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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71668789 No.71668789 [Reply] [Original]

>hundreds of replies still supporting her and showering her with love

she's gonna come back and pretend that nothing happened, still get tons of money like usual and get away from all this scot-free, isn't she?

>> No.71668917

Everything is so fine that she hasn't streamed in over a month and transformed into a vtweeter.

>> No.71668987

I want her to stay on niji so nothing will change and en will be merged

>> No.71669089
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>> No.71669125

Sisters either chose to believe that Tazumi pointed the gun at her head and she "had to" make that stream, or decided to plug their ears and pretended everything is fine and Elira had nothing to do with the drama

Some extremists would also try to convince that what Elira did is right and she should have the rights to defend herself and the company from the evil purple dragon

>> No.71669137

Is that the overpriced L2D karaoke that's somehow more expensive than the fest lol

>> No.71669151
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HUNDREDS of replies guys

>> No.71669262

Let her survive, let nijien survive. I unironically hope they recover from this.
The last thing I want is that branch disbanding or breaking beyond repair and then their subhuman fanbase infecting the holofanbase as a result

>> No.71669281

>1.3k rt
Totally not botted

>> No.71669329
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>hundreds of replies still supporting her and showering her with love
all him

>> No.71669351

I want niji to crumble so it will finally be possible to criticize cover without holobronies frame 1 deflecting to niji

>> No.71669356

I hope there is a live cam and shows the size of audience because there is no way SG monkeys would actually spend money on something more expensive than fucking 5th fes

>> No.71669371

X watches even less streams than /vt/. Enna's birthday donos halved between '23 and '24 while the share of Hong Kong Dollar donos skyrocketed (in other words, her donos in literally every other currency collapsed). Elira won't get away that easily, especially after losing a year's worth of subs.

>> No.71669566


This makes me feel better because it just won't sit right with me at all if someone like her gets away after doing all those evil stuff, you know? I really hope she gets her comeuppance

>> No.71669661

I don't need nijikeks to shit on your stupid takes you sub-human retard.

>> No.71669779

Winning as hard as a guy who shoots himself in the leg but can still walk.

>> No.71669878

Reminder that 1 Finana is 300 CCV. That's 300 nijisisters, on twitters posting happy hugbox messages on every niji tweet.

What you're not seeing is the many more negative messages that aren't being posted because they've already been blocked or simply don't care anymore.

It's easy for every niji tweet and livestream to seem all "business as normal" when you're only seeing the curated sister hugbox.

>> No.71669886

Can’t wait to watch the cliques non 3D Singapore concert fail.

>> No.71669895

>late April
So optimistic of them that nothing will happen by then!

>> No.71669899

They've been trying to push some retarded narrative about a contract forcing them to pay back a year's worth of income or some shit, like how the fuck can anyone take that shit seriously?

>> No.71670003

Costs 2x what Holofes cost to enter by the way

>> No.71670055

Reminds me of the tiny corpos that forced their talents to get a big twitter following pre debue and spent tons of money on them, only to flop because twitter followers are not real fans, Owo.tv or something

>> No.71670144

>haven't stream since the black screen
ye winning. funny elira can be ok with money and all without what is suppose to be her main job

>> No.71670313

Okay but where is Elira? Isn't a chuba supposed to stream?

>> No.71670387
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There's 2 sides to every story and everyone has the right to defend themselves.
Well in a normal world anyway, you guys already picked a side and anything the niji side says its just them being forced to say it, only one side has any agency here in the mind of the monkey(Selen), everyone else is obviously being manipulated.
I pray for the day I can enjoy a hobby, and said hobby doesn't get bogged down in retarded dramatards like you guys, or the mentally ill. This isn't even about Selen anymore, you guys just want a pound of flesh, you straight up want someone to die if you could if you could get away with it, all under the guise of "justice" for Selen.

>> No.71670461

>hundreds of replies
That's cute, but those are the same people that told Finana it's good she btfo'd the parasocials and that they will support her from now on.
Tell me, how many finanas does Finana stream to nowadays?

>> No.71670464

I find the narrative developing pretty funny
>She was forced! She needs the money to pay off projects she started! She's living in Japan! That's why she had to do black stream!
Meanwhile, she has had basically no income for almost two months now. Definitely sounds legit.

>> No.71670539

You spent way too much time on that demented cope anon. Find something a bit snazzier next time.

>> No.71670554

Fuck off phasefag

>> No.71670637
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I kneel nijifags

>> No.71670758

That's just Adachi.

>> No.71670761
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Overdramatic faggot
Even before that whole Selen thing NijiEN was nothing but constant retarded drama they were bringing upon themselves ALL THE FUCKING TIME

>> No.71670774

Can't have NijiEN die yet. Need Elira, Vox and other cliquies to yab more and completely destroy their own reputation. Otherwise, they'll get out, become VShoujo or indie, tell some sobstory excuse, and get big numbers. That'll infest the EN vtuber sphere with real awful shit.

>> No.71670799

Let them burn and disband
if anything, those subhumans that quit nijisanji have left the whole scene altogether
Good riddance

>> No.71670866

Who gives a shit

>> No.71670881

>This isn't even about Selen anymore, you guys just want a pound of flesh, you straight up want someone to die if you could if you could get away with it, all under the guise of "justice" for Selen.
The truth is that amerigoylems are still butthurt at China because blizzard pandered to them. They project this onto nijisanji despite them having several venues and events in Taiwan.
Amerigoylems see the world in the lenses of good vs evil . They see themselves as righteous while carrying themselves with evil in their hearts.
For their hypocrisy I wish only for their complete and utter destruction.

>> No.71670907

>nijis can't meme
what a suprise

>> No.71670920


>> No.71670927
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>I pray for the day I can enjoy a hobby, and said hobby doesn't get bogged down in retarded dramatards like you guys

The only "hobby" without that kind of people is gymbros and even then they'll argue about daily meal preps. Godspeed anon

>> No.71670990


>> No.71671015
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God Anon can't you be a bit patient?

>> No.71671031

gyms are full with drama because of people who can't keep their cameras off for 5 seconds. Every fucking day I see some retard filming themselves and people around them. Fuck, one of the biggest tiktok influencers is literally a guy farming gymdrama.

>> No.71671073

Oh you mean the usual
>Nothing happens at cover
>gets called a retard and a sister
That one, sister?

>> No.71671117

> pray for the day I can enjoy a hobby, and said hobby doesn't get bogged down in retarded dramatards like you guys
You might want to take a step back and realize you are intentionally immersing yourself in the drama.

>> No.71671135

>They project
>Let me prove this with massive amounts of projecting
Bruh. Get some help.

>> No.71671182

You do know you made that meme using a frame of the biggest vtuber event of all time? It's like if Hitler used a picture of Churchill next to a Lancaster and put a swastika on the bomber.

>> No.71671184
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Mel died because of people like you

>> No.71671226

>get tons of money like usual
kek, yeah about that anon...

>> No.71671274

Actually I saved it from /#/

>> No.71671301

Nobody is forcing you to come on here and argue on behalf of the company. You can just leave and watch the streams. You are involving yourself in "drama" on purpose, and I'd argue it's not even typical dramafag nonsense, they have valid complaints that the company has not addressed and you're just hoping they'll stop talking about it.

>> No.71671333

I wonder where I've seen this meme first....hmmm..

>> No.71671360

>massive amounts of projection
Anon can't see the trees for the wood.
Obviously when you live knee deep in propaganda you can't tell what the truth is even anymore.

>> No.71671418

Thanks, it was a good laug, sister.

>> No.71671433
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>some extremists
That's the prevailing view of Nijisisters in general, Elira was right, Selen is evil.

>> No.71671449

But does the whole hobby gets "bogged down" like in vtubing? Is there one big tiktok dramafarmer in every local gym? No

>> No.71671532

Funny to me that you described yourself.

>> No.71671713

>Elira lost a year of subs alone
>The whole branch lost a million subs total
>The name of their branch and company is akin of mentioning EA or ActiBlizz to any fan of the hobby
>Stock crashed so badly they were lowered an entire tier after hitting the market cap of how hard can a company's stock crash in a day in just 2 hours
>The latest 3D debut is the worst one in company's history in both CCV and superchat earnings, losing to both Blue Homo's 3D debut and a Fuwamoco and Nerissa offcollab karaoke and even struggled against a fucking steam sale game purchase stream

>> No.71671801

I don't know what you guys are mad about. She lost a year's worth of subs, her 2 year members spat on her, she will be reduced to a 3 view begging for supas. Also twitter support doesn't mean jackshit. I feel kinda bad for the fameliras lurking around with some desperate hope that their oshi is this wounded little bird under duress and feels guilty about it. They will never get the full picture of what exactly happend. It's truly pitiful.

>> No.71671813
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>> No.71671881
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>> No.71671966

>twitter replies != paying costumers
When Elira:
- Comes back to streaming;
- Don't put her chat in members only mode;
- Get to stream normally for 2 months without anything happening;
- Get back her subs;
- Keeps or surpass her previous CCV/views;
That's when you can count it as a win.

>> No.71671969

QRD on this guy?I have seen him defending Elira/Nijien a lot but from what i remember he was a KFP?What happened?

>> No.71672238
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>> No.71672236

It was her first tweet after black screen video, everyone was thinking she got suspended

>> No.71672295

Apart, seperate, instead of a part. This is a coded message.
She's saying that she has been taken off of the roster for the event, she is no longer a part of it. This is a cry for help

>> No.71672381

market is opening later today
another recline, it is

>> No.71672441
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>> No.71672626

>Cover -1.92%
>Kurosanji -21.94%
If you cannot see the difference you are a retard

>> No.71672637

Anon. That thing you're doing? It's the textbook definition of projection.

>> No.71672653

What would sisters do without Nijisanji?

>> No.71672722

Assuming sisters have any intelligence would be giving them too much credit.
Maybe sit in a room and forget to breathe.

>> No.71672825

I thought Asians were supposed to be good at math
But NiSEAsisters are bad at anything, huh?

>> No.71672840

Worse. Niji did several huge plays to try and buff their stock price, and Cover instead said "nah, fuck off shareholders, we're investing our money in the company instead of paying you shit"

>> No.71672917

These sisters are literally retarded anon, they don't even understand the most basic shit about stocks and truly believe that
>Number go down = bad
Is the full extent of the stock market.

>> No.71673047

Maybe it's just me, but seeing an endless stream of schizophrenic "but what about hololive" posts just reaffirms that Niji is still a shitshow with an awful fanbase that refuses to confront their own problems honestly. By contrast back in 2020 when Cover was actually a clown fiesta you couldn't go 5 minutes without fans shitting on them in hlg

>> No.71673084

This has already been explained: >>71394505

>> No.71673148


>> No.71673412

Not even worth a (you)

>> No.71673642

which you posted

>> No.71673823

>Editing Niji logo on Fubuki
Just how pathetic can you get?

>> No.71673926

He was KFP/Teammate
Basically was extremely weird and acted like a sperg so he got bullied off Ame's discord and slowly made a turn towards NijiEN after they debuted.
Doubly so after they debuted Ethyria and Luxiem.
Suffice to say no one in either Kiara or Ame's fanbases misses him

>> No.71674145
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I know nijisisters have no self-respect but you can get karaoke for free on youtube

>> No.71674343

>April 27th
That's a lot of time to find a double for the dead girl.

>> No.71674416

Sweet scam, Batman!

>> No.71674465

Seriously. Has there been any actual signs of life? Her tweets seem like the most basic nonsense that any skinwalker can shit out.

>> No.71674506

She is back to being a vtweeter, all that's left is to go on tweet tangents about LGBT literature and inclusive yaoi mutilation manga, and she'll be right back to her Nova career.

>> No.71674600

She and NijiEN only going to get the scraps

>> No.71674801

This tweet was 100% botted, you act as if it’s not the first time kurosanji botted their tweets. They’re in the red and worse off than ever of course they’ll fake engagement.

>> No.71674855

Realistically, what's going to happen to these people (who were involved) after Niji inevitably collapses is most won't be able to join a corpo due to being too tainted, unable to attract viewers, and too likely to bring drama along with them. Kyo slithered out early and was not able to get into vShojo despite a big effort by the clique and its friends to pump him up and help him succeed, and he was not nearly as hated as the Elira/Enna/Millie trio. The others will probably try to go indie and suffer similar fates, or just leave the scene. They will all still be out there, but with very reduced reach and influence and reliant on people like Matara to feed them views.

There will probably be an effort by the trio to clear their names after leaving Nijisanji. I expect a long unsigned document of some kind telling their side of the story, but it will be conspicuously thin on evidence and receipts. They will try to paint themselves as victims of Nijisanji like Kyo did, and smear Selen and Zaion as opportunistic liars. Issues like Kyo helping to dox Zaion or Pomu's once in a lifetime opportunity that was torpedoed will go unaddressed - they will copy NDF tactics and hyperfocus on Selen's MV, pretending that was the only issue.

This will ignite a fresh wave of drama. Doki, if she responds at all, will say something minimal like "It's all a pack of lies and I'm not discussing this topic anymore." After a month or so the drama will die down and embittered NDF retards will start drifting away back to K-Pop or other vTuber fandoms.

>> No.71676324

>Did we lose, bros?

>> No.71678430

Nah, people would just forget it.

>> No.71678580

posting adachi screenshots every time you repeat this just makes you come off as a deranged teenager, you may want to change your approach

>> No.71678956

She appeared in Petra's 3D stream

>> No.71679059

>Elira 40 days since last stream
>Vox 70 days since last stream

>> No.71679090

That was pre-recorded tho

>> No.71679211

i mean bootlickers will always be bootlickers, just like a fat fucks like vaush, they have a huge following and they are the scum of earth, just a look on nijinigger dox sites tells you what kind of people they are, they do not care about facts and will start psyops just to make their livers look good, literally plotting how to sway public opinion on their dox sites lmao

>> No.71679376

>She appeared in Petra's 3D stream
>the 3D stream was pre-recorded
>most of the scenes were recorded before Selen got fired
>only the scene with Rosemi was recorded after that

>> No.71679439
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Lying sack of shit
>check it
>its actually real
lol they're dead arent they
OP is a manager tweet
Wait a second.....that apostrophe....

>> No.71679550

Waiting almost a whole year in the hope that people forget and move on is a bold move, lets see how it pays off!

>> No.71679780

>did we lose, bros?
I see you, sis.

>> No.71679986

>Assuming this is gonna cover 2 months of absolutely no stream and all the money lost.
Nijisis, why are you so bad at falseflagging? You live 24/7 here at this point, shouldn’t you have le…
Oh wait, if you could learn you would have got the message by now. Apologies to overestimating you.

>> No.71680380

Nah, that would be too much of a good ending. Niji sadly is gonna survive in Japan.
I sincerely want them out so I can see people speak without the morons saying “they are puppeted”. Doki is over it but sadly they are not. As soon as they recover you can bet they will try something petty against her, if they are not already sabotaging her with influence.
I stopped watching all stuff Niji, and wogever says to forgive the livers…I didn’t hear any sorry, and ghe excuse thry can’t doesn’t mean they did. They better get out or ask actual change, or they are accomplices.

>> No.71680512

Hello I am retard and I'd like to ask a question.

Just going by graph visuals and not the actual percentage, anycolor's stock took a free from drop and has been stagnant ever since. Which we know it's because it's the weekend and the stock market isn't open yet.

Yet covers big drop fluctuates up then down and seems to be on a very slow rise.

So just going by the pretty red lines, isn't it painfully obvious thay anycolor is actually worst off than cover at this moment in time? Or at least st the time of the twatter's post?

>> No.71680688

The drop is so bad that the market literally doesn't allow them to go any lower
Shit like this is unheard of and hasn't happened in years

>> No.71680926

Since each company's respective IPOs, Cover is up 75% while Anycolor is down 25%. I'd say both are actually still overvalued though, they were riding the global tech bubble to some extent.
Anycolor actually triggered the exchange circuit breaker for the first time since 2020, they'll fall more when the market opens in a few hours.

>> No.71682197

In terms of the "good" ending, Niji may or may not be okay but I think the EN branch will be gone with most of the Livers graduated or folded into JP soon.

In terms of hassling and canceling her, their ability to do so will be greatly reduced without Niji to artificially signal boost them. What you will probably get is have a small group of ankle biters (non-vTuber friends if the clique) popping up on places like 4chan to shit on Doki and probably Sayu every once but they won't be able to actually do anything to hurt her.

Most of these people are snakes and got away with what they did because the Elira clique had Niji to use as a platform with Elira as the presumed queen bee. It will be much harder for her to continue as queen bee and keep the clique together if everyone resigns and goes seperate ways.

>> No.71682235

she's just a fucking streamer. She didn't do anything, she has no control over anything, jesus christ.
>B..But the clique..
There is no clique. You dont have friends at work you like more than others? So let me get this straight. EVERYONE is in the clique except Selen and Zaion? Thats not a clique, that's 2 people the entire company didnt like. It can't be a clique by its very definition if everyone is in it. Pomu loves Elira. Rosemi does too, and Vivi. All the good girls. Is it a crime to talk shit about idiots with your best friend? No.

>> No.71682241

Thought this was about Gura at first kek.

>> No.71682681
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>she's just a fucking streamer
No she's not lmao she's a vtweeter now. Pomu streamed more since graduating than Elira did in the past 45 days KEK

>> No.71682719

>still get tons of money
Enna's birthday raked in less money than an auction for a blank piece of paper.
Petra's 3D debut had something like 80% of its donos and superchats in JPY.
NijiEN revenue overall was down 40% at the end of January already, and that's before all the recent scandals hit and they had to hide through Valentine's Day which is supposed to be one of their biggest earning days of the year.
Elira will come back, and she'll pretend nothing happened, and the fans she has left will continue to worship the ground she walks on, but her days of making money are over.

>> No.71682736

okay adachifujo

>> No.71682767

Literally implicated in bullying by her own admission, and her past as a huge flaming bitch back when she was called Nova is well known. Give it up, this retarded shit you're doing doesn't work here.

>> No.71682812

I honestly can't understand how delusional people are who still desperately trying to defend those snake.

>> No.71682924

being a bitch doesn't mean you're an evil mafia mastermind. There is no evidence of bullying whatsoever except her name among many others was in some schizos manifesto

>> No.71682958

Why should anyone give a shit about a lying suicide grifting whore cuntoid like selen?

>> No.71683104

"Some schizo's manifesto" is an interesting way to describe Anycolor's termination notice

>> No.71683153

>still get tons of money like usual

>> No.71683443

You don't have to be an evil mafia mastermind to be a vicious bully who encourages her cunt friends to act the same, you stupid dykefaggot. And once again, we know she stirred up shit on Twitter back in the day and got her fans and friends to go after people, all of this is in character for her. Once Niggysanji collapses Nova is never getting work again, she'll be gone and no amount of seethe or cope on your part will bring her back, and the industry will be a better place because of it.

>> No.71684057

I think the presumed idea is to trick any lurkers who aren't doing their reps. But I think the situation is so widely known at this point I doubt there's many people to trick.

>> No.71684187

I honestly don't care anymore what happens to her. If she can somehow claw her reputation back from here, fine. Whatever. The people who left likely won't come back, so she'll have to find fresh blood to replace them. As long as she doesn't continue to try to attack the others, she can do whatever.

>> No.71684488

Nova probably have enough fans to survive as indie, even after Niji.

>> No.71684616

legitimate weirdo to the point that he was bullied off of fan-made discords which is hard to do
he then became a NijiEN simp on twitter and has continued to hold water for them there ever since while taking weird pot shots at any Hololive controversy the whole time
Homobeggar and defender prime too, one of the people who "hates idol culture"

>> No.71684861

>get away from all this scot-free
I don't consider losing viewers as "getting away with it"
people that kept streaming lost viewers, imagine her that implicated herself as a bully and hasn't been streaming for this long

>> No.71685338

I wonder how I'd feel knowing my oshi is nothing more than a corporate dog at the end of the day.
