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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71316142 No.71316142 [Reply] [Original]

wednesday bau bau edition

This thread is for the discussion of vtuber wrasslin' feds, official vtuber streams of wrestling content, and the various fan projects they inspire.

HoloFightZ, the original fan project to bring Hololive to the squared circle.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/holofightz
>Archive - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgJUUcCCg5dzRkyG8-fNBw
>Archive Magnet Links - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13yW33SdapXW5GEuKu4uFFjM3bH-cr0dUSr0jLjhZQfE/edit#gid=0
>Music Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPVRBbmPJfj21iujCdCYLRW6LkzymhskT
>Website - https://holofightz.surai.xyz/
>Latest Stream - Stream 61
>Upcoming Stream - OP hard at work remaking entire roster in 2k24

HFZ Dark, the DEFINITELY CANON story of the Holo fans, the Holostars, graduated Hololive talents, and the stories that bind them together.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/hfzdark
>Archive - https://www.youtube.com/user/CaptainKaze/videos
>Upcoming Stream - March 24

Clash of Chuubas, the tale of Anon as he navigates the world of indies and small corpo chuubas.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/clashofchuubas
>Archive - https://www.youtube.com/@cocvodarchive9119
>Latest Stream - CoC Season 2 Episode 14
>Upcoming Stream - Wagecage and constant anteater attacks means it will be a while before the next stream

World Daipan Classic, the long-awaited fan project bringing Nijisanji to the squared circle.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/worlddaipanclassic
>Latest Stream - Stream 12
>Upcoming Stream - postponed because of THE GREAT NIJI YAB

Extreme Chuuba Wrestling, an ongoing effort to bring smaller chuubas to the ring to settle the score.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/dantedaedalusch
>Latest Stream - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2086234389
>Upcoming Stream - Season 1 Finished

Squared Circuit, a kitchen sink project focused primarily on AI-adjacent vtubers and related things
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/squaredcircuit
>Latest Stream - Stream 7
>Upcoming stream - TBA

Lord of the Board 2
>Sign-ups - CLOSED
>Stats - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qpfkzU9NPo4ZwvU6dwpFP0LNDebDeAQ6ae6h5rGFnl8/edit#gid=0
>LotB1 VODs - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNZKr2HVEMwbDnrOir32Bx6yq7eLI2U8a
>LotB2 VODS - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNZKr2HVEMwYx6gk7VLsGtU-BH56wkU7H
>LotB2 VODS (with chat) - Sometime after LotB2 finishes

Official vtuber streams of wrestling-based vtuber content
>V&Unfinished Business - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6veaPOABEw
>Latest Chuuba Battle Tournament - [Archive Missing]
>Latest CXW - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1824364262
>Latest HoloFighter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otJPyL2x3Bs

Older Content, kept here for posterity and the odd chance that it might get updated or expanded
>HoloFC - https://www.twitch.tv/holofighting
>HFZ META - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSodFBC5MFatrObgl3Qh91Q/videos
>/vt/ Fight Night - No Archive Links.
>Guerilla Chuuba Wrestling - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xPPNQ1OYDk [Graduated]
>MAG SMACKDOWN RAW - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4C_HVHuNmc [Graduated]
>MythNight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNq4d4vpe0I [Last Stream: Over 1 Year Ago]
>WrestleSanji - [Graduated and VODs nuked]

Other Thread Projects
>HFZ/Dark/META/WDC/HoloFC stats - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m9JlKuHCtKrVO3_JKQy3FteyLUqKo3DABREb1Okh8tg/edit?usp=sharing
>Team /hfz/ Divegrass Archive - https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//hfz/

previous >>71037935

>> No.71316753
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will /hfz/ win this friday?

>> No.71316787


>> No.71316855

>Wednesday edition
>actually Thursday morning

>> No.71316936

>Just in case the thread doesn't make it the whole week I'll announce it early. Clash of Chuubas Episode 13 (Part 2) will be Saturday morning on the 22nd. Exact time TBD.

>> No.71317168

Doubtful. If /hfz/ wins I'll eat my toenail clippings.

>> No.71317396

Vtuber Fight Club soon

>> No.71317496

Maybe he’s a West Coaster

>> No.71317648

>7 posts
>1 poster
>page 2
it's OVER

>> No.71317723

IP-misreader anon.. I'm sorry.. it's gone..

>> No.71317730

>9 posts
>? posters
>page 2
it's so FUCKING over bros

>> No.71318301

You're never going to make out with the wolves kid

>> No.71318478

huh, what you mean

>> No.71320809
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>> No.71323229

I'm the only poster here

>> No.71323614

nah that's me

>> No.71323964

okay how I know?

>> No.71325981

so I don't know?

>> No.71328004

I tell you

>> No.71330431
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>> No.71331415
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>portrays herself as the biggest jobber in all of anime history
Does she know?

>> No.71332530

Know what?

>> No.71332743

That she's also in the running for the biggest jobber in the /hfz/ multiverse

>> No.71332798
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huh what you mean?

>> No.71333728

Post Ci jobbing

>> No.71334902

Ci won I'm afraid.

>> No.71335324

CoC(k)OP must settle this once and for all by pitting Ci against Stack in the Final Ultimate Peak Zenith Ascension X-treme Last Steel Cage Deathmatch of Finality and Closure (two parter) so we’ll know if Ci is a jobber or not.

>> No.71335618

Hot take but repeat matches are dimeless as fuck. wow.... another Ci vs. Stack Hell in a Cell match .... Wow... another Migoler vs. Suzy/Zeta/Peko match... wow... another Ankimo vs. Alton match....... wow....

>> No.71335640

forced work

>> No.71335675

wow... Subaru Luna feud?? wow... Hitomi Chris vs Aloe again? wowww.....

>> No.71337627

Book the more tables matches

>> No.71338448


>> No.71341052

so uh streams?

>> No.71341072


>> No.71342964
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>> No.71343005

is this real?

>> No.71344860 [SPOILER] 
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this too

>> No.71346009

Holy shit who cares when's Lord of the Board 3

>> No.71348340

Probably still like 3 months out.

>> No.71348598
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This as well

>> No.71348653

That’s not real, though?

>> No.71348755

Maybe on planet retard

>> No.71350194

2k24 bros, any advice on sliders for cpu vs cpu?
the new 2k23 system might be fun gameplay but god it plays shit as a wrestling sim. there's not even fighting to win chain grapples with back and forth or anything wrestling-like, it's just someone doing moves until the other can randomly counter reversal.

>> No.71350745

>exposing the business

>> No.71350881

so you don’t know?
and neither do I?

>> No.71352139
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Why are some of these red?

>> No.71353051

Those teams can't possibly make it out of groups due to their statlines.
Since /HiRyS/ and /nepolabo/ have both played 3 games, they can't gain any more points, and it's not possible for them to make Top 2 3rd Place Teams when the threshold to that is 6 points.

>> No.71353961

im taking the book and going into business for myself

so far i turn stamina recovery all the way to 0 to slow it down and make big moves actually seems physically demanding, make reversals and stuff that gets spammed too much (springboards) happen less, but make finishers increasing impactful and turn finish reversal up

right now though people still kick out of like 2+ finishers easily so i think i need to slow down meter gain, and make finisher power even stronger / finisher reversals more often so it's more often the final exclamation point of match IF it lands.

it's better, but the losing AI tends to just waste payback meter on instant recovery into nothing and continues to get beaten up, not sure i change that.

>> No.71355005

>the losing AI tends to just waste payback meter on instant recovery into nothing and continues to get beaten up
That's going to happen no matter what. You can offset it a bit by changing what payback they use, but even that won't help too much.

>> No.71355898

i guess another r̶i̶g̶g̶i̶n̶g̶ thing i can do is make more managers or valets that i can utilize for certain matchups, especially makes sense for an underpowered Heel. like a handicap.
since managers can be pretty OP, forcing someone into a distracted animation for like 20s.

or even using them in both corners, just to break up the 1-sided steamroll offence feeling, and not rely purely on counters.

>> No.71356610

Take the fatigue and weight simulationpill.

>> No.71359970


>> No.71360207

>so far i turn stamina recovery all the way to 0 to slow it down and make big moves actually seems physically demanding, make reversals and stuff that gets spammed too much (springboards) happen less
Idk I do the literal opposite because I like long matches where wrestlers kick out of 5 finishers each

>> No.71362433

why is there no fed doin chuuba wrestlin on any of the AKI games? It's just texture swapping on the CAWs and then using GS codes to fix the AI.

>> No.71364725

The kwab?

>> No.71367073
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>> No.71369799


>> No.71374650


>> No.71376740

Okay, but for serious, why can’t Risu win a match? Was she just born to be a jobber?

>> No.71380946

As it is apparent I am the last /hfz/head, (You) shall nyow KWAB.
