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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71704897 No.71704897 [Reply] [Original]

/eien/ - EIEN Project General - No new outfit Edition

Website: https://eien-project.com/
Schedule: https://schedule.eien-project.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@EIENProject
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EIENproj

>Gen 1 Museia
Kilia Kurayami

Kiki Lockheart

Skye Shinryu

>Gen 2 Haven
Blaise Shinryu

Nanimo Navi

Amora Lumina

Zumi Dokumi

Mirri Saffire

Museia (Group)
EIEN Group song

Haven covers

Unarchived streams archive:

Previous thread >>71661704

>> No.71704931
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My cute and dorky wife, Riifu!

>> No.71704985

Predictions of the other Haven girls' final revenues?

>> No.71704989
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>> No.71705031

I had to work towards the end, didn't the frog say she made something for us that she was gonna show at the end? Did that happen? Or is it thankmas2.0?

>> No.71705088

>Didn't get the new outfit

>> No.71705120

No new outfit...

>> No.71705173

Navi streams less than Zumi so she's done for

>> No.71705188

I will not frogsex post in an antithread. Thankfully Monday threads always die early.

>> No.71705206

Why didn't you donate the last 2.5k anon?

>> No.71705227

Turns out if you don't stream you attract less paypigs

>> No.71705281

They already bought her a new PC

>> No.71705357

You consider that an "anti thread"? Not that anyone will ever give a shit about your garbage ritual post anyway, but you sure are a fragile little creature.

>> No.71705388

Amora and Blaise have been streaming twice as much as Zumi but they don't have as many paypigs as Zumi

>> No.71705458

Depends. Zumi has the first failed donothon in EIEN, they will probably revaluate how they aproach them.
And since Kiki, Kilia and Zumi already set the new outfit bar at 15k it's looking like they have backed themselves into a corner.

>> No.71705467

Why is your ass so chapped?

>> No.71705498

How much did they spend on the new pc anyways

>> No.71705543

bash your head in with a rock

>> No.71705546

Skye's was only "successful" because she refused to have stetchgoals.

>> No.71705602

Imagine if Zumi streamed more

>> No.71705605
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>> No.71705684

I'll certainly take the most consistent Haven ritualpost over whatever it is you think you contribute to the thread

>> No.71705749

if only he being consistent got her a new outfit tsk tsk tsk

>> No.71705814

>can't celebrate in the discord because the channel is flooded with faggots
>can't celebrate in the thread because schizos are on overdrive
God I hate this corpo sometimes

>> No.71705832

Imagine if Zumi sang me lullabies as she softly played her bass and let me lay my head in her lap.

>> No.71705886

Maybe you're the one who doesn't fit with this corpo anon

>> No.71705932

If your celebration post is genuine just do it anon.

>> No.71705942

its sad that she got rewarded at all after her endless cancellations, frankly
also just filter the frogschizo, his room temp IQ brain can only come up with the same 3 posts on repeat

>> No.71705956

nta, have you seen the deadpoles channel? We're infested.

>> No.71706024

My cute robowife Navi!

>> No.71706055

Despite you being a shitter, I am curious on if ewww is going to do a 2nd round and how that would go.

>> No.71706065

I miss Zow.

>> No.71706100

Yeah fuck this ungrateful cunt for streaming 24 hours this weekend. Shouldn't reward that kind of behavior, not in this corpo, only cuckoldry.

>> No.71706121
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>> No.71706130

Her new outfit hasn't been delivered yet so I'm guessing she can go for 5k

>> No.71706423

Kilia's toe jam

>> No.71706476

>watch her do the donothon without cancellations
was something anons jokingly said but turned out to be true

>> No.71706542

Some of these people are always around but are usually quiet. The other half I have never seen in my life.

>> No.71706617

>She didn't make enough money
>She made too much money
You may be one of the schizos anon

>> No.71706631

Honestly management should have just thrown in the last 2.5k for the outfit.

>> No.71706647

Actually what kind of retarded logic are you trying to run with here? That you'd rather she said "tummy hort" and not streamed on day 2?
Sinkhole should swallow you whole

>> No.71706714

What, you people are mad that she didn't cancel a stream now?! This purple frog woman has seriously warped your brain.

>> No.71706787

I can't check because she hides her purchased gifts for some reason

>> No.71706807

Debugs win once again by doing nothing

>> No.71706862

I'm guessing around $2k

>> No.71706867

I would rather she have a consistent stream schedule and not just magically get the strenght to stream when 20k are on the line.

>> No.71706902

They hate her

>> No.71706968

What is the boiling point of a frog? They sure seem to have a melty real easy

>> No.71707054

you put a frog in lukewarm water, then you heat it up, so it doesn't jump when its getting cooked.

>> No.71707072

i always thought eri sent that big dono either as anonymous or as yakkubu to help kilia reach her last goal today that was disproven
2.5 thousand would be enough to kick kerogero from top 3
if they announce it as management doing it then it becomes something expected for the other girls or as a problem because they didn't do it for the 3 other birthday girls

>> No.71707082

These threads have become so repetitive and predictable it feels like it's only 5 or 6 people here now we can't see the IP count.

>> No.71707146
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ESL, your argument is invalid.

>> No.71707191

The thread has been especially shit over what's supposed to be a celebration that actually went well even if all the goals weren't hit. I'm fine with this one dying. Have a good night, faggots

>> No.71707217

I was going to joke that nothing is what they'll do for Navi's donothon too but I think she shares whales with Zumi.

>> No.71707233

why is every lolicon fanbase so retarded and obnoxious, it seems a certain amount of retardation and lack of self awareness is required to be a 2d toddler enthusiast

>> No.71707243

Thread going down the schizo route so quick no one will see me wanting to impregnate navi

>> No.71707281

She almost had to cancel this stream like 2 hours early. Nothing magic about it.

>> No.71707290
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overnight life support number 3 signing out too, good night!

>> No.71707339
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No Skye so I don't care what happens, see ya

>> No.71707344

Which discord troon are you?

>> No.71707372

And to top it all off that annoying tranny is still making Zumi's birthday about himself JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY

>> No.71707495

Why are you guys even mad?

>> No.71707548

just fucking block them already

>> No.71707582

63 streams
48 streams, 1 is the debut collab and 2 are donothon
she sure does stream less than zumi!

>> No.71707598

It really is a shame. A few Zumi schizo posts a thread is whatever but 3 goddamn threads? Really not sure what's wrong with these people.

>> No.71707723

It's literally just 2 or 3 people who have been spamming the same talking points for the last three days. Really not sure what their problem is or why they have nothing better to do.

>> No.71707753
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From this post it would seem it was his donothon and not Zumi's

>> No.71707807

Zumi really isn't even cunny

>> No.71707843

I prefer the schizo here

>> No.71708182
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He basically had the run of the place the entire time because everyone fucked off rather deal with his bullshit. I will never forgive the mods for letting him get away with and even encouraging this bullshit.

>> No.71708280

one of the mods is a troon so they would need a good excuse to ban

>> No.71708448

Apparently him trauma dumping and making reference to his genetals isn't enough

>> No.71708771


>> No.71708812
File: 282 KB, 523x428, zumi humu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only possible solution is for Zumi to specifically tell them to deal with people just blogposting in her channel because its making her core fanbase not post while they are there.
Actually zero point to post something in that channel if all discussion is lead by me me me traumadumpers and spammed so much its impossible to backread.

>> No.71709012

The problem should be obvious when you look are her members channel and notice none of those people used her chat all weekend

>> No.71709041

Eien discord somehow finds a way to get even worse.

>> No.71709055

Navi would've wrangled them after 5 minutes

>> No.71709555

She didn't even show up until the donothon started, before this her interactions with deadpoles was random messages, she has sent TWICE AS MANY MESSAGES these 2 days than ever before in the deadpoles channel. I fucking counted it.
Fucking rat, fake ass fan tried to get a slice of the attention from the bday by spamming the discord server.
Erina if you are reading this, please next time you cut yourself do it parallel to your arm instead of perpendicular, extra points if you take an aspirin beforehand.

>> No.71709642

I want to FUCK
I want to FUCK Amora
I'm sorry Amora doesn't like people lewding her on /vt/
She is a sexy ass woman and she drives me wild with lust for her
I want to FUCK the SHIT out of Amora!

>> No.71709654

While what could be expected as regular content getting paywalled is less than desirable I say we cheer for our frog girl, OUR girls are to be loved and protected, we can shitpost about them at times but in the end they are part of the crew on this ship we ride. Cheers for the upcoming streams from Zumi! Cheers for making it to the VR Stream goal! Cheers for this weekend! Cheers for the future!

>> No.71709732

>only one is a tranny
There's hope.

>> No.71709899

Zumi please calm down and get some rest, you need it.

>> No.71710014
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Don't talk about runescape anymore or you're banned but people's birthday art and well wishes getting constantly drowned out by shit like this is a-okay. What a sick joke.

>> No.71710022

I'm currently looping amora's kisses and I'm gonna jerk off

>> No.71710103

what stream

>> No.71710204
File: 65 KB, 506x900, zumi before she laughs at your peepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wawnt to FAWK
>I wawnt to FAWK Amowrra
>I'm sowrry Amowrra doesn't like people lewding hehr on /vt/
>She is a sexy ass woman and she drivwes me woild with lust fohr hehr
>I want to FAWK the SHIT out of Amowrra!

>> No.71710238

Is this the new Zow?

>> No.71710292

there is an extra layer of gross that only troons can achieve, this one might outdo zow

>> No.71710335

Considering she was willing to just put the onahole shit on throne before, I'm guessing she was strong armed into making some of those streams paywalled donothon exclusives. Not sure what management's autism is about non-gaming content.

>> No.71710400

Where does someone find the energy to post about themself every 6 minutes for 48 hours. Absurdity.

>> No.71710482

He doesn't even donate, member, or even use streamchat. He claims he hasn't spoken irl for 15 years and only has text conversations online. Literally just a discord parasite.

>> No.71710588

1 year since Zow permanently mindbroke /eien/.

>> No.71710604

Sure, management bad

>> No.71710691

They are spoonified or whatever, they do chat but theyre a perma grey

>> No.71710762

>Cheers for the upcoming cancelled streams from Zumi!
>Cheers for making it to the cancelled VR Stream goal!

>> No.71710763


>> No.71710837

Oh, so they were that retard who kept sending multiple paragraphs at a time and traumadumped about not having disposable income to donate. Now it makes sense.

>> No.71710860

No, bad schizo, if we keep this negativity we will turn into /pkg/ which is an anti thread.

>> No.71710952

Zumi schizo, we're busy being mad at discord trannies now. You had your fun all weekend, now move along.

>> No.71710994


>> No.71710998

I was agreeing with anon

>> No.71711000

To be fair, Kawaii is nijisanji lite with the gen 1 clique that Nene "10k$ mic still can't do good asmr" Amano has created. They are dogshit.

>> No.71711003

/here/ is not much better. No use in playing holier than thou

>> No.71711086

Why is the thread so fast?

>> No.71711148

anons like to pretend it's only 2-3 posters but it's most likely all of /eien/ usuals posting

>> No.71711331

yeah its more like 20-40 angry discord users throwing 1,2 or 3 replies about how awful discord moderation is.
We know it's a stupid idea to send a ticket or put our anger on display for every talent to see in the discord itself so we throw it here where every basedchama can agree.
To put it lightly, /eien/ vented.

>> No.71711406

Are there really vtubers that act like this freak?

>> No.71711642

I enjoy talking to my oshi and I know any attempts to address the issue will just get me targeted by the mods. Even if I do it politely through proper channels.
Luckily she's /here/ so I can only hope she's seen some of the complaints this weekend and makes the mods actually do their jobs.

>> No.71711753

From what I've gathered they're likely some invalid living off their parents or welfare. They don't leave the house and just groom on discord all day.

>> No.71711792

The discord will never get better.

>> No.71711918

Navi's channel is fine as long as you have notZow blocked
She filters out the rest of the retards

>> No.71711961

They relate every single thought to themself, its just mirroring to an unhealthy degree and then having a huge ego about people jokingly drawing comparisons between your mirrored persona and the person they are mirroring. ("my hands are just like hers" etc)

>> No.71712094

I've realised zumifags pull out discord retards as deflection when their oshi gets criticized.

>> No.71712158

glad to see /eien/ hasnt changed after all these months. i dont mean it negatively, eri just keeps fucking it up and not fixing the server

>> No.71712172

troons really do be insane narcissists

>> No.71712235

This guy doesn't even know the right insult lmao
Take a short walk off a long pier, bud.

>> No.71712446

Yes schizo, we're only pretending to be mad at this incredibly annoying tranny, who has always been a problem, but actively made her channel radioactive all weekend, because your argument of "frog bad" is just too unassailable.

>> No.71712592
File: 247 KB, 600x440, zumiheart.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I love my frogwife and hope she had fun and enjoys her gifts

>> No.71712891

My only disappointment is that she never flipped off the camera

>> No.71712953

Agree. I didn't want to say it while she was streaming but holy fuck her hands are cute what the fuck bros. The way she emotes with her hands all the time is so soul enrichingly adorable. I fucking love my frogwife so is so perfect.

>> No.71713093

Very well put

>> No.71713537

Your desperate overcompensating really comes across, reminds me of gura posters.

>> No.71713802

But enough about buoys

>> No.71713922

She did, often. I'll get a pic tomorrow, my tummy hort.

>> No.71713933

I'm pretty sure she flipped us off in the first 5 minutes of the handcam

>> No.71713948

>The boiling frog is an apologue describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.
how fitting

>> No.71714290

I'll boil you alive you schizoid nutjob.

>> No.71715601

NTA, but your phrase is flipped, anon

>> No.71719090
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zumi wuv

>> No.71721729

In the unlikely event she sifts though all this shit, she should know she did good

>> No.71722421

>She avoids annoying people on discord
>Have to read about them here
There is no escape

>> No.71725532

I want to impregnate Navi
