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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7176926 No.7176926 [Reply] [Original]

>Who is Beatani?


>Minecraft server




>Lore Summarized:

>Last Thread:

>> No.7176976

I love this fucking bear!

>> No.7176985


>> No.7176996

I want to ruffle this bear's hair like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.7177014
File: 489 KB, 2000x2000, share.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bear this fucking Love!

>> No.7177061 [DELETED] 
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I only care about having sex with her

>> No.7177068
File: 2.59 MB, 1872x1861, zw3unj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fucking this bear!

>> No.7177084

I love bea's dasai glasses

>> No.7177094
File: 23 KB, 270x152, 2021-07-28-025948_270x152_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love fucking this bear!

>> No.7177184
File: 259 KB, 549x631, 1626946733917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love to nadenade this bear's tail!

>> No.7177210

imagine tickling the base of her tail while she's trying to work...

>> No.7177220

I havent see that one before

>> No.7177230

It's usually posted as link.

>> No.7177246

and it's cropped

>> No.7177282

literally who?

>> No.7177376

But you can, unlike the risuna model, beatani 3D is in public access

>> No.7177399

Public access beatani... haa... haa...

>> No.7177466

>implying I can't screencap Risuna

>> No.7177476

capping Risuna's knees...

>> No.7177550

>Releasing a generic Risuna model
>For free

>> No.7177553

>26 minutes ago
>18 posts
/yah/ is dead. thanks minecraft. when discord starts /yah/ will be even more dead

>> No.7177578

>no stream for 12 hours
And is this supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.7177585

I said it before, but what killed it is not the minecraft chat, but the minecraft game itself because people waste the time playing it (and that includes me, and probably you as well).

>> No.7177613

>fast threads are good
You are cancer.

>> No.7177633

yes because now all genuine discussion will happen via discord or minecraft and early threads will just be left to feed shitposters and trolls out of boredom

>> No.7177656

>yes because now all genuine discussion will happen via discord or minecraft
there are not genuine discussions on minecraft

>> No.7177669

Why are people acting like slow threads are a bad thing? Constant threads being filled with garbage at light speed, usually with off topic shit since there isn't much bea-related new stuff to discuss, are really not something to yearn for.
For me it's also easier to keep up, reading 3~4 threads a day in case some worthwhile talk took place, really took too much time.

>> No.7177688

i meant general discussion
+the possibility of getting to interact with bea is more appealing to a lot of people

>> No.7177710

there's no general discussion on minecraft, everyone stays silent most of the time

>> No.7177716

But don't you want to hear about anon whining about some random dad streaming with the Risuna model again? Don't you?
Don't you want to look at some shit tierlist again?
Or some trap with some shit off-topic cosplay because he SAYS he will cosplay Bea one day.
Or relationship advice
Or dieting advice
Or that time someone ejaculated on biscuits
This is the Discord channel after all.

>> No.7177739

You seem upset

>> No.7177753
File: 78 KB, 300x168, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer slow threads to lightspeed threads of offtopic shitposts. How are slow threads an issue unless you're a board numberfag.

>> No.7177791

No, just tired with the same garbage quality threads on repeat.
I'm happily playing Fallout while watching streams, because I actually have hobbies that don't involve living in threads 24/7.

>> No.7177824

People who argue that slow threads are a good thing are missing the fact that even STREAM threads have become slow.

>> No.7177829

>But don't you want to hear about anon whining about some random dad streaming with the Risuna model again? Don't you?
Would that make Bea talk about this? If so then sure, let the whinny bitches keep bitching, I want to know what are her plans about Risuna for the future and if she is planning on releasing a generic model for everyone to use

>> No.7177839

What the hell? His account wasn't even bea exclusive, it was a genuine art account, drew holo things or other vtuber stuff too. Weird.

>> No.7177864

Yes, and?

>> No.7177868

stream threads being slow isn't a new thing
it's been slow for quite some time

>> No.7177897

yep just checked and it's gone
there goes your "temporary break" faggots, he probably saw the thread yesterday and saw what people were saying about him and decided to turn his vacation into an immigration

>> No.7177898

Even if it was true it's unrelated to minecraft, there was 0 chatting on minecraft during the last stream, and not much activity either

>> No.7177920

Yes, she should lay everything out and let people decide if they agree with her reasoning or not. She has every right to keep things to herself if she is that scared of schizo stalkers now, we aren't entitled to anything at all. But by the same logic, she isn't entitled to the most charitable interpretation of everything like white knights would like it to be if she won't give us one.

>> No.7177924
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>> No.7177927

Well some people desactivate their account and then reactive later, but yeah, still weird.

>> No.7177945

Yes, you dumb faggot. stream threads are the only good threads? honestly, do you fags advocating for a 24/7 /yah/ even understand the problem with early and stealth threads?

>> No.7177950

People were being nice to him overall. The people I feel least sorry for right now are the artfags. They always got Bea's attention and everyone's appreciation. Can't gaslight reality on this topic.

>> No.7178012

it’s because it’s yakuza and the numbers on stream reflect that yakuza streams do badly.
the numbers for yakuza have been declining since start,
if she would stream ore consistently i think she could finish it and get over it but it seems to be more of the same or people feel left out for not being there for the first one live.
she is streaming less so more of a variety of streams would be better than 2 yakuza streams out of three every week but she is the one who decides.
if she starts streaming more often again 2 yakuza and 2 other would be fine but that’s not the case,

>> No.7178072

It's not even that weird, it's normal if some people have a few questions when they see Risuna popping up as the chuuba avatar of some dad, and even more so if Bea has been working with him
>Hey, this dad was interested on debuting and asked me for a model
>We thought it would be fun using Risuna's design
>Everyone is free to do same if they want
>It's just one time thing for now
Something like that would be enough to keep the shitposters away

>> No.7178075

The mass breeding of Risunas will be unequivocally proven true or false within a week, mark my words.

>> No.7178101

>The mass breeding of Risunas
Being 1 or multiple Risunas wouldn't help that much to stop the drama, it would only shift it to "muh inner circle of special dads"

>> No.7178137

And those people would be told to fuck off just as much as they are now.

>> No.7178163
File: 62 KB, 376x413, C82C3D75-70DF-4432-86B7-B78C9DC46C02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7178189

So what? she never talked about accepting commissions, so this would only make the threads even shittier than ever

>> No.7178190

Anon there are four streams this week what the fuck do you even want. You sound entitled.
I understand the sentiment of not wanting to join a game series in the middle, but anyone who actually stayed for a few minutes can notice the story is taking a backseat here.

>> No.7178205

>Being 1 or multiple Risunas wouldn't help that much to stop the drama
It would if everyone had the possibility to become one, because then it would become a matter of who's willing to take the extra step, not one of exclusive access. The drama was over the "special snowflake Risuna" perception, that will no longer be a problem when anyone can become Risuna.

>> No.7178238
File: 43 KB, 600x394, wahmbulance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH NO, she had an idea, call the fucking WAAHMBULANCE. Get over it cunt.

>> No.7178249

if you don't have 1,000 personal DM from Beatani, is life worth living even?

>> No.7178261

That would only happen if she were to release the generic Risuna model, doing commissions when she never talked about them only reinforces the dumb rrat about the inner circle
What are you even talking about?

>> No.7178291

I personally don't like how Bea's unique model is being used by others at all. The one thing everyone mentions about her whatever else they think about her antics is that her model is great and better than most corporate vtubers. So she gives it away with slight alterations and makes her model less special.

>> No.7178292

3 streams.
2 yakuza one minecraft.e
the other is membears only next week, not this week.
i’m not entitled to anything i’m just giving my opinion.

>> No.7178314

Ok now I'm convinced you are a grey, or you wouldn't reply like that.

>> No.7178316

yeah i also don’t like how similar the model is to bears.

>> No.7178346

Good evening dads. No idea what you are all angry about as I haven't been around and can't watch streams but hope you all feel better soon.

>> No.7178376


thank you busy fellow dad

>> No.7178379

So. what you're saying is that she had an idea and she went and DMed a few specific dads to make that idea a possibility? If this is the case then the inner circle rrat really is true. The "For fun" aspect is only there for a few dads. What are you even trying to imply? You just shitposted about there technically being an inner circle.

>> No.7178388

Her model is literally sex. Even if she retires, I will keep doing stuff with the character.

>> No.7178414

All the schizoposters and shitposting in the past led to the point where even complains which wasn't written with an ill intent are brushed aside as schizobait.

>> No.7178417

Imagine falling for dumb narratives. Fuck off, retard.

>> No.7178419

mendokusai to create one from scratch
she's a hard worker but she'll cut corners when she can get away with it

>> No.7178439

Why would she acknowledge your commission request if you're not a known member of the community? Why would she want to give her design and mascot character to a literal who?

>> No.7178510

>actual tierfagging
decent bait

>> No.7178535

Members stream counts as a stream. Whether you are grey or not

>> No.7178587

No, seriously. If you want to commission something from Bea your best way of getting acknowledged is by being a recognised member of her community.
There's no logic in wasting your time and effort on design for someone irrelevant. Andrew paid his way to the top and made some neat OC along the way.

>> No.7178593

this post was written with imposter bear paws. Not the real thing, just another dad who thinks they know how to type like bear.

>> No.7178615


>> No.7178642

At this point the only people panicking are greys lacking the critical information.

>> No.7178743

>made some neat OC
What are you even talking about? By OC you mean spending money to get attention?
>money to shoot guns at Bea produced merchandise
>money to buy a printer that bootlegs bea's writing/drawing style
honestly I wasn't even going to comment on this whole a***** thing as I'm sure he loves the attention. L2D aside, if he didn't love the attention he wouldn't have done half of the things he did from the start. but time and time again anons gave him passes for things that really aren't that based.
I've half a mind to believe that he jerks off to reading all the seethe from the past 12 hours and I'd also bet on him anti posting against himself to further stir up drama.

>> No.7178749

The problem is the combination of the fact that it's both Risuna-chan and created by Beatani. Had it only been one or the other, I think the backlash would have been a lot less; i.e. Risuna-chan but drawn by someone else or an original character but drawn by Beatani.

>> No.7178761

it counts as a stream for next week not this week.
so it will be only three streams 2 yakuza , one minecraft.

>> No.7178813

>I'd also bet on him anti posting against himself to further stir up drama.
Nah, I genuinely don't see any dad being this kind of samefagging schizo. Not one.

>> No.7178906

You seem threatened by the greys.

>> No.7178920

I dropped the bear around a month ago due to constant drama in the threads. Has it improved since then?

>> No.7178950

Not at all, I just mean that greys don't have access to member posts to see the full picture.

>> No.7178975

Yet you still come to the threads.
You dropped the streams because the threads were bad, and you came back to the threads.
Sure. I believe you.

>> No.7178982
File: 39 KB, 128x128, 2D2E22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inner circle
Rem*** ***
Bas***** (retired)

I don't care if you don't want to be listed

>Inner circle orbiters (higher means most likely to promote)
Dav** ********
Lap** ******
Rus**** ***** ***
Inu******* **

>> No.7178985

The other issue is that they made no effort in the debut stream to differentiate this Risuna as a unique Risuna aside from the short hair. It's just "Risuna" instead of "Risuna (male)" or "Risuna (tomboy)" or something like that. Even going as far as to edit the model look like how Risuna has always been portrayed >>7173938
Now if anyone else wanted to debut as Risuna, it just feels weird and as if they're just copying an idea, especially now that there is an objective "Risuna" in existence.

>> No.7178992
File: 406 KB, 499x887, 7A93A049-5BC1-4FB7-B8C5-FD10C147D0DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah as you can see here even a big potential avatar drama is just semi calmly discussed. It should get better when the discord is up and running which again were all looking forward too as it will keep the sperg to a minimum.
Overall things are pretty chill.

>> No.7179010

fast threads are what killed this site. If you enjoy them so much then just stay on /v/ with all the other shitposters.

>> No.7179012

Am I missing something? I'm not an Oil Balon but I'm still a green, there's nothing new in the membears community section.

>> No.7179018

>changes Twitter picture to a fruit
>stays grey cause "jewgle"
>posts face pic with hashtag
i dont know why you think he would do something just for attention he totally wants to be discreet about this

>> No.7179044

Not new, look for older. A month or so.

>> No.7179048

/yah/ is really transforming into the next /wvt/. Now the trash rituals apply to here as well. Can't wait for the discord it will be the next step.

>> No.7179049

>Dropping a vtuber over threads about them
Imagine being this weak

>> No.7179069
File: 151 KB, 823x720, 0375DC87-3961-4685-B44A-8D909AD1E2F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn’t get the discord invite...

>> No.7179153

I really should have sold my han*** coins with the upcoming minecraft server and invest in gyr* coins, I was lazy

>> No.7179159
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>> No.7179174

Yes but don't fucking link it.

>> No.7179198

Not him but general community around someone is most important as its who you will be interacting with about the object of worship most of the time.
I will say doing it over yah is wrong as it isn't a proper community since its all anonymous and no-one is accountable for what they say or need to be a fan of Bea at all.

>> No.7179205


>> No.7179228

Based dad.

>> No.7179244


>> No.7179246

>object of worship
she's not a religious figure

>> No.7179252

I just hope it was a one time thing and further streams aren't brought up here. But I guess just saying that will make the schizos use it to shit up threads from now on.

>> No.7179290

might as well list everyone ever posting to hashtags as inercircle or inner circle adjacent

>> No.7179297

I wonder sometimes

>> No.7179300

I always appreciate you putting me on these lists but I'll give you some hints
You have people on the inner circle that are orbiters at best. They might not even have a chance at promotion.
Also, you have people both listed as orbiter and some people not even listed that are definitely on the inner circle.
Try again and get back to me.

>> No.7179316

t. orbiter

>> No.7179320

i also agree with this point.
there should have been more of an effort to differentiate his risuna other than the short hair.

>> No.7179341

Doesn't have to be. Parallel to religion and modern otaku figures has actual relevance. Worship has different kinds and levels you know.

>> No.7179342

Bea is gonna be in every single future's stream chat thus making people talk about it here. Get used to it.

>> No.7179349

When did Basedbug retire?

>> No.7179357

Actually popped out a new Bea video after the announcement. I guess we're here forever.

>> No.7179378

>worshipping a streamer
This is why this thread is a mess.
Also, goslingfags need the rope.

>> No.7179390
File: 7 KB, 534x248, beatani coupon-88fbe0779b16798771eb728890048905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who is named and replies to her is inner circle

>> No.7179393

No way, she has no spare time for that, she reduced her streaming time and twitter posting time because of it.

>> No.7179408

>Rem*** ***
>Bas***** (retired)
>Dav** ********
>Lap** ******
>Rus**** ***** ***
>Inu******* **

>> No.7179412

not the case at all, most are orbiters

>> No.7179429


>> No.7179433

Most vtuber threads are worshiping their vtuber
Just take a look at /yah/

>> No.7179455

He didn't and wording it the way he did was probably a bad move on his part but there's no delete button on Twitter
He said he wouldn't have as much time to make videos. That's it. There's nothing to see here.
Sorry for slaying this rrat

>> No.7179471
File: 219 KB, 835x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rem*** ***
Remote kid, an official character of Beatani universe
Andrew Ryan, the official voice is Listener-chan, a character of Beatani's universe.

>> No.7179475

Exactly. And the several Pomu threads I hid when I woke this morning from crying goslingwanks over her having a girlfriend.

>> No.7179494

Fuck, I meant "just take a look at /wah/", mistyped

>> No.7179496

>no delete on Twitter
I meant 4chan so please excuse my mental retardation. I don't know what I was thinking.

>> No.7179519

Thanks, I'm new here and was confused at the posts

>> No.7179601 [DELETED] 

>no delete on 4chan

>> No.7179606

No problem, I wouldn't want newcomers to be lost and not know about official yah related people

>> No.7179617

>Remote kid
>Andrew Ryan

>> No.7179648


>> No.7179655

>the official voice is Listener-chan
What a faggot.

>> No.7179660

Kinda wanna see Bea in a Mary cosplay on her knees now.

>> No.7179738

You guys are emotionally abused. Please get help and stop watching the menhera bear.
Watching the video made me notice how emotionally abused you guys are.

>> No.7179756

He didn't know how to use the archives. Please andastand

>> No.7179773

i wish bea would physically abuse me while she laughs and bearates me like that...

>> No.7179807

>34 seconds in
>blatant doxx

>> No.7179849

It's a picture of a polar bear isn't it?

>> No.7179867

Its not even a good voice. Bring back Russian dad onegai

>> No.7179879

No, it's literally her room mate

>> No.7179896


>> No.7179906

I kinda wanna fuck it too

>> No.7179928

not him but that's nuuta on the left
i forget about all the newfags here sometimes

>> No.7179943

Is russian dad still anonymous? He could have easily used Bea's love of the song to gain a foothold in the inner circle but he didn't. This is why he should return and be king of all dads, the man who doesn't want power if the man most deserving of it.

>> No.7179955

I bet he fucked off from this nest of menhera faggots a long time ago

>> No.7179957

speaking of newfags
the person on the left is chihiro

>> No.7180010


>> No.7180011

You mean that floor pic? What evidence is there that it is her?

>> No.7180024
File: 73 KB, 556x370, Screenshot from 2021-07-28 12-59-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, better warn Bea!

>> No.7180027

I would bet that Bea knows who he is, but he's anonymous to us at least. If you want I can ask her by DM who it is. It's just fun to keep some things mysterious

>> No.7180049

it's not if you actually watch the video she doesn't speak like or sound like beatani at all

>> No.7180063

That will surely make it awkward if music prod anon includes the part of my recording where I shout

>> No.7180087

>Wake up
>Read through previous thread
>Andrew Ryan (Bea's biggest simp) is now a vtuber
>Drawn and rigged by bea
>Shilled on Bea's twitter
>She was even actively in his chat
Yeah it's already a Spacer scenario, see you dads, if the bear is going to be a piece of shit then I'm out.

>> No.7180147

Did she follow Koopa again to ask her for advice on doing a spencer?

>> No.7180160

Stop trying to revive your shitposting timeloop and fuck off.

>> No.7180168

>shilled on her Twitter
Not even Twitter replydads want to touch it

>> No.7180173

We have a pretty good knowledge of her vocal range as well, from her highest to lowest register. And her verbal tics. So it is hard to take any doxxing seriously that doesn't even try to make it fit.

>> No.7180174


>> No.7180212

At least Spacer was a pretty solid streamer with a interesting concept and defined personality. What we got at yah is someone who is just "I donate a lot".

>> No.7180230

Good, poorfags should learn their place.

>> No.7180261

Bea is speedrunning every 4chan vtuber drama up to this point

>> No.7180264

You can be not a poorfag while still being more than just paypig with no other characteristic.

>> No.7180282

I tried to watch for 5 or 10 minutes but he seemed really boring so I went to sleep. I was either expecting a total shitpost (no stream) or something with higher quality.

>> No.7180309

She disabled the comments because she lives in a hugbox now

>> No.7180331

comments are enabled

>> No.7180334

Holy shit she did, this is fucking pathetic

>> No.7180351
File: 484 KB, 1439x1427, Screenshot_20210728-081238_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait

>> No.7180367

and i love it
it shows persistence
if she can survive and grow from this she is bound to succeed.

>> No.7180378

>she literally just turned them on
this fucking bear

>> No.7180409

>last two threads
dads learn that not being a poordad does not automatically make you interesting

>> No.7180422

Something happened around the time of one of the early Yakuza streams beyond being busy with work. Either she lost faith in her community to be trustworthy, lost faith in herself as a streamer, or a combination of both. Everything from that point on has been her retreating into a defensive position where she feels most comfy and doesn't have to deal with people as often who aren't yes men.

>> No.7180441
File: 3 KB, 225x224, ovimktvH8oI3wAAAAASUVORK5CYII=.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've always been on.

>> No.7180443

She just turn it on. Previously only people she mention can reply.

>> No.7180457

It's almost like cunts here started stalking her every move to the point of it being uncomfortable.
Really makes you think.

>> No.7180484

Holy shit, they've always been on and even after 10 hours nobody replied.
Is there a single tweet Bea made that has had no replies?
A lot of people must hate the Andrew Ryan debut..

>> No.7180489
File: 96 KB, 304x354, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while that Bea is one-way only. She posts things and do things, other people are allowed to be at the receiving end, but nothing more, unless she arbitrarily picks you out. Information doesn't travel the other way. That would mean (You) are taking seconds out of her time in a way she didn't dictate.

>> No.7180517

Well not to bea

>> No.7180523

This... is Bea. Are you okay Bea? Why are you acting like this?

>> No.7180527

why would i reply to her when i click the link in the tweet and then literally comment on the video? are you retarded or what's up?

>> No.7180531

shut the fuck up bear
do your english reps and stop playing minecraft, or just kill yourself already

>> No.7180545

It's a positive feedback loop, and she can do nothing to stop people from doing so. The more she tries to be cryptic, the more analysis is there.
She is a fucking public persona, she has to accept that people would do so.

>> No.7180566

You're gonna have to use DeepL for this one Bea, I don't understand a word of what you just said.
Also you're a NIGGER!

>> No.7180568

The only things that wouldn't normally get a reply is a follow up tweet, a fruits tweet, something in moon runes, or a reply. It's not like anyone would be obsessively paying attention to every interaction she has on Twitter, right?

>> No.7180577

>calling bear paws on a post made with 4chanX

>> No.7180597

If any is bear paws its this one but I believe this is imposter paws >>7180523

>> No.7180600

Yeah, I had a similar feeling. Reducing stream time to 3 times a week, then saying twitter is for blogpost only, then actually cutting out all the twitter interaction to make it ready-only. And I really think it's not some dumb thing like "annoying DMs" or "stalkers", it's beyond that. It's not about just not having time too, it's about not taking the time for that. She had time before for it and her life situation didn't change. The fact we were left in the fog as to why is a bit frustrating, but I guess it's how it is.

>> No.7180608

she's probably learnt about the X by now. she's definitely itt anyway because she just reenabled replies to the debut shill

>> No.7180609

Unless you're jap or russian, that english is unacceptable.

>> No.7180614

>Euro doomposting is back

>> No.7180619

>it and her life situation didn't change.
So you don't actually watch her at all, do you?
Fuck off.

>> No.7180627

I don't see how could Bea grow from inside dramas like this. Maybe all she wants is chaos for personal entertainment while grooming some paypig gosling for money and fucking.

>> No.7180629

Just when burgers woke up
Really make you think

>> No.7180633

It's already burger time

>> No.7180654

Still the same job than before, still same illness as before

>> No.7180655

I'm happy to keep sending the bear money

>> No.7180658

Good post explaining why people are mad at bea playing favourites

>> No.7180662

>burgers suffered a meltdown last night
>euros woke up and tried to make sense of the risuna situation
>burgers wakes up
>suddenly doomposting
really makes you think uh

>> No.7180663

She needs to realize at the very least that shitposters and trolls starting trouble here or creating rrats for their own amusement does not mean that dads are out to get her. A few dipshits have made her overly paranoid. I have nothing against opsec and making previously public information like donation leaderboards private. But her charm was in part her openness about various things in her life and shutting it off almost completely kind of destroys the parasocial relationship which is the heart of this community for better or worse..

>> No.7180687

Yeah naw.

>> No.7180688

I mean it's working. I'll continue sending money so she buy better stuff and make other people model with it

>> No.7180696

>She needs to realize at the very least that shitposters and trolls starting trouble here or creating rrats for their own amusement does not mean that dads are out to get her.
I'm sure she knows that, but she trusts that we can trust on her

>> No.7180703

That is why I don't spend money on chuubas. I make fanart and post on twitter. At least if she retweet, I can get likes and retweets from other people.

>> No.7180719

We have both here.

>> No.7180735

>because she just reenabled replies to the debut shill
It's always been enabled, I know because I checked a long time ago already.

>> No.7180738

I never understood posts like "why do you care, she will never fuck you"
I never watched a vtuber or GFE things because I think I'll become their boyfriend. But I want their attention an to be important to them as an audience. If they've a happy social life outside of the stream I'm not really interested (unless they're a very talented artist). I want to be part of the people who are their main social interaction. There are quite a few chuubas like this since most people who become chuubas are mentally ill or socially disabled.

>> No.7180772

This works the other way, discarding every slightly negative comment as trolls and shitposting is a terrible slippery slope and damaging. Being able to discern what's to take and what's to ignore is hard but very important when you're a 4chan posting vtuber (not the first case of it)

>> No.7180791

It's a very good post, people going about "you'll never be her boyfriend loser" really miss the point of vtubers and what make those so successful in the first place.

>> No.7180810

>both 1st Gen EN/JP 4chan vtuber goes to the deep end
And just like Koopacuck, you Beacucks will still keep defending her. 1st Gen 4chan vtubers is a mistake.

>> No.7180811

>point of vtubers
What point, oh brilliant one? Go, I'd like to hear this.

>> No.7180826

Being a decent artist is probably the safest route if you want to groom some small indie vtuber.

>> No.7180838

It doesn't help when dads gaslight her about yah when they could also be shitting it up to make it look bad . I said it before but there are some pretty pycho dads that have her ear besides the chill ones, they blend in well.

>> No.7180861

Yeah. They'll like that they got the art and will then follow you. You then got 1 small indie to DM with.

>> No.7180930

I don't care if the streamer is not single since I'm not either but it's interesting to think of if I would subconsciously give them less money anyway

>> No.7180940
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They're another form of social interaction, while the relationship is asymmetrical and some call it parasocial, it's still something that fills the hole many people have from having trouble making meaningful connections with others. People are lonely for many reasons in their life, and vtubers, who often are also lonely people expect more proactive, provide a pretty solid alternative you don't have to fully commit to if you don't want, overall a mutual exchange of attention from people not fit for more standard social interactions otherwise.

>> No.7180967

Oh, so you've only ever watched Hololive? Got you. Thought as much.
You don't know shit about vtubers.

>> No.7180973

This, it's the core audience of vtubers, also the most dedicated fan content makers and donators too. There were quite a few waves of normalfag becoming vtuber viewers recently but it doesn't change that fact.

>> No.7181011

Ok fag

>> No.7181036

The opposite, I actually barely watched Hololive, I watched Moemi/Yomemi back in 2018, azuma lim too, and tons of indies since then, I don't care much about corpos who often feel more "fake".

>> No.7181037

The majority of vtubers are normalfags, you stupid fuck. Lurk more.
I bet you think vtubers that show their real selves is a minority as well. I bet you think it is only a western thing as well.

>> No.7181047

>andrew first pretends to be hobodad
>co-opted the hobodad fanart as his own identity for stream chat and twitter
>starts streaming
>now co-opted the listener-chan identity with his vtuber model
Why is this motherfucker trying so hard to take over certain aspects of this community? If you're going to P2W your way to the top, at least make an original character and not try to bank off of what people already know

>> No.7181049

NTA, but tell us more, oh enlightened nigger.
What, are they just supposed to be a streamer with an avatar?

>> No.7181079


>> No.7181086

>The majority of vtubers are normalfags
This is just blatantly wrong
>I bet you think vtubers that show their real selves is a minority as well. I bet you think it is only a western thing as well.
Not at all, most vtubers are like 80% themselves at least

>> No.7181128

This is one the only motivating factors I have for even attempting to join the supposed inner circle. For many this is their first real interaction with an indie and they are bound to make mistakes. She has taken my advice a few times just from posting here so I'm not too concerned as to become a namefag.

>> No.7181138

It's just less asymmetrical with indies since they're closer to the viewers, very low number indies being basically vtuber viewers who happen to streams. But overall it's the same. Only very distant "professional" ones like Sora etc. don't feel like that.

>> No.7181166

>HER picture

>> No.7181180

Most of them literally are.
What, you think any of them even remotely live up to their stupid kayfabe shit? None of them do. They drop that shit quick. Very few of them maintain it long term, only the really dedicated ones do.
The avatar is a prop. Nothing more. They are what you see.
There's tens of thousands of them. Yes, it is true.
The largest sub-groups are otaku, then idols. But by a large margin the majority are normalfags who jumped ship to vtubing because it is "the new hotness". The <5 view types. The types that usually stream to their friends.

>> No.7181211
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The only corpos I watch are the ones like Polka where I can really feel how dependent they're on their audience emotionally. Thanksfully there are many more like this in indies comapred to corpos.

>> No.7181222

Fucking this
Faggot keep stealing community symbols

>> No.7181247

>just like in Her, Bea will cuck you and disappear in the end

>> No.7181273

Yeah, I felt it was the case Bea until her anniversary and a bit after, but something changed, I'm still watching of course because she's interesting, but it really shifted and it felt like I should be sorry for even taking a bit of her time.

>> No.7181315

I'm going to flood Bea's insides with semen.

>> No.7181368
File: 161 KB, 640x1436, 1621974989181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was Bea's initial goal when streaming? Make 1000 friends?
The fact her new goal is 10,000 friends should be quiet telling on her current mentality.

>> No.7181393


>> No.7181397

>her new goal is 10,000 friends
Her new goal is to have a 3D model ready when she hits 10k, there's a difference.

>> No.7181448

AR-sama.... please.... just a crumb of leftover bear cunny when you're done

>> No.7181487

very much so
can’t make anything original

>> No.7181529

They have no reason to stream with an avatar other than jumping the fad. I came in looking something more than just a regular streamer. If all of them were like this, i would have just got back to watching vinesauce

>> No.7181533


>> No.7181543
File: 69 KB, 173x141, bnzdz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about it, Bea really made the "follow for follow" and overall following people to get them invested more early on, then once she was big discarded it all, unfollowed everyone and started only following other vtubers and big accounts.

>> No.7181576
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i love this fucking bear

>> No.7181578

Yeah, I'm surprised most people just brushed it off

>> No.7181595

Follow for follow doesn't scale.

>> No.7181597

Why not? Because YOU think so?

>> No.7181601
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>> No.7181613

Me too, but she's really too full of herself

>> No.7181624

He's got a point, at that stage you may as well just watch Twitch whores, it's the same thing.

>> No.7181628

Reading reps, do them.

>> No.7181629


>> No.7181636
File: 675 KB, 888x1059, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight the last video from the 1k karaoke is already scheduled. I was planning to just go in order at this point. That means 2k->Mini->3k->4k with 1 video per day. 31 videos means we will finish in about 1 month. If you would like to make any request, here is the place to ask. Basically if there is anything you want uploaded before I go in order.

Beatani Sings Playlist:
As the playlist is at 36 songs now, I have removed the Karaoke streams from the playlist. This should be good if you want to start using the playlist with the shuffle function. The playlist is updated every day after the new upload.

Once the playlist is completed, the final order will be
1. Beatani Original Songs
2. Beatani Official Covers
3. Beatani Most Popular Song Clips (Katyusha, Disappearance, etc)
4. Most Recent Song Clips
5. Oldest Song Clips

Any feedback let me know, thanks.

>> No.7181638

I'm not saying at all she should have continued doing it, but she did at the start and overall built her community putting herself at a similar level as anons, and once she got big enough just threw it all out the window.

>> No.7181660

Okay so you're an idiot. Gotcha.

>> No.7181674

Some people do that to get big numbers, follow everyone to get follow backs, then unfollow everyone and keep the people that just don't care or don't check. Pretty common tactic, tho not often used so openly.

>> No.7181681

>follow for follow
That's good for small channels but at the Bea's size it doesn't work so well. Unfollowing everyone was a good decision on her part.

>> No.7181712

Not what I meant
She did it only at the start for the early fans, and then stopped, which was fine. But just throwing it all in the trash now that she got big, partly thanks to this close knit interaction early on, feels pretty wrong.

>> No.7181718

Now you are just being disingenuous

>> No.7181740

>Thinking that Bea got bigger because of her interactions with (you) on Twitter
Holy fucking cope...

>> No.7181756

It's a scummy tactic but I guess it works. People feel they found a vtuber who is almost like them, who don't put themselves on a pedestal, they get invested early on and help them reach bigger, and once that bigger state is reached, they're discarded. It's pretty efficient.

>> No.7181778

Nukumoritea thrown out the window...

>> No.7181790

Not (me) but it's not totally wrong, Bea did get big in general from her close interaction with people her in the beginning and how she was putting herself at the same level as most people, an imageboard shitposter like everyone.

>> No.7181801

i am a respectable man with the most bestest twitter account with over 10 followers of course i helped.

>> No.7181822

I wonder how the early fans for hololives like miko and matsuri feel

>> No.7181833

It's still funny to me she got a free pass on that and even some dedicated white knight schizo spamming every thread for any slightly comment on it.

>> No.7181835

she isn’t as big as you all make her out to be.

>> No.7181840

That's why things like giving Risuna to a single dad (or a group of them, we will see in the future) have made some dads feel hurt

>> No.7181843

He's not right though.
>imageboard shitposter
She is still /here/ and probably reading your words so i have no idea what the fuck people are going on about. my presence on twitter had nothing to do with beatani's success. in fact it was the other way around and i had only started using twitter more to interact with her.

>> No.7181849

>unfollowed everyone and started only following other vtubers and big accounts.
And that was the right decision. She didn't do anything comparable to what the shitty cat did.

>> No.7181857

Definitely much bigger than before coming to interact here

>> No.7181891

Mikos are probably long gone because she did a literal 180 in activity, like straight up not interacting with males being the bigger one. I don't care too much myself. I find it annoying, but eh.
Matsuris probably mostly still around, besides the few that left over her menhera outbursts on Twitter over the years.

>> No.7181923
File: 217 KB, 467x467, Peanuts-kun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

return to see my oshi he can t hurt me

>> No.7181936

She's big for an indie, if you don't think so you've probably just watched some corpos and surface level indies before

>> No.7181975

She's bigger than 99% of indies. You've already made it if you reach 1k subs and 20 regular.

>> No.7181979

and what makes it right? she said herself she followed people she was genuinely interested in keeping up with and she dropped them in favor for other vtubers and corpos. it makes her words sound disingenuous

>> No.7181991
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>> No.7182011


>> No.7182026

I wouldn't have gotten so invested early on if she wasn't as much "one of us", which include following her early fans. Then I got in and now it feels bad to leave just for it. I guess it's grooming.

>> No.7182055

For indie vtubers she's actually pretty big compared to the mean

>> No.7182088

state of this thread

>> No.7182100

>>7181975 I swear I keep seeing holofags who have no idea about indie numbers

>> No.7182101

I don't think Bea hasn't really changed that much, but being a public figure gives weight to all of her actions

>> No.7182116

these days i cant tell the difference between /yah/ and an anti thread

>> No.7182126

do you really believe it? despite not having time for others she will be there

>> No.7182142

She really changed, around between her anniversary and shift to 3 streams a week.

>> No.7182145

I think the majority of us are just disappointed.

>> No.7182170

Eh, I really feel it changed. You can tell she regrets making the letters a prize and it was bothersome, between the pre-anniversary and sometimes later, something changed clearly. She probably realized she was elevated and not one of the little people anymore.

>> No.7182191

You guys do know there is two explanation about why she is like this right? She either got promoted at her job OR she got a boyfriend in real life. I think she got a bf.

>> No.7182207

>she said herself
She said that when she were smaller. Now she's big and following thousands of people on twitter is a pain and a big timesink.
There's nothing wrong with changing your priorities as you grow. In any case comparing her to nyanners is just retarded.
She still posts here and reads the threads and references the stuff we talk about here. She just spends less time doing it.

>> No.7182213
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I retreat to her whenever things gets rough with western indies

>> No.7182218

No, I think most of us are just confused, and everything gets blurred thanks to the schizos and yes men
Everything would be better if Beatane were a little more transparent, at least about her actions as a streamer

>> No.7182222

>majority of us are disappointed
I don't think this word means what you think it does. To this day only one person has been vocal enough to attach their name to their disappointment. I guess those people aren't disappointed enough.

>> No.7182245

I just wish she was a bit more humble. She acts like she's some big shot million sub vtuber often. When she started out feeling like basically as a fellow (fem)anon who streams. I wonder if it got to her head after the anniversary stream.

>> No.7182266

I don't really hate her I've just been a little disapointed with her lately

>> No.7182279

Maybe that's why she became more confident overall, before she kept being flustered and depressed about being a virgin, all of this is gone. I'm thinking she indeed got in a relationship.

>> No.7182281

i love her to but how do you replace a variety chuuba with a chuuba you only watch for their singing?

>> No.7182298

named dads are afraid of losing love points, thats why they never voice their criticisms

>> No.7182315

>The bear got a BF
>The same bear that still all of her time working on the streams, sleeping, working or doing reps

>> No.7182316

Good for her. That's not what set off this shitshow though.

>> No.7182328

I'm disappointed but not enoug that I would stop watching altogether. Thus I have no interest in attaching a name to my complaint, would probably just make things worst for me.

>> No.7182331

Congratulations are in order, I guess.

>> No.7182333

Even you saying that you wish she were more transparent communicates disappointment in her actions, anon

If you read the thread, with 40 posters (a little less than her usual stream numbers), there's a lot of disappointment to be seen.

>> No.7182358

She was doing that before + 5 streams a week and every day shitpost and interactions on twitter and more. She freed up some time for something else.

>> No.7182363

Who is that person?

>> No.7182366

So you think she got a promition at her job?

>> No.7182369

Funny, I bet all these "disappointed people" will disappear when the Discord starts.

>> No.7182375

A lot of shitposting by a few people, you mean. Like always.

>> No.7182395

That's what she does according to what she tells us. You know how secretive she is.

>> No.7182396

I will be in the discord, because if she's there it's a step back to being "one of us" like at the start. I'd forgive her a little if she makes it and posts in it.

>> No.7182404

When the discord start, I'll officially be a Bear anti like I've been a Koopa anti.

>> No.7182409

The most I will answer you is that they were someone who posted on Twitter shortly following the artdad DM arc and that they were here from the start

>> No.7182410

>Even you saying that you wish she were more transparent communicates disappointment in her actions, anon
Not really, I was disappointed with her during the DM leak arc, but this is just she not knowing yet how to manage her community

>> No.7182413

Open your eyes anon, it's not hard to understand why people would be disappointed with everything that's happened one after another the past few weeks

>> No.7182429

If she told us she indeed got a promotion at her job and that's the reason she reduced her "being beatani" time so much I would honestly accept it and move on.

>> No.7182441

I think she was just a little tired of streaming so much, and that she wanted to focus on other things

>> No.7182466

Vocal minority. As per usual.
It's trivial to notice them.

>> No.7182484

I won't be joining the discord no matter what. Once the threads die I'll just leave.

>> No.7182489

I think it's this. Basically a nothingburger.
She finally got in the groove of streaming weekly and she realized just how draining it is to work full time AND stream five times per week. She sees herself as a content creator first and a streamer second. Right now she is still working at finding her groove, and more things can and will change.

>> No.7182491
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>> No.7182511
File: 367 KB, 1025x1029, ahhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to balance between a hugbox and a troll thread echoing only complaints
I still like Beatani and will participate in her projects
However I do feel pretty bad at many of her actions in the past 2 months, especially how distant and haughty she feels nowadays compared to before
I still like her, she's an interesting person, and a creative vtuber. But she frustrates me and makes me depressed pretty often too.

>> No.7182517

I have chuuba fatigue lately so she's perfect if I want to take a step back and focus on my drawing reps or something else instead while listening to her in the background.

>> No.7182531

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Being tired really doesn't excuse what she is doing now. She should take a break if she's tired.

>> No.7182546

Are you serious? There is some shitposting but to say that everyone is a shitposter is just dishonest.

>> No.7182557

Being tired can make people murder.

>> No.7182567

You guys know it's just one samefag claiming people are disappointed in her, right?

>> No.7182568

Yeah, I expect her to reduce a little more her streams per week in a few months, but she will compensate it with new things
She already talked about this when she tweeted about the concept of graduating

>> No.7182574

I want to fuck this bear.

>> No.7182601

Tell me, what is she doing now?

>> No.7182603

look at the poll max

>> No.7182607

Yes. I am. It all picked up when a certain group of people caught wind of certain tweets.
Watch as he posts his screencap to totally disprove it.

>> No.7182632

Polls aren't proof of anything. Probably just one samefag with a VPN.

>> No.7182633

Oh yeah. She doesn't really graduate. She would just stop streaming. Fucking hell, why the fuck did she even get a good Pc if she's going to stop streaming.

>> No.7182648

Did you find the internet yesterday?

>> No.7182656

No, I'm >>7182511 and that's my only "disappointed" post in the thread. While not having a hugbox is important, I realize that if people start voicing their worries at the time it sounds like everyone hates her, which isn't the case. But I'm indeed a bit bitter about some things. Not enough to leave but still wish it was different.

>> No.7182691

Decreasing her stream. Being haughty more than usual. Keeping a distance from her fans. Not shitposting a lot anymore. She feels like she is just busy with other stuff. Like she have other responsibilities. It's either work or bf.

>> No.7182696

moving goalposts as always if you guys continue to yes man her things will only get worse

>> No.7182703

It works both ways, (You) have no way to prove that it is just one shitposter.

>> No.7182711
File: 330 KB, 658x524, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The poll is totally useful for something like this
>The poll

>> No.7182736

It's not. Some of those posts are not mine so there's at least two of us.
I'll keep watching her but I am kind of tired. Don't even know what I am tired of really.

>> No.7182744

ironically the "no" votes just went down back to 4, guess the website caught wind of a vpn

>> No.7182747

It's 10-4 on my end.

>> No.7182773

all me

>> No.7182774

Holy kek whiteknight caught samefagging
You can't make that shit up

>> No.7182776
File: 85 KB, 366x459, pekiora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She started another vtuber and is juggling between the two.

>> No.7182793

I wouldn't go that far but I would say it's an obvious brigade. Most Americans are probably still asleep or just getting to work and fans everywhere else are probably on the minecraft server.

>> No.7182795

I belieb

>> No.7182808

Just gave my package to the post office, hope the Bear likes it!

>> No.7182814

moving goalposts first it's vpn now it's brigade you gotta wake up to reality anon

>> No.7182816

to be fair, the last poll like this had vote manipulation going the other direction.

>> No.7182821
File: 283 KB, 844x311, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone VPN'd to click many "no", but poal got better against VPNs recently and quickly auto delete those fake votes

>> No.7182835

Maybe she is. A fully japanese vtuber. Then she'll have a collab.

>> No.7182851

I will be honest, I don't really care that much about Bea streaming less because I feel like we are still getting a lot of content from her, the only thing that makes me feel a little weird is the AR and Risuna thing, I wish she didn't do that, it feels like we lost something

>> No.7182886

Yep, we're being raided.

>> No.7182894
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>> No.7182897

I wouldn't entirely disagree with you, but I take the stance of
>wait until Monday
based on the thread from last night.
Let's talk about it again after that

>> No.7182901

I am the regular in those threads and in fact the OP of this thread and I feel disappointed with this whole situation. Sorry if I can't just watch as some fag gets to steal community symbols and gets shilled and be happy about it.
We've had 3 dadstreamers and not a single one of them caused so much shit like this newest one did. Fuck him.

>> No.7182915

It's the thing with off stream threads. Once a controversial topic is brought, it will be milked dry and sounds bigger than it is. I do think there a few things that are pretty disappointing about bea attitude in the past few weeks/months, but it's not enough that I'd stop watching her at all. And what's frustrating is she won't ever care about that at all and only do her own thing, which is understandable, but also very annoying.

>> No.7182918

Just watch, Risuna will be avaliable to anyone that wants to try.

>> No.7182944

Then it'll be a bit better. Still sad it was possible to pay2win for early access but not as bad.

>> No.7182956

If that's the case, that would indeed be some kino.

>> No.7182963

Good community post Bea.
You can still save your community.

>> No.7182964


>> No.7182971

Ah, the classic boogeyman
Tell me, who raids us? /wvt/? /qa/? discord?

>> No.7182986

She could release a generic Risuna for everyone, but she still choose the prioritize AR
I'm not blaming her because I guess she got paid for doing it, but I still feed bad about it

>> No.7182998

Just blame it on /wvt/. Some of the disappointed dads seems reasonable enough, it's not the usual schizo baitvomit.

>> No.7183004

Save your opinion for 4 days from now.

>> No.7183012

almost as if the person from last night telling us not to freak out had a point.
if someone paid you $5,000 USD would you prioritize them? I'm asking unironically to make a point.

>> No.7183030

I wouldn't, I already make money, in my hobbies I value anything else.

>> No.7183038

To be honest, I didn't expect her to share the materials to make one. I thought it was just going to be a stream demoing the process.

>> No.7183045

The reason for early access is most likely the fact that his planned debut was scheduled before she wanted to release it.

>> No.7183049

I would at least try to be clear with my community about what was going to happen

>> No.7183053

He was the only one that showed strong interest in doing it when she first asked from memory.
He is a co-opting attention whore but I wouldn't fault Bea for that. She is really not being as devious as you think.

>> No.7183059

I don't get what she meant. Is it a "make your own L2D" stream where everyone learn while she explains?

>> No.7183062

You fuckwits would still shitpost about it. Fuck off.

>> No.7183078

Actual legit question. Is android smartphone OK for this? I only always here people talk about iphone tracking.

>> No.7183088

>Ask a question
>Get an answer you don't like
>Fuck off
You are just a clown

>> No.7183091

>listener-chan model stream
Yawn, the last thing I want is more faggots trying to be like andrew

>> No.7183103

I guess I'm too ESL to understand her post. Do we have to draw something and she rig it for us?

>> No.7183104

/wvt/ raids us at least once a week. That mau fag even used to brag about raiding us
They may be not involved this time but they are still faggots

>> No.7183117

Yes you fool, why do you think she scheduled the current member stream so long in advance, and suspiciously close to the time she brought up the subject?

>> No.7183132

I'm just stating a fact. You and I both know it'd happen
>[name] is streaming with risuna
>[tierlist] post
>no my tierlist is better
cancer ensues

>> No.7183134

She provides you everything you need to make a Live2D model, including the design. She's going to demonstrate how to rig the design.

You need an iPhone for the face tracking feature. I believe some Android phones have it, but the iPhone is the best.

>> No.7183138

Because it was originally a regular member stream to play a game with her

>> No.7183141

are you sure you replied to the right post? It doesn't feel related

>> No.7183157

Now quickly make a baitpost in trash as well

>> No.7183162

I have a Note 10+, is it okay?
I'm not seeing results on Google.
I just want to do it enough to do the tutorial, not streaming.

>> No.7183176

guess I'm out

>> No.7183190

It's money equals love, we don't love her enough

>> No.7183200

>Changing the goal
You asked me about if I would prioritize him if he were to pay me. Business are business, but she still has a community to manage, and Risuna is an important part of it, so being transparent is necessary. We could have prevented all this drama if she talked about this before AR's debut.

>> No.7183206

It is related, refer to >>7179159 (who is still a fag for posting it in thread)
This week's member stream was scheduled shortly after this post.

>> No.7183226

You can use a computer webcam using OpenSeeFace, but it's not as accurate as an iPhone.

>> No.7183246
File: 17 KB, 274x213, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the vtuber with the most money earn per average viewer. The only who is similar is Rose (africat) during her first months

>> No.7183249

I didn't ask that, I'm just stating it in response to your answer.
Even if she was 100% transparent, babies in here would still be screeching namefag this, namefag that.

>> No.7183262

Stupid grey, that was posted a month ago.

>> No.7183266

Not as much, at least I know I wouldn't.

>> No.7183268

Ah, the classic boogeyman
Quickly check the /wvt/ and /trash/ for the evildoer's posts

>> No.7183276
File: 121 KB, 984x835, community post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, grays.

>> No.7183294

>a month ago
Precisely my point. That's for how long the member stream has been in the upcoming list.

>> No.7183297

Well I'm not buying an iphone just for that, unfortunate. Seems weird that it's impossible to get something similar buying your own good quality camera

>> No.7183327

Why? Lately the main complain is her lack of transparency, it would have been at least better than the shitstorm we are currently suffering through

>> No.7183336

If it's a matter of cost, I believe you can use an older model as long as it has FaceID. I don't think the technology has advanced in since it was released.

>> No.7183346

Relax, non-iToddlers.
>How does the webcam-based face tracking work?
>Thanks to Emiliana from VSeeFace, VTube Studio now directly supports webcam-based face tracking powered by OpenSeeFace!! It comes with various quality levels so it will even run on low-spec PCs or Macs. It's free to use but will show a watermark if you don't buy the "Remove Watermark" DLC, available now.

>> No.7183362

Because when there is transparency, the next fallback is namefag drama. See before all this drama.

>> No.7183403

Yeah, I think those threads are important for valid criticism, but when there is something worth criticism and everyone voice it at once it can probably feel like some schizo hate train even tho it's genuine and from actual fans. Oh well.

>> No.7183414

>When there's transparency
The last time she was transparent was when she admitted to having favorites, and it was one of those few times when it would have been better if she didn't say anything

>> No.7183417

I dont have a computer webcam.
There's no way to link it to an Android phone?

>> No.7183428
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, It&#039;s_All_So_Tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting tired of all the schizoposting, at first I thought it was funny and did it too, but now I see that you fags actually mean what you post.

>> No.7183455

Unironically me who stopped shitposting 2 weeks ago because these people are already doing my job without me even having to try.

>> No.7183459

fortunately you'll be able to escape to discord soon

>> No.7183497
File: 62 KB, 702x469, table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To say it briefly, Android is the worst but it's possible. At most you can do is wiggle around a little bit, probably.

>> No.7183510

>Android is the worst
many such cases

>> No.7183567

i just forgot i have an ipad pro.
this should work, right?

>> No.7183611


>> No.7183686

Oh my fucking god
/yah/ literally becoming 2nd /wvt/
All these wannabe chuubas centered around a big one

>> No.7183693
File: 383 KB, 2048x1365, iStock-177307480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7183717

It's going to be fucking great

>> No.7183766

I don't go to /wvt/ because I'm not a tranny, but who was "the big one" that everyone else was centred around? Koopa?

>> No.7184030
File: 2.12 MB, 2958x975, AfricatDebut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I've been there since the start, I'll spoonfeed.
It's a bit misleading, /wvt/ was "formed" from talks about western indies on /vyt/ back on /jp/ which escalated with Artemis awful debut and Rose (Africat) "saving" debut going on at the same time.

For a while it was just about a few western indies (Africat, Nina, Mushi, Mocca), adding a few others until Koopa debuted and her and her fanbase came to /wvt/ since she was a western vtuber and there wasn't any /vt/ yet.
She did inspire a few anons to start vtubing, like Eira (see) or Carmine (first wvt male vtuber), which in the few months after prompted a dozen a debut one after the other.
Later, more and more vtubers from outside also joined making the viewers a rarity.
It was not really some "pro tranny" shithole, as shitposting about mocca was a timeloop for months, tho in recent time it may have become more SJW-like from being 60%+ vtubers posting including a few "progressive" ones.

>> No.7184034

Get home from volunteering at the Olympics.
See that we gonna get help rigging a model, something I been curious about for a while now.
This should be something we can be happy about but it will likely create more drama because people are easily baited.

>> No.7184060

Thanks you, history anon

>> No.7184072

>Get home from volunteering at the Olympics.

>> No.7184114

>volunteering at the Olympics.
Based but they should be paying people.

>> No.7184117

Too busy trying to get a dark skin, tall, muscle girl athlete anon.

>> No.7184182

Can't wait for the inevitable /risuna/ general.

>> No.7184202
File: 728 KB, 742x680, risaface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a japanese women's volleyball gf
ok homo

>> No.7184206


>> No.7184261

>until Koopa debuted and her and her fanbase came to /wvt/
I remember this triggered some schizo to antipost for like 2 months spamming a blacked edit he made of a r18 fanart, threatening to reveal her "doxx" (which he didn't have)

>> No.7184290

Japanese like to fantasize about other races just as much as you like to fantasize about Japanese.

>> No.7184326


>> No.7184340

Oh, is that sou? That thought never occurred to me before, thanks.

>> No.7184359

I can't tell if tiny head or man shoulders.

>> No.7184363
File: 127 KB, 1200x1200, 8c9f9a2b34568374b552438ed5e3499e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already am Risuna

>> No.7184389

You're correct, but you know what I mean in the context of the poll.

>> No.7184404

You know, I thought it was the shoulders at first but looking at her full body, her head is pretty small.

>> No.7184492 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.53 MB, 1180x1333, 1627482666652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not going for french soccer girls

>> No.7184533
File: 39 KB, 554x721, be27248449424802b18db2d674e45b48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my type

>> No.7184535

I'm already a streamer, it feels awkward to "turn" into a risuna tabun

>> No.7184579

If you're an ugly bastard you'll still be one there, but if you're an average gaijin you do have a high chance than usual getting some one night stand in Japan than in your own country, for sure.

>> No.7184615

Damn, I'm not usually into 3DPD especially western, but she does look pretty.

>> No.7184746

Thanks for the encouragement my friend
As for the Japanese in America, you'd be pretty popular among a lot of women just by being Japanese too, I think. Some white, most hispanic, and a lot of black girls like Asian guys in general
I think my face is pretty nice to look at, though I'm not such an awful person to have a one night stand. I hope to meet my very own Yamato Nadeshiko some day and get married to her!

>> No.7184922

My risuna is going to be a freeloader on my channel without being "me".

>> No.7184945

>I'm not such an awful person to have a one night stand
what? it's most something both parties want when it happens, I don't see how it makes anyone awful

>> No.7184979

I realized a lot of people on 4chan apparently are traditional american with christian values, for some reason

>> No.7185017

Maybe it's a matter of differing opinions, but I still think sex is something special that should only be done between two people that love each other. I've only had one sexual partner and we dated seriously for a good while. I'm also really picky when it comes to women, I think

>> No.7185038

>can't fuck in your country
>want to go with a delusion to fuck in another
you, always

>> No.7185049

In a similar way I literally never got all the fuzz about "roasties" and so on, but then again I'm not american. Of course I'd rather people have sex with me and not some other person but I can't blame people for wanting to feel good and partake in what is overall pretty healthy as long as you take precautions.

>> No.7185054

We wouldn't be on 4chan if we were manwhores

>> No.7185083
File: 10 KB, 285x96, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tangerine has spoken.

>> No.7185095

You will never be Japanese. You have no ancestry, you have no citizenship, you have no skills that would make Japan ever want you. You are a shut-in self-hating white man twisted by delusions of mythical Japanese superiority and exposure to Japanese media into a disgusting mockery of nature’s perfection. All 'validation' you get from other people in this position couldn't be worse in making you believe that spending years of your life learning a globally useless language to a first-grader's level was a worthwhile use of your time, but one can't expect that an individual as pathetic as you will ever know the value of the youth you threw away in doing that. Actual Japanese are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of linguistic evolution have allowed natives to identify frauds from mannerisms and vocabulary alone. Even if your written text of self-hatred and attention begging akin to a stray dog's somehow passes as normal (it won't), any Japanese person will immediately cut all ties when they hear the voice and accent of someone who is not only a basic Japanese speaker at best, but worth no more than garbage in skills, accomplishments, and likeability. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile and laugh to yourself believing that watching a content creator that you understand 20% of at best is somehow superior than watching your own kind, as you project your disgusting traits onto your entire kind. However, deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight, and you know that. You know that all you do now is have an entirely new linguistic medium in which to be ignored, and not even the exotic trait of being foreign makes up for just how uninteresting of a person you are. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a Western man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably Caucasian. This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back. Hate yourself and apologize for being white to some Japanese entity that exists only in your mind while actual Japanese people put in effort to learn English for the valid reason of it being the global language.

>> No.7185098

>but it's a fast day

>> No.7185107
File: 755 KB, 1378x1508, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your art dads, no matter what it is, show it to the bear

>> No.7185119

Shut up, I don't care about some random twitter thing with a fruit avatar blogposting

>> No.7185147
File: 128 KB, 2000x2000, grey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7185153

The best sex is often said to be with someone that you love, anything else is just using each other as a toy for masturbation. This I believe, because as we got closer to breaking up, the sex between my partner and I really changed in comparison to our first time together.
I also think it's something that changes people, too. If I got into it now though, I would be writing a wall of text about it so I'll refrain from doing so for now

>> No.7185154

>replies within minutes of that tweet being made
>the andrew ryan tweet still has 0 replies
really makes you think

>> No.7185166

im unironically a manwhore who couldn't count how many people they've slept with. including multiple people in the same day. if i had the number, i think many anons would think i'm disgusting. i already think i'm kinda gross.

>> No.7185189


>> No.7185200

First of all there's nothing to actually say in reply to it, and secondly it would be extremely awkward to reply this late.

>> No.7185240

I'm literally drawing something right now that has nothing to do with the bear and I'll post it on twitter when I'm done

>> No.7185244

Cope, replyguys will find literally anything to reply to it.

>> No.7185248

I also have a funny story about my friend going to a massage parlor and having sex with a woman there, and afterwards he felt really disgusted with himself hahaha

>> No.7185292

who is you

>> No.7185320

Please don't prompt that, he started attentionwhoring and you're encouraging him to post off topic. Well it's 1 min apart so maybe you're asking yourself.

>> No.7185322

I have nothing new to show.

>> No.7185351

Same, I haven't posted here or drawn big for Bea in a while, but I'll make her something after my schedule clears up

>> No.7185602
File: 706 KB, 2048x1414, 28374747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7185657

I don't want to post it a second time, it's too cringe

>> No.7185676
File: 614 KB, 648x678, 1626883974275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STD ridden homosexual, what a novel concept

>> No.7185801

>not gay
>STD free

>> No.7185963

Why is she doing this weird damage control now? We already know they were set to no replies.
I honestly don't know what she is trying to do kek

>> No.7186004

they werent though..

>> No.7186012
File: 162 KB, 659x712, 2021-07-26_14-55-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already posted it but ogey

>> No.7186013

>shitty bait disguised at deflecting the legitimate criticism
i'm not even upset about what happened but dismissing all the sadposters is pointless. clearly there is more than 1

>> No.7186042

I know you're just shitposting but I can't tell if you're retarded or just schizo when you imply she magically turned off the "nobody can reply" setting

>> No.7186057

Never post this image again

>> No.7186163
File: 148 KB, 759x706, 2ZiOXAE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't tell me what to do faggot

>> No.7186305
File: 155 KB, 696x806, 2021-07-26_14-09-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7186346

Why did bear draw this? I can't believe she has a grey fetish.

>> No.7186483

You're too cute Bea

>> No.7186532

Oh, and your drawing is cute too

>> No.7186542


>> No.7186567

>Bear paws posting a reply to bear paws which were not actually bear paws but were imposter bear paws

>> No.7186591

What happened to that faggot underage muslim? Did his father already throw him off a tall building?

>> No.7186609

is this new art?

>> No.7186617

he posted yesterday
hes not underage
i can't wait to see his delicious bulge again

>> No.7186667

Those were dropped in the thread a few days ago (so yes)

>> No.7186676

You are a pedophile, he said it himself that he's underage.

>> No.7187014
File: 214 KB, 600x600, yA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are a pedophile

>> No.7187093

>he said it himself that he's underage
And I can say I'm literally hitler, doesn't make it true.

>> No.7187131

This, I'll never trust anyone's age anymore until they show me their ID

>> No.7187277
File: 1.03 MB, 2211x2211, 4K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this art

>> No.7187317

Why would he say that he's underage in a place where being underage means you get banned? You're just trying to cope with your pedophilia.

>> No.7187374
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1626885322771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homosexual pedophiles, what a novel concept

>> No.7187422

If this isn't bait you are missing my point.
My point is that the person who said they were an underage sandnigger isn't necessarily the crossdresser. He just posted with the same image the crossdresser already posted. How the fuck you assumed that it was legit him is beyond me.

>> No.7187468

>straywolf actually nuked their whole twitter
But why? If you're not watching beatani anymore you don't have to delete fucking everything, just move on and post what you want

>> No.7187496

>17 years old
You niggers are spending way too much time on twitter

>> No.7187520

are you confusing s* with c*?

>> No.7187559

No, Straywolf did nuke his twitter. Maybe related to posts made before, but maybe he's just having some mental illness episode and will reactivate it later. Not much to add.

>> No.7187629

sorry what i meant is did s* say he wasn't going to watch bea anymore? I just saw him whining about his art. do artfags really place their self worth on anons? i was speechless.

>> No.7187676

His art is very cute

>> No.7187691

The post (if true) was confusing and weird but I don't think someone would nuke their whole account just for that when it's been used for other vtubers before. So it'll stay a mystery, I don't think it should be brought up more than that until he reappears.

>> No.7187779

If there is one piece of feedback I could give it's that the eyes look made of glass. I'm not entirely sure if it's the lack of pupils alone that's responsible for it.

>> No.7187867

Look as far as I'm concerned I care about the age gap more, if you're a 40 year old lusting over a 20 years old you're gross even if it's legal.

>> No.7187896

Plus I don't see what's the issue with liking anything you want, as long as someone isn't out there committing crimes what they like doesn't matter.

>> No.7187903

also the color choices on the eyes tabun maybe

>> No.7187927

Maybe the ratio more than the colours themselves.

>> No.7187954

Well I'm into age and size difference, so I'm glad we'll never meet.

>> No.7187986

I'm mentally and emotionally 10 years younger than my administrative age. I don't relate or share anything with girls my age. I'm not sure why I'm supposed to care about how many years my body spent on earth on that regard.

>> No.7188022

I think it's the shading, too simple to really give off the effect it's going for but too detailed to have a "simple" charm

>> No.7188083

This is too cute

>> No.7188168


>> No.7188229

Oh boy, new anti thread is up. Can't wait

>> No.7188247

I constantly fantasize about fucking the bear in graphic detail (all 5 senses) but when it's time for handreps I use 3DPD and forget about her until it's done.
>But what does it mean

>> No.7188253

>t. anti thread OP

>> No.7188385

just don't use it retardchama

>> No.7188428

Nope, that would be me.

>> No.7188547

I doubt sw giving up bea as they still got their pixiv. Probably something unrelated. Hope they are ok.

>> No.7188616

don’t give it yous
my final message

>> No.7188618

Given how all over the place the discord message was, prob mental health. Not much else to add.

>> No.7188643

I think they are probably just a little embarrassed about the Discord post. I hope they come back after this blows over.

>> No.7188678

Here's a new proper thread

>> No.7188724

Bea, since you have no use for your ovaries and womb can I have them? Periods are mendokusai so I would really be doing you a favor.

>> No.7188775

tranny-chama or just some weird ass buffalo bill motherfucker?

>> No.7188810

An enjoyer of Chinese medicine

>> No.7188858

>frown not supported
how does mocape compare

>> No.7189069

Bea, don't listen to that guy. I need your ovaries and womb for a mere 9 months. You'll be compensated properly of course at the standard rate of 3-6 million yen for your trouble.

>> No.7189118

half white babies with Bea...

>> No.7189133

Polar bear pregnancies are shorter

>> No.7189282
File: 2.71 MB, 2963x4320, sunglasses_v01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, coloring is one my many weak points, in the last one I did I tried to do the eyes in a more classic way

>> No.7189332

That bikini bottom does things to me. Just one peropero is all I ask

>> No.7189339

I love this color!

>> No.7189383

keep at it, improving art dad!
i always like to see your style.

>> No.7189651

I want to pull the strings on the bottoms so bad. Really nice art though dad.

>> No.7189964

Thanks! I also like the colors of this one, I think they give it a pleasant feeling
