticals. Kronii only bothered once, and apparently because NPC stream was like an in-joke for her and chat before that. As far as we are concerned it's just 1m prestige and wish reward, and some girls don't have important wishes ideas worth pushing for.

>> No.72116452

Bae is starting to get the jp audience, if she keeps it up she will pass all of promise in subs and ccv in a few months.

>> No.72116636

Look at this lost anon who don't know how to properly read a reply.

>> No.72116999

That a fair take if we're being honest rushia killed the gfe as whole an exposed the sad predatory nature behind the concept. But bae told everyone from the beginning she was there because she's a stinky fujoshi that wanted to get close to her oshi Roberu. Fauna however had established this bond with her fanbase, cultivated a cult like base that thought of her as a mother and she was also into semi gfe by doing asmr and catering to unicorns, bae didn't do any of these things, it's important to distinguish the differences between someone telling you out of the gate who she is and someone leading you all along until the mask slips off. Which is why I kind of have some respect for Bae.

>> No.72117351

You are forgetting the part where the supposed yab had literally zero impact on Fauna's following and she's been only inclining in metrics like CCV or merch ever since. Her only weak point are subs because she has no music pull and been slacking with ASMR.
tldr: nobody cared for her "slip"

>> No.72117522

>But bae told everyone from the beginning she was there because she's a stinky fujoshi that wanted to get close to her oshi Roberu.
This never happened. She just put Roberu's name on a list of streamers she watches on debut
>Fauna however had established this bond with her fanbase, cultivated a cult like base that thought of her as a mother and she was also into semi gfe by doing asmr and catering to unicorns
This also never happened. Fauna has never done any kind of explicit GFE pandering or called herself her viewer's wife or girlfriend. ASMR is not equal to GFE

>> No.72117648 [DELETED] 


>She doesn't stream on prime hours
>Early dox info
>Didn't stream enough on debut
>Doesn't invest in her channel
>No talents
>We're not friends

What did you think was going to happen?

>> No.72117859

Brownfeet isn't capable of thinking logically. Arguing with him is useless

>> No.72118208
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>> No.72118521
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Presented with no context

>> No.72119021

Why do women have a DESPERATE NEED to self sabotage everything they do?

>> No.72119824

I could've helped her, but then she told me we were Not Friends. So I stepped back and just let her be.

>> No.72120024

>Don't be stupid, if live viewership is irrelevant than so is watch hours since that incorporates CCV
This argument makes no sense. Watch hours combines CCV with streaming hours, and is thus more relevant than both individually. CCV means little without streaming hours and vice versa, but high watch hours are always a big deal.

>> No.72120154

Except you unicorns faggots who shat the catalog for a week about it.
What am I supposed to seethe about?

>> No.72120275

They are interlinked. It's nonsense to dismiss one stat as irrelevant and say another is important when they feed into each other.

>> No.72120362

Watch hours are a cope for shitters who average low CCV but spam 300 hours of low quality content. Twitch streamers in particular love it.

>> No.72120412

You're actually retarded.
Do you think the people who make catalog threads seething about Bae are Bae's fans?

>> No.72120592

Yeah, I don't really understand how that site calculates Mori's 30 day view counts specifically. Mori always has the most views by a very large margin generally because her music, usually around 10-16 million. Ever since they changed the site they pull the data from randomly it seems to just not count like 1/2-3/4 of her views and shitposters ALWAYS screenshot it when it happens, but then you check a few days alter at its back to her being on top by a huge amount. Its weird as fuck.

>> No.72120633

And CCV is a cope for people who stream once every two months. What's your point?

>> No.72120653
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So you've been trying this shit every single day for almost 3 years now. It's achieved nothing.
You going to keep it up, for another 3 years? More? Think it'll get somewhere? Is this going to be the rest of your life?
You could just stop at any point now, live a happier life.

>> No.72121213

Who said I was talking about bae? Do sapplings, read?

>> No.72121507
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I have a reader that speaks each word to me in Faufau's voice as I mouse over it.

>> No.72121531
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>> No.72122067

This one guy still mad at fauna for not being his friend when that time could’ve been used to find more girls to get mad at. Hopefully when you realize it’s your mental illness you have a bridge nearby

>> No.72122152

I don't blame you anon. When fauna first debuted I fell in love with her voice. She sounded angelic to me.

>> No.72122329

because you were implying the people who made catalog threads about fauna were saplings
hint: most people who shit up the catalog about someone are not fans of that person
it's like all the people making kiara threads right now

>> No.72122784

Hate to say it but Bae just grinds and works hard for the subs more with the amount of music and projects she does. Hololive IS an idol/streaming vtuber agency and she covers both sides.

Fauna has become more of a floater, she said she doesn't care for subs that much and prefers to let it grow naturally. She's genuinely a good streamer and more fun to watch and I hope she gets more freedom to be creative with her streams too but god does she need to at the least go back into being consistent again. Bare minimum is to start with posting and sticking to schedules again. She ain't no gura and the puddle mode reason is getting so old.

>> No.72122865

oh no no no no
brownfeets arguing with himself worse than i've ever seen.
i'm guessing he was a fan of runie, what a sad deflection thread

>> No.72123070

After all the blacked shit posting this faggot has done, of course karma repaid him by having his phase whore be 100 percent stretched out by BBC
God the irony is so good, no wonder he's having a melty. Between this and Enna getting dragged through the streets like the vapid cunt she is he's got to cope sonehow. Not a good day for him

>> No.72123122

>the puddle mode reason is getting so old.
She's been pretty consistent the last couple of months barring fes week

>> No.72123125

Enna was the QoS as well don't forget...

>> No.72123156

Fauna will have a chance to catch up when Bae is forced to take maternity leave.

>> No.72123254

The only thing Fauna had for her was that she streamed regularly and consistently, and then she had her puddle arc which she's never come back from.
