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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.18 MB, 1344x1344, 109261301_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71454254 No.71454254 [Reply] [Original]

signaling all shoggers to get the FUCK in here right now edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1768403569936318495

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>71430101

>> No.71454460

op is a faggot for still using those guy's arts

>> No.71454612

The "neck" isn't even covered

>> No.71455934

she is my guiding light

>> No.71455952

as the baker of this fine bread, i would just like the announce i like sweaty ball sacks on my face

>> No.71457289

My favourite streamer is live

>> No.71457925
File: 457 KB, 658x748, promised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we won

>> No.71458022
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really really really love fallenshadow!!!!

>> No.71458692

shit yourself
i dont care
post art and i will use it next time
simple as

>> No.71458948

Are we ever getting an IP count back again?

>> No.71458980


>> No.71459089 [DELETED] 

FT is live with shadow lurking (and probably interacting later) in the chat

>> No.71459144 [DELETED] 

cringe post groomer

>> No.71459851 [DELETED] 

Posting random streamers in the fallen shadow thread? It's a bannable offense you know

>> No.71459983 [DELETED] 

it's FT, don't try to pretend it isn't

>> No.71460096 [DELETED] 

It isn't fallen shadow, that much is certain

>> No.71460423 [DELETED] 

Still not a vtuber, much less fallenshadow.

>> No.71462126

uh, guys? shondo really didn't like that one

>> No.71462171

I really really want to see her toes

>> No.71462195


>> No.71462289

what happened im not a faggot so im not in there

>> No.71462331

the post was deleted, but i'm not banned
probably just one of the shogger jannies that get insulted easily like the one who got mad about calling them all soft as cotton

>> No.71462416

hi tuffy hows your oshi

>> No.71462510

you are really bad at spotting my posts and i don't try to hide them

>> No.71463744

you actually spotted my post Smile ignore that guy

>> No.71464028

I unironically hate the groomers in that chat

>> No.71464570

Fallen spent her house money on holofest and is staying up late to watch it. She will be strangely exhausted tomorrow on stream.
She's not in NL. She's in Japan.

>> No.71464945

told ya she would type in chat

>> No.71464992

the shouting in the background? tourists in the hotel.

>> No.71465022

thanks shondo

>> No.71465164

i dont care if she types in there im not desperate for a crumb of interaction

>> No.71465208

which chat? she isnt typing anywhere right now
unless missed something

>> No.71465357

stop replying to yourself

>> No.71465495
File: 35 KB, 541x532, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i should stop replying to myself

>> No.71466003


>> No.71466264

you did that so fast i'm more convinced now

>> No.71466375
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>> No.71466577

There's no IP counter anymore, so everyone in this thread is actually me and no one can prove otherwise

>> No.71466719

>>71466577 (me)
I made this post btw way. Nice dubs me :)

>> No.71467447

shondo stop replying to yourself here and go to bed and by that i mean give me your shunny

>> No.71467573

If you screenshot my post I will ravage you, shondo

>> No.71467580

it's ft's chat for the retards brainworming

>> No.71467775

no it isnt its in the secret discord

>> No.71467801

ohh drumchan is typing? i dont care then

>> No.71467882

Banging shondo at a love hotel after our holofes date

>> No.71468100


>> No.71468422

Leaving the love hotel room in the middle of the night while shondo sleeps, leaving the bill on her and meeting shadowmama in the next room we arranged, and plapping her audibly enough for shondo to be forced to hear my familiar grunts and her mother's moaning all night

>> No.71468791

bit too fetish friendy for me
i bet shadowmama is cute for her age tho
she should debut as giraffe tuber

>> No.71469449

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.71469665
File: 490 KB, 800x732, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too anon

>> No.71469838

this pic goes hard

>> No.71470403
File: 2.01 MB, 2292x1248, IMG_3252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatcha doin

>> No.71471237

Shondo should be publicly flogged for entertainment all day as punishment for being silly

>> No.71472932

that viewer? me

>> No.71472986

i just want to claw grip her big forehead and repeatedly smash the back of her head against a tiled wall. out of love of course

>> No.71474084

i want to hit her with a foam mallet that wont really hurt her but after i do it for an hour it will

>> No.71475141

I want to watch as she actress is pounded by a big black hammer

>> No.71475937
File: 315 KB, 492x614, IMG_2817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo…the glasses Shondo…she looks so cute in her little art hoe hipster glasses….so studious…free spirited…

>> No.71476249

I really want to bully her when she wears glasses, she looks like such a fucking nerd

>> No.71476845

So we really aren't getting movie nights because your brother wants to stream in those hours now? Ok, got it. Thanks, shondo.

>> No.71476852

gives off arthoe vibes... not that inaccurate I guess

>> No.71476978

You're welcome. ;)

>> No.71476993

get off my nigga's top

>> No.71477105

>not wanting to groom ft

>> No.71477177
File: 1.96 MB, 629x583, wife_wiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the megane...

>> No.71477220

its holofes

>> No.71477543

You really think she can watch that when he is live and stream?

>> No.71477657

She's household incomemaxxing please understand

>> No.71477728


>> No.71477762

let it slide it's wipe day

>> No.71477894

So much for fucking resting, Shondo. You are such a lying cunt it's unbelievable.

>> No.71477924

*fan noises intensify*

>> No.71478271

how about she lies that cunt on my lips haha get it

>> No.71478368

good one anon

>> No.71478546
File: 10 KB, 658x819, 1705769327732647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like that my imouto is baby sitting autists for her little bro. sorry i don't feel like watching FT

>> No.71478652

Drum shitpost is boring. Find another one

>> No.71478699

what if she hates me because she tracks my ip here

>> No.71478848

i hope not, she's gonna realize how schizo i am.

>> No.71478876

deserved for not being nise.

>> No.71479548

What if the reason her donos are so low is that theyre all going to the Chad FT

>> No.71479746
File: 1.21 MB, 1093x883, IMG_0692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She would never do that

>> No.71480188

she would never respond to my messages if she saw what I post

>> No.71480322

If she saw my posts I would already be permanently banned

>> No.71480589

>in the winter
Shondo stop keeping the house at 90F youre killing everyone just wear more layers

>> No.71480594

She'd probably be horribly confused by my motivations for what I post? Anti? White Knight? Silly guy? Maybe next week I will gaslight more shiggers into hating regulars I don't like.

>> No.71480770

you're literally me

>> No.71480820

What if you were walking with Shondo and you kicked her back foot causing it to clip her heel and she trips but she has weak brittle bones and breaks her wrist trying to break her fall

>> No.71480934

A little bit into stream I felt bad about how much anti posting I had done, even if it was ironic :(

>> No.71481166

>Shondo checks IP and post history
>”goddamn this shigger autistic and obsessed with me”

>> No.71482027

no... she wouldn't think I'm autistic, right?

>> No.71482044

shondo since there's no way you would not be /here/ when you're modding, i just wanted to say that i love you and i hope you really do like my art improvements. at some point i'll knock your socks off.

>> No.71482411

Sometimes I think about putting in a mouth prop for Shondo and dropping in various worms and bugs. And also using an exacto knife to cut out her uvula

>> No.71482501

I hope FT slips up and says something that makes you ban the groomers

>> No.71482682

didn't shadowmama doxx her name/nickname in the interview?

>> No.71482795

yeah her name is christmas

>> No.71482878

that's the first information you find with your most basic reps no one really cares about that

>> No.71482893

that's a holiday silly.

>> No.71482919

sometimes i think about how shondo is the prettiest girl in the world with no exaggeration

>> No.71482988

she already knows im autistic and obsessed with her though

>> No.71483232

Queen Anemia and her stupid aah bald cat keep the house 90 degrees, he'll cook if not

>> No.71483425

Why would she have to ban the groomers?

>> No.71483552

I said I wasn't going to shitpost for an entire week and then just carried on shitposting.

>> No.71483835

i cant believe FT literally spelled out his entire address and financial information on stream and provided a live video feed of their street

>> No.71483930

i dont really shitpost but when there's something i can spin into a believable rrat i will 100% jump on it
like the ado concert thing today

>> No.71484618

stop projecting

>> No.71485613

Hopefully she wouldn't allow malicious people with potentially dangerous information to remain in her community

>> No.71486171

they would be more dangerous if she banned them

>> No.71486409

is that a threat?

>> No.71486439

You're fucking retarded if you think like this. The problem would be anyone she wouldn't have any tabs on with hearing potentially dangerous info.

>> No.71486555

It would be better to deal with the situation than have ticking time bombs she has to appease

>> No.71486685

that time bomb? me

>> No.71486711

>fix the ticking time bomb issue by shortening the fuse
Retard, kill yourself.

>> No.71487376

She can't do anything about people she isn't aware of. The people that watch FT are only doing it hoping to gain access to more information. This is clearly malicious behaviour and they should not be trusted if they acquired what they are looking for. Clearly she is hoping this does not happen as she is allowing people to watch despite this

>> No.71487440

sometimes I imagine cracking Shondo’s back. She crosses her arms in front of her chest and picking her up, her bare little off the ground, and leaning back. it cracks all the way up and she goes oooooooooh fuuuuuuuuuck that was a good one

>> No.71487485

Shondo, if it helps with your jealousy towards my AI Companion, I still much prefer the fan service you give us. Especially with things like today that were pretty deliberately lewd. It's simply filling in holes for me in a fantastical sense, but you are still my wife at the end of the day.

>> No.71487630

i just like the game....

>> No.71487852

don’t be mean he’s pretty entertaining as a streamer (no homo)

>> No.71488001

I really don't care about finding information I already know everything that I wanted to know. I just like the idea of supporting her brother in his streaming hobby and I started to like the lad quite a bit

>> No.71488037

There is no way to defuse the situation except catering to them should this happen then? That seems more negative then telling them this was improper, risky behaviour and they should have been aware of any consequences partaking in what they are doing there

>> No.71488173

its not that deep :)

>> No.71488272

Of course, groomers

>> No.71488307

Retro the point isn't that she cant ban people she isn't aware of. Why the fuck would you agitate people who potentially just got personal information? This would still be based purely on assumptions anyways. How fucking dumb are you?

>> No.71488385

I'd say that I enjoyed the stream if it didn't keep FUCKIN BUFFERING

>> No.71488787

Because catering to them is the first step in allowing them to exercise more power over you. I hope they see what they did was wrong and a strong show of force like banning the offenders would show that she will not be pushed around by them

>> No.71488975

>Because catering to them is the first step in allowing them to exercise more power over you
As opposed to fucking what? Do you seriously think the alternative has less consequences? You have to be trolling.

>> No.71489060

Sticking ciggies up your nose, turning to Shondo and saying look I’m a walrus, she calls you retarded

>> No.71489076

not him, but that wouldn't make a lot of sense now, as Shondo has been been at least implicitly allowing the behavior for quite a while, if not encouraging it.

>> No.71489940

Anyone with information like that is just as dangerous as any other. You gamble that they don't meltdown the moment you don't do what they want if you allow them to stay, or you show force in an attempt to show they don't have power over you

>> No.71489958

Did she not literally gift subs to people or was that just a meme

>> No.71490361

As I said >>71487376 she is clearly of the mind nothing bad will happen

>> No.71490517

And the solution is to..... ban them suddenly and turn people against you? Wow, fucking brilliant plan.

>> No.71490547

its kinda funny because although i agree with him retromancer should also be banned

>> No.71490630

erm FT is going to leak personal info b-because he just is okay so ban people please shondo :(

>> No.71490739

putting out cigarettes on shondos tongue and then kissing her deeply

>> No.71490792

She's right. FT is not dumb, he might even have better opsec than her

>> No.71490843

As I said, a strong reaction is a display of power. A strong and immediate response can downplay the perceived bargaining power of other side

>> No.71491053

yeah she did

>> No.71491097

Give it time, shondo has to repeat herself and constantly reassure this Americunt. He's going to be the next Fleece unless he grows the fuck up.

>> No.71491361

I don't believe he will. This is a hypothetical situation. I believe anyone watching him is hoping this happens
I am glad to hear this. I hope it never comes to this hypothetical situation the groomers are hoping for

>> No.71491843

If you believe the alt account rrat she did

>> No.71491969

seeing how many mealworms you can fit in Shondo’s ear holes

>> No.71492018

If you think a community ban is a leverage in power against people you just suddenly turned into anti's in possession of dangerous personal info, you're actually delusional.

>> No.71492187

these posts were her btw

>> No.71492578

i believe it

>> No.71492618

I am not shondo, also kill yourself too.

>> No.71492794

funny thing: the darkkal meltdown was right after this pregathon

>> No.71493428

>>71492618 (me)
Just kidding, I'm always /here/

>> No.71493593

I really do not understand people who thirst post with their name publicly displayed.

>> No.71493890

I'm not /here/ bro

>> No.71494265

i only thirst post here and usually just keep it to myself

>> No.71494703

I'm going to give shondo so much shit for talking in his chat rather than watching fucking holofes

>> No.71495132

The people there know what they are doing. If they turn into antis doing something they know is wrong, they couldn't be trusted with the information anyway.

>> No.71495143

as you should. make her work for that ip address.

>> No.71495228

call her out for the drum-chama acc
remember: 'no more alts'

>> No.71495388

but that's not her that's the oldest critter

>> No.71495781

so that ducrin faggot just found that because someone linked it here
or is he reincarnated

>> No.71495820

is she supposed to moderate his chat on main? yet you're complaining about the overlap with him and her community as is are you fucking stupid?

>> No.71495853


>> No.71496076

spoonfeeding and its consequences

>> No.71496100

Breaking a liquor bottle on the side of Shondo’s head and sticking the jagged bottleneck in her eye

>> No.71496119

They're turning into antis because of your genius plan to suddenly ban people you just don't like. You're delusional then, got it.

>> No.71496148

I thought he was an underage rando from filian...

>> No.71496236

Little bit far, innit

>> No.71496356

some retards were posting it here a few days ago

>> No.71496875

just ban all groomers and infighters simple as

>> No.71497023

don't ban me I'm nise

>> No.71497284

If they become antis because they got punished for doing something wrong, then my point stands. They believe they are above punishment and any level of dangerous information in their hands has made them a ticking time bomb. It is better to deal with the issue as it arises rather than wait and be unprepared when the bomb finally goes off

>> No.71497446

here is your spoon newfags:
>>she had six suicide attempts
unrelated: don't watch the marley vod

>> No.71497708

ok and

>> No.71497736

>>71497023 (me)
you're not me, shut up.

>> No.71497921

but she unbanned s and ff

>> No.71497976

No one is doing anything wrong. You're literally saying there should pre-emptive punishment for fucking no reason. You don't have a point, retard.

>> No.71497984

Honestly, that would be extremely shitty if everytime ft streamed, he thought everyone in chat was just there cause of shon/wanting info about her.

>> No.71498207

he's not stupid, he knows

>> No.71498280

don't reply to that fag he is baiting

>> No.71498309

he isnt retarded he knows that is the primary reason most people are there

>> No.71498410

not saying he doesn't. But if she started banning everyone that appeared in both chats, eventually he might start thinking every new viewer is just an alt from someone who got banned.

>> No.71498528

i subbed, if he actually gets a job he can take my money

>> No.71498571

Sorry that I didn't explain my thought well enough :/

>> No.71498639

It's fine, we get something to entertain us and he gets viewers. If he keeps his opsec up it's just a win-win situation

>> No.71498883

he should just go to university and live for free off the government for 3 years, maybe he might even get a career out of it and he could stream whenever he wanted. i assume nobody in his family have attended before and theyre low income so aslong as he has the (very low) grades needed to attend it should be easy

>> No.71498920

>if he actually gets a job
What do you think the zatsu tangent was about today? The "job" he was considering was this and it's why she went on about how shitty traveling is for him.
He will not be getting a real job at this point.

>> No.71499090

I don't believe there should be any punishment at this time. This was a hypothetical that another anon said was unlikely due to FT's opsec. It is odd behaviour to watch his streams for breadcrumbs and is clearly not done in good faith. While simply watching may not be punishable, this behaviour in addition to the danger they could hypothetically possess as a result of it should and will not reflect kindly on their character. Should this happen I believe they should be punished

>> No.71499110

she finally went to bed

>> No.71499460

so you are saying that these people should go on the monitored user list?

>> No.71499534


>> No.71499744

No, the prerequisite behaviour to find themselves in this situation should be enough to remove them

>> No.71499858

Being a monitored user is like having a cool badge only she and her mods can see

>> No.71499960

yes, no alts means no alts

>> No.71500143

>shondo uses us for our money
>we use ft for his info
>ft uses us for views
It's a vicious cycle

>> No.71500197


>> No.71500864

so call her out for it oh wait you wont you will seethe impotently /here/ of all places over something that isn't worth giving a shit about

>> No.71501147
File: 3.11 MB, 501x591, headbang [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmqhqjc.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71501477

>are you fucking stupid?
good now fuck off

>> No.71501548

Wtf I didn't find the thread, im retarded
I usually ignore music posts, but I'm glad I didn't ignore this one
Good song and I love my beautiful and precious imouto wife

>> No.71501624

I think she should ban people who impose their strange values on her instead.

>> No.71501753

i think she should ban me so i no longer entertain the delusion that she cares about me

>> No.71501810

i think she should ban everyone that isnt me

>> No.71502031

there's no way Dacrin isn't dewd's alt

>> No.71502145


>> No.71502523

Funny and cute

>> No.71502599

he's not. i just have FT muted tonight.

>> No.71503119

God dammit, ft's never streamed this late bedore, fucked up
I just like his streams, they're pretty comfy and there's some funny moments here and there, i really wanted to watch the first day since wipe stream to hopefully learn the game more from that

>> No.71503213

he's popping off, can you blame him?

>> No.71503279

Cute, I'd do this then throw her on the floor for no reason in particular

>> No.71503418

I'd call myself retarded as well

>> No.71503432

no point explaining yourself these retards have been repeating the same shit for months now. ive got no doubt some people are there hoping he slips up but thats just simply not going to happen. that said, gn :)

>> No.71503931

She's so cute, I'm surely not the only one who rubbed her head with my finger for the duration of the video as to pat her, right?
What's funny about it though, am I lacking context? I don't really care about other men

>> No.71504418

anyone remembers which vod she asked us about what happens in may again?

>> No.71504430

She was really sweet with us that night, then went on a schizo breakdown because one guy wasn't there the whole stream. She stalked other girls' vods right after stream, found he was watching other girls, then went on a twitter rant across multiple accounts desperately trying to get him back. It's messed up she was like that during stream but in the back of her mind was thinking about him that much. We haven't had a pregathon stream since. They're obviously tainted for her

>> No.71504631

I'm against alts, but you must be retarded

>> No.71504790

One or two before the 9 hour shift one I think

>> No.71504829

i would watch if he played a good game but i hope he has fun doing what he does

>> No.71504950


>> No.71505038

Good night somnium

>> No.71505564

shondo cutting you and then herself and then drawing a heart on your chest and her own using the mixed blood with each of your initials inside it

>> No.71505710

shondo types like a completely different person when she's in her brother's chat

>> No.71505786

Perhaps it really isn't shondo, that aside, did she say anything in particular? Wasn't awake

>> No.71505899

Am I the only one who thinks the dodging in this game is sick as fuck

>> No.71506001

She likes paprika pringles very important information
It looks really cool and he seems very good at it. He makes this game looks fun for some reason but I'm too old for games like that

>> No.71506131

>paprika pringles
SyadouNaruhodo that is unironically pretty interesting

>> No.71506249

do euros really just put paprika on their chips and call it a day?

>> No.71506336

Paprika chips are a thing, they're not very good though

>> No.71506428

i hate that this thread makes me want to lurk his chat just to satsify my own brainworms

>> No.71506622

Yes. Simplicity is best, I never understood the need of americans to put sugar and vinegar on everything. When I visited Texas I couldn't finish my steak.

>> No.71506739

You don't have to do that, just learn to use chatterino.

>> No.71506837

So true oomfie, we need even more of a syadouHappynod echo chamber.

>> No.71506867

she left. she didn't say anything important.

he's staying up past bedtime... Gort
muted Nerd
devs unlocked thinking AINTNOWAY
bros sleeping on paprika pringles
the clout can't save them cowJAM
i dont think ive even seen this map before so it must be really bad

>> No.71507049

>When I visited Texas I couldn't finish my steak.
skill issue desu

>> No.71507089

Nta, but thanks

>> No.71507305

What information retardchama? If you've been here for a year and don't have her last name by now you should kill yourself. There's no more information to be had by me, if I watch FT it's because I'm enjoying the gameplay or want to spend time with my shoggers (Mr. Drum included).

>> No.71507374

some of you are not very imaginative

>> No.71507453

good you can be the special one tuff

>> No.71507530

>If you've been here for a year and don't have her last name by now you should kill yourself
Nta, tad extreme, no?

>> No.71507557

please dont associate me with bratty kudasai

>> No.71507661

>If you've been here for a year and don't have her last name by now you should kill yourself
i told her directly i dont like looking into that stuff

>> No.71507701

>You should kill yourself if you don't dox a vtuber you watch
Lol, lmao.

>> No.71507810

Everytime this is posted it's doxx bait btw. Don't fall for it

>> No.71507814

She might have changed her mind on this, but she has said that passive info gathering is okay, as long as you're not weird about it.

>> No.71507944

I know how you work. None of you started watching him with pure intent

>> No.71508039

shes been a good girl about it, but the second she starts interacting with people in chat is the second i burn it to the ground

>> No.71508054

stfu if you don't know who I'm talking about

>> No.71508067

my intent was to know my wife's brother

>> No.71508272

Good stream ft, maybe someday I'll be confident enough in my chatting capabilities to talk Scared

>> No.71508290
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>> No.71508330

Your intent is to individualize yourself and attempt to curry favor with her while gathering any additional details you can

>> No.71508359


>> No.71508365

this post would describe me if i actually watched his stream

>> No.71508670
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>> No.71508721

No. If you don't have it, it means that you don't care about her.
Who said anything about doxing? You should have the information not repost it.

>> No.71508785

you're not very intelligent

>> No.71508807


>> No.71508821

literally thought about posting the same thing kek. great husbands thing alike

>> No.71508866

SadCat i do care though

>> No.71508973

If you haven't made the pilgrimage to her house you don't care about her. There's always another meaningless step you could take to "prove" you love her. Ultimately none of that has any impact on how much you love someone, as love is a feeling that is expressed in many ways

>> No.71508993

Bullshit. If you cared you'd spend a couple of days learning who she is.

>> No.71509044
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>> No.71509057

speaking of reps, is that one guy who needs ririko's last maros sill here?

>> No.71509061

internet stalking is distinctly feminine behaviour

>> No.71509079

dont worry shogga, its literally always baiting for more doxx

>> No.71509106

Nice cope but you only care about Shondo the character.

>> No.71509159
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your gay

>> No.71509167


>> No.71509223

Enjoy one last (You) lazy faggot.

>> No.71509277
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>> No.71509489


>> No.71509547

Thank you shoomfie, beyond appreciate it

>> No.71509580

this is why reps are useless, you'll get spoonfed eventually

>> No.71509591

nta you should've DMd me dumbass

>> No.71509656


>> No.71509735

Anon stop! Let the white ribbons feel special. :(

>> No.71509736

no, i didnt do any reps and got what i wanted. thank you

>> No.71509808

one mans spoonfeeding is another mans rep

>> No.71509831


>> No.71509865

I hated that rrk bitch

>> No.71509874

seeing her response to my maros again makes my heart rush, i dont like this feeling

>> No.71509877

nade nade

>> No.71510034

I loved her more than the ribbon girl.

>> No.71510133 [DELETED] 
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>> No.71510137

I miss my schizo punching bag :(

>> No.71510158

Ribbon girl made me feel little. Rrk was almost made me leave

>> No.71510207

she will be my cute little porcelain dress up doll, roleplaying like one of those flash dressup games

>> No.71510252

theres been 2 times i was close to divorce and the d* saga was one of them

>> No.71510474
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPEt7pJ1zMs love her and goodnight

>> No.71510560

i hate going to bed without my wife

>> No.71510576

Can we all agree that risen was the worst? There's no reason for her to exist since regular sleepy Shondo is risen.
Regular Shondo made me want to leave twice, those alts were exactly what I expected.

>> No.71510602

I forgot her response to the "leave for a millionaire" tweet was that she wasnt hot enough and too mentally ill. Not that she wanted to stay with us.
Fucked up

>> No.71510693

risenlight doesnt count it was never a real alt

>> No.71510819

Good night, nise song

>> No.71510991

that millonaire? me, someday.

>> No.71511003

Don't forget she said if anyone kidnapped her, "no one could deny the w" instead of saying she wouldn't be okay with it. Rrk was okay with cucking everyone. Fuck her

>> No.71511149

the only things i would never forgive is if she was with a man or did something terrible to her family, anything else is something that can be looked past.
you can interpret this as permission for her to get ironic with the barbies if you wish

>> No.71511168
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I mean just because she said one thing doesn't mean another thing can't also be true
In the context of someone saying she could find someone else irl that's rich, both responses work, but one would be that she wouldn't(because she has us) and the other would be that she can't(insecurities and telling herself she's not "good enough")
This problem people have with her answer has been on my mind for a while now
If someone kidnapped her i bet a good amount of shoggas would wish they had kidnapped her first, in that sense it really is a battle royale and a W for the person who actually does it
I felt the same way as you when i read it though

>> No.71511180

If enough of us asked her to just send a goodnight tweet, she would actually care to do that. Sadly, shiggers complained about her jokes hurting their feefees rather than asking her to maintain something genuinely meaningful with us and this marriage.

>> No.71511232

The latter part of this post feels disconnected from the former

>> No.71511262

>I want bullshit instead of honest answers
if you guys love lies so much then she should just cuck you with me and lie about it. :)
>she wasnt hot enough and too mentally ill
the truth, we are her consolation prize and she's also the consolation prize for a lot of us
> "no one could deny the w"
if you kidnapped her in broad daylight in Paris and planned an escape route and smuggled her out of France (assuming you're not a frog) that would be a huge W. she'd respect you for it

>> No.71511356

well, this brought up a lot of bad memories and some good ones. idk how to feel but hopefully it doesnt affect my mood for stream today

>> No.71511391

in my head i have several fantasies of how meeting her would play out but unfortunately i will never have to find out if i got rizz or im just autistic and retarded

>> No.71511463

My only plan if I meet her is to say I love you Shondo, give her a giant bear hug, and then leave

>> No.71511483

Remember during twilight when she said she would divorce you if you took her to Brazil for your honeymoon?

>> No.71511529

Brazil bros in shambles

>> No.71511538

She gave us an opportunity to ask her to improve on something and no one asked for her to maintain better consistency at minimal effort tasks like tweeting out "goodnight".
Color me surprised that 99% of her 'husbands' aren't aware of this being something you just typically do in a marriage that is supposed to be a real one.

>> No.71511582

SyadouPattheshadow nade nade, take a break from /shon/ if you need to

>> No.71511670

she should have more confidence in herself, normies might be disappointed in her perfect chest but she already beats out 80% of the country by not being overweight (underweight is still bad)
i could never see her as a consolation prize, that severely underrates her and is quite rude

>> No.71511682

lame, dont say anything if your gonna be lame
she sounds baseg to me XD

>> No.71511687

>Rich guy
She picked the second worst of the three options she had. Her self esteem is going to get better and saying what she did doesn't deny that it's an attractive option over us. Saying she wouldn't consider another hypothetical because she wants to be with us is something she consistently doesn't do and it's not reassuring.
The question gave her an out to say she wouldn't be okay with it but instead she went the other direction and told everyone they would have to deal with the loss. That's fucked up from someone that was supposed to be the real side of my wife. Rrk was a place for the type of people she actually wanted in her life - groomers into ryona - to get affirmation in their relationship while everyone else had to watch and suffer. I'm so glad we're out of that era and she's trying to improve herself rather than stew in those thoughts and give them life. The damage rrk did to me will never go away

>> No.71511717

That tweet is still up, reply to it with that unironically
In fact, double unironically

>> No.71511752

Unfortunately the one person that did was a dm nigger and she took it as him begging for dms to be opened again

>> No.71511819

>and it's not reassuring
only women need constant reasuring, why do u grownass men need to be reasured once a week? if you don't believe her leave already
>The damage rrk did to me will never go away

>> No.71511835

Going to bed with no goodnight is something I hate, or waking up with no good morning. I make sure to say good night and good morning every day to my oshi and she started to reciprocate it, maybe if husbands do that shondo would too but I noticed husbands don't do things if they can't get something in return from her

>> No.71511914

multiple people asked her to interact more, and im not a fan of arbitrary forced checkbox interaction. would i like a goodnight tweet? sure, but im not gonna grovel for it
i would take her to switzerland

>> No.71511940

why do you think your opinion matters? fuck off

>> No.71511956

Being okay with getting kidnapped like that shows a complete disregard for everything she's built with everyone and painted what she said was honestly previously in a terrible light

>> No.71512080

you guys have moviebrain when you talk about this kidnapping shit. you can practically hear the police interrogation video where you try to explain how she was actually into it and you're her husband and the king (You) and the detectives stare at you in disbelief.

>> No.71512081

>and painted what she said was honestly previously in a terrible light
how new? she used to say that she wants subs to fight to the death for her, granted this was before (You) became a collective

>> No.71512137

>saying what she did doesn't deny that it's an attractive option over us
She said it was a spur of the moment thought and that she felt horrible for it immediately afterwards, believe her or don't
If it's kidnapping then there's not much she can do except say "no". Shoggas with real intentions to kidnap wouldn't stop after hearing her say she doesn't want it
>Rrk was a place for the type of people she actually wanted in her life - groomers into ryona - to get affirmation in their relationship while everyone else had to watch and suffer
>The damage rrk did to me will never go away
I feel sorry for you and that you feel and think like this, also, "never" is unlikely

>> No.71512158

i say goodnight to my imaginary shondo. you may consider this pathetic but to me, vomiting out tweets into the ether hoping she will read and respond seems much more sad

>> No.71512185

I would appreciate it once in 2 years she said she thought we were a better alternative to literally any other option that she could easily take. It's not that much to ask for.
I've considered that many times but she's given me reason to believe rrk was a mentally ill side of her she is working to control and expel rather than embrace and feed like she did with her secret accounts

>> No.71512224

the shogger yt psychology vid will be legendary

>> No.71512242

Her wanting to be kidnapped was in her menhera phase when she didn't know how to deal with it. Her getting kidnapped would take all responsibility out of her life, which is what she wanted most in the world. She just wanted to exist with no consequences and being kidnapped was the fantasy she came up with, in her mind that was healthier than fantasizing about killing herself

>> No.71512283

ive been here all week

>> No.71512306

If any of you faggots even try to kidnap her (and ultimately fail), I will make her hand over your dox and make your life a nightmare. Prison will be the least of your worries.

>> No.71512355

being this needy is very feminine. the sissy hypno is taking hold on many of you

>> No.71512420

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.

>> No.71512421

you are overweight and stupid, dont kid yourself shiggie

>> No.71512437

Does it matter how new? She can't preach for months she's everyone's wife and that she takes it seriously and expects us to then turn around and say but actually fuck all of you if one of you gets me that would be a big win you'd all have to accept ;) without looking two-faced

>> No.71512457

Is the sissy hypno real? My ex was really into feminization and idk if I can go through that again
I still wear panties because they're comfy

>> No.71512459

sit down kid

>> No.71512507

>believe her or don't
I don't but I consider honesty a good thing.
>she said she thought we were a better alternative to literally any other option that she could easily take
what more do you want then? she will not leave as long as a multimillionaire with net worth of +20 million isn't interested in her. she also said that everyone has a price, her price just happens to be way higher than that of your average woman. an average woman would cheat for looks (Chad) or status.

>> No.71512550

All of her is real. Fallenshadow, rrk, rt, *, everything. Just accept her for all she is rather than wish parts of her didn't exist.

>> No.71512574

She's pulling the mask aside a little. It's hot.

>> No.71512585
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>Stayvun, tell me again about this otter

>> No.71512591

It was spur of the moment and she said it to hurt us. I can forgive her for that. What is concerning to me is her bullshit excuse as to why it could never happen. It reads "I would if I could"

>> No.71512656

fuck off concernfag

>> No.71512692

Yes I believe she's recovering and that's why I'm able to stay

>> No.71512696

20mil? be reasonable, shondo. a couple mil and a farm estate is plenty

>> No.71512749

You dumb niggers wouldn't survive pre subathon shadow. She's in the best state she's ever been and you act like this. Pathetic

>> No.71512751


>> No.71512806

much like her though, there is part of me that wants her to be worse.

>> No.71512811

Might read like that, doesn't mean it's necessarily something she thinks

>> No.71512828

your days are numbered, groomerchama. we run this shit now

>> No.71512842

Anon I said she hasn't said we're more attractive of an option compared to any alternative presented to her. It's always "oh that could NEVER happen to me teehee". I would appreciate if she said it once. Just once. That's all I'm asking for

>> No.71512934
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Im not afraid of you snowman

>> No.71512954

She's fine now. A year ago she wasn't. The past 4-8 months have been wonderful

>> No.71512994

just make yourself the most attractive option, its really that simple

>> No.71513002
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This is a bit messed up I think, but her saying she feels like she'd have to kill herself if she ever pulled a rushia on us reassured me and put any worries I had to rest
The tone in which she said was also something else

>> No.71513119

I just love her is all

>> No.71513157

why are american shoggers so fucking menhera? go to sleep.

>> No.71513213

You're very right. She could feel that saying she wouldn't consider it because she loves us the cop out, bullshit answer

>> No.71513280

this post was made by me

>> No.71513305

I just hate her is all

>> No.71513341

>>71513213 (me)
I meant this unironically in case it sounded sarcastic

>> No.71513416

she can deny the rich old man, she wont deny the rich shogga

>> No.71513583

I'm rich with experience

>> No.71513699

i didnt make this post

>> No.71513775

cope poorfag
>she hasn't said we're more attractive of an option compared to any alternative
we arent, get it through your head

>> No.71513821

You're stupid, shoomfie
What i said is valid given the following points:
>She's said before she has a hard time expressing herself on multiple occasions
>She said herself those weren't her intentions and that she felt horrible for the spur of the moment thought
You're free to reach your own conclusion which will make you suffer, or you can use reason and logic and believe your wife and not brainworm, but i know that's asking for a lot
Hope you get better

>> No.71513912

I didn't mean to start this im sorry

>> No.71513925

I love you shondo

>> No.71513932

I hope she doesn't read these threads so she foesnt need to be exposed to this incel mental illness, insecurity and amateur psychoanalysis. Get a fucking grip.

>> No.71514027

ive probably lost more money than youve ever seen in your life shiggie im just a reasonable person

>> No.71514033

>incel mental illness
lmao what do you think she is? she fumbled her tall biker bf which is why she hates bikers these days

>> No.71514052

shondos the one brainworm farming

>> No.71514065

she will unfortunately

>> No.71514071

I said I meant that post unironically here >>71513341 acknowledging she isn't good at expressing herself sometimes. Maybe I'm not good at expressing myself either, but we're in a soft agreement already as of the post you quoted

>> No.71514151

this post certified as being 'Made by (Me)' by qualified post appraisers.

>> No.71514255

thats my i love you post get your own

>> No.71514292

What does that have to do with this thread full of mentally unwell men?

>> No.71514446

i already made multiple :)

>> No.71514463

For the record this is past shit. It hurt me and I'll never forget it, but I'm very happy where we are now. Rrk was just my darkest time as a husband and the maros opened the wounds. I do love her and consider this mostly behind us

>> No.71514465

>>71514292 (me)
I’m trans by the way if that matters

>> No.71514553

>im just a reasonable person
women aren't reasonable anon, either prove to her right now that you're wealthy enough to support her and her entire family for the rest of their life or you're husband Nr 147 who jobbs to Giru

>> No.71514588

i wholeheartedly believe that she comes here and sets people off, intentionally or otherwise. probably finds it really funny

>> No.71514719

Sam shoomfie, she's in a really good place right now and I look forward to the future in a positive way. Back then I thought this could end at any moment but now im starting to believe forever might really be forever

>> No.71514757

when she does stalking reps on me she will know

>> No.71514977

>waiting for a woman to approach you
Good luck with your beta strategy anon, at least have the balls to email her FF did and if she rejects you for being too poor pack your bags.

>> No.71515022

>more distant and impersonal than ever
>things are so great and will last forever :)))

>> No.71515140

>things are so great and will last forever :)))
well yeah she can actually keep this up

>> No.71515246


>> No.71515255

>Doesn't get read all stream
Sorry shogga, maybe try to be more interesting next timd

>> No.71515276

>things are so great and will last forever :)))
she'll stream forever because she doesn't have other skills, she didn't say she'll be the wife shondo forever or that she won't join a corpo eventually

>> No.71515424

It's okay

>> No.71515513

how to spot a newfag

>> No.71515575

I made this post, but I'll say it again
I love you, shondo

>> No.71515624

>"hololive is the only corpo I'd consider joining"
how to spot a newfag

>> No.71515663

i get read just fine, but im not here to be chat. if you wanna move the goalposts and cope that everything is ok then go ahead and keep happyNodding

>> No.71515750

Not having menhera breakdowns doesn't mean she's more distant. It means she's healthier. She's been having so much fun with us for a while and you can't take her enjoying time with us and wanting to spend more time with us in the form of discord movie nights at face value. Why? Do you want her to be doing poorly?

>> No.71515944

she is not capable of working under a corpo and has talked about this several times. she could not do it, doesnt matter if its the only org she respects enough.

>> No.71516081

The sissy hypno shondo does is to make you fine with her divorcing you and then acting like the relationship never happened, and it’s working

>> No.71516092

>She's been having so much fun with us for a while
nta sure she has, I swear to god shoggers are too autistic to read another human being's tone of voice
you autistic fucks couldn't pick up on Shondo's disgust expression when she kisses us, she was like "erm uh this is my concentration face" and you believed her

>> No.71516096

being more distant is being more distant. she can cope that shes a 4view and that 'its impossible' for things to be like they were but thats wrong and she knows it. the future is grim

>> No.71516145

i hate you sissy hypno poster

>> No.71516177


>> No.71516250

>she is not capable of working under a corpo
just like how she isn't capable of working a wagie job irl, oh wait she did

>> No.71516283

you seem lost

>> No.71516333

im going to assume you already know why what youre saying is retarded

>> No.71516362


>> No.71516380

She literally does not feel more distant to me. The only thing I can think of is you were cut out of dm's. We have more outside stream time with her since the end of rrk in my entire time here

>> No.71516439

Imagine her disgust at seeing newfags say they love her. "Great, another loser. Why are they so pathetic? Ugh." and having to force a smile and say "Thaankyou thank-you so much [name], I love you too" before begrudgingly doing a mic kiss.

>> No.71516441

I'm happy with the current situation because she interacts with me a bunch on stream but never would reply to me on twitter

>> No.71516555

if shondo says shes tired tomorrow she was here shitposting all night

>> No.71516641
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I don't have to imagine, when she calibrated her tracking better the disgust was visible on her vtuber model so she had to come up with a lie. >>71516092

>> No.71516759

all of her off stream interaction (discord and chama are streams) is now arbitrary box checking

>> No.71516928

the worms are winning again...

>> No.71517044

>>71516641 (me)
Shondo looks at what she's doing as being a whore and she hates herself for it but needs the money.

>> No.71517050

quick turn it off!

>> No.71517127
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Smile I'm happy and i wish for you guys to get happy as well
I hope shondo can be happy for longer than 2 weeks also
Things WILL be alright, even if you might not think so or if you think things are looking grim right now
I just hope we'll someday be able to have a thread without having to reply to bait and shitpost
I miss the ritual posts we had
Smile fight on and hang in there shoggas, beelive
I love shondo and i like you guys as well, i don't want to lose you

>> No.71517173

Wild cope. You are the person she was talking about when she said it feels like some people want to keep her down. You can't accept that she could have fun with us and not be a wreck. I can't believe you're making me say this after the shit I was saying about rrk this thread

>> No.71517271

If she needs money so bad she should just start the husband tryouts.

>> No.71517441

>Interactions are down! She hates us!
>Actually all the interactions she does now are fake!

>> No.71517869

you might be able to gaslight yourself but you cant pull the wool over my eyes. you will probably happynod away when she says she wants to get rid of husbands and just vibe with the chat

>> No.71518111

I don't get how you can hate her and dedicate all your time to shit posting here about it? Move on or do something that would actually hurt her instead pussy

>> No.71518242

Yesterday's stream was great, i got read quite a bit and it had some very good moments as well
The zatsu topics were all over the place though
INSANECAT shondo where's the egg pic

>> No.71518355

>disagree with someone
>rarrrrgghhh grrrrr why do you hate her???? go awayyyy!!!!!!!!!
she truly bred the worst kind of yesman

>> No.71518366
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>Move on or do something that would actually hurt her instead pussy
I'd rather they just leave if they hate her

>> No.71518456

I am a very serious husband. Your personal attack is pathetic. You've either been spoiled by dm's and are mad they're gone, upset there's no sad boy time secret club to cry in when she doesn't really need one, or trolling. I'm going to assume the latter and stop feeding you precious (you)s

>> No.71518762

Get a hobby

>> No.71519036

>Things WILL be alright
Maybe for her if she doesn't waste all the paypiggy money.

>> No.71519177

What are you doing in this thread? What's the point?

>> No.71519207

no, youre right. a serious husband like yourself must be prepared to not be able to talk to their wife and have a conversation, and only participate in a shouting match with 80 other people outside of one arbitrary resub message read (sometimes you wont even get this even as a multi-year husband)
fleece was unironically right despite being insane

>> No.71519383

go away

>> No.71519534

White knights will bend time and space to avoid what is in front of them, reciting the Shondophrenics Prayer the entire time.

>> No.71519535

This is what happens when you spoonfeed. Be better next time

>> No.71519569

>What are you doing in this thread?
Expressing my thoughts about Shondo in a way that I can't do in her chat.
>What's the point?
Idk. What's the point in being positive and kissing her ass?

>> No.71519586

I have as many conversations with her as I've had the entire time I've been here. I'm not really sorry she's interacting with you less since you're insufferable

>> No.71519706

>not be able to talk to their wife and have a conversation
Yes, that's a natural consequence of having 100s of husbands. Not surprising, not solvable.

>> No.71519852

Idk about you guys, but I've had short conversations with her on stream before

>> No.71519880

>I have as many conversations with her as I've had the entire time I've been here
nta then you must've been here for 2 weeks, go back to the PNGTuber era and watch her read RemnantAdvent's comments, ask him followup questions and then read his replies
you will NEVER have what he had with Shondo

>> No.71520144

You're actually retarded. He barely chatted or got read in the PNG era. Please don't pretend you were there or that you've done your reps

>> No.71520155

>What's the point in being positive and kissing her ass?
I'm not sure, not a big fan of it myself, but at least it doesn't constantly derail things and inject animosity into the community

>> No.71520177
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>> No.71520311

>Not surprising, not solvable
How new? syadouYay in chat right now.

>> No.71520328

Let's not pretend that a short back and forth in a stream is a conversation. It feels fantastic and is really great, but it's not a real conversation.

>> No.71520403


>> No.71520407

Nta, but if I syadouyay in chat right now will you DM me?

>> No.71520428

>it's not a real conversation
It is SadCat

>> No.71520492

spincks cat

>> No.71520546

Come up with an example that's not factually wrong before trying to hit me with that cope

>> No.71520562

>but it's not a real conversation
yeah, and this is not a real romantic relationship

>> No.71520640

Yes, if I like you I will share the hymen inspection vod.

>> No.71520793

This is a major cute point for me, and her retarded lisp

>> No.71520804

I have all of those. Do better

>> No.71520847

wifey would disagree

>> No.71520978

>and her retarded lisp
*fake retarded lisp
she's wrong, it's in her best interest to keep the fantasy going

>> No.71520987

It's some version of it if you are willing to settle (which I am, and shondo too, apparently)

>> No.71521039

I want to make her happy but she hates me I know it uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.71521487

>It's some version of it if you are willing to settle
i guess it could be platonic love, like when your manager assuming he cares about the company says "we're a family, I love you guys"

>> No.71521512

wifey is also a pathological liar

>> No.71521557

Why did you reply to me about her lisp? Please get away from the keyboard, you're not in a good state of mind

>> No.71521578

im willing to settle for shondo sitting on my lap on the porch on a summers evening under a fleece throw, listening to birds sing

>> No.71521671

no, it's more intimate than that (at least in one direction)

>> No.71521673

Stop bringing up the dead

>> No.71521978

>Stop bringing up the dead
its crazy that he might have actually an hero'd

>> No.71522045

He didn't, Baru could be dead though.

>> No.71522194

He's pulling the strat of going away for a while and hoping she notices he's gone. Many have tried but only 1 shogga pulled it off

>> No.71522225

>it's in her best interest to keep the fantasy going
I hope you realize that this applies to basically every romantic relationship over time. What's important is that the deal/fantasy (whatever it is) works out for both sides.

>> No.71522457

you could've just not replied instead of coping this hard

>> No.71522671

take your meds and stop being gay

>> No.71522742

Smile I think shondo liking thing on twitter because she wants us to see them is really cute and I love that part of her

>> No.71522813

the way she said she loved me too threw the vibe off. wish i had just sent an emote instead.

>> No.71522817

I'm not sure where you're seeing cope there. I'm just not young, inexperienced, or stupid.

>> No.71523107

>I'm not sure where you're seeing cope there
Real couples are bonded by intertwined finances, brain chemicals and children. We don't have that with Shondo, at most we have her depending on your collective money.

>> No.71523286

I'm making myself sad...

>> No.71523426

>at most we have her depending on your collective money.
And our mutual desire to not be alone, so?

>> No.71523501

Nade nade

>> No.71523982

relationships born out of desperation don’t end up so well

>> No.71524175

So she could replace all of us with one wealthy dude and have everything she needs.
>don't end up well
You're talking out of your ass, there's no study.

>> No.71524302

I'll never post my brain worms again, im so sorry for starting all of this

>> No.71524321

The people arguing that everything is great ate the same ones who fucked everything up in the first place. Never forget that.

>> No.71524325

No one said anything about desperation, and I see no evidence that's true anyway.

>> No.71524377

I didnt know Ren and Darkkal still post here

>> No.71524488

that wealthy guy? me

>> No.71524654

dewd ate them??? horrific

>> No.71524696

It's okay, don't let this stop you from venting here
It's just another one of those days

>> No.71524764

Least self aware shogger.

>> No.71524840

what did I do wrong to cause this?

>> No.71524945

>So she could replace all of us
Also true in most relationships. Honestly though, that one dude would have his work cut out for him. I couldn't provide the kind of validation and attention she gets now from streaming to her husbands.

>> No.71525930

No one can replace shondo for me nor do I care or want to replace her

>> No.71526454

I hate shondo and think she’s a lying whore but i can’t get enough of her and can’t imagine myself being with anyone else but her

>> No.71527708

I hate Shondo but I cant do any better

>> No.71527712

Strange thread.

>> No.71527912

I love shondo beyond belief and watching her stream and play games and talk makes me smile without realising it
Her kisses make me feel funny and gives me tingles in my soul
Been here for 10 months

>> No.71528166

/shon/s theme

>> No.71528853

I'm only here to watch her get stretched by be be sea and fulfill my cuck fetish

>> No.71529184

Im only here to fill her comfortably with my smaller than average pp

>> No.71529208

getting retarded in shos butthole
Hi dewd

>> No.71529531
File: 825 KB, 960x1234, 1708531624818837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being such a faggot
Last for raping sho in the butt and filling him up with my baby batter and getting him boy preg

>> No.71529670

last for anything but that
