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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71911049 No.71911049 [Reply] [Original]

Mumei is dead, this is the actual literal unironical very real definitive downfall of holoEN

>> No.71911169

sorry i dont like whores. ill stick with gura

>> No.71911185

Guwr Gara....

>> No.71911251

even uses Gura's actual streaming background

>> No.71911275

Legend says that in our darkest hour, Rindo will return.

>> No.71911340

>gura killer
Why would you label her like this? Do you hate her that much and wish to see her fail?
Everyone knows it's a curse. She'll probably have a career ending yab within a month now.

>> No.71911384

I hope it's a sex tape.

>> No.71912556

Holy ripoff

>> No.71912683

Im fine with people ripping her off, not like she ever streams, so might as well use a likeless of a vtuber model that never gets used.

>> No.71912721

whatever happened to that salmon girl who was also a gura ripoff?

>> No.71913160

Oh wow, thanks for showing her! She has been reported.

>> No.71913286

Wasn’t Yuki the one that freaked out about being called a clone? She looks even more the part now, not less,

>> No.71913919

You are thinking about Yuko from IdolEN, this is another girl

>> No.71913969


>> No.71914369


>> No.71914483
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>> No.71914613

Indefinite health hiatus

>> No.71914783

>Rawg Ruga

>> No.71914978

the gura skinwalker

>> No.71915031

imagine being the rigger that gets the request to make a legally distinct gura, it makes me LOL for some reason
anyway she seems cute i'll try to catch her next stream

>> No.71915117

dude dont watch her. shes ripping off gura and hololive IP

if you support her you hurt gura

>> No.71915159

Fucking embarrassing, rumao

>> No.71915193

Filling the void now that Gura has quit streaming. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.71915224

i don't think the girl in that image is even streaming anymore.

>> No.71915244

>they don't know gura's previous persona was a direct ripoff from an anime she liked

>> No.71915294

Nta and she's obviously a complete clone but that's like saying the small takeaway around the corner from my house with KFC style branding is hurting the actual KFC.

>> No.71915377

The model was because she was an indie and didn't even take streaming that seriously; how does that change this >>71914483 ?
She wasn't ripping-off another streamer.

>> No.71915395

>last live: 2 hours ago

>> No.71915477

So do we like her or not?

Someone tell me how i should feel about her

>> No.71915493

changes it by showing it's alright to do
seethe more

>> No.71915511

well i'll be damned.
still, not the girl from OP.

>> No.71915627

Lol, I'm not seething I haven't watched Gura since 2022. But I've no love for indies who are so devoid of talent they feel the need to completely imitate other, more successful streamers.
Also, as I said:
>She wasn't ripping-off another streamer.

>> No.71915908

anon we are talking about designs. not-gura ripped off an anime girl to create an anime girl. that anime also had people making it, you tell me why a streamer is more important than a voice actress or anime director etc.

>> No.71916184
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she has completed her transformation

>> No.71916479

The audience of an anime is not going to stop watching that anime because an alcoholic shitposter decides to use a character from it as a vtuber model. They're completely different mediums. It's not going to financially harm the creators of the anime. If another anime used the same design then yeah that's absolutely wrong.

>> No.71916703

This is old news and people already harassed her on twitter for it. If I remember she's just a dumb kid. No need to dig up old drama

>> No.71916811

plenty of people have said they're watching less anime since they've started watching vtubers, myself included. they're competing for the same demographic (weebs) and same resource (attention)

>> No.71918005

yeah whoops not my intention, just peeked into the archive and found that funny.

>> No.71921015

>Mumei is dead
no, she isn't

>> No.71922463
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As a chumbud, can't be mad at attempts to copy Gura. They fail drastically.
Countless attempts in China during Gura's initial rise. Needless to say, they all failed.
/vt/ Give her some support. Gura is her oshi.

>> No.71922570

no blue dorito = shit tuber

>> No.71922911

Fuck off, pissfag

>> No.71923074

>mom can we get Gawr Gura?
>we have Gawr Gura at home
>Gawr Gura at home:

>> No.71923318

That's cute that she just wanted to be like Gura and it hurts me that people attacked her for it.

Fuck you gay niggers that did that.

>> No.71924227

>Yuki Yano: Streams
>Gawr Gura: Doesn't stream
Gura killed LEGIT

>> No.71925238
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I try to watch vtubers, I really do but I just can't last longer than 30 seconds without coming to the realization that either these livestreams are made for kids or those with very special needs. Somebody please explain to me what the appeal is.

>> No.71925855

You just gotta find someone who works for you. I also find the majority of vtubers streams boring and usually only watch if the content that day is something I'm particularly interested in.

I'm gonna shill Pipkin Pippa because she's consistently entertaining, give her a try.

>> No.71926290

I was hoping to find somebody like Yuki in the OP that is obscured or has a very low following. I want to build a relationship when they're first starting and watch someone grow.

>> No.71926336

You are a retard dude. It’s not a big deal.

>> No.71926491

why do people do this?

>> No.71926966

>When sisters think that Gura only became successful because of her model.

>> No.71928264

shes an indie vtuber who is obviously inspired by gura and probably oshi'd gura, cut her some slack bros please. its harmless and cute.

>> No.71933656

yuki cute!

>> No.71934581

Knowing this, I would keep an eye out just in case in 10 years or less she unironically jumps into the scene properly

>> No.71934779

>She actually gets the Gura pitch really well
Holy shit, she has potential in the long run if she drops the Guran't model eventually.
