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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71205489 No.71205489 [Reply] [Original]

Tomhag Edition

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to increase their numbers, and gain an audience.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, although we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>Should I post in /asp/ too?
The thread recommendation is to introduce yourself in as many communities you can, so yes. Just don't bring the general up unless asked, that particularly applies outside of this site.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like 4chan ads)

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."
Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight.

>Last thread FAQ
- Anon doesn't like pantyshots
- Elf want a mum
- Denpa collab with Grimmi
- Anon will take indefinite hiatus and wants to know if announce or just disappear
- Pittie got the views /asp/ie buff supposed to give even without them
- What model toggles would anons like to redeem with channel points?
- Gumpai comitting career suicide again
- Feed Layla
- PIttie doesn't wear pants
- Why did hobo dog so loved by everyone? (She nice)
- Anon claims Bonni is getting boost from PL viewers when its /vrt/ and /euro/ bros are her viewers
- Anon having numbers mindrot (You're doing fine)
- /wasp/cord are filled with women
-Would you hate your oshi if she was married?
- Anon is married to the grind

>Some resources


>Threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Global
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt/euro/ - European vtuber thread
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up
>>>/vt/jong/ - beloved offspring for mahjong players

Previous >>71118847

>> No.71205554

A bump for you, wasps!

>> No.71205740
File: 443 KB, 2048x1228, GIXq4xNbUAAmQ4Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm definitely feral tomcreature.. I like to pick up cool dead bugs I find on my walks, been wanting to try and taxidermy them. :3

>> No.71205794

Denpa fish was a waspie right?
She's colabing with grimmie

>> No.71205827

None of these are tomboys these are just weird girls

>> No.71205846

Easy way to make money from retards like (me)
Spent 200£ on a bunch of moths

>> No.71205871

Hang on these aren't tomboys these are just basic women...

>> No.71205925


>> No.71206235

Khubie is also in the same collab. Good on them.

>> No.71207146
File: 118 KB, 702x768, sexbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bird live https://twitch.tv/pittiepitohui

>> No.71207625
File: 697 KB, 3277x4096, FrkyHnEaYAAdx-Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VAllure. Adult vtuber corpo, focusing on lewd audio.

>> No.71207770

Buy a ad and stop posting shit art. Dumb bitch

>> No.71207861

I think the art is nice. Stop being so gay anon.

>> No.71207865
File: 89 KB, 204x192, 1687286937992684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont have tekken 8
do you have street? I will kick your ass

>> No.71207948

I wish a hot girl would kick my ass

>> No.71208148

Send me a cum tribute and I will make it happen

>> No.71208188

uwu imposteryou are sure powerful but you are not a girl

>> No.71208256

There's a trans vtuber who keeps wanting to collab with me, i already said no but she keep pushing, i dont really wanna hang out with her, i dont like all that trans stuff. Do i just block? I dont want any drama, i just wanna do my own thing.

>> No.71208309

she might retaliate if you block, just ignore and pretend you are busy

>> No.71208340
File: 199 KB, 506x674, 1709571023758807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite waspie

>> No.71208392

Just keep it at no, you don't need Special Olympics twitter call outs

>> No.71208435

This real chat?

>> No.71208511

Yeah I wish I could find a luna moth, so far I've found a couple of cool beetles, a cicada, and a butterfly.

>> No.71208535

When you say she do you mean a real girl or a fake one

>> No.71208797

exquisite taste desu

>> No.71208824


>> No.71208837

mtf person

>> No.71209365

I don't like trannies either! Let's collab

>> No.71209565

wow I'm a tomelder I guess

>> No.71209910

Should be possible to mute them too. It wont tell them that you did so and you wont get notified of their messages anymore basically softblock

>> No.71210215

I'm really uncomfortable with mtf trans, especially the ones I see on Twitter. they're fucking loud, obnoxious, self entitled and still mansplain. I hate how they try to join women only spaces and think that being a woman means you can bitch about literally everything and boss people around. you're just being a MAN.

>> No.71210278

People shouldn't push collabs it should happen organicly and mutually. No one at fault if you don't want to collab, just don't do it as a ew tranny.

>> No.71210398

Yes, although he shouldn't be in wasp, he should be in my bed tied up.

>> No.71210689

tell her no because she is being too pushy. do not tell her it is because you don’t care for trans people as that’s a one way ticket to harassment town. frankly begging for collabs is annoying behavior and it’s alright to call her out on it

>> No.71210719
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You didn't post the most important ones.

>> No.71211093

I would believe this if you didn't say mansplain
Fuck off with shit bait
Trannies aren't welcome here nor are you

>> No.71211490
File: 152 KB, 500x500, FXiFN7laIAIYGuv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like 1 tomgoblin please.

>> No.71211841

I'm definitely tomboy day job

>> No.71212067

Tomelder all the way.

>> No.71212099

Miu doing spicey noodle challenge.

>> No.71214727

What is it with some female vtubers using voice changers to sound male? You can still tell it's a femcel.

>> No.71214819

im the tomgoblin 100%

>> No.71215327

that's pretty weird. are there any confirmed reverse trap vtubers?

>> No.71215381

You need meds I sound like that and am a real male

>> No.71215658

i was watching a comfy non vtuber stream and out of nowhere he decided to raid this vtuber. she playing tekken 8 rn https://www.twitch.tv/hurricanekitten

>> No.71215680

>no one wants a true tomboy
Its Over.

>> No.71215878

Are any males safe?

>> No.71215952

Yeah the bros but be ready to get ignored

>> No.71215963

>Are any males safe?
No. Not after Kuku. Even the gays

>> No.71216038

Ineda asked if i was down to collab, he seems pretty safe

>> No.71216056

If you have to ask...

>> No.71216211

If we are just linking random fucking vtubers now here you go

>> No.71216520

Ineda is harmless but has poor conversational skills and talking with him can be being overwhelming. Good luck

>> No.71216529

oh huh yea was probably the wrong thread but also no harm in sharing some 2 views so people can pick them up if they like

>> No.71216581

rumao even

>> No.71216685

you can run random people as long as they are doing something the rest can learn of
this is why posting gura is allowed

>> No.71216870

Dante asked me earlier if I want to collab. Should I say no on the grounds that he is a sexpest and crabs people in the thread or collab with him so that he doesn't try to crab me?

>> No.71217051 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 564x795, Crab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're getting crabbed either way, do what you feel most comfortable with, you shouldn't feel scared to collab or feel scared to reject someone asking for a collab.

>> No.71217093

This is a male that gets more views than anyone here. You can learn from it

>> No.71217631
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>> No.71217663

do ASMR?

>> No.71217994
File: 2.37 MB, 2542x2508, 1689524672508341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Service your viewers

>> No.71218025

Can you stop crossposting you fucking schizo?
Don't even bother replying because it's some bad faith poster trying to fuck over said chuuba's reputation by posting him everywhere

>> No.71218185

>""domesticated tomboy""
Did you mean: normal woman?
Wowee it's almost like women can do masculine things and still be women, and men can do feminine things and still be men. Idk why we gotta slap "tom" onto anything and everything. I'm so tired of zoomer nonsense and obsession with gender.

>> No.71218233

>You can learn from it
Not really, that the reason for this thread.
Techniques that work for women don't usually work for men and viceversa.
The particularities of Kurameikira rise are interesting but females might get backlash if they go as hard as he goes.
Men can be whores without being afraid of social repercussions

>> No.71218248
File: 24 KB, 500x500, GAGNm7obgAAtfB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if I pick it up again when Akuma comes out we can duel it out.

>> No.71218247

Ok grandmom lets get you back to the hospital bed

>> No.71218336

one of the weirdest seethes ive seen anon. good job i guess.

>> No.71218383
File: 48 KB, 498x281, theory-about-sleepy-frieren-v0-4y003dbd0gwb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, I'm not that old yet

>> No.71218392

everyone will probably pick it up when he does so its going to be probably an entire month of air fireballs

>> No.71218427

how to tell you're one of those men without saying it

>> No.71218561

>Men can be whores without being afraid of social repercussions
*No citation or proof for this claim I pulled out my ass*

>> No.71218700

where could you possibly find an acceptable source for this claim

>> No.71218994

I don't care for the insinuation that every girl is some kind of tomboy just for being interesting.

The social repercussion is that I stop giving him my time and attention because he makes me feel undervalued and give my attention to other men that make me feel valued and happy for giving them my time.

>> No.71219151

I see a tomboy stole your bf

>> No.71219335

but its true, kinda.
surprise surprise, most guys dont find typical female hobbies interesting to engage in. they may find them attractive in terms of finding a significant other, but thats different than feeling a desire to actually understand or engage in the activities.
but hobbies more typically male in same way that they themselves are interested in? yeah, that is an 'interesting female' to them. but these are also, obviously, seen are more masculine activities, which a female being into is by the definition seen as at least somewhat tomboyish.

so yeah, to alot of guys most girls at all interesting are probably at least partially tomboys.

>> No.71219361

Brainrot and mental illness stole my bf, no tomboy needed. You can keep him.

>> No.71219562

But vtubers like that are so nice and cute

>> No.71219992

Partially sure, but to label a whole as something that's just a part of it depends mostly on how much of that part it's made up of. It's disingenuous to call something that sounds like a motherly or sisterly type a whole-ass tomboy if nothing else is really masculine about her aside from being firm and confident. That's why I'm squinty at labelling something that just sounds like being pretty normal as a "domesticated tomboy", because it sounds like it's undermining the rest of who that person is for the occasionally masculine things she does.

I also feel like you're just too eager to label things as "female" or "male" hobbies, when a hobby can just be a hobby enjoyed by both. And, not everything needs a dumb label slapped on anyhow.

>> No.71220112

Who should I avoid collabing with? I don't know enough waspies/aspies and their pasts so I don't want to end up getting groomed by someone

>> No.71220254

all males are to be avoided for obvious reasons

>> No.71220320

avoid this anon and also denpafish

>> No.71220356

If only it wasn't so bad he could actually focus and debut, you'd be right. But I care more about vtubing than he does.

>> No.71220394

males, but particularly males outside the 4chan circle.
The ones here at least have been memed so hard they managed to convince themselves they arent doing this to get a girlfriend.
The male vtubers outside this board will straight hit on you for 2 hours straight during the collab they pressured you to accept and wont fear retaliation from the other male vtubers in his circle like the local ones do

>> No.71220620

labels are part of life and how humans interact with the world, the very act of naming something is giving it a label and puts it down the path of further categorizing it and its traits, which will naturally happen and is unavoidable.
and anyone not part of the modern insanity understands there is stark differences between male and female, and what they typically find interesting, thus most things will typically be seen as leaning in one direction or the other, albeit to different degrees.

you're right though that labeling them as a full tomboy over only one trait would be incorrect and is pretty silly, but its also a side effect of the fact most males may only strongly engage in that one aspect, so it will be highlighted more than the rest of their traits.

but, we're also tearing stupidly deep into a meme just meant to be funny, so.

>> No.71220714

look at any of their twitters and if they drama whore even a tiny bit, dont collab
also yea denpafish

>> No.71221017


Is this a meme or is there actually a reason?

>> No.71221057

males, but particularly males from the 4chan circle

>> No.71221071

lurk 5 million more years before posting

>> No.71221358

The girls should be safe from them grooming you, but some of them might enable other males.

>> No.71221460

If I see no reason cited, I assume crab. How cant you even come up with some fake info? I will never know if its fake anyways, but you didnt even try...

>> No.71221831

Not everything needs to be a shared space anon. Anyone would find it odd if a man joined a knitting circle or started collecting breyer horses.

>> No.71221974

Collabing with grimmi seems stirred some shit

>> No.71222151

The collab was well received, /asp/ dramawhores just want to drag her down with them

>> No.71222158

No, no, that is called envy.
Expect the "DISCORD FEFENFE FORFE!!" Claim too

>> No.71222170


>> No.71222327

looking up shit in the archives can save your life

>> No.71222534

Yeah, look it up in the archives so you can see dozens of other posts from the same retard (probably you) saying to look it up in the archives

>> No.71223403

No, especially not the ones with clean reputations

>> No.71223549

sex with clam

>> No.71223804

own the schizos by choosing to remain ignorant based

>> No.71223816

Only with viewers

>> No.71223864

nigga just give ONE other word to include in the search

>> No.71224116


>> No.71224293

It's called pattern recognition you faggot, you've done nothing but this exact same vagueposting song and dance over Denpa. If you had anything other than rrats, you'd post it, but you don't so you just vaguepost about how she's worse than Hitler to try and get others to hate her.

>> No.71224584 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 474x102, 1710297687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ it's worse than I could have imagined

>> No.71225053

Please tell me who to avoid, but for real, I want names. I am just starting and I wouldn't want to ruin it all by a bunch of horrible collabs

>> No.71225197
File: 302 KB, 1100x670, 1710282618702591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sigh, open wide. this will give you all the keywords you need
just this once ok, promise to research your collab partners

>> No.71225378

Did you know Gumpai and Denpa are friends again and neither of them care about this anymore? Of course not, that'd ruin whatever retarded narrative you're trying to spin.

>> No.71225389
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>> No.71225543

If a guy approaches you to ask for a collab that's a red flag. I'm not kidding, there's no reason an established male vtuber would reach out to you for a collab otherwise. If you wanted to ask one to collab why the fuck are you asking one to collab

>> No.71225799

I will assume this to also be bait, I said names, and you didn't provide, and even added something completely unrelated to my request.

>> No.71225807

Once the chuubascum finalizes their plan there will be no viewers left. You and me and the rest will all be chuubas

>> No.71226103

If you're curious if someone is bad news, name names, but as a general rule, there's no reason to do male collabs

>> No.71226235

I dont know how this is an argument against looking people in the archives before approaching them
There is more stuff

>> No.71226329
File: 314 KB, 578x384, 1681951901009970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So neru is a kani

>> No.71226439

It's not an argument against looking someone up in the archives, it's an argument against the tired /asp/ie crabs who shit up every thread when Denpa is mentioned.

>> No.71226459
File: 639 KB, 1500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have asked in the past, and I have gotten permission to post my chuubas, even if they are not /here/, so here I go:
A sweet girl who likes to play games, sometimes she does mainstream, sometimes she plays something more niche like today! On Stream Playing: Wizard101
She is very sweet, likes to play and is very good at responding to chat while gaming! There is also some scuff, but that is the norm there, hih

>> No.71226489

i focus too much on my viewers i am scared of talking to anyone else but my viewers plz help

>> No.71226529

No you're on the path to success

>> No.71226759

There are a few who might have a more crass sense of humor than you might be comfortable with but other than that, none are going to end your streaming career or anything. You might alienate any unicorns in your audience so be aware of that but the only people to be wary of are those that try to DM you the second they meet you.

>> No.71227254

Here are the names:
daiya, 3rdpt, kukukaeru, merlieazoth, hanbun, iloidtupo, haru, iriya, ace p caswell, slushy, bunkum, manasong, charleyfolds, elliott, sterling, digby, beryl, koadot, finbar, keitaro, kenny, momomo, geltaran, dantedaedalus, koikawa, kaignikki, icefoxzettai, berialryuuta, icefox, yukichi, astroparseks, cabu, freeofme, spikepls, kankuroking, ace w, fuzakerunah, ainsliesentry, tornkite, sinformavx, scege, suraya, polybius, mawg, wiplash, chaos foundry, marcus bolby, severyn, gurun, basil, cheen, shvah, coyote knight, flandzen, uwo, bubby, gclef, ruadh, albert, sunalbionis, satellian, lcolonq, codycat, puente, silver, sirshabby, sonowono, kiji, cometcrust, camui, sukadrii, k10nd1k3, crane, nikolanorth, kuromaru, skab, kotarucomplex, thesmartestwitch, frankyakamatsu, savvyavenue, khubie, kscha, bacillyboy, zephhaathun, patchey, johann. And I might have forgotten someone with this.

>> No.71227283

This is very cute.

>> No.71227446

uwo and clonq are the only ones worth collabing with on that list

>> No.71227639

i did a collab but off stream oh no...

>> No.71227760

tupo deserves collabs

>> No.71227850

Hi tupo

>> No.71228174

I'm actually ok if they collab with them. It has purpose

>> No.71228350

No one "deserves" collabs

>> No.71228422

>there's no reason to do collabs

>> No.71228432

on the other hand vtubers owe me sex

>> No.71228454

That's male chuuba mentality

>> No.71228498

jong collabs are fine

>> No.71228539

They can join in with the viewers

>> No.71229312

I thought you were better than this, this is really a L...

>> No.71229483

I will become a chuuba, slide into hags's DMs, collab with hags, and impregnate hags

>> No.71229923

Don't blame Tupo for my posts

>> No.71230146

> kscha

Oh good I hate that guy. I'm glad Gscha isn't on the list though, he's cool.

>> No.71230282
File: 358 KB, 1379x1001, 1694912104685067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In two days it will be wasp second monthniversary
lets celebrate by remembering the past

>> No.71230475

Wiplash is a girl stupid

>> No.71230602

You’re missing camui whos been involved with three women, none who’ve come out unscathed

>> No.71230676

This is a really random list

>> No.71230684

I created wasp. You are all welcome

>> No.71230969

No, it was the names on the asp tierlist.

>> No.71230998
File: 471 KB, 1800x1061, 1694844549283520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for your hard labor, I hope seeing these screens made it all worth it.
Nothing like going back and mocking the non believers

>> No.71231344

>most of the females here depended on the good will of the male aspies

>> No.71231444

honestly reading the asp archives during these dates is even funnier
and it will get funnier still with every month that passes from now on

>> No.71231865
File: 89 KB, 1089x287, 1691724755129158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And in that moment Cell felt the real terror

>> No.71231967

this nigga still here selfposting to keep this shit alive RUMAO

>> No.71232081

Pittie and Bonni are doing fine without them. They don't owe anyone shit but themselves and their community

>> No.71232357
File: 153 KB, 980x842, 1691089586082456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one thing I couldnt find is the actual original quote, we might have been saying the meme wrong all along
new ip with no images...

>> No.71232452

there is no ip count anymore dumbass

>> No.71232481
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>> No.71232487

Not just them, watching waspies grow is very inspiring. Some faster, some slower, but I believe all of them gmi in the end.

>> No.71232699

the premise is ridiculous since the men in question didnt had any viewers to begin with and that was pointed out in that thread too

>> No.71232750

i hope we are too. i love streaming so much

>> No.71233025
File: 83 KB, 1361x302, 1692475313061209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss mutton

>> No.71233306 [DELETED] 

Layla is a huge grifter who uses drama to get attention. Her first claim to fame was guilt tripping people on twitter about her singing and she got thousands of followers. She made him do embarrassing things like moan her name and threatened him with suicide if he didn't openly white knight her. She has thrown public tantrums in discord servers, on stream and on twitter since and lied about being a rape victim. I never liked Layla because it was obvious how she was going to act and Camui's biggest fault was being involved with her in the first place. His involvement with her is why he has a bad reputation in some circles
Rottie is a genuine sexpest that would shit up his chat with nonstop unprompted sex talk and along with that she was rude to him and Chrii so he banned her and afaik that's the end of it but yeah she acted icky and it was gross to read her comments sometimes
Chrii is a mod on his channel and he said they're good friends and she did some kind of work on his new model so idk who the third girl you mean is but those are the three he's usually mentioned alongside

>> No.71233437

I'm on idk friendly terms? (we don't talk privately) with him and he's always been really polite with me

>> No.71233508

>he's always been really polite with me
serial killers also act normal and polite 99% of the time

>> No.71233552

Did you just compare a vtuber to a serial killer!!!!!

>> No.71233791
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>the only one he keeps around is the normal one

>> No.71234032
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>> No.71234037

>believes in everything they read here

>> No.71234249

andy mikun rura and neru in cringe

>> No.71234636

Whats with all the ex boobros gathering in Blue's fandom? Did >we collectively find her why the fuck am I getting your replies to her spammed on my timeline

>> No.71234689

Its just males being jealous that collabing with grimmi didnt propel them to gmi status because of course it didnt
Honestly even though Grimmi is my oshi and i'd love to collab i fear the idea becuase she's a 4view now and i feel like it'd cement me as forever ngmi

>> No.71234777

I really like Andy and it's hard for me to admit she's cringe

>> No.71235315

Rura is 19 or 20 I believe

>> No.71236358

grace's 21st birthday is this sunday the 17th

>> No.71236449

Why would a grimmi collab cement you as a NGMI? I didn't get that idea, I think.

>> No.71236818

Nigger Rura has completed college, she's at least 22

>> No.71236837
File: 883 KB, 850x807, 1641760695742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more Midas

>> No.71237037

>start discussing male vtubers
>people start shilling male vtubers
>while shitting on female vtubers
I wonder who could be behind this

>> No.71237398


>> No.71237698

cats is hag
just like the dog

>> No.71237944

really makes you think

>> No.71238118

Stop being a smartass. Regardless, the /wasp/ experiment is successful

>> No.71238486


>> No.71238550

Has there been less Midas?

>> No.71238807


>> No.71238866


>> No.71238868

I'm going to fund Blue's tokage addiction.

>> No.71239349

QB and Denpa still live...

>> No.71239967
File: 266 KB, 656x512, 1703356016058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentions the giga autist who just wants to be left alone

>> No.71240589

Femchuubas, you’re better than this
You don’t need to pander to an incredibly small handful of /vt/ dwelling virgins that will lose their minds and anti you until the end of time if you dare to interact with a man
You are better than that
You deserve more
Come to /asp/
Come home

>> No.71240629

Has she set her Throne up yet?

>> No.71240641

Who the fuck is Blue?

>> No.71241081

blue mah ballz

>> No.71241502


>> No.71241903

I've had collabs with some of those...

>> No.71242209

congrats now you have at least 20 losers thinking that if they play their cards right they will make you their girlfriend
hope you like the "how r u" dms daily as they struggle to find something to talk you about, anything

>> No.71242384

So you're saying there's no difference from collab-less streaming.

>> No.71242507

some of those are girls dumbass

>> No.71242647
File: 101 KB, 279x180, 1705916369138368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are starting to understand
once you realize male vtubers aren't any different from your viewers your training will be complete

>> No.71244141

13h stream, my brain is melting

>> No.71244661

The strongest waspies

>> No.71244923

>once you realize male vtubers aren't any different from your viewers your training will be complete
her viewers aren't posting on /wasp/ asking her to collab with them to own the incels

>> No.71245042

>once you realize male vtubers aren't any different from your viewers
No they're fucking not. Vtubers see other vtubers above viewers. You're retarded

>> No.71245388

NTA but you're missing the point of the post.

>> No.71245483

>Vtubers see other vtubers above viewers
This can not be stated enough

>> No.71245488

Male vtubers don't even watch. They keep you in little muted tabs and say they're supporting you so you owe them collabs

Viewers and male vtubers aren't same

>> No.71245785

If they keep you in a muted tab it means you aren't entertaining enough, no? In which case "male vtubers" aren't the issue.

>> No.71246001

>pretend to watch a vtuber in exchange for collab
You ain't making their case better

>> No.71246098

they're not looking for entertainment

>> No.71246171

>Vtubers see other vtubers above viewers.
Yes, which is yet another reason why male collabs are as hated as they are by the majority non-male vtuber viewerbase

>> No.71246339
File: 119 KB, 1500x1125, 1679410043492396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be /asp/ie for almost a year
>be /wasp/ie not even for a month
Numbers don't lie.

Lemme reiterate what's been said over and over since pre-/vt/

Organic corn fed viewers = growth
Onions infused male vtubers = no growth

>> No.71246398

to be fair, 2 vtubers isnt enough for a statistical sample

>> No.71246428

It's not fair.

>> No.71246583

a lesson on containment breaking for aspies: do not do this
it works
but dont do it

>> No.71246594
File: 251 KB, 894x400, skillet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This u?

>> No.71246621
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>> No.71246645

Holy shit you're so fucking dumb.

>> No.71246721

You are addressing 2 posts with one post with a picture of skillet. You tell me

>> No.71246756

that's not really containment breaking

>> No.71246789

/vt/ has gone mainstream after holos getting caught. Not to mention smaller EN corpos. Pack your bags. Sekrit club ain't so sekrit anymore

>> No.71247136

If I'm on 1,5k subs, to how big tubers can I reach out? Is around 5k safe? How big is too big to reach out to? I need to find someone new to network to enhance my branding, but how do I do that?

>> No.71247406
File: 619 KB, 1763x2027, UOOOH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71247407

>1,5k subs
It's not about subscribes/followers. What's your ccv?

>> No.71247520

16 on normal streams, 20 on zatsu/vertical (YouTube streamer)

>> No.71247813

YouTube is hard since the communities here are heavily on Twitch's

Aside from befriending YouTubers /here/ be a small YT chuuba corpo fren. In normal circumstances, I'd say stick to people below 100ccvs but you're circumstance is not normal and you don't really have a choice.

How do you that? Be a viewer again, chat, join discords, etc. Try to network with individuals not groups. Groups will either form or absorb you naturally if you do that, if that's what you want

>> No.71247948

I'm also trying to raid after every stream, it's often only choosing between two-three VTubers including two corpo and one indie

>> No.71248043

2-3 is a very small circle. You won't be getting any viewers after a few raids. You gotta get out there. There's no other way

>> No.71248247

Thats sadly raids on YouTube, they are turned off most of the time. Not everyone knows about the feature, barely anyone turns it on themselves, so you don't have many people to raid.

>> No.71248582

It sucks. There isn't much trickling down. Most vtuber viewers are with big corpos. I did watch someone went from 0 to 100ccv in mere weeks because she went viral when she got bullied, cried and got clipped then bigger chuubas befriended her

Growth is possible I think

>> No.71250542

Yeah, but I believe there must be a reason why corpos only go for YT. I believe viewer base expands there.

>> No.71250661
File: 154 KB, 903x896, Screenshot_20240313_080958_Twitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add back to the tierlist

>> No.71250828

wrong thread

>> No.71251039

No this is the right thread. You removed her from the tierlist

>> No.71251207

That is male. I removed him just like I removed chaos foundry. Males do not belong on our tierlist

>> No.71251378

At the expense of shafting all the new males who debuted around the same time.

>> No.71251681

Also YouTube's redirect function is very restricted unless they've dropped the 1k sub requirement.

>tfw had a 2k sub channel I could have reused had it not been for one barrier in the way that couldn't be removed

>> No.71251742

Factually, there's no real world difference between someone with 1 million subs and 100 subs because all that matters is your ccv. Also on twitch, there is no difference between 74 viewers and 1 viewers as well. Once you get partner, you'll get access to a lot of secret clubs and people reaching out to you but before then just make as many relationships as you can with people big or small if you enjoy watching them, this allows genuine relationships to form and works out better in the long run for networking.

>> No.71251869

>74 viewers and 1 viewers
Sweet now I can claim my ccv is 74 since it is the same thing. Thanks anon

>> No.71251950

Yes it's clearly always the womens fault and men aren't at fault for their own shortcomings.

>> No.71252016

males are shafted by not collabing with girls, girls and their viewers are shafted by collabing with guys
someone gets shafted anyway, at least this way more people watch and enjoy vtubers they like overall

>> No.71252300

Bro unity is the way for males. We bro enjoyers want nothing to do with women

>> No.71252434
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>> No.71252607

wrong thread for that, you seem lost

>> No.71252694

now please go back

>> No.71252803 [DELETED] 

I (a male) created wasp. You should suck my dick as thanks

>> No.71252964

I'm sorry anon, but you are offtopic

>> No.71252975

How do you guys deal with jealousy? I just saw a vtuber reach 5k on twitch and despite us starting around same time my channel is still sitting at less than 1k. I even stream more than her and it just stings..

>> No.71253045

> 17 hour stream

>> No.71253204

Did you try not being a jealous spiteful bitch?

>> No.71253214

Channel that jealousy into rage and use that rage to get motivation to accomplish goals and projects.

>> No.71253259

wait I know who reached 5k today

>> No.71253263

Did you try being a better streamer rather than a whiny bitch?

>> No.71253313

You see it's a marathon not a race. A lot of vtubers were jealous of Shiki miyoshino back when she was the first small corpo vtuber to hit 100k and getting every youtube she posted trending but now everyone else has surpassed her and she's floundering.

Just care about yourself, your time will come eventually because the algorithm gods can be fickle with who they choose to bless.

>> No.71253332

Looks like a girl?

>> No.71253409

Streaming more than someone else rarely translates into numbers. Have you tried looking at it from another perspective? What she does better than you? Or is her overall stream quality better?
You can still improve and grow, it’s not a race!

>> No.71253471

that's what i do. rage is my sole motivator

>> No.71253577

Ever heard of a babi retard?

>> No.71253655

speaking of streaming too much: should i stream less but do more community events?

>> No.71253781

Do not collab with males
Do not raid males
Do not let males raid you. Ban them if they try.

>> No.71253808


I assume it's Kuu? I don't know what kind of content you make, but being jealous of someone else's moderate success will not do any good.

>> No.71253905

>2. All VTuber discussion should pertain directly to their streams and content. Off-topic and 'IRL' discussion will be deleted
Girl vtubers are girls.

>> No.71253917

true tomboys wouldn't be vtubers. they're too self-assured. they'd straight up fleshstream

>> No.71254108

>Girl vtubers are girls.
So I can link every babi I watch here? Nice

>> No.71254114

>Ban them
Seriously this your viewers will love and trust you if you make a show of banning any m*le vtuber that tries to Leech in your chat or with raids.

>> No.71254305
File: 2.34 MB, 1306x2854, 547347236475663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always could do that. Just like this girl

>> No.71254360

Technically yeah

>> No.71254418

I don't mind male vtubers in chat as long as they behave.
t. viewer

>> No.71254508

Biological men will never be women even if they spend money on a cute girl model. Don’t be tricked.

>> No.71254509

That is because you’re a malewatcher.
You’re why raiding into males is worthless, the only people you can get from them are people they want to push males

>> No.71254625

Real life discussion is against the rules of /vt/

>> No.71254725

>insufferable troglodytes trying to troll the thread again
One weak link will always break the women only places. Don't let it happen again.

>> No.71254844

You forgot to take your meds anon

>> No.71254911

Publicly ban all men.
/wasp/ies can support each other more than any male ever could.

>> No.71255017
File: 190 KB, 421x513, 1710274683687880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they count as /wasp/ now?

>> No.71255096

It’s not a real life discussion, that’s reality. There are lots of people who like Babi for the fact that they are Babi, but it’s a huge debuff for the majority of them. I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve seen people bitch about female model male voice. Also from my understanding the majority of Babi’s I know are fully aware that they are males using a female avatar not mtf.

Thanks I will take it !

>> No.71255106
File: 300 KB, 311x831, mizuz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree this is my favorite wasp and I love her
Yes now you can post scissors here

>> No.71255269

Even for mtf babi they will sound the exact same as any other male. How do you even know if they are or are not mtf

>> No.71255295
File: 56 KB, 562x562, IMG_1323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I bestow upon the masses the Wasp commandments:
I: Thou shalt not collab with men unless their collab is growth beneficial.
II: Thou shalt not discuss their IRL gender, lest they are male, we shall not know.
III: Thou shalt not date mods or viewers.
IV: Thou shalt not crab or be jealous. Your growth is inevitably somewhat due to your performance.
V: Thou shall steal viewers from males.
VI: Thou shalt not disclose private romantic relationships.
With these commandments may the girls prosper.

>> No.71255316

You can't the other anon is just retarded and delusional thinking they can magicly tell how someone identifys

>> No.71255353

You can troll all you want, you and your ilk are ngmi.

>> No.71255384

The anya has spoken. All babi are allowed in wasp now

>> No.71255435

>III: Thou shalt not date mods or viewers.
forgot vtubers there, anya.

>> No.71255468

I need some advice, my oshi is going to a con im gonna be going to. How can i convince my oshi to hang out with me at my after the con. We get along well in chat and i superchat a lot. How can i make her confortable with us crossing that line from just fan/chuuba into lovers, even for if only for a weekend. Shes flrity sometimes with chat and has joked about her feet, maybe she would like having them licked, that could be an in. Anyway what would you lassies recommend to get close to her. Im just excited for us to meet, thinking of her breast in my mouth causes a lot of tumescence haha, sorry i dont mean to be lewd, im so excited about the possibilities of this trip.

>> No.71255519

I feel like i made it already and thats all that matters. I had a collab with a cute girl as a viewer

>> No.71255520

No, they will not.

>> No.71255521

To be fair I don’t care how they identify because I want males out of my “woman’s” thread :)
Go use /freak/ or /asp/

>> No.71255534
File: 31 KB, 231x231, IMG_1324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I will clarify:
If we do not know they are male they should count as a Wasp. Babis are different.

>> No.71255569

>Thou shalt not discuss their IRL gender, lest they are male, we shall not know.
Pretty sure chat wants to know if they are talking to a tranny. Also a lot of chat streams are lifestyle focus, women stuff is gonna come up. Bae talked about her period and that was popular with her chat

>> No.71255579

Sure you did, fuck off.

>> No.71255651

Playing with the streamer without voice call, doesn't count.

>> No.71255737

Worry not i was with her in vrc

>> No.71255744

>trans already trying to take over the thread
If you guys accept transgender people, they WILL work on taking over. They always, do this, i dont even know why.

>> No.71255792

>VI: Thou shalt not disclose private romantic relationships.
Terrible advice. Be up-front about your relationship status so viewers don't waste time getting invested in you.
>b-b-but real life and vtubing are unrelated!
lol, lmao even

>> No.71255794

Cant we have on female space here without trans people trying to make it their own. Please?

>> No.71255844

So when are the babi Beryl mizuz and wiplash getting added to the tierlist

>> No.71255894

When I get around to it and adding chaos foundry back

>> No.71256434


>> No.71256441
File: 905 KB, 1489x1131, IMG_2172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouse https://youtu.be/a16up4fjhGQ?si=E3rxr1-oInrR_lIB

>> No.71256492

Women vtubers are women
Discussing the body behind it is off topic

>> No.71256534

You are just trying to let a bunch of transpeople slip in, at least be honest about your intentions.

>> No.71256547

No one is talking about trans other than you.

>> No.71256608


>> No.71256609

So it turned out Ina was a man no one would care? The point behind the rule is to keep doxxing off site, not to make the whole board into a transgender playground. You are trying to weseal transness into the thread.

>> No.71256655

The vtuber identity is the only thing to discuss
Why do you keep trying to focus on real life discussion or talk about trans?

>> No.71256718

trans or babi, they're not welcome here, go to /asp/ or make you own thread

>> No.71256760

Go back to /asp/ with your crabbing and drama baiting

>> No.71256894
File: 203 KB, 878x878, 1696223555027837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit breaking the rules
go to nyfco if you care about real life bullshit
post female vtubers here

>> No.71256990

Real life stuff gets brought up all the time. Its often even part of the content. Do they never talk about vacations?

Wanting to keep the women thread with well women, is not crabbing. This is trans people trying to insert themselves into women spaces again.

>> No.71257047

Keep my wifes emote out of your filthy troll post.

>> No.71257084

There is difference between doxxing and a chuuba being a women. Unless you think Bae talking abiut her period is doxxing.real life stuff is always a key part of the cotent, how many of the Hologirls never bring up real life, none if them. This is just you trying to indert yourself into a women space.

>> No.71257161


>> No.71257166

fresh bread

>> No.71257230

If the chuuba character is a woman then it is a woman as far as /vt/ rules concern. Saying a woman chuuba has a man controlling the model is off topic

>> No.71257260

>baking early to make every thread about the dog
I hope you get banned.

>> No.71257264


>> No.71257306

lmao even the mods want the thread to die

>> No.71257363

Does Bonnie even post in all these different threads or is it just some creepy viewer obsessed with her? Does she even post in /wasp/ anymore?

>> No.71257373

seriously starting to piss me off. post other girls as op it's annoying as fuck

>> No.71257383


>> No.71257419

pretty sure it's one or two viewers, she doesn't post in the threads atm.

>> No.71257470

There is difference between doxxing and a chuuba being a women. Unless you think Bae talking abiut her period is doxxing.real life stuff is always a key part of the cotent, how many of the Hologirls never bring up real life, none if them. This is just you trying to indert yourself into a women space.


>> No.71257590

I love miu so much

>> No.71257606

You said that twice but it is strawman
If the vtuber character is a woman and never says otherwise then it is a woman by the rules of /vt/
You’re just trying to make everything into a /pol/ thing

>> No.71257732

There hasn't been enough.

>> No.71259443

I disagree somewhat with enough of these to make me think this is a bad implementation or just a bad idea altogether
I don't think you'll find a real consensus on V but I personally think the exact opposite to make things as clean as possible
II is more of 'technically true' thing but it's definitely not something worthy of being called a "commandment"

>> No.71260544

so yes, a success

>> No.71260726
File: 209 KB, 220x174, 1694657287407508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strange thread today but always glad to see more anyas
