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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71731175 No.71731175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So this aged well

>> No.71731581


>> No.71731834

those same nijisisters turned on her the second she got terminated.

>> No.71731930

>just in few weeks

>> No.71732072

And then she was terminated two months later and they immediately started vilifying her.

>> No.71732083

Good reminder that they will betray their own to save face.
No wonder people are leaving, and Riku had to tell shareholders that they had a slow-down in applicants.

>> No.71733196

Same for Nina, Mysta and Pomu . Not as extreme, but you noticed it

>> No.71733355

Didn't they always hate Nina though? The literal first comment on Nina's page is "This is the death of Nijisanji EN"

>> No.71733385

At first I thought, no big deal, then I looked at the dates. How quickly they forget and toss their own to the wolves.

>> No.71733603

Yep, the "I did it for you" narcissism is a wild ride. You know that in the end they do it for themselves even if they take a material loss, they inflate their own ego, even if it's tied to a company that will drop them for their insane ego tripping behavior. Then after they're indie again with all the drama, it's still for someone else, but actually all about themselves and their own self-image. Niji sure knows how to pick them.

>> No.71733665

like fine wine

>> No.71733914

>Livers from Niji getting shit on cause they are in so called black-company.
>A certain liver got out in that black-company and treat that liver like a newly born again Christian and claim that it fresh from any sin.
The fact is, It take years to change a person's attitude

>> No.71733962

193772th reminder that bugmen aren't people

>> No.71734021
File: 77 KB, 828x588, 00032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71734123

damn even Uki is on the sister site

>> No.71734358
File: 37 KB, 1476x251, 1686944284557838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, someone actually made a bait thread using my screenshot, not even mad. Hopefully it really explains the hypocrisy of the people on that site, They were praising Selen a month before situation and then started digging for everything she did in the past just to shit on her after termination just to justify their company. I'll add full list of things they did on that disgusting site before Selen shit. These people are worse than your average schizo, if you make them mad they WILL make sure your life is gonna be ruined. Sociopaths

>> No.71734457
File: 287 KB, 1080x854, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People know exactly who's behind the hate you know?

>> No.71734619

Yeah they did full on hate campaign against her on all social platforms too. It was nonstop harrassment for like a year+. Also that's why they use her page now, because its convenient. Basically this, everything has started on that site >>71734358

>> No.71734972

They may not be same people. Lots of people followed their oshi to her indie life. I'm guessing wose will be same considering her fans were making a separate general at this point and whining about nijiEn general

>> No.71735067

>It has more upvotes that their current posts
You can’t make this shit up. Their oshi truly is Riku-sama. All their attempts to do anything only made it worse.
With these fans, who needs Antis?

>> No.71735107

After all the creative and most popular girls left /nijiEN/ became basically /nenmen/, with some occasional sprinkling about girls. But yeah, i really wish Rosemi would leave asap, ill support her anywhere yeah, even in Phase that i don't really like

>> No.71735135

oh this aged extremely well

>> No.71735139

So you're telling me that these retarded sisters have been using the doxxsite like some kind of social media/forum since last year?

>> No.71735174

More like 3 years

>> No.71735227

yes, they also coordinate their brigades and harassment there
a real hive of scum and villainy

>> No.71735592

Archives have tons of screenshots, and on wumao many old threads have not been pruned.
They've engaged in everything from doxxing; sending people to mess with the streamers homes;
their families; their other jobs; their sponsors; their friends; mass-reporting to sabotage channels;
pitting fandoms against each other; false-flagging and denying reality to an insane degree.
We call them bootlickers, because not only are they authoritarian shitbags,
they are also typical users of authoritarian propaganda tactics - such as lying until it sticks.
And they act as deranged and hateful over there, as you see them here.
This is why Nijisanji, and their loathsome sister-behavior is generally despised these days.
They made nothing but broken relationships along their path.

>> No.71735689

Must suck to be a genuine fan of one of the Niji streamers. This isn't just poisoning the well that is the fanbase with a few drops of poison. This whole well is practically poison

>> No.71735760

>falling for the most obvious falseflag

>> No.71735832

She is too coward to not have success, so she hides from the clique and hopes she can continue with the few rosebuds she will have left. Wait for the drone post 3D stream where she will say she loves sucking Riku’s dick too.
Stop enabling her, she get followers when she’s out.
