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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71825176 No.71825176 [Reply] [Original]

We know Hololive is number 1, but with the fall of Nijisanji, what do 2nd and 3rd place look like?

>> No.71825236

still niji is 2nd, vspo 3rd

>> No.71825302

>the fall of Nijisanji
only EN is failing, JP is doing fine

>> No.71825306

op is a faggot

>> No.71825470

Nijisanji (for now)
like 3-4 other Japanese companies
45 other shitter companies

>> No.71825479

Dont use my wife for your shitposts

>> No.71825519

Just counting EN branches has Phase overtaken Niji yet?

>> No.71825525

1. Nijisanji.
2. None. Only Nijisanji matters.
3. See 2.

>> No.71825572

Not again, please not again

>> No.71826782

Niji is still number 2 despite total nijidrone death.
All the small corpos only equal to ONE BRANCH of Holo or Niji.

>> No.71826865

1. niji reputation in the gutter
2. -700 total nijinigger death
3. Vox no stream

>> No.71826885

Either Phase of Vshojo. So NijiEN isn't even 3rd anymore. Especially if Vox isn't going to stream anymore.

>> No.71827570

This has been asked dozens of times in the past month.
1. Hololive
2. NijiJP

>> No.71827853

What are you on that's mine

>> No.71828907

Do not seethe. This is the truth. I'm sorry if it stings.

>> No.71828988


>> No.71829513

Only EN Vtubing will experience a shift in positions. For overall, it will remain Hololive, Nijisanji and then VSPO for the foreseeable future unless EN actually impacts JP to a big extent but I see no indications that is or will be happening despite doomers gloating over stock price..
Nijisanji hasn't quite ceded their position since we're talking about a temporary situation still and they will be back at some point. But I think Phase would win based on overall collective total viewership but top talent, Vshojo would win on that front. I see better prospects for Phase because of how they are run in comparison to Vshojo, that 100k concert was not impressive at all.

>> No.71829837

Lol who the fuck cares about number 2, Hololive is king.

>> No.71829993

1 Holo
2 Bili
3 Brave

>> No.71830043

Personally I would consider Phase has surpassed NijiEN if they provide the girls decent 3D despite the smaller viewer base.

>> No.71830083
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>> No.71830272

Things really havent chnaged that much outside of Japan. There its still the same simply because Niji has too much power to disappear overnight. In the western world Hololive is utterly dominant NijiEN is simply not streaming so N/A and VShojo is on Twitch and not likely beyond Phase on Youtube.

>> No.71830420

All I know is that I love my 774inc girls. Its been rough lately.

>> No.71831013

Holo, Vshojo, then Phase if you don't consider Mythic a corpo.

>> No.71832007

Is Vshojo #1 in the west when it comes to hours watched now?

>> No.71832526

Yes. If you include embed and bots

>> No.71832575


>> No.71832818

my daughter is single, you sick fucks

>> No.71832960

Mythic is way bigger than Vshojo in the EN space.

After would be MSM, then Phase

>> No.71833021

/#/fag cope

>> No.71833068

Maybe Vshojo. Phase could win, but it seems the fish doesn't care much for idol stuff, so you they wont get the crazy otaku fanbase that are full of paypiggies.

>> No.71835335

what doesn't vox stream anymore? is he just sulking?

>> No.71835378

Dokibird being as large as Niji EN gives me a sensible chuckle each and every time.
I know her numbers won't last. It is funny despite that.

>> No.71835399

It's wild to see the Japanese talking about Phase; I can understand missing out on the other EN small corpos, but VEE and PRISM have been around just as long and even have Japanese ownership but they don't even register.

>> No.71836321

She only needs to stay over like 3k to be bigger than anyone in Niji EN. Not too difficult.

>> No.71836410

Worldwide? Niji is still second.
English? VShojo is #2 and Nijisanji is #3 still

>> No.71836509

I must've made this post since it's clear that Chammers is my wife

>> No.71838293

for EN unironically Phasefags are starting to take the 3rd spot from Niji

>> No.71841727
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Stop (ab)using my daughter's image, you degenerate filth!!

>> No.71843546


>> No.71846834

We could expect a little bit of a boost from Neo-porte because of their Gen 1 3D debuts this weekend. Probably will be 5-view debuts at that ccv wise. 774 and VSPO with their 3D debuts and debut streams. Its also interesting to see BRAVE and REALITY starting to stack up against ANYCOLOR and COVER as parent vtuber companies. As for EN If Phase could just get near 5-views with their streams and expand their audience they could catch up to NijiEN but the NijiJP fanbase is keeping them afloat albeit barely. Would like to see the likes of TW and TH Corpos like Meridian Project, SquareLive, ARP, and Pixela take the next step up on their numbers as well.

>> No.71848769

Sad girl coffee company is very good branding

>> No.71848819

how the fuck homoEN is above homoJP?

>> No.71849041

The top 2 are Nijisanji and Hololive as usual. Who number 1 is depends on the metric you use.

>> No.71850043

Hololive is number 1.
Nijisanji is no longer more popular than Hololive in Japan or overseas.
Nijifags' last cope of "my stock high!" got btfo by -700 drop.
Nijisanji's reputation is also forever ruined and will take tremendous efforts to recover.
Whatever cherry pick metric you use, Nijisanji just lose now.

>> No.71850697

From the looks of it Riku better be tonguing Kazuja's asshole daily, because if he decides to go or have a major yab they are fucked. Absolutely hard carrying on JP side

>> No.71854437


>> No.71854650

Anon your wife IS a shitpost

>> No.71855913
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By what metric?

>> No.71857587

1. Hololive
2. Nijisanji
3. Vshojo

NijisanjiEN maybe a tire fire right now, but the JP side is hard carrying the company.

>> No.71857819

Mythic's a weird one. It's hard to consider anyone who signed a contract with a company like that 'indie' but it's impossible to consider them a vtuber corpo when any connection between members is purely coincidental.

>> No.71857825

>fall of nijisanji
last i saw kuzuha, sara and salome are still contracted with nijisanji for a long period still with conditions to extend that will be met. i know chihiro graduated, but it was on good terms and nijisanji gave her a contract extension, but she decided to leave. unless phaseconnect/sakana can somehow get a talent that can match kuzuha or salome's numbers, they will stay 5th behind vspo and vshoujo. idol is also growing stronger, and dont forget the vallure corpo that are debuting in 3 months time.

>> No.71858288

its starting to feel like a "legacy" company like .live or reACT with no future now

>> No.71859216
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>> No.71859926

Nijisanji is still 2nd because of that lolicon guy alone

>> No.71865312

all mine

>> No.71865743
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>> No.71866820

Arent you proving his point? Is just hololive and niji on that list.

>> No.71867356

Because he's third

>> No.71868829
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Not us. Not by a long, long shot. But I would be happy getting into the neighborhood of where Phase is now and being the second choice of small corpos.
At least everyone else is busy catching on fire meanwhile ours are just embers from a year ago.
Gen 5 is good. Go watch them.

>> No.71868945
File: 193 KB, 1592x1778, 5ca68545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Brave Group by most metrics

>> No.71869138

Oh yeah Kawaii is the first english-focused small corpo to poach a niji for an en branch. Not even phase or idol have done that yet.

>> No.71869262

Nijisanji isn’t dead yet. Maybe after their next quarterly report, but scumbag corpos like that always find a way to come out on top so I’m not getting my hopes up.

>> No.71871037
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brave is three

>> No.71871103

Gura kill-ack
Desuwa? More like Desuw-ack

>> No.71871354

>i know chihiro graduated, but it was on good terms
lel considering she talked shit about them prior to graduating it was anything but good terms and probably got the gundou graduation treatment

>> No.71871525

>i know chihiro graduated, but it was on good terms
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL that's why she immediately started vtubing as an indie right?

>> No.71871556

Mommeh is going to rock the westoid small corpo scene like catalog fags won't believe, but she isn't going to be knocking Holo off their block by any means. Be realistic, coomer.

>> No.71872081

They used to be the third company, I do think the company will not last longer though

>> No.71872147

telling me you are a phase faggot without telling you are a phase faggot

>> No.71872307

It's still to soon to say that NIJI lost the second place but you are in the right track when it comes to questioning it, as it could implode either soon or way later than expected. All bets are open, but there's much to lose when it comes to saying it happened already, it's a developing situation still.

This although IDK how VShojo numbers go, I guess the anons at /#/ would have a better spreadsheet for that than me.

>> No.71874816

