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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71252079 No.71252079[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I knew this was going to happen soon, /vt/ is turning into a Hololive catalog, Niji is already beat, and after you've won, what then? you will have barely have anything/anyone to shit on, barely any drama outside holo to talk about and no enemies to fight. In the end it is the sisters that kept you here. You need the sisters as much as they need their black company.

>> No.71252235

I disagree, niji will always shit out drama like it’s their business strategy, since it’s how they stay relevant

>> No.71252295

>/ is turning into a Hololive catalog
it used to be this at first, and it was much better for it
hey mods can we have /vth/ just for Hololive? thanks

>> No.71252416

The day nijisanji burns is the day I will forever leave this Board

>> No.71252581


>> No.71252606

you have it the other way around
nijifags made their own imageboard, nest in a doxxsite they appropriated for troon activities, but cant help themselves and come here to get btfo'd

holobronies will just spam cunny and complain about male collabs. Your ilk are unneeded

>> No.71252608

The hololive bubble bursting is going to be monumental
We already saw how Holobronies don't care for the talents themselves, given how they treat everyone who left or got fired like Redditdragon, Rushia and Mel. You only need someone like Pekora to have another boyfriend scandal and then they'll scatter like roaches when the lights come on. They have no loyalty to the talents, just to the numbers.
That's why they're so obsessed with numbers and winning.

>> No.71252622
File: 27 KB, 640x479, E3A0FD29-B03E-433F-8570-F4AFDA7F48D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do enjoy nijisister seethe and cant live without it

>> No.71252680
File: 17 KB, 200x198, NPC_wojak_meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niji bad, Penguinz0 tell me

>> No.71252730

Sister stop writing your fanfiction. Just behave and stay at your sinking yacht or kys

>> No.71252781

Rushia betrayed her fans in the worst way possible, deserved
Mel also betrayed her fans but it wasn't that severe, also deserved
Coco became a walking woman moment and left all her creativity behind when she left

>> No.71252831

I'm going to fuck Pecora now....to destroy Hololive of course...

>> No.71252840

don't worry sister. we'll always go back to shitting on mori and kiara

>> No.71252923

We will always have the Homostars and their sister fandom to shit on, be their low numbers, or their faggy behavior.
And we will argue that the Homostars are just not Hololive, a mistake. Therefore, not Holo, and acceptable targets

>> No.71253009

>Holo board
>Nijiniggers invade
>Start spamming drama left and right
>Self destruct
>"Noo! You need Nijis!"
What do you call this behavior?

>> No.71253035
File: 246 KB, 1089x1073, Sisters Free Real Estate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71253072


>> No.71253193

The proliferation of split culture is the problem. There was a point when if you split off from global to try and form your own thread dedicated to 1 chuuba you'd get laughed at, called a faggot, and your shitty thread would die on 5 IPs. Splitniggers are a cancer and like cancer if you aren't diligent in fighting it and excising the tumors you will eventually be overtaken and killed by it.

>> No.71253206
File: 381 KB, 1089x1073, AverageNijiAnti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off faggot. You stole my meme because holo cucks are too retarded to make their own. Seethe schizter

>> No.71253234

Graduations/Terminations are their best content

>> No.71253250

lmao nijisisters can't be original for shit

>> No.71253251

Kek, this faggot took legal mindset out of the meme because he realized nobody talks about him and its just his schizo delusions

>> No.71253310

Then why did holo cucks steal my meme? You're contradicting yourself. Typical holo retard displaying it's subhuman IQ

>> No.71253353

I'm here for my Holo Oshi, retarded drama from lesser people and companies are just a bonus

>> No.71253382

Literal strawman arguments that nobody ever brings up.

>> No.71253413

/vt/ was a hololive catalog from the very beginning

>> No.71253428


>> No.71253435

this but "get out of my board" with a sane person

>> No.71253497

imagine being so btfo in the normie space that you come here to bitch and whine

the funniest thing is they were so btfo from here before that they went and made their own imageboard, but that obviously failed because even their talents come crawling back /here/

Nijiniggers are the real dramafags desu

>> No.71253500

>rent fucking free
Kek, you should take your meds the voices in your head are laughing at you again

>> No.71253599
File: 995 KB, 1580x1080, DookiDefenseForce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nooo why are you coming to my top secret club
>Shares views with normal fags like pic related

>> No.71253621

>You stole my meme
>why did holo cucks steal my meme?
Lol, lmao even.>>71253234

>> No.71253652

Says the holo faggots who see Niji everywhere.

>> No.71253700

bitch you evidently cant even maintain your own secret clubs, they just collapse under all the troonery.
But we know you need us and you'll crawl back here, pathetic little shit

>> No.71253714

What in the ESL did I just read?

>> No.71253726

You know i can say niji is garbage and also say those people are faggots dramanigs leeches

>> No.71253742

>you share views with normal people
>this is bad and you should feel bad
wow I sure am persuaded

>> No.71253812

>overwhelmingly holo-supporting board since its creation
>Nijifags seethe that they're made fun of at every opportunity
>seethe that even normies are now taking the piss out of Kurosanji too
You can always leave.

>> No.71253880

Why do nijifags have such a victim mentality?

>> No.71253894
File: 4 KB, 221x228, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You stole my meme in 4chan im gonna DMCA you REEEEEE!

>> No.71253896

So you're a newfag; that explains quite a few things.

>> No.71254039
File: 94 KB, 697x854, Revsaysdesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags literally came in 2020 from fags like gigguk then claim you own the board. You're all a bunch of losers who act like 4chan is some secret club and you're cool because nobody knows about it. You fags probably started off on /b/

>> No.71254041

This board was LITERALLY created for Hololive. This is a Hololive board. And you're so fucking retarded you can't even imagine people enjoying the hobby without drama.
On top of that Nijisanji appeals to Twitter troons and kpop femcels, no one wants these subhumans on 4chan.

>> No.71254105

>Hurr u r dumb for steal meme
>You joined my secret club and copied me REEEEEEEE

>> No.71254120

>wah let me in the cool club wah wah

absolutely newfag behavior

>> No.71254154

shut up you double nigger

>> No.71254167

By that logic /b/tards own this board since they were on this site first. I'll make sure to let them know.

>> No.71254178

hololive will always have enemies because the losers obsessively attack hololive out of jealousy
it's pretty sad

>> No.71254214

i vote for changing /vt/ into /hl/ starting next month.

>> No.71254234

>Hurr let me in ur club
That's literally you faggots. And nigger? You from /pol/? I thought this was a holo site?

>> No.71254284
File: 48 KB, 540x720, Tite_kubo_is_a_ichiruki_fan_by_obessedichirukifan-d33qliw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You fags probably started off on /b/
yeah in 2005

>> No.71254304

I vote for you to get fucked in the ass by Yagoo.

>> No.71254350

people will eventually get bored of pre recorded tracks and AI generated dancing

>> No.71254366

It's always been a Holobrony board you dumb tourist.

>> No.71254374

go outside

>> No.71254402

>nigger? /pol/?
outed yourself hard, newfag

>> No.71254443

they're so expensive people aren't even bothering with niji concerts anymore

>> No.71254462

It always was

>> No.71254464

The board didn't exist in 2020, things were still back on /jp/ also:
>Muh secret club
No one is saying this except you, you're being (correctly) told that this has always been a majority Hololive supporting board - seething about the fact no one takes you or your company seriously doesn't change anything.

>> No.71254471
File: 298 KB, 498x498, Ironmouse_Portrait_04_2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seeing Nijiniggers and Holofags seething in the comments

>> No.71254527
File: 233 KB, 527x540, 1709405337958221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the comments

>> No.71254533

enjoy your mouse flavored connor semen

>> No.71254552

>in the comments

>> No.71254575

>The hololive bubble bursting is going to be monumental
It will slowly deflate, but it's never going to burst. /v/ is still filled with the same console war shitflinging from when the switch and ps4 came out 11 years ago. People make being on X team and hating Y team their entire personality.

>> No.71254577
File: 338 KB, 1080x1080, Turustumeburoja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr no one say this but you
You're a retard.

>> No.71254639

>in the comments
newfag tourist spotted

>> No.71254661

bring back snacks

>> No.71254677
File: 32 KB, 400x400, IronMouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many homos have your oshi fucked?

>> No.71254687

this, but i switch places with Yagoo

>> No.71254697

Yeah, where did any of those replies talk about this being a secret club? Retarded newfag-chama.

>> No.71254747
File: 200 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are commenting, no?

>> No.71254761

Snacks is dead and won't be coming back. Ever. Moot joined google to have him killed.

>> No.71254801
File: 29 KB, 751x416, 1646778463572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi fucks homosexuals

>> No.71254816

>doubling down on newfaggotry

Can we get a yikes for newchama

>> No.71254833
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>> No.71254867
File: 13 KB, 266x190, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure, I'm pretty sure he has kids but he does seem close to the homostars.

>> No.71254939

Lol, are you ESL as well as a newfag? Where did they talk about a secret club?

>> No.71254950
File: 105 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you call then?

>> No.71255010

Keep shifting the goalposts faggot. You know you're wrong so you deflect.

>> No.71255071

what do I call?

>> No.71255093

>nijifag gets owned
>starts LARPing as a vshojo

>> No.71255100

there are more threads about small corpos and indies than Hololive threads though?

>> No.71255141
File: 33 KB, 250x354, Ironmouse_first_Vshojo_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you call ESL? Comment make more sense

>> No.71255183

How am I wrong? How have I shifted the goalposts? You said people /here/ were acting like this was a secret club as opposed to just telling you your company has always, and always will be, treated as a joke on this board. You're still not able to show me any anon who said this. Maybe ho back to lurking for a bit before pretending to know what you're talking about, lmao.

>> No.71255187

holobronies are too smug to care
Also it's easier to falseflag as nijis if they really want to get under their skin
