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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.82 MB, 1240x1261, 1711025325262418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71953532 No.71953532 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.71953592

What's there to defend? You pay for the premium quality. Meantime, the hololive lineup has ZERO good singers.

>> No.71953643

To each their own I guess? I would've legit paid double the niji price combined if they covered Gloryhammer or Powerwolf.

>> No.71953665

if i wanna hear enna sing with her 2D model i'd just search her archive.
at least holo give you 3D prerecorded shit.

>> No.71953724
File: 220 KB, 538x477, 1708714790866197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2D karaoke spinning

>> No.71953731
File: 334 KB, 911x564, 1709183386767921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Falseflagging faggot again. Go back to your shitty 3view

>> No.71953763

What's with the niji costumes? Why so much clutter, you can't tell when one starts and the next one ends.

>> No.71953762

>That fucking jump in price
This has to be some kind of scam.

>> No.71953803

it's only a promo art, not even an actual model. so it need to be as crazy as it can be.

>> No.71953868

Why do some people stay in abusive relationship? because they're suckers like your average nijifag.

>> No.71953897

As an AI connoisseur I wouldn't be surprised if these were AI-inspired. Not drawn, no, but inspired? Very possible.

>> No.71953948
File: 381 KB, 1750x1650, 1710406354970874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normal seat $110
>Removed merch purchase limit cause no one is buying them
>Removed ticket purchase limit cause no one is buying them either

>> No.71953969

Damn, after your post I can't unsee the AI-likeness in Niji picture.

>> No.71954166

Bold of you to assume nijikeks won't be sitting on the floor again

>> No.71954332

>Premium quality
Retard sisters are a different kind of braindead breeds.

>> No.71954385

What seats? It's byoc

>> No.71954398

paying premium to see a .png spinning?
stop playing gachas

>> No.71954452

Supply and demand. Niji has less demand so prices go up to make up the difference.

>> No.71954596

As opposed to the people who paid 188 dollars to see their oshi perform a pre recorded, skinwalked routine for 5 minutes.

>> No.71954601

>make event expensive
>cancel at the last second
>no refunds
>demand lowers
>prices still high

>> No.71954683

It's so fucking funny even in nijien hey are separating the male and female talent and the dudes are more popular

>> No.71954703

>As opposed to paying anything you can already see at home

>> No.71954779

I didn't know in nijisanji they call shit "premium quality".
interacted with live audience during songs, where is your cope now faggot?

>> No.71954784

Virtually Raped-sodit

>> No.71954847

>zero good singers
>towa and bae on the lineup
and even if you dislike mori she still is a popular artist

>> No.71954949

Imagine paying to see a bunch of Nijiwhores and Pajeets. If the concert was free, it would still be expensive.

>> No.71954978

I really like that the only way sisters can shit holo are by using dumb rrats and delusions. Sure sister I can pay to watch my prerecorded 3d oshi skinwalked by someone atleast I'm not a retard like you.

>> No.71954998

Do you have ANY idea about supply and demand, retardchama?

>> No.71955074

Pay da nijitax chuds

>> No.71955293

I mean I've been to a lot of shows that were standing room only. Mind you they only cost like 20 bucks for entry

>> No.71955321

>What's there to defend? You pay for the premium quality. Meantime, the hololive lineup has ZERO good singer
what do we do sister,niji doesnt even have 3D,let alone quality 3D,fast sister post gura

>> No.71955438

Ogey then

>> No.71955447

Is the graphic implying NijiEN has special live2d models prepared for the event? Wow! Already worth the 200+ dollars to watch the girls and boys sing naruto opening #5!

>> No.71955553

Nijikek paid 110$ for karaoke 2D?

>> No.71955731

>Still not sold out yet for niji homo side
how much grim is the niji girls side?
will they cancelling at last minute because it doesnt meet requirement?

>> No.71955825

Even for the richest country in SEA, the prices for the niji "concert" is way too high. But i am sure some sisters will still go on daddys dime.

>> No.71955997
File: 447 KB, 1200x1800, 6B1E17E3-9E67-491E-BC9E-158CCCAAED30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 good singers

>> No.71956141

>niji 2d karaoke = premium quality

Seanigger really do enjoy shit quality with over price tagging even though they cant afford shit and just do it for bragging rights

>> No.71956186
File: 2.30 MB, 802x500, 1691086076146016.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Livers go weeeeee

>> No.71956252

Sorry anon, I could feel the earthquake when Mori dances on the stage. That's proof enough that there is no skinwalking going on.

>> No.71956309

Bae could shake her hips to car horn type beat and it'd be higher quality than a 2d Niji concert.

>> No.71956314

Doing a helicopter 2d model spin is + 50$ on the ticket price please understand its hard to maintain rikus yacht

>> No.71956411

>Niji is banking the entirety of EN survival on this shitty concert that doesn't sale.
>Holo has already banked success with the Fes but mogs them with a 3D concert with cheaper prices.
Can't get a W no matter how hard they try. And sadly have managers too stupid to figure out shitty plans are not gonna work.

>> No.71956414

>Supply goes up, demand goes up = equilibrium
>Supply goes down, demand stays the same or increases = prices goes up
>Supply stays the same and demand increases = prince goes up (inflation)
>Supply stays the same, but demand decreases = price go down (niji's situation)
No Supply and no demand = what are you doing?

>> No.71956434

What's there to defend? The people who buy tickets will just get a refund anyway.

>> No.71956515

Whoever decided failed econ 101

>> No.71956592

They fucking pay for this shit? I feel sorry for Nijisis now...

>> No.71956764


>> No.71956827
File: 1.59 MB, 498x498, 1710445316642302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nijishitters would pay for singing Chinese shadow puppets

>> No.71956839

come on nijisisters. they need your help to fill up the venue. your seething wont help them

>> No.71956840

>Failed mention KEK

I mean she puts in a lot of effort but she isn't an amazing singer, she's probably the best dancer in hololive though. I would say Marine is better then her. As for Mori, she's a good musician, its just if you like her music or not.

>> No.71957071
File: 2.68 MB, 1920x1080, 1682763897226816.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder Nijikek.

>> No.71957075

Couldnt they just have gotten Risu and Moona/Kobo instead.

>> No.71957132

Does Ollie have a song with screaming in it?

>> No.71957215

Maybe they have other projects to work on or simply just didn't want to do it so close to the fes, it's a lot of work and you have to be a somewhat dedicated performer to keep up. Regardless, I'm glad they give opportunities like this to sidebranches and relatively lesser known Holos like Reine instead of pushing nobody but Marine/Pekora/Suisei/Miko and a few others from the upper echelon.

>> No.71957227

that anon wants (You)s, i'm not giving it to him
as you say, she dances, 3d benefits from that, which makes her shows top tier.
and agreed with mori, I like some of her songs

>> No.71957246

don't act like viv:id wasn't prerecorded, anon.

>> No.71957340

Of course I would have to pay extra to support my oshi, knowing riku tazumi gets the majority of what I pay them for

>> No.71957419

Love how the use of this image has evolved over time.

>> No.71957657

I mean they watch a lot of our western movie garbage so their tastes are probably fucked.

>> No.71957993

Ollie has more talent as a performer in her pinky finger than the entirety of NijiEN, and I don't even like Ollie.

>> No.71958252

You do realize this is not them trying to mog the Rhapsody? They already did the Holofes, this is just extra stuff to Australia. Just being 3D makes the concert objectively better.
Holo doesn't even need to bring their best and everything is objectively better.

>> No.71958415

oh no no no, saplings, our response?

>> No.71958499

There's just more interest in Nijisanji than Hololive out there in the real world.
Hololive has the basement-dweller audience on lockdown, but they won't be going to events.

>> No.71958503
File: 173 KB, 480x480, I MISS FAUNA UUUUU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71958812
File: 573 KB, 1600x2400, 1711010021168492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest response to that ratt is the fact that Fauna's dances was overly simple during Holofes. Definitely created by a choreographer trying to placate a girl who has neither the expertise nor the stamina for elaborate dances.

>> No.71958892

you didn't see holoexpo and holofes?

>> No.71958951

Except she wasn't in Japan. There has been no mention from the other girls.

>> No.71959002
File: 186 KB, 2000x967, FvlJZseacAA4I4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You pay for the premium quality

>> No.71959045

Do you even have friends? All my normie friends know what a "Hololive" is. Only my fujo friend knew what a Nijisanji is (and she only watches JP). As a fan of Niji through Pomu/Selen/Rosemi, I had to struggle explaining to them that Niji isn't just another part of Hololive.

>> No.71959563

fauna could recorded her performance at any point this year. that she wasn't in japan during fes means jack (except she doesn't care anymore but that's another can of worms w)

>> No.71960006

What is the "doesn't care anymore" rrat about? Sure she has always been sort off low energy but she's still been doing weird streams, collabs, and interactions with chat.

>> No.71960450

For that price? That's not even worth having the female Niji organs sitting on your dick

>> No.71960733

I presume anon means the lack of schedule and the frequent breaks she takes.

>> No.71961279

I know its hard for you nijis, but the fact that in nijisanji even twitter is skinwalked by management doesnt mean other vtuber companies skinwalk everything you can think off. Also if you watched you can tell if they are skinwalked at all just because the way each moves is unique.

>> No.71961450

Yeah but she streams at the same time, every time. A stream watching sapling would've already been free around that time or else they wouldn't have been a stream watching sapling in the first place.

Anon was just full of shit in that case.

>> No.71961468

Could be real life getting in the middle

>> No.71961747

yeah, you'd know all about that wouldn't you brownfeet

>> No.71962008

Are you saying that the sellers deliberately make the prices go up because of a high demand? That's not how supply and demand works.

>> No.71962372

>Low supply + High demand = Scarcity
>Scarcity = High Price
>Low demand + High supply = Abudance
>Abundance = Low Price
Think of it this way, If a chuuba you like streams 1 day a week, You're going to tune in no matter what so you don't miss it
But if they stream 7 days a week, You can afford to skip a few because they'll be streaming tomorrow anyway

>> No.71962463

Ah my bad i meant to reply >>71962008
for >>71954452

>> No.71963852

If you are somehow trying a career in comedy, know that your sense of humor is shit... You have 2 of the most succesful musically YouTubers in the world in Mori and Mari, and two of the best voices in Hololive in Bae and Towa. Does anyone outside of Enna even know how to sing in that premium group?

>> No.71963952

Who said is pre-recorded? There are pre-recorded stuff in Holofes, due to technological limitation, but solo-lives and concerts on this scale, are always live.

>> No.71964021


>> No.71964072

Funniest shit I've read today.

>> No.71964363

Out of the girls weakest singer is Finana by a long shot. Rest have history with singing. Out of the bois weakest is Shu.

>> No.71964454

He doesn't know that last NIJI Con had most of the songs prerecorded kek

>> No.71964536

the holo one has the garbage homobeggars and Marine. the niji one has almost everyone, including Elira, who mogs the entire holo lineup in singing. I'm gladly paying more for the superior quality

>> No.71964992

>USD140 in SEA
they better be singing and dancing for at least three hours straight or else it's a massive ripoff

>> No.71965475

Niji sisters reminds me of the Trump MAGA Cult. They say that they can do nothing wrong even if the reality says otherwise.

>> No.71965739

>succesful musically YouTubers
You do know that this is not an indication of quality right? This has been the case for 50+ years with the music industry and 20+ years for internet celebrities and adding Vtubers doesn't suddenly change that.
>two of the best voices in Hololive
Yes but that doesn't again indicate anything comparative to anyone who isn't a fan of the company already
All you're really saying is that Hololive has an equivalent and that people will pay for it. Nothing the poster said is untrue aside from tone and bashing the company directly for one of the weaknesses Hololive actually has with not having good enough singing talent on average. People support music from Hololive despite it lacking because of everything else in the experience from the talent to production value and charm. You can see this very clearly with Blue Journey, it failed because a large part of it was trying to get people to support it without everything else Hololive usually has accompanying its music so all that was left was the music itself which failed for the most part trying to hold itself up on an objective level in the market.

>> No.71966798

Yup, premium quality shit. It's still shit but hey.

>> No.71968524


>> No.71969041

>What's with the niji costumes?
absolute dogshit designs.

also, Shu's expression lol, he's not having it

>> No.71971503

Its got Millie, im buying that. On the other hand, where's Suisei or Pekora, wheres the ones that could sing, i'd change my mind just for the ʇɐᴚ but both sides have shit line up.

>> No.71971793

>Premium quality
>nijiEN chuba sing

>> No.71972120
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>> No.71972145

>premium quality
I'm expecting a repeat of the Tumblr convention and technical fuck ups with no refunds.
Also the rise in prices is most likepy so they can get enough money to pump into stocks once again.

>> No.71972227


>> No.71972942

You motherfucking holofaggots really baited me into watching Towa/Bae, my ears have never been so offended. They both sound like chain smoking men. What the fuck is wrong with you all???

>> No.71973063

No wonder NijiCN walking thinking they can't do no wrong, got the sisters rimming their ass 24/7 thinking their shit taste like gold. Please, respect yourself more.

>> No.71973199

By huffing glue mixed with copium

>> No.71973765

This has happened since forever, one of the reasons why pomufags and selenfags wishing for holos are delusional, they did it with luna and, while she was successful, the hordes of nijifags shitting everything up disuaded them of ever repeating it.

>> No.71974952

Ffs is that what they meant by spinning!?

>> No.71977053

>male and female separate
>implying that's a bad thing
What the fuck are you arguing in favor of, isn't that what you fuckers want? Imagine the outcry if the Holostars were sharing the same stage as the girls. You're such a retard.

>> No.71977946

I know people go >males, but if they were really playing by their JP rules not counting the shit canned live a few years ago they'd throw everyone on the same show and it would save the super fans some cash instead of having to double dip. The popular streamable link with society man singing with the girls shows that if they had actually talented people it could be kino (they don't have any good talented people worth investing money to see live, Enna has a beautiful voice but she's a shit person). Also 2D models LOL

>> No.71978029

You are retarded. Literally just Mori and Toa alone are worth more than every single NIJI EN member combined. You are coping hard, sister.

>> No.71978338

>I feel sorry for Nijisis now
To me now they look even more stupid

>> No.71978375

But that's not how it works, you retard.

>> No.71978380

Yeah for all the shit Mori gets, her music career mogs everyone in the EN vtubing sphere. Enna sings karaoke, Mori makes music. That's a key difference

>> No.71978635

niji defenders aren't buying tickets kek

>> No.71982133

Enna straight up admitted to just loafing around, and then getting into Nijisanji because she knew people there already. While Mori moved to Japan and had to teach english to students between gigs, to scrape by for her passion, or face being booted back to the US. The difference is huge.

>> No.71983072

>Above: 2 Holomems each from JP, EN and ID and branches
>Below: Just EN branch clique members

>> No.71983883

The clique rrat has got to be the dumbest shit to ever be muttered unironically. I can even explain this in Pokemon terms

>Gen 1 is the first Gen and has OG status so the Pokemon there are the most recognizable and famous. This leads to them being featured more in merch and crossovers
>Gen 3 is also OG, introduces more recognizable Pokemon so they're featured in a lot of merchandise too
>Gen 4 and Gen 5 are fan favorites and are massively successful due to being people's introduction to the series as well as bringing more people into the series. A lot of people's favorite pokemon are in this gen so they get more merchandise and are in more crossovers
>All the Gens after 5 haven't reached the same level of fame as the first 5 gens got

Is it simple enough for you?

>> No.71983967
File: 112 KB, 419x1511, 1710441234632206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if we assume the clique is just a rrat with no meaning and the people who got in through nepotism did nothing else, how does that explain the merch?

>> No.71984134
File: 107 KB, 720x405, 10240827295086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>110.48 dollars for normal seat
Why the hell is this NijiEN "concert" so goddamn expensive? I am genuinely don't understand.

>> No.71984144

Bae and Mori aren't bad. They have their own energy.

Well that's just fucking wrong.

>> No.71984343
File: 82 KB, 720x720, Phrenic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine is in this?? Nice!

My body is so ready for more 3D Marine jiggles.

>> No.71984481

First 5 gens have the most recognizable Pokemon that are a lot of people's favorites. The Pokemon hype started to die down during Gen 6 so Nintendo makes more merch of Pokemon like Charizard and Lucario instead of Diggersby and Appletun

>> No.71984752

I already got mine, see you at the show HoloChads

>> No.71984774

I can feel the NDF seethe radiating from this post. Keep up the good work, you fucking loser.

>> No.71985198
File: 281 KB, 1280x720, 1710507149481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has got to be the most embarrassing NDF cope I've ever seen.

>> No.71985704

This shit cost $80? Seriously?!

It's no different from a normal collab stream.

>> No.71985930

>t. least obvious Holo anti

>> No.71986266

Elira is Charizard. A Pokemon way past its prime that has to be absolutely pandered to (Mega Evolution and Dynamax) so people even think of using it.

>> No.71986368

Yeah somehow Elira has more than the rest of EN and even a lot of JP despite not being the higest earner in her own branch.

Fuck off with that shit, dumbass NDF.

>> No.71986592
File: 216 KB, 490x490, 1410837571572956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elira is Charizard
And you are a retard. Now fuck off.

>> No.71986597

People actually think Pokemon are used because they're meta and not because they're cool or cute? The average Pokemon player doesn't give a fuck about stats, they see a cute pokemon, catch it and use it for the rest of the game depending on if they like it or not. No one's favorite pokemon is Calyrex

>> No.71986848

Elira is Gen 1 and is practically EN Pikachu. Just because Fire Red didn't sell as much Emerald doesn't mean Gen 1 doesn't have the most recognizable Pokemon.

>> No.71986865

>Elira is Charizard
Next you'll say Enna is some sort of messiah.

>> No.71987001
File: 1.32 MB, 640x360, 1508918614872656.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elira is EN Pikachu

>> No.71987103

Kill yourself, Elira.

>> No.71987733

Gentlemen, this right here is an example how the NDF losers try to act smart only to fail miserably.

>> No.71987862

>Say that Elira is old and busted

>> No.71987876
File: 3.14 MB, 960x540, 1710646997977449.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even resellers want that shit.
Nijiniggers BTFO again.

>> No.71988020

uhm I started seeing retards embarrass themselves against nijikeks of all people so better point out the obvious, one is a dedicated event with shell companies tailored for it while the other is a guest appearance in another event. There is no winner.

>> No.71988027

The holofags seethe in response to the truth. Who else was ever gonna be the mascot for EN but a Gen 1 that can bridge the gap between two different kinds of audiences? The most famous EN is Vox and tell me you think he's mascot material

>> No.71988287

What truth? You made shit up and expected people to agree with you. There is a word for that, delusional.

>> No.71988652

Gen 1 having OG status and being marketable isn't making shit up. Denying basic marketing techniques makes you a seething faggot

>> No.71988878

Basic marketing techniques would be not turning yourself into a pariah in a small niche market, and then thinking that shitting up social media as a form of PR outreach to save face would be a good idea - makes you the seething faggot, faggot. Pikachu is likable, people have fond memories of the First Gens, but have moved on. Your framework does not even fit here. But sure, keep playing with insults as if that gives you more credibility. We will be here laughing at you, if you ever feel lonely.

>> No.71989177

>turning yourself into a pariah
A GURrat faggot reveals himself. If you don't understand why a company would shill an OG member that can bridge the gap between the original branch and EN, you're a genuine retard lost in delusion. No one has moved on from Pikachu or Gen 1, they're constantly fitting gen one Pokemon into the new games somehow. Face reality or kill yourself

>> No.71989274

Oh no did I ruin your nijinigger delusions?

>> No.71989424


>> No.71989426

You lost your argument so you're now seething and playing up a troll persona. You're not fit for the real world. Time to take your meds or kill yourself

>> No.71989440
File: 25 KB, 633x415, 1683952309616915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71989494

I'll never be able to fully immerse myself in vtuber stuff because of stuff like this

>> No.71989954

The only argument I'm losing is against the delusional world that only exist in your head and that is no loss at all

>> No.71990112

This thread contain the most pathetic nijicope I ever seen. It's so bad that I couldn't believe that those are made by real person.
Do Nijisanji outsource their NDF to AI nowadays since they ran out of steam gift cards?

>> No.71990118

They still push the skinwalker rrat despite Ame literally forgetting the choreography in the middle of her group song last year and Ina’s shopping cart routine, I don’t think pointing out the obvious is going to work. Fauna’s the one who’s pretty much confirmed to be prerecorded though.
Probably more a matter of Holofes being really close to her birthday and having to do all the prep for that, since she didn’t prerecord a 3D Live as well.
Enna herself is a deadbeat, she’d probably be the first to admit she’s nowhere near Mori’s level.

>> No.71990242

>Enna herself is a deadbeat

>> No.71990473

Explain what she’s done to bridge that gap.

>> No.71990882

She says so, and there’s enough evidence from before NijiEN to back it up. She’s a horrible nasty bitch, but she acknowledges that HoloEN is better than her.

>> No.71991824

Would Riku let them buy a NijiSanji Ballpit?

>> No.71992103

Don't watch it if you're poor, EASY.

>> No.71992364

Being the middle of a spitroats.

>> No.71992968

And you believe her?

>> No.71993591

Enna alone mogs everyone with her singing ability.

>> No.71996596

This is the point where you ask "what am I doing with my life?"

>> No.71996812

No reason not to. Not like she’s ever been caught shitting on HoloEN.

>> No.72000303

*Laughs in Greninja*

>> No.72000336

God i fucking hate Nijisanji

>> No.72000454

Based (You) farmer. It's so easy isn't it

>> No.72001906
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>> No.72005160

you don't

>> No.72006373
File: 224 KB, 615x544, 1661153660510627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hololive prices are incorrect, it doesn't include the $45 AUD entry for the event. Then add $89 AUD for the premium seating or $49 AUD for the standard upgrade.
So it's actually,
$87.42 for premium
$61.32 for standard and
$29.36 for the first come first served entry
Please delete your bait and repost it with the correct pricing OP thank you

>> No.72009431


>> No.72009636

They are having fun.
The westoid lack of sincerity and fear of being made fun of by people will prevent you from ever understanding it.

>> No.72009711

Will the niji concert get chairs or will it get cancelled?

>> No.72010186

>>Removed merch purchase limit cause no one is buying them
Because people were complaining about the limit, you can literally see their replies
>>Removed ticket purchase limit cause no one is buying them either
This didn’t happen, and you can literally see someone confused about still being limited to buying one ticket in the replies

>> No.72010551

Delusional. You really expect Fauna to have learned multiple dance routines in less than a month? Not to mention nobody said she was in Japan. Keep seething crapling.

>> No.72010625
File: 1.52 MB, 1811x766, image_2024-03-21_231554452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might actually be AI slop. Look at Konosaki Media's barely month old account

>> No.72010794

What about that means it’s AI

>> No.72010802

If Niji is "premium" quality, then Id be happy going with the more accessible choice. After all, Nijisanji does not need my money

>> No.72010971

no name tiny "company" handling it., art is sus

>> No.72011033

How do you even know that’s the company “handling” the art? If you look at the art in its full resolution it’s not sus either, just mediocre

>> No.72011050

The irony of this statement as he cries out "Elira was on petras stream!!! she isnt getting terminated" once he finds out that was recorded in june last year

>> No.72011071


Like fucking clockwork.

>> No.72011098

Anon, I ...

>> No.72011255

there's no credits, so what else would Konosaki Media be handling?

>> No.72011367

Do you realize there are other companies listed besides that one in the image?

>> No.72011522

Do you realize how weird it looks that a company seems to exist solely to promote this?
Aside from having no legit follower count, all they promote is V Rhapsody and no other project.
They were literally made for this that it makes you wonder who actually is behind the account.
Even calling them company may be generous cause this looks just like someone shilling Niji than being a legitimate agency.

>> No.72011727

>They were literally made for this
So? There are other credible companies listed as working on it, it’s a collaborative event of all those companies. Not to mention this doesn’t even have anything to do with the art anymore

>> No.72011751

When this was first announced people assumed it was a scam kek

>> No.72012808

Source: trust me bro

>> No.72012816

>much more expensive
>2D karaoke spinning
>shit designs/promo art
>it's all clique members and Luca

>premium quality


>> No.72013005

The only person in Gen 1 to fluently speak Japanese in which she was the translator for different EN to JP collabs and practically made sure all the new members felt comfortable in the company. So she is marketable as a gen 1 in EN and would also have fans in JP since they can understand her

>> No.72013036

what i'm saying is even viv:id cruise concert is miles better because they used full 3d model even though they prerecorded that shit.
and this niji concert is more like that rather than a holofes or sololive concert.

>> No.72013259
File: 1.38 MB, 3840x2160, GIyGmYsbkAA22oO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, it IS AI slop, wtf?

>> No.72013423

One of the memes she was spewing out is a year outdated and the last time it was mentioned was back then

>> No.72013477

That’s not what AI slop looks like

>> No.72013665

it seems like a modified AI slop though.
look at the bird.

>> No.72013749
File: 50 KB, 809x535, 1711088559223794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72013774

What’s wrong with it

>> No.72013881

the whole art is either modified AI or the artist did an extremely poor job on finishing it.

>> No.72013900

You have to point out what you’re talking about

>> No.72013909

Damn how did Uki fuse his hands together like that
It's got no shadow

>> No.72014037

This shit is not AI the artist just isn’t very good, and how are Uki’s hands merged? There’s a clear sense of depth between the two

>> No.72014068

its legs, shadows, pattern on their clothes, it feels like its an unfinished asset or they use AI and edit it. almost feels like they don't have time or money to finish it properly.

>> No.72014082
File: 540 KB, 1536x712, Not Ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird bending in fingers and a hand is backwards.

>> No.72014226

This is just nitpicking, not pointing out anything that actually looks like AI. The fingers unironically look fine. The only weird thing there is the bird’s foot. Which hand is backwards?

>> No.72014274

both aren't worth it

the only holo who could ever sing was aki, noone there can sing.

>> No.72014323

then it's just bad, unfinished art huh.

>> No.72014355
File: 258 KB, 1118x783, not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your palms point forward not back when tumb is down. Huge issue with AI.

>> No.72014414

He’s wearing a glove, how can you tell that’s not his palm?

>> No.72014455

gloves dont reverse your hands

>> No.72014481

I’m saying there’s nothing pointing to his hand being reversed

>> No.72014505

other than........ his band
are you even human? post your hand right now in the same pose

>> No.72014544
File: 579 KB, 352x192, momotaros-kamen-rider-den-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random Momotaros post.

>> No.72014562

Bro what Im asking is how you can tell that’s the back of his hand? It didn’t even register that way for me and it could be his palm since you can’t see any defining details

>> No.72014616

Look at his tumb. Then look at yours. Look at the curve of his tumb towards his knuckles. Then at Yours. Then curve of his fingers. Then look at your hand again.

>> No.72014740

The fact that his thumb is curved inward? Your thumb can curve inward no matter the position

>> No.72014799

it looks like if he turned his hand properly his thumb would be upside down from where it should normally be

>> No.72014894

Alright I’m too tired to argue about this now but it still looks like his palm to me since the hand looks like it’s coming inwards, but I can see why you would think the opposite, I think the art is just amateurish

>> No.72015011

There has to be something more to this. How can a live, 2D karaoke cost 80 bucks in a SEA country? I'm sure that's in the price range of ticket for actual concert, with a stage and live band, featuring flesh celeb.

>> No.72015099

80's only a bit lower than the recent taylor swift concert in Singapore, so yes it's a hufe ripoff.

>> No.72015510

Actual fucking bugman holy shit

>> No.72015832
File: 128 KB, 1079x1119, GFynUWAWkAAg4XI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more, sister. go ahead post the dox just like you did everytime on doxx site

>> No.72017150

I dont like Mori but she is far more popular than all of the Niji trash in the picrel combined
By having labeled artist from Universal Music alone, the price should be higher than your Niji trash

>> No.72017188

>Shu 4 fingers

>> No.72017652

KEK, resorting to calling me a holo-anti for the truth??? Sorry I’m not a faggot who likes disgusting male voices like Bae and Towa’s. Mori is awful too. The only one in that entire Holo line up who can objectively sing relatively well is Marine. The only EN girls who can sing well are Gura, Mumei, FWMC and Nerissa, but strangely they’re not there. It’s almost like they’re trying to sell based on popularity rather than skill.

Meanwhile, Niji’s line-up consists entirely of utaite who are objectively better singers. I would watch Niji’s simply because it wouldn’t wreck my ears.

Either way, I’m a fan of genuinely decent singers, I don’t give a shit about which company they’re in.

>> No.72017719

That dude the right, left hands 4 fingers. I counted more than 3 times

>> No.72017721

>I'm not an anti
>goes on a insane anti rant

>> No.72018081

No no, I don't mean enjoying a concert of some women pretending to be anime girls that like you, I mean paying 80 dollars to watch a 2D model spin or just move normally in what is practically a normal video that could be a normal collab stream. As a company you have to do better than that to justify the price and event. The guy on the left at least used some effects and shit

>> No.72018198

Yeah, because Finana and Elira are soooooooo popular and high demand. You fucking retard.
>she got most merch because she's... uh... popular! s-she uh... she understands J-Japanese and she... uh-popular in J-J-Japan a-and she made sure every new members felt "comfortable"!!
Hahahahahahahaha! Get a load of this coping retard

>> No.72018244

>fan of Miko, Pekora, Marine, Gura, Mumei, Fauna, FWMC and Shiori

You faggots really call anyone who doesn’t love EVERY holo an “anti”, huh

>> No.72018299

>how do you do fellow hololive fans
>I hate the shit out of these hololive vtubers, also nijisanji is better
>not an hololive anti by the way
How fucking stupid do you take us for?

>> No.72018312

If your delusions is """truth""" then I am the king of the world. Bow down to me, you filthy pig.

>> No.72018345

>Yeah, because Finana and Elira are soooooooo popular and high demand.
NTA, but Elira is popular, just not the most popular. Finana on the other hand...

>> No.72018416

sister still thinks she is in her doxsite safespace the IQ there is in the single digits

>> No.72018773

NTA but the way you're praising those pathetic excuses of "singers" in NijiEN while shitting on Mori (an actual professional singer), Bae and Towa at the same time sure does make you look like a schizophrenic Nijifan/Holo-anti.

>> No.72018855

>Elira is popular
That's a funny joke.

>> No.72018961

that fag is an obvious elirafag who is desperately trying to defend his trash oshi by making shit up. sucks to be him.

>> No.72021213
File: 56 KB, 419x816, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta, but fucking a, reading this comment chain piss me off, do you not have hand? even if you're not an artist, it take 1 second to pose this and find out what wrong with it.

>> No.72021530

How the fuck would a low demand make the price go up? Hurr durr no one is buying the tickets, lets make it more expensive so no one can buy anymore hurr durr. Fucking retard. Please dont breed.

>> No.72021535
File: 678 KB, 1118x783, 1711094676669146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You subhuman retards piss me off, you are actual insects
especially you, if you can somehow maneuver your pinschers to draw, surely you can put your thumb on your head to see the pose is normal. Grab the back of your neck right now and tell me if your thumb is pointing down or up.

>> No.72021945

>adds in imaginary details that arent there

>> No.72022066
File: 63 KB, 178x191, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open your chink eyes.

>> No.72022646

>bugman calling others chinks
You arent even human

>> No.72022794

> What's there to defend? You pay for the premium quality

running out of money already enna?

>> No.72022860

Is that why they're ok with ai art? They dont know what humans look like

>> No.72024379
File: 655 KB, 1118x1566, retard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sister, don't add imaginary details and ignore other. I know what you draw should be the natural pose, but that not what the artist/ai drawn.

>> No.72024734

So you are retarded, got it. You drew the same red marking that I did for his hand placement. The other anons thought his thumb was facing up. It is clearly facing down. Thanks for admitting it, and admitting you've never seen gloves in your life if you think stitching is only on one side of the glove.
>that question mark
In real life, when an object is behind another object, it becomes obscured. The reason you can't see the tips of his fingers is because his hand is behind his head. Do you get it now, you mouthbreathing drooling cunt?

>> No.72025145

>the truth
>Mori alone worth more than the whole NijiEN
nice cope LOL

>> No.72026011

I'd pay that sort of price only if Chima was there.

>> No.72026374

godam retard chink. I color it similar to the way you did to show how retarded it look without the bullshit redraw. the question mark mean you can put whatever you want there, it not gonna matter.
What I care about is what can be seen. His stubby index finger (that the artist drew, not your imaginary bs) is 1~1.5 knuckle long, look at it length compare to the thumb. Hence the "crab claw".
And the glove sew on one side, but never going into the center. And you completely ignore the leather padding issue.

all the good artist stop working with NijiEN so they either using AI or pulling out from the bottom of the barrel. stop defending trash.

>> No.72026573

Also isn't that guy on the left part of a literally who tier company (if not indie) and well Niji is from one of the largest Vtubing companies in the world?

>> No.72027309

The most expensive slideshow on the planet

>> No.72027455

Feels so surreal that niji vtubers will be wandering in my country. I wonder if they will be given money to have fun here. Hopefully they are paid better than I think they are.

>> No.72027944

I'd hang myself if I paid $200 for this
Why are they even larping as a idol company?

>> No.72029683

Ollie drives the prices down. Remove her and they could ask ten times as much.

>> No.72030065

That's just life in Singapore, everything expensive as shit over there

>> No.72030176

Stop falseflagging sister it's useless

>> No.72030389

>Premium quality

>> No.72034346


>> No.72034609

The Niji live ticket prices is in the same price range as AFA concert tickets and they somehow made AFA concert ticket prices look reasonable.
And a side note, last year's AFA concert with HoloID and Chadcast talkshow on AFA stage? Tickets sold out within minutes. Singapore being Hololive territory is no joke.

t. Singaporean

>> No.72034743

I would only pay $60 to see Towa.

>> No.72036702 [DELETED] 

How in the fuck the normal seating is literally fucking quadrupled the price and the premium roughly tripled?

>> No.72036822 [DELETED] 

same anon I forgot to add in for Nijisanji regarding the pricing for their anon.

>> No.72036887

oh no sister,we lose again

>> No.72036986

How in the fuck the normal seating is literally fucking quadrupled the price and the premium roughly tripled? I wonder how many Nijisanji fans are really gonna fall for this pricing for their concert and etc.

>> No.72037079

When's the best time of year to visit. My parents are from Ipoh and I've never met any of my extended family
t. 1.5 gen leaf

>> No.72037158

It's so feminine!

>> No.72037369

There's no seasonal stuff since the country is pretty much smack on the equator. Monsoon season is borderline unpredictable these days too. Any time of the year is fine, really.

>> No.72037410

My mom always talks about night markets and really good Street food. Is this true?
