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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 12 KB, 400x400, idol corp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72071432 No.72071432 [Reply] [Original]

> Boldly promised stuff like members taking majority of profits and used it as an advantage point against Holo-Niji
> Proceed not to pay their member

I swear to fucking god, if Idol ends up becoming the next Nijisanji and terminating Pochi, I will never trust any "member-first" policy from any rising small corpo again. Tricking your audience like that is cruel

>> No.72071590 [DELETED] 

>believing the kikes
ngmi ngmi goy

>> No.72071605

noob problems kekw

>> No.72071940

i don't think it's quite that black and white.

>> No.72072011
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>I will never trust any "member-first" policy from any rising small corpo again
I trust mommeh because she is dumb with a heart that is too big as well as as much of a coomer as her audience

>> No.72072081

I mean... vshojo was very correct with nazuna after everything that happened, so it's not all companies.

>> No.72072543

>like 5 idol threads
So, what happened with Phase this time?

>> No.72072689

After the Nijicontract, any bonus or hiatus feels grim

>> No.72072716

They won

>> No.72073900

>he didn't learn from cyberlive and tsunderia already
Jew only can do it because he has shady money backing from Israel government

>> No.72074611


>> No.72074827

So just to be clear, despite a number of examples of vtubers cutting and running after donathons without completing the associated goals, you are in favour of all money being transfered to them directly with no strings attached?

>> No.72075161

take the v4mirai pill, any corpo debuting 3D, 4 months after debut is truly talent first

>> No.72076129

how dare they ask pochi to finish her donothon goals before she fucks off with 40k dollars!
women really have it so hard..

>> No.72076284

Anon... you might want to do some reps

>> No.72079287

Chat is this real?

>> No.72079979

Either stop vagueposting and say something tangible or hang yourself

>> No.72080076

Runie has been doxxed.

>> No.72080120

>don't watch streams
>don't lurk in threads
>wants everything spoon fed to him

>> No.72081228
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Yes. Also as 72080076 pointed out its just the Runie stuff, thought it affected someone who matters

Ah that. Don't care then, I'll just keep watching the fox hag and Pindering my orb

>> No.72081651

>hey boss can I just do a donothon and then bail with the money without doing the donothon goals just like I did in my PL and I see other vtubers doing all the time?
Pretty based actually, I feel like supporting them now

>> No.72083660

trying to outjew the real thing was never going to work

>> No.72084196

Never trust a jew.

>> No.72084243

The strangest part about this whole thing is that it's become so normal for vtubers to just take the money and run that people actually say the corpo is the one in the wrong for stopping them.
Just think about that for 1 second. Anywhere else everyone would agree that she shouldn't be able to run off with the money. Only in vtubing do people actually fault the corpo for not letting someone run with the money.

>> No.72084804

She did it with her PL? When?

>> No.72084869

Its weird to see people side with Pochi on this one.
Are you aware this is her second donothon? Are you are she has yet to deliver some rewards from the first one? Are you aware she is known for ghosting and taking long breaks and just generally not streaming? Would you really trust 40 grand to such a flaky person that already said they were leaving?

>> No.72084942

>believing jews
lol,lmao even

>> No.72085617

Unless its simp culture in full effect, then its probably Nijisisters desperately looking for someone they can point and say is doing worse than them. That or very hardcore phase tribalists that are trying to forget Yuri got canned for trying to do something similar.
It's just really shitty how common this is becoming among vtubers, but you just cant change human nature. Its why 2D > 3DPD masquerading as 2D.

>> No.72085721

literal black company, pochi should be allowed to quit with 40k in the pocket without ever delivering her donothon goals.

Why does idol hate their fans so much?

>> No.72086160 [DELETED] 

Pochi earned that money, not the jew CEO.

>> No.72086390

And when fans demand refunds?

>> No.72086639

The money is going to be refunded retard. Idol already did refunds for a donothon after a talent got terminated, they'll do the same here after Pochi gets terminated for refusing to complete the goals she herself set and promised to do.

>> No.72087340

name one 2d character that met all their donathon goals

>> No.72087415

>refuse to work
>don't get paid
>noooooo how could this happen to me
shut the fuck up Riru

>> No.72087440

Never trust the fucking Jews

>> No.72087491

Should the whales feel any better that a company is keeping the money???

>> No.72087547

I saw the claim, it's incredibly weak, but even if it were true it does not make the company look bad that some schizo literally heard voices

>> No.72087597

Retard, try actually reading what (You)'re arguing against.

>> No.72087715

phasefags are still harassing nano over doing it with a few grand to this day, but yeah they definitely care that the girl who refused to work didn't get her 40k

>> No.72087844

yeah?... idol will do refunds like last time

>> No.72089287

Is here any proof of her bad intentions?

>> No.72089666


>> No.72090039

More like niji

>> No.72090232

Why won't Pochi just shut up and stream? What is her problem?

>> No.72090280

phase adopted yuri/nano and took ownership of her preexisting model, time passes, she does a thing to gather donations in order to get a new PC, and then very shortly thereafter gets terminated for vaguely stated reasons, with phase keeping her model and her keeping the new PC donations. the whole thing is kept vague enough that no one really know what the fuck happened, at least last I heard anyway, but phasefags by far and large ran with a narrative that she tried fleecing phase. now it's like over a year later and they're still harassing her over it as an indie.

>> No.72090320

The Runie claim seems legit to me. I believe it. I don't think it's a yab though. Everyone already knew she's normie-adjacent so I don't see why the shock.

>> No.72090478

That doesn't sound like a big deal in comparison to the shit happening everywhere else

>> No.72090793

the taking her model part is kind of a big deal, but yeah I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of phasefags for shitting on and hounding her over it still, when they pile into threads like this and pretend they care

>> No.72090917

Phasesharts trying not to be the new drama seeking nijisisters mission impossible. Every yab has you guys infesting the place like flies on shit.

>> No.72090974

How do you know it's them and not someone just using the opportunity to shit on phase?

>> No.72091247

Because I can't accept that there is a coordinated attack on the reputation of phase when it's every fucking time.

>> No.72091566

Small corpo fags attacking the big ones makes more sense than the other way around. It's like Holochads wouldn't go out of their way to dig into some irrelevant small corpo shit but everyone knows what's going on in Hololive.

>> No.72091631

Sometimes I just want to see what a yab is all about but it's just phasefucks MEMEME all thread. Absolutely brown behavior.

>> No.72091630

like the Holochads in /#/

>> No.72093957
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>boldy promised donothon goals
>proceed to menhera her way (out) to not doing them

>> No.72093981

>guy infamous for scams gets caught lying
Number of surprised people: 0

>> No.72093998
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>trusting the word of (((them)))

>> No.72094391

donothons are scam

>> No.72094594
File: 50 KB, 1200x600, 1705321229834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made up conflict. There is no bad blood between her and the Phase community. They didn't even take her out of the /pcg/ OP.

>> No.72094652

It's not phase it's the talent trying to shore up an incredibly weak case cause she's about to be sued into the ground.

>> No.72094655

She fulfilled most of them and the outstanding ones are mainly things that are in Idol's court.

>> No.72094687

How many of the lawsuits you have predicted in your life actually ended up happening?

>> No.72094710

Proof next bait thread phasefart?

>> No.72094768
File: 39 KB, 394x778, unlimited be like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, v4m is Brave.
Brave were previously called Unlimited. They did some awful shit in the past.
Mainly trying to replace the VAs of vtubers with others when they caused a bunch of shit behind-the-scenes.
Now, don't get me wrong, they clearly look like they've learned and changed, and they seem to be doing good shit now. I hope they keep that up.
Another large competitor in vtubing is a great thing for everyone because it adds more competition. That's always a good thing.
Giving all of them 3D so quickly was a great investment, and the 3D world and so on.
Monos monos...

>> No.72094808

I see

>> No.72094881

This is wrong and is clearly a company dicksucker.
She was fully intending on completing those goals before leaving, besides the ones she had no control over - like she mentioned - but they took that as "durr you're not wanting to do anything", so Idol fucked her over.
She (and others) were only under pressure post-Riro termination when they decided to throw her under the bus too, all over shit unrelated to Idol operations because she made a silly joke that schizos took literally and so did Aviel. (she has made these jokes plenty of times before)
3 of the others very nearly quit as well, but they managed to come to agreement to keep them around (Yuko was the closest to fucking off and she might still, Fuyo and Juna are also close and Juna in particular has voiced her grievances ON STREAM in the past)

>> No.72095201


>> No.72095338

>took ownership
She sold the IP of her vtuber identity to Phase and she got a new model with them. It was her decision.

>> No.72095355

shut the fuck up Pochi, no one believes you. You're a psycho that tried to cut and run (again) and got caught.

>> No.72095388

cuck post

>> No.72095442

am I the only one that thinks donothons are sus as fuck

>> No.72095594

That reminds me, has Coni even completed her Donothon goals?

And didn't Yuko leave a bunch incomplete?

>> No.72095618

Nice no argument you have there.
I don't even watch Pochi, but I still know about the situation better than the shitposting faggots in /jidf/ who are citing improper history / straight up lies on how things went down.
Can't wait for your next ebin buzzword.

>> No.72095955

More like:
>Talent does a Donothon
>Sets up various goals
>Asked to graduate before actually fulfilling the goals, effectively scamming her viewers
>Idol refuses to pay cause she wants run off with the money after having scammed her viewers
>Idol wants to do the goals themselves but have to plan around her wanting to graduate
>Pochi being a cunt and presenting herself as the victim cause she wants all the money herself whereas Idol wants the money to where it was intended or just return it, which effectively takes time.

>> No.72096035

I hope my oshi never attempts a donothon

>> No.72096447

>>Asked to graduate before actually fulfilling the goals, effectively scamming her viewers
Lies, like the rest of your shitposting kind in that thread.
She was stating quite clearly her intent to complete those tasks but might have had issues with some of the more involving tasks like the game. Them (and you) reframing that as saying "nooo you're not doing anything no money for you!" is just scummy behaviour.
This isn't in full defence of Pochi either, she has her issues, but don't fucking sugarcoat this in Idols favour, they're scummier in all of this mess.
Call out scum in all forms. I don't want the company to fold because it'd fuck over some people I like, mainly Fuyo, Roca, and Pogo, but am I hell going to defend shit like this where they are clearly in the wrong.

>> No.72096600

I trust mommeh with my life.

>> No.72097314

She made a recent tweet about people telling other vtubers not to work with her because she's an awful person. The only community that's still obsessed with her are the phase community.

>> No.72097861

A few shitposters != the phase community.
They hate on everyone. It's all Pipnigs from Pippas early days.
Stupid kiwifaggots ruin everything.

>> No.72097883

/pcg/ doxxed their own talents again

>> No.72098407

She had 17 goals left from both donothons, and only a few of them are easily done just by herself. The rest would have to be retroactively changed, which would piss people off and actually be scummy as fuck since it's the goals that people actually wanted and donated for, or, they would have to be rushed hard by management, which is already stretched thin at Idol, and it would inevitably take attention away from the other girls, which she had already done TWICE by delaying more deserving redebuts and donothon. This all in service of a girl who has already proven her lack of reliability and work ethic by streaming less than half the days she existed as Pochi, was already in the middle of a month long bout of not working on anything (besides her donothon, of course), and is now trying to dick over the company that just gave her far more than they ever should have gotten.

Kill yourself, you falseflagging retard.

>> No.72098534

doxxsite fags posted doxx in /pcg/ to make fun of /pcg/ fans, it's different.

>> No.72098556

>doxxsite fags
yeah, so /pcg/

>> No.72098562

Like a day ago. It's funny because she was vaguely implying that she would spill the entire teapot if Idol tried to contact her in any way. And now it's gone, spineless flake got spooked when they called her bluff behind the scenes.

>> No.72098600

You say that as if she wanted to immediately leave and fuck off entirely.
Maybe because you're a retarded newfag that things "graduation notice" = immediately leave, but that's very much not the case.
Nice revising history again, faggot.
Pochi ain't a saint, but you people are worse.

>> No.72098763

Mommeh when are you coming back?

>> No.72098854


>> No.72099137

You know it's a really good thing then that in her two opportunities to give any kind of time line that would have made her look better, she didn't. But what she did say is that she did in fact immediately fuck off, with the simultaneous request for her like 4th extended break in a year.

I gotta go to sleep, so have fun constructing your next strawman necessary to keep your very genuine argument alive.

>> No.72099160

You're absolutely deluded. The girl has shown time and time again she is completely unprofessional and unreliable, and you comment shit like
>She was stating quite clearly her intent to complete those tasks
as if it has any credibility at all. Absolutely laughable.

>> No.72099241

>You say that as if she wanted to immediately leave and fuck off entirely
Can you post a timeline of her streams and argue if it supports your claim?

>> No.72099632

/jidf/ shitposts are not reality.
Not my problem you take it as such.
The fact you fags live in that thread is the issue. I can view these things as objectively as possible and it's clear Pochi got fucked over, and it is clear Idol got fucked over. Neither of them are innocent in this, but Idol is more in the wrong for not giving her the money she literally needed to settle in to her new place and actually WORK on the fucking donathon goals she wanted to do before graduating due to the changes they pushed through that she didn't like. (and neither did others but they finally came to agreements after dialling back their activities elsewhere. I say that loosely, because it clearly hasn't been fully settled due to recent issues)
You fags are as bad as the retards making up a million things that Riro did as well, or Yuko and her Discord buddies, instead of what actually happened.
You're as bad as the kiwifaggots that shit up /pcg/ as well, you're just a different kind of retard.

>> No.72099659

>because it'd fuck over some people I like, mainly Fuyo, Roca, and Pogo,
you mean fuyo, who is constantly getting stressed out by retards in idol like pochi and laments their women moments?
you mean roca, who had her donothon that she actually put work into pushed back a month because of pochi, while pochi led the charge of raising anxiety among idol fans with PLfaggotry that ended up surrounding her roca's donothon with unfounded doomposting?
you mean poko, who immediately made a very thinly veiled diss tweet talking about how much she enjoys actually working on her donothon goals?

very genuine and real fan

>> No.72100005

You're so retarded I bet you think Fuyo even hates Riro. (and likewise Fuyo again with Yuko)
Again, /jidf/ shitposts are not reality.
Sorry bud. I know, I know, your only life is that thread and your epic /v/ros.

>> No.72100168

People in glass houses like to throw stones.

>> No.72100232

nice dodge, nice strawman, nice seething about about people who actually watch streams

>> No.72100357

hahaha, oh, I can hear the anger behind your keystrokes. It is delicious.
I was wondering whether or not to say because they get enough shit from you fucking faggots.
Motherfucker they all have each other added on Steam. Including kyo lmao
Sorry, your shitty rrats are not reality.
Cry about it. You have no clue.

>> No.72100410

>while pochi led the charge of raising anxiety among idol fans with PLfaggotry
Holy fucking revisionist bullshit, Batman.

>> No.72100504
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I do so love it when people accuse others of seething when they are clearly he ones doing it themselves.

>> No.72100540

She literally said she started it and that the others who joined did so later.

>> No.72100805

Yeah okay buddy. Keep moving those goalposts and changing the order of events for your ebin rrats.
I will be there to shit down your neck when you do, like the pea-brained lifefailure you are.
Neither of them are innocent, but Idol is way worse in this.
And yet, she was not the one to go back to her PL stuff initially to try pull management to doing something about it.
They merely joined in on the negotiations as they were happening, but some of them had already re-activated accounts long before Pochi did. Try again.
notYuko did way fucking more than Pochi did, by a huge margin. notPochi basically never existed in the grand scheme of things. (sort of like Pochi lmao)
Fuck man, notFuyo and notJuna were quite happily streaming together not so long ago, and notYuko was even in the chat. (which was taken by the thread to mean "wow they hate her they aren't even acknowledging her!!!!", as if they constantly stalk the chat watching for who fucking joins and leaves it, kek)
Try again.

>> No.72100988

>And yet, I will spend many words calling Pochi herself a liar

>> No.72101035

How you got that from my post I will never know.
But it certainly explains why you can't hold a consistent storyline - you're clearly brain-damaged.
Given the ESL posting above, no doubt SEA on top.

>> No.72101169

honestly I'm watching this and I can't help but wonder if you're an idolfag falseflagging as a retard

>> No.72101307

Yeah, you're really mentally deranged.
Neither party in this mess are innocent, but Pochi is the least bad of the 2.
She gave them an out and they clearly didn't care to listen, despite promising her the donathon money (and the fans being promised that money would go to them)
That 40k being denied clearly threw her in to a fuckload of financial stress preventing her from even considering working on the donathon stuff.
I'm disappointed in them for letting such a shitty thing happen.

>> No.72102574

Women just hate each other. They naturally do.

>> No.72102640

they don't, hell you even have phase members being open about interacting with her, sakana just didn't drag her ass through the mud about that shit and you're a retard that took a meme on pcg seriously

>> No.72102772

yeah you're assuming shit, from what's been said around her it was more about ex CL retards dumping her again around her last hiatus and one tiny indie black chick that was trying to use nano to start shit with youtubers and kickstart her shitty chinese fumo sales using faked screens of her Phase contract

>> No.72102882

He's so plainly idiotic based on his post that he probably heard it from a friend of a friend in his dreams while playing Minecraft.
It's so far from the truth.
A few threadshitters fuck with everyone, just like they do in /jidf/. Probably the same cunt in fact, because he has ample pictures saved of all of them to shitpost with. (like Runie recently, who showed up in /jidf/
And none of that was even Phase related either, which, actually yeah, >>72102772 just posted it lol
If there was horribly bad blood Pippa wouldn't be hanging out with her on fucking Palword servers, to name a recent example.
It's a shit situation but it was mutually beneficial for her to leave objectively speaking. Sakana clearly made things more flexible since then, in regards to Invaders at least.

>> No.72103068

>>Asked to graduate before actually fulfilling the goals
She asked to graduate before she even got the money lmao. According to Idol, donothon money is put into the paycheck a month after the donothon, so that means she asked to graduated less than a month after she had it.

>> No.72103255

my bet is that most of the threadshitting comes from a schizo literally who called Koinuko, she's been going around for months trying to spread around info she says she got playing mahjong with nano and loves talking about how she'll ruin pcg and phase to kickstart her 2view career, I'd look out for that name if I was you
crazy black women man

>> No.72103305

They already groom their talents that should tell you who they are already

>> No.72103493

Did you check her own timeline? She said she put in a Work Leave in January, just a month after her donothon, then she didn't get the money she expected in February. So what did she do all of January for her donothon goals? Why is she trying to negotiate which tasks she will complete barely a month after the donothon?

>> No.72103572

>trusted the Jews
>get Jew-ed
her fault

>> No.72103839
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i am not reading all that here are some tits

>> No.72105194

I don’t understand it, yeah the company is the jews but she seemed like a menhara with terrible ethics. I suppose similar terrible ppl donated to her and will follow her to get grifted again as a indie but you can’t help ppl who don’t want to see reason.

>> No.72105936

> Juna in particular has voiced her grievances ON STREAM in the past)
Can you elaborate on this one? What sort of grievances?

>> No.72106011

Yeah I'm sure she'd be able to complete goals such as the offcollab with her genmates after graduating in January.
All the goals that she had "no control over" were already paid for, because Idol says they pay for all expenses of donothon goals.

>> No.72106012

They are and if you participate in those you are gullible as fuck and deserve to get scammed.

>> No.72106400

Wait, isn't that the Uncle Tom raceplay fetishist who panders to white supremacists and was shilling herself /here/ a few weeks back? Does she hate her own race so much that she is the one going full nuclear with the Blacked Connect meta today?

>> No.72106663

no it's not from that, from what I heard she's leached off of kirsche's 2view friends and now wants to take down phase, she was going into dramacords acting schizo and saying phase fired jelly and rehired her under some new contract and other schizo shit that makes no sense, she kept saying she'd leak the phase yuri contract but never delivered, she's obsessed with being /here and wants to drag other girls into her schizo shit

>> No.72106841

Sounds like you're the schizo here dude. As far as I can see she literally just debuted and she's doing all she can to collab with a billion people.

>> No.72107103

nta but I heard people from the bvtm groups talk about it, she was ranting over there about wanting to contact falseyed about the phase contract she claims she has

>> No.72107430

Why would a literal who have the Phase contract, and why would she want to show it to a dramatuber. What does the have to gain from it. What's her motive.
You really sound like a schizo who really hates her for some reason and desperately wants her to be involved with every drama just so you can go "I TOLD YOU SHE WAS EVIL" at the end.

>> No.72107480
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>bvtm groups

>> No.72107633

>Them (and you)
Idol has literally said nothing on the situation, everything said is based on what Pochi has said herself.

>> No.72107682

it's a schizo black woman with a colonial fetish that selfposts on this board, do you think she's in anyway logical?

>> No.72107773

I have no idea but I don't have any reason to believe that a vtuber who just debuted is trying to kill a corp for absolutely no reason because someone on /vt/ told me she's evil.

>> No.72108041

He's been around alot and has debuted multiple times. I think he has a hate boner for phase ignoring him. He has tried to constantly get Pippas attention.

>> No.72108396

blame rin tranny

>> No.72108493

Fuyo was clearly very good friends with them, but is extremely disappointed in their actions. She's made that obvious by what she's said and her members only cover songs not-so-subtly directed at them

>> No.72110476

i remember idolcucks bragging about it, where are you now idolcucks?

>> No.72110807

Laughing at how a talent who got favor after favor and literally had the corp on her thumbs decided to throw it all away because they wouldn't let her run away with 41k.
Pretty based if you ask me.

>> No.72111320

>jaknigger post on /vt/
everyone ITT needs to go back and then kill themselves

>> No.72112070 [DELETED] 
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>> No.72113885

Funny how Roca, who did her donothon after Pochi, got her money just fine, I wonder why.
Maybe because she's doing her fucking job

>> No.72117858

Why do vcucks act as if their "agency" did a 4d chess move by letting nazuna go? She was already inactive for several months so leaving was obviously part of the plan

>> No.72117977
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Wherever she goes a corpo collapse follows

>> No.72118533

All the same person, by the way. Dude's still made he got banned from a 2view's server. All this can be easily debunked by just watching Koinuko for 5 minutes. I'm in most of the dramacords like TVA and brownvt because I like to stalk for drama, and not once have I seen her talk about Falseeyed, Jelly, or anything relating to that.

>> No.72118823
File: 121 KB, 320x320, download193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idol downfall thread
>phasefag talking some about random 2view from /choc/
Why do phasefags?
