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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71120165 No.71120165 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles or beginning wholesome friendships for the glory of their oshis.

lore Edition, again

Previously: >>70926661

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:




>Survive catalog ACCELERATION
>Put more nations in
>Develop existing ones

>> No.71120244
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>> No.71120291
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
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Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.

>> No.71120442

wait, this is kino
Do they look more like sea turtles with flippers or tortoises with feet

>> No.71121411
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>> No.71121867
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Couldn’t post it in time last thread

>> No.71122288

They're not really barnicle turtles. The rock turtles' shells look like spikey crag rocks to blend in with the cliffs and spires. And they have flippers but they look more like snapping turtles with claws more than fins. They have articulated digits on their front claws that help them rock climb. And the turtles can bite hard enough to strip wood. They did not attack ships until recently due to some deforestation from re-settling the island. Though lately we have learned to re-plant rock palms which have edible coconuts. So the turtles have started to nom on the excess coconuts instead of boats. The turtles themselves are good food in soups. So its better to keep them around than not. Loreli fishing boats have brass and iron hulls imported to prevent turtles from eating them.

Just some ideas.

>> No.71123665

oh shit Mei joins the lore

>> No.71125265
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>> No.71125431

Rock turtles are worldbuilding.

>> No.71125934
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Ohh, the conservatory has an airlock? That's really cool. Good way to prevent humidity buildup.
>camera shutter door
Love that description of the statue. You're using that trick I love of using fancy words instead of just naming the colors
>You may call me s’ahocäpiyi kulmöpyskiköi
I would panic
>ice cream gift
that's so fun! Always wanna keep your contractor happy. You did good setting up the mysteries, I really wanna know more about what S'aho grabbed for Mei, and the descriptions of the conservatory are super immersive, I got this beautiful image of it in my mind now. Glacial and gorgeous. The expression of all the deadbeat stuff is great too.
>Salamoim wag their tail when they're happy
critical information
What's the flavor of the ice cream? Since it's fruity I guess it's not mint or pistachio+ caramel.

>> No.71126141
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Yeah, it's great worldbuilding, very nice!

>> No.71127228

Nice ideas. Gotta spec bio the rock palms too, I'm imagining them growing right on the rocky cliffs. They're probably a bit anemic, but maybe they can draw nutrients from the water, sorta like some mangrove trees.

>> No.71129048

I think the region is wet and hot enough to support some fungus. Rocky palms have a symbiotic relationship with fungi in their roots. The fungus use their juices to break down stone into nutrients. And the palms supply sugar and shade to the fungus. Eventually the fungus grows into mushrooms which are toxic to eat. But they should have some chemical use. Of course rock palms still need soil. Which the soil is made from composting leaves, grass, fruit, and animal carcases. Could be how the soil is made. Mushrooms and fungi are good at breaking down rocky soil. Quarrying the stone and importing soil to fill the quarries also help.

>> No.71130567

Gotta love a symbiotic relationship. This is a bit like a scaled up version of a lichen, actually, good idea.

>> No.71131120

I'm wondering if it's possible to have mushroom juice be synthesized into an oil that preserves ink on parchment and paper. Though that's a bit too far fetched and needs a lot of chemistry research. It's probably better to preserve archives with magic.

>> No.71132736

I think that's pretty reasonable. Good quality paper and ink can last good while too, we have some parchments from the middle ages I think.

>> No.71134318
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So my day is going great.
>take a piss
>theres a fucking bug in my hot tub
>dont know where the fuck bug spray is so spray it with windex/random shit
>it doesnt fucking die
>watch the little nigger crawl up into the plastic guard for the intake
>try to scoop it out before it gets in
>too late
>Unscrew the lid off to see wtf is going on
>some little baby bug comes out and i squish it immediately
>spend an hour consulting chatGPT about hot tub design and how to exterminate this bitch
>chatGPT tells me to run the whirlpool system and the jets to flush it out
>my stupid ass turns on the whirlpool system while the thing is empty to see what happens
>MFW most hot tubs have a low water cutoff point that prevents their shit from turning on when the water isnt at a high enough level
>Proceed to fill up the tub with water
>jets dont fucking turn on
>whirlpool system doesnt fucking work


>> No.71134497
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>> No.71134705
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i was literally about to finally do the vnug thing about prostitutes and this took priority.
>ill just do it after i kill the damn bug
fuck my life. at least nobody will notice the hot tub being dead due to lack of use but god damn it the thing that bothers me the most is that little nigger is either still alive, or its corpse somehow jammed and fucked up my entire pump assembly. Anyway back to worldbuilding I guess.

>> No.71135678

I want a whirlpool tub. But I don't have the room in the house for one. Though right now I want a cheeseburger but I only have $1.62 for a week and a half.

>> No.71136246

unless it's a truly fucking massive bug it'll probably rot away within a month or so, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

>> No.71136331

grasshopper size.

>> No.71137337
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Reminder that Kokone has big boobs

>> No.71137385

yeah don't worry about it it'll decompose faster than your milk will go bad.
Should probably get your jacuzzi fixed though, it's a waste to have one that doesn't work.

>> No.71137817

I'm trying to figure out where the dodos belong on Loreli Island. Dodos are birds that thrive without natural predators. Sure we can keep them somewhat in captivity but Dodos aren't known for surviving in hostile environments.

>> No.71139549
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>> No.71140824
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>> No.71140959
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where did everybody go?

>> No.71141221

At work? Gone camping? Preparing mentally for HoloFes? I'm writing about the /vtwbg/ hiking up the Lorelei island hill (slowly).

>> No.71142489

I'm making a 20 hour chicken soup via slow cooker. Do not cook your stock vegetables in the chicken stock. Stock veggies over-powered the chicken stock. Also didn't help I'm using Wally world rotisserie chicken carcases. It's better to use a whole chicken when making stock.

>> No.71142626

i dont know what chicken stock is. are you cooking chicken or not?

>> No.71144365

Yes I'm cooking chicken. Chicken stock is a broth made from simmering chicken with its bones in water. You can make vegetable stock out of unused vegetable parts like onion skins, carrot ends, and potato peels. You have to strain your broth in a mesh or cloth after you cook it. Then you make soup.

>> No.71144894
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The petal iris airlock’s a nod to the space /vnug/ even though I never actually wrote them using that. My headcanon’s that archeologists dug out the remains of one and failed to figure out what it’s for, but it’s airtight enough that it happened to fit what the conservatory’s looking for. I thought about mentioning in the writing but I couldn’t find an organic way to insert the bit
The funny thing’s that I actually had a name for her since tale 1 but it never felt right for her to disclose her personal name in what I’ve written so far. Maybe she’ll have a chance to do that once I make her fuck around and find out she’s not invincible
It’s always nice to use different words to describe things! It gives the world so much more depth and makes the text less repetitive. I think it also makes the somewhat plain color of the horse more distinct as it’s meant to be a specific reference
I had a nice matcha banana sorbet with caramel syrup the other day and that part’s based on it! I did grab and taste the individual ingredients since I imagine salamoim to have a keener sense of taste than me. I think in general I like to emphasize the animalistic part of salamoim when writing them

>> No.71144928

So ive been playing animal crossing a lot recently and doing flower shit. Apparently people cross breed actual flowers and stuff all the time and make mutated or just new plants? Is that actually how it fucking works?

>> No.71146106

Short answer, yes. Long answer, manually cross breeding plants to get the traits you want can take up to hundreds of generations. Meaning to get the crops we farm today it took farmers a long time experimenting with cross breeding both same species and hybrid plants to produce what they want. It's all about domesticating plants into crops. We also do it with animal breeds.

>> No.71147447

Ohh, so that's why that somewhat spacey detail showed up, cool.
Lo, a pale horse... Yeah, I noticed that, nice touch!
>Maybe she’ll have a chance to do that once I make her fuck around and find out she’s not invincible
Ominous, looking forward to it
I do love writing food porn, it's been a while since I've done any, maybe I can have some to introduce the cold-cooking techniques.

>> No.71148729

Yeah, you can even graft some plants onto others to make plant frankensteins. There are some plants where that's the main way to cultivate them, even.

>> No.71150143

>We also do it with animal breeds.
What the fuck? Were literally fine tuning animals AND plants? Holy shit I never knew.

>> No.71150905
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>> No.71152136

Which nation has what breeds of dogs?

>> No.71153233

So how's your project's going. Today's special is chicken noodle soup and sandwiches.

>> No.71153368
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my mind is literally blown.

>> No.71153694
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Reading combat manuals because I wanna write fight scenes and then discarding the manuals because I actually wanna write form over substance chuuni fight scenes

>> No.71154578

Basert, I should try that. Especially now that magic is gonna be a bigger component, there aren't really a lot of treatises on that.

>> No.71154621

From what the bug?

>> No.71155128
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I think the thing’s that real combat manuals rightfully focus on protecting yourself from strikes since real life doesn’t have plot armor, and we’re too used to the flashy choreography of movies and anime (RIP RWBY, you were decent once) to find realistic swordplay impressive since most of us aren’t into HEMA

>> No.71155138

I like grounded combat. I also like Wizard-fu with magic spells countering magic spells like water bubbles putting out fireballs.

>> No.71155690
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Yeah, pretty much, you really don't need flips and the "pushing each your sword at the other's without slashing while monologuing" in real combat. You can use realistic combat to enrich even the chuuni fantastic stuff though, there are some things that choreographed fights don't think about that real fights do that can add a lot to a scene. Stuff like grabbing the opponent's sword with your gauntlet can be a real "oh fuck" moment, or plate armor being more realistic and bladed weapons harmlessly glancing off of it can increase the badass factor of whoever is wearing it... Until the character thrusts at an opening in the armor like the armpit, like hitting a weak point in a video game. Very dramatic. Also emphasizing stuff like momentum, both of the body and of the weapons, can add a lot even though choreographies often ignore it.
Also, a bit of flashiness in an otherwise grounded context can be a nice way to spell out that whoever is doing the fancy moves is next level compared to everyone else.

>> No.71156718

I'd like a more grounded approach to magic combat where it plays like a logic game rather than big fireworks. I'm also not a fan of wand flicking at everything either.

>> No.71157247

Focusing on the tactical aspects of a fight can be nice. Though immersing the reader in the chaos and confusion of a battle can be nice too, if done well.

>> No.71158548

When it comes to magic you have to be more tactical than typical combat. It's not because of wizard is CC. It's because magic is a very chaotic force. Being a good wizard means you can bend reality to your will exactly the way you want it. Being a great wizard is knowing how and when to create chaos as an element to your magical arts. A novice wizard recites spells he's practiced. A master wizard engineers spells into art. It's a difference between knowing the medium and understanding it. A great artist is also an engineer.

>> No.71159575

Hi there

>> No.71160215

I had a very long day. I won't be able to bump tonight. Goodnight.

>> No.71160431

Good night!

>> No.71160512
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hi, I love Sayu and she's streaming

>> No.71162175

Has she ever come back to Engage?

>> No.71162564
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She played a bunch during the subathon, but Persona 3 kinda took over her recent solo streams kek.

>> No.71163243

W either way, are vods available on the tube?

>> No.71163630
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Yeah she has a VOD channel, each VOD has a bunch of different games in it so it's a bit difficult to track down playthroughs though.
This one has a nice long 5 hours of FE https://youtu.be/8EP2N0_s0Go
and the one right after had a bit of FE too.

>> No.71165318
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>> No.71165875

Righto, thanks for the deets!

A foreigner has been here...

>> No.71167300

How do IP counts being removed translate to lore
did population censuses across the world suddenly get way worse?

>> No.71170730


>> No.71172209

Censuses rather have been stopped.

Fr tho...why?

>> No.71172658

I haven't seen any convincing explanations besides a vague sentiment that no IP count = more anonymous.

>> No.71173157

At the cost of samefagging being more viable now...

>> No.71175022

dude you need to relax

>> No.71176627
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>> No.71177625
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>> No.71179220

the whole concept of breeding things and maxing out their stats for a better word

>> No.71180795

Me waking up to browse the internet with my trusty ketchup bottle.

>> No.71182863


>> No.71184082
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>> No.71184284

The Suisei of Aurorai would act like the one we have.

>> No.71185756
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Every gen's Formula Holo team...cept Gamers, they already have one.

>> No.71185824

In the "lore", how are the indie stables organized? Are multiple drivers under the same organization or they're all doing their own thing?

>> No.71185851

Bruh. That's 6th grade biology.

>> No.71185912

6th grade biology is pretty cool, to be fair. Like, cells photocopying their DNA and splitting into two? Mitosis' kinda crazy if you think about it.

>> No.71186234
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Mainly through them being part of the same defunct company. Ofc, holomamas get their own stable. As well as utaites.

Pictured is, from top-bottom:

VSingers, Holomamas, Ex-Tsunderia.

>> No.71186355
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no one knows that the tsunx stable runs the whole industry from the shadows
Asphalt Divas is a nice name, really sounds like a band of street racing idols.

>> No.71187570
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>> No.71187653

Today's menu is omeletts.

>> No.71188564

I still have ex-Prism and JP indies to do...those two I have called Laser Motorsport and Sakura Bloom Motorsport.

Thinking also of making one for the Numi and friends. Just have to know who are her group

>> No.71189869

Calculator flinging numbers apes lore bump.

>> No.71190638

I think her group is called Bikini Bottom? Lots of possibilities with graphical design with that, maybe something tropical.

>> No.71191150

Most of her gang are, iirc:

A. Westoids
B. Slutty to some.degree

This may guide my naming and logo design

>> No.71191372
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>A. Westoids
>B. Slutty to some.degree

>> No.71192285

Are they all? I think there's more...

>> No.71192416
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They're the main ones, though there are other vtuber they collab with frequently, like Yuzu.

>> No.71193605
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>> No.71193665

I didn't have biology in middle school. Only English, math, history, and science.

>> No.71195058
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>> No.71198257

>The hand.
We never got the hot dog costume.

>> No.71199594

>Irys encouraging Mumei to smash Kronii
damn she's wack

>> No.71200065
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Just sorted Holomems by their current place of residence. Man, the human village is crowded.

>> No.71200131
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n-nice picture anon

>> No.71200137

>Broken Image
Guess I'll become an hero

>> No.71200759

https://rentry dot co/433cpq3z
Well here it is in text form. Tiermaker is now fired.

>> No.71200967

Oh, when did we get a holoTouhou (Touholo?) thing here? Fun idea. Miko not being at the Hakurei shrine is an interesting choice, did you want her to be with Suisei?

>> No.71201475

I didn't put pairings into consideration when doing this so MiComet was just a happy accident. I just had the idea that other Priestesses/Shrine Maidens/Minor Gods would set up shop closer to the human village for easier faith gathering.

While I'm here, there were some tough choices.I was hopping between FWMC living in the Animal Realm and Makai before deciding to just keep them with Advent and Anya was very close to joining the Myouren crew.

>> No.71201730

Yeah, I could have seen that. If you feel like the human village is crowded, I might have seen FBK and Mio in the Animal Realm as well. I assume that some time ago Mel would have been in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, it's a bit weird to not have a vampire in there lol.

>> No.71202431

My plan was actually to expand the Human village since I knew a good chunk of Holos would end up there but it still surprised me. Funnily enough my idea for FubuMio was that they were (or at least Fubuki during her Kurokami phase) former animal ream residents who pivoted into godhood and moved out.

>I assume that some time ago Mel would have been in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, it's a bit weird to not have a vampire in there lol.
Undoubtedly and with Mel's unfortunate termination I now have a more solid reason for Choco's presence.

>> No.71204533

Is this preparation for some kind of writing project? Or a mod?

>> No.71205039

Ideally I want to make a sort of Perfect Memento in Strict Sense for Holos in the 2hu setting.

>> No.71206199

Seems like some kind of encyclopedia? Neat, I can see how it's laid out fitting holos pretty well.

>> No.71207915


>> No.71209188
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>> No.71209244
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>> No.71210655
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I do love me some nuts

>> No.71211964
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Some more Lorelei Island lore:
In the complex of buildings on the top of hill, there is a location called the Vault, buried deep under the largest building. It holds the entrance to library where all the ancient records are kept, and is the only location that scavengers and looters never managed to breach during the abandonment, due to the magical safeguards put in place.
At least I'm thinking that sounds pretty cool. I'd give it a big cool door, maybe like in a bank.

>> No.71212927

I'm assuming it contains records of the old world. Which is forbidden knowledge to the new world. Only someone from the old world knows how to open it.

...And I'm too busy selling nachos and Cheezels at Divegrass Stadium. Sorry.

>> No.71213686

I guess those records would be in the deepest parts of the archives, while the Viti stuff is nearer to the entrance.

>> No.71214929

The new world vault most likely has its own security separate from the old world. Granted the security and atmosphere is top notch. The vaults are dry and low oxygen to prevent records from decaying. How was this environment constructed? Nobody knows. And I think there should always be unanswered wonders in the world.

>> No.71216512

On one hand I like /horni/ on temperate beaches. On the other hand I like natural hotsprings.

>> No.71219491

Well it's spring break. So I'm in the mood to know which places in Viti would be good vacation spots.

>> No.71219719

I bet /choc/ would be nice, might feel a bit like Thailand.

>> No.71220654

Now THEY would be the hotspot for sex, sex, and more sex.

>> No.71220898

The question is where in the world has this climate with a natural hotspring?

The /choc/ island looks like fun.

>> No.71221713

>huge forbidden vertically laid out library hole reaching deep into the planet
fucking love this concept

>> No.71223884
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I like sex

>> No.71224589

I guess the island is formed by a once active volcano that has since went extinct. Which means most of the stones and crags are basalt. Which you can get some iron out of smelting basaltic sand. Perhaps a long time ago the ancients built out a library in the caldera of the dead volcano.

>> No.71226816

Seem good, but personally, Id say don't give away the backstory. Give details on the looks and whats there, but leave the history and "structure" a mystery
or do whatever you want, Im just a made in abyss fan

>> No.71226948
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>> No.71227123


>> No.71228760
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Prompt that might get buried since its dead hours but:
Is there a "nightlife" in your nation's culture?
For saplings I didn't think of one really, them being mostly based on larger mammals, but some could certainly have some feline eyes or maybe even bat-like societies that just prefer to only be up at night.

>> No.71228971

i mean nocturnal animals like owls exist, so possibly?

>> No.71229010

The back story is merely a hypothesis. We don't know who built the library vaults, how, or why. What we can do is paleotology to guess.

That said the materials used to build the library can be used to build things we have today. Due to how hot and humid it gets buildings would be made out of rattan, palm wood, and bamboo rather than stone and clay bricks. That said stone has it's place in building hearths, forges, baths, and kitchens. We'll have a variety of stones like schist, basalt, and tuff. Tuff is like sandstone but made from volcanic ash. You can also melt volcanic ash into glass though these are purely for decoration. Most coal and wood would have to be imported but there is ferrous sands to make some iron tools. It's not enough to export iron though.

Water would have to be collected from rain. The dirt's not thick enough to store water underground. That said I think to protect the library the ancients would have built an aqueduct system to redirect rain water outside of the caldera so it wouldn't erode the library walls. Aqueduct water isn't good for drinking but it is good for bathing and irrigating subsistence rice paddies in the orchard (the rice is imported). Dodos love raw rice grains.

The orchard is not a very area. It takes up maybe a third of the island's inhabitable land. Its just enough land to grow some reeds, rice, and fruit. The trees in the intertile areas are mostly rock palms that ingrained themselves into stone for hundreds of years with help of fungi. Coconuts milk is dense with minerals though the seeds are hard as iron sometimes. Rock palms are great for making coconut oil which is used for both cooking and lamps.

Those are some crop analysis I came up with. The island is not an uninhabitable place, but it is not abundant in resources either. The most abundant resources are fish and shellfish if you can navigate the crags, rock turtles, and birds. Outside of dodos some large sea birds nest here to feed on fruits and fish. Sea hawks are great eating if you bag one.

>> No.71229910

Oh man I'm digging this.
How often do the people that reside on the island go to The Library?
If it seems mostly livable and to the "modern eye" relatively "functional" what keeps people from moving in and living in there?
Is it a maze-like thing, or are most passageways vertically oriented?

>> No.71230524

Worshipping Kronii in the day
Worshipping Kronii's perfect body in the night...by copious amounts of shrine maidens with similar proportions having sex with the male faithful.

>> No.71231587

I'd say lack of breathable air makes the lower levels a death maze. I'll let the other anon handle that. Bread dog's just going to do crops and construction materials.

In my opinion I think the ruins should be heavily guarded due to international interests. The caldera ridge is outfitted with walls, gatling guns, canons, spikes, and cauldrons of boiling oil. Anyone who approaches the crater without permission is arrested or shot if they resist. Once arrested tresspassers are stipped of all of their bags, weapons, and clothes before being released at port with nothing but a loin cloth and their passport before being deported back home. They aren't banned but we'll gladly take their money, clothes, and weapons again if they tresspass again.

>> No.71231786

I dont get this meme

>> No.71234672

Something something 3D women look like Arby's roast beef.

>> No.71235767

I want to worldbuild some more but I'm out of time today. And it's dead hours. Plus I have to do house chores and shopping tomorrow. And the monkeys are back. So bump rant.

>> No.71235968

>And the monkeys are back
i'm outta the loop do you live in a jungle or something

>> No.71236060


>> No.71237557

The fuck...its blocked.

>> No.71237833

Fucking hell. It's Guns n Roses. Maybe you can find an unblocked video. I remember Gorillaz official channel region blocked a music video in the US because it had zombie soldiers in the middle east.

>> No.71239885
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>> No.71240060

Sayu Dedsity...

>> No.71240300

>this climate with a natural hotspring?
That has more to do with tectonics than climate, so I think anywhere where you've got big mountains you could plausibly find some hot springs.

>> No.71241093

That way to put it makes it sound cooler, I'm imagining this big central spiral stairway that takes you down to each level, and if you look down the middle you can't even see the bottom.
Nice ideas, I was also thinking rain management would be critical. There's a lot of rain but most of it runs off the island into the ocean because of the impermeable bedrock under the thin soil, so if the rainfall can be harvested that's a huge help.
Anon has the right idea I think. For the Archivist Order, the Library is a sacred, precious place; they'd rather die than see the Library be put in danger, so access would be strictly regulated. The Order was fully destroyed previously, but the Archive was kept safe somehow, so that must be their highest priority.

>> No.71241188
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I think it'd be important in /morig/, skeletons are known for jamming out, so parties are commonplace in private and public venues. Also, the night and the moon are laden with meaning in our mythology, so there are lots of religious rituals executed during the night. Plus, nights tend to be cooler, and thus more comfortable for Deadbeats, especially those living out of the mountains in the coasts and valleys.

>> No.71242964
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>> No.71243949
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>> No.71245267
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>> No.71246433
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>> No.71247768
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>> No.71248784
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>> No.71251085
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>> No.71251370
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praying for the chance to fuck more latinas today

>> No.71254319
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>> No.71255501
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>The Archivist Order
Can we expand on this?
We've established that the population of the island is very small and mostly transient. So it wouldn't make sense to have like a million (exaggeration) guards patrolling the walls. Does that imply that the few people that are part of The AO are extremely, I'll say "capable" (for lack of wanting to imply anything else while we're just speculating)?

>> No.71257380
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>> No.71257411

Yeah, I agree that with the small population the order is not relying on numbers to defend itself. I think what members are in the order are as you say good at what they do, but few in numbers. But also, I think an even better protection is that what the Order guards isn't conventionally valuable, it's not gold, or magical artefacts, or a bunch of secret weapons, or a precious natural resource. They're keepers of knowledge of the past, which tends to be pretty underrated among the mighty of the world.
So there isn't a lot of incentive for powerful nations to show up on their barren rock in the ocean and try to fuck their shit up militarily. Just being irrelevant and out of the way offers a lot of protection. At most sending spies to try to infiltrate the archives and extract specific pieces of intel might be a thing that is done.

>> No.71259498


>> No.71261011
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>> No.71261060

Makes sense
Now would be a great time for a Shiori nation

>> No.71261388

The novelite archive seems like it takes the form of an industrial quantity of clipped stream moments in .webms https://rentry.org/shiorium_archive
I'm sure they must have an archive for the fanfics they wrote, but it doesn't seem to be in their OP currently...

>> No.71263238
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>> No.71263420

Good afternoon. Today's menu is beer battered fish and chicken, fried shrimp, and crab claws.

>> No.71265067

I wonder why they use beer in frying batter instead of like, stock or some other flavorful liquid.

>> No.71266216
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>> No.71267249
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>> No.71267275

Because beer has sugar, barley, and hops flavor. Also alcohol evaporates quickly. Water explodes when you mix it with hot cooking oil because water boils into vapor.

>> No.71269514
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>> No.71271069
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>> No.71274070
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>> No.71274759
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The demiurge cannot keep me from worldbuilding

>> No.71274934

the demi-urge guides my worldbuilding. just not today, man I wish I had less work to do this week

>> No.71277575
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>> No.71279045

Who are the #1 consumers of tea? Maybe /mep/?

>> No.71280924
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>> No.71281958

Can't say really, idk much about /mep/
/uuu/ certainly has to be up there

>> No.71282693

probably any british chuuba themed general. Maybe /shon/?

>> No.71282829

wait...ips are gone?

>> No.71282888

how was your vacation anon? welcome back

>> No.71283459

You know, it's kinda interesting how few brit chuubas I can think of. Vox, Milky and Shondo are the only ones that come to mind. Canada feels like it produces a lot more chuubas.

>> No.71283616
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we have spectra. shes alright to lsiten to. Also has really nice boobs.

>> No.71284104

froot I think is british? even though I dont think the accent matches

>> No.71285971

/vtwbg/ would be big on coffee and tea.

>> No.71286390

true, need a lot of caffeine to write

>> No.71288010

I don't think they can grow coffee, but they should get coffee from imports.

>> No.71288045
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>> No.71290178

How's projects going tonight?

>> No.71290377
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Planning to get my writing out tonight!

>> No.71290494

I've got a chapter almost finished, but I really gotta complete this chore before I wrap it up.

>> No.71291534

So I guess that's it for /vtwbg/ crops unless there's other things you want.

>> No.71293157
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The idea of the "Hole Library" has made me want to work on a way for saplings to travel through the ocean, but I'm wishy washi on it...
I might need to rewatch one of my source materials to see how to play this out

>> No.71293309

>source materials
Oh, what are those?

>> No.71294690 [SPOILER] 
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This world's version of sea-saplings are based on previous world's space timeline saplings
Which in turn are partially based on Love Death and Robots' 'Swarm' episode

>> No.71295094

I'm thinking about Dodo lore. Since Dodos are related to pigeons maybe Dodos can be dumb silly birds, which is what makes them popular in captivity. I use captivity loosely. It really means the fenced off fertile land.

>> No.71295706

Oh right that show, seemed interesting, I should check it out.

>> No.71295989

Its EXTREMLY hit or miss
Every episode is completely standalone and written, directed, and produced by totally different entities

>> No.71297057
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I wrote something

>> No.71297420

Witnessed, anon, will try to put eyes on all of it

>> No.71297783

I want to talk about dodos on a volcanic rock island. So how would rock dodos hop and get around on rocky spires? They have human foot-like feet similar to Kiwis but I'm thinking the toes have long digits to grab on stones. And the dodo's bill is a pretty dangerous weapon. The bill has a hook sturdy enough to pull up on rocks. But the bills are also strong enough to husk coconuts. The birds have to figure out how to crack coconuts on pointed stones. The beaks are also strong enough to break seeds and some crab shells. Their diet is mostly nuts and fruit but they do eat insects and some crustaceans. The crustaceans are ground up in the gizzard thanks to the stones they swallow.

>> No.71300542

I'm guessing that Swarm episode is one of the good/interesting ones?
Nice! Will read when I can.

>> No.71301166

Whether is good or not is up to you, but I would say its at the very least interesting, and its less than 20 minutes long

>> No.71306297

very cute

>> No.71306566

Just some bump commentary. I think animals should be good at adapting to the climate they have. Usually it's sudden changes from climate, natural or man-made, that drive animals to extinction. Still the survivors learn to adapt their behaviors in the new environment the best they can. And the survivors pass on their behaviors. If /nasa/ survived a hundred years on old Vitubia I bet they would make friends with some rescued mammoth heards. The mammoths would fertilize the soil with their dung during fallow years.

>> No.71310675


>> No.71313852

