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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71450004 No.71450004 [Reply] [Original]

>It's like I had a whole other life that turned into a nightmare, guess that's what woke me up
What did he mean by that?

>> No.71450098

Enna dumped his fake black ass for a REAL black guy, Vanta

>> No.71450111

>I should capitalize on people hating that hellhole I was in, so please like me for vague reasons UwU
That's what he meant

>> No.71450141

He's trying to pretend he wasn't a huge part of the problem at Nijisanji.

>> No.71450185

Doxsisters won't like this comment, delete this.

>> No.71450392

I hope he gets good views so it shows all the Niji Talents it's better on the other side. But I also hope he gets hit by a car afterward.

>> No.71450480

If mysta can barely hold 1000 what the fuck will this retard hold

>> No.71450521

"I wasn't part of the Clique, please like me"

>> No.71450550

Your right. lol

>> No.71450591


>> No.71450610

i hate kyo and niji as much as the next guy, but just from 4chan i know he clashed with niji pr a lot because hes a cringe grifting zoomer that likes saying edgy things to get a reaction out of people. he only didnt get sacked like sayu because hes part of the clique but they still stealth suspended him and suppressed his speach. no one likes having their free speech limited, we all know this

>> No.71450716

Don't care, fuck that Nijiwigger

>> No.71450818

>Enna's flesh dildo wasn't part of the clique

>> No.71450828

As long as he doesn't screw Sayu anymore I'll allow him to exist.

>> No.71450843

>grifter "professor" desperately trying to stay relevant in the 2D scene by starring in his lore
kek, the homofag probably wishes he were treated badly and could skim off the ex-niji boost

>> No.71451452

The guy was petty enough to send her dox to antis, participate in the resulting harassment and mock her attempts to clear her name. All over mild banter during a golf game collab. He is absolutely going to fuck with her again if he gets the chance.

>> No.71451592

Same. If he only agreed to trash Doki like 39iq did only to tell them "fuck off" now that he's free, I'll say "based".

>> No.71451747

Your not a real Sayufan faggot

>> No.71451798

did Mysta's numbers start falling after his face reveal or was it a build up?

>> No.71451888

>a cringe grifting zoomer that likes saying edgy things to get a reaction out of people
So the average /vt/ anon?

>> No.71451922

Don't kurocolor have a 6 month non compete?

>> No.71451958

The cucker got cucked by the new cuckee...

>> No.71452013

non competes aren't even enforceable in Japan though they put them in contracts a lot

>> No.71452067

>Current viewership 4300
How long do you anons think he'll keep that number?

>> No.71452291

He had to take one more shot at Selen as he leaked info to 39Daph so she shit on her as their grassroots counter campaign. It flopped hard. He never got punished for this shit, so he'll never learn to not fuck with people. He'll keep on doing it.

>> No.71452380

Aethel will do everything he can to boost him up. Same with Vshojo ex-Nijis but he will fall off to 2k in a month if not less. He can always go full flesh.

>> No.71452441

Less than a month. He wasn't the most liked NijiEN male even among the sisters, and after a while his popularity relied entirely on being Enna's accessory.

>> No.71452538

Indie scene is cut throat and he will be eaten alive if he tries any of this this is not his polite uphold the imsge corpa

>> No.71452672

Thats grim for day 1 debut

>> No.71452812

With the exceptions of Aethel and Shotou, Male Indies generally have a hard ceiling of 600 or so. He might be above that for a while like when Randon returned but eventually it will fall in line with the norm

>> No.71452978

IIRC it was higher at one point, like he peaked at 11000? But if it went back down that hard then I just don't think he ever had much of an actual following.

>> No.71453017

Yeah, but it's not worth the paper it's printed on, even if you don't make the obvious "Enna got mogged by printer paper lol" joke.

>> No.71453099

Yeah, he turned Zaion's life into a nightmare. I hope he rots into obscurity and can never hurt anyone ever again.

>> No.71453167

got raided several times and boosted by Matara too. kinda grim, yeah. but okay for a mediocre maletuber I guess? Sayu is already going 2 Kuros sometimes

>> No.71453169

Given the wording of the contract, it only applies to joining another company. I assume he's indie currently? Either way it's almost certainly unenforceable.

>> No.71453172

He stopped doing schedules, took a long break, started being very inconsistent, and changed his content

>> No.71453266

>Kyo just redebuted
No link

>> No.71453285

My brother in christ, he IMMEDIATELY shat on Enna after her racist joke both on stream and on his PL. Then clearly didn't practice what he preached when it finally happened to him. His "free speech" that was suppressed was his ability to fucking destroy other people's careers without consequence, and unfortunately he got it.

>> No.71453400

Still quite a bit, honestly. Far too many for that asshole. He doesn't even deserve to be a 2view. 9 viewers maximum.

>> No.71453679

I second this, where? Kuro was all over vt, this dude is a ghost basically

>> No.71453760

kek wasn't he part of the clique? Of course defending kurosanji is not in fashion atm so they're all trying to distance as much as they can but that fag didn't have it bad at all.

>>My brother in christ, he IMMEDIATELY shat on Enna after her racist joke both on stream and on his PL.

I'm pretty sure he "educated" Enna publicly and through PL was shitting on Zaion when that situation developed but anyway dude is a giant faggot.

>> No.71453927

He'll learn his lesson the hard way sooner or later. The indie scene doesn't have to abide by JP corpo culture so if he starts in with his petty faggotry he'll get absolutely smoked for it.

>> No.71453943

https://www.twitch.tv/quinnbenet already ended. PikachuPotter tuber

>> No.71453979


>> No.71454200

wtf is this model..

>> No.71454249

He's using a subtle metaphor to say he didn't like working at nijisanji

>> No.71454340
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>> No.71454462

What was the zipper for? What is he opening on his ear?

>> No.71454592

Hot Topic Harry Potter

>> No.71454735

Didn't this fag knife Sayu in the back? Not really interested in what he has to say, he seems the type to just look where the crowd is going and pretend he's on their side no matter what.

>> No.71454781

Harry Potter but if he was a faggot.

>> No.71454909

I'm upset that he didn't graduate later. Fucker enjoyed the benefits of the clique, ruined Zaion's career and came off relatively unscathed. Now his vague and hypocritical commentary will earn him pity points. At least he didn't join Vshojo

>> No.71454936

I was told he was white, but I was not prepared for this level of whiteness

>> No.71454986

For his own good he better stick to that MO. Or else.

>> No.71454992

Some people should definitely speak less, he's one of them. He's a bitchy snake. All he wants to say publicly is doxxing and calling people racist.

>> No.71455089

since it's his pl account someone should superchat and ask does doxxing other people make you popular.

>> No.71455130

Jesus. He paid money for this? This makes Magni look like a masterpiece.

>> No.71455146
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>At least he didn't join Vshojo

>> No.71455149

>Vshoujo apparently are going to boot him up
>But Froot collabbed with Doki and Zentreya collabbed with Sayu
Should I expect a civil war by proxy within Vshoujo?

>> No.71455218

No. The people here are actually bigoted. It isn't just for reactions.

>> No.71455241

Hes too irrelevant even for vshojo standards. They will only accept luxiem males.

>> No.71455312

In retrospect, imagine what would Zaion be right now if she stayed? I'd imagine 3-4 times less viewers than now and 4-5 times less income. Willingly or not but I do believe he did her a favor.

>> No.71455333


>> No.71455621

Try to wedge Matara away from him if you want to save her from him damaging her.

>> No.71455633

WAOH! Can you believe there are BIGOTS on le heckin internetarinos? Oh my GOD morty *cums in your path* we need to BASH these facist chuds!

>> No.71455747

He seems friendly with Matara who is quite vocal about how shit niji was and how vshojo saved her
And nyanners bf who always shits on niji

>> No.71455754

Fuck Matara. She should publicly denounce Enna and Millie first.

>> No.71455877

stop talking like a faggot

>> No.71455907

It would not be surprising if things start getting a little bit awkward there.

>> No.71456017

Holy hell that's awful, yet it's a perfect fit for a turbo faggot like him.

>> No.71456022

I felt a slight awkwardness when he said CyYu.

>> No.71456029

>Doxxed Zaion
>tried to do a smear Champaign using 39IQ again Dokibird

He is playing the victim card now !? the fuck?
if he is the victim then I'm Joe Biden.

>> No.71456128

I'd wager he'll have at most 25% of that by the 30 mark or so, which will be where it normalizes. Not really because of him specifically; that just seems to be pretty normal.

>> No.71456163

I respect your opinion, but Sayu is on record saying that she doesn't think her current success was worth going through what she did. Nor does she think any amount of success will ever make it worth it.

>> No.71456194

Has to be one of the alphabet people

>> No.71456214

I don't care, this faggot doxxed Sayu and told 39iq to shit-talk Doki. Fuck this wigger.

>> No.71456367

if he wants to be somewhat forgiven, he needs to talk about who are the one that did it, if not then fuck him too.

>> No.71456441

Is the irony here that he was the nightmare

>> No.71456476

He wont. You can bet Niji made sure he aint gonna talk unless he wants to get sued by them.

>> No.71456570


>> No.71456641

Aethel and Matara will learn what he's really like eventually. I just hope for their sake they don't learn the hard way like Sayu did.

>> No.71456774

Why would he care? He's already busy making buddy buddy with the big /LIG/ and normies. As long as nobody looks too deeply, he's just going to shut Sayu out to save his own ass.

>> No.71456789

Also, fuck Kyo btw

>> No.71456798

>Sayufags crying again
Holy shit. Move on

>> No.71456826

So, Vshojo is just NijiEN 2.0
Vshojo is going to going to get criticism and deservingly so

>> No.71456962

He also mocked her document on Hex's bday stream https://youtu.be/IyynD83X-uI?t=408

>> No.71457044
File: 376 KB, 1280x720, Zaion MySkyHasNoLimit[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgauapk.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71457082

Fuck off Nijinigger.

>> No.71457175

Quin is going to "slip" up and refer to Zen as a dude.

>> No.71457219

Vshojo already got a ton of shit around the time of Nyanners and Veibae. If they continue to poach ex-NijiEN talents, the more yabai ones in particular, then they're just going to end up back where they started, with drama and all.

>> No.71457285

Matara's a cunt who still hangs out with the clique
Fueling the harassment and doxxing campaign was absolutely not doing her a favor, what the fuck are you smoking

>> No.71457291

is he talking like a real nigger yet?

>> No.71457323

kinda cute

>> No.71457405

> Fucked Zaion by leaking her dox
> Tried to fuck Doki by using his friend 39Daph to slander her
> The little he achieved in Nijisanji was thanks to his simping for Enna
> This wigger is back with a full setting, even including emojis. The work of many artist he commissioned
> This first stream was shilled hard by Matara, the submissive roach to the clique's will

This wigger is some sort of Niji OP

>> No.71457441

Would be interesting to see Aethel do his homework when he does a stream, and begins shitting on Nijisanji, and invites Quinn on, only to ask him some hard questions on his past conduct.

>> No.71457481

I guarantee you that is a momo. Did not think honeys could get worse but they pulled it off.

>> No.71457626

Is there any actual proof he actually did those things? The only thing I can recall is that he allegedly laughed when he heard about it, though I may be misremembering

>> No.71457656

The irony is that even with tons of people shilling for him, he can only just beat or only just get close to Doki buying Steam games.

>> No.71457828

ok kyo now fuck off from 4chan

>> No.71457859

He followed everyone on his PL account and his rabid attack dogs used that to find Zaion's identity and address.

>> No.71457864

Guy is a snake and will flip flop allegiances where it benefits him. Zen and Froot seem to be higher than Mata on the totem pole there so if they want to be on good terms with Doki and Sayu, he'll learn to shut up

>> No.71457951

Keep making ideas in your mind, I just know how fucking annoying Sayufags have turned after they hopped on /haha/ due to their menhera still crying

>> No.71458255

>Then clearly didn't practice what he preached when it finally happened to him
Keep in mind that he almost said nigga in his first week

>> No.71458409

I lost all respect I had for notNina with this. I'm not looking forward at all to Pomu coming back to vshojo

>> No.71458798

Well, at least I'm glad this board has collectively decided the guy is an idiot. I hope he fucks up eventually

>> No.71459066

He peaked at 11k and dropped hard even with raids, while Doki's steady at around 11k, dropping to 10.5 k now.

I think this just shows that his friends' audiences don't overlap with his and he won't keep too much of an audience outside of his kyomies.

>> No.71459103

That's it? That sounds more like just Niji fans being fucking absolute nonces more than anything.

>> No.71459283

it's a war that exists in your head, irl everyone's relationships are probably much more complicated than two sides

>> No.71459422

It's the context of the other incidents that paint a grim picture that this guy is a fucking a snake. The endorsement and like of people attacking Zaion, his ridicule of her valid grievances, and the sociopathic viewpoint he has that tells me he is a manipulative person.

>> No.71459596

Nah this sounds like mental illness on your part.

>> No.71459829

So, sisters are going to switch to Vshojo now?

>> No.71459836

>he shat on Enna after her racist joke
gay af. enna's only redeeming quality and this guy virtue signals off of it for le internet updoots

>> No.71459867

Nobody wants to listen to a wigger unless they're rapping.

>> No.71460006

>unless they're rapping.
nvm, scratch that part.

>> No.71460051

Why do male vtubers universally have the worst taste in models?

>> No.71460107

He also mocked those who write twitlongers and the like after Sayu released her document detailing her stay at Nijisanji.

>> No.71460213
File: 209 KB, 819x368, quinncopyingsayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wigger is so lacking in creativity he literally stole Sayu's design LMAO
He even stole the whole cyberpunk room background idea

>> No.71460232

Grudgepost it, cause it’s guaranteed

>> No.71460345

>Faggy Pogger

>> No.71460544
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Today anon discovers techwear

>> No.71460808

>women believed he looked handsome in rl because of his model and voice.
>does a face revealed he's fat has a ridiculous haircut and rocks sun glasses indoor.
>women became disillusioned and stopped watching.
You're here.

>> No.71461071

Assuming I'm a human summa wumma lumma

>> No.71461329

yeah unfortunately I don't think that's really it. It could be that he was inspired by Sayu, but I also don't know or care enough about Kyo to wonder if it'd be malicious or not. It sounds like an actual coincidence unless more info gets brought up.

>> No.71461401

>Sayu invented that stuff

>> No.71461417

Isn't that what he wanted? To get rid of the sisters that babied him?

>> No.71461483

I wish someone would trigger a chimp out from him so he inadvertently spills drama from his time at Niji like Kramer from Seinfeld. It ends with him getting cancelled then sued by anycolor

>> No.71461559

I'm legitimately floored here. Why would a vtuber willingly show his face on cam? That's like a Vegas magician explaining his magic tricks right after he does them. Career suicide.

>> No.71461581
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Because it's just techwear. Lots of vtubers wear similar things. Melody's previous model in VShojo had a lot of techwear influences, and Zentreya's cyborg model has a jacket that's of the same style.

>> No.71461678

Yes, and the retard is forgetting the fact that the sisters already knew what he looked like. At least, the ones more obsessed with him, his other account wasn’t a secret. In fact those even started babying him and using his pictures on their Twitter

>> No.71461903

>still trying to get Sayufags and Dokifags to fight each other
No one fell for it the first time you dumb cunts tried it, or the hundreds of times you tried afterwards. Go back to the doxxsite and stay there.

>> No.71462196

He just goes silent when triggered.

>> No.71462306

I don't care. Nothing, *NOTHING* will ever make me like Kyo, or even have the tiniest shred of respect or sympathy for him. His stupid wigger faggot ass is a big part of why niji was swirling down the drain in the first place, then he runs like a scalded dog before the shit hits the fan. Fuck him, he's a terrible streamer in every way.

>> No.71462344

The only fans of Sayu that have posted on /haha/ have been cordial and there have been no issues.

>> No.71462359

>Still making ideas in his mind
Look, I don’t care about your whore and/or your constant crying. I hate how this community wants to have “Martyrs” and for that spam them into other shit. Jesus, it’s not difficult to see how fucking annoying you guys truly are.

>> No.71462821

Yeah that's what I'm thinking.
If anything, I could see the ACTUAL reason being he's trying to sleaze his way into Zen and Melody's good graces or some shit like that, and sayu wasn't even a concern. Why bother with someone he already destroyed, after all.

>> No.71462882

Go back.

>> No.71462903

was he the one that did the neanderthal foot reveal too?

>> No.71462918

Kuro revealed his face because he was about to travel abroad and couldn't bother to wear the cuck mask. Kinda based.

>> No.71462945

It's the sisters every time. They keep screaming in /ss/ about how Doki's mogging her, and in /baubau/ about how they're taking japanese cock or whatever.
Nobody who follows any of them would give them the time of day.

>> No.71462977

>child head on a roid body
pick a lane dude, jfc

>> No.71463010

Even snakes are afraid of fire

>> No.71463032

nta but for someone that doesn't care you sure make up a lot of shit on the topic.

>> No.71463055


>> No.71463073

He got caught.

>> No.71463129

Kinda cringy
hella based

>> No.71463314

It's just a matter of time before he gets his vshojo friends to shittalk sayu and doki

>> No.71463584

Definitely based on how he looks irl btw

>> No.71463616

I’m not even joking, that is LITERALLY the proportion and shape of a child’s head in anime. That doesn’t suit the body at all. That is the fucking weirdest thing.

>> No.71463640

what does niji have to do with the backstabbing dogs dumping EN to pander to JP viewers?

>> No.71463644

As a goon, I honestly don’t know how to free about Vshojo now. On one hand, I have defended Froot (after I did my reps, and yes, it was hell dealing with those antis) because I appreciated the fact that Froot stuck by Doki’s side as a friend after everything that happened. Zentreya followed Doki on Twitter and commented once on her post, at least acknowledging her. But on the other hand, there is Kyo/Quinn, who is a known member of the clique and was the one who told 39daph to talk shit about Doki. It seems Vshojo has welcomed him with open arms. Am I really going to regret defending Froot/Vshojo? This sucks.

>> No.71463680

Hope he redebuts into a coffin 6 feet under soon. Disgusting faggot

>> No.71463704

Fucking boring
I hope he didn't spend too much money on this ugly thing

>> No.71463714

I believe so

>> No.71463734

Then it'll become Mata and Kuro against Zen and Froot. Mouse would likely remain neutral. Hopefully Gunrun is smart enough to keep Niji drama out of his company.

>> No.71463836

I am NOT drawing porn of that

>> No.71463874

under 1k views within a week

>> No.71463922

>Hopefully Gunrun is smart enough to keep Niji drama out of his company.
Meanwhile Kuro is cooking up controversy with Ramadan. They're lucky the vultures are still feasting on NijiEN's corpse. There's no telling what'll happen when NijiEN is finally picked clean.

>> No.71464000

I hope he did and feels immediate regret at not being able to make that money back.

>> No.71464032

yeah and sisters were spamming it in /nijien/ too

>> No.71464160

that was absolutely heinous, I can't believe he thought that was a good idea

>> No.71464190
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See? They're still here.

>> No.71464241
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His head is too small for that neck, also it reminds me of this guy.

>> No.71464246

>Am I really going to regret defending Froot/Vshojo?
Everyone makes mistakes.

>> No.71464261

He fucked Zaion in the pussy.

>> No.71464269

cope kyo. stupid faggot neck yourself

>> No.71464391

I honestly doubt it'll end up as some kind of weird turf war. Realistically, if Kyo throws a shitfit, his side will win because he's "closer" than Doki and Sayu are and it's easier to just not invite them than to deal with his whining.

>> No.71464494

Considering how Vshojo operates it's better to judge just the individual chuubas, rather than lump them all in together.

>> No.71464669

Kuro speed ran grovelling to the Indonesians like a bitch after he tried a "Who?" and horny joke about their holy month. There ain't now way he can sustain clique politics. Dude's gonna mentally shatter.

>> No.71464680
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>> No.71464719

They shouldn't be vtubers in the first place. It's fucking annoying how these motherfuckers plaster their face all around their accounts.

>> No.71464761 [DELETED] 

Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha. Holofaggots are kek eating cuckolds. Kwab Holobronies Maximum
Kwab Hololive.
ACK themselves.

>> No.71464868

Kuro is extremely ignorant, to put it mildly. Remember, this is the guy that didn't know you were supposed to wash rice and left food in his oven for months until it became so moldy it smelled.

>> No.71464881

What is this sea mental retardation.

>> No.71464886

This is too fucked Dokibird and other girls.

>> No.71464950

God really?, As if i couldn't hate him more than i already did, I mean i knew he was friends with 39IQ, But with the whole damn circle?, Ugh i'm GLAD he isn't in tempus anymore, Fuck magni and vesper

>> No.71464983

lmao that's what you get for being a retard

>> No.71465019

so a black can pretend to be a white guy and get away scott free but if a white guy used a black vtuber model they would be condemned? does he fear his own skin color that much?

>> No.71465027

He seems like exactly the type of legitimately retarded streamer who'd sign a Nijisanji contract without a problem

>> No.71465092

>just after 10am in Jakarta
>just after 11am in Manila
Every time.

>> No.71465205

holy fuck I was just looking up the current time in both. You read my fucking mind anon

>> No.71465211

NTA but penn and teller have made a career out of explaining EXACTLY how their magic tricks work... only to still entertain the audience

>> No.71465267

Ironically he's letting people make porn of him now because he realizes fujos are the ones that give him money and numbers.

>> No.71465271

He's actually an incredibly pale white guy. If you look on his channel I think he has a return video with his face.

>> No.71465788

Isn't kyo supposed to have some sort of physical issues where he needs to bring crutches with him. Imagine how bad it would look if nijisanji bullied a disabled man.

>> No.71465819

>Says Korean plastic surgery joke
>Says he won't apologize and doubles down on it
It wasn't a dream Kyo, you truly are a weak little bicth.

>> No.71466751

He's a flesh streamer, dude. He's pale as hell.

>> No.71466871

Silvervale cried that it's all business behind the scenes anyway but I doubt Kyo's leftovers have much to offer, not more than the two graduated homos.

>> No.71467026

Can't wait for his 39daph collab.

>> No.71467157

>was the one who told 39daph to talk shit about Doki
So you did your reps about Froot but just decided to believe this completely baseless rrat?

At any rate it's not like he's in VShojo so calm the fuck down maybe

>> No.71467282

you forgot that tweet were he was replying with his now current account to someone's tweet shitting on Zaion right? or was that fake?

>> No.71467304

Haruka already called Zen a dude and since she's autistic it can be seen as true, but also no one cared

>> No.71467350

Kyo was the only one who could have told 39IQ.

>> No.71467355

Name one other liver who is well known for being friends with 39iq

>> No.71467458
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>> No.71467463

I like how people think he is fucking enna.
Bro skinny white cock like his is getting ass blasted.

>> No.71467669

>Daph, who has a history of mouthing off about shit she knows nothing about, mouths off about Niji while getting multiple things completely wrong
>she must've been put up to it by Kyo!!!!
Or maybe Daph is just retarded, have you ever considered that possibility

>> No.71467772

>takes a fat shit one the table
>"Why does it smell like shit in here?"
We should've bullied him into sticking around

>> No.71467830

Didn't she say she read documents that the public hasn't seen? Who else could have leaked them to her?

>> No.71467835

my brain refuses to read beyond this word.

>> No.71467926
File: 162 KB, 1125x840, streams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His fans already knew how he looked like before the facecam stream.
This anon got it right with why his viewers dropped in the past few streams. Here's a screenshot from TwitchTracker that supports this.

>> No.71467948

She said herself that she looked at the doc's.

>> No.71468220

39iq doesn't have the imagination or intelligence to suddenly start mouthing off stuff that doesn't involve her.

>> No.71468248

Very thoroughly, might I add.

>> No.71468321

dropped the vtubing to be another dime a trillion IRL parasite streamer.. honestly couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy, I mean he's a former luxium member and they're all nasty.. except maybe shu i don't really know anything about him

>> No.71468338

I don't recall her saying that.
If she had insider info then she probably wouldn't have gotten so much fundamentally wrong that you wound up looking like she didn't know anything.

Are you guys mixing up her with Vox's statements?

>> No.71468361

/pol/... He's white AF. Ain't making any DEI/ESG quotas with this kid.

I wonder how many cm tall he's going to officially be this time, and whether he'll have a growth spurt later.

>> No.71468495

The Vshojo ex-Nijis are still pro-clique Niji management is just really shit

>> No.71468604

As a white man that has lived his life in the southern US, I fucking hate what twitter has done to my language.

>> No.71468683

(because everyone already knows.)

>> No.71468788

>I don't recall her saying that.
It was in her chat log.

>> No.71468811

Nah, it was part of her schizo chatlogs that she walked back a few days later after getting her shit blasted in by the internet. All the basic sister talking points of how doki was blackmailing, trying to sue, threatened to dox, etc. It was a complete load of crock and had no business showing up at all considering she's so self-centered that it's impossible to thinks he'd ever bring that much "information" up on her own without directly talking to somebody.

>> No.71468869

Shut the fuck up you little shitfucker.

>> No.71469192

manlets are known to be quite frail

>> No.71469250

>dropped the vtubing to be another dime a trillion IRL parasite streamer
Once again, another wrong assumption in this thread. He's still mainly doing vtubing and did IRL content for the Japan and Thailand trips.

>> No.71469562

Lots of vtubers do it and get away with it just fine, even if they aren't lookers. (Though obviously the ones that do it usually are.)

...not that pretty much every vtuber doesn't have a face leak out there somewhere or other. And not every vtuber depends on seducing GFE/BFE unicorns.

>> No.71469853
File: 261 KB, 608x562, ukidaph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71469979

His model is bad and not a fuckable femboy so.

>> No.71470461

Daph has been banning people who bring up the situation. She was so over confident about her own Rrat the she was like " if im right i get to say i told you so".
Then the contract got leaked and people were like her so you were mega wrong. and now all of a sudden she says "no one cares :)"

>> No.71470520
File: 407 KB, 1066x726, Mysterio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysterio's crime: being a depressed retard.

>> No.71470588

Kyo personally is friends with 39IQ. Uki is just a Twitter fag.

>> No.71470755

He has not actually joined vShojo and they'd be stupid to let him in. It costs them basically nothing to "play nice" and let talents collab with him from time to time. Now, if vShojo is dumb enough to let him and other ex-clique members join, it's a different story.

Matara continues to disappoint. I can't fathom why she wants to keep cuddling up with these people. They're about as toxic as you can get.

As soon as you see certain words you know it's time to skip. Y'all is one, desu is another.

>> No.71470963

Kyo and Daph share a special bond. They both wish he wasn't white.

>> No.71470965

>tries to attack Doki on twitter for her nijifriends
>is asian herself
asian on asian hate is eternal
also, I would give her the BWC she desires

>> No.71471227

Froot is a based slut
Matara is the scum of the earth
Think of vshojo as more of a group of indies rather than a corpo, they kind of do their own thing (as long as they kneel to ironscammer)

>> No.71471732

He was part of the clique and one of the worst ones, but since Enna didn't want to play with him anymore, then he quit

>> No.71472097
File: 55 KB, 422x600, 1842435_13399686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently women really like these kind of proportions on their anime men. How big are his hands?

>> No.71472294

>B or W
Pick one anon

>> No.71472742

People will believe it wholeheartedly. Already do. Except for people on /vt/. Oh well, I don't mind, so long as he's kicking Niji while they're done he's just yet another moderately successful indie "vtubers" (actually a fleshtuber but has a model)

>> No.71472925

His new model looks like shit, such a downgrade

>> No.71473397

Honestly, if you're gonna put a tiny head with a baby face on an adult's body, at least go all the way and give him a bodybuilder build, max out that dissonance

>> No.71473682

Typical case of dumb man asking artist that does not know how to draw adult men to make him beefy

>> No.71474429
File: 106 KB, 600x600, 1573788655522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, when I first saw Kyo's design I thought it was so great, then I heard the voice...
Though I probably could've gotten used to it over time if he wasn't so generally contemptible
This makes so little sense I doubt you're sentient

>> No.71474864

both are true, and you should KYS for being a blacked poster

>> No.71475058

It's not like retards like you harass him just for being male

>> No.71475262

More likely he asked the artist to draw what fujos and yumejos like

>> No.71475359

>>It's like I had a whole other life that turned into a nightmare, guess that's what woke me up
this doxxfag is trying to wash his hands clean. kek

>> No.71475646

Asian Americans hate real Asians because they will never be Asian

>> No.71475947

Tiger Drop

>> No.71476150
File: 198 KB, 463x453, 1667523227903543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's one of the bad ones.
I hope he chokes on shit.

>> No.71476318

Nah, I just think is a superiority complex.
Sadly i was a long time watcher of 39IQ and she dies on the weirdest hills. like she will read a popular opinion on twitter then suddenly start bashing the opposite side with little to no knowledge besides the comments on that tweet.

>> No.71476465

>be wigger
>be faggot
>be doxxer
This mutt is one of the worst scum shitters among niji

>> No.71476802

lol right, let me know how sex goes for you bro.

>> No.71477091

not that im denying it, but who did he dox?>>71474864
If anyone is blacked its kyo

>> No.71477273

She strikes me as the type of girl who would have accused anyone and everyone around her as an enemy intellectual during the "Cultural Revolution" of Mao's China.

>> No.71477641

Let me guess, you are a hapa?

>> No.71477886

I like how the only time I ever see free speech mentioned it’s in the context of being an obnoxious faggot
Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.

>> No.71477923


>> No.71478199

Nothing more insufferable then THOSE americans.
So fragile, yet so loud.

>> No.71478509

Not op
What the hell is a hapa and what did they do to you ?

>> No.71478865

hapa's are half asian half whites, the girls tend to be mega-whores and the boys usually end up like Elliot Rodgers, it was found out that some of the original blacked spammers on /tv/ years ago where hapa's, one of whom was named 'eurasiantiger' from a subreddit called 'aznmasculinity' lmao

>> No.71479820

NTA but it was Zaion he doxxed.

>> No.71480033

that was a weirdly specific history dump.
>all girls are whores for the right person
>get flash banged when you look up school shooters.
axzmasculinity is such a weird concept. Was this before andrew tate was a thing for white people.

>> No.71480249

huh weird, guess ill go look that up.

>> No.71480406


>> No.71480818

You're on the internet dude, go look that shit up.

>> No.71481336
File: 160 KB, 850x1236, __pipkin_pippa_henya_the_genius_henya_the_genius_tenma_maemi_and_pipkin_pippa_vshojo_and_2_more_drawn_by_mayamochi__sample-aa4c25b5635f645fe0b828179fb90546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in Vshojo collabs with each other, but they all tend to have their own separate vtuber/fleshstreamer friend groups as well that the other members don't care about. Henya collabed with Pippa and Tenma, and while Mouse would probably never collab with them she doesn't care that Henya decided to.

>> No.71482035

So you've got no proof and are just parroting what you've read. Got it.

>> No.71482717

Like anyone would want another Vshojo civil war. The moment that happens Mata and Kiro will find out hoe big is the boot on their ass, Vshojo can easily survive without them.
They are smarter than that.

>> No.71483128

This, If they were willing to kick Vae Silver and Nyan ALL AT THE SAME TIME, they are more than willing to cut the NijiEN tumor out before it grows terminal, Matara and Kuro are probably feeling way too comfortable because of the kindness Gunrun showed em both (and the fact they get actual support from management), They may have even mistaken it for the preferential treatment they never got while in Niji, The treatment the higher up members of the clique got for themselves

>> No.71483163

Enough boys, he’s already shitalking kurosanji. He knows very well he gains nothing from being a bitch and will behave. Or he will be a galaxy brain idiot and get ousted as fast as he can talk.

>> No.71483540


>> No.71484363

just use the archive you fucking tourist. No one's gonna spoonfeed you here

>> No.71485012

Honesty everyone shittalks Matara because she didn’t fully break with Ethyria even if it’s patently obvious they ostracized her, but it’s been enough time for her to do faux passes. She know it has it good and will not burn it for her ex-company.

>> No.71485313

>"Niji sucked and I was miserable"
Didn't watch his re-debut but it sounds like the same story we've got from all the other survivors who've escaped from that hell-realm.

>> No.71486480

Okay, got it. No proof it is then.

>> No.71486869

I don't give a shit about Niji anymore. I'm more worried about him trying to fuck with Sayu and Doki again. He's an actual loose end.

>> No.71487204


>> No.71488155

He’s a loose indie end with more to lose than to gain. Not every office is Niji, most people don’t like drama and almost all fans prefer yes to collabs.
He was planning this way before the whole Selen thing started, at worse he may badmouth Sayu with Makara, but he’s a fleshtuber with some friends. He knows his place.

>> No.71488277

Okay so now that it's obvious that's he's GAY gay and not half latino or something why did he deny it so hard before?

>> No.71488474

That's all I can hope for. I'm fine with letting bygones be bygones, even for the shit he did, as long as he doesn't continue to fuck with them.

>> No.71491539

This looks so hideous. The model artist is wasted but hey get money.

>> No.71492062

The thing about self serving snakes is.. For the MOST part they aren't stupid, You have genuine retards like 39IQ, But Kyo was atleast smart enough to jump off the sinking yacht, He will cozy up to vshojo for clout but he won't DARE do so much as make a snide comment towards either sayu or doki, They are pretty much permanently on the "Do not shittalk" list unless either of them makes a genuine Yab of their own

>> No.71493422

Worst case scenario, the reason she's friendly with him and potentially 39iq is that bird of a feather flock together. I hope this is just her being overly polite and that things arent worse than expected. If it is, then the situation that happened in NijiEN will repeat itself all over again.

>> No.71493580

>Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences
ok, commie scum.

>> No.71494217

Freedom of speech just means the government can't fuck with you for saying shit.
It doesn't mean that you can run into a crowded movie theater and scream "FIRE!" and watch as 40 people are trampled to death in the chaos with no consequences.

>> No.71494305

thats almost all americans in my experience

>> No.71495440

I hope he collabs with Iron mouse and does well for himself. Its already hard, being a white male in this industry dominated by women and asians. Plus the past of a black company. I'd watch him if he didn't have such an annoying voice but whatever, to each his own.

>> No.71495783

>it's hard being a white male in this industry dominated by women and asians
...Anon, that's a self imposed handicap. The fleshie streamer market is almost entirely white males.

>> No.71495794

yeah thats a quim

>> No.71497075

hes filipino its in their blood until he face actual consequences of his action

>> No.71497353

I wasn't aware Filipinos were that white.

>> No.71498277


>> No.71498490

sisters know no bounds

>> No.71499640

Nah as the other two anons said he's going to avoid that. He's an indie now so starting shit like that is a great way to kill his career.
Kyo might be a true psycho that enjoys the suffering of others but he's also a cunning piece of shit so you can rely on him keeping a low profile for self preservation reasons. He'll no doubt try to defame them behind closed doors to try and isolate them but he's not starting shit in public at this point, and even behind closed doors I think his window of opportunity to cause damage has closed since everyone has made their mind up about doki and sayu's got her own circles she interacts with now and kyo isn't in those circles.

>> No.71500215

>Matara continues to disappoint

>> No.71500695

>Why bother with someone he already destroyed, after all.

After today's collab with Zen, he may have to rethink that about Sayu.

>> No.71500906

sayu collabed with zentreya, doki collabed with froot, Sayu is making inroads and was even invited to the same palworld tournament doki was in, Doki is in with RPR, Hololive, Ex nijiJPs like Gundou, Kyo does NOT wanna poke that publicly OR privately, Gunrun cut out controversial mems before, He'd do it again if the EX nijis tried to bring that clique shit into his company

>> No.71501675

You are still capable of being a seething jealous nijisister even if you are speaking the truth. They aren't mutual exclusive.

>> No.71502660

To use up their remaining relevance and try to be famous or try to become a flesh tuber

>> No.71503766

Nina and her gen are evil and they are the cancer that killed NijiEN

>> No.71504306

I don't think he was, he seemed more like a useful tool enna kept around. the wigger probably thought he was or wanted to be though

>> No.71504347

>People finally understanding that Matara/Nina is a piece of shit
Knew it since day 0 of Ethyria. Anyone who ever thought otherwise got played like a fiddle.

>> No.71504764

Unless Kiara made her an offer she can’t refuse I can’t see Pomu doing anything besides going indie. Vshojo has too much baggage and very little fan overlap with her.

>> No.71505960

Hope this wigger drags the roach into the garbage with him

>> No.71505991

Pomu is OBSESSED with hololive, like blatantly so, Honestly with the rate niji's stock is dropping, Yagoo should just offer to buy the IP for pomu and incorporate her into Myth like he did with Suisei and AZKI into "0th gen"

>> No.71506072

You are coming across a bit seethy her sister

>> No.71506149

As bas as Nina is, she is an enable an useful tool. The heart of the problem in Nijisanji is to be blamed to Elira and Enna (and Nijisanji itself of course)

>> No.71506259

That IP would not be necessarily "cheap", I mean in EN it was one of the top IPs regarding merchandise sales and superchats. I wonder if Riku knows of that little fact.

>> No.71506485

I'm sorry sister, the foxmom costume overrode my senses. you were completely right, and I am an idiot. Were it possible, I would atone by letting you sit on my face.

>> No.71506803

Anon kyo is 100% black

>> No.71506999

anon kyo is a facecam streamer. He's about as white as an alabama family reunionn.

>> No.71507070

snake piece of shit

>> No.71507116

why would cover waste money on a used up no talent cocksleeve like pomu?

>> No.71507140

>Freedom of speech just means the government can't fuck with you for saying shit.
No it doesn't, stop being a fucking retarded American cunt.
>But I'm form X
Don't care, you've immersed yourself in Western media so much you've taken on some of their retarded habits. Freedom of speech is a concept, an ideal, it is not linked to any specific entity whether private or state. The 2nd amendment of the US constitution is just a law, designed to protect if from government interference, it is not at all synonymous with it.

A private entity can claim to support freedom of speech on their platform but if they start censoring shit then they are not upholding the ideal even if they are not legally obligated to.

>> No.71507337

Kyo accent?

>> No.71507381

Yeah, it's also unenforceable without laws specifically outlining and allowing it, dipshit. If there's no law saying that there's freedom of speech, chances are you can get fucked over for pretending you have it. Look at japan. You can tell the truth over there and STILL get sued for defamation as long as it harms their "reputation." There was a famous case about a japanese dentist getting negative google reviews taken down despite them being 100% provably true, just because he didn't like how they portrayed him.

>> No.71507456 [DELETED] 
File: 422 KB, 803x796, firefox_zF9m72lDCU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/@QuinnBenet just look at the fucking channel.
Does this look like a black man to you?

>> No.71507616

So is he in the good camp or the bad camp and how do we know for sure?

>> No.71507626

He means Selen created a shit environment with her attitude and incompetence for everyone involved.

>> No.71507687

He is in his own camp. Guy is probably Lu Bu and just switches to the side whoever and whenever it benefits him most.

>> No.71507801

The man would stab his mother for 5 likes on a tweet.

>> No.71507870 [DELETED] 

Why does he talk like a nigger then?

>> No.71507874

Daaamn, das crazy

>> No.71508404

Cuz he's gay

>> No.71508487

It's amusing how Vshojo antis flail around, trying to land a blow only to get BTFO in every narrative they are trying to spin. I told you Kyo won't be able to join.

>> No.71508592

It actually looks pretty good without the jacket.

>> No.71508875

Worked for Aethel and Bunny.

>> No.71509793
File: 27 KB, 650x456, 1659719834727269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.

>> No.71510838

Washing his hands from the Selen shitshow. He's probably part of the clique but now that we know how bad it stank, he's trying his best to disassociate with them. He'd probably throw around vague sentences like this, paint himself as a potential victim or a hero who *tried* to do something about the bad situation they were in. Or maybe he really was a victim, probably fell out of favour from the clique and was bullied out of the org. Chose to graduate instead of putting up with their bullying then the Selen incident happened while his graduation process in ongoing.

>> No.71510982

From a legal standpoint, the First Amendment does have its limitations, such as speech which causes harm to others (inciting violence, etc.)

While the phrase "freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences" has been pretty thoroughly soiled by Twitter activists, it's not wrong.
You do not exist in a vacuum, and all the people who hear what you say have every right to react as they will (so long as that reaction does not impinge on your rights). Legal freedoms do not preclude you from social responsibility.

>> No.71512650

Not digging his tech wear with those fucked up proportions, man. GL to him, not going to be a SOB

>> No.71514667

That doesn't mention Zaion at all and Kyo later said he thought he was talking about genshin drama and not Zaion. You faggots are delusional

>> No.71515463

Even if he was talking about zaion here it would not get him cancelled or exposed in the vtubing world as much as the sayu fans want it to be.
Now if they can prove he doxxed her, that's a whole different story.

It's funny all these sayu fans talking about how he's going to 'pull some shit' against sayu and also including doki for good measure like why the fuck would he even? What purpose would it serve? He's not in nijisanji now.

>> No.71515604

Eat ten thousand dicks, Millie

>> No.71524202

> all girls are whores for the right person
But not all girls are as whorish as hapa girls and asians are to white men.
> But what about school shooters!
Now that's irrelevant cope. If you actually do the research, and not merely pretend to, you will realize you are an easily manipulated moron.

>> No.71524857

Filipinos, like most Asians and shitskins, were heavily cucked by white men. Get a DNA test and see.

>> No.71524921

>I told you Kyo won't be able to join.
he is an orbiter with Matara supporting him and Kuro will suck up to him to have a buddy in his flesh crusade. Nothing is stopping him from getting the letter in six months.

>> No.71525337

proof next thread?

>> No.71525797

Just need somewhere to post this. I am so tired of constantly being cucked by girl dm. Fuck this bitch. She's always in the middle of getting a train run on her by all male talents. Literally a groupie for them. Doesn't matter what corpoo, who... if it's a male she will be there gettiny GAWK GAWK GAWK. Goddamn. At thiw point I will respect any male vtuber and kneel if they don't entertain her bullshi and be like "Oh miss dm!" When they see her in chat. I wish this bitch would fall off the face of the earth. Everytime I try to watch a male vtuber, guess who I can count on being in chat or mentioned??? UGH!!! (btw I do not care about collabs with other females, just this attention seeking whore)
