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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71359579 No.71359579 [Reply] [Original]

memories.. - edition

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to increase their numbers, and gain an audience.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, although we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>Should I post in /asp/ too?
The thread recommendation is to introduce yourself in as many communities you can, so yes. Just don't bring the general up unless asked, that particularly applies outside of this site.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like 4chan ads)

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."
Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight.

>Last thread FAQ
how to make a good debut?
Why is advice that is good for women bad for men?
Should you play fighting games or mahjong (both there is a mahjong fighting game)
>Some resources
https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed) (embed)


>Threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Global
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt/euro/ - European vtuber thread
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up
>>>/vt/jong/ - beloved offspring for mahjong players

Previous >>71346862

>> No.71359593 [DELETED] 


>> No.71359620


>> No.71359729

hey did you guys know you can report posts for spamming? I just thought that was interesting.

>> No.71359731

Give fun non gaming stream ideas

>> No.71359791

Introduce us to your plushies.

>> No.71359824

Blowjob ASMR

>> No.71359888

powerpoint presentations on any hobby you have

>> No.71359928 [DELETED] 

Banning every male vtuber one by one.
Can make a game of it with chat on how they should be “executed”

>> No.71359979

But not trans right?

>> No.71360009

You can also report posts for being low quality too! Just so you know!

>> No.71360299


>> No.71360304

I love knitting streams

>> No.71360335
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Make sure you meet the requirements

>> No.71360363


>> No.71360371

>guys, men aren't allowed in here
>of course that doesn't apply to me, I'm like a manager here, y'know? I give good advice and stuff!
>you shouldn't interact with any males... other than me of course!
How the fuck are people falling for this shit?

>> No.71360643
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>How the fuck are people falling for this shit?
we are very persuasive and charismatic
and by we I mean me, I am every post in this thread, on all threads since the first one
I made this thread exclusively so talk with myself.
Pittie has never heard of this website, I pretended to be her all along.
Mutton? Kani? not real. I made them all up.

>> No.71360747

they knew exactly what they were doing

>> No.71360825

Does that mean males are allowed now?

>> No.71360871
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even if haglovers are persecuted, I will fight to the last man for my right to impregnate menopaused women

>> No.71360890

it just means that the mods agree that its spam and also low quality bait

>> No.71360924
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>> No.71360942

Are hags not welcome in this thread now?

>> No.71361002

Only if they don’t collab with males

>> No.71361041

>multiple replies
we know you posted it and deleted it yourself

>> No.71361077

dunno but if its true they are killing the hag thread after three years of it existing the losses will be terrible for vt culture
they have one of the best divegrass teams

>> No.71361085

Quit spamming

>> No.71361130


>> No.71361211

Hag is just a tool for females to take advantage of. There are some from /asp/ that use the hag tag despite not being a hag and are near partner level.

>> No.71361355

We won’t allow people to fall for it because we will remind people to never interact with males

>> No.71361523

do the inevitable tax fraud stream

>> No.71361565

How is advising girls to cut off all contact with males in the thread for female vtuber advice “bait”?

>> No.71361656

topic deepdives/breakdowns, obviously of something you like.
weird off the cuff 'roleplay streams' (see lumis youtube vods, or pippas two animalsona vods).
community drawing streams.
various handcam streams if you have the camera for it.
maybe story reading and commentary streams?

>> No.71361677

its clearly only being said every other message just to piss people off.

Once a thread would be tolerable but when it's being said constantly at that point it's clear what their goal is.

>> No.71361739

Remember to keep “off the cuff” not really off the cuff.
Prepare something in advance but fake that you are spontaneous and creative and fun.

>> No.71361762

Any waspies interested in having a nihongo study group?

>> No.71361791

have you learned nothing?
women are much more fun when under a strict moral code and with limits placed on what they can and cannot do.

>> No.71361803

The only people it pisses off ate Malevtubers
Viewers? Love it.
Girls? Only helps them
Males? Doomed to death by starvation

>> No.71361845

yeah thats kinda what i meant. i meant off the cuff as in the fact they often from the viewer perspective come out of nowhere in terms of topic/plot.

>> No.71361852

> Viewers? Love it.

Which viewers? I hate it. I can't read the thread because its entirely just "ban male vtubers" and nothing else.

>> No.71361853

That is why it isn’t bait.

>> No.71361914

Male vtubers aren’t real viewers they are just leeches.

>> No.71362027

I wasn't talking about male vtubers I was talking about viewers.

>> No.71362163

Viewers are the ones asking for males to go away

>> No.71362306

/asp/ is crabbing again
Don’t ever go there let the males rot

>> No.71362337

it isnt bait perse but spamming over and over it is the bait
in any case it isnt bad advice objectively speaking but that isnt the only thing he is spamming

>> No.71362338

Oh I would actually watch this

>> No.71362387

only the schizo ones.

>> No.71362421

I would love to!!

>> No.71362434

It isn’t spamming
Males get mad and try to convince girls that banning all males it a bad idea
People then refuse to let males lie and control the thread.

>> No.71362502

Male vtuber detected
See what I meant?

>> No.71362507

What is it called when you flood the thread with the same phrases over and over again

>> No.71362550

You are imagining things

>> No.71362634

You can't gaslight me, I'm not that kind of mental illness.

>> No.71362650

It isn’t flooding just a simple solution and perfect response to any male vtuber trying to troll
They can’t do anything about it.

>> No.71362718

Theres actually a button that can do something about it! It seems to do a good job about getting rid of it :)

>> No.71362825

Yeah the ban button

>> No.71362946

/asp/ is crabbing and doxxing you /wasp/ies
You should never go there they will only hurt you. Males can only destroy something beautiful

>> No.71363001

Publicly available information isn't doxxing.

>> No.71363041

I see two male collabers and a vtweeter

>> No.71363056

Males are calling women leeches! How dumb can they get with their sour grapes.
You can’t trust them, even if they seem harmless they will stab you in the back.

>> No.71363121

So tell them to stop. Make it clear that it will never be accepted.

>> No.71363285

/asp/ is actually making death threats against female vtubers now
Do you see now /wasp/ies? This is what male vtubers are really like.
You know what you need to do

>> No.71363345

isnt it you in both threads

>> No.71363465

Nice try male vtuber but that won’t work because we know it is you

>> No.71363469

post a pic of asp proving it isnt (you) faggot

>> No.71363526

>post in /asp/
Nice try but no that place is dead to me and all the girls here

>> No.71363565

yep, it's him LMFAO

>> No.71363598

Prove it isn’t you

>> No.71363712
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I love autistic girls, brothers.

>> No.71363723
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lol, lmao even

>> No.71363764

Girls want to be successful like hololive but have trouble doing what it takes to get there.
It isn’t even hard.

>> No.71363767

autistic girls are the best girls, this is an old time honored law

>> No.71363810

Nice inspect element

>> No.71363858

This is why it is beneficial to just self-diagnose and say you are autistic.

>> No.71363876

>It isn’t even hard.
you dont know what is like
imagine someone told you everyday what to do
of course you would rebel to asses yourself
Viewers are just parental figure and this is their coming of age story
They need to make their own mistakes

>> No.71363948

the fuck you want me to do? hop on discord?

>> No.71363949

They don’t need to make their own mistakes if it can be stopped

>> No.71364003

>spammer male vtuber reveals he is a discordfag

>> No.71364035

it's better if they make them now while they are zero views and will have no repercussion than right when they are just about to be partner and dont realize what they are missing
Zenya learned her lesson early and now she is cured

>> No.71364068

I concur

>> No.71364076

>hey baby I’m not like those other males so just hop into my dms

>> No.71364133

we at wasp inc advise you to close your dms and not have a public discord

>> No.71364145

If you see someone about to step on a rake you should at least shout a warning.
Except with male vtubers it is more like step on a rape

>> No.71364214
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weena buttfangs and her piss to cleanse the thread

>> No.71364223

That is bad advice a discord is super useful for grooming
Close dms but make a groomcord

>> No.71364307


>> No.71364347
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Hagcord is doin good btw

>> No.71364385

/asp/ is still crabbing /wasp/ies but now they are also doing gay male erp
/asp/ is everything bad with vtubing you can’t trust them.
Never go to /asp/, it is just ngmi males and worse. You are gmi so long as you cut them all off.

>> No.71364473

/wasp/cord when?

>> No.71364515

Where is the hag tierlist?

>> No.71364639

Wrong thread?

>> No.71364791

Now /asp/ is planning to try mass reporting all female vtubers to get them banned
It is over, /asp/ is closed off now whether you like it or not do don’t post there and get banned

>> No.71364820

QB live

>> No.71364900

You can just post her in /jong/ everyone uses both threads
You might get more new blood from /wvt/

>> No.71365040

when is this bitch going to play more ygo

>> No.71365063

Do males still use /wvt/?

>> No.71365064

Okay going to wvt too thanks

>> No.71365140

Tell them she is pippa approved to get their attention

>> No.71365225

Or would mentioning pippa attract viewers that like male collabs?

>> No.71365333

You say this like the same thing hasnt been happening in here for 3 threads

>> No.71365509

That is those people coming here to do it but they can’t break people who know that any male vtuber association is too much
They are desperate and panicking because their days are numbered

>> No.71365602

/asp/ is at bump limit someone could post a /wasp/ie op image now if they wanted?

>> No.71365624

Male purge soon I hope

>> No.71365673

They’re purging themselves

>> No.71365900

They are not doing it fast enough

>> No.71365916

But it is a good point we shouldn’t wait because they might do damage in the mean while so girls should start the purge early

>> No.71366001

Well asp is driving women away again so it is working
Hello new /wasp/ies! We love you here but remember what males are like and make sure you avoid them

>> No.71366023

pippa viewers are indifferent to male collabs, over liking them.

>> No.71366077

Too dangerous
Indifference is half-way to acceptance

>> No.71366083

they unironically should rename to /masp/.

>> No.71366139

They know that and tried
All men are scum and they know it so they’ll just die without us
But they deserve to die

>> No.71366481
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I finally figured out who were all along you fucker

>> No.71366561

he and fishman would get along well i think.

>> No.71366885

Ha all the males went crying back to their own thread because they can’t cope with everyone hating them

>> No.71367034

whats your ccv femanons?
it gone up? down? stable?
what do you think you've done right? wrong?

>> No.71367065

"Do you see now /wasp/ies? This is what male vtubers are really like" he said with orange cheeto dust all over his shriveled dick and keyboard

>> No.71367079

It is only going up after jettisoning the male crabs

>> No.71367122

bird live

>> No.71367246

thank you bird saving this thread

>> No.71367310

She should ban the male vtubers lurking in her chat
They are only there to leech and hate her. Probably did her again too

>> No.71367402

>Probably did her again too
like, rape or consensual?

>> No.71367772

>male vtubers in chat
Yeah it's over

>> No.71367892

>I am not fat
pittie plz ignore the /asp/ crabs

>> No.71368203

She's looking for mods, now you can ban them

>> No.71368322

Jignx claims all the whores in this thread. Kneel.

>> No.71368356


>> No.71368718

She should make me a mod I'll protect her from male vtubers

>> No.71368772

If she avoided fleshtubing she wouldn't be giving anyone ammo about whether or not she's fat.

>> No.71368835

Does she want to get crabbed? Why won’t she ban them? Are they her friends, why protect them?

>> No.71368925

>Her current mod
You groomers are done, watch a pro at work.

>> No.71368944

I have streams so I'm pacified and feel no urge to reply to obvious bait

>> No.71368989
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why does pittie needs mod anyway she has like 30 viewers top, meanwhile clio has 800 and she doesnt have a single one.

She will have to learn the hard way once her mods make a discord for "working purposes" and then shit gets leaked later on (Lumi), or one of her mods falls in love with her and has a meltdown when rejected (many, many cases), or is a male vtuber and thinks working for free entitles them to a collab (Haruka)

Mo mods mo problem, this is why both Hanya and Clio got rid of them, but those who fail to learn from the mistakes others will have to learn from the mistakes they make themselves.
The one thing I will give to her is that she asked mods to have a sword in a separate account, as long as they dont speak at least she wont suffer from the UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS CHAT debuff which might kill a small chuuba.

>> No.71369112

This is our big chance if you don't want to take it then you're missing out.
I'll make sure to ban you.

>> No.71369138

the perks of not being a giga sperg and having lots of connections and money
also to be honest looking in to him a bit he seems a lot more trustworthy than any other fag on this website

>> No.71369160

I think the schizo might have scared her, hopefully it fucks off soon. I hope it at least stays here instead of leaking this garbage into her chat.

>> No.71369189

I will never watch a chuuba if her chat is constantly filled with mod and vip messages.

>> No.71369214

/asp/ scared here
She is finally listening to /wasp/ and banning leeches.

>> No.71369239

because of trolls?

>> No.71369275

>Mad maletuber
Eat shit and die
You lost

>> No.71369282

Thank I’ll maybe I’ll ban you last

>> No.71369306


>> No.71369345

I lied

>> No.71369354

Dios mio, anon!

>> No.71369482


>> No.71369497

My first thought when I saw Layla's chat. And followers-only on top of it.

>> No.71369558

If you aren't going to follow then why should she care what you have to say?
If you aren't some cringe attention whore or male then you have nothing to fear from mods.

>> No.71369764

>she asked mods to have a sword in a separate account
so that was a lie

>> No.71369843

thats what I heard, maybe I heard it wrong

>> No.71369865

I need to spend a little time with an entertainer to to see if she's worth a follow. I'm picky with those who I support.

>> No.71369895

he said he's a temp mod at the start of stream

>> No.71369896

You're just jealous you aren't a mod.

>> No.71369947

pretty sure the dude who got modded told her it was a good idea to have mods on different accounts and yea this >>71369895 he doesnt want to be one

>> No.71370001

despite what asp thread might said I am not actually a groomer just because i am posting here so no, I am never applying to a mod position ever

>> No.71370004

what, the current mod was in there before

>> No.71370067

Sour grapes
She won't collab with you

>> No.71370116

sure is retard hours lol

>> No.71370162

fuck my bad for joining late

>> No.71370190

Groomers are salty they lost and won't be mods.
They should post it in her chat so I can ban them

>> No.71370208
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by allah, death to all mods
particularly ex cyberlive and ex aetheria mods
you will eat the sole of my shoe

>> No.71370215

nah all good dude, shes doing it right and hes just there in case the faggot /asp/ies start trolling in chat
bad larp

>> No.71370222

Too busy trolling the thread spammer?

>> No.71370290

>ex cyberlive
but I liked the walmart greeter...

>> No.71370340

lol she picked me
eat shit /asp/ come at me

>> No.71370352

I like that this thread is so much better than the other that they feel the need to come here and troll and shit up the place
proud of you /wasp/ keep supporting cute girls

>> No.71370411

It is blatantly obvious. The girls are even listening to advice and letting us ban the aspie fags.

>> No.71370420

Nice if you know you know way to announce that you're /here/

>> No.71370441

I’ll be bonni’s mod

>> No.71370452

cool samefag, you very clearly arent him...

>> No.71370490

Know your place viewer.

>> No.71370499

why do anyas hate cyberlive mods? I seen this rant before elsewhere

>> No.71370519

oops wrong pinged wrong posts.... ill kill myself now...

>> No.71370634

Mods should always be male. A woman wouldn't be invested or devoted enough to be a good mod.

>> No.71370708

I'm that mod but no meltdown. She was actually really nice about it and i also never asked for the sword but she just threw it to me one day

>> No.71370756

Mods should not exist. They kill all the chat activity.

>> No.71370773
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>> No.71370791

Chat needs to be kept in line or they’ll hurt your money

>> No.71370814

Layla only has one mod and followers only is to avoid schizos she had to deal with before

>> No.71370836

>she threw the sword at you and wouldnt even date you

I am not the one to say this but that vtuber indeed owes you sex, you baited

>> No.71370863

Followers only should be the default. Once you've tried it you'll never go back.

>> No.71370908

Follows only encourages people to follow. It is free numbers

>> No.71371002

I mean i follow her but if i get raided into anyone or click on anyone in followers only i instantly click off and I think lots of others do too

>> No.71371007

>you'll never go back
There is no way back when your chat is dead.

>> No.71371079

Go back to /asp/ with your sabotage advices, retard.

>> No.71371085

You’re a maletuber so you chat is already dead. You should follow that lead and off yourself too

>> No.71371087

I think she prefers a slower growth than having to deal with schizos on her chat again. Her well being takes priority in this case.

>> No.71371129

I thought you got banned for trying to raid here aspie.

>> No.71371135

i agree, just sayin
anyone crying about a temp chat mod to keep out /asp/ is clearly just a /asp/ raider

>> No.71371201

The girls should have more mods not less. It's what people have been saying over and over. /asp/ is just scared that we are winning again.

>> No.71371235

How many mods is a good number? At least 5 I think but 7 sounds good too.

>> No.71371243
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>working for free entitles them to a collab (Haruka)
what is this about

>> No.71371310

exactly 0
if you want to filter male raids just set up the raid limit to 2 viewers minimal that kills 80% of them

>> No.71371327

Quit crabbing

>> No.71371380

Drunk Karaoke

>> No.71371393

80% is not enough.
The males that raid in with like 10 viewers are the ones you need to watch out for because their viewers will turn against you.

>> No.71371399

Genuine opinion has nothing to do with crabbing.

>> No.71371413

bird has a really cute voice

>> No.71371445

I don't mind. Everything went as expected except the part that she didn't block me despite me hearing that it happens for much less too

>> No.71371448

You trying to attack genuine advice as sabotage is crabbing.

>> No.71371471

She should block you

>> No.71371487

there is like 4 of them anyway the odds are low enough meanwhile mods are a present danger
everything you do have risks, you need to take the least risky option
I would agree that of course the riskiest option of them all is making a male vtuber a mod

>> No.71371508

"Shoot yourself in the foot" is not advice.

>> No.71371592

Just follow them already.

>> No.71371652

Or don't. You may not want to but don't get mad about them having entry barriers that protect them.

>> No.71371662

NTA but can you use pictures of Stalin for your posts it would be kinda funny

>> No.71371680

With the kind that is here one should be enough

>> No.71371695

You should just have mods ban every male vtuber
In fact you could have your viewers go to a 1view male (so any male) to suggest they raid you just so you can ban them for it. It would be fun.

>> No.71371748 [SPOILER] 

It's Lenin.

>> No.71371749

One isn’t enough, you want at least three so they are always available and will keep each other in line. If they are busy competing with each other they won’t step out of line

>> No.71371790
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textbook example

>> No.71371796

Mind listing the steps?

>> No.71371809

>that protect them
Or hurt them, you know.

>> No.71371814

what's Lenin?

>> No.71371838

I agree and don't get why she didn't. I guess we can't all be rebel

>> No.71371881

No idea, I just know how he looks like.

>> No.71371901

Cry more aspie. You should at least follow the girls before we ban you.

>> No.71371916

Yeah makes sense but that risks summoning the sword wall you all fear so much

>> No.71371966

Sword wall is a meme.

>> No.71372010

And people definitely not clicking away then they see it.

>> No.71372018

Some themed roleplaying stream, like pretending you’re a cowboy in the wildwest, being stuck in a bunker during the post apocalypse, exploring the deep sea in a submarine and using that to discuss deep sea fauna or something, probably takes alot to set up but i always enjoy those kinds of streams.

>> No.71372028

>we can't all be rebel
Thank god

>> No.71372032

Only people that do that are ones that would have something to fear.

>> No.71372060

this doesnt work, thats a rule for wives
men do cooperate with each other so it is harder to put them up against one another

>> No.71372079

Or the ones who feel like outsiders in a group that isn't welcoming them

>> No.71372099

The spammer is currently doing a whole LARP about banning all males just ignore him

>> No.71372105

Fear of not having a heathy and natural chatting.

>> No.71372134

Very autistic

>> No.71372143

sword wall is absolutely real and the only thing worse than that is bring irl friends to hang out in voicechat while you play valorant, that is the ultimate career suicide

>> No.71372155

If you are male and chatting you must have ulterior motives

>> No.71372190


>> No.71372211

>bring irl friends to hang out in voicechat while you play valorant,
God I just vomited in my mouth a little

>> No.71372233

This general always feels like it’s in a constant state of imploding.

>> No.71372279

You got me, I plead guilty to wanting to have a good time.

>> No.71372282


>> No.71372288

Yet it never fully implodes

>> No.71372345

Half of this thread is literallly some guy having an autistic meltdown over women not collabing with males.

>> No.71372348

It's actually better now than it was earlier but it'll only finally fully quiet down when the schizo goes to sleep

>> No.71372372

......menopause is a requirement?

>> No.71372417

Hadgom required

>> No.71372545
File: 69 KB, 757x206, 1704733621899072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they started the hundred days war, which lead to the destruction of two companies: https://imgur.com/a/VuOO3t6
also check this document it gives you great insight on the mind of schizos

>> No.71372758
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reading this part always makes me laugh

>> No.71372760

It could be worse, trust me

>> No.71372998

He just wants to do the hurting. You know how male vtubers are

>> No.71373003
File: 1.35 MB, 1265x719, Screenshot_662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and live obviously
come and join

>> No.71373017

/asp/ already showed that isn't true

>> No.71373025

You'll have much more people clicking away without giving you a chance than schizos this cardboard wall will stop.

>> No.71373081


>> No.71373098

Making mods and banning males?

>> No.71373143

MondVampir channel nuked?

>> No.71373228

I will never take my meds pittie but thanks for the cute stream

>> No.71373231

all the vods gone but the channel itself is fine
twitch is just dogshit like that sometimes DESU hard to say if she did it

>> No.71373245

Nope it works for me.
You probably just got banned. Eat shit /asp/ie raider.

>> No.71373255

How do you explain that most of the chuubas don't use it?

>> No.71373333

>both asp threads slow down because of one schizo just being busy elsewhere

Interesting, isnt it? How one person and just shit up multiple threads and reply to themselves.

>> No.71373408

99% of vtubers are ngmi

>> No.71373451

Schizo that was trying to push males in this thread got banned.
Just like the males will be.

>> No.71373616

what are your thoughts on Trotskyism

>> No.71373688

Let them click away then. I prefer losing people that weren't that interested anyway than having someone make me quit vtubing and destroy my week just because they can.

>> No.71373718

QB on the telly

>> No.71373745

And that’s the girls. 100% of guys are ngmi
However all /wasp/ies are guaranteed to make it.

>> No.71373764


>> No.71373950

Already posted fag

>> No.71374109
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>extreme ginger hate again

>> No.71374119

Only if they do you know what

>> No.71374125

brown tities get in

>> No.71374173

>ahoge cut off
Stupid or just lazy?

>> No.71374201


>> No.71374231


>> No.71374285
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sometimes it is just literally one guy

>> No.71374289


>> No.71374376

It is such an obvious sign of low quality and the first thing viewers will see

>> No.71374415

She was talking about getting a different model but she can't even handle this one.

>> No.71374453

It's a sign of kino

>> No.71374455
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>> No.71374497

i hope you're right, anon, im gonna try my best

>> No.71374557

>just don’t care about what you are doing in an obvious manner it is kino
She doesn’t need your help in sabotaging herself /asp/scum male

>> No.71374644

She made scuff her selling point.

>> No.71374693

You’ll make it if you listen to what we say and don’t do anything stupid. Just look at Bonni for proof on what a difference /wasp/ makes.

>> No.71374742

>selling point

>> No.71374763

So people should let her know it is a stupid idea

>> No.71374809
File: 385 KB, 808x511, Screenshot_665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pegging moids in RE7 look

>> No.71374815

Elfin is such a fucking retard I love her so much.

>> No.71374869

See? That's better already. She wouldn't make it without us.

>> No.71374870

woops, I must have fucked up my search, sorry

>> No.71374893

Quit hitting on me fag

>> No.71374942

ganbatte waspie

>> No.71375034

Elfin is like a mix of Pippa and fillian
It's pure cinema
Retarded unhinged ADHD spaz

>> No.71375069

Yeah and Zenya is the same as Gura right?

>> No.71375111

Why is she talking about gorillas ambushing you with their cocks out...

>> No.71375122

Who is zenya

>> No.71375214

zen ya balls

>> No.71375225

How exactly do viewers know for sure that the streamer is a hag and isn't just lying about it?

>> No.71375322

/wasp/ie Zenya is live now

>> No.71375362

I'm not that anon but if I was that anon right now I'd probably kill myself

>> No.71375379

Sell me on her and why I shouldn't watch retard kino

>> No.71375395

Been playing lots of bullet hell and arcade type games recently, very trippy visuals, been thinking of using those as a background noise while doing zatsu, been also thinking of reading 4chan threads on /v/ and /a/, pippa and hexa seem to be doing well, is this viable?

>> No.71375418

That is the best part, they don’t. You can just claim to be a hag for a free bonus appeal.
There is already /asp/ie girls that do it. /wasp/ should too.

>> No.71375422

Can't believe I'd rather stream than hang out with humans

>> No.71375462

Better retard kino.

>> No.71375541

>is this viable
You're not a ngmi male so yes it is.

>> No.71375555

>Ah this anon called him a nigger
>Very good
>Ah this anon called him a nigger faggot
No you retard.
Unless you are trying to hop on the band wagon of being a based retard

>> No.71375667

>retarded elf breaks her stream
Bad sells pitch

>> No.71375685

Quit crabbing

>> No.71375749


>> No.71375751

no to both.
she only has 1 kinda lax mod who i think is a friend of hers? maybe?

>> No.71375763

Focus on your stream and less on shilling yourself here when you're live.

>> No.71375820

>1 mod
Red flags galore

>> No.71375846

That sounds great. She can even report them for racism outside of /b/

>> No.71375856

Blame Jannie if you hate live posting

>> No.71375873

she says its a girl but you can never know

>> No.71375988

Does being male actually change anything about this formula?

>> No.71376007

She knew none going in
She just made him mod out of random
You can easily just tell her to remove mods and she will if you tell her about grooming shit

>> No.71376027
File: 84 KB, 1080x1080, 4f4d7bb3d64a8f82d5443128f9366f4c (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I'd rather not lie I think... I'll be 29 this year so not very far off from hagdom anyway.

>> No.71376032


>> No.71376089

Page 1 bake time?

>> No.71376145

no that's her """girl friend"""" who got her into vtubing
but y'know how it goes, girls learn all cool things from their boyfriends

>> No.71376153


>> No.71376204

bros i modded the first person who responded to me because i wasn't sure if there would be schizos

>> No.71376254

Yeah she sounds dumb enough to be groomed but she said she got groomed once already so idk
She is a constant coinflip of "is she that retarded"

>> No.71376327

wait i thought this was about me im regarded anons

>> No.71376328

You ok schizo chama

>> No.71376521

she's suspiciously silent about any romance related themes so that breeds a lot of suspicion too
imo a moid introduced her to all of this

>> No.71376550 [DELETED] 
File: 1.94 MB, 2150x3035, 1688063957577821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meredith is live!

>> No.71376637

New thread

>> No.71376822

Why was Meredith deleted?

>> No.71376844

another schizo bake

>> No.71377034

meant to post in /lig/

>> No.71377116

THAT is enough to be considered /lig/ these days?

>> No.71378882

well beyond being a aspie or waspie
