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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71964631 No.71964631 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1770242941199565177

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>71934353

>> No.71964665

soft shontoes in my mouth and on my dick

>> No.71964751

so who we watching today shondophrenics? nina? hunney?

>> No.71964838

>shes getting tingled from york
>shoggers happynod
the sissy hypno is working

>> No.71964897

what am I at already
4 reads
we're back

>> No.71964920

>it's just impossible guys I just can't I'll never get better my routine right now is what it will always be

>> No.71964986

she is correct
you have no free will and are as good as you'll always be

>> No.71965126

hardest working btw

>> No.71965314 [DELETED] 

luv me retarded troon kike wife, simple as

>> No.71965411

i wish i could just accept myself as i am and stop trying to fight to change the things i don't like. i feel like i'd have so much time and energy to do other things with and i don't even know who i'm trying to change for

>> No.71965441
File: 85 KB, 1004x827, 1701624178950407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love her

>> No.71965443

shondo in my arms

>> No.71965460

do it for your PNG troon stripper

>> No.71965492

the thing is that shondo and i will improve and incline and evolve and there's nothing that can stop it

>> No.71965501
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>> No.71965503

shondo wishes this was her case

>> No.71965602

anyone have the skyrim vod

>> No.71965650

shes being really passive aggressive

>> No.71965657

you're both delusional wastes of life that everyone would be better off without so yes you're right, you can only get better (but you won't)

>> No.71965724

*kisses her hand*

>> No.71965726

her experimental week in august will literally just be a normal stream week since she's too scared to change anything

>> No.71965790

Imagine having your peanits stroked by these tender hands

>> No.71965835

the death grip of her troon hands would ruin it

>> No.71965851
File: 99 KB, 1176x1176, BaitNoGood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to kill your local wormfarming faggot nigger

>> No.71965861

Her experimental week will be her taking the week off and experimenting with ββζ

>> No.71965869

you don't understand she absolutely cannot pivot streams and she absolutely cannot wake up early but she's definitely going to do a guerilla week

>> No.71965919 [DELETED] 

Reminder she is a faggot kike

>> No.71965920

unlike other game companies that want their games to fail

>> No.71965980

Fucking coomer brain, but maybe yoiu're right. She is dating a somalian nigger from the UK behind our backs

>> No.71965991

Anyone got the Skyrim vod

>> No.71966023

really wish she'd stop pretending as new games are objectively better and that the only reason people like old games is because muh nostalgia. that actually pisses me off

>> No.71966032

Didn't she say she never played Skyrim?

>> No.71966048
File: 749 KB, 1024x768, newfagsfuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bait is no good here.

>> No.71966065

she always lies when she says that

>> No.71966076

why do you care if some random troon kike gets blacked? enjoy the fake loli voice and stroke victim speech impediment

>> No.71966094

she's just making up reasons to not do anything chat recommends because uuuu they'll be mad at me

>> No.71966101

Some aspects of old games are better, look at far cry for example.. fucking mess. so much side BS to do no one cares about.

>> No.71966140
File: 373 KB, 682x622, 1706629487492934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wormfarmers samefagging lmao

>> No.71966151

Stop telling the truth, I don't want to hear it LALALALA

>> No.71966156

>what games would you consider have tank controls
>world of tanks
ok I laughed, good one

>> No.71966206

I didn't

>> No.71966256

why does she do this whole schtick instead of just saying she doesn't like a game, is it all the /v/ brainrot

>> No.71966278
File: 457 KB, 658x748, promised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nig knights lost, yesterday was the nail in the coffin

>> No.71966312

she sounds high again

>> No.71966315

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.71966330

White ribbon lolicon KINGS will always be victorious, newfaggot retarded niggers will ALWAYS be losing.

>> No.71966334

how fat is this troon? 110bpm sitting down lmao

>> No.71966336

Fuck crack addict whore wife

>> No.71966369

why is FF in the bottom left?

>> No.71966376

I love my genuine hardworking loving wife who only does this for the love she has for me (which is endless)

>> No.71966395

She copes by saying she takes a lot of meds thats why her bpm is high. Clearly she fat as hell.

>> No.71966433 [DELETED] 

Reminder to REPORT wormfarmers :)

>> No.71966512

>implying newfaggots aren't lolicons
you are the retarded nigger in this scenario

>> No.71966543

are you fucking stupid? the answer is a resounding yes.

>> No.71966574


>> No.71966579

If you're going to spend so much time /here/ it might be worth buying a 4chan pass so it's not so obvious you're samefagging.

>> No.71966610

that's for the last tip so maybe he's this guy and it bugged
>NYC Resident just tipped £5.00! thank you for the chocolate funds~ here's what they say: You can come visit NYC to prep yourself for GTA6 :)

>> No.71966639

Jokes on you I dont know what samefagging means :)

>> No.71966667

Yes you are having one, remember to dry those tears coming out of your eyes and anus you pathetic little baby

>> No.71966670

she seriously seems out of it

>> No.71966699

i don't care if you're delusional

>> No.71966718

The FF “ban this” was one of the funniest chats. Hope he’s doing well.

>> No.71966764

>n-n-no u
you shat yourself

>> No.71966847


>> No.71966879

she's a psychopath, I never want to hear again how the critters don't do enough to accommodate her

>> No.71966880

Congratulations, you are officially a retarded faggot who shit his pants and is having a tantrum. Kill yourself right now.

>> No.71966902

Im guessing you think we're the same person? That's funny, I'll play along

>> No.71966946

>no u
you did that already, get new material

>> No.71966948

Just tuned in, is she feeling better now?

>> No.71966949

the irony of her being germaphobic and scared of dirty things when her fucking chair looked like it did KEK

>> No.71966973

My worry is that one of these times when she's mad at us, she will cheat on us and feel vindicated in doing so.

>> No.71966971

she literally forces them to strip in front of her (bc yo know shes not leaving the room)

>> No.71967011

she's acting like it didnt happen, which is probably a good thing

>> No.71967032

Cheat with who? She doesnt leave her house, are you ok? take your meds

>> No.71967131

it is a bit disturbing how easy she finds loopholes to get around her own principles, and how easy shoggas just accept it. all we can do is hope she doesn't do it and enjoy her until it happens

>> No.71967135

You shit yourself for the 3rd time now. Congrats faggot. You are an embarrassing loser. Just know that there are plenty of people laughing directly at you right now. :) enjoy being ridiculed indefinitely for your stupid fucking actions, dumbass.

>> No.71967160


>> No.71967194

chad from da klub

>> No.71967197

You are so mad :)
(4th melty in your pants btw)

>> No.71967229

What is da klub? Don't gate keep

>> No.71967453

she will cheat on you with me

>> No.71967507

her desk

>> No.71967538

that would be a rational thing to point out but she doesn't care about germs as long as they originate in their own shitty home

>> No.71967682

is she gonna melty over glass now

>> No.71967731

>wifey learns glass is fragile

>> No.71967776
File: 552 KB, 1249x466, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoggas dont forget, the new poe league will be revealed in about 30 minutes

>> No.71967830

She should watch the Russian brick video on stream.

>> No.71967893

erm actually rocks can’t jump? is she stupid?

>> No.71967973

i will not be watching live

>> No.71967982

>i wanna play the game a lot today
>1.5 hours in with no end in sight for the zatsu and hasn't thanked people yet

>> No.71968044

dumb way to put it but a rock large enough to smash a windshield is rarer than people getting into normal collisions

>> No.71968059

shondo stands on your windshield and breaks it (its your fault for having a cheap car)

>> No.71968061

She remembered her promise for shorters zatsu for exactly one stream before going back to her old ways.

>> No.71968089

it's gonna be hype

>> No.71968095

chris wilson needs to die

>> No.71968116

imagine still playing poe

>> No.71968180

he's actually involved a little less now i think, the'res a bunch of QoL stuff coming with this league
and he hates that kind of stuff

>> No.71968189
File: 10 KB, 216x150, IMG_3777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you fit a horse in a car?

>> No.71968261

It will take her 2 years to finish dark souls if she keeps zatsuing like this.

>> No.71968301

>now that im not trying and gave up on ratrace she reads me over a dozen tyems

>> No.71968340

>I think horses are kind of scary
YES! Me too Shondo! Fuck horses! They're big and dumb as shit! Brain the size of an walnut. A tarp in the side of the ring will flap in the wind and they TAKE OFF and throw you. Fuck horses. I don't like them. They're really big and not very bright and can cause a lot of damage. I don't like horses!

>> No.71968387

you know what she wanted to say

>> No.71968480

xhris is directing poe1 not poe2

>> No.71968496

just relax

>> No.71968567

i'm tracking read rates and abcs unironically has a 100% read rate so far

>> No.71968660

only one she says "i love you" to unprompted btw

>> No.71968783

I like abcs he seems nice and I laugh at his chats sometimes

>> No.71968828

Why fib you worthless Derek.

>> No.71968833

>he's the millionaire poster
>he dm'd her proof

>> No.71968955

I believe this rrat and now I'm mad he doesn't donate more money

>> No.71969085

fucking woman trying to filter us again

>> No.71969213

I haven't been keeping up with things, did one of you shoggas draw Shondo in Marie Rose's base outfit yet?

>> No.71969224

That Hina art has shit feet tho shondo

>> No.71969291

just looked and i agree. i'm a massive footfag btw so i know what i'm talking about

>> No.71969382

None of you fags can draw shutup

>> No.71969511

shondo please... the shontoes in my mouth... onegai...

>> No.71969570

>Calling her a bitch because he still can't get her attention today
You're a sad fucking faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.71969635

johns can complain to their stripper, as long as they pay

>> No.71969702

she has never given me attention for calling her a bitch lovingly, and i got attention already, try being nise instead of hatred

>> No.71969770
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finally she shut up and started the game

>> No.71969870

fake ass story, do you really think shondo wouldn't tell this to us immediately when she has claimed that she wouldn't let ANYONE touch her chest?
too bad you can't call her out or she'll have another meltdown over fibbing

>> No.71969891

kneel to your King

>> No.71969979

Who touched her chest

>> No.71970014


>> No.71970029


>> No.71970031


>> No.71970055

I do this.

>> No.71970061


>> No.71970128


>> No.71970203

There was the time she mention FT helping her dress when she was ill but that was never brought up again.

>> No.71970215

im one of the millionaire larpers and im not him (only 700k networth rn)

>> No.71970246

To all of you who said "me" to touching her chest, good job, you made her into a massive dirty whore. Lost all interest now.

>> No.71970262

me (im posting from the future)

>> No.71970264

and now he does everything for her without complaint

>> No.71970282

sounds more like an incest fantasy. how fucking ill would you have to be as an adult to not be able to dress yourself?

>> No.71970291

she isnt a whore because i made all the posts)

>> No.71970338

>she has never given me attention for calling her a bitch
Gee I wonder why.

>> No.71970378

i thought you were mad because i was being mean when i called her a bitch?

>> No.71970441

Ah alright, that's a relief.

>> No.71970492

he's a skinwalker, it was actually me

>> No.71970535

you're also a skinwalker grrrr

>> No.71970546

fuck chat for scaring her away from online mode btw, the messages are an essential part of the dark souls experience imo

>> No.71970614

streams are so much fun when you don't interact w /shon/ at all. You freaks belong in glass cages in a zoo. It's fun to watch you sperg over literally nothing.

>> No.71970621

she's being a bitch today for no reason, guess her good girl filters are finally off

>> No.71970698

she's always a bitch on souls days

>> No.71970705

yet you still graced us with your presence. that says more about you than you might think

>> No.71970732

So they were wrong?
How is she being a bitch? You feel targeted when she said loser?

>> No.71970779

>So they were wrong?
well yes since she's hollow and can't get invaded

>> No.71970828


>> No.71970864

and you have to be human to kindle, unless she wants to just walk off a cliff every time she kindles to not have a hacker ruin her game

>> No.71970872

No non souls specialist streamer has ever understood online mode in any souls game and treats it like a boogyman

>> No.71970973

we get it you really want to invade her and get your 30 seconds on stream calm down

>> No.71971069

:) I like FallenShadow a whole lot

>> No.71971133

yeah because she's just kindling bonfires left and right constantly. such a bizarre argument. not like she has to kindle anyway

>> No.71971173

yeah she's just going to get by on 5 estus through the whole game retard, and for what to laugh at finger but hole?

>> No.71971278

try jumpig

>> No.71971308

damn, you got really mad from being called out kek. you probably don't know this, but my wife loves silly stuff and we just missed out on a lot of cute giggles and laughs because of you and the other fun-hating faggots

>> No.71971620

you're seething and shitting up the thread because she isnt putting online on but the other anon is the mad one?

>> No.71971731

n-no you're seething! we're missing out on online KINO!! stay mad!!!

>> No.71971817


>> No.71972218

are you fucking serious

>> No.71972256

We're getting divorced

>> No.71972258

She doesn't want to be late for Fauna's birthday dungeon

>> No.71972271

lol she actually hates us

>> No.71972274

jes haha she is mood taking again and quit

>> No.71972275
File: 6 KB, 391x42, 1691197125413552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the comment that pissed her off btw

>> No.71972279

not even 3 hours btw
i hope you've got side hoes

>> No.71972326


>> No.71972359

She ended early because she hates me specifically

>> No.71972360

double woman moment

>> No.71972378

still think she's not a bitch?

>> No.71972394

she hates me uuuuu what did I do wrong uuuuuu baby come back. You can blame it all on me!

>> No.71972407

rent free

>> No.71972418

i REALLY need this shogga to read the room better

>> No.71972428

what happened i was busy on my side hoes stream (Chris wilson) i just heard her start super seething

>> No.71972439

No I love you ;-;

>> No.71972438

It is OVER
cant even get through 1 full stream anymore lmao
think shes doing a full lotr movie marashon with us? fuck no she just wants to spend time with her husbando york

>> No.71972447

baseg poe enjoyer

>> No.71972482

i'm not kidding, i read that and flinched because i thought it was too early to joke about yesterday's melty. she looked at chat, made a grumpy face and then decided to rage quit like a minute later

>> No.71972484

This time you can't even blame chat. She just doesn't love us anymore.

>> No.71972491

>no kiss
>no I love you
>no raid
>early end
>short zatsu
either she finally got her period or she had enough, because of a fucking suntan lotion.

>> No.71972499
File: 266 KB, 528x528, 1708112504732609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No raid
>No I love you
I feel empty now

>> No.71972522

Sub expired today. Good time to take another Shondo break.

>> No.71972531

league start soon

>> No.71972533

just watch nina

>> No.71972564

She quit because she didnt want to go to the borg again...

>> No.71972565

now tell me again that he is a nise newfag and totally not bratty trolling

>> No.71972572

if she ends the marashon early it's actually over

>> No.71972571

I'll send bapy after your side hoe

>> No.71972584

Could you guys not tell how off she was since the start of stream today?

>> No.71972618

obviously since she didn't mention yesterday at all. if she was over it she'd have joked about it or apologized. now there was this weird tension in the air because it wasn't addressed, which means it's still bothering her

>> No.71972622

no im autistic
i thought she already bounced back

>> No.71972625

nah lol vibes were off its just time to see what sets her off tomorrow. probably a shooty sections

>> No.71972623

i noticed it

>> No.71972654

the zatsu was kinda long for a gamemaxxer stream

>> No.71972661

Yes, im autistic anon but not that autistic
I deleted like 10 messages today that I thought might have been too teasing for her current mood

>> No.71972673

Of course she was, but I was playing along with her and not mentioning yesterday.

>> No.71972679

on second thought it was retarded to bring that up again, i didn't think about her still being upset before typing that i just knew she would know i'm not serious and sent it
i'm just edgy and was too naive. i really hope that wasn't why :/

>> No.71972722

why would she need to address yesterday you autistic retards? do you expect her to apologise(again) and say she was wrong?

>> No.71972758

She never apologized in the first place. Chat did though.

>> No.71972763

ok ft you know the drill
start the stream, I told you to do it yesterday, I know you're ready for it today

>> No.71972802

because it helps ease tensions, autistchama

>> No.71972812

Whiteknights need to make stuff up in order to defend her. Not looking good for you guys

>> No.71972815

nice try anon
Anon I struggle to get a read on her but I’m trying my best. I have no idea what she’s thinking or how she’s feeling most of the time. Other people, other chuubas… no problem. But there’s just something about Shondo- it’s like she blocks me out… like there’s some kind of force field around her mind or something. It’s part of what drew her to me in the first place.

>> No.71972861

she's not bella and you're not edward

>> No.71972878

odds on the movie marathon being as awkward as the one right after she deleted rrk?

>> No.71972919

Movie marathon isn't happening. All streams cancelled this week.

>> No.71972922

>ignored for 3 days
>needs to up being toxic for attention

>> No.71972963

I was intentionally avoiding any banter that could be misconstrued as an insult and she still hates me.

Damn, divorce soon I guess.

>> No.71972974

>odds on the movie marathon being as awkward as the one right after she deleted rrk?
dont remind me of that one

>> No.71972985

yh shes attracted to edward

>> No.71972991

get him to start the stream

>> No.71973035

No don't, I'm about to go to work I don't want to miss it SadCat

>> No.71973054

Snail him.

>> No.71973071

is that the one where she broke down and talked about cake in the middle of it? things are starting to become a blur in my mind

>> No.71973077

i sent him a steam message but he hasnt replied

>> No.71973080

If it's something special like her first time seeing LOTR I'd rather she postpone it if she isn't feeling it

>> No.71973093

I'm edward

>> No.71973117

ed boy

>> No.71973120


>> No.71973135
File: 1.93 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71973148

so you're a cuck and a nonce? checks out

>> No.71973156

Why don't we all just start watching Oli instead? She'd love us for real.

>> No.71973187


>> No.71973216

i started watching that african girl play la noire today and she seems pretty nice
she was accepting and her chat was slow
she was pretty funny as well

>> No.71973237

i feel like every vtuber shows more affection and love towards their chat, even vtubers that aren't gfe

>> No.71973276

Imagine oshi hopping from one Barbie to another one. They’d both hate you.

>> No.71973287

>read rate just over 5%
she hates me now :(

>> No.71973339

Shondo's DSP arc

>> No.71973354

>no time out or ban for the retard at the beginning asking if she liked being blacked
Literally has useless mods.

>> No.71973361

Your girl kissed me and I fucked your daughter ed boy

>> No.71973423

>ragequits and blames chat
>constantly trying to raise money for a house the size of which she can't afford
>plays a gatcha game that she's provably spending insane amounts of money on
>has a cat
With every passing day she becomes closer to DSP.

>> No.71973467
File: 2.52 MB, 498x411, fallenshadow-shondo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit of a turbulent time right now but I still love her.

>> No.71973469

(me) what does it mean when i make a joke, she ignores it, then brings up it later as her own idea? she did it twice this stream

>> No.71973473


>> No.71973507

you don't get it anon, she NEEDS a massive mansion or they just can't continue existing

>> No.71973510

if shoggas cant handle this, they cant handle the relationship
i love my wife!

>> No.71973582
File: 67 KB, 746x422, 1689366533705507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71973597

>ignored for 3 days
>needs to up being toxic for attention
she was reading me all day the past 3 days, i don't act out for attention, which is obvious if you want to do reps and you're being fair
I'm always saying shit like that and it's not toxic i just fucked up this time. i want to believe that didn't effect her but i hate that there's a real chance it did

either way i learned my lesson and am sorry

>> No.71973640

so we didn't try to have fun today? i literally didn't notice anything in chat other than the random troll at the start of the stream that called her dumb

>> No.71973679

the way she worded that is weird

>> No.71973699

this will give shitters the excuse they needed to blame her for last night instead of themselves
my wife is the nisest person alive to groomers and idiots

>> No.71973702

Its her sheriod got it

>> No.71973753

>it would just be nice if we try to have fun when i do stream
The passive aggressiveness dripping from this tweet. Try harder, Shonders

>> No.71973796

please stop responding

>> No.71973806

glad I stayed out of this stream. even if she's getting upset for stupid reasons, I hate that I can't do anything *real* to make her feel better :(

>> No.71973867

The brainworms got her good.

>> No.71973870
File: 11 KB, 536x123, 1682821966915822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tread VERY carefully shoggers

>> No.71973882

You win, she is a bitch

>> No.71973897

>stay safe
This is a warning

>> No.71973912

Being depressed often makes you overanalyze people's behaviour and falsely think they are acting hostile

>> No.71973918


>> No.71973984

Bro I've been depressed for longer than I can remember...

>> No.71974046

Yes bapy you having a mini melty over not getting the BA pulls you wanted is very similar to a depressive phase of someone with bipolar you're just like her for sure

>> No.71974114

Honestly shogga, you constantly responding like this EVERY time someone even slightly mentions you is why i fucking despise you

>> No.71974121

bapy i know you're reading this
kill yourself

>> No.71974144

Shondo I know you're reading this

>> No.71974148


>> No.71974172

Be honest, for how many of you is this her first menhera phase you're going through?

>> No.71974186

it wasn't that crazy a statement to make anonymously

>> No.71974213

Reading you is not the same as wanting to interact with you and she has been refusing to do that for 3 days now.
>but muh twitter reply
Yes, yes. I'm sure Zeph and Fleece felt the same.

>> No.71974215

i don't go through any of them with her
when it happens I drop her till she's better

>> No.71974237

been awhile since they were this uncontrollable barring specific circumstances that affect her

>> No.71974273

i get mentioned 10x more than i reply, don't see why it matters much anyway
it's not even bait there are people that unironically believe it

>> No.71974286

tell me her chronic headaches from before that she was using codeine off label for weren't just "depression headaches"

>> No.71974316


>> No.71974342

I've seen a few episodes of it from her but this one is pretty bad in terms of recent ones.

>> No.71974355

>ANOTHER break

>> No.71974415

she has been talking about gaslighting herself to be happy for a few weeks now. i guess the gaslighting stopped working :(

>> No.71974480

its been a while since her last one where she seemed this bad, but ive seen worse. not changing my love for her

>> No.71974486

she's been like this because I removed my oshi marks and stopped liking her tweets

>> No.71974526

this is my first one how do I make her feel better

>> No.71974552

real answer. shutting up and waiting for her to pull herself out of it

>> No.71974578

by donating more to show that you love her

>> No.71974579

im glad she ended the stream when she stopped having fun
good for you shonshon

>> No.71974588

Donate 50,000 bits.

>> No.71974725

>either she finally got her period
while that'd be hot, she's actually just really depressed so this is all sad and shit. i feel bad for her.
it's probably not anyone's fault, but i wish people /vt/ would stop being so toxic.

>> No.71974761
File: 1.03 MB, 1865x2652, 1708828723342591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't but she'll pull herself out of it. Just be supportive.

>> No.71974881

Theres a reason why everyone is anonymous
Also everything is bait until its brought up outside of /here/

>> No.71974891

What if I don't have very much money and also don't draw good.
I can do that!

>> No.71974907

Don't worry. I'll make sure she has a fun time tonight. See ya

>> No.71974926


>> No.71974958


>> No.71975078

Masculine urge to fill up a pillowcase with bars of soap and beat the shit out of her so she focuses on the pain rather than brain being mean.

>> No.71975084

same I don't like it when she pushes it

>> No.71975110

S be careful :)
it would be so easy to go to the mods and say you are harassing chatters again :)

>> No.71975125

her dad had the right idea huh

>> No.71975164

stop larping as me

>> No.71975194

and who would you be

>> No.71975334

this is my 2nd if you count the digi arc

>> No.71975337

I'm you, but stronger

>> No.71975385

prove it, fight bapy

>> No.71975397

i've had 4 dms from shoggas about /here/ shit, and 2 of them i know are different people, and i have reason to believe one of them still believes it and hates me for it lel.
this time it wasn't even bait, they were completely right i would probably get upset if someone else made that comment so i'll dignify that with a response. i ignore any obvious shitposting which is most of it

>> No.71975407

not that much stronger

>> No.71975475

either do it then or stfu

>> No.71975503

rope yourself dewd

>> No.71975646

level 30 before depths is kinda wild but if chat convinced her she needs to 1 hand a zwei then it makes sense

>> No.71975684

>but if chat convinced her she needs to 1 hand a zwei then it makes sense
if I remember correctly she convinced herself

>> No.71975728

he didn't even say anything you dumb nigger

>> No.71975760


>> No.71975836

no homo but I want to get cuddled up in bed with her and stroke her hair as we listen to Lana Del Rey together.

>> No.71975839

Go, Go, Go shondy

>> No.71975972

>someone @ her 2 days ago thanking her for distracting them after they euthanized their kitten
I fucking hate people

>> No.71976035


>> No.71976070

i'm going to do this when I euthanize myself and my selfworth will be tied to the amount of time she stops streaming for

>> No.71976174

she will cancel it mid-fellowship specifically because its some gay shit like lotr she wont even like. you guys dropped the ball suggesting that.

>> No.71976210

shes literally dropping it because she thinks its gay

>> No.71976261

I agree, I dont think shes going to like it very much and people will be disappointed in her for that

>> No.71976314

it doesn't help that the quentin tarantino suggestion was "random guy movies". that should have been at least second, not last

>> No.71976317

I have never met a single person who gave LOTR a legitimate shot that didn't like it. Okay there was one person but they were a Harry Potter person .

>> No.71976340

If she think that lotr is gay, then shes a fag
and i’ll be spending my time with my side hoe ___sho___

>> No.71976505

she loved game of thrones mate

>> No.71976653

If you see close male friendships as seen throughout European legends and mythology as "gay shit" then you're either a nigger or a closeted fag, possibly both.

>> No.71976664

how many dark souls streams are left in her until she admits that she just doesn't have fun and it drags everyone down

>> No.71976703

they were literally about to kiss on mount doom

>> No.71976713

the kind of drama in GoT is very different, its darker and more complex. theres no red wedding in lotr

>> No.71976769


>> No.71976785

shes a girl

>> No.71976796


>> No.71976847

she takes any opportunity to call a pair of men doing anything gay. its a movie with men expressing emotions and having close male friendships. Shes going to have a field day with gay jokes

>> No.71976861

shondo is a harry potter person shes literally from ingerland its in her blood

>> No.71976931

Tolkien was English.

>> No.71976933

they chose a gay men as the stars of lotr for a reason

>> No.71976965

it's shondo she's a woman first and foremost and secondly trad overcompensating and so tries to reinforce narrow ideas of masculinity

>> No.71976973

More like the common 4chan poster has no close friends, so when they witness these sort of things, they experience the "sour grapes" mentality.

>> No.71977065

i love u shondo i want to take a moonlit stroll with u

>> No.71977099

>not taking it up the pooper is sour grapes

>> No.71977258

Just tell her it's a precursor to all fantasy archetypes and an RPG in movie form. Sakura Miko loved LOTR in that context. Still, girls are justified in not liking LOTR imo but men who hate LOTR are fucking weird they ought to be euthanized

>> No.71977297

regularly proving I'm tapped into her emotional state better than all of you but all you can call me is "brainworm farmer"

>> No.71977432

i didnt even mean gay shit literally. manic/neutral shondo might have been open minded to it. but depressive shondo? i dont know.

>> No.71977571
File: 10 KB, 237x212, Shondo-devil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope she cancels the watchalong because i can't be there and if i can't have fun no one should be allowed to have fun
This is a joke I'm joking

>> No.71977696

just add /s to the end of your post next time, people here typically need something like that

>> No.71977761

wtf is "/s"

>> No.71977790

I hope she cancels the watchalong because she is just going to ruin it with her bad mood anyway, then blame it on us.

>> No.71977795

zoomer lingo

>> No.71977804

its reddit

>> No.71977904
File: 39 KB, 1024x576, 2e1910c95becd60444de2121ec9d9e31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71977987

I hope she cancels because shoggerdom shall burn

>> No.71977996

I think she should cancel it too, I don't want her to watch in a bad state of mind and have to sit there for 12+ hours

>> No.71978232

it means "sarcasm"
this shit is older than reddit and zoomers you fucking retards

>> No.71978629
File: 8 KB, 1224x1140, Shondo-sweater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is going to be ok :)

>> No.71978797

shondo hates me
she hates spending time with me
she doesn't think spending time together is fun
she doesn't tweet anymore
she doesn't say goodnight anymore
she doesn't say she loves me anymore
she barely streams anymore
and you have the balls to tell me it's going to be ok?

>> No.71978834

maybe she will be in a better mood by saturday. if she sees too much negativity about it she'll sink further so i will just hope for the best.

>> No.71978837

No it means "sike" and only cool kids can use it

>> No.71978854

Nope. I've been here for over 15 years and /s wasn't a thing until much later.

>> No.71979203

It was being used in IRC in the late 90s.

>> No.71979253

its literally from bbcode on forums. most of the time it just made text italics (or did nothing)

>> No.71979255
File: 68 KB, 300x296, 1706148689617773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got word from a friend that there "is an effort to get a vtuber to actively "kill themselves" so they can "Destroy the jewish plot" "

Remember DO NOT feed the wormfarmers. DO NOT give in to the brainworms. DO NOT back down. Protect your wife at all costs.

>> No.71979308

It was thoughtful of her to be open abt going through it rn. I appreciated that.

>> No.71979325

cognito hazard post

>> No.71979444

this is a deliberate effort, and its so fucking obvious.

>> No.71979521

And it wasn't being used on 4chan.

>> No.71979545


>> No.71979590

you don't have to make things up

>> No.71979603

If the people out there are even half as fucked up as you are, then I'm sincerely glad I gave up socialization
Holy fucking shit

>> No.71979629

is this the only website that you have used in the last 15 years?

>> No.71979703

>Multiple posters going against this in quick succession
I'm starting to think there might be something to this

>> No.71979772

Yeah, basically.

>> No.71979834

Im not making it up, i received a dm about it earlier and im sharing the news with you guys.
You deserve to know that there is an effort to get your WIFE to fucking KILL HERSELF. Just thought you might want to know that.

>> No.71979882

Stop being so vague then

>> No.71979896

4chan is just a melting pot of niche internet things from other places. Like America.

>> No.71979907

this. its so fucking obvious, and now that we have confirmation its all so clear. spread the word, shoggas.

>> No.71979935

The sad part is this could easily be true

>> No.71979974

who are you talking to

>> No.71980051

it is true, be on alert and be on guard.
more than usual.

>> No.71980115

yeah im starting to think wifey might be part of something much bigger
also lmao@ here thinking they can stop the evolushon

>> No.71980129

there's at least 2 new posters posting demoralization since last week so I can believe it

>> No.71980143

i found the culprit, there with the caps

>> No.71980156

Who is organising this and why specifically Shondo? There are far more obvious targets, even if you take into account the part Jewish thing.

>> No.71980219

>Who is organising this
probably shondo herself

>> No.71980243
File: 46 KB, 640x480, emotional support monitor lizard 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think Shondo would benefit from an emotional support monitor lizard

>> No.71980407

shondo is my emotional support shizzard

>> No.71980459

Anyone else miss when she used to get lovey dovey? Good old days. Now she hates us.

>> No.71980495

There are white ribbons that are using alts to flood offline chat and threads have been shit for years, this has been happening much longer. Don't forget all the things shoggers have done to her over the years.

>> No.71980544

shondo would kill it and claim a nurse did it

>> No.71980588

Don't worry when I get my white ribbon I'll be one of the good ones.

>> No.71980705

i'll win and she'll be just fine :)

>> No.71980757

side hoe niggas winning

>> No.71980759

There are alts coming in every stream to say something mean with their first message too.

>> No.71980765

what am I supposed to do about it, if she was gonna off herself it would've been after grandad or marley died, not because a couple retards are calling her "fat kike" or something on 4chan

>> No.71980766

why is it every time i look at her twitter its a fucking pitty party
god damn

>> No.71980781

I meant the recent "she's not your wife" posts and others that follow. They never change their posting style and stand out a lot

>> No.71980884

its how she maintains consumer loyalty

>> No.71980907

I did this but it was saying something like I watched all of her clips and thought she was cute so I made a twitch account for her
But in fact it was me, someone who has been here for almost 2 years. I can be quite devious sometimes

>> No.71980921

at least a quarter of those are me and I've been here for years

>> No.71980932

I'm the one shitting up the threads and I'm not following any plans to "destroy the jewish plot"

>> No.71981247

I'm the one shitting up the threads and I'm following plans to destroy the jewish plot.

>> No.71981358
File: 2 KB, 125x98, unease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop it
