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File: 816 KB, 2544x3881, @AngelDu30583993-1769199025885192585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71816900 No.71816900 [Reply] [Original]

Lovers Edition
Previous Thread >>71796786

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream
>Free Chat

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.71816925
File: 95 KB, 280x296, 1692412473852358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*steals your semen*

>> No.71816938
File: 275 KB, 2000x2000, 1710805551496880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My princesses.. my Sleeping Beauties...

>> No.71816951
File: 292 KB, 1000x1592, @koahri1-1731088223781175626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giving koahri a wrist massage to prevent carpal tunnel from all the drawing she's been doing

>> No.71817022

Are they asleep?

>> No.71817039

posting before any of you say "yeah with me"

>> No.71817043
File: 676 KB, 500x600, Mococo What about Mococo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx9d63a.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71817048

fuwamoco cute

>> No.71817085
File: 2.66 MB, 484x550, FuwaMoco The only person I'm going to bodyslam is Mocochan[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxikjyl.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71817118

what is friend doing?

>> No.71817209
File: 3.91 MB, 664x600, FuwaMoco I love Mocochan lots. I love Fuwawa lots too of course.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F947szp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71817212

I love my previous wives! Love the ruffians too, but Fuwamoco are at the top.

>> No.71817264

it's funny seeing Fubuki getting openly drunk after she waited so long for her "character" to turn 21 before mentioning any drinks

>> No.71817267

I meant precious… my phone has sabotaged me…

>> No.71817271
File: 1.22 MB, 1500x1028, 1691890607995220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71817309
File: 109 KB, 901x1200, GIGdFfrbkAAXsEJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says "Really?" when her own damn twin sister says she loves her
My princess is broken...I can fix her.

>> No.71817314

get out whore

>> No.71817327
File: 30 KB, 393x508, 1682370178135454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love my previous wives!

>> No.71817513
File: 2.24 MB, 2220x1450, 1705207840402377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my gurjus wives but I can't lie to them and say I like other ruffians

>> No.71817525
File: 2.23 MB, 726x944, Fuwawa I love you, Ruffians[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fflxs8o.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71817557
File: 776 KB, 864x1536, GJCHDpfaMAAtDlr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuwawa tweet doko...

>> No.71817576

Kek. Can’t believe marine really ran over. Wish they could have met up.

>> No.71817669

I only love Lamy and FUWAMOCO

>> No.71817718

its never going to happen

>> No.71817853
File: 122 KB, 469x468, 1682363941793065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71817921
File: 582 KB, 534x616, AIIIEEEEE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F84nk4t.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71817929

I love her

>> No.71818144

EST on fuwawa streams?

>> No.71818166
File: 349 KB, 1829x2048, @ma_draws-1769918128434102500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoh, pretty based

>> No.71818182


>> No.71818330


>> No.71818395

I can't be friends with people I don't like, sorry fuzzy princess

>> No.71818406
File: 456 KB, 800x916, Nerissa I love Fuwawa[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9ksqv6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71818479

But you like me though, right?

>> No.71818524

They're most likely sleeping or at least not /here/ right now so I can lie and say yes.

>> No.71818581

thats a dude

>> No.71818606

The only real reason I would even try talking to other ruffians is to play games together, but everyone seems either incredibly autistic or a menhera schizo timebomb

>> No.71818656
File: 576 KB, 1131x1600, @nezunayu-1769812471231992218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've played/organized L4D2, GBVSR, UNIST2, and DKC with various ruffians here and it's been a chill time

>> No.71818669
File: 399 KB, 562x585, 1697924639008234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to play some vidya but I'm incredibly autistic

>> No.71818723

If you were to go out with her you would have to hang out with their friends… Is not liking the friends of your partner a deal breaker to you ruffians? I think for me I would drop my girl if I didn’t like her friends.

>> No.71818745

I think all ruffians are at least a little autistic

>> No.71818782

good thing their friends are all cute girls that I for the most part have no problem with

>> No.71818788

I was the one hosting the GBFVSR lobbies, learned and played jong with anons, beat DKC and Wario Ware the other day with the anon hosting those, and join aggies whenever I catch them
What kind of vidya do you play? It's not like we're on voice chat or anything that would reveal your flaring autism

>> No.71818859

time to go bananas

>> No.71818870

depends on how much of an influence her friends are, if its the kind where if her friends dont like me and she'll put more stock into the word of her friends than my actions or words then its probably a deal breaker
i've had a partner who didn't like my friends which was fine, it just resulted in me spending more alone time with her, or picking out specific friends to come hang - i didnt dislike her friends but it was a different vibe i wasnt accustomed to

>> No.71818922

Fuck, it's lunch time for me so I'll join in a bit after I'm done eating

>> No.71818974
File: 349 KB, 2160x1638, @DDrawins-1746317657463259348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was the one hosting the GBFVSR lobbies
i was probably the yuel -> ferry player then who fought you multiple times
there was some times i'd host a room too and fought some other anons when you werent around i think

i have to leave in maybe like 30mins-1 hr but i sppose i can play for a bit

>> No.71819047
File: 104 KB, 850x978, Mocothumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

select button to switch between diddy and dixie btw

>> No.71819050

That's it, I'm heading to bed. I don't care about the good night Fuwawa tweet.

>> No.71819140

what about fuwawa,,,

>> No.71819145

I'm not menhera

>> No.71819144

That's it, I'm heading to bed. I don't care about the good night Mococo tweet.

>> No.71819163

She already gave me a good night DM bro. You're good.

>> No.71819191


>> No.71819199

what flares up my autism is the idea of interacting with people without a completely anonymous mask.

>> No.71819228

I'm not sharing that with you. It's for my viewing pleasure only. I will tell you that it was a video snippet with her 2D model.

>> No.71819317
File: 1 KB, 86x78, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rmbr to click the button here so u can come into the player section and controller can get passed to u

>> No.71819336

How come mine was with a janky prototype 3D model. I'll have to DM Fuwawa back with this complaint.

>> No.71819728
File: 1.11 MB, 2658x4096, @ri_nyahn-1769816837703778621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slowly stacking various small things such as leaves, cards, etc ontop of koahris head while she's hyperfocused on drawing fuwamoco and doesn't realize

>> No.71819762

I have never played this before, my learner badge is not a joke lol

>> No.71819786

if you're playing on keyboard you can customize your buttons in the settings

>> No.71819805
File: 1 KB, 173x54, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ww its fine, me neither, just if you die or complete the level press this button to pass the controller so we take turns

>> No.71819998
File: 120 KB, 1200x900, @owlandcarrot-1763973794446643536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok convenient timing, i gotta go now! ty it was fun

>> No.71820046


>> No.71820066


>> No.71820112

weird, this got caught in my filter and I have no idea why

>> No.71820163

>i was probably the yuel -> ferry player then who fought you multiple times
Yeah, also nice to hear there were more anons up for it at other hours

>> No.71820169

i'd filter banana too

>> No.71820196

Fuwamoco is helping me heal my heartbreak over previous oshi
I hope I can tell them I love them one day and mean it like all of you can
Until then I will cherish them and cheer on you gachikoi chad's, your love for them is an inspiration for me as much as they are
Please keep on loving these dogs with your whole heart
Ganbare, I'll try my best to be a real ruffian some day too

>> No.71820208
File: 208 KB, 403x493, 1710673930194540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filtering bananas

>> No.71820228


>> No.71820235

Is keyboard only, or will my usb xbox controller work?

>> No.71820259

controller works and is recommended

>> No.71820347
File: 95 KB, 988x877, GIZEcNZa0AA0FNq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nap time

>> No.71820371
File: 209 KB, 340x764, Mococo Ah, goodnight![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl6aoqh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71820376
File: 185 KB, 611x721, 1691575246339185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually was related to the word banana

>> No.71820408
File: 85 KB, 680x645, 1696219826291528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uweh, I've got a work meeting, so I'll drop out. That was fun, Ruffians.

>> No.71820414
File: 1.19 MB, 1191x1191, @ParunPrunPa-1714446678684791017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71820485

I think freechat's going to watch DKC later as well

>> No.71820500

I filtered out a lot of possible things to stop seeing constant name dropping

>> No.71820561


>> No.71820646

Who's your previous oshi

>> No.71820781
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1708328006531243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was very smart when finding out what was causing it and ended up clearing my filter list without saving

>> No.71820813
File: 407 KB, 1280x1280, 1696071629777527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71820818

oh my god... good luck

>> No.71821174


>> No.71821175

i miss and love my wives

>> No.71821195

such a nice and quiet thread, feels like only the best posters are around

>> No.71821230
File: 281 KB, 1705x1712, 1681933853486629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm right here

>> No.71821237

The flag...

>> No.71821238

Should I spin the wheel?

>> No.71821250

it was crazy earlier but he probably got banned

>> No.71821253

regrettably i have never seen a good post attached to this image

>> No.71821271
File: 537 KB, 685x743, 1707225612216433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71821289

SEA posters went to bed

>> No.71821495
File: 251 KB, 1100x1366, 1706890750326256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not great, but mococo is!

>> No.71821605
File: 183 KB, 640x480, 1703903687536576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please keep on loving these dogs with your whole heart
I will, for as long as I exist on this earth. I hope you find peace in these girls, anon. They have a lot of genuine love in their hearts

>> No.71821629

gotta be top 3 funniest gosling images
my favourite is the one where he's smiling giddly and has his finger up to his mouth, you got that one?

>> No.71821684
File: 694 KB, 945x892, 1690817103283133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta enjoy the calm while we can. it doesn't happen often these days.

>> No.71821816
File: 59 KB, 665x620, 1703903704063964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71821879

kek, thank you, never fails to bring a smile to my face, ryan is in pure joy in this picture and i love it
i make the same motion when fuwamoco is being too cute

>> No.71822064

I miss them…

>> No.71822130

I wonder how many streams we will be getting. I hope we get another zatsu at least.

>> No.71822188

Thanks for the compliment ruffian. I will sex you up alongside FuwaMoco tonight for such nice post.

>> No.71822272

least horny ruffian

>> No.71822522
File: 112 KB, 600x450, 1707432221339249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said they can't really game or be too loud, so that means they're gaming from their fluffing hotel room, and they also don't seem to have much time right now. The only time they really seem to have is later in the day, but they don't want to stream or do spaces at that hour for obvious reasons they talked about...
I'm not expecting much at all in terms of streams. One zatsu is what I want, honestly... Even a "good morning wuffians, do your best today!" voice tweet during FWMC Morning days would be nice...
But I guess as long as they aren't hurting or stressing themselves out too much, I'll be fine. The last thing in the world I'd ever want us for them to rush and end up in a bad situation

>> No.71822537 [DELETED] 


>> No.71822548

March is gonna be bare for streams I feel.
They're still waiting on the move in date, and then they gotta set up and buy new furniture.
Not to mention all the behind the scenes stuff at Cover they gotta deal with.
Plus they probably have immigration stuff to finish up if they haven't already.
So we'll be lucky for a couple of long streams in a week or so, but we might get a guerilla stream here and there. Plus they do really wanna see us and hate they have to go suddenly. So maybe they have something planned soon but they can't set the day and time in stone yet.

>> No.71822649
File: 2.33 MB, 1239x2000, 1680989098155316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71822701
File: 1.54 MB, 1422x944, Fuwawa Mocochan, can I check your lips[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpyacgs.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71822731

Someone should post on twitter that they will oshihen if there is no streams. That will speed things up.

>> No.71822747

My intercontinental move took over a month to complete. I knew they were being overly optimistic when they put the freechat up for a month and even said they wanted to finish before that date

>> No.71822756

You should kill yourself

>> No.71822763

Sisters first, lovers second.

>> No.71822782

bau bau bau

>> No.71822890


>> No.71822898

what does it even mean?

>> No.71822958
File: 852 KB, 1500x1500, GE-xaU_aQAAKi8P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it toke bae several months to be properly set, the dry season is going to be long

>> No.71823180

I can imagine them getting super frustrated when the real estate agent refused their request to move in earlier.

>> No.71823226
File: 479 KB, 1587x2048, 1709433845294352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can and will wait for them.
Yes it sucks not seeing them as much I'd like to.
But they are hitting a huge goal so the wait is nothing compared to the journey and sacrifice they're making to meet it.

>> No.71823285
File: 458 KB, 806x1060, Fuwawa Give me the hotdog, bau bau bau bau![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzwkjx0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71823305

Oh God. I had to go into the office for the first time in 3 months and when I went to put on my nice pants the button burst and I tore the back. I'm now realizing how much bigger I've gotten after wearing sweat or no pants for so long. Jesas

>> No.71823309

what did she mean by this

>> No.71823310

They said that the place they want is already in their hands but they can’t move in yet right?

>> No.71823334
File: 3.65 MB, 704x764, FuwaMoco That was kind of romantic[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6ksu6j.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71823338

I was such a retard for so confidently posting that they'll move in within the first week MAYBE by the end of week 2. I just couldn't even comprehend being away from them for so long and was coping HARD.
Oh well, I miss them terribly, but it's definitely easier now cause I've gotten used to no streams.
I really just want them to be happy and cozy. I unironically felt so good hearing that they were having a lot of fun with newissa and eating lots of food

>> No.71823422

Yeap, they asked to move in early and their request got denied.

>> No.71823433
File: 2.90 MB, 730x780, Mococo I'm gonna live on the floor now.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7v1alz.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71823469

That unironically probably means they can't move in until April...

>> No.71823480
File: 341 KB, 322x620, fuwawaplap[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8hud3h.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71823517
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, FuwaMoco Nyahaha[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8y4o93.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71823555

Not surprising , apartments are autistic with sticking to their timelines for leases. Same with a lot of real estate

>> No.71823573

You know what they say, distance makes hearts grow closer. I have talk to the spirits and they said that FWC will come back in the first week of April.

>> No.71823574

Yeap, they already brought up the reality that freecat will last beyond April 2nd.

>> No.71823638

You know, they can do a morning zatsu vertical streams like Bae did and probably get more subs than streaming usually. Bae gets 3-4k subs each time she does that.

>> No.71823669


>> No.71823677


>> No.71823713
File: 3.20 MB, 876x514, hyrule field loop [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsnae5a.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day...

>> No.71823780


>> No.71823801

Marine didnt do that and gained subs though. Is probably more of a toggle they have to use.

>> No.71823807

I haven't even been awake for 12 hours and I already want to pass out

>> No.71823944

Read the comments

>> No.71824045

I can't read

>> No.71824099

You could always take a nap! Maybe get a cold drink or walk around a bit to perk yourself up if you’re at a desk all day

>> No.71824180

I couldn't catch the stream last night and I've had a really bad day today, it's put me in an awful mood. How was the stream? Think it'll be worth it to watch now, or save it till I'm feeling better?

>> No.71824218

last time I saved a stream/anime for when I'm feeling better I got a huge backlog

>> No.71824279

If you think that cute fuwamoco with their senpais in Japan stories and hearing that they're doing good and having fun sounds like it'll cheer you up, then sure watch it.

>> No.71824355

was searching for fuwamoco related videos and found this
it's like an entire channel created by AI or something

>> No.71824442

It was heart warming towards the end.

>> No.71824517

Our princess mococo cried...

>> No.71824597

Are they awake? Or am I imagining new likes…

>> No.71824683

Meds, likeschizo

>> No.71824767

Nah, not him, I just didn’t remember the likes in those 2 Ina posts, so I thought they were new

>> No.71825143

thinking about princess mococo's panties...

>> No.71825196
File: 149 KB, 458x600, Mococo Honk Honk[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fou54no.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How nice is it to have a good thread for once

>> No.71825243

Is cause sisters are focusing on koyori now.

>> No.71825289

what's happening with koyori?

>> No.71825322

Collab with Shibuya Hal in a sponsored stream.

>> No.71825330

Go look, let’s not talk about that here

>> No.71825545

Mococo kept reiterating that it MIGHT be in their hands. It sounds like they have a place in mind and there's no issues on paper but they could also just get denied if the landlord is an asshole.

>> No.71825577

oh god I hope they don't get denied after telling us this

>> No.71825584

Well she did insist we think about them.
I like to imagine that Fuwawa drags her panty shopping at least once in a while to buy something sexy that makes her feel sexy.

>> No.71825602

I think is more of a date issue. They probably can get the place in early-mid April, but not earlier than that.

>> No.71825717

Yeah like Mococo kept saying "might" every time Fuwawa said they have the place. I'm sure it's just her being overly negative/realistic about everything. But I'm also going to set my expectations accordingly in case they get fucked over

>> No.71825749

Miss Fuwawa…
Miss Mococo…

>> No.71825788

they'll be back soon 2schizos

>> No.71825826
File: 849 KB, 570x764, Mococo Ruffians, you're going to take responsibility, right_[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxnzem1.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about Mococo

>> No.71825828

From what we've seen so far Mococo's expectations are closer to reality albeit a bit on the pessimistic side. Fuwawa's world view is crazy sometimes

>> No.71825890
File: 17 KB, 264x266, 1681660329173190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71825988

Sorry, what? Sorry, we just woke up I missed your text. I had to make Fuwawa some waffles.

>> No.71826004
File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, GJCe19kagAAb2WG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuwawa's world view is crazy sometimes
fuwawa lives in magic land

>> No.71826036

I love her

>> No.71826067

who eats waffles at 4am

>> No.71826128

Wuffians, what game do you want to see them play the most?

>> No.71826150

don't worry about it. It's a little disappointing, but it was something that was announced months ago, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.71826196
File: 326 KB, 640x436, 1709137945805953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ER, DS or Sekiro (probably the one they would actually be interested to play)

>> No.71826254

Saya no uta. 2nd, fatal frame 2, 3rd metal gear 3

>> No.71826341

DKC 2, saya no uta, sekiro, MGS 3. Enough variety so everyone has something to look forward to.

>> No.71826465

i want to see them finish sakura wars

>> No.71826469

Shin-chan: Me and the Professor on Summer Vacation for the Switch. Unbelievable comfy kino, they will absolutely love it.
I find it interesting so many people want to see dark souls or those kind of super difficult games. Some of my least favorite content to watch even from streamers I really like, but I seem to be the only human on earth that does not enjoy those games.

>> No.71826477


>> No.71826672
File: 407 KB, 706x627, 1704159784341028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work is over, I love FuwaMoco. Will we have DKC on cytube tonight?

>> No.71826709

Dragon's Dogma, Dragon's Dogma 2, or a full playthrough of the Dead Space series Dead Space 3 will be a full co-op playthrough with both Mococo and Fuwawa playing

>> No.71826726

DKC #2 watchalong at the normal time yeah, but you'll have to suggest it in freecat first

>> No.71826771
File: 379 KB, 1158x1122, IMG_1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mister Donut… I’m sorry but it seems as though DK is trying to win my heart. Fuwawa loves her pudgy manlets, after all.

>> No.71826815
File: 922 KB, 1409x868, 1709168732727147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would they be capable of playing (and completing) Silent Hill?

>> No.71826871

someone's already mentioned it in freechat earlier

>> No.71826902

I think the puzzles would be the most difficult part. They'd be screaming their heads off, but I think they could do it.

>> No.71826978

With them reading my tips every playthrough again? Sure.

>> No.71827004

Mister Donut is owned by Dunkin. I wonder if the final one in Illinois serves pon-de-rings

>> No.71827049

Rise of the Ronin just because I really wonder what exactly Fuwawa is expecting, and to see it contrasted with what the game really is. Kino potential.

That Shin-chan game is on Steam too, which is probably easier for them to stream. I would LOVE it. Millennium Kitchen are the best.
As for Dark Souls, it's a combination of things they've shown either an interest on and that they're good at. With the difference in excitement between Cookie & Cream and It Takes Two, you can see that they value challenge, even though they're bad at games. They get bored if the game is too easy to cuddle them. In Amnesia, MGS and any other game with "lore notes", you get that wonderful story time, usually from Fuwawa, but Moco-chan can chime in too when she feels like it. In Souls, you get several wonderfully written (except for Dark Souls 2) item descriptions and dialogue that are all bite sized, you get an item, read for half a minute, back to the game. It's perfect, and they seem to retain the information from those well enough, surprisingly, considering they reference previous lore notes when reading a new one in Amnesia. And lastly, they craved exploration in Palword, they thought getting some shitty crafting material in a chest was the coolest thing in the world, imagine them finding whole secret areas, exclusive weapons with unique movesets, secret boss fights, very very few games do rewarding exploration like Souls.
I don't care much for the "git gud" meme, which is why I would prefer if they played Demon's Souls or Dark Souls 1, by far the easiest ones that they can cheese to make any boss a joke with magic in Demon's and heavy armor in Dark 1. I wouldn't want to watch them suffering against a boss for hours and hours in Elden Ring, Sekiro or Dark Souls 3, I think those are pushing it a bit, at least for a first game.

>> No.71827102

>>71827049 (me)
Jesus Christ I should have formatted this, didn't expect this great wall, I just kept typing. Sorry.

>> No.71827122
File: 753 KB, 1769x2500, 1698056250028300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got home and watched the VOD
I hope they pick a good place and not just the first somewhat okay but actually kinda crappy place just for the sake of hurrying it up
Longterm it'd be better to wait an extra few weeks if needed for a really good apartment

>> No.71827126

This made me realize I haven't played games in a long while

>> No.71827181

I relate to Mococo more, but Fuwawa's magic is absolutely essential. The fluffy inspiration from her is essential to making things happen.

>> No.71827196

Everyone's saying hard games that I know they'd hate, with the exception of DKC2 so I'll suggest what I think would be literally perfect for them.
A Hat in Time.

>> No.71827223
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, 1629583613866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer vacation with Fubuki was fun, she would get up early in the morning to stream it and give out make-believe participation stamps

>> No.71827234
File: 237 KB, 2116x1800, GH1qEUZakAAdhfU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so /hlgg/ can have cropped porn as its OP but god forbid I post Mococo's barely visible royal asshole and I get a warning.

>> No.71827270

It's been 3 days anon... let it go...

>> No.71827279

Agreed, made sure to tell them that as well. Of course they shouldn't be throwing money away just because they have a lot of it now, but it's ok to at least let price no longer be the number one factor in their decisions. Let it be number three. Among the houses that would be perfect for them, sure, pick the cheapest. But don't pass on the perfect house just because it's not the cheapest.

>> No.71827318

was this drawn by icomochi?

>> No.71827327

You have to post Fuwawa's princess butt instead. Last time I posted both, Mocobutt got me banned but Fuwabutt stayed up.

>> No.71827352


>> No.71827362
File: 2.22 MB, 2000x2848, bed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gorjus princess' butt

>> No.71827376 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1536x1536, 1710806605023412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but this was

>> No.71827380

something they actually want to play rather than trying to please a certain crowd

>> No.71827396

Ggs dkc anon
I don't know if there's a 99 lives trick for this one but at least farming the coins seems enough

>> No.71827403

Post it again just to be sure, this royal asshole that you are speaking of seems awfully familiar, but I cannot put my finger on it..

>> No.71827406


>> No.71827467

My number one from the "never ever" list.

>> No.71827482

My number one from the "gosh I wish" list.

>> No.71827526
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>> No.71827530

Can they stream catherine in full?

>> No.71827531

I'm a chihuahua

>> No.71827559
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x1142, c0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. If only.

>> No.71827568

Every single sonic game in release order starting from the very first. Would genuinely be the single most kino journey imaginable

>> No.71827596

They should play a GOOD Fatlus game, like Persona 4

>> No.71827616


>> No.71827644

We could do with some chie posting in fact

>> No.71827685

Naoto > *

>> No.71827693 [DELETED] 

fromsoftniggs should get the rope

>> No.71827703

I hope is a place somewhat close to their senpais. Makes it easier and safer.

>> No.71827724

>but I cannot put my finger on it..
How about IN it?

>> No.71827723

There seems to be an epidemic of wuffians who can't spell it seems

>> No.71827725 [SPOILER] 
File: 604 KB, 1217x482, MarshmallowMania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, she looks bigger than Mococo here

>> No.71827782

Yes, the IDog is lying once again. I hate Ollie.

>> No.71827821

But Fuwawa is literally bigger than Mococo?
Mogogo has a flat chest

>> No.71827844

HOLY SHIT! Now that is a royal asshole! Thank you!

>> No.71827842

Looking around on a few different renting sites for Tokyo it doesn't feel like there's really a huge shortage of say 50 sqm+ apartments, I see plenty. Sure they're not cheap but it's Tokyo and if anyone can afford to do like 2k usd a month on a nice place it would be holos for example.

I guess the difficulty is more in getting them to let foreigners rent in the first place.

>> No.71827855

I just assume all the holomem look the same as their models irl but with more common hair colors, outfits and obviously no animal traits

>> No.71827856

oh hey that guy's back

>> No.71827878 [DELETED] 

Kys Ollie you habitual liar.

>> No.71827940
File: 149 KB, 900x585, 1710231413803535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was he here earlier kek?

>> No.71827961
File: 1.14 MB, 2480x3454, GFXRNlNXYAAR62X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wives are so cute.

>> No.71827963

All good threads have to come to an end

>> No.71827974 [DELETED] 


>> No.71827981

Yeah, I just want to watch them play cute co-op games to be honest

>> No.71828002

he left after replying to himself a dozen times

>> No.71828006

Have no idea who this are. Fuwawa has big fat titties and Mogogo has no breasts.

>> No.71828019 [DELETED] 

Sadly for you this >>71827878 is who you met, Ollie. Keep coping, IDog.

>> No.71828094

It's indog though

>> No.71828095 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.22 MB, 253x303, lookatthis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll allow it.

>> No.71828142

He's a nijifag got bored of anti-ing koyori

>> No.71828209

I have a massive erection now... SOMEONE has to take responsibility, right ruffians?

>> No.71828229
File: 498 KB, 563x673, 1705477127471934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idiots replying are no better.

>> No.71828243
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>> No.71828247


>> No.71828259

>Persona 4 waifu wars is now on topic
>doxxnigger is also back
I hate this thread so much it's unreal

>> No.71828273

>ollie is literally describing their 3dpd
why is this an issue for discussion?

>> No.71828277 [SPOILER] 
File: 528 KB, 2150x2150, 1700265177821315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine wuffian, com'ere~

>> No.71828326

He's just replying to himself, it's the exact same replies every time.

>> No.71828351

now that koyori is a confirmed homocollaber she is no longer allowed in this thread

>> No.71828356

Anon, they are streamers who are going to be making alot of noise. They need to find a place that is cool with them doing that or risk getting thrown out.

>> No.71828380
File: 25 KB, 480x640, 1687765619450718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine. Here. Enjoy.

>> No.71828387
File: 407 KB, 1280x1280, 1708359273508670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill the thread!

>> No.71828391

Why must you play with both my heart and erection, Pero?

>> No.71828402

Yup. They’re hot as fuck.
Because Ollie is lying about one twin 3DPD’s chest being bigger than the other. That’s not true at all. They’re both the same size.

>> No.71828408

It was announced a month ago, retard. You don't actually care

>> No.71828428

I'll rape Pero one day, He will become my cocksleeve

>> No.71828429

That's how I feel about the RM posting.
It just strengthens my love and desire for them.
But it is still a rule violation so it shouldn't be posted here.

>> No.71828443
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>> No.71828446
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>> No.71828450

i wanted to say that fwmc can make a room soundproof, then i remembered the lightbulbs saga

>> No.71828451
File: 820 KB, 918x1014, 1690437891892757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my gosh!!

>> No.71828469

yes i dont actually care about her thats why she is not allowed in here

>> No.71828513
File: 484 KB, 1414x2000, 2fda9062cf248211b6019b692ea22817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71828525

let Ollie have her fun. It's not like it matters to us.

>> No.71828526
File: 292 KB, 1448x2048, 1708489358594858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should collab with Towasama.

>> No.71828569
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>> No.71828608
File: 687 KB, 944x651, SEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what stage are we ruffians?

>> No.71828618

Explain Friend and Mori.

>> No.71828623
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x912, 116079948_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71828632

To an extent it's not even about what they can or can't do
It's how much the landlord cares. They can promise to soundproof and do hatever, but for a lot of landlords they'll just be like "these gaijin streamers are probably gonna be a pain to deal with so nah I'll pass"

>> No.71828638

They don't need to "make it" soundproof, they can just buy a soundproof booth, like the one Towa and Choco use, and I'm sure a bunch of other holos.
It's pretty expensive, though, so they won't.

>> No.71828646

Complete Trust - Sexual Exploration
Stability will be when they finally move in

>> No.71828662

i hope they have sex with kuro

>> No.71828683
File: 450 KB, 1667x2320, 1708121554711034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71828719 [DELETED] 

I can’t imagine the voices we hear on stream coming from these faces.

>> No.71828722

if fuwamoco ever collab with homos, i'll bite the bullet and send the unicorn sc

>> No.71828743
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>> No.71828748
File: 2.16 MB, 1700x1359, 1708355410571573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71828751

>now that koyori is a confirmed homocollaber she is no longer allowed in this thread
le tourist must be in the wrong thread

>> No.71828758

Do both of them even fit confortably in one? Aren't those made for one person?

>> No.71828763
File: 305 KB, 1332x1864, 1695400188662505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71828785

They won't, so fuck off

>> No.71828790

What about Friend though?

>> No.71828808
File: 599 KB, 800x800, 1700670095819990.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how fast and easy these threads turn to shit

>> No.71828820

just in case it's actually of interest to anyone, back when her being part of the baseball shill stuff was announced she got an SC from a longtime member about it who was against it and she responded to it

>regarding there being males in the vtuber koshien collab, they didn't invite her directly, it went through the proper channels via the company and koyo hasn't changed her stance at all
>she's talked about wanting to do MC roles and did the projectV with kiryu, but still doesn't go out of her way to interact with males
>not sure why that's related to gachikois at all, since it's professional work and not on a personal relationship level, just really thankful for the work, and about powerpro, a game she loves
>so she decided to do it after discussing about it with her manager as professional work, will continue handling cases like that
>koyo's actually a shy person and she's interacting with all of the other competitors for the first time on top of being uncomfortable with males so nervous about it
>and right, in terms of history they're also my senpais, they've been doing this much longer than me - I'm doing my best looking things up to make the best eikan nine

>> No.71828841

Yeah, one guy replying to himself with no janny intervention will do that.

>> No.71828844

Kurochan is peak masculinity as far as Fuwawa is concerned btw.

>> No.71828858

Most are, but you can get bigger ones. More expensive, though, naturally.

>> No.71828859

collaborations with male celebs is inevitable. you just need to savor the moment right now that they have not. mococo if you are reading this, i will oshihen immediately and never bother you again

>> No.71828864
File: 1.13 MB, 1318x1800, b4b3b7717e92a1ce42fe2f6ad25708c7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71828875

It’s better this way. I hate safespaces. Add some toxicity to it. It’s more fun. .

>> No.71828878
File: 94 KB, 774x762, 1710811100813912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's peak masculinity as far as I'M concerned too. I mean, just look at him

>> No.71828884

Baused, she betrayed the gachikoi, she is our enemy now. I don't want her being a bad influence for Fuwamoco

>> No.71828915
File: 238 KB, 1344x862, 1696344967959566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71828920

I look forward to the day FWMC get acknowledged by kurochan and participate in a short program with him, like Okayu was able to

>> No.71828926

You are a subhuman kill yourself

>> No.71828930

guess it's a phasecuck raid now, sigh this hobby is so anoying

>> No.71828931

It appears that order 66 must be used. Post porn of FuwaMoco. The more explicit, the better!

>> No.71828959

wtf does co-creation mean

>> No.71828968

This is one of my favorite fan arts of them. Something about the ears sticking up under the hoodies is just ultra adorable

>> No.71828983
File: 1.33 MB, 3277x4096, 1708234251384399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71829001

koyori is a well known numberfag, her shamelessness is very impressive. its go big or go home. i will definitely do exactly whats shes doing right now minus the cock sucking

>> No.71829000

>begs for gachikoi
>receives them
>goes on to collab with males and betrays those gachikoi as a result
Stay away from my wives, Koyori.

>> No.71829010

It's cause you retards reply to them. No one was replying to the doxnigger, so he switched to the typical homobeggar shit and you idiots are replying

>> No.71829024

FWMC and Kiara are on the same page. They are redpilled and well aware of the implications of homo collabs so don't do them.

>> No.71829026

No it's not inevitable. You should trust them more.

>> No.71829033
File: 94 KB, 227x280, 1708718748983947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71829042

Just don't be menhera over shill collabs where they appear as holo idols to promote some company or product.
That's not the same as randomly collabing with guys for fun.

>> No.71829074

She also stated she isn't ever going to collab with men in a casual one-on-one setting on her channel

>> No.71829089
File: 2.78 MB, 2365x3343, ce10019c9706a616ed639ad320f9025f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71829091

I have so much power over this place it’s unreal.

>> No.71829100

Kiara has appeared on stream with men multiple times by now. All for event/shill reasons though, which is all FWMC would do too.

>> No.71829104

Extremely weak answer. So if a company wanted to sponsor Cover and asked for Aruran and FuwaMoco, every Ruffian would be completely ok with it? It's professional work.
I don't follow Koyori enough to know what exactly her stance is to know if she's being truthful when she says she hasn't changed it. But in FuwaMoco's case, going from unfollowing them on twitter, going silent at the mere mention of their name, to one day doing a full collab just because there's money involved would 100% be a betrayal of their own established principles and the trust they built with their audience.
There will be one or two spergs trying to shitpost when the male comedian collabs eventually happen, but those are just retards, that's perfectly established from the start as something that will happen. Don't like it, then leave. But the boundaries they set for Holostars specifically so far make it clear that they will not be a part of their channel in any way. For a change this drastic to happen, I'd expect them to discuss it with us, at least, not just their manager.
And most people would say "it's ok" anyway since most people are yes men, so it wouldn't change anything at the end of the day, which just makes it even more of a break of trust to do it behind the fans' backs.

>> No.71829107
File: 421 KB, 743x682, 1710071682222129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's time for your brain transplant
>you need to think better

>> No.71829109

Engaging in an intentional relationship in order to make something together. In order words. A baby. I'm going to impregnate both of them!

>> No.71829149

Would it be okay for you if Fuwamoco decided to homocollab the same way Koyori is doing?

>> No.71829155
File: 184 KB, 1200x1068, @acedia_09-1761531844258869682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay thread is dying, kill yourselves retards

>> No.71829170

>which is all FWMC would do too.
With how allergic they are to mentioning male streamers, idols, and/or homos it'll literally never happen.

>> No.71829173

Eh, I hate male collabs, but if one were to happen, what would be the difference between them talking about Mister Donut while promoting it with a star vs an outsider like Shibuya Hal?

>> No.71829174

you know one of their wishes is to collab with kurokawa right?

>> No.71829183

I see the deranged Koyori schizo is spamming this thread too kek

>> No.71829182

Fuck no.

>> No.71829188


>> No.71829192
File: 129 KB, 750x421, kurochan desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and correct

>> No.71829212

>she isn't ever going to collab with men in a casual one-on-one setting on her channel
And she didn't. You do realize she didn't stream it, right?

>> No.71829215

>has a problem with homo collabing holomems
>Friend is accepted here
Be consistent, at least.

>> No.71829242

Yes I don't see why so many are saying it's inevitable. That's so defeatist. If other girls in EN have never done anything with dudes I don't see why they would. They care too much.

>> No.71829248

>And she didn't. You do realize she didn't stream it, right?
Yes? That's why I said that anon, kek.

>> No.71829255

Shibuya Hal is different from homostars. Hell, if they pass the audition for the singing competition organized by rikka and suisei, I am supporting them.

>> No.71829280

they need to sing better first

>> No.71829282

Fubuki is always the exception.

>> No.71829285
File: 185 KB, 676x676, 1705729447583277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if the anon that was watching the previous holofes liked this one

>> No.71829291

complete trust

>> No.71829297

No it's not. They just find him funny.

>> No.71829307

Of course he's here, FuwaMoco are friends with Koyori. I'm just surprised he isn't spamming /mayo/ kek

>> No.71829311
File: 1.48 MB, 1736x2624, 1710791963715202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Fuwawa and Asuna look very alike!

>> No.71829330

Ah we’re in the, “actually I’ve always been okay with male collabs and I’ll be happy if they do one” portion of the raid.

>> No.71829340

damn, I don't want to cheat on my wifes it would totally be a tragedy if Kuro were to "rape" me. Oh no, I'm so helpless

>> No.71829341

I agree 100%. I hope Fuwamoco NEVER collabs with male streamers and vtubers. I don't give a fuck how professional it is. I don't want them to do it.

>> No.71829366

FuwaMoco will be a lot more popular than most, plus they're in Japan, plus they speak Japanese.
Basically they are fucking golden tickets for any company wanting to buy shill time or anyone else wanting to invite them to some event.
I wouldn't rule it out, one day they might well be on the same stream as a guy, but it would only ever be for purely professional shill or event reasons. And you shouldn't be bothered by that, really. It's different and always has been, they wouldn't be the first holo to only do those but never interact with guys otherwise.

>> No.71829368
File: 25 KB, 318x46, 1686013624332241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No it's not
NTA but... Anon, I...

>> No.71829373

then someone else. its one of their goals.
female comedians are just not funny

>> No.71829385

Because he doesn't actually watch her

>> No.71829397

I think you should get your eyes checked
I also think we need loli art of them cosplaying Momoi and Midori

>> No.71829408

Kuro-chan, you fucking retards. They've mentioned him by name 30 times

>> No.71829412

Thread is getting bad, gonna go see if the Asian market near me has some chikuwa so I can connect with my wives

>> No.71829424
File: 327 KB, 1566x1046, EpwqcOeVEAIfH-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would that even work? A Mister Donut collab that is just them and a holostar talking about Mister Donut on stream? This makes no sense. I expect that collab to be much more like Hacha Mecha Miracle, which was absolute kino and even performed live at FES (though with Haachama instead of Subaru due to the different days' line up).
I need a more concrete example to be able to even consider it.

>> No.71829440

got tired of raiding /#/? >>71828904

>> No.71829448
File: 277 KB, 1185x2048, 1695089007005538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enemies should be defeated! roughly

>> No.71829456

Why are you changing the goalposts, idiot? I agree that it's Kuro-chan. They mentioned him last fucking night. You said they wouldn't want to collab with him but right there in their fucking goals they want to collab with Japanese comedians. Who is their favorite Japanese comedian? Kurochan. Retard.

>> No.71829474

And when they collab with him I’ll drop them
What happened to protecting smiles in that case?

>> No.71829488

It was just an example to try and get why it would be different whether it's with Aruran or Shibuya Hal. Both are dudes, I don't see why in the scenario of a shill collab one would make you angrier than the other.

>> No.71829494
File: 167 KB, 700x182, ?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch streams.

>> No.71829530

>immediately backing down
I'm glad you agree they're referring to Kuro-chan, tourist retard.

>> No.71829539

a fat bald ojisan is the last person i want fuwawa collabing with

>> No.71829555

>What happened to protecting smiles in that case?
They already said they might disappoint you at times to realize their dreams
Their dreams > your smile

>> No.71829561

???? Are you fucking retarded? My position was always that it's Kurochan.

>> No.71829565

That's okay, cause you never watched them in the first place

>> No.71829575

I think everyone who drops
>I'll stop watching them
quotes and alike should post supacha receipts with their posts so we know how much fuwamoco is actually losing

>> No.71829593

So was mine, you fucking inbred moron??? Why are you even fighting with me fi you agree? Kill yourself.

>> No.71829629

I care more about being consistent and not flip flopping on their values than participating in a competition. They established this status quo and sold that to us, nobody forced it on them. It's not comparable to people losing their minds at Kronii or Ame doing homo collabs when they never implied otherwise.
I have nothing against Holostars whatsoever, Rikka's 水際エンドロール is one of my favorite holopro originals, I just want them to stay true to their word(less actions).

>> No.71829632

“It’s okay if my wife fucks another guy on the weekend as long as she’s fucking me during the week”

>> No.71829637

Half their gachikos are unityfags and homofags. lol. Theres no way they are dropping them over professional male collabs. And theres no way they are doing shit like VCR.

>> No.71829641

Not him and I'd drop them if they were to collab with guys for fun the way Mori, Kronii or Bae did for example, but I'd never fault them over mandated shill collabs or them talking to some male con panel host or whatever.

>> No.71829661

>I wouldn't rule it out
I would. It'll never happen. You do remember that they were dead silent when the homos showed up during the expo stream, right? That would've been considered a "professional" setting too.
They'll never collab with homos, male idols, or streamers.

>> No.71829667

i dont even go there yet its nice to see that im living raid free your head and confirmed yourself a numbertard go back

>> No.71829672

What was the point of >>71829408 if it's something that's already known, you subhuman?
You already outed yourself as a clipwatcher when you said they didn't want to collab with him >>71829297. They do as seen >>71829368. Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.71829690

it's always funny when 2 arguing retards can't comprehend that every single post isn't by the same person

>> No.71829716
File: 17 KB, 832x118, image_2024-03-19_164418118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End your life, idiot

>> No.71829718

I don't like those fags either but I think you're an even bigger fag for thinking about it that way.

>> No.71829731

I think Fuwawa has a cute giggle.

>> No.71829756

I think she has cute sneezes

>> No.71829762


>> No.71829774

>Inspect Element

>> No.71829775

Is easy. That guy is not a joshu-kun, /mayo/ is not as active as /baubau/ and /#/. He just wana shitpost.

>> No.71829793

Why is that

>> No.71829795
File: 1.13 MB, 420x600, Fuwawa Get the medicine. Take the medicine. Eat the medicine.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1tsjaq.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71829813

Why are you assuming that I'm okay with it?
I'm just reminding you of their own words
I don't like it either but we don't even know if that day will ever come, and if it does then either they'll handle it in a way to keep us happy or I'll just silently drop them

>> No.71829823
File: 75 KB, 720x302, 1710819701486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71829824

Gbraga bro...

>> No.71829852


>> No.71829875

Judging people based on the amount of money they give is a fag thing to do.

>> No.71829905

I wouldn't drop them if they homocollabed. I would anti them

>> No.71829918

Well then you should be okay with them one day collabing with this fat japanese comedian man cause it's in their goals.

>> No.71829931

People who feel the need to publicly announce they're dropping someone (more so when it's obvious antis/retards) are the lowest of the low, sorry but if you're a subhuman being the least you can do is give them money

>> No.71829935

worryingly he has a very similar physique to me, down to the same amount of chest hair. I need to go to the gym.

>> No.71829969

You're both equally subhuman in my eyes.

>> No.71830007

>And theres no way they are doing shit like VCR.
Personally this is my line. I can't say if I would DROP them, too drastic to make this decision without experiencing it, but I don't even want to imagine.

>> No.71830023
File: 389 KB, 600x806, 1697383976585150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored

>> No.71830034
File: 88 KB, 280x296, 1687249491767617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference is I don't care about what you think

>> No.71830041

>I care more about being consistent and not flip flopping on their values than participating in a competition. They established this status quo and sold that to us, nobody forced it on them. It's not comparable to people losing their minds at Kronii or Ame doing homo collabs when they never implied otherwise.
I agree with this. They themselves are the ones who set up the status quo of "no homo collabs." If they break that, it would unfortunately be dishonest of them and they are NOT dishonest or manipulative. That's why I say it'll literally never happen, even in a "professional setting."
They've stated on day one that they want to collab with Kurochan and JP comedians, so anyone saying they'll "leave" is simply a tourist who's never watched one second of their streams.

>> No.71830058

I think FuwaMoco should play turtles in time for snes

>> No.71830059
File: 434 KB, 1280x720, 1688189367091229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has a very similar physique to me,

>> No.71830066

Imagine them giving us the ririka treatment. lol.

>> No.71830084

That's fine

>> No.71830087

kanatas oshi gakki and gen were strictly in a professional work relationship btw

>> No.71830114

except I have a full head of hair and no facial hair I also wear glasses

>> No.71830133

fucking kek

>> No.71830140

>it'll literally never happen
>but the kurochan collab will

Kinda naive imo. Just because the latter is in small font on the goals list that doesn't mean the former cannot happen either one day. You think they'd say no to a Mr. Donut shill collab just because they have to talk about how good some of their products are with some random JP male vtuber from who knows where who they'll never interact with again after the shilling is done?
I don't.

>> No.71830144

I want them to play battletoads

>> No.71830145
File: 458 KB, 1152x2048, GH87X72bwAAVRaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I can't wait for the Kuro-chan collab, gonna be kino.

>> No.71830192

I'd kill myself if they ever did that to us

>> No.71830204

Lol it's the same posts they are trying here. Did they get reported for trolling in #?

>> No.71830273

same, we could make it a community project

>> No.71830276

>wanting your oshi to not only collab with a male but have that male make them laugh for an entire stream in your place
Cuck mentality.

>> No.71830286

Yes, I believe in them. They would NEVER do that

>> No.71830329

Well when you put it that way...

>> No.71830330

Kek good idea

>> No.71830331

-> >>71829604

>> No.71830348

im just fucking with you guys with koyori. she is not on the good looking side so its just banter with joshukuns.

but both of them are pretty gaijins especially fuwawa so im kind of jealous when they talk to celebs.
you understand where im coming from right?

>> No.71830372

>Kinda naive imo
What's the point in completely skimming my post, then replying to it?
They'll never collab with a male vtuber. Period. If they believed it was in the cards, they wouldn't STILL act as if they didn't exist. They're too smart for that and care WAAAY too much about their fans. KUROCHAN they've mentioned many times from debut onward and he's even pretty much in their GOAL LIST.
I'm not sure why you retards try to put fucking kurochan in the same category as one of the homos kek?
This shitposting is baffling

>> No.71830384
File: 5 KB, 252x52, 1681270803311902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hated that because otherwise I've found her really fun, she even tries to be nice to the English crowd, does EN only streams, is fun and all. Why did she have to do that. VCR is such cancer.
I'm not even larping.

>> No.71830411 [DELETED] 

Not to mention kuro-chan is Fuwawa's ideal man.

>> No.71830418

worst thing about this is that it will be ANOTHER JAPANESE STREAM GODDAMMIT! But seriously, I don't care about that shit. I won't watch it. They can write whatever they want on their sheet of paper, when they've gone mute at the mere mention of males for a year, it sends a clear signal of what their brand is. And that doesn't make it okay for me to break the status quo just because the male is bald, Japanese, 3D and old people find him funny

>> No.71830427

Lol. Reporting works ruffians.

>> No.71830477

>"You guys will come back when I am doing a ASMR stream."
She definitely didnt handle the whole conversation well.

>> No.71830480

Koyori never acknowledged any or talked about them either until one day an amazing opportunity of a baseball MC collab came along.
There are other examples as well in hololive. I stand by me calling you naive for being so 100.0% sure that it'll never happen. I don't want it to, but I know that IF it were to happen it would be nothing but professional shill collabs anyway, so it wouldn't really make me freak out anyway.

>> No.71830486

some of you are mentally ill

>> No.71830491

I’m not fine with it. Which is why I won’t ever watch the stream when it happens.

>> No.71830509
File: 147 KB, 500x500, 1000003806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuckposting AND jpschizoposting with fucking kurochan
This is actually starting to get hilarious

>> No.71830552

>worst thing about this is that it will be ANOTHER JAPANESE STREAM GODDAMMIT
Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.71830567

>This is actually starting to get hilarious
I wish it was, sometimes the schizos make me laugh but these just sound so serious that it's sad

>> No.71830597

ruffians are cucks
this is known

>> No.71830625

>I stand by me calling you naive for being so 100.0% sure that it'll never happen.
That's fine cause I'm not naive, I simply know these girls better than you and every other shitposter in this thread.

>> No.71830637

I'll never be able to take men who are afraid of other men seriously. It's funny how both loops mixed still kek

>> No.71830638

Schizo, you need better material. They been talking about kuro-chan since week 1.

>> No.71830646

Send their sides into orbit gently, Kurochan...

>> No.71830650

Mococo would never want to collab with males, if that happens it would be Fuwawa's fault. That bitch only cares about money

>> No.71830690


>> No.71830697

Okay now I'm laughing, the fuwawa anti drop is fucking kek

>> No.71830704

Well said, homobeggar!

>> No.71830702

Did they really not have the foresight to imagine that maybe pretending Holostars doesn't exist could close a few doors before going that route?
To me that's the key thing, if your word is only worth something until there's something to be gained by breaking it, then it's worth nothing. I'd expect them to have considered "what if we get offered a Holostars collab sponsorship?" before ignoring them on the official channel to a degree that nobody would have asked of them. There would be no schizo superchats if they said 3 words about Holostars during that segment, still didn't. The thing that breaks that resolve is money? Really? I don't know, I think too highly of them to even consider this.
As >>71830372 puts it, it would at least begin as a gradual change, no longer reacting the way they do, no longer pretending they don't exist. It wouldn't go from 0 to 100 because someone offered them money.

>> No.71830709

If FuwaMoco collabs with Gura I will not watch because sharks scare me.

>> No.71830720

Is funny how the koyoschizo got banned in /#/ and now /baubau/ goes to shit.

>> No.71830722

>fuwawaanti joined in

>> No.71830723

i have experienced this multiple times irl... i dont want to feel that again bros... i got out-humored...

>> No.71830727
File: 274 KB, 1200x1880, 1680196398020190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay man. I said my part, no use to continue.

>> No.71830751

Wow you are an actual cuck. I'm sure you are not afraid of other men when your wife cheats in front of you

>> No.71830785

You joke but it is curious how Kurochan in particular fits Fuwawa's profile of what a man should look like physically. Disgusting behavior on her end.

>> No.71830790

I never cared about smash, is this what people felt when ultimate was announced?

>> No.71830794

you dont know how bans work newfaggot

>> No.71830799

preach, sister! I even let other males fuck my girl to show them how alpha and unbothered I am!

>> No.71830805

You see, I actually watch streams, so Kuro-chan being a part of their content is a running gag, them repeteadly calling the delivery guy Kuro-chan in that convenience store game was one of the highlights of the stream.
If you think they go mute at the mere mention of a male, you clearly don't watch them, because they're the ones bringing him up, unprompted, several times. As recently as last stream.
Do better research before your ruffian larp sessions.

>> No.71830816

>brapschizo stopped because FWMC didn't like it
a true gentleman

>> No.71830832
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>> No.71830843

Why are you okay with another man making your oshi/wife laugh for an entire stream?

>> No.71830871

>every single character from every game announced, starting with Snake
Yes. It was kino. Even better when two of the most requested characters (K-Rool and Ridley) were announced.
What's happening in this thread is similar, only schizophrenic and not fun.

>> No.71830878

alright, you got me, I admit, that was funy. I'll give it up.
this 5 is for you, fuwawaschizo #2

>> No.71830886

Kill yourself, Daniel.

>> No.71830904

Iden titty 2k away from 700k

>> No.71830930

Why is it always Fuwawa's fault? Can she stop breathing already? My pure Mococo will be happier that way...

>> No.71830931

well we don't know their actual stance until they give us the talk about it

>> No.71830949


>> No.71830980

Do holostars fans have nothing better to do than schizo posting in holo generals?

>> No.71831032

oh come on I'm the only one somewhat on topic

>> No.71831037

Try again tomorrow, sister, you have no legs to stand on.

>> No.71831051

They shouldn’t collab with ANY male. Period.

>> No.71831056
File: 568 KB, 800x602, GCCX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if they collab with 社長.

>> No.71831063

You didn't answer the question.

>> No.71831072

Are there any here?
I think it's mostly people arguing between what level of male collabs would make you leave. Any at all or whether you'd begrudgingly accept professional shill collabs.

>> No.71831073

i agree

>> No.71831123

Papa puppy....

>> No.71831125
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>> No.71831131

This, not even me.

>> No.71831148

They will collab with kuro-chan and theres nothing you can do.

>> No.71831170

Baused. The only man they can interact with is me

>> No.71831174

im papapuppy and that anon is right

>> No.71831189

You didn't watch streams

>> No.71831190

They're going to collab with Kurochan, since that's what they've wanted since debut AND they've been pretty explicit about it too so you shouldn't be surprised

>> No.71831200

I'll take that as a yes.

>> No.71831204

If they join VCR or anything similar I would become a full on anti after they destroyed my heart. It won't ever ever happen but if we're stating extreme lines in the sand that's mine

>> No.71831223

Based. It was pathetic to see the Ruffians cheer Kurochan’s name in chat last night when they mentioned him.

>> No.71831247

If someone is curious

>> No.71831252

What if Kurochan doesn't want to collab with them because he's scared of dogs?

>> No.71831253

They're gonna collab with Michael Jackson

>> No.71831266

VCR is full of snakes.

>> No.71831269


>> No.71831289

I didn't. I will not only avoid that stream when it does happen like the plague, I WILL make them feel like shit for it before and after the fact.

>> No.71831302

A real possibility...

>> No.71831306

I self insert as Kurochan instead of Ryan Gosling

>> No.71831348

Watch hololive, comedian collabs are always prerecorded and part of 3D celebration streams, it would be at whatever timezone they wanted.

>> No.71831354

Would you also be against them talking to say a famous mangaka on stream, interviewing him?

>> No.71831360

>They're going to collab with Kurochan
I'll ask you again: >>71830843
Try to answer this time.

>> No.71831375

the kuroworshippers are the sisters btw

>> No.71831390

hee hee ruffian...

>> No.71831422

I read this in Fuwawa's voice

>> No.71831426

I hope they're sleeping well, or, if they're just waking up, that they're having a good morning.

>> No.71831434
File: 474 KB, 2048x1536, 1695993951376371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>famous mangaka on stream

>> No.71831432
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, bejita....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should talk to Toriyam- no... no... NO

>> No.71831456


>> No.71831468

I'm not a sister, I'm just shitposting. I'll stop in 5 minutes or so

>> No.71831471

The first 30 seconds already hurt so much if imagining that this was them

>> No.71831521

No, but why? I find the random ass "holo interviews marvel star" videos really unfitting for them. If it's a mangaka they personally really admire, then sure, why not. Still don't really see the point in them doing interviews, to be honest, doesn't quite fit the image I have for them. Would make more sense for their mangaka collab to involve them being drawn by that artist, and merch related to that collaboration. It could come with an on-stream interaction, but why are all of the examples people try to make up so random?
Their goal is to be idols, look at typical idol show stuff to know what to expect. Comedian collabs fit perfectly, randomly interviewing a mangaka just seems odd.

>> No.71831527

Only if it's the author from berserk

>> No.71831532

>Kuro has actually been an essential pillar of their streams since the beginning
kek me to paradise. Thing is, I didn't know about this fag before you started shitting up the thread with him. So the off-hand mentions flew over my head, I admit. Going mute on stream clearly referred to the Holosummer shilling, but you surely know that since you watch streams.
Males are not some toxin you get an immunity to by being exposed in small doses, it's a well establised red line that will turn me away if stepped over.
Not in a lout fit of rage or with schizo supas, I'll just click my tongue and cancel

>> No.71831540

What kind of retarded question is this? If they collabed with yagoo, and they laughed for an entire stream, are you going to anti them?

>> No.71831549
File: 789 KB, 1140x1248, 1706402484360041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Fuwawa and mococo equally

>> No.71831590

incorrect, everyone taking part in it is a sister

>> No.71831592

free them from cell gently, yagoo...

>> No.71831596

What if they interview Ryan Gosling?
You'd be okay with that because it's you, right?

>> No.71831608

Yagoo is not their favorite comedian. He is their boss. No, i wouldn't. Now answer the question. Why are you okay with another man making them laugh for an entire stream?

>> No.71831632

Same. Any time I ask myself if I like one more than the other, I always find myself answering that they're equal in my heart.

>> No.71831644


>> No.71831642

Ryan Gosling is literally me.
Kurochan is literally me.

>> No.71831669

>mfw i actually watched hotnews
>got my i wuv you joshukuns
>then this shit happens

>> No.71831680


>> No.71831689
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>> No.71831696

So many newfags and tourists who have literally never watched a single stream before....

>> No.71831722

Well, where's your face?

>> No.71831723

>Thing is, I didn't know about this fag before you started shitting up the thread with him.
Your opinion doesnt matter then.

>> No.71831734

I get not wanting them to collab with male vtubers, but if it’s a real celebrity, someone more popular than they are, it would be crazy to oppose it. Pekora did it, it shouldn’t be an issue

>> No.71831752

No I hate the fact that he's spammed in these threads. I'm so glad they thought the movie was shit

>> No.71831755

Not a good look there.

>> No.71831759

I made both my wives laugh last night. They don't need kurochan.

>> No.71831768

First question

>> No.71831783

The shitposters from /#/ has migrated here.

>> No.71831792

only if its toriyama

>> No.71831799

The people "complaining" are the same people who claimed their move to Japan was them "abandoned their EN fans"

>> No.71831816
File: 89 KB, 811x647, 1696201689297074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags sat there in silence when I made Fuwawa giggle numerous times with my SCs and chat comments. You'll do the same when Kurochan appears on stream. Deal with it.

>> No.71831825

I honestly see no fucking point in those things.

>> No.71831834

*laugh track*

>> No.71831833


>> No.71831849

Sisters can you save the shitposting about imagined male collabs for an actual collab and not because the catalog bait thread died and # was ignoring you?

>> No.71831853

I am both you and Kuro-chan

>> No.71831855
File: 1.53 MB, 534x300, 1706912960738623.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu I didn't like it when Pekora got herself, Noel and others touched by the sweaty hands of this creepy ojisan hypno rapist

>> No.71831865


>> No.71831880

If it is a mangaka/seiyuu they admired, it makes perfect sense.

>> No.71831889

If someone more popular than them offers them more fame in exchange of having sex with them on stream would you be okay with that?

>> No.71831914

I never really got the shitposting about this one, but I always laugh

>> No.71831924

You cannot imagine a scenario where they might think a chance to interview the creator of one of their favorite manga/anime would be interesting to them?

>> No.71831942

I wrote this

>> No.71831946
File: 86 KB, 1067x880, GI69YF2aoAAmzhf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking stalin

>> No.71831955

Wait, so you’re telling me you would be upset if they collared with Kendrick Lamar?

>> No.71831957
File: 364 KB, 606x584, 1708209767346306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a few hours before making the next thread, thank you

>> No.71831969

The Pekora hypnotist thing was pretty weird

>> No.71831974

They shouldn't invoke K-On! if they intend to bring males on stream to flirt with or be groped by like in >>71831855

>> No.71831980
File: 942 KB, 1160x720, 1710880314316230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shitposter will make it, don't worry

>> No.71831985

Only if they lose to him
I want Mococo to tear him apart

>> No.71831987
File: 141 KB, 960x1280, 1705677273215723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when Fuwawa laughed hard at the Mococo honk? Now imagine picrel having that same effect but tenfold.

>> No.71831991


>> No.71831999

Have Fuwamoco said anything about wanting to do a celeb collab? This entire conversation feels as if you're trying to manufacture a reason to be upset right now

>> No.71832017

Apologies anon, I wasn't aware that I had to suck a man's cock before I was allowed to form an opinion

>> No.71832036

I look like this

>> No.71832038

This is literally Fuwawa's ideal body...

>> No.71832039

>Have Fuwamoco said anything about wanting to do a celeb collab?

>> No.71832054 [DELETED] 

Yes. That's not even a collab with a male, It's a collab with a nigger man. It's millions of times worse than a homocollab

>> No.71832075

I just can't imagine why that chance would present itself at all. Why would Cover randomly interview a mangaka? You need to at least think about hypotheticals that make sense for an idol agency and two recently debuted idols.
Might as well go full schizo like >>71831889 and ask what if they started having sex on stream. Why would anyone waste energy on hypotheticals that don't really make sense?
It feels like shitposting because the more realistic hypotheticals have no reason to make anyone mad. Mori is full homo supporter and her recent announcement was simply "I'm singing the ending theme to an anime", but "would you be ok with FuwaMoco singing the ending theme to an anime that has MALES WORKING ON IT????" doesn't sound as dramatic.

>> No.71832100

then can admire them personally without my knowledge not fangirling them on interviews publicly on stream

>> No.71832102
File: 3.56 MB, 800x1080, fuwawaShake[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8q274n.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stream begins
>Kurochan only but appears

>> No.71832112

>10kg dumbells

>> No.71832118

>It feels like shitposting

>> No.71832121

I'm not upset though. I don't have a problem with celebrity/industry professionals/shill collabs really. I only strictly dislike any "for fun" collabs with guys.
I just don't see why someone wouldn't be able to imagine them interviewiewing a famous person for example, happened to multiple other holos before.

Hell, Kiara literally interviewed the tales of producer man and had a special holotalk episode with him.

>> No.71832144

One day I will look like this too

>> No.71832149

>Pekora did it
With who? That random hypnotist or hikakin?
Neither of those is "a real celebrity", hikakin is basically japanese pewdiepie

>> No.71832160

Wow this post actually produced cloudy feelings in me.

>> No.71832174

Its an experience for them, from this side of the screen it doesnt make much of a difference. Mind you, even if I had the chance to interview a famous person on stream, even them, I'd probably skip it as well, most of the stuff you could ask has already been answered elsewhere and what isnt can only be answered off camera, making a stream interview rather pointless.

>> No.71832182

What exactly is a real celebrity?

>> No.71832191

not really
i consider him an animal that knows how to rap

>> No.71832195

>Why would Cover randomly interview a mangaka? You need to at least think about hypotheticals that make sense for an idol agency and two recently debuted idols.
Are you retarded? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJmnk_B8R2M

>> No.71832205

Shinzo Abe

>> No.71832209

Ruffians am I shooting?

>> No.71832224

Remember. It's always Fuwawa's fault. Believe in Mococo

>> No.71832238

>they collared with Kendrick Lamar?
based fuwamoco putting him back in chains

>> No.71832261


>> No.71832269

Do you know what an interview is?

>> No.71832278


>> No.71832336

Hey ruffians i got your pizza here with a big diet Fuwawa water! That will be 50.99

>> No.71832353
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>> No.71832357

FuwaMoco were also calling several men in the audience cute during the fes watchalongs, btw. Nobody cared. Where are the sisters that actually watch streams and can make decent bait?

>> No.71832376

You're fucking insane with that price, I'm robbing you

>> No.71832390

I'll end this discussion. FUWAMOCO WILL NEVER COLLAB WITH MALES. Now you can talk about something else.

>> No.71832392

Well said, cuck.

>> No.71832402
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>> No.71832411

>FuwaMoco were also calling several men in the audience cute during the fes watchalongs
????? No they didn't.

>> No.71832413

They will collab with kuro-chan.

>> No.71832418

>pizza for 50 bucks
pretty realistic for japan, I remember domino's there

>> No.71832421

wtf, I'm gonna rape you

>> No.71832452

Kys cuck. Timestamp or it didn't happen.

>> No.71832451

Kuroe is not a male..

>> No.71832465

I want FuwaMoco to collab with my male. And by my male I mean my dick. And by dick I mean me

>> No.71832472

Got any timestamps for that, my spineless friend?

>> No.71832493

What if pero did the collab?…

>> No.71832502

Honestly with the delay between their stream and mine I could never tell if they were saying that about the audience or the holos on stage
Also there were a lot of girls being put on camera too so of course they would say cute when the audience is shown too

>> No.71832506

I will rape him and turn him into a woman

>> No.71832511

why are you a dick

>> No.71832550

You guys do realize Pero is a man and he's been on streams with them countless times, right?

>> No.71832551

kek I forgot about Biboo's SNOOP DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGG, holy kino.
that really is an incredible mashup, it's impossible to not think of it. same as the DMX Go My Way

>> No.71832553
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Go ahead wuffian!

>> No.71832610
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>> No.71832620

its fuwawater you dumb fucking shitposter cant even do your one job

>> No.71832626

what did he mean by this?

>> No.71832653

Jesus Christ! I'm goin in deep boys

>> No.71832677

they will collab with me

>> No.71832697

did lamy collab with males yet? if not lamy posting is allowed

>> No.71832743

Kuro chan is literally me, so it's fine

>> No.71832744

Rrat: Mococo doesn't exist, It's just Pero doing a voice

>> No.71832791

Jokes on you, they will collab with me, the great ruffian 789!

>> No.71832800
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>> No.71832815

The truth is, everyone other than me is a woman

>> No.71832823

Papa Puppy is a man.

>> No.71832853

You didn't get the memo? Everyone bumped up a spot! Congrats official headpat ruffian 788!

>> No.71832871
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>> No.71832907

thank you

>> No.71832915

Kek any news from him?

>> No.71832941

I'm about to blow my first load to Fuwawa ruffians! Are you proud?

>> No.71832993

I wrote this. You are all femruffians to me.

>> No.71832999

You're doing good I love you Mococo

>> No.71833008

Do you think they can do backflips for fes?

>> No.71833009

I did a lot of samefagging in this thread.

>> No.71833025

Absolutely definitely not

>> No.71833038

and then you'll get an OP made with literally nothing but the title and people will use it, stop pushing this dumbass idea, make a thread as normal, hide posts and don't engage

>> No.71833045

They said no. Watch streams.

>> No.71833071
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Am I a pretty femruffian?

>> No.71833072

what about mococo?

>> No.71833112

Next thread WILL be better. Because I'll stop shitposting for now

>> No.71833118
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I got you princess

>> No.71833129

Of course

>> No.71833151

Jesus fucking christ what in the lord jesus mother mary was this thread? I wake up for the day and am greeted by by this abomination?

>> No.71833161

You better not be, because if you are I'll rape you

>> No.71833168

they can barely play video games without breaking into sweat, anon.

>> No.71833206

Huh. I look like this.

>> No.71833243

tell me a funny joke kurochan

>> No.71833261

Mococo riding my cock like she rode that horseback machine.

>> No.71833311
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>> No.71833316

Sisters from /#/

>> No.71833324

should've woken up earlier, it was good then

>> No.71833333

It's because I was too busy at work to tardwrangle the thread

>> No.71833374

sorry but i will bite all homo collab bait and i will fight to the death against any homobeggars

>> No.71833390

FuwaMoco love AZKi so where are the AZKifags

>> No.71833391

Sisters got bored of shitting up /#/ and started shitting up /baubau/ instead.

>> No.71833396
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oh noooooooooooooo haha

>> No.71833413

They've answered who has the tightest hand grip before, right? I believe it was during a fwmc morning segment.

>> No.71833423

I don't think there was anything wrong with the discussion. At least it became about FuwaMoco instead of the whole thread discussing Koyori's collab.

>> No.71833440

Baused, keep fighting them

>> No.71833445

Me I like AZKi.
Her duet with the Suisei was the best performance of FES imo

>> No.71833450

Come again soon

>> No.71833453

Dont we have one pioneer here?

>> No.71833501
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>> No.71833511

You really want to be raped, huh? Get ready for me then.

>> No.71833534

Show more stuff Jailbro.

>> No.71833543
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>> No.71833563
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>> No.71833596

draw more fuwamoco or i'm not marrying you koahri

>> No.71833625

Her fuwafuwa is sex. Has she done ASMR for you guys yet?

>> No.71833653

what did he mean by this?

>> No.71833665
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>> No.71833669

they're nothing but cumdumpsters

>> No.71833700
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anon nooooooooo you can't rape me right here >~<

>> No.71833707

Fuwawa I turned myself into a banana

>> No.71833738
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>> No.71833747

This is how Fuwawa greets me every day when I get home

>> No.71833760

Yeah I'll cum on Biboo's feet

>> No.71833762

A bit, she's testing it and still new. She got a nice mic now though and her voice is powerful already as you've said so I am expecting dangerous dangerous implications for my body and mind when she becomes a master. I have a membership to fuwamoco too and the valentine's members stream. wow. I need ASMR collab from Nerissa and the bau baus whispering and telling me I'm a good boy and that I am silly and I need it as soon as they're comfortable

>> No.71833815
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>> No.71833832

Fucking slut... I'll turn you into my personal cum dump

>> No.71833857


>> No.71833862
File: 44 KB, 187x162, 1707630831435060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did the guy making fat ai Mococos ever post more

>> No.71833903

Sex with fuwamoco's friends

>> No.71833913


>> No.71833940
File: 599 KB, 1243x2048, 1702392251539820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well... how can i say no to that face? ehehehe~
go easy on me wuffian~!
