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7129825 No.7129825 [Reply] [Original]

A thread where we study and take down false rrats to teach tourists how to shitpost accurately

>> No.7129834

Kiara is:
>A numberfag
>An introvert trying to be an extrovert and failing at it
>A good singer who fails at singing due to the baby voice she uses
>Very gay, plays JRPGs not for the story or the gameplay but for the girls
>Not actually gay
>A resident of /vt/
>A baby that will shit her pants real good
>In a corporate pairing with Mori that was horrible at first due to both of them not understanding how pairings work
>Very orange

Which rrats are false?

>> No.7131725

>A numberfag
>An introvert trying to be an extrovert and failing at it
>A good singer who fails at singing due to the baby voice she uses
Chicken screeches are a huge debuff but even without them I'm not sure I'd call her a GOOD singer, maybe decent
>Very gay, plays JRPGs not for the story or the gameplay but for the girls
Pretty sure she likes the gameplay of JRPG
>Not actually gay
Either bi or the greatest actor in history
>A resident of /vt/
Maybe once or twice she visited
>A baby that will shit her pants real good
>In a corporate pairing with Mori that was horrible at first due to both of them not understanding how pairings work
It's not fucking corporate but was planned by them. And it's still terrible, thank god it seems to be fading away
>Very orange
God damn I hate this color

>> No.7134666

the biggest rrat of all time was
>”coco is winning against the chinks
>”the chinks are starting to give up harassing Coco.”

>> No.7134734

Is there evidence for Pekora hating the gays? It's my favorite rrat.

>> No.7134762
File: 22 KB, 462x449, Ogeyrrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora's ogey rrat face is not from the rat simulator stream.

>> No.7135003

Ok anon for your starter question. Did Miko rape Pekora or did Pekora rape Miko? Pls answer this with no less than 100 words.

>> No.7135076

> Chink can not spam to Coco channel
> Chink spam her friend instead
> Coco blame herself about this
> 1 of graduation'a reason
> She became Youtube' s testing ground for counter Chink spam.
> She and Tatsunokos contact team Youtube by themself not Cover.
> Because of her and Tatsunokos afforts chink can not spam Youtube in long run anymore.
> Streamers have no fear Chink spamming anymore.

> The Jesus of Hololive.
She die for Youtube sin , She saved Vtubers all.

>> No.7135441

>pekora and korone dislike each other
I see this one somewhat often. Personally I think they're friends and they kiss.

>> No.7135535

Pekora, Aqua and Korone might be the ones with the most story together from NND days. Pekora and Aqua where much younger, so the dumb shit they used to do isn't written. People grow and mature tho, and when the anonymity veil is removed, people are way more civil.

>> No.7140643


Somebody should try to tear down that Ollie fingering rrat, it'll be fun to observe

>> No.7140746

>It's not fucking corporate but was planned by them. And it's still terrible, thank god it seems to be fading away

>> No.7140869

>Very orange
Orange has the worst aspects of yellow and red.
Red is a beautiful and stimulating colour. Roses and blood, red is a colour of love and warmth.
Yellow is the colour of the Sun. It is warm and light, makes an environment spacious.
Orange is a colour that stimulates you but doesn't provide a warm atmosphere. It just aggravates you. It doesn't make you feel welcome at all.
>t. someone who had his room painted orange for years and lost sanity because of it

>> No.7140879
File: 2.32 MB, 1767x1161, holiday[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fsrmi7g.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is a die hard Canucks fan, and she rioted during the 2011 Finals.

>> No.7141784

>Pekora, Aqua and Korone might be the ones with the most story together from NND days.
They didnt interact all that much tho. Not the same circles.
And while aqua was very young (15), pekora was already 22 when she started her previous account (let's not talk about the doggo). So idk what you are implying but you didnt exactly disprove any rrat here, sorry bud.

>> No.7142056

Yeah but orange you glad I didn't say banana?

>> No.7142132

Either someone in the agency had the idea or perhaps Kiara herself had it, this rrat that she just sprang this out of nowhere live on muh poor autistic Mori is fucking retarded. We all know that Mori just crumbles under pressure and I think that she is the one HoloEN member that struggles to have decent collabs with her genmates. The best explanation is that Kiara was perceptive enough to realize that a lot of people really enjoy how flirty the HoloJP talents are with one another, even to the point where they may "cross the line," Kiara wanted to become popular because of that appeal, thought Mori would probably be the best one to ask, Mori said why not but her autism twisted the relationship into a boke/tsukkomi thing that has just been left behind.
