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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71840151 No.71840151 [Reply] [Original]

one sleep til wife edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1770237411013833044

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>71814578

>> No.71840210

I love her so very much.

>> No.71840231


>> No.71840391
File: 175 KB, 555x165, 1690906830030778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she fucking retarded? what happened to doing shorter watchalongs? this is gonna end up being over 20 hours long in just pure runtime. what the fuck is she doing? lol

>> No.71840498

over 20 hours of discord sissy hypno? kino

>> No.71840512

King D keeps winning

>> No.71840601

its on chama you fucking faggot, go spam some other thread with your brainless drivel

>> No.71840626

>less time with wife is... le good!!!
kill yourself useless piece of shit
anyone who suggested shorter watchalongs should be harassed and driven to suicide

>> No.71840643

already off to a good anti thread, keep it up lads

>> No.71840689

point out the antis for me

>> No.71840729



>> No.71840744
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love fallenshadow! a lot! really! so much it hurts! i hate when she isnt around! it causes me physical pain! but i still love her! love love love love!

>> No.71840754

>less time with wife is... le good!!!
yes, her streaming for 24 hours will lead to a lot less wifey because she'll have to take the following week off to recuperate. how new?

>> No.71840778

They'll insist they're not antis though, the endless bitching is just "constructive criticism"
Dont you even think about defending her you filthy white knight

>> No.71840779

shes so stupid
how has she not fuckkng seen these films before lmao

>> No.71840801
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71840812

I made both of these posts btw and I'm her biggest anti and also I'm trans

>> No.71840841

OK blob enabler

>> No.71840860

those are jokes anon, or at least attempts at them
as unfunny as I consider them, they are attempts at humour

>> No.71840875

I think she should do a jar squat on discord
Shondo please consider the benefits

>> No.71840891

im not enabling i want you gay fucking faggots to stop bringing up other men

>> No.71840893

nigga did you even read her tweets? she didn't think they were that long so her own logic is in line with the illusive "anti" that's living rent free in your mind. this is why white knights are retarded.

>> No.71840929

shondo in my arms

>> No.71840971

50 hours ain’t that long yeah

>> No.71840973

usually im against the 'white knight' narrative but seeing you guys already bend over backwards to excuse her mistake really brings me on board with it

>> No.71840986

The cyborg is pissed tonight for some reason

>> No.71841014

why is she having a melty over this

>> No.71841017

why does she keep interacting with neppie, this has to be some unhealthy obsession, just let it go woman

>> No.71841049

I was making a more general response about the past who knows how many threads that feature what I described
I know looking at the bigger picture is hard but I'll give you a cookie

>> No.71841107

Shondo, we were literally only expecting the 3 LotR movies and that's it. Literally, take a breather and chill out.

>> No.71841126

ah yes of course, you randomly starting talking about past threads for no reason. that makes so much sense, shogger

>> No.71841136

To cope with jealousy. I also interact with husbands I feel jealous about more and it helps

>> No.71841145

hardest working schizo loli on the internet cant spend 5 minutes researching a film series she schedules for a watchalong nor has she ever read or watched one of the biggest books/film series of all time

>> No.71841247

the lolcow arc continues kek

>> No.71841252

some of you "husbands" here dont seem to understand her ;)

>> No.71841260

really explains why she runs into technical failures so often
what does she do all day? Blue archive and doomscroll?

>> No.71841267

probably because i've been watching her half life lets play recently

>> No.71841297

>makes a mistake
>thread completely melts down
"Grown men"

>> No.71841303

Your lack of reading comprehension is concerning to say the least

>> No.71841350

I think the issue is more that she seems to be trying to blame everyone else for her mistake.

>> No.71841367

Almost none of them do
Shondo does a fucky wucky and half of the apes here freak out like an abusive dad

>> No.71841400

It's some kind of message to me specifically. I'll try to decipher it.

>> No.71841418

your gay and gay and also gay

>> No.71841422

not even just here, they were losing their minds in her replies too

>> No.71841428


>> No.71841429

>clearly in the wrong
>double downs
>triples down
>quadruples down
you're an embarrassment to yourself, your family and shondo

>> No.71841523

schedule v2: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1770243516792242233

>> No.71841541

nooooo you can't make a funny when she does an ooopsie!!!! you're an hecking ANTI!!!!

>> No.71841566

>I cant tell what she is cooking
>Shondo, I believe you incorrectly calculated the length of the watchalong

>> No.71841576

There is a heavy overlap, a lot of those are also the ones here. Half the threads are about getting likes and replies from her

>> No.71841621

her newfag white knights are something else man

>> No.71841642

Yeah, and look at her responses to people telling her the runtime would be over 20 hours.

>> No.71841641

bad vibes here tonight, have fun with whatever you get up to shoggas

>> No.71841767

And that last tweet clearly shows she gave in
But I know thats not the narrative

>> No.71841810

to be fair what she was cooking looks delicious both as a grilled cheese and as a french toast

>> No.71841844

>proves them right with his post

>> No.71841855

kill yourself unironic retard
you piece of worthless shit are ruining everything for the true husbands

>> No.71841874

What narrative? You're the who jumps on any mild criticism of her as being unhinged anti behaviour. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.71841911

I can't believe some of you guys are actually upset about this...

>> No.71841935

I was going to complain about something but you guys made me look too sane with my opinion so I'll keep it to myself

>> No.71841946

you seem severely mentally ill. go whine to her on twitter about how she won't do your precious 24 hour watchalong now instead of being a faggot here. post your reply here afterwards so i can laugh at you

>> No.71841970

Are there people actually complaining about this?

>> No.71841975

Reminder that real husbands reply with "yes shondo" to her posts and schedules do the 50 hour watch along

>> No.71842003

Would have been funny to not tell her though

>> No.71842044

>people joke about a 24 hour watchalong
>white knights have insane melty

>> No.71842096

>youre melting down

>> No.71842113

literally me

>> No.71842122

Shondo if you're here please put out an update that you'll be proceeding as originally planned. Those who can't stay awake at their pc for the whole watchalong will be castrated
This is your chance for your own personal purge. Begin culling the numbers

>> No.71842180

She likes her viewers castrated though

>> No.71842203

name them xister

>> No.71842207

Wait longer than a minute

>> No.71842209

How many shoggas would die of gamer supps overload if she did?

>> No.71842259

its white ribbons whiteknighting

>> No.71842263

never respond to me again

>> No.71842312

>she didnt even ask oli about deadly premonition

>> No.71842319

i doubt it. the white knighting was never this retarded. it's newfags that recently found the board for sure. source: i'm a white ribbon.

>> No.71842331

Castrated viewers would lose the willpower to yearn for shondo, without that drive they become worthless
She also very much likes the idea of her viewers wanting to fidoodle her diddle

>> No.71842367

well i've been here all week and i'm not melting

>> No.71842373

i never expected the hobbit to be included
it specifically said LOTR and nobody ever mentioned the hobbit at all, why would people think it would be included?

>> No.71842387

kill yourself tourist/cliptard

>> No.71842388
File: 93 KB, 500x500, IMG_3654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Eyes closed. Head bowed. Hands raised in supplication to the heavens*
Somebody tag in racist Otis poster. Racist Otis poster if you can hear us. Please save us racist Otis poster. I’m asking please save us. I’m asking. In dear God’s name. Please save me. Please get these people away from me.

>> No.71842397

Shondo be very fucking careful in FTs stream going forward. There were 2 incidents where I considered it close to interacting with chat. One more slip up and I burn it to the ground

>> No.71842414

Maybe she didn't knew she played it idk

>> No.71842426

incorrect. i sent her the maro asking if she approves of me getting a vasectomy for her and she shot the idea down :(

>> No.71842465

because she included them

>> No.71842480

i remember this kek

>> No.71842511

aren't you already trying to do that by posting it here, in a vt thread, every time he streams?

>> No.71842536

Thank you for holding her to her word, accountability anon.

>> No.71842548

that's exactly what a white knighting white ribbon would say. syadouYay in chat right now

>> No.71842561

she interacted with me

>> No.71842571

its okay she just whispers me in chat anyway so none of you can see it :)

>> No.71842600


>> No.71842644

Shondo ballbusting session for those who argue against the watchalong
Beatings will continue until morale improves

>> No.71842660

before the schedule? the poll only said lotr?

>> No.71842672


>> No.71842676

you're not me

>> No.71842725

I was eating the gamerpowders by the spoonfull during the last marashon

>> No.71842745

shondo should sell chastity cages as merch

>> No.71842767

you too?

>> No.71842774

in the schedule
anon were you not here
she uploaded the schedule twice

>> No.71842813

wife interacted with little sister in xitter

>> No.71842851


>> No.71842866

no there wasn't, she only interacted with him and stuff he said

>> No.71842873

The American pussies immediately started whining like little bitches.
If you don't want to spend any 24 hours uninterrupted with your wife, she's not your wife. And don't look for stupid excuses. You whining faggots just took away this wonderful opportunity from the rest of us. Go cry to her again how it will disturb your activities when she can't leave the house.
It's funny how the picture changes once it comes to these scum. You're so pathetic.
I feel sorry for her. I hope she grows up and just throws out trash like you.

>> No.71842879

And a shock ring that goes around the base, except the remote was not shipped with it and is left with shondo

>> No.71842923

mouz isnt american

>> No.71842988

Agreed, this was her chance to not bend over for her abusers and tell them to fall in line

>> No.71842991

but why would people be indignant that she would fix the obvious error and include only the films that any reasonable person would expect?

>> No.71843078

can someone share a screenshot of the post she just replied to? i cant see it cause she blocked me

>> No.71843081

>obvious error

>> No.71843085

Would you go sex and masturbation free if it meant spending 24/7 with shondo

>> No.71843088

i would buy it if she kept the key and created an arg to find her to be unlocked

>> No.71843122

which one?

>> No.71843121

why do you want her to get sick and not stream for two weeks anon?

>> No.71843152

brit husbands run this shit :)

>> No.71843156

were pussy free sissy coded individual here so of course

>> No.71843170

Youre blocked by Oli? KEK
what did you do?

>> No.71843172

Because watching the thread melt down during her absence is hilarious

>> No.71843181

nvm it works now, i assemed it was a rima post because i couldnt see it

>> No.71843205

fair point desu

>> No.71843206

we run the twitch streams
americans get anything important

>> No.71843222

are the antis even trying today?

>> No.71843223

please whiteknightchama.... i didnt mean to insult the queen....

>> No.71843254

hunney has follow only

>> No.71843325

Do they ever try?

>> No.71843328

i hate shondo

>> No.71843330

why not?

>> No.71843333
File: 269 KB, 1536x2048, F7xNZ-IXwAMU1If.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear not my little nigglet, anyone not wanting 72hr marashon clearly had weak genetics. In one swoop, our Aryan Goddess categorized who she will choose for the bloodline.

>> No.71843358

collab incoming

>> No.71843375

I'm trying, please dont mock my efforts

>> No.71843441


>> No.71843457

no she doesn't

>> No.71843516

because i want to impregnate her 11 times to make a cricket team

>> No.71843531
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>> No.71843534

Did you question or object to the 24 hour watchalong?
If you said yes, you need to be sent to the shogger camp

>> No.71843541

cricket sucks

>> No.71843545

That whore better back away from my wifey shonshon or i'll have bapy take her out

>> No.71843552

i couldn't see the tweet and I've never heard of them

>> No.71843605
File: 235 KB, 412x556, 1708368407549143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the gentlemans game

>> No.71843652

i thought that was golf

>> No.71843656

Sorry, those words were out of place. I'm just pissed off how those faggots started deciding what she could and couldn't do because of their own schedules.
I don't want her ruining her health over this.

>> No.71843664

what's the chances she fixed any of the problems with deadly premonition

>> No.71843667

love me retarded balding hag kike wife, simple as

>> No.71843676

both are for gay men

>> No.71843728
File: 96 KB, 587x916, 1694052657795380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't follow her and see it just fine

>> No.71843749

possibly true

>> No.71843758

they both get called that but im not much of a golfer although there are a couple of courses near my home

>> No.71843776

absolutely 0

>> No.71843812
File: 601 KB, 782x802, 1681798706273409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black hair
>T50 eyes
>aryan goddess

>> No.71843830

>almost unironically called her babe in reply to her tweet
haha uh oh! that would have been a little too silly!!

>> No.71843839

it doesnt show as protected anymore, maybe she removed it?

>> No.71843900

someone should tell oli to fix it for her

>> No.71843921

Maybe, must have been literally <min though.

>> No.71843976

shes spiritually aryan, hitler told me so

>> No.71843990

wanna go sometime? my dad taught me to play for 5 minutes before I got bored

>> No.71843996

Would shoggers like uoh art even if it was traced? I feel bad there hasnt been much uoh art other than that koikatsu trash or very specific fetish stuff

>> No.71844036

Hello I think fallenshadow is cute

>> No.71844054
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>> No.71844078

sure shondo just DM me

>> No.71844093

Hello i think fallenshadow is ugly

>> No.71844121

I'll take whatever I can get except for ai slop if it means shondo fantasies fulfilled

>> No.71844146

>not catching up to where she was off stream in order to not waste time
thanks shondo awesome

>> No.71844161

Personally? yes if you both credit it and do it well.

>> No.71844163

fuck you

>> No.71844172
File: 163 KB, 404x305, F9idsJgXwAAAb7z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in the lynch, Niggji

>> No.71844214

Sorry shondo

>> No.71844215
File: 11 KB, 636x542, 20240309_090950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice i hope she can get where we were nice and quick and have fun

>> No.71844226

Hello I am the poster of "fallenshadow is cute"
Kill yourself

>> No.71844268

careful making these comments anon certain individuals dislike it

>> No.71844282

I missed this stream and havent watched the vod, is it worth watching now or should i be fine just watching the next stream?

>> No.71844331

mega important zatsu in that stream 100% must watch

>> No.71844394

as long as she skips everything she can shouldnt take that long at all to catch back up

>> No.71844408

she described her feet, that’s all I will tell you

>> No.71844442

thank you shoggas

>> No.71844541

she's going to watch lotr before hobbit right? hobbit movies would probably make it seem like a slog

>> No.71844590

that got removed from the vod along with the part where shondo stopped the stream and said directly to me that she loved me before continuing the stream

>> No.71844619

she's busy working very hard off stream on her various projects, anon

>> No.71844631

Read threads/tweets

>> No.71844652

Why are you trying to be me

>> No.71844714
File: 1.16 MB, 2293x1273, IMG_3245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s gonna be a great week I can feel it :) Gonna have to miss most of the LOTR bc of family stuff but that’s alright. It’s not the end of the world, life happens. :) I hope you guys have fun!

>> No.71844881

I hope you have a fun week too

>> No.71844901 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 720x720, Screenshot_20240319-180657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>71843996 (me)
Its very rushed i don't think i'll finish.
Not really into uoh stuff i just wanted to help my shiggies.

>> No.71844942

typical vtuber behavior, manufacture FOMO about fake information so when she gets called out for lying there's no proof

>> No.71844947
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love when she posts a little self-deprecating joke and her replies are full of people that took her seriously. it must unironically suck to be in her position and have this turbo autistic fanbase lmao

>> No.71844981

me on the right

>> No.71845024

she's working on all those projects that she didn't deliver on, trust her it'll be different this time smile and nod for the petty bitch

>> No.71845126

nah fuck her, she cultivated this mentally ill fanbase reap/sow etc.

>> No.71845143

whens the soya art? whens the next asmr? whens the gamer cup? whens the redebut? whens the next merch? whens the shondog? whens the subathon rewards? whens the....
did i get all of them?

>> No.71845267

vivi's model

>> No.71845278

Where's the shondo footjob meetup?

>> No.71845282

but to be fair, you should all kill yourselves

>> No.71845330

It was so good I made it again tonight :D

>> No.71845364

Finish it
I'm not asking

>> No.71845387

whens the JOI

>> No.71845425
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, IMG_7065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes I like to imagine we go out to the klub together and she gets her drank on and I have to carry her home like this.

>> No.71845450

why are you trying to be me?

>> No.71845464

she gets in her head about small shit like that all the time and was sadposting on alt. it's not unlikely she was somewhat serious.

>> No.71845488

i made a joke

>> No.71845534

that's me in the shunny

>> No.71845588

how could she be proud of any aspect of her life when the people that "support" her are subhuman garbage?

>> No.71845592

when will she love me for who i am

>> No.71845610

she loves me

>> No.71845621


>> No.71845646

she only loves da klubb and getting wasted, sorry anon

>> No.71845665

no, you are subhuman garbage and she puts up with you to not ruin the vibe

>> No.71845722

thats probably true, if what happened to fleece happened to me i wouldnt leave quietly like he did

>> No.71845753

whores attract each other

>> No.71845754
File: 1.99 MB, 423x498, klubbin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i need to visit all the klubs in the norf?

>> No.71845821

if you want to find shadowmama yeah

>> No.71845892

she doesn't like fleece but she still liked him more than the people that got less interaction so it's not a big leap to say she puts up with people she dislikes more because money

>> No.71845928

post the orig

>> No.71846049

>leave quietly
i guess he didnt really make a scene on stream or anything but i wouldnt call it quiet

>> No.71846109

You wouldn't do shit, pussy.

>> No.71846131

would have been quiet if her community wasn't so mentally ill and prone to gossip

>> No.71846158

she doesnt put up with me for my money stop saying that :(

>> No.71846163


>> No.71846195
File: 176 KB, 1080x1079, 1700406260124074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has shondo ever watched LotR before? I'm only spending an entire Saturday rewatching LotR if she hasn't seen it.

>> No.71846215

stop giving money for 2 months and find out

>> No.71846223

she hasnt

>> No.71846260

how could she be proud of any aspect of her life when the people that "support" her are subhuman garbage?
Father forgive me for I am about to respond to bait.
You don’t have to be rude, anon. Shondo has a very large community, which I’m sure is filled with many good people. She’s pulling in roughly 2k viewers a stream and you expect me to believe that all of them are loser dirtbags? Lol ogey retard.

>> No.71846354 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.37 MB, 1592x1150, illust_115794729_20240318_100217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can try but i cant promise it

>> No.71846356
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based, guess I know what I'm doing Saturday.

>> No.71846394
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>he fucked up the post formatting

>> No.71846395
File: 9 KB, 207x215, me_rn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearing shondo whisper in my ear
>We're maaaaarried,,,
it uh,,,it made my day

>captcha VY ART
Guess I'm making art of my virtual youtuber

>> No.71846474

me after beating shondo to the brink of death and throwing her in the basement

>> No.71846483

>ackshually you should say "a decent percentage" as you are implying 100% of her viewers are subhuman garbage

good luck with your autism

>> No.71846618

shondo should just shake that shit and smother my face with her shunny

>> No.71846646

if you're just someone watching stream you don't matter unironically

>> No.71846708

the perfectionism got her

>> No.71846798

How is that even possible?

>> No.71846816

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.71846898

She hates nerd shit

>> No.71846926


>> No.71846946

What a fucking brat, needs rape correction

>> No.71846975

lotr is one of the biggest movie franchises ever you stupid nigger how is it nerd shit

>> No.71847008

and yet she watches vtubers and plays videogames, curious!

>> No.71847050

Yours is better

>> No.71847095

Is LotR gonna be the first time she's watched a Christian movie on stream?

>> No.71847115

>if you’re just someone watching stream you don’t matter
>only theunspecifiable, arbitrary subsection of the community matters
>and only the arbitrary subsection that actually matters, they’re all shitbags
did I get that right?

>> No.71847147

so, why exactly do you want to just trace something instead of making something yourself

>> No.71847189

For money, nerds are highly exploitable consoomers. She admits herself she hates games and wouldnt play them off stream except phone games

>> No.71847264

the most obnoxious and visible are shitbags, but the lurkers may also be shitbags

>> No.71847265

haha lotr isnt christian its literally a gay love story

>> No.71847333

Women being pick-me for money is nothing new, neither is a pick-me attracting subhuman garbage.

>> No.71847369

I think this is a better alternative in comparison to stick figures grinding on each other
Plus would you rather have this or kk/ai?

>> No.71847388

cant wait to see ned stark in his past life doing his ancient meme

>> No.71847391

That's nice, troon. Now, face the wall.

>> No.71847415


>> No.71847430

Now THIS is high quality bait!

>> No.71847448

harder daddy >\\\<

>> No.71847476

she plays anime gacha games which are nerd shit therefore I am right

>> No.71847556

foid alert, gonna say this isn't a real marriage next?

>> No.71847613

That’s fair.
enjoy wallowing in your self-imposed torment. hope it works out for you!

>> No.71847833
File: 363 KB, 1592x186, shonshon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here your (you) faggot

picrel the real thing

>> No.71847899

Are you retarded? Maybe look at her reply tweets.

>> No.71847940

genuine retards itt i stg

>> No.71847951

If true then that’d make since as why she wants her viewers to watch it

>> No.71848082

i would prefer none of the above. ai and koikatsu are mediocre and tracing better art makes me want to just see what the better art was. that's why i asked for the original

>> No.71848192

what torment?

>> No.71848195

how is it torment to realize a community is subhuman garbage?

>> No.71848208

Sorry but I think your opinion sucks and you're really stupid

>> No.71848970

>eye tracker stream
>she looks at their FEET
God that would be so funny

>> No.71849284

>eye tracker klub
>she looks at my peepee
god that would be so funny

>> No.71849673 [SPOILER] 
File: 344 KB, 873x646, Shon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the anon tracing shondo onto lewds made me want to do this edit
scuffed and quick sorry. i might do more later with other loli lewds i like


>> No.71849934

I love Shondo so much

>> No.71850048

i made this post

>> No.71850336
File: 1.17 MB, 3336x4096, 1696101441396328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting a game you have no interest in for a gag that'll get old in 10 minutes. Dead or Alive will suck so much ass! Shondo's literally just baiting clippers and spoonfeeding Shondopilled content. She will force herself to be very degenerate because "haha pervy girl funney XD" and I'm sure everyone will laugh-laugh 10 minutes later. Bet Shondo doesn't even like volleyball as a sport, it's a waste of eye tracker. What a retarded fucking idea, she wasted a day on some meme game again. I hope the zatsu's short so I can leave asap.

>> No.71850560

weird post

>> No.71850694

I hope she doesnt do a movie tonight because gee am I tired! Well if she does I hope you guys have fun, and make sure to record it for me
Goodnight shoggas

>> No.71850962

Desire to jam my fingers up her nostrils and lead her around the room like cattle

>> No.71851034

this is weird but hot

>> No.71851150

I inspired someone :')

>> No.71851304

>I hope the zatsu's short so I can leave asap.
I do this after every zatsu.

>> No.71851401

Licking shondos cunny clean after she nose powders so she doesn't have to hurt her delicate skin by wiping

>> No.71851413

Tonight's movies will be Hobbit trilogy because she already bought them and still has FOMO about needing to see them before LotR marashon, despite all of the reassurance otherwise. Her anxiety can be cute sometimes chu~~

>> No.71851654
File: 356 KB, 561x567, 1710454734408256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>force herself to be very degenerate
she's a natural hoe, she doesn't need to force herself

>> No.71851758

>she has to constantly hold back
this is even hotter

>> No.71851900

Shondo's playing a character most of the time. Duh.

>> No.71851938

shes a stripper either way

>> No.71851978

Why buys films anymore?

>> No.71852014

An unironic hoe larping as seiso.

>> No.71852122

If true she just ruined LOTR for herself by watching the shitty prequals.

>> No.71852353

she isnt a hoe
she is a slutty prude

>> No.71852374

>natural hoe
Didn't she idolize Britney Spears growing up? Shondo is a walking talking red flag. lmao

>> No.71852468

That reminds me. I would love another doll house/story stream. Those are so kino

>> No.71852558

shondo... please rub your feet on the asmr mic... just once...

>> No.71853150

shondo… shondo please just one handjob, i know you’re disgusted buy it but that’d make it better. Shondo… just for me please

>> No.71853315

Because she thirsts for the bunny as hard as a chunk of her current/former husbands do. Did you think she was jealous over you guys? She wants neppie to herself.

>> No.71853771

she wouldnt be disgusted if it was her chosen husband after CBT but she would be nonplussed at first

>> No.71853892


>> No.71853989

cock and ball torture or cognitive behavioural therapy?

>> No.71853996
File: 13 KB, 624x576, 20240320_030448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71854050


>> No.71856319

Are her arms bound in this
Its 3:30am I want shondo bdsm now

>> No.71856358

its too quiet in here... you guys are up to something

>> No.71856556


>> No.71856662

Great stuff. Made me lol

>> No.71857749

Shontoes with painted black toenails. Thin white stockings.

>> No.71858448
File: 1.63 MB, 1356x2078, 1695423183391757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71858539
File: 243 KB, 1553x2175, 1691084617686757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71858636
File: 223 KB, 1581x2236, 1702864679175121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71858733
File: 2.45 MB, 1837x2812, 1681834561916948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71858831
File: 1.26 MB, 884x1440, 1706608864189600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71858925
File: 2.10 MB, 3390x3540, 1681163890118314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71859052
File: 150 KB, 850x1212, 1680471931241598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71859051

These images are nice but why isnt she being mindbroken

>> No.71859128
File: 238 KB, 850x1371, 1698048566516447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71859141


>> No.71859159

this would only work if it was money

>> No.71859192

I love the shading on these holy frick

>> No.71859202

I just had sex with fallenshadow

>> No.71859319

I wrote this

>> No.71859332

Why does this look like a fucking bulge

>> No.71859469

mons pubus

>> No.71859527

Shondo deserves love

>> No.71859669

I’ve never seen a vagina irl before but why does it look like that

>> No.71859814

Its a cock under there, she has girth and will leave you sobbing on the floor

>> No.71860120

I think shondo might have a larger penis than me and its making me feel insecure

>> No.71860290

shondo decimating my feminine hole while my boy clitty is locked in a shondo theme cage

>> No.71860412

next baker dont forget to grab the new schedule from her twitter, the one in the OP is ded

>> No.71860516

this but beige stockings

>> No.71861025

shondo training you to her her body shape so she can test girl outfits on you

>> No.71861223

She’s a shape shifter isn’t she? I’d like to think she’d make it smaller to make you feel better about yourself. Or she’d use her literal god strength to rag doll you and rip your pants off and sodomize you. Making her member get bigger and bigger and bigger until she rips you in half, killing you with her eldritch horror god dick. I can’t say I’d blame her. If I’m a void person and could spawn multiples of me I’d gang rape her.

>> No.71861531

The image of frail little frame loli Shondo but being strong af and just kicking the shit out of someone is hilarious to me.

>> No.71862733

going to punch shondo in the stomach for being a brat but it bounces off her like nothing, her head doesnt even move, then she throws you on the floor and with her shape shifting abilities grows a monster cock that rips through her pants and absolutely rapes you with it

>> No.71863336

LOTR is mid and shondo won't like it but I can see she's trying to make people happy so ill let it be

>> No.71863478

>Brittany Spears
the arg brainworms grow

>> No.71863753

at least it'll be movies she hasn't seen yet

>> No.71863972

yeah true I like watching her experience new things. maybe she'll surprise me but I just don't see the overlap with what she usually likes.

>> No.71864601

i dont remember writing this post
