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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 442 KB, 778x1614, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71572484 No.71572484 [Reply] [Original]

BFE 3rdPT Edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
VAllure: https://www.vallure-agency.com/auditions (GFE ASMR, Female only.)

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Official public /asp/ discord: https://discord.gg/7eDvgQd5v2
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Remember to rise after falling down.

Previous Thread: >>71487461

>> No.71572742 [DELETED] 

You m*les do realize you're ngmi right? Look at elfin, look at khubie, 2 fresh /wasp/ies both got recognized by pippa and /idol/ fans. Who's going to recognize you m*les? Whos actually going to donate you money? Face it no one finds any value or worth in what you do stop wasting your time.

>> No.71572935
File: 534 KB, 756x756, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big beautiful belly… i love big charleyfolds… with oversize breasts larger then head, milk breast, vein breast… puffy nipple engorged sensitive to touch, pepperoni. saggy downward, heavy with milk. milk breast. wide hip and big breast. wide hip with plump ass. fat ass. obese ass. cellulite ass and dumptruck, 60 inch hips… thighs bigger than waist, massive cellulite legs like treetrunks. fertility. mpreg and fertile like god. twins in stomach, triplets, sextuplets, octuplets. overfertilized and worshipped… pamper and feed him. I love big fertile RATS.. plump him up and feed and breed charleyfolds, 10000 calories a day, I want to feed charleyfolds nonstop.. hunt animals for charleyfolds so he survives the winter. Then reproduce again…

>> No.71573126

Try saying that again without crying lmao

>> No.71573332

Desperate male will give me their shekels

>> No.71573401


>> No.71573544

I won't do BFE, stop asking

>> No.71573650

I don't want people to donate money though? I don't have any benefit for subscriptions, I don't have a donation link, no throne. I make money doing my day job, much more than I could make streaming.

>> No.71573685

can you give me your money, then?

>> No.71573759
File: 600 KB, 1437x2156, hexen 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer heatwave ruined my sleep and afternoon work ruined my back, so let's attempt to "relax" with Hexen: Beyond Heretic, but modded and with upscaled textures! =D
I think this boomer shooter is more RPG-like than Heretic, my favorite, so I'm curious to see how it plays.

Cute doggo slays live here:

>> No.71574000

that's making it to you?
you've got a lot to learn.

Nothing new though, an idiot sees greed as the endgoal.

>> No.71574216


>> No.71574403

I think it's really funny that someone just being a man pisses you off.

>> No.71574851

I don't think it's real BFE lol. It's just a bit.

>> No.71574933

Yeah god I hate it when people subscribe to my channel and donate me money. GOD please guys stop doing it haha.

>> No.71575465

Apologies for taking three threads and a whole day, I'm slow and trying to come up with the best stuff I can

First half of the stream was fine in terms of zatsu, despite your warning. If anything, you need to do more research on games or understand your approach going in beforehand. Kitty Kart 64 was a notable low for games. If you want to do more like that (playing games blind / genres you don't usually play), have a backup plan in case you run into another KK64 scenario where it's just a never-ending loop of non-interest.

From Neighbours game onward was good, great even. I could've come into stream at almost any point and thrown it on to listen to. I actually did exactly that, and it was good background noise. Also, the number was 3 3 1 2. Not 3321. Chat was not gaslighting you...

If you can maintain the energy you had from Metamorphosis onward, you could easily grow if you put some elbow grease into promoting yourself more and putting more into your production value: clips, some zatsu BGM potentially, clips and more clips. Hire an editor if you have to. Failing to use a rotary phone would make a good one, among other things.

>> No.71575492

This but unironically, I feel that I owe people for paying me so I would rather not have that in my consciousness

>> No.71575748

exactly, you get it.
you value something more than money.
a good example of a non-shallow human being.

>> No.71575813

Out of curiosity, do you have a day job?

>> No.71575943

>>71575465 (me)
TLDR Basil, the places you need to improve are mostly offline, you hold your own plenty while live. Prepare, clip, production value, PROMOTE.

Genuinely, get clips out semi-consistently (even if that means hiring and editor or streaming one day less to clip), post until you have a reasonably large backlog; something like 10+ clips, 30m total playtime of highlight videos, ANYTHING so people can learn enough about your stream and atmosphere to make a decision on watching you or not, then genuinely promote more. As much as you bounce off of chat, asp only has so many viewers. You need more eyes on you, because as it is, nobody's seeing the streamer you can be except a small thread of 40-something IPs

IceFoxZettai, I'm still working on your critique, I'll watch the whole VOD and report back, maybe tomorrow. Rest assured, I'll reply to your link

>> No.71575955

Facial hair sucks. I'm so glad I don't grow a full beard. Being clean shaven is the perfect state of being.

>> No.71575962

no I work nights.

>> No.71576029

>watching vtuber
>she says "booba"
>loses 30% of her viewers in the course of a minute afterwards

>> No.71576122

Just Icefox is fine, and thanks, i'm looking forward to it

>> No.71576303


>> No.71576317

make sure you tell your boss you're going to do it without pay, because you're not a shallow person

>> No.71576461

you're not seriously retarded enough to actually argue with the anti-male schizo are you guys, I thought we'd been over this a dozen times by now

>> No.71576623

I still NEED

>> No.71576631

No problem, and thanks for the correction. I wanted to get the whole name in just in case you CTRL F'd something like "Zettai". Anyways, yeah, I'll either start your VOD today or early tomorrow

>> No.71576696
File: 68 KB, 617x101, 1707670636043281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.71576892

I can jump to extremes and behave like a retard too you fuckin mongoloid.

>> No.71577292

I know. That's why you're being mocked.

>> No.71577483

You compared relying on the generosity of others to working a fulltime job.
You're not mocking anyone you're just proving how deluded you have to be to romanticize pan handling.

>> No.71577538

I wish I could get this level of feedback, but I'm scared... =v= Still, it's cool you're giving it that much effort, anon!

>> No.71577624

It's important to remember that, at least in the indie scene, male and female vtubers have very different goals. Most males never become numberfags. They're in this for a fun distraction from whatever's going on in their life, content with a small viewer base and mostly uninterested in growth at the cost of enjoyment. Many males are even uncomfortable with taking money, something that they should break out of but likely won't.
Females, on the other hand, are numberfags from the very start. This is not fun. This is a business venture and one that is likely pretty expensive for them. Many of these girls have no work experience or education and require financial assistance, either from their parents or loans, to assist in this startup. There are multiple girls in /wasp/ who have thousands of dollars in streaming hardware and vtuber model/graphics placed on regular high percentage credit cards that they have made zero progress towards paying off. I'm not joking. This leads to an almost expectation of success, and every day that expectation goes unrealized, they become more and more desperate. This desperation almost always leads to either calling it quits in an explosive fashion or unironic prostitution. Funnily enough, this is the exact cycle that most wannabe starlets call victim to.

>> No.71577637

So you didn't understand the post you were agreeing with and didn't understand the post mocking yours.

>> No.71577710

it would be in your best interest to remain silent.

>> No.71577756

Internet Tough Guy.txt

>> No.71577772

i know three hardcore numberfags and two are males

>> No.71577788

You're adickhead mate leave that guy alone.

>> No.71577865

I regret ever self posting here and I rebuke the title of /asp/ie.

>> No.71577913

What a douchebag

>> No.71577918


>> No.71578014

Not him but I wouldn’t blame him if he felt the same way.

>> No.71578040

I'm a male numberfriend and have made hundreds of dollars from streaming. I refuse to fall into desperation mode. I'll just keep fine tuning every area that I can until I'm unable to do so, and then I'll go the 'persistence is key' route. I believe that's why men who succeed, succeed in a much bigger way.

>> No.71578204

that's a stupid thing to say.
sure we may refer as people in these threads as aspies but it's not a title.
We're all individual people with our own interests and goals, we share one thing in common, we all want to be vtubers.
That's what the takeaway should be.
If you come here thinking "oh we're all aspies together" you've missed the point.
Make friends, branch out from this place.
Come back to offer advice like I do but you don't ever put all your eggs in one basket.

>> No.71578273

Calling getting paid for creating content and people enjoying that content "panhandling" is the most ngmi thing I've read all day. Be grateful you assholes.

>> No.71578323

Don't fight

>> No.71578487

Hearing the crazy girl video QnA made me feel sad. But in the end, she is also a numberfag

>> No.71578499

I am working hard and earning my place and none of it is thanks to this thread, I gained nothing except getting associated and have people talk shit about me every now and then.
I hate that if I ever “make it” (whatever the fuck that means), people in this thread will namedrop me as an example (like they do with Lex and Uwo) when this thread has been a constant negative for me.
I wish I could go back in time and never post here in the first place.

>> No.71578503

t. panhandler

>> No.71578570

I want to make a stream group one day in order to heighten the quality of collabs, make our streams better, and get higher numbers. How disastrous of an idea is that? Pooling together funds with people in the group, hiring editors, posting together. Making sure we raid into each other and so on. Assume I can weed out the more mentally ill people.

>> No.71578595

then why are you here?
what do you have to prove to anyone here?

Jesus christ you people don't even ask yourselves the most basic questions before you put your fingers to the keyboard.

>> No.71578653

Why do you care so much about other people

>> No.71578679

I’m airing my grievances, you don’t have to reply to every post here.

>> No.71578701

Pooling funds sounds bad. But maybe it can work, as it hasn't been tried /here/ yet. Try to find chuubas who want to grow instead of remaining low-view to.invite, tho

>> No.71578741

Not him but take your own advice...

>> No.71578750

It's sad to spend a day trying to learn something and at the end of the day feel like I haven't made any progress, I just wanted to make funny animations with my model... BLENDER HATE!

>> No.71578828

Is this even true? Facecam streamers seem to have an even harder time growing than vtubers do.

>> No.71578879

how do we feel about it?

>> No.71579005

Just popping in to congratulate /asp/ for coming together to report bait posts; the thread is healing and it's great to see people actually using the tools they're provided to keep schizos out.

>> No.71579096

No I do, you didn't put any thought into your actions.
Nobody goes into a space they hate and declares that they are leaving said space, the only reason you'd do that is because you crave attention.
If you really were done with this place you wouldn't announce it, you'd just leave and never come back.

>> No.71579282

Keep in mind that your situation is very different from many of these females. One of the /wasp/s lives with her parent, has no job and is paying upwards of $1400 a year just in credit card interest. She NEEDS to make it. You likely don't. Numberfagging is probably another degree of fun for you.

>> No.71579289

Here’s your (You)

>> No.71579403

Of course, it's about finding people who both want to grow and are actually entertaining. I've met too many VTubers who chase numbers, do stupid boring shameless clout chasing shit, generally don't work at the craft. Hard to find someone who can balance it. But I'd be willing to spend decent money on a group if it means better content and better reach for talented people.

>> No.71579502

read a fucking book please.

>> No.71579574


>> No.71579690

you can't defend your actions can you?
you're terrified of the idea that I'm right.
That you're just an idiot who can't come to terms with their own ignorance.

Good luck growing as a human being dude.

>> No.71579845

I miss her so much I can't take it

>> No.71579848

Why the hell are you giving attention to obvious bait post? I bet this person hasn't even touched the obs in their life and is larping

>> No.71580045

What the fuck are you even talking about?
Someone complains that this place sucks and they have to grow as a human being now?

>> No.71580151

Nah, it sucks. I envy people who have no motives beyond "go live = fun". I won't go into my personal life much, but it'd be a lie to say I could do this entirely as a hobby.

>> No.71580286


>> No.71580422


>> No.71580655


>> No.71580966

Thank you so much for taking the time to watch that VOD and providing feedback on it.

I think you definitely hit the nail on the head for the KK64 section. In the past, I've spoiled too of games for myself and I felt it ruined the enjoyment I would have potentially had if I went in completely blind, but I completely understand what you're getting at here and I'll try to balance getting enough of an understanding without simultaneously ruining the experience/surprises.

Trying out any new genre/game on stream is particularly difficult for me because I honestly don't really know the games I'd enjoy just by virtue of not playing a whole lot of games throughout my life.

Outside of streaming I'm pretty quick on jumping from one thing to another if I'm not interested in it, but for whatever reason I keep trying to force myself to keep on going if I'm streaming it (e.g. I tried to force myself to enjoy Hollow Knight on stream not too long ago and only ended up being bored/frustrated for 3 hours), I'll try to be more cognisant of this and better prepare for this situation cropping up and actually end it when it isn't working out.

I genuinely didn't realize I was getting the number wrong and I've actually rewatched this VOD a few times, I really thought I was just dialing the phone wrong until now. I'm also really happy to know that from That's not my Neighbor onwards that you thought the stream was great.

I'll try my best to find an optimal stream time where I can maintain that kind of energy level. I'll be honest and admit that I 100% need viewers to bounce of off in order to maintain that energy level, but as you mentioned in your TLDR I'll first need to do some work off-stream to get those new eyes on me.

I've honestly had some trouble with clipping and what to clip because I'm not 100% sure what other people find entertaining about me but I'll try to go through my current backlog and just clip whatever catches my eye instead of what I've been doing now (which is literally nothing).

I'm really sorry for writing a lot here and if what I wrote came off as confrontational or overly negative, I wanted to provide some extra context for what you mentioned, and I've always been really bad at conveying tone/emotion through my text

Do you mind if I ask what specifically I can do regarding production value? Admittedly, I know I don't have a whole lot besides a nice looking model, but I'm not really sure what needs improvement the most and what I should prioritize when commissioning some new assets.

>> No.71581296

I want to stream later but I feel like you guys won't watch me

>> No.71581337

Cheen please do something about the onlyfans foot guy

>> No.71581385

You have to admit it was fun that chat wasn't gaslighting you for once about the number

>> No.71581513

I really thought they were just making fun of me for not being able to use a rotary phone and not for messing up a 4 digit number.

>> No.71582096
File: 54 KB, 991x1221, ded95bc5e8b8d5b61d409d8ef577de32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place /asp/ies here

>> No.71582442

I am too sick to go and grab images so I will drop names and not elaborate. Top to bottom

>> No.71582950

just cover that part of your screen with your hand while you click

>> No.71583086


>> No.71583188
File: 752 KB, 1140x682, id die for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71583416

add me to the tierlist pleaseee

>> No.71583663

doing my reps

>> No.71583694

Post link and you'll be added

>> No.71584029
File: 46 KB, 448x448, Shvah Biig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71584082
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>> No.71584134
File: 311 KB, 480x480, tierpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jamie, could I get a pic update please?

>> No.71584138

Damn, that's a nice rocket launcher. Serious firepower right there.

>> No.71584139

Get out of my head

>> No.71584253


sry bro had to

>> No.71584594
File: 1.11 MB, 828x827, realandtrue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most objective and unbiased tier list you've ever seen

>> No.71584629
File: 424 KB, 500x500, AXEDMOKUBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71584636

Anon, take your meds. She’s not coming back from the kitchen fire.

>> No.71584792

I truly wonder what happened to her

>> No.71584900

what a lovely voice you have, anon!

>> No.71584906

wtf? is this some kind of curse? am i going to die tomorrow?

>> No.71585151

no! tomorrow all your dreams will come true

>> No.71585353

already had you added :)

>> No.71585680
File: 499 KB, 558x850, 1695900232066067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his secret?

>> No.71585695

Who live?

>> No.71585974
File: 2 KB, 120x120, ReguDanceChannel1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing 2hu game. Imperishable Night

>> No.71585978

networking, chatting

>> No.71586919
File: 7 KB, 272x238, kopa dragonquest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dragon quest 1 fun
i will try to beat it in one sitting

>> No.71586952

You guys just want me to fucking kill myself don't you?

>> No.71587053

do a flip

>> No.71587093

Do a half A press to get the shine

>> No.71587557
File: 179 KB, 329x399, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71587615

This isn't the tax evasion thread.

>> No.71587802

high production value
consistent stream mood
specialized in certain kind of game
networked well with larger chuubas (and streams at a good time to be raided by them and smaller chuubas)
consistently posting vods on his YT channel (with good thumbnails that probably costed him a fortune in skebs)

By bringing in his own viewers (my guess is that they were from a community he had been involved in for a long time) he was able to skip the low ccv doldrums that tons of aspie males get stuck in. This is really nice for the type of low energy comfy chuuba that he is. Comfy chuubas are always dangerously close to being seen as boring chuubas, and a lot of how they come across can be influenced by how many viewers they happen to have. A random viewer will give a guy way more of a chance if they have 10 ccv than they will give a guy with 2, even if their content is exactly the same. I have seen it first hand as I grew, viewers treat you so much differently once you have CCV to back you up. It takes lots of guys literal years to get consistent 15ccv and he got there in just a few months. Growth is considerably easier once you get to that point.

>> No.71587877

No we don't cheen

Alternatively, suicide pact I'm feeling like shit too

>> No.71587948

>high production value
You never watched him

>> No.71588043

I'm in that 10-15ccv zone and I feel like I'll never break out of it...my viewers keep cycling and I hate it...

>> No.71588076 [SPOILER] 
File: 106 KB, 532x124, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd die for you first

>> No.71588140
File: 35 KB, 112x112, 9b8c37b2-5402-4c1c-b5ce-2a333a057f49.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71588549

>expensive well designed model
>literal thousands of dollars of skebs
>on brand themed streaming assets

Most guys here don't even debut with a model, let alone all the stuff he had day one. He is clearly a step up in production value compared to basically every /asp/ guy I can think of.

>> No.71588636
File: 148 KB, 414x412, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will !

>> No.71588767 [SPOILER] 
File: 276 KB, 1000x1000, blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm flattered, but why would you die for me?

>> No.71588862

He spent thousands of dollars to average maybe 10 more viewers than I do. Probably wasn't worth it

>> No.71588951

no idea who this is

>> No.71589067

>maybe 10 more viewers than I do
Unless you're a girl I'm calling bullshit. 99% of the guys here can't reach his numbers.

>> No.71589068

Jamie you should put yourself on the tierlist

>> No.71589122

But what if the person in question is viewer chan?

>> No.71589195

Thousands of dollars isn't worth a 30 average even if I had 0 viewers

>> No.71589428

you guys are so obsessed with numbers that you can't fathom the idea of someone spending money on a hobby because they enjoy it. it's like you see someone that works a 9-5 at some engineering job and then goes home to build model trains and get upset that they aren't profiting off their expensive basement diorama.

>> No.71589480

Men should all die. They are ugly and smelly. One day humanity will evolve past them. And well have real catgirls too. Life can then truly begin. Human history that involves men is worthless. The future is bright. Men only make things worse.

>> No.71589611
File: 239 KB, 442x450, haram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71589637

Why else would anyone do it? Streaming isn't fun im here for the money

>> No.71589640
File: 622 KB, 1111x1200, fwofie 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no more being sad guys ok?
come watch me gamba and talk to me instead


>> No.71589687


>> No.71589815

be nice to my friend

>> No.71589961

fwofie is cute!

>> No.71590097

My apartment has an ant problem. I like to shave my legs and cover them in sugar and Nutella and watch ants cover my legs and crawl around

>> No.71590122

>apparently already follows me on twitter
Sometimes I forget how big I am on there

>> No.71590177


>> No.71590229

Well you only come here to tell people to kill themselves

>> No.71590253

Alright if you say so.

>> No.71590305

thanks for stopping by. mom i'm on the op!
sorry, twitch jannies already muted it. we'll see if youtube does the same.
do you still accept requests?

>> No.71590318

Next time post this when you're actually live and not just hanging on a start screen for 10 minutes

>> No.71590379

she is live right now though,,,

>> No.71590402

>post on /asp/ while your streaming
Are you retarded

>> No.71590437

>chonkazoid wasting food

>> No.71590679

You're ngmi if you can't figure out nobody wants to sit on your starting soon loop for half an hour and deduce that you should post your link before you're actually starting
You should have your shit together before you start streaming anyways

>> No.71590700

So Twitter is a shithole and I don’t want to wade through the art scam bots to find actual vtubers. What’s the etiquette for networking with vtubers streaming live on twitch? Do you let them know you’re a vtuber right away? Cause that seems kinda upfront like you’re desperate to find people to collab with. But if you don’t mention you’re a vtuber, I don’t think most people are going to look through their followers profiles.

>> No.71590788

Oh you're just dumb

>> No.71590935

no they're right I can't understand even the larger streamers who can sit on their starting soon for an hour and retain 100 viewers

>> No.71590965

Start your stream in a timely manner and maybe you'll be able to have more than 4 viewers in the first hour you stupid pile of shit

>> No.71591068

Why should we talk to you?

>> No.71591117

I sharted on stream but it didn't make a noise

>> No.71591127

Twitter is pretty much required. Talk in their twitch chat without telling them you're a vtuber and get familiar. If you have "vtuber" or "VT" in your twitter name (which you should), that will let them know you're also a vtuber when you follow them.

>> No.71591158

You sound fucking retarded.

>> No.71591237

She's got a sex voice and sex model

>> No.71591420

I have Twitter but it’s so fucking bad. I can understand using it to keep contact with vtubers that you’ve already befriended. But trying to use it to find new vtubers is an awful experience.

>> No.71591443

Why are you guys so mean? :(

>> No.71591451

I'm not looking for sex from a fake anime girl that wants money.

>> No.71591596

Yeah man you're so above it all here on the fucking vtuber board on 4chan

>> No.71591598

As oppose to a real anime girl?

>> No.71591630

there's one or two schizos that have nothing better to do but shit up this thread. just ignore them or report their posts if you think it's breaking a rule.

>> No.71591648

She sounds transgender

>> No.71591735

To get famous enough that people start drawing porn of your vtuber model so you can fap to it and know that other people are fapping to it.

>> No.71591774

We already got a schizo banned once by sheer amount of reports, remember to report shit posts!

>> No.71591773

Not understanding it isn't really an argument though. A "starting soon" screen is just a stream waiting room. If people are excited to see your stream they'll be there right at the start and can talk amongst themselves during that time. Most people who watch streams don't actually show up at the absolute start anyway which is why most /asp/ies use that time to run ads that won't be seen to kill off pre-rolls (if that's how their affiliate ad schedule is set up) and do some last second set up checks.

Obviously, if you don't already have an enthusiastic viewerbase then you should try to limit both "starting soon" screens and "brb" screens as much as possible. I've decided against raiding channels and seen larger channels decide against raiding channels that were on either because you're basically sending the stream to the void unless its a lead up to some sort of debut or big event.

>> No.71591922

Where's the lie? Vtubers aren't going to fuck you so there's no sex to be had.

>> No.71592083

Don't forget to report any post that disrespects your oshi, she'll definetely reward you for it

>> No.71592105

>OH God I wanna have sex with you! I wanna smash your anime box! I wanna give you money so you'll notice that I wanna smash your anime box!
If that's all you think vtubing is than yeah, I am above you.


>> No.71592113

I found it fairly easy, actually. Find an engagement bait post and go through the comments to find vtubers to desperate to make friends. You can also go through people's reposts to find others they know or just ride twitch raids.

>> No.71592233

I quite frequently repost those "looking for friends!" posts, just follow me for them! :3c

>> No.71592382


>> No.71592426

>because I can't have sex with thing means I cannot enjoy said thing

You have issues.

>> No.71592559

i miss ainslie uuu

>> No.71592574

Its no wonder this place got a rep as a coomer thread. What the fuck is going on in here.

>> No.71592622

Wanted to buy one of those premade stream overlays. For some reason the seller put their Etsy shop on pause. Even if they’re busy in real life there’s no reason they can’t just leave their store up and collect money for the stuff they already made right? Why would anyone do this.

>> No.71592744

just because the schizos are gone to wasp doesnt mean the gay erping is going to stop

>> No.71592878

>gay erping
but they are sexpesting a girl anon

>> No.71592919

No you're just a crab

>> No.71592970

"Please don't" Yeah I belong there.

>> No.71593016

Is it really sexpesting if she wants that attention for money related reasons?

>> No.71593041

Vtubing would be so much better as a hobby if women were all gone

>> No.71593193


Thank you anon, I will take your advice to heart.

>> No.71593281

And you mentally retarded but I still love you anon

>> No.71593407

>brought in viewers from another community
So he was never an /asp/ie to begi man with, just anothe grifter. Yawn.

>> No.71593726

If taken wrong that will just make for a weird vibe. Tryharding funny moments just feels off

>> No.71593828

how do i find someone to commission a vtuber model for me? or is it simple to set one up?

>> No.71594327

I’ll do it for tree fiddy

>> No.71594866

I love some of you. The others I don't hate but I don't necessarily have any strong feelings towards. Except maybe two of you.

>> No.71595280

If you are able to bring in a group of your friends to watch you you should. It would be stupid not to.

>> No.71595567


>> No.71595745

did my duplicate get removed finally? neat

>> No.71595964

>get depressed
>catch covid soon after
Hell yeh

>> No.71596196

Gumpai... this will not help your vocal fry..

>> No.71596384

No, it's still there, I just didn't put you in twice

>> No.71596483

I swear you niggers have been so mindbroken by trannies that everybody is a tranny to you

>> No.71596790

It's literally a /wasp/ie, he was calling her trans there too yesterday.
We have seen her stream for a few days and no one called her that until now.
Also I don't know if she got a different mic but she sounds more clear than before.

>> No.71597344

:c You placed me right though

>> No.71597518

God I wish I was living in ultra easy mode(american women mode)

>> No.71597588

You also have a duplicate?

>> No.71597761


>> No.71597827

I'm not opposed to taking your request, but I'm really, really slow to get this done between life and trying to have hobbies other than just streaming. If you don't mind that, drop a link, I'll get to you after Icefox

I didn't take any of that as confrontational, I'm glad to help. Stream time as I know it is mostly about picking a time and keeping to that slot, since your body will adjust for it after a week or so. You can also 100% rely on friends for recommendations, ones who know your taste, or your audience. They want to see you playing things, why not ask them what they think you'll enjoy?

I also forgot to mention that the first game at the VHS store is a really good example of being able to handle your own while playing something blind; the commentary and predictions were more what the atmosphere needed versus, say, KK64. I also wasn't trying to rag about the phone, I thought it was funny as fuck.

As for production value, I didn't see a zatsu screen, nor did you have a BGM running while you were talking about Metamorphosis and all. While I wouldn't force a BGM then, a zatsu BG and accompanying song to set the mood for pure, distilled chatting can go a long way. Check out royalty free sites for music, there's nothing wrong with that. 9/10 times it's perfectly good, and nobody will know or mind.

Clipping is a bit harder, but try to think of any time you smiled or particularly had fun, say, chat making you laugh or something. If you're having fun, they are too. Use stream markers in the stream manager tab on Twitch, it saves lots of time.

>> No.71598077

I already accepted it's not getting removed, so it's fun when I see people put me in two different tiers

>> No.71598277

same, its funny to see when someone is new to the thread and outs them in completely different tiers

>> No.71598389

well, poly and nova have different images, but fox and zettai are not so different.

>> No.71598413

Post link, get something in a future thread. I can't guarantee a reasonably timely response, but I can guarantee I'll try to watch and think of something

>> No.71598711

I've never seen her before in my life
She has that nasally fry that every transgender streamer has
It's very distinct

>> No.71598714

Almost like one is my streamer self and the other when I'm not

>> No.71599021

its Poly and Cooler Poly

>> No.71599288

>hell yeh
I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.71599304

When you learn mond is mtf trans irl it will blow your mind

>> No.71599454

It's male poly and "male" poly

>> No.71600156

she is not.

>> No.71600533
File: 3.08 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tysm again for the advice! I did have this to use for zatsu but I just didn't really ever get around to setting it up because I wasn't confident in my ability to do chatting content. I'll definitely be on the look for some fitting background music and game recommendations. I hadn't looked into clipping at all so knowing about the stream marker feature is a huge help.

>> No.71600662

I guess I'd say my latest Subnautica stream is a good one to review, since I had to try and be entertaining with a game that doesn't give you a whole lot to say.
If you asked me I'd say I'm an acquired taste and would never call myself funny, so even if it's not your cup of tea, I appreciate your time, anon.

>> No.71600732

Play terraria, everybody should play terraria.

>> No.71600848


>> No.71600851

Basil, that looks really good. Holy shit. Did you comm it or was it just an asset you found online? Either way, run with it.

>> No.71600913

Does anyone wanna coop Terraria? I call dibs on ranger.

>> No.71600971

I do not get why people consistenly thinks im her


>> No.71601011

Sell me on it. Still good if I can't find someone to play with?

>> No.71601100


>> No.71601238

I'd be happy to give it a try on stream, although I've only ever played it with friends and even then I still struggled a lot with stuff like fighting the bosses.

This was just something I found and bought online, but I agree that it's super nice and well done.

>> No.71601316

>Subnautica doesn't give events to play off
skill issue

You can:
- add jumpscare sound alerts
- add twitch redeem support
- just go into more active biomes and get pressed by the game

either one or all at once is endless clip material

>> No.71601513

Terraria is THE adhd game, it has farming, building, enemies, events, arena and mob advanced stuff, as well as the side of organizing 400+ items and different types of blocks. AND if you install mods it becomes assortment galore, it can become an RPG, it can be a full-on boss rush, or even the most advanced type of decoration builder in pixelart made.

>> No.71601907

I already installed Terraria again this week, but I won't stream it

>> No.71602057


>> No.71602878

I mean, I do have redeems, but just going off the game itself when you're just exploring or playing an objective, I found it to be more laid back. I got a couple good jumpscares in previous streams, but it's kinda like Minecraft where it's mostly chill unless a creeper sneaks up on you. Cool game though.
Sounds good so far. Any kind of roguelike/gacha elements? Might have to get it if there are...

>> No.71602954

Mond voice is unbelievably cute. She must be using AI or something

>> No.71603005

Wasn’t me, but >>71600732 is definitely something I would say. Sadly, I don’t think it would be great collab content unless we had teams racing or something to aim for.

>> No.71603170

This Rrat has already been defeated by her posting twitter clips

>> No.71603226

If you consider looting chests as gacha I guess it is

>> No.71603357
File: 217 KB, 1152x864, 05f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71603597
File: 5 KB, 224x225, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inspired by Hololive to improve myself and basically go through the entire idol dream experience with the hopes that I can someday become an idol either on my own or by joining them
>Become a vtuber during this time to help me figure out where I'm going
>They even got StarsEN now, all Tempus members are pretty cool
>and then two out of four of my favorite members leave
>and then ARMIS happens, I can't get the "please be nice" notice out of my head
>Tried to give them a chance but they all either have insufferable voices or insufferable personalities
>Want to keep going but feeling disillusioned that joining Holostars no longer looks as fun as it used to anymore
>lmao at the idea of actually trying to strike it as an english indie male idol without joining a corpo
what do I do

>> No.71603681

A babi.

>> No.71604051

every map is randomly generated
90% of the mechanics are tied to the luck one which, to this day, is still not fully comprehended
there is a pet that you can get after mining dirt, there are only 4 of this pet on every single world, and there is no way to know (without spoiling the fun) which dirt block you have to break to get the pet
almost all enemies have loot tables associated with them
you can equip different types of passives (six, upgreadable to 8) if you wish to personalize your build, and there are 4 common builds (summoner, ranged, melee, mage)
there are events that can trigger if you play on certain seasonal festivities

You should buy it, give it a try or two, and see if it's really your cup of tea.

>> No.71604254


>> No.71604328

hes not a babi until his new model is official.

>> No.71604789


Anyone have any resources for rigging a VRM for VBridger? It says it can be done, but I'm wondering if it needs something special.

>> No.71605286

>every map is randomly generated
Sold me here, but I would have bought it regardless based solely on your post being high effort.

>> No.71606064

gurgle gurgle reps

>> No.71606084

Terraria got boring 6 years ago, dont @ me

>> No.71606672

>Sadly, I don’t think it would be great collab
I believe that games like terraria or minecraft are the best for collabs, as they have so few things really happening on the high end, that you can chill on vc and have a back and forth chatting with the others while playing the game. because the clear moments when it's "ok now we shut up to kill this boss/deal with this event/survive this random situation" are pretty well defined, giving place to a mixture of zatsu + gameplay that can always be interesting, as long as there is a conversation going on. When being alone you need an active chat to have it happen, but in a collab it's a given that no one would want to have completely dead air so it's even easier.
Plus, things like "adding your name to our house if you chat!" or "2k redeem and we build your character pixelart" add ways to let the viewers also take place without having any ultra organized and short lived idea. Milk more the games when it's a possibility, that's one of the main things that mainstream chuubas do.

>> No.71607148

I'm perfectly capable of doing my hobbies in total isolation, and historically have. But if I've decided that there's a benefit to showing it to people, even if the benefit is just "it's fun" or "my hobby is entertaining people" and I'm putting in the work to make that happen, then of course I'm going to want as many people as possible to see it to maximize the benefit within reason. If I want to expand that benefit beyond the limited free time that I have, then I have to be able to financially support myself with my hobby as opposed to my job.

>> No.71607297

donkey jester anon are you here?
I think I got an idea of where to go with my design but I wanted to see what you thought.

>> No.71607392

I'm in the same boat. I want to make others as happy as hololive and others have made me but it's so difficult and both the people and conditions in corpos are making it difficult to decide if it's worth pursuing. I won't stop trying though.

>> No.71607422

>I can't get the "please be nice" notice out of my head
The what?

>> No.71607518

>no breasts
>not a loli
Not a babi.

>> No.71607621


>> No.71607760

pls dont stop streaming shvah i need my cute eldritch husband please keep streaming

>> No.71608231

When they revealed ARMIS, various Holo accounts put out an official notice to keep an open mind and to treat them nicely which has never been done before in the entire history of the company.
Naturally, one of them said some weird sexpesty stuff almost immediately, replied to drama baiters and wouldn't shut the fuck up about trying to force himself among the girls before his own debut. I'm not even exaggerating, it was such an embarrassment to be a supporter of TEMPUS and then watching that unfold in real time.

>> No.71608715

Don't watch them, but I heard from a Tempus fan that Goldbullet never shuts up about how gay he is and Ruze brings up gendershit on stream
Who's the sexpest?

>> No.71608750

goldbullet is like if one of the aspie sexpests here became corpo it is insane

>> No.71608780

Wasn't that one the Ollie nepo hire?

>> No.71608822

the red-head dinosaur one

>> No.71609871

this checks out

>> No.71610594

Who live?

>> No.71610768

watching Kopa rn.

Also daiya, mumkey and novaneko are live

>> No.71610861

K10ND1K3 is pulling numbers...

>> No.71611433

He used to lurk here

>> No.71611924

lurked for a good 10 minutes and he's barely saying anything and when he does he's just mumbling
how does he have almost 30 people watching

>> No.71612272

ty for dropping by!

i raided him and i think someone else did too. he has my eepy chat who like comfy streams

>> No.71612650

Were those the best they could find?

>> No.71612945

I've been thinking. Given Apex is one of the most popular games to stream, it would be a good idea to get good at it so that I could collab with bigger streamers who play it. Yes?

>> No.71613093

It's over bros, I'm hearing voices again...

>> No.71613144

Didn't you get banned?

>> No.71613235


>> No.71613355

I've never played it before

>> No.71614349

There's a lot of suspicions that StarsEN management just has dogshit decision making like with the terrible designs of the original four but the fact that 3 out of 4 ARMIS members are filipinos might be damning in its own way, it's far too much to be a coincidence IMO

>> No.71615025

Unless you're top ranked on a worldwide scale, it won't be worth it. You're competing with thousands of other streamers exactly because it's so popular, and the only way to differentiate yourself from the rest is to truly be great at it.

>> No.71615031

about to start watching videos on how to fix a nasally voice so people stop thinking im babi... i think it'll help with my singing and self confidence anyways, since i always hated it when i hear myself talk

>> No.71615109


>> No.71615403
File: 4 KB, 225x225, ineda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros sperging...

>> No.71615549

why do you guys suddenly dislike me??? I haven't been doing anything differently but my viewcount dropped so badly its like theres no one in my chat. What do I do to change this?

>> No.71615625


>> No.71615633

holofes is this weekend

>> No.71615692

Post name and you'll get a reason

>> No.71616145


>> No.71616158

its obviously ineda

>> No.71616229

Not having an angel model doesn't mean you'll stop being menhera, Gumpai...

>> No.71616293

i refuse because theres at least one schizo who will say mean things about me but im sure if you wanted to you could find it out.

>> No.71616465

The fact that stars picked up these 1 views says a lot about the applicants talent level

>> No.71616515

asking politely if someone can punch me out so i can fall asleep tonight (again)

>> No.71616528

Time to go back to the drawing board. Experiment with streaming days/times. Look for little things you can do to make your streams better or more appealing. It can be anything. Improve your audio, get new graphics, update your model in some way, stream games people want to see etc. Minmax the fuck out of your content.

>> No.71616793

Spreading Nutella on Gumpai's freshly shaven legs and watching the house ants crawl all over her...

>> No.71616997

As much as I would like to have someone to play with, you're shit out of luck if you think you're going to get good quickly. It will take at minimum about 500 hours of grinding to not get destroyed immediately and to be a streamer/play with Apex streamers you need to be much better than that.

>> No.71617181

Don't forget about challenges. The world has been in dire need an OnlyUseMeBlade for at least the past 10 years. Now more than ever.

>> No.71617325

There are plenty of people who do Apex challenges. HisWattson and ItzTimmy both finished their solo Bronze to Preds this season. HisWattson has done tons of them.

>> No.71617752
File: 19 KB, 317x717, the mystery boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oooh! mysterious!!

>> No.71617814

Very mysterious Claudette...

>> No.71617843

Evil Claudette HATE

>> No.71617993

Shadow claudette after killing the real claudette

>> No.71618058

Heartless Claudette. Which means there's a Nobody Claudette somewhere.

>> No.71618141

Thanks for hanging out with me tonight, everyone, and for all the raids as well :] I'm a very lucky robot.
Please pardon the mumbling this time. I'm still trying to get better at speaking and I developed a pretty nasty headache about halfway through. However, I hope to still maintain the same relaxed atmosphere as I do now when I get my zatsu reps in. I'm really bad at it haha

>> No.71618244

It's ok, they posted that when you'd forgotten to change the scene for your art. They probably didn't know you were actually doing something else.

>> No.71618254

I want to make stuff so bad. I want to get over my paralyzation and just do it. I don't care if anyone sees it anymore, I just want to get over myself.

>> No.71618440

Oh! I see :] Thanks for the clarification. Still valid criticism, nonetheless. I'll do my best.

>> No.71618456

im going crazy...

>> No.71618517


>> No.71618974


>> No.71619117


>> No.71619121

Can you go crazy if you already were

>> No.71619265


>> No.71619271

Who m I who am I who am I I have been having continuous nonstop existential crisis for the past 8 years nonstop never pausing for break im losing my kind someone help I can't get out im locked in locked in locked in body drip time felt nothing nowhere noone im dying please let me die someone save me I don't want to die im drowning nobody sees help please someone help help help help help im trusting im pulling out the tresses of mine mind hell helping Seth no more no more the lake the lake of ice drowning down sinner cry frozen help scan the fetters ahhHahhHahhahzh house ami down oh my God there's no way out does anyone else see this does anyone else see this there's no way outwe cannot get put we cannot get out we cannot get out we cannot get out we cannot get out we cannot get out we cannot get out

>> No.71619336

licky licky

>> No.71619373

Gumpai... that might be enough internet for today.

>> No.71619398

he loves ARMIS

>> No.71619452

please start streaming again so I can watch you...

>> No.71619520

You never watched me. Nobody did

>> No.71619560
File: 8 KB, 353x130, haiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the haiku is relevant again here

>> No.71619668


>> No.71619714
File: 57 KB, 183x214, awoo warrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another sneak peek!~

>> No.71619878

crazy how gumpai always posts here after being a huge ngmi

>> No.71619889

Why do you think that is?

>> No.71619921

You already know.

>> No.71619924
File: 239 KB, 513x567, evil plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was always a nobody anon.. muwahahahahaa...

>> No.71619986


>> No.71620011

She can't post in /wasp/ because the girls there genuinely hate her. We just poke fun at her.

>> No.71620020

>You're a nobody Claudette

>> No.71620060

I genuinely hate her. Her affinity for stabbing people in the back is unmatched

>> No.71620066

qrd on why women hate her?

>> No.71620204

They like Denpa more and use Gumpai as a punching bag on how not to act. It's good advice but it's still mean spirited in nature

>> No.71620270

menhera in the wrong way

>> No.71620293

She really likes burning bridges
Denpa is just as bad
Anyone that says they genuinely like either Denpa or Gumpai as a person is lying to you

>> No.71620500

It’s telling to see her typing style after every failed stream

>> No.71620573

Many /wasp/s are outright bad people. Gumpai just gets singled out and has that in-group leeway removed.

>> No.71620763

>that in-group

>> No.71621569

im glad i can mask my menhera behind someone else...

>> No.71621719

I honestly wish my menhera posts wouldn't be used to attack someone else and specially not someone as me hera if not more than me.

>> No.71621795

Gumpai likes the attention.

>> No.71621889

/asp/ doesn't actually hate Gumpai. They just have fun with her mental illnesses. I don't think she'd see it as an attack.

>> No.71621894

Still makes me feel bad, just like how people attribute other posts to me.
I long gave up on correcting those post because they are clearly made with the intent of baiting me.

>> No.71622674

she has been pretty straightforward with saying she wishes people wouldn't talk about her here anymore.

If that's "liking attention" you've sure got a unique perspective.

>> No.71623148

I disliked her at first but now I like her and think she's really trying to be better

>> No.71623256

It’s obviously her replying her name to posts, check her twitter likes she’s online right now

>> No.71623311

... you're kind of a weirdo aren't ya?

>> No.71623421

thread's dying so I can say whatever I want

>> No.71623545
File: 652 KB, 782x787, Brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71623571

literally me

>> No.71623705
File: 146 KB, 449x433, wanwan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we can eat peanut butter together, i made peanut butter ice cream today!!

>> No.71623732

dont look at me like that

>> No.71623792

You would be a peanut butter dog

>> No.71623863
File: 307 KB, 1080x1080, claudettecry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love LOVE peanut butter, it's an obsession really. chocolate and peanut butter are great, i own a reese's hoodie, hat and Pj's. i am fully reese's core.

>> No.71623983

peanut butter isn't good for you.

>> No.71624024

so is chocolate! wolves aren't supposed to eat it but i engorge myself on chocoalte and peanut butter, i'm probably gonna die but goodness me i cannot get enough!

>> No.71624129

I swear I saw a post from someone here saying they haven't pooped in 8 days and were using a peanut butter only diet to stay constipated. Did I dream that or was that Claudette? If I dreamt it then I'm adding it to Claudette's lore anyway.

>> No.71624183

if i don't poop i bleed......

>> No.71624268

Both this and that are being added to the lore. Sorry about your internal hemorrhaging.

>> No.71624362
File: 167 KB, 350x355, waaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

infinite sads

>> No.71624432

I don't know anything about Stars, do they frequently take in literally who vtubers as talents? Do any of them do anything particularly special? If not maybe I'll start applying.

>> No.71624607

I don't think they actually take in 1views and anon's just memeing, but generally most female EN members were in the 2view - low 3view range since that's enough proof that they can capture and maintain a small audience, with the exceptions being the people who have a lot of great talent or experience in other relevant fields like singing or voice stuff.
As for the Stars, god fucking knows what they're actually thinking in there, but most of them still have the same amount of experience the girls had

>> No.71624696

Low effort imho

>> No.71624718

Okay, thank you. I'm a pretty consistent 2 view as a male but I don't have a lot of traditional idol experience so far, maybe I'll hold off on applying.

>> No.71624745

>I don't have a lot of traditional idol experience so far
randon and lando didnt either, you're fine

>> No.71624849

no rush, take your time. i appreciate any feedback.
the vod's split into two, unfortunately. internet connection went down in the middle of the stream.
i have to admit right now though, i'm pretty much allergic to any kind of clips, shorts, etc. i know it's a debuff, but i really cannot bring myself to use this format.

>> No.71624877

Definitely don't fucking join a group you secretly dislike, idiot.

>> No.71624888

I'll think about it. Have they historically had any femboy talents?

>> No.71625017
File: 449 KB, 537x1024, 鏡見キラ_立ち絵素材_2D_01_resize-537x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71625020

Flayon is their current and only femboy, JP stars has a few feminine dudes but none I would explicitly call a femboy like Flayon is
