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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71727561 No.71727561 [Reply] [Original]

>was finally allowed to leave the shed

How do we save her, /vt/?

>> No.71727624 [DELETED] 

>how do we save her
>her, a homo collaber
She can die, for all I care

>> No.71727654

You don't want to save her. Some of them need to become semen recepticles to keep the investors happy. Better her than your oshi. She's keeping your oshi pure.

>> No.71727752

Shut up nijifags, you're not giving unicorns a bad name like this.
1-3 children.

>> No.71727789

Bae needs to befriend Gura and play video games

>> No.71727861
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>Gets her own shed in Japan
>Immediately invites Ina to “help her build a pc” believing its a “bonding & educational experience”

>> No.71727985

Most western weeb women in the idol industry will have two options:
>Marry a fan and ride off into the sunset.
>End up a crazy cat lady.
Good luck finding a third option.

>> No.71728187

Finally, she has freedom
>Her Mom is visiting her this week to live with her for a while

>> No.71728261

this rich female celebrity needs saving for sure lol

>> No.71728767

Nothing a good dicking can't fix.

>> No.71729011

She's just trying to counter the Roberu allegations.

>> No.71729046

She has admitted she loves Ina and has been trying hard to get her to live with her in Japan

>> No.71729247

Stop dick riding homos

>> No.71729275
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Asian parents, I swear to fucking god, makes mine look like angels. If you want to go deeper, read Doki/Selen's parents story and clench your fucking asshole

>> No.71729307

And I get the feeling Ina isn't completely against it. I mean, she clearly said she considered the idea but decided not to because she has too many connections to where she lives, but she keeps talking about it, which means it's still on her mind.

>> No.71729326

>>End up a crazy cat lady.

>> No.71729403

Then she would be fixed already.

>> No.71729653

Yeah they really enjoy each other's company. Let's see what happens.

>> No.71730237

Why are you thinking about other men?

>> No.71730285

Watch Yagoo marry Ame

>> No.71730682


>> No.71730727


>> No.71730934

Bae's father kept her holed up in a shed for years when she was a kid, she had to fight Australian armor spiders for survival and sustenance.

>> No.71731062

I didn't understand the appeal of "shipping" until i saw RoBaeRu

>> No.71731365

It's not shipping when it's real.

>> No.71731460

Dont worry, Nerizzler will fix her

>> No.71731598

None of them are lesbians dude

>> No.71731948

>or marry a coworker
>or marry some other person
bae is extroverted enough to just go out to a club and meet people.

>> No.71731998

Marriage, 10-15 children

>> No.71735357


>> No.71735617

Yeah i'll save her with my marriage proposal. Asians love marrying off their kids to white males so i'll have their parents approval immediately.

>> No.71735680

I'll save her

>> No.71735740

The only thing she needs to save is her wallet because goddamn this girl is speedrunning the 200k any% route at WR pace with how much stuff she puts out

>> No.71735775

engage in culture
and then do the horizontal shuffle

>> No.71735982

>sisters remember we can turn the tides against us if we spam "homobad" and fish for "LE BASED" replies!

>> No.71736297

that fan? Me

>> No.71736384

Is she aware any kids she has with her whoever Japanese guys she fetishises over will not be considered Japanese at all. Is she aware JPs can tell she is Chinese and will call her out for dating Japanese?

>> No.71736857
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>Shut up nijifags, you're not giving unicorns a bad name like this.
way too late for that

>> No.71738416

What much xp did she gain ?

>> No.71738482

>whoever Japanese guys she fetishises over
I am not Japanese.

>> No.71738513

Just like in Fate/Stay Night

>> No.71739131

Isn’t that just idols in general? Well I guess the JP native ones can marry a producer or something, but an idol retiring and marrying one of her whales is a pretty common trope.

>> No.71739374

so she isn't interested in you.

>> No.71742190

but we are going to marry and have children

>> No.71742744

She's Australian, not Chinese.

>> No.71744381

She doesn't need saving, she's doing fine

>> No.71744755

She's Hitler?

>> No.71744817

by kidnapping Mea and force Roberu to rape her

>> No.71746113

The rrat does not need saving. She's doing fine.

>> No.71746529

Hell no.
I've had enough of that godawful forced ship.

>> No.71747418

She's Hilter's secret grand daughter.

>> No.71747472

you can say that about every Kiara ship..

>> No.71747618

cleaning the cake crumbs from Bae's lips with your thumb then eating them only to watch her blush

>> No.71747816

someone fix her jp shed's feng shui...

>> No.71747897


>> No.71747898

>"im Australian not Chinese" says Bae as thr group of Japanese women start pulling her hair and pushing her to ground for talking to a Japanese guy at the local bar, her words only making them angrier

>> No.71747981

t. Shoujofaggot

>> No.71748064

I will save her from Japanese hags

>> No.71748135

This, if she thinks anyone in Japan is gonna think of her as "Australian" instead of just Chinese : Island Disguise Version, she is gonna be realy disappointed. The Japs can smell out a Chinese women.

>> No.71748203

That’s not how it works in non-western countries, anon.

>> No.71748228

I'm sorry you are too ugly to pull it off

>> No.71748263

>i will save you Bae, im your knight in shining armor
>they call over their yakuza boyfriends
>anon ends up in a dumpster crying with a swollen face and missing a finger.

>> No.71748316 [DELETED] 

You know that those who interact with the Stars are most likely single, right?

Meanwhile those who are hiding a YAB will avoid the drama so people won't look into their personal lives

Would your oshi move to Japan or is there someone who can't get a visa too holding she back?

>> No.71748379

>seething beggarpost
>ESL vomit
every fucking time, sister.

>> No.71748443

You first

>> No.71748517

Facing the Yakuza is peak shoujo plot, the opportunity of a lifetime

>> No.71748567

They could definitely tell she's not one of them but, what exactly they would not be so sure.

>> No.71748834


>> No.71748949

>Is she aware JPs can tell she is Chinese and will call her out for dating Japanese?
Like she cares kek, the seething doesn't stop white dudes from fucking asian women, so I doubt she gives a fuck.

>> No.71749003

>this is totally like one of my animes says the anon as a second empty bottle of sake is smashed across his face and he feels multiple kicks to his ribcage
>wow, this is super shonen he later tells the doctors as they try , as best as they can in broken english, to tell he has internal bleeding and multple broken bones and will likley need surgery, not knowing if anons excitement at the situation was caused by one too many sake bottles to the face, the lenguage barrier or just his plan old stupidity.

>> No.71749058

literally the plot of Oldboy

>> No.71749099

Why are you greentext sperging so much in this thread, you're trying too hard

>> No.71749314

They don't take your fingers, they make you take your own

>> No.71749424

don't the Yakuza make their own members take their own fingers as a punishment for treason?

>> No.71749536

Yes, and Bae will come in the ambulance with me. She is going to take care of me due to her feeling in debt, the time we'll spend those few recovery weeks will sow the seeds of our lifelong love.
It will be peak kino.

>> No.71749548 [DELETED] 

I understand fighting for a cute Japanese girl, but fighting for a 5/10 chinese girl? Really anon?

>> No.71749665

you're extremely generous anon

>> No.71749712

the hacker known as 4chan is not exactly a katagi

>> No.71749940

>fanfic writing
a woman!
disgrace! ultimate dishonor!

>> No.71750180

A ""woman"" pretending to be a unicorn wrote this post.

>> No.71750186

>Yakuza anon fights his fellow Yakuza to save the girl he loves

>> No.71750214

She said the Japanese literally think she is one of their own and are very kind to her. It helps that she's a weeb who mirrors their insanely dumb rules and etiquettes masterfully to blend in

>> No.71750423

Yes, and we will raise our non Japanese kids together

>> No.71750732


>> No.71750800

>reposting the anti-unicorn dude from /#/ who constantly gets BTFO
sorry sis but unityfags are more hated than unicorns ever will be

>> No.71751243

Well you can say that nerissa is forcing herself on her alright...

>> No.71751281

Hey Nijisister, just fyi if you want to pretend to be a Holofan, we're not psychopaths who treat someone dying as a casual event that can just be brushed over. Remember that next time you try to pretend to be one of us and when you're trying to figure out why we hate Nijisanji.

>> No.71751450

For the sake of argument, show me what you consider a 10/10 Chinese girl.

>> No.71752674

she is trying to get Ina to move with her
Those cats? Me

>> No.71752735

NTA but Zhang Ziyi, especially when she was in Rush Hour 2.

>> No.71753363

Having seen Brrats in the Fes Photos I feel a lot more confident in my chances

>> No.71754143

>bae moves to japan
>her mom comes with her too and signs her up for biweekly virginity tests

>> No.71754169

Ina has been the real threat the entire time. She was just using Kiara as a cover to seduce every girl for her harem.

>> No.71754202

I'm sorry you are so feminine you have to larp as a shoujo character lmao

>> No.71754270

i hate mixed gender vtubing collabing as much as the next unicornchad, but i always felt like bae and iofi from id branch do genuinely cares about their fans. (in iofi case, its still cucking but a bittersweet one, bae is not gfe unless she do her little rp videos from time to time) they atleast do soft gfe stuff to counter the homocollabing while other prominent homobeggars would do this cucking action on their fans and gives out no form of affection back. this is a disgusting and unethical behaviour that shouldnt belong in an idol industry like hololive jp. im looking at you, laplus darkness, you dirty grifter.

>> No.71754279

This post won't change the fact that Bae is better wife material then you and your stanky vagina

>> No.71754923

You know Shoujo is written like that because girls like that stuff, right?

>> No.71755451

Still wish she'd learn some more Western Dinner dishes.

>> No.71756177

Like what

>> No.71756362
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Her homemade Dinner split for Christmas looked pretty western to me.

>> No.71756392

Unironically, burgers.

>> No.71756504

homemade burgers?

>> No.71756952


>> No.71757661


>> No.71758042

If you think you're going to find marriage material at a bar I've got bad news.

>> No.71758348

She can make as many hambagu steaks as she wants, I'll eat em for the energy to press her into the bedframe.

>> No.71758485


>> No.71758512

yeah, me

>> No.71759113

>Bae cannibalizes Anon to stop being sub 100 pounds.

>> No.71759846

Hasn't been inactive for a long time now?

>> No.71759929

At least Kiara tries to fuck her ships.

>> No.71761052

kek based

>> No.71763177


>> No.71763612

Many do but I think by this point most of us also don't like it when they beat around the bush too much and prefer that shonen-ish romance, like just fuck already gdi

>> No.71763798

Nothing of a value is lost

>> No.71763938

Good, let them kill all homo

>> No.71764394

Ok but I will still rescue her from the Yakuza

>> No.71764451

Ahh the normie westerner pick.

>> No.71764654

what's your pick, I want to see cute Chinese girls

>> No.71765590

I grew up a leaf, so I didn't watch live action c dramas. I just know zhang xiyi cause she blew up in crouching Tiger, rush hour, high noon etc. but C'mon. She's had so much western exposure. I'd have to go ask my mom what drama she's watching currently and Google the cast to give my pick haha

>> No.71765822

Do you have one who wears hanfu?

>> No.71765918

You know what, I just might.

>> No.71766318

In blossom. They're all wearing that shit

>> No.71767110

Is it good? The plot sounds interesting but I have never watched a Chinese drama.

>> No.71767459
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picrel is baes father, australia is weird af

>> No.71767555
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>> No.71767804

>tfw no jade like beauty childhood friend

>> No.71768412

should've thought twice before skipping your cultivation reps, next life perhaps...

>> No.71769342

no idea. i don't watch them with her. she said another one was "burning flames"

>> No.71771919


>> No.71771970

That fan is me btw, Bae will actually unironically be Marrying me

>> No.71772424

I wrote this post

>> No.71772744

if you brought back IPs this thread cant be more than 20 posters and one guy talking to himself

>> No.71773270

i know right?

>> No.71773795

who is the schizo?

>> No.71773818

I unironically thought the same thing when I saw that group photo lmao

>> No.71775853

yeah brats really didnt give themselves any room to wiggle with for being one of the ugliest fanbases after fes

>> No.71776775

nigga stop talking to yourself, you're a fat obese retard who samefags on 4chan

>> No.71777044

get a glimpse of your reflection in the monitor, anon?

>> No.71777136

Lose weight, seek a job, get a degree, do anything but talk to yourself on this board, loser

>> No.71777218

samefagger called out

>> No.71777247

that random comment i made in passing really hit you hard, huh?
stop projecting anon, its fine to be ugly, just enjoy your oshi. we need people like you to make the rest of us look good.

>> No.71777312

if you were good looking you wouldn't be watching vtubers, dont throw stones in a glass house, if your monkey brain can comprehend metaphors

>> No.71777367

>he literally admits he's ugly
my fucking sides, this writes itself. i guess all brats are hideous, even the ones dwelling on here

>> No.71777411

did bae's fanbase fuck your mom? they probably did with how much you samefag and gargle your own cum while posting about them

>> No.71777536

>literally shitting himself with rage
man, you'd be funny if you weren't seriously this angry. leave the thread if you can't handle facts.
sorry you're ugly btw, im glad you've come to terms with it.

>> No.71777575

>sorry you're ugly btw

>> No.71777592

Does a whale sister have any right to decide who's ugly and who's not? Bae has cute fembrats and most of her fans were tall as fuck

>> No.71777635
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>sorry you're ugly btw
>t. unemployed and brown

>> No.71778071
File: 729 KB, 2048x1152, GIzK5xebEAAH12u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ

>> No.71778283


>> No.71778670

>Gets called brown
>literally folds and has to samefag again

>> No.71778826

she is the last homo enabler in en no?

>> No.71778830

>Some cute girls
>Asian dudes in the front
>Tall kaigai dudes in the back
They look decent in comparison to some other fes pics I've seen. This is not the own you think it is

>> No.71778900
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I wonder which one of these the seething brat is

>> No.71778955
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>> No.71779005

do you think an insecure mentally ill brown manlet who spends several hours talking to himself cares

>> No.71779019

They look like the average Hololive fan. Certainly much better and happier than nijisisters

>> No.71779109

Lets.... not talk about the sisters, it might make her mad

>> No.71779130


>> No.71779225

Sorry I'm not accustomed to how mentally ill some of these schizos are. It's like they spawn artificial seethe out of thin air

>> No.71779272
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mio dios i can't take any brat post seriously from now on

>> No.71779274


>> No.71779307

Stop samefagging.

>> No.71779699
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>> No.71779897

>these are the people shitting on kiara 24/7
It all makes so much sense now

>> No.71780058

2nd from the left has some EXTREME 'tism going on, they're definitely /here/

>> No.71780264

what? lmao

>> No.71780365

>Kiaraschizo in the catalog

>> No.71780382

This guys samefags for over 17 hours in hlgg
he's a mindbroken kiara anti, he posts about her 17-20 hours a day

>> No.71780528

bro which is it, you've called this guy a sister, a manlet, and now hes not even a bae anti, he hates kiara
you're chasing too many ghosts, i think people just like laughing at ugly brats. there's a reason people went to freak shows.

>> No.71780710

FPBP, fuck homos

>> No.71780733

You are the guy obsessed with Bratcock since they raped your mother
He's the schizo from global who's obsessed with pitting KFP against brats
You both are equally shit and should kiss each other

>> No.71780923


>> No.71780960

Rumao the Kiaraschizo fucking a whale sister

>> No.71780970

That anon was answering my question, which was made at someone who claimed we anti kiara. Idk why you felt alluded to, but maybe there's some samefagging going on. Especially with the thread's first post.

>> No.71780981

how much time do you spend on this board making up demons to chase?
i actually cant take you seriously, you're more schizo than anyone ive seen here

>> No.71781032


>> No.71781079

You'll make her extra mad. Just ignore the bitch and leave her with her shitty thread

>> No.71781149

What the fuck is this

>> No.71782643
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>> No.71784412

oh dear. brats are never living this down

>> No.71784702

these are your average vtuber fans. the people here look like that.

>> No.71784737

>Niggas in this thread posting this like some kind of way of proving themselves superior when every anon in this shithole thread knows they're leagues uglier
You couldn't make this shit up kek

>> No.71784810

mating press

>> No.71785054


>> No.71785111


>> No.71785267

>Brats finally revealed
Not surprised at all

>> No.71785385

Unfathomably based.

>> No.71785408 [DELETED] 

>ugly shitoids who live in houses that will crumble in the next 2-3 years thinking theyre punching at anything but air

>> No.71787976
File: 112 KB, 720x504, 1710785491198822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think marrying a coworker of the opposite sex is a lot more common and Bae happens to know a group of those in homostars she's very "respectful" of

>> No.71788349

I would say literally the average holofan just look like that

>> No.71788799

it's so funny how Brats convinced themselves that a room separate from the rest of the house would somehow make sex without her parents' knowledge harder, not easier.

>> No.71789132

They locked the shed

>> No.71792930

making her a mother

>> No.71796397

I'm not going to sugar coat it
Mating press

>> No.71797678

they knew. dont forget what they originally called it kek

>> No.71799605

>How do we save her, /vt/?
by fucking her
