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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 103 KB, 528x960, little_dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71753064 No.71753064 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
VAllure (Mar 31): https://www.vallure-agency.com/auditions

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Stay classy.

Previous thread: >>71723341

>> No.71753369


>> No.71753473

Thank you for not using the fujo bait art

>> No.71753472

vtuber for this feel

>> No.71753651

Is this thread fucking AI-generated? What are these replies?

>> No.71753727
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>> No.71754473
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>> No.71754483

What makes for a good clip for twitter?
What kind of clips do you scroll past on twitter and it makes you stop and want to watch it?
Examples appreciated.

I have ZERO vtuber clips on my twitter and I think thats a sign.

>> No.71755246

Slow news day. Everyone must be working hard on things today.

>> No.71755419

Anon I am running on 4 hours of sleep and 6 houra yesterday and 12 the day before yesterday I am jittering I am gl8tching I amn bugginhng o dear lord I am watching shapes change forms i I am Losing it there are still 4 mlre hours of work to do then I might STREAM ANONN I AM SUFFERING I AM FUCKINGBABOUT TO CALL IT A DAY AND PASS OUT ANON HELPPPPP

>> No.71755481
File: 61 KB, 220x158, 1685070633816073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spammer busy at wasp, now you realize asp was always a slow thread


>> No.71755511


>> No.71755549
File: 14 KB, 400x333, 44a6ab54380124d707bf8a24c26017b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to finish up my png in a way that I don't automatically hate so I can finally have my first stream when the stardew update finally drops

>> No.71755859

This post? Made by me

>> No.71756102

Who are any of these people and why should I give a shit

>> No.71756253

stinky_peanut is live with Voices of the Void! twitch.tv/stinky_peanut0

>> No.71756258

a preview into many /asp/ies if they ever make it big

>> No.71756262

Lewd Jokes and Screaming is good for some views. But the viewers that click on those are trash and don't stay long.

If you don't want to act like someone's automatic monkey, load up clips that expresses your streaming personality the best.

>> No.71756293


>> No.71756432

>Make it big
>ToraKaru 30days CCV: 16

>> No.71756590

I feel like men need more Twitter followers than women do.
We have less outreach, and most women check out Twitter anyways.

His CCV isn't great, but he has like 10K+ Twitter followers. All Healthy males have over 5K Twitter followers

>> No.71756683

not make it big vie streaming, make it big in the fact that he had multiple needy bitches flocking to him because he has a lot of followers, buys a lot of fanart and vtuber women are easy to manipulate

>> No.71756716

This shit conflicts me. I feel like the higher you are in fame or CCV the more of a chance you will do nefarious shit.

>> No.71756784

I am offended that this guy is trying to sell his model and shit for the price that he payed for it. What is he thinking. Custom art is always going to be more expensive than off the shelf art. Anyone who buys for that price is an idiot.

>> No.71757002

Well, it just makes them more noticeable. But it isn't like 90% of the males are POS who just want sex and a harem of bitches out of vtubing. It just happend that the 10% who does recieves all the attention because they unevitably fuck up.

>> No.71757005

It's so fucking funny that he's selling it at all. Guess he needs all the money he can get so he can quick buy a new premade model and start over as if nothing happened.

>> No.71757006

I want to kill everyone who ever suggested computer science as a good degree and then myself

>> No.71757025
File: 520 KB, 618x545, Screenshot 2024-03-18 162341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly feel like buying it lol...
I was also thinking of buying Gumpai's model
One of my ideas was taking dead Vtuber models and repurposing them as Zombies, but it's way too expensive

>> No.71757028
File: 68 KB, 617x101, 1707670636043281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.71757086

this motherfucker is diabolical i like it

>> No.71757541

Haggle them down if you do. The tora guy in particular.

A model that was used by an actually famous vtuber would be worth far more than they paid for it. But somebody who is barely known should expect a pretty hefty discount on what they should expect to get for it. If you are leaving surrounded by scandal you shouldn't expect to get even half of what you payed.

>> No.71757657

/asp/ always has been an slow thread, even now is much faster than it was in the past where a single thread could easily last days, even not too long ago on gen 4 a single thread would last a day and a half.

>> No.71757679

what a fucken read

>> No.71757833

A thread that slow would have a hard time surviving in current day /vt/. With all the new splits and competing threads of new corpo girls the board is being forced to get faster and faster just to keep from being bumped off page 10. Unfortunately that comes with lower quality posts.

>> No.71757921

im gonna convince zeph to either quit or actually go affiliate maybe that will convince him to improve himself

>> No.71758028

From this point onwards, I will start to count how many crab posts I make throughout the rest of the year.

>> No.71758130

QB live

>> No.71758212

She is not an /asp/ or a /wasp/ie, she has literally never self posted on either thread so why are you still pushing her Scissor

>> No.71758282

V4mpsy live!

>> No.71758401

I'm not scissors

>> No.71758457

Is this Scissor?
Can you stop guy, let the Vtuber network here if they want to get posted
We're all Vtubers here, go try /pcg/ you'll have better traction

>> No.71758507

Shut the fuck up. Stupid little bitch.

>> No.71758531

Ok this is Claudette

>> No.71758570

As if any of us could talk to a girl

>> No.71758580

regardless of who you are, this is barely even a place for people to post themselves, and it is definitely not a place to post others.

>> No.71758636 [DELETED] 

Man your type has ruined these threads.

>> No.71758670

Chat my desktop background is moving but it's not a animated desktop and the room is spinning. How fucked am I

>> No.71758690

People post themselves here all the time retard.

>> No.71758730

Wtf do you want us to do with a girl that's been actively raided by Pippa
A girl that doesn't even post here, never interacted with anyone here, and never asked for advice?
You'd think after that Tora sexpest arc, you skeevy fucks would look in the mirror and stop doing this mouthbreather shit over these 5/10 girls, but nope.

>> No.71758790

i post in asp probably once every 3 days, maybe you just shit up the thread too much by posting unrelated people?

yeah, and until pretty recently that was something you were not actually supposed to do by the thread's own description, which is why i said that

>> No.71758911

>its against the rules!
Suck my dick

>> No.71758922

She interacts with the girls all the time if you look

>> No.71758991

its literally not even frowned upon anymore and i'm not implying that it currently is, it was just to contrast how retarded posting literal fucking randoms is in this thread

>> No.71759020

I'm not looking in /wasp/ if that's what you mean
This place is meant to be someplace you ask for advice, vent about issues with streaming anonymously, and get feedback on streaming ideas
Let's just try to moderate the retards better, also I take it back 90% sure the small dick wonder is Ineda

>> No.71759032

So does totora mao but she isn't an aspie

>> No.71759102

I hate the people who say they're here to "make friends" what the fuck does that even mean? This isn't a community you're supposed to get your advice and leave. But now we have so many people who just hang around for attention. This is a thread for people who actually want to make it. Its not your support network. Its not your therapist. These threads have gotten unbearable since Gen4. Which I only use the generation bullshit to give you a time frame.
Imagine how fucking unlikable you have to be to have no friends or family to talk to and you just hang around this fucking thread forever. You're fucking annoying to the people here who want to succeed. I feel bad for the girls who constantly need to walk on eggshells around the obsessive sadboy streamers who start streaming with seemingly no goal other than the delusion they will be able to find a woman to fuck.

I'm sick of this and I'm going to say what we have all been thinking for a very long time.

>> No.71759176

By "we" do you mean you and who else?

>> No.71759180

What a nigger

>> No.71759201


>> No.71759248

Who's "we" in this case you ESL loser?
>This isn't a community you're supposed to get your advice and leave.
Followed by
>But now we have so many people who just hang around for attention.

Just use ChatGPT to write going forwards, 2/10 go back to school

>> No.71759304

>you made a typo you must be esl

>> No.71759354

> I feel bad for the girls who constantly need to walk on eggshells around the obsessive sadboy streamers who start streaming with seemingly no goal other than the delusion they will be able to find a woman to fuck.
So this was just another /wasp/ poster seething at the fact that the thread is still alive lmao
The only one spending too much time here is you, most aspies do have jobs after all

>> No.71759442

No. I'm not anti-male. I'm being specific.

>> No.71759492

What kind of weird ass backwards conclusion is this? Is this the new evolution of the "women have it easier than men by default" incel cope?

>> No.71759501

Spill the tea sister! Let's name some names.

>> No.71759529

>Take your advice and go away
Then there'll never be anyone left to give advice, retard.
>what we have all been thinking for a very long time

>> No.71759556

It did.

t. guy who kept the thread bumped with harmless rituals

>> No.71759715

It was "frowned upon" because the OP at the time was scared of jannies nuking a thread with what would be considered avatar posting anywhere else. It isn't cared about anymore because jannies have given effectively tacit approval by looking the other way and allowing it to self-contain. Well, self-contain until the 4th or 9th split. I lost track of that.

>> No.71759771

Stop being so weirdly confrontational and hostile.
This is an advice thread.
>then they'll be no one
Dead wrong

>> No.71759823

>This isn't a community you're supposed to get your advice and leave.
Get advice from whom? What experience or qualifications do those people have? We've already seen what it looks like when viewers try to give advice and its fucking funny.

>> No.71759835

Why do people talk like we have tons of splits. There's 1. /wasp/. And it's a joke.

>> No.71759883

You act like this thread only came into existence with gen 4.

>> No.71759919

We had multiple and only one stuck around by essentially begging other generals into forming a bump alliance

>> No.71759947

>Stop being so weirdly confrontational and hostile.
You're the retard whining about "community" and telling people to leave. Off yourself because you're too invested in this place to just go away.

>> No.71759952

I'd love it if you could explain wtf you're trying to say here.
We already have a girl-only split for you retards to fawn over, what exactly do you you want improved around here?

This isn't a viewer thread, read the OP

>> No.71759955

I love chinchillas. That was all I came in to this thread to say.

>> No.71759995

I was mostly joking about the several splits or attempted splits over the course of the last year. mvp, bvg, sig (though I believe that was more of a "please stop posting your oshi in /lig/ thing"), wasp, and the new meme split "ads". It makes for a pretty ugly appearance outside of the bubble, though I wager that (to their detriment) most of /asp/ doesn't really look outside the thread.

>> No.71760010

Why are you being so obtuse? How can you honestly think I'm trying to have a girl split?

>> No.71760076

im just here to vaguepost about an /asp/ie because it keeps me going

and also get advice

>> No.71760083

Nobody said anything like that. By your own claim, people are supposed to "get advice and leave." That would mean that previous generations should (and mostly have) leave. You want a thread full of clueless newbies reinventing the wheel.

>> No.71760164

>make vague argument
>asked to explain
>get confrontational and defensive without explaining

mhm mhm yes quite

>> No.71760178

Again. Wrong.

>> No.71760181

>(to their detriment) most of /asp/ doesn't really look outside the thread.
what do I, a male, gain from looking at unicorn-infested threads of viewers frothing at corpos who will never ever be relevant to me and also catalog bait?

>> No.71760190

Sure miss when the thread was quiet

>> No.71760228

Reveal yourself retard and explain wtf you are trying to say

>> No.71760232

What do you need explained? You have not asked any questions.

>> No.71760274

No, I'm right. Checkmate faggot.

>> No.71760297
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quit being retarded and name some chuubas

>> No.71760329

The thread that you want could not survive on /vt/ these days. There is not enough interest in advice like that.

>> No.71760408

>We've already seen what it looks like when viewers try to give advice and its fucking funny.
Don't remind me of the viewercord corpo and how unremarkable it is

>> No.71760447

Again thats not what I meant

>> No.71760487

Explain what you meant

>> No.71760539

Why is the text on this fucked up? Am I high?

>> No.71760560


>> No.71760598

I want to go back to /auds/ the weird hugbox feel of this thread is off-putting.

>> No.71760621

draw me in this meme

>> No.71760653

Which part

>> No.71760716

Why are you being so obtuse? Do you not remember what you were trying to say?

>> No.71760793

A big part of why the thread was changed was because it was dieing all the time. There was fewer and fewer new people interested in starting up as a vtuber, less interest in applying to corpos, and generic advice that was so commonly talked about before was easier than ever to find elsewhere. Discord servers started to take over a lot what the thread was about as well. There just wasn't enough to talk about to sustain a thread like that on vt any more.

>> No.71760961

This thread died when viewers started to be talked about more than vtubers.

>> No.71761071

That's just part of the long transformation to "/wvt/ but our schizos are different" the schizos were not different

>> No.71761096

The only viewer talked about often is Renata and she is essentially a pre debut vtuber

>> No.71761105

Would any corpo realistically take a coding/dev chuuba without making them change their content?

>> No.71761139


>> No.71761166

I've had a few viewers tell me that they really despise having their names dropped in the thread and that they don't like the obsession with discussing viewers here. I get that its just more drama baiting from anon posters, but it really does make things worse for everyone.

>> No.71761181

>you're supposed to get your advice and leave
That kind of attitude killed most of gen3.

>> No.71761199

You really wrote out a lie like this and pushed Post huh

>> No.71761243

Coding/dev has no appeal outside of a small niche, so yes they would ask you to at least do less coding streams

>> No.71761401

gen3 had an entire summer of selfposting & discord drama.

>> No.71761642

Luna, chrii, poly, Renata, Cheen, Hanabi, Flandzen, Sonowono, comet, Sukadrii, K10ND1K3, kotaru, Vita

>INB4 but they do stream
>INB4 but they intend to stream

>> No.71761666

A newer style agency might be ok with it. The traditional "start from scratch and completely divorce yourself from your PL" model like hololive/niji would be really impractical. You would have to start all your projects over from scratch to avoid any association with your previous content, it would be a massive pain.

>> No.71761684

most of these people named stream what the hell are you on about

>> No.71761786

this might be the dumbest post I have ever read

>> No.71761787

>These chuubas don't count because I said so
You named only 3 viewers, and they are barely mentioned.

>> No.71761805

do we have an accurate list of everyone from each gen

>> No.71761846


>> No.71761973

Got any anime recommendations? Thinking of doing a watchalong stream

>> No.71762139

I actively watch K10ND1K3 while he does his art streams. he's a cutie patootie

>> No.71762382

No. All the lists were made after the fact for the most part. There are a ton of aspies that nobody really remembers. And plenty would be disputed, since many people only posted a few times and some arguably never read the thread.

Not to mention that the dates of when each Gen started isn't really agreed apon.

>> No.71762417

girls und panzer

>> No.71762453


>> No.71762488

Your favourite anime show! That way you can talk about all the things you like about it to people who might not have seen it before
>inb4 its porn

>> No.71762651

Kiss x sis
Kodomo no jikan
Yosuga no Sora

>> No.71762676

I've been listening to fucking Spongebob rap mixes all day and its causing me psychic damage. Help.

>> No.71762717

I dont hate it i think its pretty cool
start streaming already so we can collab

>> No.71762860
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>> No.71762901

Finishing FF9 tonight probably!

>> No.71762910

Gushing about magical girls
Interspecies reviewers
Saikin, imouto no yousu ga chotto okashiin da ga

>> No.71763128

Soon, I hope. looking forward to it!

>> No.71763277

sayonara zetsubou sensei and see how many people get filtered by the anime

>> No.71763310

second this

>> No.71763523

April fools is coming up, any plans? I have plans. I'm not going to tell you though.

>> No.71763631

Gonna come out as trans

>> No.71763700

Gonna do an alter-ego stream with no context.

>> No.71763752

I just want to thank all the new and old chuubas truly trying to improve their content and care about their fans. Please don’t let crabs and shitposters prevent you from doing what you need to do. Keep up the great work and may your endeavors bear fruit. All of you are GMI as long as you continue to enjoy streaming.

>> No.71764022 [DELETED] 

I honestly don't understand how those are not all viewers. Streaming doesn't make you not a viewer. Its about the spirit of the thing here. Not technical definitions.

>> No.71764096

we're all viewers then if you can just arbitrarily say someone isn't a streamer even if they stream

>> No.71764137

Gonna stream with an average male design model

>> No.71764157

what if the world was made of pudding

>> No.71764198

Come on man. Stop hiding behind words here. You know what I MEAN. This is so frustrating. I feel like you have to get what I'm getting at with that list. There has to be someone out there who knows that. They aren't aspiring vtubers in the same way others are. Like...come on. Throw me a bone

>> No.71764260

I really don't get what you mean...

>> No.71764292

Exactly what I think. I sometimes check out Jong and euro too, I would prolly check out wvt if it wasn't shit, but the other threads? I don't care about. Wasp as well, I don't really care much about GFE stuff so 90% of the catalog is essentially worthless to me. If I want to be horny, I'll go to a porn site, not get attached to a girl who'll forget me 5 minutes after stream ends.

>> No.71764407

I need a suicide hotline but for people considering graduating.

>> No.71764416

They aren't real streamers. Why are you acting like I'm being unreasonable? Like they aren't the same. I clearly didn't pick these people randomly. Like come on. They are primarily viewers. And they started streaming without any goals in mind, and they don't really go for any content style in general. Like...come on. This is why I hate men. Ok I hate male vtubers. Also I'm racist now. And I hate niggers.

>> No.71764496


>> No.71764564

I think I just need a suicide hotline

>> No.71764637

You need meds and to stop being salty at the enjoyment of others

>> No.71764651
File: 791 KB, 4000x4000, Fu2P03VaEAIlg4t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allure. Adult vtuber corpo, focusing on lewd audio.

>> No.71764700
File: 415 KB, 451x553, 169279721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's barely any more than I get. Like maybe 3 more average, and he's getting dragged by hundreds of vtweeters. Kinda makes me glad that I barely interact with other vtubers beyond a surface level. I'm not sure what is wrong with 90% of them. I've been on the internet for 20+ years, have been around pretty much any online community you can think of, and vtubing is probably the most diluted with hostile, aggressive, vindictive, vitriolic people I've ever seen. Every goddamn day I have to bear witness to a vtubing lynch mob. Can't go into the vtuber tags and scroll for longer than a minute before seeing another one forming. Even /asp/ isn't immune.
As a medium, I love vtubing, I think it's great and I have a lot more fun having a model than not having one, but my god is the 'community' a hateful pile of bastards. Quite bizarre considering most of us are just trying to play video games while pretending to be cartoon characters. I know I'm traumadumping and I probably sound like a fag but I'm just so sick of seeing it.

>> No.71764800

Large majority of chuubas are barely out of high school, they still think like they're in school.

>> No.71764808

just dont sexually assault people, it's not that hard.

just stick to telling me you love me on a vocaroo or something

>> No.71764847

i had a big plan but i got lazy
i guess im gonna wait for next year

>> No.71764850

Buy an ad

>> No.71764895
File: 259 KB, 391x504, IMG_9294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*cums on u*

>> No.71764938

I'll humor you
He is trying, I don't believe he is runespoon btw
A viewer that is rarely talked about since she decided to take a break, even after coming back she is rarely mentioned
Outside of mond and cheen streams he doesn't act much like a viewer, he also streams quite often
This is a viewer
If he isn't a streamer he is even less of a viewer
Another viewer
He hasn't stream in a while but yes I can see how you could think of him like that
Hasn't streamed since december and I haven't seen him in any chat since february, anons just talk about him to crab on him
Same as above but even less talked about
He may be low ccv with ngmi vibes but you can't say he doesn't try to be a vtuber
A long time viewer who is starting to stream more often, could be taken as either
Not talked about, last time someone mentioned him was to call him ngmi, streams often when he can
Another viewer
So only around 3 or 4 of them act and behave like viewers

>> No.71764957

how the fuck i make good stream assets
all of the assets i made thus far look like shit
i cant even get my chat to fit in the chat box i made

>> No.71765107

Look up the specific canvas size and a template. So that you can draw around that instead of just winging it.

>> No.71765135

Just keep to your "Followers" tab on twitter and you'll never see any drama again. Find new people through retweets you see and prune any people that retweet or talk about drama. I haven't seen a single drama post in almost a year, unless you count major corpo graduations as drama.

>> No.71765162
File: 1.91 MB, 1000x1400, IMG_1043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never doing a 9 hour stream again. I haven't eaten a thing since waking up.

>> No.71765261

baby numbers

>> No.71765455

What game should I play tomorrow for the "comeback" stream?

>> No.71765468

Why are people who haven't been seen anywhere and have deleted their account even on the tier list?

>> No.71765537

Just don't be a sex pest and you won't end up like him, it's that easy

>> No.71765553

Why do you give a fuck

>> No.71765561

Ask jamie
On the same note, why are viewers on it again?

>> No.71765619

Its taking up a slot that could go to somewhere else. To be honest there should be a minimum CCV to be on the tierlist.

>> No.71765725

The Sims 3 with all expansion packs

>> No.71765742

>a slot
Didn't know there was a limit on how many aspiring vtubers there could be.
>Minimum CCV
Lul. Lmao even.

>> No.71765827

>Minimum ccv

>> No.71765839

Twitter mob messes with people just because they don't like them you don't even need to actually do anything

>> No.71765850

just auto bump off anyone who hasn't streamed in a month and hasn't given a notice that they're gonna be too busy to stream

>> No.71766055

Don't associate with groups that act like this then? are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.71766062


>> No.71766421

Hey guys how's the genderwar going?

>> No.71766432

You're just saying don't be a vtuber at that point

>> No.71766447

I swear I have seen vita stream back in december

>> No.71766555

more like JENGA WAR!! because JENGA I WON!!!!!!!!

>> No.71766591

"Did you know that guy installed obs once and maybe even streamed once. That means he's a vtuber now."

>> No.71766622

I want to draw aspmen in thongs

>> No.71766681

Name one person like that on the tier list

>> No.71766697

Unnecessary autism about a tier list that is so unimportant you should feel embarrassed thinking about it this much

>> No.71766730

this but unironically. You are not special

>> No.71766740

Who said anything about the tier list?

>> No.71766784
File: 2.23 MB, 1140x1282, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fuckers, show yourselves if you really are here.

>> No.71766822

mawg for sure selfposted here

>> No.71766898

Mawg shilled.
Mond shilled
Bonni doesn't shill but she is CatsReturn who did shill
Khubie never shilled here, only on /wasp/ - /jong/

>> No.71766981


>> No.71767074

>Aqua Faye
All of them have self posted in the last two weeks

Also mond self posted quite a few times when she started so I don't get what you mean

>> No.71767111

bonni is cats????? what the hell

>> No.71767133

Streamed for 2 weeks on youtube and got no viewers because youtube

>> No.71767143 [SPOILER] 
File: 371 KB, 1138x1200, e43qdu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I selfposted in this thread bozo. And no, Mond does not read thread, But interacts with aspies (she wants to more but time constraints)

>> No.71767186

Khubie never shilled anywhere, literally.
She definitely posts or at least lurks the thread but she never self posted

>> No.71767206

That counts as streaming once and then leaving in my book.

>> No.71767219

wait ai got baited by having a duplicate again Lul

>> No.71767230

Meat yes
Daiya no
Keitaro yes
Camui yes but he posts a lot less it seems like he doesnt anymore
Crane yes but similar to Camui, he posts a lot less
Aqua no idea
Regulus yes
Nova no idea

>> No.71767273

Didn't savvy self post himself in wasp by accident a week ago

>> No.71767280

Everyone else is going to give you genuine recommendations for stuff they enjoy. Me? I'm gonna recommend Gibiate, because that's a trainwreck that I want more people to bear witness to.

>> No.71767284

Aqua posted like 3 threads ago.

>> No.71767311

>she wants to more but time constraints
tell her to check her twitter DMs pls

>> No.71767375

Aqua posted the other day, like 3 days ago you can look up the archives by searching her link
Daiya did after he got fan art from bara anon
Nova shilled her donothon and denied her fake donation accusations

>> No.71767477

If you are male, she will ignore you. But I'll let her know atleast.

>> No.71767481
File: 202 KB, 1200x685, Foto_Fiume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aspies with this feel?

>> No.71767549
File: 104 KB, 500x500, SufferingRegu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here anon, I'm just shy so I don't reveal myself often, but I do shill whenever I go live.

>> No.71767725

Couldn't be ineda, he only shills for pafu

>> No.71767770

Anon none of your groupings make sense. Like, none of them.

>> No.71767849


>> No.71767852

I try to befriend people that I think are
1) Kind
2) have a cool design / idea

But 1 is most important. Kindess / supportiveness reigns supreme. I love people like that very much.

>> No.71767909

What is it about /asp/ that scares people off?

>> No.71767949
File: 309 KB, 1171x3126, garlic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be clauddette
>make "new oc"
>it's quite literally a copy paste of akashi down to the hair pins, cross and denim shorts

>> No.71767973

Hi scissors

>> No.71767987

Would pcg be an actual fit for anyone here to shill?

>> No.71768008

>If you are male, she will ignore you.
How can I interact with her then, I don't even wanna sexpest her, I am gay.

>> No.71768046

wasn't this a commission for someone

>> No.71768059
File: 783 KB, 731x1300, 1710087622581063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing more dark story of Sonic Adventure 2...actually doing this mode first by the way.

>> No.71768083

vast majority of /asp/, or rather 4chan as a whole, are miserable assholes who are outwardly hostile to anyone coming by who isn't an abrasive twat like them

>> No.71768115

What is sex pest in your words.

>> No.71768278

Have you, at any time, called a place where people weren't actively shitting on somebody a "hugbox"? If so you've now answered your own question.

>> No.71768279

Looking at that tierlist I also noticed the higher view chuubas are largely in the bottom category
The crab bucket theory is real

>> No.71768282

literally you have to show in chat She hardly speaks to the girls even from what I can tell.

>> No.71768325

Her chat is huge...

>> No.71768347

The tier list in question may as well be randomly selected. There's no truth to most if any of the placements.

>> No.71768352

no, he said it was an OC named garlic.

>> No.71768389

Haru, Charley and Kuku do well for themselves but overall most of the higher views are in the lower category.

>> No.71768468

man this whole tora bs is making me reconsider being a vtuber. Fame changes you or some bullshit. Then again....the dude was uncomfortable. Man has a breeding List on twitter

>> No.71768515

>D'Annunzio was associated with the Decadent movement
>a turn against the naturalism of the preceding romantics
>came under the influence of Friedrich Nietzsche
>affairs with several women
>associated himself with socialism and the progressivist views of the political left
This guy with the crane is cringe yo

>> No.71768526

hope you slept well...

>> No.71768588

It's always funny to see me in 2 opposite tiers

>> No.71768592

He was always a creep though, if you aren't a creep now, just continue to not be a creep and you'll be fine

>> No.71768624

It's my favorite bit to do when making a tierlist.

>> No.71768711

I remember following him for all of a day then dropping him when the vibes felt off. The ones who take their vtuber roleplaying way too far are always the freaks.

>> No.71768776

I haven't slept in alittle over 24 hours.

>> No.71768832

While I'm in the top category but I haven't posted my link here in a while. Not because I'm opposed to it but because I feel like enough people at least know me in passing and there are more people here every week and only so many hours in the day for people to watch new tubers. I will let other people spam their links. I'll just draw people from time to time.

>> No.71768833

best part - the artist to the model said there was no communication about this reselling and that theyre just going to post the model publicly for people who want to learn about live2d lmaoooo

>> No.71768901

not you... but go to sleep dummy

>> No.71768933

dude was mad creeping. telling girls directly that he jerks off to them while they stream? I could never do that.

>> No.71768943

See that's the thing that worries me. Like Say i want to draw a Comic or make a Animation regarding my vtuber and shit. is that taking
it to far or something
Im not but its just concerning as shit. that this happens on a weekly basis

>> No.71768989

yeah... It makes me sad sometimes.

>> No.71768995

I know it isn't for me but thanks, I had slept 1 hour a day since friday and today I slept 5

>> No.71769024

Wha- You're fucking with me?

>> No.71769048

this real? i need to see the twitter post so i can laugh

>> No.71769112

i never shill when i go live

>> No.71769127

>Say i want to draw a Comic or make a Animation regarding my vtuber and shit. is that taking
How is "I want to make an animation (everyone who can does this) or a comic (some people do this)" the same as "What if I suddenly decide to sexually assault somebody?"

>> No.71769131

this is half of people here

>> No.71769165

[citation needed]

>> No.71769191

I just ate but I'll get some sleep if its you asking

>> No.71769194

Nah, that's not going to far at all. Especially if it's an interesting enough design and storyline that people actually want to see.
Taking it too far is obsessing over comissioning as much art as possible, art with other vtubers, not because you're friends or anything but because you spoke twice and it's easy to groom female vtubers with the promise of free art

>> No.71769255

It's literally in the initial expose thread. He literally told the girl in discord that he likes jerking it to her streams, no subtlety at all.

>> No.71769267

That is not me but if he is kind I will keep my eye on him, thank you!

>> No.71769301

Tbh, I wouldn't mind that if it was someone I was romantically pursuing behind the scenes but from that guys dms I wouldn't be surprised if he told multiple women that

>> No.71769313

Most of the nice people get crabbed here.

>> No.71769339

he was creeping on at least 10 or more girls at the same time

>> No.71769352

This is about the time you're awake. I hope you're doing well...

>> No.71769364

I feel like I would just know my place. not cause shit and be in my bubble or if i have to be in a collab just be respectful. NGL I had a problem with understanding boundaries and shit. It took awhile but i understand it .

>> No.71769380

I shall anti-crab them if I can.
I will push them out of the bucket

>> No.71769447
File: 15 KB, 585x131, image_2024-03-18_170230908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its so fucking good

>> No.71769455

People with rizz can get away with it.
The problem is he rizzed a ton of girls while also having a girlfriend.

>> No.71769506


>> No.71769563

the worst part is hes actually so disgusting though. he literally sounds like a creep on stream which is why i dont understand how any woman would be into him. they had to be fucking retarded or underage

>> No.71769579

Yeah that's what's so gross about it. His dms were fucking unhinged lol

l2d is so fucking hard I might have to cop this an study up a bit

>> No.71769597

Can you give examples?

>> No.71769671

Literally every single day I decide to sing something I choke on my water because god fucking forbid I ever sound my best and just warm up with no issues it is a fucking mandate by god that I am required to have some vocal stress before I even start

>> No.71769743

His BGM artist also said the same thing.

>> No.71769765

Sorry its just like my Anxiety like making me think the worst possible outcome immediately
Oh okay then. I get it. I feel in that case it you are really good friends you can commish some art here and there

>> No.71769817

I agree.
I went to check his VOD expecting some hot daddy voice, but he just sounds like a nerdy asian guy.
I'm gonna assume his model was doing most of the heavy lifting.

>> No.71769864

he just sounds awful. look at his clips

>> No.71769930


D-Does this man thinks he is a Harem Anime protag?

>> No.71770011

I dont even understand how you have so much horny energy to be rizzing up so many girls at the same time.
I can only focus on one at the time.

>> No.71770028

Sounds fat as fuck, no wonder why he let his twitter """fame""" give him unwaranted confidence.

>> No.71770063

he face revealed before too and looked like an obese asian neckbeard. i just dont get it

>> No.71770067

And naturally it's the exact same giant chested super long face ikemen sameface model as every other male vtuber.

>> No.71770118

And I thought my accent was horrible.

>> No.71770125

Wait, pic? I need to see.

>> No.71770140

>or underage
Some were

>> No.71770141

he also had groups on twitter? i think they're called lists but the groups were called "tora's breeding list" and "tora's harem"

>> No.71770146

this voice makes me want to kill him more than he's already been killed

>> No.71770212

>>71770141 (me)
holy shit this is so disgusting

>> No.71770241
File: 115 KB, 679x217, image_2024-03-18_171502791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because there were girls who claimed to be in his harem. It's so fucked

>> No.71770244

dont wanna actually look through his stuff but this was the only one i could find. looks like he was actively trying get fit though


>> No.71770328

it's always the fat asian dudes OR nerd niggas that want to be harem protagonists

>> No.71770351

>20k on twitter
>most of his tweets barely get past 100 likes
>5k on twitch
>averages the ccv of male aspies
Literally HOW

>> No.71770364

I found this one

>> No.71770367

what if i started a harem group but all i did in there was post screenshots from a xcom 2 playthrough

>> No.71770455

Clout chasing.
He apparently also follow baited a ton of vtubers on twitter.

>> No.71770456


Yall I gotta lose weight. I dont wanna be like him...

bros i need tips

>> No.71770490

fucking lol. that's probably why the fat cow who made the twitlonger decided to cancel him
If he had been any sort of fit or attractive she wouldn't have felt so grossed out by his advances.

>> No.71770562

Follow Baiting? You mean Follow for Follow?

>> No.71770566
File: 78 KB, 316x325, 1687573794024473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71770582
File: 543 KB, 643x643, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah he should've looked like this instead

>> No.71770591

Eat less
Find an addiction
Consume cocaine
Smoke crack
Take laxatives
Thanks for hearing me

>> No.71770602

howd you find a pic of me homie

>> No.71770637

It's simple anon

>I Follow You
>You Follow Me
>I Unfollow
>Ratio improved +1

You gotta do it after a while, when the Vtubers you baited no longer notice. Eventually you'll get to those 200/2000 ratios, it's scummy as fuck

>> No.71770644

theres been screenies of him dming vtubers going "hey i noticed you unfollowed me what did i do?"

>> No.71770674

It's when you follow someone so they get a notification that you followed them, and hope they follow you back.
When they don't, you unfollow them and try again like a week or so later, until they follow you back.
A lot of chuubas complained about that on Twitter after the allegations.

>> No.71770804

For a second I forgot what the twitlonger was about.
Yeah imagine that ugly asian nerd getting on top of you and kissing your cheek.

>> No.71770811

>never self shilled

How much of a newfag are you?

>> No.71770832

That's one of the many things I really hate about trying to market yourself on twitter. It's what all the big numbers do

>> No.71770861

Sounds stupid and fucking annoying.

>> No.71770889

>"hey i noticed you unfollowed me what did i do?"
I think the problem is that he was doing it with literal strangers, so it was just weird.

>> No.71770939
File: 370 KB, 721x599, Bunkum peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here. I just don't post my link anymore.

>> No.71770982

Hey do you wear thongs?

>> No.71771090

Your model is so hot

>> No.71771092

Briefs as nature intended

>> No.71771094

Its something people do to get more attention to their own posts instead of simply replying and gaining a following that way

>> No.71771107

is Ace's model free to be used by people or is it a random fan i found

>> No.71771127

I did that shit until I got HIS followback

>> No.71771152

It's a paid premade that anyone can buy.

>> No.71771191

Its his fa, amazing, he is very active on his chat bro. I didnt knew he also streams

>> No.71771211


>> No.71771249

I do unfollow people when their twitter don't active(even just giving likes I count as a active) for 3+ months

>> No.71771300

That's perfectly fine anon.
You're not doing in en masse like these clowns

>> No.71771341

The only people I unfollow are the ones that retweet crazy NSFW art or the ones that go crazy.

>> No.71771531

You gotta get the ones who are always giving their two cents on every bit of FOTM drama that filters through week after week

>> No.71771535

So thats why you unfollowed me, then...

>> No.71771551
File: 538 KB, 1280x720, sg-persona-3-reload-walkthrough-and-guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok it's time to finishing Persona 3R for real today, and maybe do something else if I can finish it early?

>> No.71771585

Sorry, Chaos...

>> No.71771591
File: 60 KB, 500x597, 1549325714676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never follow anyone that retweets or posts NSFW stuff actively because that causes the algo to shift towards that type of stuff, even worse if you like it
i had a friend who used to like midna porn on his IRL account and didn't realize likes show up on other people's feeds sometimes until he got dumped by his girl

>> No.71771637

i unfollowed almost all non aspie males recently because i only wanna see you guys

>> No.71771648

based gf punishing bad taste

>> No.71771670


>> No.71771694

i dont care if people unfollow me but it irritates me when they don't remove my follow. literally just learn to softblock people please

>> No.71771736

im so tired of finding out people unfollowed me a while ago while my dumbass was still following them

>> No.71771820

I'm starting to think I need to set up a nsfw twitter for this shit. Aside from vtubers I like, I used to only follow artists I wanted to commission some day. Ended up filling my feed with shortstacks and I of course like them every time. I don't want that to fuck my algo and send images of big booty goblins to my friends

>> No.71771837

Gumpai, I repeat myself on this. Remove yourself from my existance, then I will unfollow you.

>> No.71771857

its even more annoying if you barely/never interacted with them anyways
i am not your fan, please just softblock me. you cannot complain of vtubers doing this followbait method when you do the same

>> No.71771985

its more annoying when its someone you HAVE interacted with imo
because then you are still liking their tweets, rting them, maybe even replying to their tweets and god knows how long its been since i got unfollowed
that makes me look even more like im their fan when i thought we were friends, but turns out we are nothing

>> No.71771994

I don't think it's fame corrupting him considering he was never popular. Vtubing attracts a lot of people with dark triad personality traits just using it to manipulate others.

There's only two kinds of male vtubers: the guys who enjoy streaming, and the guys who just want to have sex with other vtubers at cons. Unfortunately the latter is what the majority of male vtuber fans want to watch, because they're very sexually repressed teen girls. This dude sounds pretty much indistinguishable from a random Luxiem or Holostars with how he behaves towards women.

>> No.71772017
File: 1.88 MB, 983x1126, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71772037

holy fucking shit

>> No.71772056

I almost want to unfollow everyone that doesn't come to my streams so I never have to deal with this. What the the optics of doing that?

>> No.71772065

I tried followbaiting, then realized I was killing my algo by having so many niggers followed but no follow backs as it was like 1 on every 5 chance, then I stopped doing it.

>> No.71772077

i feel like everyone in group b is kinda sketchy

>> No.71772132

It's almost the complete opposite for me

>> No.71772163

you can literally just softblock them. its as simple as blocking someone and unblocking them and both of you aren't following eachother anymore

>> No.71772184

Why am I in both? Does that mean Im GMI?

>> No.71772189

It's fine to do that if you want to. Kongou follows 0 people. But if you're gonna do that, softblock them (so block and then unblock), otherwise you're gonna look like an asshole that is trying to pump his followers up.

>> No.71772291

What does this even mean

>> No.71772357


>> No.71772419

category b posts

>> No.71772611


>> No.71772623

Regulus and Poly posted in this thread
Dante posted within the last week teasing his new model
Kuro got into a political debate a few days ago
Free and Sh'vah posted asking for model critiques 1-2 days ago
Manasong's been posting his link
Chrii drew some mpreg of Nikola
Renata posts frequently
K10ND1K3 has been posting as well

>> No.71772721

explains why my follower count went down. I usually lurk...oh well

>> No.71772840

Is Beryl from /here/ or is he just adjacent? I’ve never seen him selfpost.

>> No.71772916
File: 2.21 MB, 1140x1189, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71772929

He's from here. Usually older aspies avoid self posting. He definitely lurks

>> No.71773002

Yeah people always say they lurk or whatever but how do you know that? Is it just implied or

>> No.71773022
File: 148 KB, 300x300, Untitled205_20240211053131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i try to post whenever i can
id like to offer some advice aswell but not alot of artists ask for it and thats usually my area of expertise. theres a design i came up with awhile ago and i'll probably post about it here when i find someone who'd like to use it
you guys can turn retweets off for people btw wink wink nudge nudge

>> No.71773083

Because they show up in the chat of new /asp/ies

>> No.71773128

I would ask for advice but i'm not even at the level where advice would benefit me...

>> No.71773155

id rather just unfollow you

>> No.71773162

No, i like seeing gay porn on my TL every once in a while.
You should retweet even more of it.

>> No.71773207
File: 2.56 MB, 1140x1191, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71773228

My art is too shit for proper advice

>> No.71773321

im not an utensil!

>> No.71773452
File: 501 KB, 1324x739, ripp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71773545

You can eat my pussy and I can be your food

>> No.71773718

Pafu what the fuck

>> No.71773754
File: 181 KB, 1306x1080, IMG_9367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

advice benefits artists of all skill levels. i tell people that shapes are everything when it comes to anatomy and starting out. being selftaught is perfectly fine but it comes at the cost of not knowing where to start and can lead to practicing the fundamentals only after you have some experience which can lead to alot of jank in art (speaking from self experience)
i just said that because its a function that i use alot and not alot of people seem to know about.
i dont really care about unfollowing but id rather you remove my follow aswell because then its just awkward. its happened with nonaspies and its the most confusing shit ever because im not a vtuber and i dont know if its different when it comes to artists. please just softblock people, there is no point in keeping the follows of people that you don't interact with or ones that do not show up in chat, that can lead to dead weight and can contribute to a bad numberfag mindset from what ive witnessed. i'll continue retweeting gay porn and sexy old men.

>> No.71773764

I'd love some advice, if you have any general tips :]

>> No.71773898
File: 37 KB, 757x405, F0_-efvagAEzFNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i followed you specifically for the old man yaoi

>> No.71774014

you're a hypocrite

>> No.71774053

If you wanna grow just interact with niche accounts. Basically anything under 100k still has people who are willing to interact and reply to you which can boost your account in the algo.

>> No.71774155

how am i food? you eat trees???

>> No.71774187

t. giraffe

>> No.71774265

i dont have alot of general advice to throw out (i really only consider myself good at art advice when someone asks for help on something specific) but one thing i always do for shading is:
-for lighting, raise brightness, decrease saturation and lean torwards a warmer color on the wheel
-for shading, lower brightness, increase saturation, lean torwards a cooler color on the wheel.
alot of artists tell you not to use the "purple on multiply filter" and they usually say this because beginner artists use it as a crutch and aren't really well-versed in layer filters. i still wouldnt recommend using layer filters until you consider yourself experienced enough with colors to fuck around with them but thats another mess entirely. just use an almost-gray blue color on color dodge in areas of shade for cool backlighting.
you have fun with that. if you ever had any problems with me id rather you just dm me about it. quite easy

>> No.71774325

open your DMs and I will

>> No.71774441

>if you ever had any problems with me id rather you just dm me about it.

>> No.71774446

I literally just threw people into categories at random

>> No.71774515

i want to stream but it'll literally just be me working in silence and ignoring everyone... but i want company...

>> No.71774594

my dms should be open on twitter
if this is the anon that called me a hypocrite then its kinda silly

>> No.71774599

Add a [No Mic] on the title and you're good

>> No.71774611

thats what voice chat is for

>> No.71774955
File: 424 KB, 500x500, AXEDMOKUBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jamie came by these past few days and just wont add me

>> No.71775107

literally two people asked and got added in the last thread

>> No.71775229


>> No.71775320

I'm too pussy to kill myself, so I'll probably graduate and start cutting myself heavily tonight.

>> No.71775398

Iriya. Stop.

>> No.71775557

There's no activity on his alt account so I don't think its him but there is a worrying amount of people who cut themselves here

>> No.71775639

Neat :] that seems pretty intuitive, thanks. I'll remember that when I finally get around to learning about colors.

>> No.71775668


>> No.71775741

He's Tupo so I put him in the Tupo category. Duh.

>> No.71776010

i dont cut myself, you dont have to worry about me

>> No.71776121

Why bother

>> No.71776191

>you guys can turn retweets off for people btw wink wink nudge nudge

>> No.71776194

Me any time I do anything:

>> No.71776257

me when is see a cat sleeping

>> No.71776281

damn he passed by at 1am for me, i missed him

>> No.71776341

I'm on the verge asp

>> No.71776383

Yeah we know you're BPD anon. We love you anyways. *chu*

>> No.71776398

Do it!

>> No.71776506

I wish I could express myself better. I have so much fun streaming but my voice and expressions aren't as fiery as my feelings.

>> No.71776724

should i record myself pissing? male btw

>> No.71776812

Anon, I truly sympathize with you, but if you're honestly in danger, I strongly encourage you to seek out professional help or at least someone who will hear your troubles out.

>> No.71776825
File: 36 KB, 486x120, IMG_9517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny three buttons in the top right

>> No.71776846

God I wish someone would piss in my mouth...

>> No.71776864

only if you're sitting
