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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 30 KB, 400x400, Cv4nH502dtfXHlWtpNbINx6rbhNCB2mRU9c83165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71657587 No.71657587 [Reply] [Original]

"Like, you know, when I was first planning my 3D, I was like 'Can I... can I get Tazumi-san in my 3D, like, maybe just his voice or something?', and staff were like 'Uuhhh... uhh, we'll try to ask...'. Honestly, I was expecting like, I was expecting him to say 'no', you know, I was fully like, you know, he can't, that's ok. He was so, he was like 'Yeah, no problem! I'll record anything you want!.' And then, at first I was only going to ask him to record like, two lines in Japanese... but he was like 'I'll record as much as you want! I'll even record in English if you want!'. I know! He was like 'I'll record in Japanese OR English, whatever you want, Petra!', and I was like 'Awesome!' *laughs* I was like, that opens so many, you know, doors and opportunities for me."

"I know, and he was like 'I'll even record in English', I was like... 'Are you sure? I have so much power now.' *laughs*"

"'Hah? I'm not your uncle!' *laughs* Was so funny."

"To be honest, I wanted it to sound really awkward. I wanted it to be like, shitty audio quality... and like, sound like he's trying to put out a voice, but he's not really doing it. And he... he did an awesome job. He did exactly what I wanted him to. I didn't even have to tell him. He, he... delivered exactly what I wanted."

"And then, the floating Tazumi-san PNG was staff's idea... *laughs*, we were just like, 'how about we just slap him... how about we just slap him in the corner of the room?', and I was like, 'Sure!', and then we're like, we're just gonna zoom in on him, and I was like, 'Sure!'. *laughs* So there's this just like, stupid... you know what this transition reminds me of? It reminds me of Prezi."

>> No.71657658

That's cute!

>> No.71657660

Starts at around 31:40

>> No.71659719
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>> No.71660434

>s-she's one of the good ones!
Well there goes that cope

>> No.71660483

Imagine how hilarious it'd be if that was the second time we heard Riku speaking in English.

>> No.71660575

So she still has it in her to pretend to be happy.
Nice flop btw penbitch.

>> No.71660876

Well, hope for ber NijiJP survives cuz she definitely impaled herself for the yachtphile. Can’t wait for her turn to be discarded.

>> No.71660999
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, elira14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you just want to be happy and do the things you love most as much as you could. Life is too short to be bothered by bad things when the things you worried about already resolved on it own (Selen and Zaion situation).

>> No.71661160

>We'll TRY to ask
Staff know they're not in the clique, they were expecting to get shouted at for wasting the time of the CEO on failure in two continents. Little do they know all Tazumi does now is stare at the stocks and occasionally his desk mirror to practice his forced smile.

>> No.71661250

He says ''good luck'' in English at the end of the segment below:

>> No.71661550

She's cute, I want to save her...

>> No.71661814

OG 4th member of Lazulight so I understand her power level in the clique. All these years investing in clique development, cannot let it all go to waste now. The nepo jokes might not have been jokes...

>> No.71662078

Petra was Riku's last chance to save the stock price. He'd let her give him live ctb if he thought it would increase the viewership.

>> No.71662273

>might not gave been jokes
It’s pretty hard to see how they aren’t at least half-truths.

>> No.71662425

The guy does not even bother to react to her, or retweet her 3D stream post. I doubt he even remembers that she asked that.

Its just..... sad. I almost feels like she even got told to make a cover story for that appearance to make it seems believable.

>> No.71663003

Nah she's just genuinely that much of a pathetic vile cockroach. I wish her many more years of absolute suffering in that black corp.

>> No.71663068

Perhaps... we were too harsh on Riku.
What do you say guys? Shall we leave the drama behind already?

>> No.71663137

No fuck him, fuck you and fuck his yacht.

>> No.71663159


>> No.71663534

Firing squad.

>> No.71663632

I hope you die of lumbago, you swine.

>> No.71663660

It occurs to me that this story probably would have gone over pretty well if her 3D debut had happened in late January, rather than after the shitshow that February was.

>> No.71663685

Nope. Not without some real answers.

>> No.71663711

*load m1 grand*

>> No.71663762

>Like in every sentence

I don’t listen to adult who talk like a child

>> No.71663834

>Literally taken from Reddit

Go back

>> No.71663879

ironic, considering the word composition of your post

>> No.71663896

>I don't listen to hololive
Feel free to leave the board

>> No.71663952
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Remember Selen was also drinking the Kool-Aid pretty hard until she got a target painted on her back.

>> No.71663978

what if Riku has no idea about Elira's work as a clique leader?

>> No.71664118

>>"but but hololive tho"
what about it sister?

>> No.71664123

Petra LOVES being in Nijisanji
It's in her blood to enjoy corporate slavery and humiliation

>> No.71664407


>> No.71664554


>> No.71664756

it would've been a cute little thing if the stream didn't happen read:finally get pulled from the archives half a year later as the "in case of emergency 3D stream" glass got shattered after all this, but petra also would've been unable to cut him out for obvious reasons so i can't fault her too much.

>> No.71664943

I hate this nuremberg trial of all the livers judging who are the 'good ones' . Usual suspects like Elira and Co aside selen herself were drunk on nijiEn koolaid and only tried to get out after being driven to end of her line. I could see her making a statement like this.

Niji En will fold but I hope she gets into the JP branch, or gets out.

>> No.71664990

No, he deserves his comeuppance

>> No.71665157

>"like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like"
I fucking hate this; my sister does the exact same thing. Why can't some people speak without adding in a filler word every two or three actual words?

>> No.71665176


>> No.71665273


>> No.71665293

>I hate this nuremberg trial of all the livers judging who are the 'good ones'
I agree, that's futile.
There are no "good ones" left in the branch.

>> No.71665529

Selen was also one of the 'bad ones' until she got personally fucked over.

>> No.71665657

People used to learn to speak properly at schools. You also had professional speakers on radio and TV, which are now replaced by illiterate ESLs in the Internet.

>> No.71665779
File: 24 KB, 494x383, Screenshot_3-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have been complaining about overuse of "like" since at least the 70s.

>> No.71666342


>> No.71666590

Uhh, the fuck? I thought this was a black company

>> No.71667226

I'm ready my popcorn for tomorrow morning.

>> No.71667382

Riku is a real one. He puts himself out for the livers. People meme about his yachts and shit but he's literally running a multibillion dollar business and still makes time for his employees like this despite being busy.

>> No.71667412

Yes, let us all support Riku-sama. The issue is not my handling of the situation, Riku-sama is just a poor victim of "The Clique™" and their actions.
If only people would understand the true power in Njisanji then we wouldn't be slandering Riku-sama.

>> No.71667506

>all the holobrony seethe in the comments

>> No.71667668

keep trying to save face you disgusting nepo baby, petra you spineless cuck stop letting this company used you this way

>> No.71670681

>petra is one of the good ones
So that was a fucking lie

>> No.71672758


>> No.71672953

Yea, let evil prevails. Evil people deserve happiness, too

>> No.71674247
File: 526 KB, 996x628, Nijied to death[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff3j1m1.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Dokibird: Nijisanji is a system, OP. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, Managers, Investors, Lawyers... Livers. Livers are very people we are trying to save. But until we do, these Livers are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these Livers are not ready to be unplugged from the company. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

*OP gets distracted by 3D Petra*

>Dokibird: Were you listening to me, OP, or were you looking at the cute penguin in 3D?

>OP: I was…

>Dokibird: Look again.

*OP looks again. It's Elira with a gun directed at him. *

>Dokibird: Freeze it.

*Scene freezes*

>OP: This…this isn’t the AnyColortrix?

>Dokibird: No. It’s another /vt/ training program designed to teach you one thing. If you are not one of us, you are one of them.

>OP: What is it?

>Dokibird: The Clique. They can move in and out of any Liver that are still hard-wired to their system. That means that anyone we haven’t unplugged is potentially a member of the Clique. Inside the AnyColortrix, they are everyone and they are no one. We survived by hiding from them, by running from them. But they are the gatekeepers. They are guarding all the audiences. They are holding all the streams, which means that sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight them.

>> No.71676439


>> No.71676731

See this is how you naturally poke fun at your boss without making it cringe or forced like the whole "Yagoo best girl" cringe reddit likes to sperg out about.

>> No.71677281

JP talent got their 3D within a year, EN is a bunch of rejects / side project to gain money with little reinvestment. It took the company tanking for them to give a shit about doing what THEIR side of the contract has to uphold. Fuck off NijiEN

>> No.71677323
File: 501 KB, 1919x1027, rikugeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wanna be a meme like Yagoo! I wanna! I wanna IwannaIwannaIwannaIwanna!

>> No.71677441

Copium is the oxygen to NDF
They can't survive without it.

>> No.71677485

But I've seen Riku dancing that's pretty cool.

>> No.71677731

100% now it looks like desperate attempts at gaining good will and turning the ceo into a meme like yagoo

>> No.71677993
File: 720 KB, 486x243, one of the good ones.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71678214


>> No.71678828

Wow.... Riku has become so wholesome, I can't believe I used to hate niji and now they're my most watched! Only incels and unicorns hate Riku now

>> No.71678947

>t. dick-sucking faggot

>> No.71679280

He deserves the scorn he gets, but he’s an incompetent, shortsighted retard looking to make a quick buck, not someone who’s actively malicious. Even if he tries to be the friendly, approachable boss he wants to be seen as, his negligence and penny pinching have created an environment where bad actors can thrive at the expense of the rest of the company.

>> No.71679850

>a-actually we're just vtuber fans who happen to watch multiple companies
>bring up yagoo, hololive and fucking holostars of all things
there's literally a thread where they brag about how few nijijps they can name

>> No.71680202

>t. cant understand sarcasm

>> No.71680546

For better or for worse, loos like she's not graduating anytime soon, boys.

>> No.71680769

Well intil she’s out, she will be treated like she’s in. This will be a wake up call, we are giving too many chances to people who can make their own decisions.

>> No.71681474

At this point, we should just assume the remaining one are all far from innocent.
Even if they did nothing, they are definitely turning a blind eyes at the very least.
Until someone post their contract to show why exactly they can't do anything while inside Niji.

>> No.71681748

>It was Petra's idea
rorumao even
I can't believe I thought she felt bad about what happened to Selen.

>> No.71681937

Yep, it appears her
>I feel so stupid I can't help people
post was about her Niji friends not Selen lol.

>> No.71682004

Cute pengy

>> No.71682007

Pre-recorded last year. Investors don't watch streams. She did alright but it wasn't anything ground breaking.

>> No.71682064

I'm sure she felt genuinely bad about Selen for a couple of days. And then she remembered they weren't friends and moved on.

>> No.71682454

That's my impression, too. He is responsible, but the worst decisions are being made below him, especially in the overseas branches.

>> No.71682761

It's all the clique decisions.

>> No.71682864

Anon, he is the one who allows that kind of shit to happen. He knows that there are serious issues with his model of business, but he doesn't care as long as it keeps making him money. He is the ultimate responsible of everything that's happened.

>> No.71682930

>>71682864 (me)
And just in case
>maybe he didn't know it, maybe he is just incredibly bad at his job
That'd be even worse.

>> No.71683053

>I'm sure she felt genuinely bad about Selen for a couple of days
See, I don't think she did. After her 3D and her going on collabs with everyone as if nothing happened really doesn't click with the whole
>she felt sorry for Selen
rrat. As of now there's zero evidence she was talking about Selen on her alt accounts that one time and now it looks like she was talking about her Niji friends, that seems way more likely.

>> No.71683186

>The issue is not my handling of the situation
Riku, get the fuck off this site, you are not welcome here

>> No.71683670

>she was talking about her Niji friends
The problem is that the tweet was posted like a day after Selen requested to graduate, and a good week before she sent the document to their legal team. Petra wouldn't have any reason to feel sorry for her "Niji friends" because they weren't under public scrutiny at that time.
