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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.71781384

not like this bros

>> No.71781453

Demn, this shark's going places
I wonder where she would visit and become the taipei shrine?

>> No.71781474

this is going to trigger war

>> No.71781534

>Nijisis think this is a China kowtow
>meanwhile Taiwan bros going crazy baby shark is visiting their island so they can throw spicy snacks at her

>> No.71781551

>Taiwan continues to win

>> No.71781589

I see... she's not gonna stream for atleast 2 more months
Also, she's been collabing with Taiwan for a while now if you didn't already know
HoloTaiwan soon

>> No.71781662

goom garma

>> No.71781665
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>> No.71781700
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This is going to cause an international incident. Biden will say the word Gura in a national address. I can feel it.

>> No.71781703

Taiwan is a nice place I highly recommend you all go there before China destroys it.

>> No.71781705

The war should've been triggered in late Feb then, no one cares about Gura x Taiwan

>> No.71781744
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, Do You Remember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 Years ago
>Taiwan > Western Taiwan

>> No.71781796

Kek we'll witness a huge flame war between mainland chink against taiwanese considering how bilibili users has been silent kneeling to holo for awhile now.

>> No.71781811

China won't do shit

>> No.71781840

can someone tell me the capital city of taiwan?

>> No.71781848

China is busy destroying itself tho?
Invading Taiwan will go even worse than what the Russians are dealing with.

>> No.71781907

Have the Russians seriously not won yet?

>> No.71781925

wtf it's not towa baby

>> No.71781968

They lost 10% of their oil production to drone strikes the other day.

>> No.71781976

Can't wait for vt to melt down when Gura announces she will be visiting China one day.

>> No.71782015

I wonder if the non-schizo chinks are regretting that they didn't stop the schizo chinks from chimping out all those years ago...

>> No.71782088

why are you guys so retarded?
Taipei is the capital of the Republic of China, which is on the island of Taiwan.

>> No.71782110

Yeah because it'll be a one-way trip.

>> No.71782187

It's war anon, money flows as long as it's happening.

>> No.71782309

They're opening HoloCN again with Gura as the mediator.

>> No.71782314

That goes for the money too.
Investors are fleeing China precisely because they are seizing funds and cooking the books to stay afloat.
It is in no way sustainable.

>> No.71782383
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Go on say Tawain again motherfucker I dare you too

>> No.71782397

Two more weeks

>> No.71782403

>Taipei, officially Taipei City
>Is the capital of Taiwan
>Taiwan officially known as the Republic of China
Anon, we already know what Taipei is

>> No.71782411


>> No.71782417

They apparently did. But the bili mods quickly removed them and schizo chinks mass disliked them and treated like they are enemy of state

>> No.71782431

>Located in Taipei, under the Republic of China, Taiwan

>> No.71782463
File: 53 KB, 620x620, 1514454951211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry bro US love it's computer chips Xi won't be doing shit to you there'll be a fast response from Hawaii and AUS if they so much as look at you guys wrong

As for my Taiwan oshi, I will protect her (sister)

>> No.71782468

>chinese taipei
Gura no...

>> No.71782523

Gura will stealthy lurk the Taiwan strait on board her SSBN

>> No.71782533

I say it because retards often try to twist Taipei as the PRC name for Taiwan and shit like that.

>> No.71782599

evidence so far that gura is a nuclear submarine captain:
>"bloop" named after an anomalous sonar signal detected by US NAVY intelligence
>doesn't need floaties—she uses BALLAST TANKS
>obsessed with "trident" weapon of the united states SLBM arsenal
>"atlantis", more like the ATLANTIC FLEET
>huge numbers of SUBS, but won't talk about them
>days of SILENT RUNNING to conceal her position
>wants a SAILOR SUIT for her next costume
>demands to be called CAPTAIN GURA
>carried a BIG GUN as part of her military training
>can't discuss her TOP SECRET offstream activities

>> No.71782657
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>> No.71782667
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>the same time as luca's taiwan m&g
holobros... not like this

>> No.71782757


>> No.71782857


>> No.71782858

NijiCN allowed this?!

>> No.71782984

You can say Taiwan, that was not the issue.

>> No.71783265

They're false flagging now apparently im moldavia

>> No.71783338

NTA, but... so that's why. I was rather confused wondering what OP's issue might be and why the 1st post was "not like this".

>> No.71783360


>> No.71783395

russia will win in two more weeks surely!!

>> No.71783404

East Beijing

>> No.71783423


>> No.71783453


>> No.71783454

Beijing bros... We got too cocky...

>> No.71783456

omg how could gura just turn her back on taiwanbros like this coco must be super mad right now and i heard coco was going to ungraduate and rejoin hololive but now thats never going to happen. i really miss that bitch

>> No.71783469
File: 281 KB, 1053x954, 1709314191242934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what ttaiwanbros are saying

>> No.71783475

She is already there, this was a scheduled tweet

>> No.71783495

It was Luca's child and they are off collabbing for a second letsgooooooooooo

>> No.71783509

>beware of desperate sex pest hunting for young looking girl in taipei.

>> No.71783559

Yes, she pon on the scheduled tweet

>> No.71783578
File: 2.41 MB, 1810x1010, 45653487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.71783617

Look like they no longer have chink fan

>> No.71783669

China's Military is a joke. The recruits are using rocket fuel to cook their hotpot. Repentant corruption and incompetence plague the Military. China has failed to Modernize its Military. Coupled with the fact that their population is only getting older and the younger generation is not procreating it is unlikely that China is going to invade Taiwan in the near future unless there is a dramatic change in its system. In other words, China isn't destroying shit except itself.

>> No.71783750

She'll do anything but stream lmfao
How have chumbuds not roped themselves by now?

>> No.71783778
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*blocks your path*

>> No.71783788


>> No.71783863

you first

>> No.71783918

Gura has... a life outside streaming???
Crazy to think right?

>> No.71783947

go finish your roasted dog meat Xang, the reoaches are crawing over it already

>> No.71783967
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>> No.71783991

Heck their aircraft carrier's are a joke, the first one being an old training ship from the defunct soviet union and the 2nd being designed the same as that doesn't help it either and they're still having issues on their 3rd carrier lmao

>> No.71784004

So this is how WWIII starts.

>> No.71784031

Most people on the internet don't understand the China situation at all and come to the most stupid conclusions, like thinking saying Taipei is a jab against the Republic of China.
Doesn't help that the tribalfagging against China is so strong in western social media so everything about the RoC PRC conflict gets distorted for the sake of politics.

>> No.71784044

This a declaration of war against Nijisanji and they are China allied. Fucking whore, I knew I hated her for a reason.

>> No.71784210

If you have ever dealt with Chinese manufacturers, you know that they skimp on the quality all the time. Would not be surprised if some of the hulls have fault-lines, and that the electronics start smelling like fried shrimp (from frying out), after a few rounds of running at full capacity.

>> No.71784267

Declaration of war? More like an alliance >>71782667

>> No.71784269

>sushi staffs get to see gura in person

>> No.71784312

before fes
>she's recording!!! she's too busy to stream!
after fes
>she's busy visiting taiwan!!! she's too busy to stream!
come on chumbuds

>> No.71784314

>he doesn't know

>> No.71784336

>bringing up politics
>china bad
go back

>> No.71784372
File: 209 KB, 1280x720, 1709156498462.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that CCTV footage

>> No.71784427

>nijiCN desperately clinging to what's left of their chinese fanbase
>gura comes to steal all the attention
she's merciless

>> No.71784507

Cope, chink.

>> No.71784556


>> No.71784599

Oh no! My oshi with the feminine handwriting! This can't be real!

>> No.71784614

>seriously not saying china bad on a fucking hololive board.
go back

>> No.71784633

That's not even politics anon
That's military geek

>> No.71784689

I'm not a chink lol
I just get tired of the "China bad" shit

>> No.71784729

More like someone pointed that out that there was a visible large crack on the flight deck as seen on google earth months ago

>> No.71784733

What's wrong with Chinese Teipei?

>> No.71784797

>China is bad
>b-but it i-isn't
Cope harder

>> No.71784809

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA imagine defending a global power on Internet thats not your country

>> No.71784836

It's used by bootlickers trying to please the insecure and fragile Chinese

>> No.71784912

>bootlicking china and not even a chink
that even worse

>> No.71784937

Do you not remember 2020? You shouldn't even fucking be here. Chinese people need to break the law with a VPN to access this site or youtube, don't they?

>> No.71785136

it's not bad, but actually worse.

>> No.71785358

Gonna impregnate gooba with a hafu baby

>> No.71785404

kys chinkoid

>he does it for free
kys 3rd worlder

>> No.71785463

It's not even if it's bad or not, it's the reddit tier "china bad winnieh the pooh social score west taiwan" shit that annoys me. Imagine if every time you mentioned any other country, even tangentially, 8 in 10 comments were "country bad". And most people who do don't even understand the basics of the Taiwan conflict.
China is barely a global power, it's not the USSR or the US, their military reach is mostly on their own region.

>> No.71785498

>Yi keep betraying China
>V Dolphin version is in preparation
How can the tranalstion fuck up so bad

>> No.71785552

bilibili is the only place i cant watch members content for free - if china is going to seethe its only going to be easier.
Actually, anything that is censored or paywalled in the west i can watch on a website that is supposedly dystopianly censored. From speeches, to movies, to member content. china bad, west good, china censors, west 'protects you'

>> No.71785630

Tai... won!

>> No.71785704

you are thinking with the assumption they they are and/or remain rational

>> No.71785727

>nigga whining and stomping his feet screaming "my heckin country isn't an absolute shithole"
now say it without crying

>> No.71785764
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creates an international incident by hurting the feelings of chinese netizens. how do we stop her

>> No.71785799

>Imagine if every time you mentioned any other country, even tangentially, 8 in 10 comments were "country bad"
literally the US

>> No.71785892

>Imagine if every time you mentioned any other country, even tangentially, 8 in 10 comments were "country bad"
That's every country...

>> No.71785950
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>> No.71785951

this place will be beyond besieged status, soon

>> No.71786043
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Yeah the Chinese don't really seem to care.
Gura is really popular there too.
As there was also a moment where Gura said Taiwan during a stream like Coco and nothing happened.
Maybe Coco and Hachama got trolled so hard because they are japanese?

>> No.71786116

You can say taiwan. You just specifically can't state that taiwan is an independent nation or country.

>> No.71786177

>Bugman says he no chink
>Proceeds to eat dogs and rats alive

Dare you to start the war zhang

>> No.71786197

I don't understand why anyone would. Both Taiwan AND China agree that they are both the same country

>> No.71786268

Westerners only seek to divide and create war.

>> No.71786319

Go to Canada and get MAID please

>> No.71786342
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>> No.71786505

This new or before the Collab?

>> No.71786615

Maybe I am giving them the benefit of the doubt because it would be suicide. Their Military is that bad. Launching an invasion right now would only bring ultimate defeat. China already suffers from the shameful display of the past. This new China is thought of as China that can not only stand toe to toe with the West but a China that can surpass the West. A failed invasion of Taiwan would destroy this belief."I don't think the CCP is willing to risk destroying that image, as it would undermine the foundation and justification for the current China under the CCP. But as I have stated before maybe I'm giving them too much credit.

>> No.71786638
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Shut the hell up god is at work!!!!

>> No.71786652

I only recognize The Republic of China as the legitimate government of the Chinese people

>> No.71786663
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I really hope she gets some joy from knowing how stupidly, incredibly happy the Taiwanese chumbuds will be.

>> No.71786669

How do we get china to attack them over this?

>> No.71786747

Well, taiwan is a country and china is a country so you're not wrong.

>> No.71786780
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Pretty sure it wasn't signed before, but it could be a different one. Any TWbros that can confirm?

>> No.71786795

With the US it happens when the chat is already political, but I have never seen a conversation about media immediately jump to listing reasons why the US will totally fall in two weeks and transform into a US bad circlejerk just because something about the US was mentioned.
idk maybe it's because I'm not a westerner but I just find it annoying.

>> No.71786848

whos war, why would he get triggered over this?

>> No.71786944 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 1280x1044, Free China.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71787057

Gura is loved both in Taiwan and China, they unironically love her and she will create an age of peace.

>> No.71787180

chumbuds look like THAT?

>> No.71787340


>> No.71787445

Taiwan fembuds… my dick… it’s rising. TuT

>> No.71787564

anon that's a male

>> No.71787607

She is busy working.
That is true she is likely doing more sponsorships there.
Seeing how massively successful her sushi Collab is.

>> No.71787646

That's a woman, look at the hips and arms bro

>> No.71787695

China crumbling is why they will invade Taiwan. It will be their final deflection. Have you learned nothing watching the sisters?

>> No.71787761

Oh. Never knew they had a couple mini events in Taiwan. I guess chinese fans really like that Holo is doing more and more business there

>> No.71787792
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The thing is neither Coco nor Hashama said Taiwan was a separate country just like Gura.
Yet they got bullied to hell and back while nothing happened to Gura.
She is built different.

>> No.71787817

Taiwan already has a self destruct buttons for their chip factories.

>> No.71787885

They "implied" it by having it separate on the channel analytics
which you know makes sense since youtube is banned in china

>> No.71787910

a nation crumbling is the perfect time to wage war, the leader will kill any and all opposition for the sake of "unity"

>> No.71788069
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Now everyone will go again just to take a picture with them now that they are signed by Gura.

>> No.71788203

And Gura said it in a stream that also showed the taiwanese flag separate from china's.
It was the same situation.

>> No.71788250

why did she call it taipei?

>> No.71788313

Maybe the Chinese just like Gawr Gura

>> No.71788343

You know there is more than one city in Taiwan? Which is a free country?

>> No.71788388

>they implied it
You mean Google. Someone asked for analytics and they showed it. If the chinks are so assblasted about it, they can take it up with Google.

>> No.71788536

Yellow batsoup covered fingers wrote this post

>> No.71788660

This. Or they making these board stroking comments knowing nothing about US other than Trump or reading some politically charged article.

>> No.71788685

>Both Taiwan AND China agree that they are both the same country
Not the current ruling libtards in Taiwan. They say that Taiwan was always independent because of Le LoOpHoLe in the japanese surrender treaty.
Say what you will about the KMT's bloody rule but at the end of the day everyone knows that the separate Taiwanese state we have today wouldn't exist without them and would've been steamrolled by the communists, realistically the US wouldn't have backed some random fishing island that held no one of importance during the Chinese civil war. It's a good thing Chiang went there. Because of this, every succeeding administration should see themselves as a successor to the KMT with the belief that the ROC is the true legitimate government of all of China (sorry Hong Kong).

>> No.71788701

See I told you it's a Zhang

>> No.71788704

see >>71782088

>> No.71788706

Taiwan is China though and no amount of amerilard corruption and seethe will ever change that

>> No.71788718

Yeah that was my point see
the Chinese really like her.

>> No.71788763

gutter oil soaked hands typed this.

>> No.71788895 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 708x1024, 1659473919409403m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwan is Chinese territory when you can physically stop us from sailing through the Taiwan strait whenever we fucking want, now sit down and eat your bat soup Zhang

>> No.71788905

That was the position of the party established by the loser of the chinese civil war who escaped (and essentially invaded) taiwan and was in power for most of the country's history (they only allowed opposition parties in the late 80s)
The newer parties including the one currently in power advocate more independence
It's also telling that nowadays most now identify themselves as "taiwanese" rather than "chinese"

>> No.71789013

Better prepare for war then Bugman, you will go the same way as Russia.

>> No.71789068
File: 288 KB, 536x684, 1708188490290891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Formosa rightfully belongs to the indigenous Formosans. The Manchurians should be physically removed from Formosa and Canton.

>> No.71789101 [DELETED] 

lol no I'm just not cucked by kike and chink cock like the rest of the west and you apparently
stay mad, they're the same people caught in a political shitflinging because of the eternal amerilard 3 letter agencies interference like in korea, ukraine, south america amd many other countries

>> No.71789167

oh no you think the ukraine jewlensky is... le winning!

>> No.71789300

Formosa belongs to Spain, as the name indicates.

>> No.71789315
File: 595 KB, 552x898, Aia WELCOME TO THE RICEFIELDS MOTHERFUCKER[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fba326r.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, Taiwan is the rightful Chinese nation, and the west Taiwanese need to end their rebellion.

>> No.71789470

All Chinese are the same, whether the mainlanders or the islanders, the scum of the earth

>> No.71789507

how bout a huge amount of amerilard missiles and ordinance? not to mention trade route blockades?

>> No.71789670

Ogey Zhang

>> No.71789681
File: 37 KB, 400x308, Strait-of-Malacca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO bugland aint doing shit

>> No.71789711
File: 61 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you stop poking the dragon. They have super hackers on stand-by

>> No.71789750

Don't care, their missiles are filled with water.

>> No.71789811 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 400x400, 1706586578452996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay mad, they're the same people caught in a political shitflinging because of the eternal amerilard 3 letter agencies interference like in korea, ukraine, south america amd many other countries

>> No.71789857

If I were her, I'd be afraid of crazy psychopathic communists in mainland China that would doxx her in retaliation. That seems like something they'd do for this.

>> No.71789872

why is gosegu purple?

>> No.71789984

you wont do shit faggot
YOU specially, all you do is jerk off to loli and spend gibs miney on vtuber so you can heear a woman call your name lmao

>> No.71790184

For the record I'm heavily invested in both lockheed martin and raytheon and that's how I get the money for superchats and merch

>> No.71790187

That's just an average teen.

>> No.71790227

at first I didn't believe, but you've brought up some very convincing arguments

>> No.71790289

only things you're invested in are Mexican takeover, kissing negroid feet and trans rights

>> No.71790325

>Gura literally tells you she’s busy
>doesn’t believe it

>> No.71790411

No actually I'm invested in making ruskies explode

>> No.71790465

The Chinese have long declared en to mostly be untouchable, they’re not as capable of being bullied like the Japanese fans, this was known back in the height of the holocn drama where they would talk about who to and not to target

>> No.71790522
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China's not going to destroy it. They don't want to rule Taiwan, they just don't want it to be an enemy in potential future conflicts. The goal has always been keeping Taiwan neutral. They just think intimidation is the way to achieve that, as per the so-called "Wolf Warrior diplomacy". Of course, that doesn't make the Taiwanese people who suffer under that terror feel better

>> No.71790569

>The newer parties including the one currently in power advocate more independence
Too bad that this always falls on deaf ears and the rest of the world still wants the Taiwanese government to claim China and not just detach from it. Everywhere I look everyone keeps pretending that the nationalists are still in power by supporting their claim over China, just look at this thread.

>> No.71790666

Who the fuck is Mosa?

>> No.71790785

I can't believe Pomu got groomed by another hag with Minecraft autism, you can't make this shit up

>> No.71790805

Chance of holotw? It can service cn speaking ppl globally.

>> No.71790990

I don't want Mainland Chinks to go claim them and bull Taiwanbros, or if they don't acknowledge mainland, they'll go and make other companies boycott Cover again

>> No.71791071

The name would be weird if it also allowed Singapore and Hong Kong

>> No.71791142

We speak English and Japanese well enough. Also people don't really watch Taiwanese chuubas and I'm not sure slapping a blue dorito on one will make people start.

>> No.71791221

They can try. The US is busy trying not to shutdown because of money and they're trying very hard to keep drumpf out of office and do stupid shit like GIVE(not even sell) state secrets to russia.
But then, the US also has a few boats docked there and in other Asian countries daring China to fuck around so they can find out.

>> No.71791262

I'm all for holosg. U can park the cn speaking holos there. Won't need to mention tw hk or cn by name

>> No.71791282

The chingchongs shouldn't be given a seperate branch. The ones already inside Holo make the company look bad as is, e.g. the fucking rat

>> No.71791353

It's will be in the next batch of dev_is

>> No.71791354

If Cover ever recruits anyone from taiwan, they'll probably do something akin to
>we have holo KR at home
and have them join an existing branch (Ina/Kronii in EN, Kanade in devis)

>> No.71791408


>> No.71791450


>> No.71791609


>> No.71792003

Expect HoloTW branch to be under Cover USA.
No bowing will be done.

>> No.71792035

Bae sets a bad precedent
And Niji is literally Chink central, what the fuck do you mean "NIJISEETHE"

>> No.71792161

jaknigger frogfaggot tourist kill yourself

>> No.71792343

It was a typo, she meant bussy. She's about to peg so many Taiwanese twinks since she has all the time in the world
>Verification not required

>> No.71792719
File: 155 KB, 1779x1677, 1710568900081809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd actually set fire to china itself if they dared to try anything on gura
Destroying the three gorge dams would just be my very first action i promise you

>> No.71793062
File: 33 KB, 460x259, a41E726_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop arguing, Gura has already made her statement.

>> No.71793089

Official new Taipei city government account replying to the shork

>> No.71793383
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the pork buns

>> No.71793568

For me, it's the oyster omelette
The funny thing's that New Taipei City actually doesn't cover Taipei itself but she probably passed by it from the airport

>> No.71793743 [DELETED] 
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>> No.71793782

surely this time sister

>> No.71793808


>> No.71793842


>> No.71793845

New taipei city is where the poor people live

>> No.71793870

if it wasnt already obvious that these people arent from /here/

>> No.71793894 [DELETED] 

chinks like any anime girl with white hair

>> No.71794013

Weird way of telling us where you live, but ok.

>> No.71794409

There are a ton of nations in the world who could realistically be described as the same people, but are separate entities due to political/historical circumstances. At this point, Taiwan is at least as different from mainland China as Pakistan is different from India, or as Austria is different from Germany.

>> No.71794439

Chumbuds aren’t here for her streams although it’s a bonus. Half is living off the fact she has the most subscribers and they’re pathetic enough to think they’re cool because of that. The other half are pedos who just jerk off to her and will end up in jail after a few more years

>> No.71794463

They simply have too many men. A war is needed to killing off excessive number

>> No.71794577

Why can't China just invade any other neighboring nations like Laos or Bhutan or the stan countries? I know their history with Taiwan but if they want war for the sake of unity there are easier targets. Even Russia far east is easier to invade now since the americans wont interfere.

>> No.71794676

Island Hokkien and mainland Hokkien are basically the same culture. But they're as different from Northern Chinese coutnries as British countries are different from Russian countries.

>> No.71794726 [DELETED] 

Because of Nixon.

>> No.71794853

Ukraine war forced Russia and China to become allies. Oil pipeline in progress. And Russians now buy Chinese goods and drive their cars.
Good Job Biden.

>> No.71795621

This guy is right >>71792035
Niji EN is full of chinks and esl chinks.

>> No.71795632

wait isn't this girl one of the ancient relic vtubers? shit I forgot her name, what is it again, hooney or something? Is she still active?

>> No.71795838

Gura beat marvel and genshin in Taiwan. Both of them had collabs with ipass.

>> No.71795922

The Taiwanese market is too small and nobody speaks chong ching language in the west outside chink towns so no. Taiwanese could join jp or Regloss tho like Kanade

>> No.71796000
File: 339 KB, 712x662, goobastare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Westerners only seek to divide and create war.
Westerners only seek to manipulate image and post.

>> No.71796063
File: 194 KB, 422x449, IMG_1792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this does not spark joy

>> No.71796572


>> No.71796625

Gura exit strategy: Taiwan war

>> No.71798954

>start a war so she have excuse to not stream

>> No.71799489


>> No.71799512

Thats pretty cool

>> No.71799680

>thinking saying Taipei is a jab against the Republic of China.
It's not in support of them either. It's the politically correct thing everyone says in order to not upset Chinese people.

>> No.71799788
File: 148 KB, 1149x764, 544272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura the idol travels a lot it seems,
please take good care of her

>> No.71799802

the lord of blood cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it flows

>> No.71799848
File: 785 KB, 1900x2050, Taiwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to support the bros in Taiwan (Republic of China) and its current capital of Taipei. Hololive will soon be a state religion

>> No.71799861 [DELETED] 

Or maybe its possible that Gura is English and wasn't Japanese American like what Coco was?

>> No.71800164

They? That was Youtube/Google, they just read the information they had.

>> No.71800449

3 days

>> No.71801899

she HATES coco

>> No.71801995

I had a schizo revelation that WWIII was gonna be triggered by vtubers. It didn't haplen on the Rushia/Russia fiasco, but it can with goomba.

>> No.71802295

she should visit MUH DICK
she should eat MUH DICK
she should see MUH DICK

>> No.71802424

Bitch has time to get fucked all over Taiwan by chinks but can't find 3 hours of her time to fucking stream. Chumbuds deserve all of this.

>> No.71802641

Stop typing like a fat woman from twitter

>> No.71802709

Stop typing like some Alabama manlet from /pol/

>> No.71802711

If war actually breaks out, how many of you fuckers would actually pick up a gun and go fight for Taiwan?

>> No.71802713

>busy busy!!

Erm, the streams?...

>> No.71802749

Go back to /pol/ glow chama

>> No.71802876

>Imagine if every time you mentioned any other country, even tangentially, 8 in 10 comments were "country bad"

>> No.71803169

None will. As such fate it is for usual war advocates they all want death and destruction. But when it's time to sign up for it none of this faggots will want to go in the Frontlines.

>> No.71803182

We are used to it.

>> No.71803234

Tbf pajeets just get people calling them street shitters, not glowniggers deploying their 'jak folders on the fucking vtuber board

>> No.71803290

It seethes

>> No.71803329

Ok but where are the streams

>> No.71803341

i recently visited this place in taiwan thinking it would be a cultural museum:
which was only half right, the other half is a theme park with the most random themes. i highly recommend their Maya Adventure roller coaster. i also probably saw more cherry blossoms in their parking lot alone than all of japan (mostly because flowers weren't blooming yet in japan, but still).

>> No.71803393

I posted both of those. And it still true where are the streams? Why can't she find 2 hours of her day to stream? I'm sorry your oshi hates you.

>> No.71803587

Chumbuds don't really care as long as she tells them and she did, there's better shitpost opportunities out there

>> No.71803636

Such as?

>> No.71803754

Hope she has a nice time here.
>And Russians now buy Chinese goods and drive their cars.
A country with a lower GDP than Italy buying Chinese goods? Not very relevant compared to the Chinese goods and cars exported to the First World.

>> No.71803865

It seethes

>> No.71803921

It cries everyday that gura does not streams.

>> No.71803962

All gura has to do is stream and everyone would shut up about how she never streams.

>> No.71804006

>Wow shit they wage war on another Chink, but we're not a Chink so we're safe
>Holy cow they invaded a country out of nowhere, the next one could be us

>> No.71804196

>he thinks shitposters actually watch Gura
All that would change is their topic, it wouldn't even stop them from making gura threads

>> No.71804206
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>> No.71804279

>actually watch gura

Ser, there is nothing to be of the watching

>> No.71804331

The settlers were Han retard

>> No.71804885

I still waiting to hear how that war isn't Russia fault.

Looks like the Gura anti woke up and got mad at another shark accomplishment. To poor to watch Holofest I bet.

>> No.71805349

no because the entire planet would be nuked

>> No.71807515

Congrats to Gura

>> No.71809146

Aren’t you guys busy getting blackbagged by the government for trying to unionize?

>> No.71809229

The good ending

>> No.71809273

Even hotter
>Verification not required.

>> No.71809278

I pray for the destruction of China and everyone in it but I ain’t gonna do shit for you mr. alphabet man

>> No.71809316

I’d like to think countries aren’t retarded enough to sink themselves into shit in pointless and self-damaging wars of agression but hey look at Russia

>> No.71809388

If Chyna is going to invade they have to do it sooner rather than later.

>> No.71809543

I would gladly give my life so some yellow man doesn't fall for the tyranny of another yellow man, glowie.

>> No.71809571

>get killed by a chink drone halfacross the world for the elite's economic interests.

>> No.71809642

Give it two more weeks

>> No.71809773

that's just the pr reason for the normies, the actual reason is they need to keep the money flowing through the military-industrial complex.

>> No.71810586

I remember that, during the Taiwan yab, a forum of Chinese antis were discussing wether to also attack Gura, and ultimately deciding not to be because they were very afraid of how the foreign fans would respond. Also I get the feeling that westerners get overall less shit than their fellow asians, maybe because they can excuse their "ignorance" much more easily.

>> No.71810637

>A rifle behind every blade of grass
Yeah they think they can bully japan but are too scared shitless to try to fuck with americans.

>> No.71811920

The current war in Ukraine is not pointless. It makes a lot of sense geopolitically, it responds to years upon years of innertia, both from the Anglos point of view and from the Russians point of view.
Although if I'm being honest the US should've tried to keep Russia on their side because China has become a bigger enemy, this is what the Trump administration was trying to do. A new triangular diplomacy approach if you will.

>> No.71812028

>Tfw he doesn't know how idol culture works.

>> No.71812326

Ok that is kind of crazy

>> No.71812442

Why doesn't the livestreamer livestream

>> No.71812449

Taiwan-bro's, congratulations on that W

>> No.71812566

Fun fact, about a month before the invasion of Ukraine, Xi stood on TV proclaiming Putin and Russia, to be his greatest ally on the world stage. Then he realized his economy was in the shitter, and that it would get even worse if he lost trade with the West - like Russia has. He NEVER mentions Russia publicly now.

They have to buy their shit from North Korea, LMAO

>> No.71812622

>China invades vietnam
>600'000 west taiwanese soldiers vs 70'000 undernourished rice farmers
>The chinese suffer 60'000 casualties in 3 weeks and give up

>> No.71813152

I mean, Vietman specifically is a country that managed to fight off the world's most powerful nation.

>> No.71816474

damn neat

>> No.71816870

How many signatures are available?
Is it lotto style?

>> No.71817002

holo brings the war to the chinks!
based shork

>> No.71817250
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>> No.71818011


>> No.71818491

They did as in the USA left after killing like a million vietnamese for each american that died.

>> No.71820136

The media has been saying the Russian economy was on the verge of collapsing since the war started. They got you fooled. How many years of sending billions to Ukraine will make it happen? Honestly, what do you think? Any day now?

>> No.71820688
File: 12 KB, 267x223, 20240221_231933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until she shoots one those Trident ICBM missiles up your ass, anon.

>> No.71820787

war is stalled, ukrainians are bombing their main export petrochemistry

>> No.71821125
File: 57 KB, 680x680, 1695957776041754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone winning

>> No.71821160

knee status : slapped

>> No.71821201
File: 24 KB, 445x638, 1684060258892783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aslong as I get my fucking island back

>> No.71822555

She keeps going west, she'll soon be in Europe!!!

>> No.71822914

Imagine if she’s traveling to Japan and Taiwan just having one night stands with a new guy every night like a perverted sex tourist. Getting piped by yellow dick in between business collabs and enjoying her relative anonymity and white status in Asian countries

>> No.71823175

The Vietnam invasion was basically Deng using Vietnam to politically consolidate his power. Same thing as the Korean War right after 1949.

>> No.71824807

You know who DID say they're seperate countries, lol?

>> No.71825126

I'm no fan of china, but when's the last time your people went to war, Swissfaggot?

>> No.71825192

people are gonna recognize her. come on Gura.

>> No.71825400

You enjoy cuck fantasies huh

>> No.71825591

Well the US is an Israeli colony so you are not wrong lol

>> No.71827137

>They don't want to rule Taiwan
Bro they've been seething about not ruling Taiwan for decades.

>> No.71827891

But she did get backlash from that didn't she?

>> No.71827899

The media can go eat a dick and I don't care if the Russian economy fails or thrives. Countries shouldn't go invading their neighbors, and punishing countries who do that (including the USA) is justified. China's excuse that "we're not invading because it's technically already ours" doesn't pass the smell test. If it were already theirs, there would be no reason to invade.

>> No.71829435

I agree, the mongoloid mix-raced fuckers who speak a bastardised Chinese-manchu mix called mandarin should leave the pure Cantonese alone.

>> No.71829710

Oddly enough, the last time I checked, 4chan isn't blocked in China.

>> No.71829889

"Chinese Taipei" is CCP bootlicker speak.
"Taipei" is the name of a city, and the obvious right choice for PR. It could even be mandated in her contract.

>> No.71829994

The truth is NATO keeps expanding and moving closer to Russia. It expanded 5 times after USSR broke up, even though the USSR is gone and there’s no commies left. After 2014, Ukraine became a NATO puppet, Russia had to take Ukraine. Otherwise, Ukraine will move weapons to Crimea and eventually start trying to color revolution and balkanize Russia itself.

If I was Ukrainian I’d rather be Russian than have an entire generation of men die for a midget comedian Jew and for the US to call that a “good investment”.

>> No.71830073

Remember real china is the one that got conquered by western ideas made by a gay eupoor that wanted factory workers to make him king "just until its time for me to give up absolute power because im such a nice trustworthy guy". Not the one that fought them and retreated after Russia bolstered these tards who then lost a war against birds

>> No.71830154

The whole great leap bird thing is really overblown, life expectancy increased greatly under Mao. You can actually find declassified CIA documents on their observations during the great leap, search it on google.

>> No.71830213

Think of Russia like Nijisanji. Big and incompetent.
except the blood is flowing at a trickle and most of the war money is being diverted into mansions and yatchs at least on the russian side
ukraine has sucked up billions of usd and have proven to be tenacious

>> No.71830400

Bro an entire generation of Ukrainian men are dead. What’s left will be enslaved during the rebuild by American (Jewish) capital. Doomed to be wage slave serfs forever in a country they won’t really control.

>> No.71830441

or russia could have just like not sent their army out
they could have chosen not to go to war
russia is a collection of oligarchs and the business oligarchs all got majorly screwed by the weapon dealer oligarchs because as it turns out, war is their nature and they will use any excuse to get to it
if russia hates nato so much, they could have bribed their neighbors to leave nato, would've been much cheaper than the war
and these are all slavic politicians so russia's bribes would have worked

>> No.71830747

Bro, the Ukraine government is remarkably corrupt. They've been selling off their USSR military equipment since the balkanization of the USSR. I remember there being news of weapons used by the Palestinians coming from Ukraine.

>> No.71830866

why is this thread still up

>> No.71830883

And allow an open enemy to have nothing but plains to their heartland? Allowing NATO to expand to Ukraine would've been a death sentence for Russia and any attempt to act as a sovereign country.
It doesn't make any sense at all to allow that.

>> No.71830967

You're telling me that Russia attacking Ukraine will turn Ukraine into America and the Jew's slaves?! Well maybe Russia shouldn't have attacked in the first place then. Or maybe Russia should win the war if they don't want that possibility to happen. Can Russia do that? Can they win wars? USA has been on a war-losing streak recently. Maybe Russia could pull it off but they sure are taking their time.
Classic nijinigger behavior where they tryhard into one direction but their actions cause the opposite to happen
>selen negligible to stocks
>hurt their stocks
>livers give blackscreen stream
>before were given the benefit of the doubt but now vilified
>vox MIA for 2 months

>> No.71830985

because westerners can't help but bring up tribalfag politics whenever something anything about China is mentioned. We wouldn't be having /pol/ lite in this thread if it were about most other countries.

>> No.71831089

>Can Russia do that? Can they win wars?
Not since Prigozhin's mysterious death by ballistic missile in air plane LMAO

>> No.71831164
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>geopolitics are just like my heckin chuuba agencies!

>> No.71831238

>70% of all capital in russia is owned by jewish men
remind me how that's different from america again?

>> No.71831750

No difference, but at least all those Ukrainians wouldn’t have died. Russia just wanted Ukraine to be neutral, but those at the top (Zelensky Jews) decided to fall in with NATO and sell Ukraine to be cannon fodder to weaken Russia.
