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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71836549 No.71836549 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to increase their numbers, and gain an audience.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, although we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like 4chan ads)

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."
Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight.

>Last thread FAQ

>Some resources

>Scared of being groomed? check this guide to recognize tactics.


>Threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Thread
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt/euro/ - European vtuber thread
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up
>>>/vt/jong/ - beloved offspring for mahjong players

Previous >>71821606

>> No.71836687


she's live. ask her to scream and stuff, to see if it's ai

>> No.71836693


>> No.71836749

The two greatest threats to vtubing everywhere?

>> No.71836773

It's already glitching with her normally talking kek

>> No.71836865

aw man i just posted in the other thread but would this be a bad time to selfpost :(

>> No.71836908

>5pm is late
Long as you're not mel.

>> No.71836922

holy shit even a tts streamer has 18 viewers, /wasp/ I kneel

>> No.71837004

No, not yet. They did view my audition though. I’m okay if I get anyone except Pins.

>> No.71837082

>"I don't know what to do about it"
Everything we're telling you to do to prove it's not AI.

>> No.71837093

Good luck anonchama

>> No.71837177
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theres something for the males to try compete with

>> No.71837185

golden sun girl do a brap, that would conclusively prove you're not AI

>> No.71837186

imagine she's actually using ElevenLabs TTS

>> No.71837244


>> No.71837252

this is too cringe even for vtubers standards, continue without me bros

>> No.71837322

This is either an AI voice or an actual skinwalker.

>> No.71837324

>Got caught using AI
>Immediately shuts up
Kek, Mel, give it up.

>> No.71837389

i didn't know you can make a tts sound that pleasant

>> No.71837497

It's an Ai model.
>They thought it was the microphone
No, it's your AI model, Mel. Just admit you're here to scam people, you're already slipping the mask and going into your usual spiel.

>> No.71837563

I hope jignx isn't serious

>> No.71837595
File: 306 KB, 2048x1368, IMG_9808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jeez, i’m really nervous about selfposting…

hiya, i’m kaia! i’m doing trivia right now… i’d be very happy if you could stop by! ;;

>> No.71837600

>Mel getting higher viewer count than pittie

>> No.71837604

Please do not give up. No matter who you are. You seem nice. It doesn't matter if you are or are not that person. If you stream i will support you.

>> No.71837603

he's not

>> No.71837616

>I'm sorry
>"I have to be..."
...Mel, you always say this. No indie vtuber gives up just like this or will eat the loss on a model, which goes for thousands.

>> No.71837632

I think they are asking the right things

>> No.71837655

fag im not her this cunt is using an ai voice

>> No.71837657

this girl that the idol bros watch is fucking adorable holy shit

>> No.71837701

Tell me about the GoldenSun
Why won't she eat the Mic?

>> No.71837710

Oh I already followed you a bit when I randomly stumbled across you on my twitter.
>Mel suddenly not nerve
On cue.

>> No.71837727

I don't care. This could be tora with a female AI voice for all I care. Its the internet. Everyone deserves a fresh start.

>> No.71837736

>a real woman and no drama

>> No.71837737

Cuute! welcome, dear

>> No.71837741

>doesn't even reply to elfin's comments about blowing into the mic.
yeah, ai.

>> No.71837760

Mel's on her what, 10th? 20th fresh start?

>> No.71837860

If she's not Mel, she'd have nothing to be "I'm the problem" about especially if she's 32 like she said... Any relatively sane person would be like "oh? the mangolian basket weaving forum doesn't like me? Alright, well I'm not a teenage girl, I'll move on instead of pity baiting."

>> No.71837863

I like her.

>> No.71837877
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Missing: Rei Kirihara and 2 others. Now add in Goldensunvtuber.
>Trying to avoid naming her Nijisanji crushes
Mel, just do it.

>> No.71837900

i think mel has something similar to a findom fetish where she gets off on throwing money down the drain on new models

>> No.71837907

I'd just like to make a point about this, this type of pitybaiting is something Mel does a LOT

>> No.71837947

Right, that part kind of makes me go ew, because a real hag likely isn't going to pity bait like that.

>> No.71837965

If you hate her so much why don't you just recommend she collab with males?

>> No.71838064

It really is.
Because it's not HER money she's throwing down the toilet.
>I wish I lived in a house
Mel, you live with your parents in a house. Stop this.

>> No.71838112

And I mean like, compare the monotone, emotionless voice + refusal to do anything too out of the ordinary + weird glitching when they do versus someone like >>71837595 who talks like a normal human being and makes the natural inflections a normal human being makes when they talk, you can instantly tell the difference between AIslop voices and an actual person, and that's even without making excuses or doing Mel's typical pitybaiting she always does when she's on the ropes.
I'm like 99% sure she is Mel.

>> No.71838171

>calling things retarded and joking about blackfacing for twitter engagement
yea.... shes pretty cool
ill watch but i wont talk about here here though since shes not a /wasp/ie

>> No.71838320

It's Mel, she has to research Ai settings for singing.
>"No matter what I do it won't change anything"

>> No.71838453

based Mel mogging Pittie in her first stream

>> No.71838472

See you in your next reincarnation Mel kek, you'll be easy to spot as always.

>> No.71838600


>> No.71838616

lmao the ai is taking control

>> No.71838651

I wish she was less menhera. I need her in my life

>> No.71838670 [SPOILER] 
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feeling a little silly (mentally ill)

>> No.71838685

congrats on playing a clapping sound

>> No.71838702

slap me harder

>> No.71838703

She could debut with the same model under a different account and not tell anyone /here/, and she'd be able to stream without anyone bothering her. As long as she's not Mel. The chuuba community isn't as small as people think. if you don't associate with /here/, then you'll be fine.

>wait minutes for me to tap the mic
>no i won't clap
If she's not Mel or using a voice changer she could so easily beat the allegations just by doing this.


>> No.71838711

>she brought up a video of a clap sound
I'm fucking dying bros. Hold me.

>> No.71838714

>"okay, three, two, one........... ow"
yeah you gotta wait for the voice synth to actually create the audio retard

>> No.71838718

Mel doing everything but admitting it's her.
>Loads up YT to find a video of someone clapping
Just clap.

>> No.71838779

So sad, Mel used to actually get on mic and talk herself and now she's resorting to this. Melkino used to mean something.

>> No.71838788

Holy shit the entirety of Elfin's chat is in this girl's stream can you all just be less obnoxious about your homeless queen, waspies are just annoying as aspies

>> No.71838879

Can you fags go somewhere else to post about your drama, you all know how to make a catalog thread I'm sure.

>> No.71838884

All this proves is that /wasp/ies could easily have 30+ 'guaranteed views' if they really were about supporting everyone
If you ARENT getting these numbers it means that yes people really do hate you that much

>> No.71838983

wow she has 55 viewers, shes done like 5 streams

>> No.71839032

Mel trying to grift in /wasp/ is an honor of the highest caliber. The split has been cemented.

>> No.71839069
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Miu live talking about tanks

>> No.71839084

Blame Mel, it was comfy til she as usual crawled back out of her hole with money somehow and doing the same thing over, and over and over.

>> No.71839100

WHUH you beat me to it

>> No.71839136


>> No.71839178

>Back to having no internet presence
Kek, there it is! Mel you said that every time you disappeared and as your excuse for "not being Nerissa Delfina"

>> No.71839187

More like dishonor.

>> No.71839230

Is this the clap?

>> No.71839264

Awful lot of attention to someone you supposedly hate. sometimes wasp viewers are fucking pathetic

>> No.71839274

>I can tell I'm not welcome in this community
Girl the vtubing community isn't exclusive to /here/. Most tubers aren't /here/ at all. The pity baiting is too strong.

>> No.71839278
File: 447 KB, 680x665, ogeyyego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that room name
you guys saw that right

>> No.71839360

Elfin has a small enough community shes directly chatting regularly on and off stream with basically any chatter willing to well, chat. so yeah, they feel invested enough to want answers from someone causing their chuuba to have accusation tossed at em, especially if forcing them to answer could disprove it by proving the ones against them.

>> No.71839397

Correcto. Mel, make friends normally, by networking on Twitter. You reached out to someone who knows how shit you are.
>You should support actual good vtubers
Kek, see the mask is fully off now

>> No.71839399

It's another game, but she talks a bit about a museum tour.

>> No.71839403

>"try" to get an audience
The subtle dig at Pittie lmao what's her problem

>> No.71839410

Imagine being 32 and acting like you're 12

>> No.71839447

God thats so fucking hot.....

>> No.71839488

Even for a genuinely new streamer the pitybait is way too much

>> No.71839559


>> No.71839563

It's what she always does when she's caught like this because it gets people who are unaware off her back

>> No.71839586

Goldensun? That was Mel. No new streamer pitybaits that hard or even anywhere near that.

>> No.71839629

and now shes talking about fingering little girls lmao

>> No.71839647
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>> No.71839653

Now we know who the schizo that antis the girls here are

>> No.71839659


>> No.71839658


>> No.71839675

Mistimed the video and countdown, clap sound is directly from the video, could hear Youtube ads playing as she opened the tab to find it.
Not even fucking trying, honestly.

>> No.71839697


>> No.71839730

Now we need to get rid of elfin she is literally Mel.

>> No.71839803


>> No.71839808

you'd have to have solid enough ample evidence to convince probably 100 casual watchers, her 60-80 regular CCV audience, and her 15-30 regular chatters.

>> No.71839812

I'm trying man. Elfin is the real mel. Mel always sets up an obvious Mel and then one with more effort. She clearly didn't anticipate the elfin account taking off like it did. As she did the usual thing of letting her devotees know

>> No.71839839

I love her so much. She's so funny every time she tries coming back. Honestly I'm glad she has people giving her money, she deserves it for being entertaining even if it's not in the way she wants.

>> No.71839853
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>> No.71839866

LITERALLY WHAT I THOUGHT, glad to know I'm not the only one

>> No.71839887

Shut up and let me have my cute girls

>> No.71839900

Elfins followers are Mel followers.

>> No.71839927

You aren't man I also called it on her early streams. Mel has some unique speech patterns. Elfin also talked like that.

>> No.71839932

Jannies really need to start banning raiders

>> No.71839980

Elfin should have streamed at the same time as Mel to disprove the allegations.

>> No.71839982

She could literally just stream

>> No.71839985

Would I be welcome here if I mostly speak Taiwanese/Japanese?

>> No.71840003

Yep, then she calls herself out with the "this is actually mel" account like she did with Komari when she snitched on herself with the brain cancer grift she tried in december. Getting rid of Elfin will be harder because she actually got an audience (with her usual simps too) so you have to get her mask off.

>> No.71840018
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alleged mouse live

>> No.71840028

You can try desu we never really had someone speak a second language try to put their names out here.

>> No.71840054

yes I know both

>> No.71840057

Never forget >>70708270

>> No.71840068

Do you like MC HotDog, then yes.

>> No.71840070

Well if she is mel she wont be around for long anyway.
subathon con, then disappearance

>> No.71840072

>Mel stops streaming
>schizo accusing Elfin of being Mel immediately appears

>> No.71840078

As long as you're not Mel, you're always welcome.
There aren't "raiders", Mel herself brought the attention here and she's been called out, that isn't a raid, it's to get her to go the fuck away.

>> No.71840086

I don't think you'd get that many new followers but you're always free to do it if you'd like

>> No.71840124

>Elfin in chat trying to out golden by telling her to blow into the mic
>it's really just Mel as Elfin trying to lead people off the trail by going "see? I'm not Mel; I'm typing in chat AND I'm getting rid of the real Mel."
Honestly believable, but truth be told, I still don't think Elfin sounds like any of Mel's old personas, but that could be her shit mic.

>> No.71840138

nigger you dont even know if its Mel, its probably some shitter from /asp/ pretending to be Mel to shit stir in the thread and its working

>> No.71840167

Her mod is that narffle guy too kek. Also never forget:

>> No.71840201

I don't believe elfin would give that much of a shit about mel so that lends theory that elfin actually is mel. Elfin doesn't appear in every single new stream but she just happened to be stalking the thread for this one stream? Yeah ok.

>> No.71840227

I want to groom this mel so badly

>> No.71840262

Fastpill me on Mel and why people are having a schizo meltdown over elfin?

>> No.71840276
File: 112 KB, 320x383, 1707626874101891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taiwan chuuba
easy viewers from hololive goblal
>speaks japanese
Post directly in the catalog when you debut, /bea/'s dads will get together for one last job

>> No.71840385

Is there a platform that lets me draw hentai?
I don't want to use kick or whatever that gambling degen site is
I liked bea.
But I'm not interested in idol stuff I just draw and play vidya

>> No.71840387

I'm sad she's not real. She was weirdly similar to me in ways and I would've been friends with her. I know this is vtubing and you can be anything but it still feels disingenuous. Maybe I'll find similar older people someday... also for clarification I never blocked her though I never followed in the first place

>> No.71840388

Mel is someone who has allegedly graduated over 12 times, has allegedly faked brain and colon cancers for donothons and has caused drama here for literal years, allegedly.

>> No.71840415

It's Mel, because the VERY second elfin came into chat:
>Mel: "hey elfin"
Not even a delay, when she normally delayed speaking to anyone/saying their name, then at the end she struggled to say Elfin's name. It's literally Mel. She always has her main simps use different names (new accounts) so she isn't immediately recognized but she already fucked up.
>Mel stops streaming
>elfin immediately begins.

>> No.71840515
File: 85 KB, 1060x304, 1709751079441778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel is panicking because she's been caught as elfin.

>> No.71840576


>> No.71840627

Can you post a video comparison of voices?
Or is this a schizo raid

>> No.71840668

I thought it was weird how Elfin popped out of nowhere with all this ready made fan art and 30ccv. Her being Mel would explain that oddity.

>> No.71840687

Does her mic sound worse than usually

>> No.71840711

Picarto I think? I don't normally watch art streams but one artist I follow does stream there. I'm trying to remember where Krimbo streams aside from twitch but my memory is bard

>> No.71840715

I don't know about Mel I never came here until elfin but her shouting and screaming like a retard has gotten boring.

>> No.71840764

>Is there a platform that lets me draw hentai?
>I liked bea.
they will be fucking all over you if you put that in your slides.
>But I'm not interested in ido
bea dads were a pretty diverse group, factions in conflict with each other even.
All of them insane of course but in different ways, like anyas. They did were creative with the OC tho.

>> No.71840791

just wait till you see the vtuber that hasnt been posted here with 60 ccv in 1 stream and tons of fan art and porn already

>> No.71841054
File: 423 KB, 786x574, E16cEtxXMAI70vL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post it

>> No.71841062

Mel is a known grifter. She's been doing this for years.

>stream as a new vtuber
>lie to people about how she needs treatment for brain/lung/stomach/colon/throat/ass/whatever-she's-chosen-this-time cancer
>dip when she gets caught (but not before pitybaiting and saying "I'm never coming back!")
>come back as a new vtuber
>repeat infinitum

People assume she's Elfin because the audience overlap between Mel's regulars and Elfin's followers. Mel's audience isn't full of general vtuber fans, just fans of Mel herself and trolls who love their lolcow, as well as people who masquerade as fans so they can call out her next grift. There's also been an alleged email leak, but I can't confirm it's validity.

>> No.71841066

Her fanbase was also fucking insane with a homeless guy. I liked bea for the chaos but I just want to talk to people while I draw.
I don't have the creativity to make a server to have people kill eachother in an autism war.

>> No.71841131

its very obviously fake....

>> No.71841138

This is so fucking schizophrenic what the fuck lol.
Still I want a voice comparison

>> No.71841184

>no don't bully Elfin. This is just a schizo raid and your wrong
>schizos just saved us from Mel
Let the schizos cook. Do not impede their work.

>> No.71841208

Can you post a list of the followers that overlap so I can add them as notes to my schizo spreadsheet?

>> No.71841273

I saw someone shill you in wvt, i feel like this is another shill skinwalker

>> No.71841308

If people fall for that its on them but i do wish that she would stream under one account so i could watch

>> No.71841320
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>I don't have the creativity to make a server to have people kill each other in an autism war.

Bea was one of a kind for sure. I always said she was /yah/ biggest schizo, and we will never have a vtuber like her again. I miss her so much.

>> No.71841462

I don't think so. Like another anon pointed out at the time, if it was fake there could be some pretty heavy legal consequences..
Gotta give some credence to anything posted under those circumstances.

>> No.71841574

In my experience Twitch will let you get away with drawing everything short of penetration if you label your stream as art/illustration. Just make sure if you use a reference on-screen it’s clothed, otherwise keep it on another monitor.

>> No.71841602

>if it was fake there could be some pretty heavy legal consequences
as a literal lawyer
no there couldnt be, im sorry you are all so retarded you think that trolling on the internet is punishable by death but its not in 99% of cases and even if there was a case she would never win

>> No.71841604
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Im fine with adopting some chuubas every so often
plus just ask her to post a banana on twitter

>> No.71841821

gold wasnt real… i needed a hag in my life i wanted to believe so bad :c

>> No.71841910

it was too good to be true

>> No.71841981
File: 36 KB, 831x214, 1691289073387993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apply to vallure unironically

>> No.71842062

Let's assume it was fake. How in the world is faking correspondence with another where you fabricate evidence of prostitution and charity scam to harm another's public image not libel? That's almost the very definition. It wouldn't be defamation per se because it doesn't involve AIDs or pedophilia but it's clearly libel.

>> No.71842110

they still exist. actual hags not ones that sound 12

>> No.71842231

as much as you want it to be, being a shitter on the internet isnt illegal, or 90% of vt would be breaking the law by posting and the site would be shut down

>> No.71842252

Don't you already have dozens of them?

>> No.71842306

It seemed like everyone here is either a male or mel.

>> No.71842389

She usually does, but then she runs away or pulls this elfin / goldensun shit.
Mel is very real, she's elfin still. She's still herself, email her to buy 18+ fetish content, you still have your hag.

>> No.71842519

I need to find a way into her dms before she disappears again

>> No.71842523

Nah, you're talking out your ass on this lawyer boy. This was a statement of fact, that they fabricated, put out with the singular intent to cause harm to someone's business.
Elfin absolutely has a case against this retard—assuming it's false, of course.

>> No.71842607

stop trolling and trying to get retarded people like Elfin to believe you and waste her time

>> No.71842682

Stop trying to protect your ass anon. Just apologize to Elfin and maybe she'll let you off with a slap on the wrist.

>> No.71842719

You would have to prove loss of reputation to sue for libel, but there's no proof of that, aside from some anonymous posts on 4chan.

>> No.71842920

If she suffers a loss in subscribers or viewership after this drama then that can be used as damages in some states. If you remember the Heard/Depp trials a few years back, that's what both of them rested their damages on.

>> No.71843077

literally impossible to prove dumbass

>> No.71843237

They're not literal who's on the internet. That was actual damages. Mel losing viewers to getting caught and calling herself out isn't the fucking same kek

>> No.71843379

Are there perhaps any cases that prove your point? 4chan does what the email leaker did round the clock, why aren’t we facing legal issues? I like to spread the dumbest rrats imaginable and no one has come after me for this. Also what if some anon just used inspect element and is trying to get Mel into legal trouble? Then elfin’s case is 100% out the window. If Mel did post those emails herself then elfin legally would have to get into contact with Mel via doxxing Mel, illegal, and contact her before seeking any legal action. Even if this does damage elfin’s reputation she has no case so doing anything legally would be a waste of everyone’s time and money.
Source: husband is a lawyer but this is not legal advice

>> No.71843384


>> No.71843444

She said in stream she was deleting her Twitter and Twitch and would stop posting here, keep up. She said to watch Kaia, Pittie and Elfin.

>> No.71843482

I had no idea who mel was but I'm beginning to be convinced mel was both of them
There is an interesting way build a case.
look for the oldest followers: if mel ex fans are following her before she even debuted, then it is definitively not a coincidence

>> No.71843558

Why not address this and say that you are not her, or something? At this point Im starting to believe you like to be mentioned so much along mel or some shit.

>> No.71843647

elfin? she has said she isnt mel, but gold said the same thing so it boils down to words that are meaningless

>> No.71843727

I will fuck the communism out of Elfin

>> No.71843816

>Geo guessing autism
>Speaks Japanese

>> No.71844220

>4chan does what the email leaker did round the clock, why aren’t we facing legal issues?
The truth about defamation/libel is that it's something that is done almost constantly and is rarely worth fighting. When it is fought, it's generally to make an example out of someone. That's why you see so many defamation/libel cases brought forth by advocacy groups on behalf of the wronged party.
Defamation is also something that is very subjective, which can be both a pro and a con when taking a case before a jury.
>If Mel did post those emails herself then elfin legally would have to get into contact with Mel via doxxing Mel, illegal, and contact her before seeking any legal action.
Nigga what? It's not illegal to dox someone. If Elfin wanted to, she get her lawyers (or just do it herself) to draft up a request for the IP of the post that defamed her and 4chan would likely oblige. They have in the past. This is not something new. Even KF has given up IPs of people who got a little too spicey in the legal sense.

>> No.71844299

Heya Elfin, you need to know something regarding any legal action you may wish to pursue. I am a lawyer but this is not legal advice (just saving my ass here) but here are some things to note.

For starters you can’t do anything until you reach out to Mel or have some interaction with her. This should be done before getting the law involved. The only allegedly known accounts of Mel’s were the GoldenSunVTuber accounts which now no longer exist so trying to reach out to Mel now may be next to impossible. If you had her personal info that would be a different story but if that is obtained illegally, doxxing, then that would kill any case right then and there.

Firstly you should reach out to Mel, if that doesn’t solve it then you get the law involved. However you, elfin, would have to prove that you are not Mel, you were not involved in those emails, and that this has caused damage to you in someway.

Again this is not legal advice and I am not saying anyone did anything, this is all alleged but this isn't as simple as people make it out to be and even if you did have a strong case I hate to say but we, lawyers, likely would not take the case seriously. I’m a bit on the younger side compared to my peers and a lot of them, including myself to some extent, don’t take internet trolls seriously otherwise 4chan would have been shut down long ago. I implore you to do more research but also I do want to personally state that 1. No one actually thinks you're Mel 2. No one would even care in the first place since people have hate watched her for years 3. This, in my personal opinion, is likely a Mel anti who is trying to get Mel into legal trouble since many have swatted her before and almost gotten her and her parents arrested due to her parents smoking weed which is not legal in her state and finally 4. Mel doesn’t really have anything so if you won you would be down money due to legal fees and Mel would have nothing to give if she allegedly did this at all.

>> No.71844403
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>> No.71844532

Smell that, Elfin? That's fear.

>> No.71844554
File: 507 KB, 600x600, Thanks for this information[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl6sv32.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71844564

So another shill skinwalker then, thanks for posting on the new /wvt. Where are the actual self-posters here just a bunch of digital wigs. I regret bumping it when it was a dead thread should have just buried it.

>> No.71844933 [DELETED] 

Remember girls, if you ever want to commit a crime, just delete your account afterwards. It's illegal for anyone to dox you. this has never backfired ever under any circumstance ever.

>> No.71845015

>Angry male vtuber pretending he ever bumped the thread

>> No.71845302

Worked wonders for Mel Nekomata.

>> No.71845392

I'm about to hit a thousand followers on Twitch. I'm pretty proud of myself.

>> No.71845558

I'm proud of you, too

>> No.71845705

i hope the almost hag vocaroo poster in the past thread would commit chuuba

>> No.71845930

You didn’t read the post. If the personal information was obtained illegally it cannot be used in court, it would kill any case because then the person whose information was obtained illegally could counter and doxxing is much more serious than someone saying “I’m totally this person believe me”
Upon looking at the emails further they seem to have been tampered with via inspect element, the dates should not appear that way in gmail.

>> No.71846008

can i get a qrd on the mel drama i work from 7am-6pm every day

>> No.71846034

Congrats. Keep on truckin

>> No.71846081

i’m not interested in doing nsfw content, i just don’t want to have minors interact with me :( i just want to have fun and make my chat smile lots…

>> No.71846179


/wasp/ies, how many followers do YOU have right now?

>> No.71846199

I checked you out. I like you... but you overlap with my oshi

>> No.71846201

You're whoring yourself and doing GFE as a vtuber whether you accept it or not, you're just doing a bad job of it and increasing the danger a crazy fan catches you offguard if you don't acknowledge it.

>> No.71846253

actually based fuck them kids

>> No.71846297

>If the personal information was obtained illegally
There you go with that shit again. What does "illegally obtained personal information" mean in your totally law school educated head?
>Upon looking at the emails further they seem to have been tampered with via inspect element, the dates should not appear that way in gmail.

>> No.71846316

Yeah yeah you're male blah die blah kill yourself etc so creative and original. The same recycled garbage response at any criticism. I'm just tired of seeing shill skinwalkers when this isn't an advertisement board but an advice board with the occasional self-posters. Unironically buy an ad you cheap fucks.

>> No.71846386

really? when? i only started lurking here and asp a day or two ago because i heard about it from a friend ;;

>> No.71846420

The fantasies about being swatted indicate that this post was written by Mel

>> No.71846451

>t. spammer

>> No.71846503
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>> No.71846515

so if i want to crab any waspie i call them "literally mel" and a bunch of retards will follow along? good to know

>> No.71846548

Must be nice. .

>> No.71846592


>> No.71846600

i really really wish i could say 420 the funny piece of shit stoner number

>> No.71846634

give it up mel

>> No.71846696

That's not her, Mel is currently streaming on elfinzion

>> No.71846903
File: 15 KB, 410x410, deadsheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>93 results
holy fuck you niggas have brain aids

>> No.71846942

Shut up Mel

>> No.71846945

Mel does not have any public social media accounts that use her personal information. If Mel told elfin her information that is legal, if elfin obtained Mel’s personal information by other means such as the YouTube video that doxxed Mel that would be illegal. Elfin would quite literally have to hire a private investigator to find the personal information or whoever posted those emails to 4chan before she can take any legal action.

>> No.71847022

I don't think you know what the word "illegal" means.

>> No.71847089

she was swatted. when she was Narumi mihama some SEAfag posted her doxx on YouTube and she got what she calls a baby swat, someone did a “wellness check” and her parents got into some trouble due to the house “smelling like a grower” according to police, mel talked about this publicly on stream.

>> No.71847188

Then encourage elfin to take legal matters into her own hands, go ahead.

>> No.71847591 [DELETED] 

Elfin, I encourage you to take legal matters into your own hands. Talk with a lawyer about your options and see what they have to say.

>> No.71847725
File: 155 KB, 314x327, 1633750091517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you niggas

>> No.71847906

Please shut up

>> No.71848069 [DELETED] 

I have Mel’s personal info if you need it Elfin. Or you can just check warosu, her info is in past threads, legal name and full address

>> No.71848136


>> No.71848193

It should have been me

>> No.71848280

I'm taking legal action on Bonni for assaulting my mind and giving me boners

>> No.71848302

I feel like if I have to grind at a song for like 2 weeks or more trying to get snippets of perfect takes to splice together over a long time I might just be a trash singer.

>> No.71848514

its better you practice and upload the raw performance

>> No.71848763
File: 1.71 MB, 400x400, rekt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep proving my point
mel owns you

>> No.71849059

Why are you male vtubers posting here?

>> No.71849106

I'm female presenting. Sorry sis.

>> No.71849208

at least he finally got banned
im sure he will just evade though

>> No.71849718

no worries, thanks for giving me a chance!! <3

>> No.71849807

Save your hearts for the stream.

>> No.71850200
File: 24 KB, 239x287, 2719a24bb1661ac24dd90a9dfbf231da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to soon, I'll be lurking for now but will be sure to link here when I start

>> No.71850606

please let out a bubbly fart on your microphone and post a vocaroo of it, I'll support you on debut for helping me cum

>> No.71850619

Is Miu officially a mouse girl? Asking for fan art reasons.

>> No.71851475

Or you know, he self deleted.

>> No.71851569

Nah, they were deleted by a janny but I wasn't banned.

>> No.71851626

That's unfortunate

>> No.71851765

I know. It's sad to be unwanted in a community. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you Mel? Any empathy to offer?

>> No.71851827

No way you just called me "Mel" lmao

>> No.71852259

hi yes i am mouse >;D

>> No.71852270

Shut the fuck up and post cunnies

>> No.71852463

I'm a male vtuber can I post here? Anyone want to collab?

>> No.71852555

how many wasp cunnies are there anyway ? got room for one more :0

>> No.71852636

Why are there so many male vtubers coming here

>> No.71852652

Neru, Miu, and I think that's about it

>> No.71852681

asp thread died

>> No.71852688

you will be supported even though you're not a hag yet

>> No.71852875
File: 166 KB, 2065x1070, Neruoh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Child's thighs erotic ToT

>> No.71853553

neck yourself retard

>> No.71854143

Mond and maybe Rinna

>> No.71854210

havent been tuning into the thread but i did mention when i watched the blowup stream of hers she mentions "PL", not gonna sift through but it was around before or after she was screaming into the pillow.

i dont know anything about Mel but i just hope no one gets scammed

>> No.71854447

I remember this. She mentioned her PL because she knew that it would come out eventually

>> No.71854469

I think QB just turned cunny too?

>> No.71854480

I can also confirm this lol

>> No.71854716

You guys are retarded. She meant "past in her life" or previously, not past life. Can you guys get any fucking dumber?

>> No.71854772

I've been lurking but watched elfin before reading these threads. Why are people saying Mel is her? All I saw was some shitty email screencap. Even if her voice was AIed the mannerism is nothing alike. Just people schizoing?

>> No.71854841

Stop trying to defend her, she won't have sex with you
Because it is Mel lol

>> No.71854886

I doubt she is mel but she definitely talked about her PL. not a big deal, many vtubers redebut

>> No.71855009

I watched the entire stream and I am in her Discord. That literally wasn't contextually right, the VOD is up. Go watch it. You schizos are actually braindead.

>> No.71855055

is there literally any evidence either than "trust me bro"?

>> No.71855096

Ever heard of a freudian slip?

>> No.71855385

You ever heard of shutting the fuck up?

>> No.71855464

Pls don't hurt me anon-chan

>> No.71855784

Male vtubers like you aren't wanted here

>> No.71855960

Go back to that other board

>> No.71856761

Sex with Neru

>> No.71856868

Anyways, is Pukki a lesbian? Asking for a friend.

>> No.71857048

You can't have sex with your little sister, you silly anon. Instead, Blue is for watching terrible tv sitcoms with!

>> No.71857099
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finally, wasp is going back to its roots of teaching vtubers how to commit federal crimes

>> No.71857377

>Ywn introduce your little sister to your childhood games and have her call you a boomer
It's not fair, bros...

>> No.71857471
File: 118 KB, 225x225, 1692945322152440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every vtuber is at least bisexual
you dont become an anime girl unless you want to fuck an anime girl
sole exception to this are normies who are usually outsiders who get into vtubers not because they are fans of vtubers but for Opsec reason, like pic related, or Olivia Monroe.

I feel one for this one, she is forced to be gay for pay.

>> No.71857515

>Elfin btfos struggling /asp/s and /wasp/s
>Jealous women and crabby men do whatever they can to either ruin her, or at least make her unwelcome in their space.
You love to see it. These places hate success if it's not themselves.

>> No.71857714

> Elfin's CCV is already dropping
/vt/ doesn't watch streams, remember?

>> No.71857759

THIS IS SO TRUE. why would you even hate elfin? fucking retards

>> No.71857956

It annoys me how ignorant her haters are and take every chance to say something bad about her just because of how successful she is

>> No.71858045

Well people heard that she is mel.

>> No.71858149

That... Backs up what I said, yes.

>> No.71858270
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>> No.71858277

That's why these Mel rumors need to stop, it's not fucking fair

>> No.71858676

If this is how we treat our chuubas, Wasp was a mistake.
This is a crab thread, not an advice thread. Just let it die.

>> No.71858697

Anything about this corpo to give hype, or is it just another literally who to add to the tiny-small corpo pile?

>> No.71858828

at this point, this is accurate. wasp does not serve its intended purpose, literally let it die or rename it to /crab/

>> No.71858881

How did /wasp/ end up like /asp/ so quickly?

>> No.71858967

Exactly, the mistreatment of Elfin should serve as an example of how to not treat your fellow chuuba, hopefully her case is remembered and brought later on if anyone else trying the same scare tactics

>> No.71859171

Nothing is sacred on the internet.

>> No.71859195

>other /wasp/ies were crabbed for weeks
>elfin gets crabbed
You guys don't care about our girls at all

>> No.71859249

That doesn't mean we shouldn't stay silent about it

>> No.71859276

but chuubas do not grow in /asp/

>> No.71859344

Elfin doesn't deserve it that's why

>> No.71859409

Neither do the other girls?

>> No.71859439

What makes Pittie or QB deserve it then?

>> No.71859453

Elfin actually puts effort into her stuff and cares about the audience A LOT

>> No.71859493

Because Elfin gained success without ever asking for advice/here/ first.
Interpret that however you wish as to why that lead to this situation, but you can replace Elfin with any random name and the result would've been the same.

>captcha; nd88

>> No.71859523

They're either tainted by men or roastie whores who post their body. Elfin is pure and for us.

>> No.71859575

Yeah, Elfin doesn't need any of these boards but it's not okay at all to slander her

>> No.71859593
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>most convincing /asp/ falseflag

Success breeds jealousy. First, they rage because you split, then they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they spam you, then they crab you, at by that point you already won cause your thread is faster than the original one and it became the "real thread".

>> No.71859612
File: 100 KB, 720x705, e9a4b783ea8be707df73d51f1d70769e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay thank you :3

>> No.71859643


>> No.71859718

she thanked this thread. you don't even watch her

>> No.71859724

she's live right now retard-chama

>> No.71859785

Sorry jealous femoid, I'm her fan

>> No.71859818

I'm a waspie, I really hate to break it to you. The mistreatment of us here is astounding.

>> No.71859882

I am a man

>> No.71859921

Okay but don't you think it's reasonable to jump in to defense of a chuuba especially if you have feelings for her? No hate but Elfin solos

>> No.71859941

are you a tomboy

>> No.71859975

prove it, post hands

>> No.71860035

They don't either, but they don't pander so they lack the schizos to defend them.

>> No.71860051

Normal boy.

>> No.71860147

Toughen up little bitch.

>> No.71860241

A) watched all but 1 stream since she started
B) reading comprehension is not your strong suit. She did thank /here/ yes, but that doesn't disprove what I said and anyone who's actually paid attention to her would know that. She had antis on her first day for starting out with a higher ccv than any other chuuba was getting, and didn't know this place existed til anons in stream told her to post here and in /asp/, to which she started to do and yes then started to get advice.

>> No.71860291

Did you expect anything else from controlling unicorns pretending to be vtuber managers?

>> No.71860296

She has a boyfriend

>> No.71860304

If you can’t handle a little critique then how do you expect to stand up to males wanting to collab?

>> No.71860361


>> No.71860429

We aren't unicorns, we just care about our scuffy elf, retard

>> No.71860439

Not that, I meant I'm not falseflagging.
I can handle critique retard-chama. I'm mad for the other girls.

>> No.71860445

Actually sick mental patient, like her grift makes no sense for somebody trying to turn a profit, it can only be explained in terms of the kind of schizo loop experienced by people who should be in a padded room. I feel a deep unease we have to talk about this person who should clearly have been put into an asylum years ago. Bring back madhouses.

>schizos screaming everybody is Mel
I appreciate your dedication to taking out this broad but sperging out and spraying accusations everywhere will cause just as much damage as any Mel scam. More really since you’re involving other vtubers. If you think you identified a Mel incarnation, collect your evidence properly first and then drop it in a structured fashion.

>> No.71860454

this place is literally the sewer of the internet, you and noone else should take any of what is posted here with more than a grain of salt. Remember that YOU are what can make your streams great. Some people will take that ability and turn it into success. It's generally recommended to all waspies to not be here all the time, it'll only fuck with your head, and over literal trash. Waspies, just do your best, and dont listen to retards /here/

>> No.71860467

Looking forward to reading about your oshi joining Nijisanji's next mixed branch.

>> No.71860470

but asp does the same thing...
what does it mean?

>> No.71860529


>> No.71860573

>I'm mad for the other girls.
post hands

>> No.71860675

I don't know what you mean. Its been magical christmas land in the other thread since the split sectioned all of the schizocorns here.

>> No.71860676
File: 201 KB, 1170x1353, IMG_1449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do heels work?

>> No.71860745

Holy shit that's a nice fucking bedsheet

>> No.71860787

So you're trans.

>> No.71860809

it doesn't matter what you think. what matters is what she says

>> No.71860812

to be fair you were warned the comfy times wouldnt last
sooner or later the schizos from /asp/ would move in
The purpose of this thread was not to make a less schizo asp, just one without gay erp, suicidal menhera males, and attention whore vroids crying because they have no viewers.
And by god, it worked

>> No.71860848
File: 1 KB, 112x112, 20240320_001839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i consider my treatment here extremely good and usually get some solid feedback but i think thats only due to being on this hellsite for too many years

>> No.71860894

tells people not to listen to retards.
proves the point, literal dumpster if the internet

>> No.71860912

Nope. Seethe.

>> No.71860935

Except all I've done is state facts, fact she herself has backed up.
Clearly, YOU don't watch her if you don't understand that

>> No.71860936

doesnt that just literally proves the point its just schizos from asp posting in the thread now?

>> No.71860940

Elfin is the best thing to happen to /wasp/

>> No.71860955

Stop being in contact with male vtubers.

>> No.71860980

So just a cross dresser? Gay.

>> No.71860990
File: 73 KB, 736x736, 1c10ea1ab50bc21a7ed9ac7fbefaf9c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not particularly girly, though I'm more nerdy than a tomboy. Was thinking maybe going for something with nerdy/tomboyish vibes similar to pic related.

>> No.71861014

at least at a time stamp and a number reply

>> No.71861036

mond live

>> No.71861067

Why would you choose to be ugly?

>> No.71861086

mond isn't a real waspie. she was just a stopgap until we got our own and we have them now

>> No.71861095


>> No.71861105

Appreciate the hot boots but you girls need to stop responding to the trolls and schizos here. You girls are too gullible.

>> No.71861137

sadly lemon woman that was never going to last.
the crabs of asp would sooner or later move here.
Remember the good days and the fun you had, because there is no such thing as a fast and comfy general, and this one is going get FAST AS FUCK

>> No.71861165

Anon, I'm bored and this is funny.

>> No.71861201

Love you ria

>> No.71861212

No, it really doesn't. It proves that schizos attract schizos and putting "there are women here totes" attracts even more schizos who think they can larp as a manager well enough to get an in like they're an Idolm@ster protagonist.

>> No.71861244
File: 197 KB, 403x446, 1683270428810894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please, I need more tomboys...

>> No.71861246

Idk I like her look, maybe the art style is a bit questionable.. I'm open to any suggestions

>> No.71861278


>> No.71861335

alright anons it's crab hours post waspie critique

>> No.71861387

I say that all stupid for not doing yuri collabs

>> No.71861417

Male collaber past wasps aren't worth our time.

>> No.71861448

Elfin and Pittie will do eventually

>> No.71861487


>> No.71861490


>> No.71861498

Noice. I think that will suit your voice

>> No.71861510

My favourite part of schizo viewers shitting up the thread is when you ignore them. Shout out to that one anon who replied like four times in a row trying to goad me into making a vocaroo.
The seethe was like red wine.

>> No.71861544

Sex with Mond
Getting married to Mond
Passion love making with mond
Tucking Mond in to bed each and ever night
Bringing Mond a glass of milk before she sleeps
Wrapping Mond into a blanket burrito and impregnating her
Making Mond the happiest girl in the world
Sweaty sex under the covers with Mond
Paying for Mond's Runescape Membership
Loving and supporting Mond until the end of time
Patting Mond on her cute head
Scratching Monds cute ears
The cute sounds and tiny pants Mond makes when we make love
Monds cute giggle after I do something that makes her happy
Smiling as Mond says good morning to everyone with a eepy smile on her face
Listening to all of Mond's problems and being there for her when she needs me
Holding Mond's tiny frail body close to mine just so I can feel her warmth
Celebrating getting a quest cape with Mond
Making breakfast for Mond in the morning to help her wake up
Laying next to Mond in bed while she sleeps just looking at her cute face
Listening to Mond yawn all day because it just makes me happy
Sex with Mond

Simple as <3

>> No.71861550

new thread

>> No.71861591

All successes are in spite of you, not because of you.

>> No.71861632

Good one maletuber

>> No.71861643

Because you fools fail to realize that the same schizos and trolls from /asp/ and /wvt/ were here from the start.

>> No.71861669
File: 143 KB, 266x250, GFl63zLW8AAgxMg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god there is more, don't mind if I do

>> No.71861703

The girls aren't anything special which is why they never did anything great on their own. Wasp is the only reason they are doing better.

>> No.71861708


>> No.71861794

everyone is is literally mel

>> No.71861820

we got viewers. the schizos dont even watch

>> No.71861962

>We got viewers
Then leave if you don't need us anymore. You won't survive.

>> No.71861989

wasp critique is to stop giving these male posters any time of day. they're all losers and any 'advice' they offer is usually dipped in incel tears. we'll figure shit out on our own

>> No.71861993

/vt/ at its most schizophrenic is mild desu its like ai generated entertainment with occasional helpful advice. i don't mind
wtf... kinda gay bro...

>> No.71862017

>I'm bored
just might actually be bird

>> No.71862036
File: 385 KB, 128x128, 1705032977009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"We" are hurting "our" girls
Golden was blatantly Mel, so people dropped and blocked her. From what I've seen no one has unfollowed Elfin. Elfin has associated with 4chan since the very beginning and makes it obvious in her streams; she seems very aware of what that brings. Whether she's Mel or not, no one seems to care unless it's confirmed except "people" /here/.
In case it's not obvious, don't fall for falseflaggers going "look what we've done!! /wasp/ was a mistake!!! we need to kill /wasp/!!!" No one's done anything that isn't typical 4chan shit. You'll get the same thing in any other thread. People just want the split dead because it'd be funny to them, not because it's doing any actual harm.

>> No.71862103

Why do you think Elfin would have sex with you?

>> No.71862135

Girls that want to collab with boys want the split dead.

>> No.71862269

Is it an /asp/ie? :(

>> No.71862301
File: 64 KB, 176x176, 1699033030854275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair, it started even before elfin moved in.
I think what triggered was bonni success.
That moment is when schizos realized /asp/ was no longer "the hot thing" and that there was no point sticking to it since /wasp/ was not only never going to die but it was beginning to thrive.
Then elfin happened... and now it is just a normal /vt/ thread, with schizos and regular people alike just fighting each other.

Frankly, this is pretty much what old wvt used to be, with the advantage of no males

We entered the divergent timeline: wasp is about to become a parallel world /wvt/ where the viewer chuuba pipeline didn't exist. A /wvt/ without bayescord. A /wvt/ without femboy invasion. A /wvt/ without spacergate.
And most important, a /wvt/ that is outside of /trash/ from the get go.

Schizos? Sure. But those were also part of /wvt/. Where will this thread go from now on? Only future can tell. But what we know is that it wont be to where wvt went before.

I see a land, where children can run free
so take my hand, and walk this land with me
Though I am just a man
when you are by my side
With the help of god
I know I can be strong

>> No.71862321

t. a male

>> No.71862464

It could get trans though. I expect it to happen.
People will yell at them but they'll just support each other and ignore.

>> No.71862594

Then you make rwasp.
Real Women Aspiring and Startup Thread

>> No.71862599

well, there is no wvt without sister rose, so it comes with the timeline
having a local lolcow taking her role and seething because she was told to go to asp would be poetic

>> No.71862619
File: 45 KB, 727x726, suicidesquad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the moral of this story is... Elfin Lied?

>> No.71862642

I'm sad I only showed up after the elfin arc, sounds nice

>> No.71862653

I just want more proof that she's Mel. Right now, she's just a streamer. I don't like the way she goes about things, but if she's not Mel, I don't want her to be a pariah for any reason other than her being very /here/. Until anything other than the e-mail comes out, I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. If she grifts, then I'll change my mind.

>> No.71862654

>Real Women Aspiring and Startup Thread
Won't be enough they can just ignore that in the political climate and try to lean on rule 2.

>> No.71862745

all the girls here that i've met or lurked have been so sweet. i'm sad that the thread is like this...

>> No.71862788
File: 254 KB, 500x522, 1698096536695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71863027

it's what happens when men exist, sorry.

>> No.71863070

thank you for making me laugh on this shitty day

>> No.71863093

dont get attached to the thread it's not even a community. its just a tool

>> No.71863121

All men should just die. They're worthless, worse than worthless.

>> No.71863255

we told you it wouldnt last , but the happy days will become great memories in the future, and you will miss them
same thing happened to all wvtees
once you make it, and meet the now giants meat and clauvio, which you will, tell them about us, tell them about what you lived through in the last couple few months, and the will tell you about how December of 2020 wvt was, and the fun they had

>> No.71863280

you mean brother tulip

>> No.71863672

I'm Mel

>> No.71863796

imagine if teruteru managed to fuck up clauvios success

>> No.71864395

fortunately he nuked himself before that , but the tragic ones are the ones that we lost, that asp lost
like Xia
we rarely ever see someone as talented as that to visit this site ever again
but I believe in Pittie

>> No.71864505


>> No.71864613

Taking off your clothing is not a talent.

>> No.71864723

people already moved to the other thread, arent you lost

>> No.71864771

Lost? Then why are you here too?

>> No.71864802

Does it actually matter?

>> No.71864868

It is the only thing that matters.

>> No.71864921

I was having a conversation with someone
