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71939985 No.71939985 [Reply] [Original]

cant stop beggin
wont stop beggin

>> No.71940047

>hourly reddit bait thread

>> No.71940064


>> No.71940096

They are always a communist tourist that hates the hobby or an anti that hates a particular girl/company

>> No.71940139

This, but less ESL and unironically.

>> No.71940169

why a commie in particular lmao?

>> No.71940172

so true sister

>> No.71940188

they had to fill their meaningless buzzword quota

>> No.71940199

mmm, true enough.

>> No.71940226

thanks, i knew i would have community support on this one. it's good we can all agree.

>> No.71940232

So true, Voxsisters! We got to take down the Stars and save male vtubing!

>> No.71940235

> Getting one guy'd
You Redditards and 4chanfags are embarrassing

>> No.71940239

unicorns are redditors.

>> No.71940337

I cant help but think every single early comment here is made by nijisister just to get some engagement in this topic to bait actual unicorn and homosister. Like every time these type of bait comes out, the first few comment is always the same.

>> No.71940386

This didn't warrant a thread.

>> No.71940401

Funny, reddit is usually pro unity and all that shit. Even they're getting tired of the homobegging.

>> No.71940421

Imagine getting your panties twisted from "Axel doko" when in the end it's just a harmless meme comment because Axel is also an Aussie

Reddit is basically more-sensitive 4chan but no slurs allowed

>> No.71940431

okay xorrag settle down we're just having a laff bruv

>> No.71940471

Sisters running here butt hurt about their homo huh? It just a bit of fun poking at the beggars who continue make themselves look like retards.

>> No.71940474


>> No.71940486

Get yourself a Burka-chuuba anon, take your purity-riddled mental illness out of here

>> No.71940519

>I-Imagine getting upset because someone mentioned a homo. T-that's totally not me right now as I furiously type on my keyboard in defense of the homo I lo--I mean HATE! GRRR I hate them so much!! So let's just stop these threads please??

>> No.71940544

>Unicorns are Redditors

>> No.71940761

> have their day someday soon
lol. . .

>> No.71940931

They are ugly both inside and out subversives that have to mold every single aspect of life to be pozzed.
Communist subhumans have always been historically very big into 'woman exact same as man', and in poor communist shitholes males married prostitutes to whored them out for pocket change, and they always had the easy way out of "it's just my kink officer". They are cuckniggers.

>> No.71940976

>Everyone hates homobeggars, from reddit to /here/ to YouTube comments
I guess we're not the vocal minority you keep insisting we are, homobegging Twitards.

>> No.71941022

I'm not a "homobegger" retard. Go back nigger.

>> No.71941234

He's one of the homobeggar leaders, isn't he?

>> No.71941292

>unibros getting one guy'd
tale as old as time

>> No.71941569

>Seething beggars inserting his homofaliures nobody cares about everywhere is le based

>> No.71941750

I still don't understand why Cover is forcing Marine into events like this. She is not popular enough to warrant this kind of shilling. No one going to dreamhack knows her or will be interested in watching her.

>> No.71942097

Wow, is this a who's more retarded competition?
One faggot randomly inserts a homostar, the other can't even fucking read (that you, OP?).
>This is a Hololive event
When it clearly says "hololive production" throughout the text.

>> No.71942432

How delusional are these people? Do they really want to have a mixed concert and 90% of the audience go into an awkward silence when it's the homos turn to sing?

>> No.71942610

These people are shitposting, but if you really believe that's what would happen you are pretty delusional yourself.

>> No.71942705

These retards don't even watch or care for the boys.

>> No.71942786

Anon, excuse me, but what exactly were you doing on reddit and on that subreddit in particular?

>> No.71942888
File: 462 KB, 1536x2048, 1708287222910257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's room for reasonable doubt on whether or not homobeggars are actually female

>> No.71942988

Nijisisters and homobeggars are two sides of the same cancer

>> No.71943013
File: 56 KB, 672x709, ChWIqME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be like the FWMC silence but on a whole stadium.

>> No.71945352


>> No.71945956

kys ernoul

>> No.71946009

it's shorter than typing "disingenuous faggot"

>> No.71946135
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>> No.71946296

You both look fat and ugly. Unicorns and femcorns should just kiss and be used as reference for architects.

>> No.71946347

>can't stop whining
>won't stop whining

>> No.71946429

Holostar antis are redditors. It's been proven time and time again

>> No.71947798

I don't care about Holostars as long as they are not mixing up with Hololive. I'm not a plebbitor.

>> No.71947884

los goblinos americanos

>> No.71950471

It's xorrag

>> No.71951023

Holostar fans are Hololive antis. It's been proven time and time again.

>> No.71951276

Why are beggars like this? Do they feel no shame?

>> No.71951435

They identify with the beggar mentality and feel offended. The small group of actual homo fans I'd hope aren't that pathetic to keep grovelling for acceptance and relevance.

>> No.71951670

Why dont homobeggars watch the homos they beg these for?
>thousands of likes on twitter
>barely 400 people show up

>> No.71951862

It's literally been posted /here/ that at least one person does it just so it can be screencapped.

>> No.71952602

Anon, the guy's history is public. These type of homofags actually exist, sadly.

>> No.71952692

Go the fuck back, you're the one that made that post.

>> No.71953239

Well yeah you guys started it.

>> No.71953425

>>thousands of likes on Twitter
>thousands of views on vods
Idk seems like the math is mathing

>> No.71953674

At least you admit it.

>> No.71953957
File: 231 KB, 2164x1260, 1687888840717684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck does a blatant reddit post stay up for almost an entire day, while me posting the 4chan rules results in a ban?

>> No.71956633

It's as annoying as saying "Sana doko"

>> No.71957276

>active member vs graduated member

>> No.71959988
File: 558 KB, 1600x1200, 20240321_234008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would be like the FWMC silence but on a whole stadium.
that's how many people there are holostars fan right you don't remember huh

>> No.71960306

Because jannies are trannies.

>> No.71963021


>> No.71963209
File: 221 KB, 640x640, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive fans call Holostar talents homos and their fans fags and sisters
>Holostar fans banter back
>Hololive fans start crying about antis

>> No.71963296

Go back.

>> No.71963364

Mad because I'm right

>> No.71963442

Holostar fags... the cancer of hololive...

>> No.71963451

fair enough, Sana will always be related to hololive while the other will never be

>> No.71963787

That's it?

>> No.71964084
File: 3.18 MB, 1239x1314, 1772883460901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people keep using the meet & greet panel when this was the actual main area

>> No.71964793

Hey, daily reminder that the doxxsite admitted that they make these seethe posts to distract from Nijisanji EN's rolling trainwreck

>> No.71965514

> If homo and their faggot fans weren't perpetually trying to invade hololive space they wouldn't have noticed it

>> No.71965845

Good thing the event says "hololive production" and not "hololive"

>> No.71966100

It is weird to not put one of the only aussies in the event, who coincidentally just got 3D.
I don't even like Axel because he's a sexpest, but it's a fair question.

>> No.71966149

>Reddit is basically more sensitive 4chan but no slurs allowed
You’re just now realizing this?

>> No.71968007

They will die out eventually.

>> No.71969057


>> No.71972099

Always have been.

>> No.71973369

My dude, just because a couple of noisy unfuckable incels are seething each time they hear of Holostar, that doesn't mean that the fanbase at large is that petty. Most Hololive fans are not mentally challenged. Even here, the number of such retards is limited. You all bullshit yourself that any interaction with Holostars or men is having some negative impact on the girls, or that peoples give a shit, but is all mostly bullshit. So calm your pants... maybe 5-10% would be silent, but the +90% would just enjoy the show.

>> No.71978676

based beggars

>> No.71981854

this is not your soapbox split-personality-chama

>> No.71982123

>29 down votes to the homobeggar comment
I guess sometimes reddit can be based too.

>> No.71982569

>The homobeggar seethes

>> No.71985584

I feel like the definition has drifted a tad far.

>> No.71987488

i'm gonna go and glass any cunt who mentions the homos

>> No.71990229

>and their fans fags and sisters
Sisters are offensive? I thought was equivalent to "bros"
They are not straight male Holostars fans. Liking stars is like a major criteria for homosexuality, even more than sucks dicks.

>> No.71990422
File: 703 KB, 256x256, crunchytowa[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz0ieix.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't they invite Towa?

>> No.71990932
File: 463 KB, 843x667, NDF Sisters are behind STARS EN Catalog Bait Threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71992092


>> No.71993393

Oh, FFS I just realized I don't have the one these fuckers admit making all HoloStars Bait threads in the catalog and spamming StarsEN/JP bait in global and #

>> No.71993609

Yes, it's a different from the one in the top comment, longer, and it has a follow-up chain of comments. There's also one with them planing all the streams in their "Sisters and Males Sisters" discord.
