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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 921 KB, 1039x541, 256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71159255 No.71159255 [Reply] [Original]

when are you gonna start working out so your oshi starts thirsting over you?

>> No.71159876

my oshi likes fat dudes, I'm actually too fit for her and it hurts, but I'll never give up my gains...

>> No.71159905

no way am I putting in an effort for women

>> No.71160407
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I do though

>> No.71164781


>> No.71166408
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I'm not female, so it doesn't matter.
>Verification not required.

>> No.71167970

My oshi said she like femboy she can peg

>> No.71168080


>> No.71168189

I don't like going to the gym and I don't have money for home gym equipment, what should I do

>> No.71168351

Never, I exercise for myself.

>> No.71168625

Go buy some whey products and strike a conversation with anyone around. Hang out with them until they invite you to their home gym. Enjoy gains.

>> No.71169029

Calisthenics you dumbass, also at least get dumbbells or lift some rocks.

>> No.71169053

Do japanese women really? Koreans and chinese prefer twinky pretty boys, but if jp chicks like buff dudes, then I'm going all in at the gym!

>> No.71169616

I bought some huge plastic water jugs and strapped them to a pole.

>> No.71169657

push ups are free bitch get started

>> No.71169687

People who work out are mentally weak and have low self esteem. There's no other reason why someone would start working out in the first place.

>> No.71169725

I'm not nearly ugly or bastard enough for Lumi

>> No.71169729

it feels good, it's that simple

>> No.71169744

It helps me beat up other men.

>> No.71169769

unironically get a backpack and fill it with rocks, it works fine.

>> No.71169784

I'm unironically autistic I'm not going to some strangers house
I'm decent at pushups

>> No.71170690
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>> No.71171042

all you need are a power rack, a barbell (+weights) and a bench, and there, a minimal home gym.

>> No.71171102

So true sister

>> No.71171220

anons should post their gains here to see whose oshi has the fittest following.. I think that would be really cool.. if anons showed off their big arms and chests

>> No.71171274

been lifting but not getting big enough to really impress anyone, let alone my oshi

>> No.71171296

Probably never. I can't even do it for myself. The reality of working out is that you have to keep doing it. It's not like your each a level and then cancel your membership. I've never been able to commit to anything like that for that long that isn't a video game.

>> No.71171396

I hope roided out influencers haven't given you completely warped image of how human body works

>> No.71171549

oh no, if anything it might be because i was cutting instead of bulking

>> No.71171615

Been OHP and log pressing ever since Okayu talked about liking shoulders.

>> No.71172278

I will never get used to nu-Fubuki, just looks wrong

>> No.71172522

How many prefer bodybuilding vs strength training? Also all the FUG copes, you still need to be able to princarry your oshi for at least a few minutes, get to work, 30min per day to start at home with isos.

>> No.71172650

Fuck outta here, her new model looks amazing.

>> No.71172701

>t. has never performed any sort of manual labour in their life
Lifting makes you stronger. Being stronger feels good and makes basic tasks involving exerting force easier.

>> No.71172807
File: 442 KB, 2400x2400, 1t3hbzumla571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do crossfit, and while I'm in the best shape I've been in my life, I am not jacked like my little gremlin wants.

>> No.71172853

Decent bait. Got any fun facts for us?

>> No.71173042

Nip girls don't like mukis, they're all wet for hosomachos

>> No.71173077

That's basically ottermode, tennis player bodies, right?

>> No.71173235
File: 1.98 MB, 1896x715, 6733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. It's the reason why almost every shirtless male body looks the same in Nip media. It looks absolutely ridiculous on some characters but it's just what they're into

>> No.71173284

I know for a fact that 10ma here >>71172807 does in fact love her men to be a mountain of muscle. But I think she's like half eastern european.

>> No.71173337

You can compensate with a lot of body hair

>> No.71173351

I'm Italian so way ahead of you there.

>> No.71173374
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I'm gonna braid my chest hair for next valentines stream

>> No.71173423
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I'm going to demolish that fox's body.

>> No.71173446

Are you going to do the Zyzz pose for your submission?

>> No.71173649
File: 190 KB, 626x417, dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never. If she can't handle me at my worst, than she sure as hell doesn't deserve me at my best
>drops mic
>yaaasss king

>> No.71173672

my oshi is mumei and I'm pretty sure she's into skinny guys just like most basic alternative white bitches

>> No.71173799

I don't work out for the sake of such pathetic mortal desires as a woman lusting after me. I do it for the pure satisfaction of control I have over my body.
Anybody who tries to get fit for a woman is doomed for failure. Even more so an anime woman.

>> No.71173815

>working out for _that_

>> No.71173881

My Shiori~n is into twinky Korean prettyboys with blue eyes and natural blonde hair. As a burly, hairy MedBVLL with brown hair and green eyes I literally never had a chance.

>> No.71173915
File: 1010 KB, 1406x1451, __shirakami_fubuki_hololive_drawn_by_kujira_pasta__1f3d65e210b4dfa4c88bd0f2846b7cd2~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bratty slutty friendly sex hag needs to have her back blown out by buff white men.

>> No.71173946

my oshi likes bald ojisans

>> No.71173973
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>> No.71174011

When she literally fucking tells me to.

Which is fucking never because she doesn't know who I am plus she does not speak 100% English.

>> No.71174161
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>> No.71174259

>I don't have money for home gym equipment
just fill some plastic bottles with cement, its not that expensive

>> No.71176548

I've started, but it'll take a while. I hope I can show off my results while she's around

>> No.71176728

Walking and push ups

You’re body is enough weight to work out with

>> No.71176835

the shirt should say "AHOY!"

>> No.71176913

Poor bait sister. Try again.

>> No.71176951

i'm already working out though. in fact i injured my shoulder yesterday while lifting. it hurts in the joint and now i have to stop until it's better cause i'm a retard

>> No.71176993

I don't have an oshi but Tenma and the community is making me get back into shape. Yes I know saying I don't have an oshi is weird but it really never stuck to me.

>> No.71177034

Not really as you really need to find a oshi that sticks with you.

>> No.71177852


>> No.71179926

run, literally

>> No.71179948

Why do you have to beat up other men? Are you a monkey?

>> No.71180013
File: 1.77 MB, 782x1181, __pochimaru_and_pochimaru_indie_virtual_youtuber_and_1_more_drawn_by_pochi_pochi_goya__d2ec06fc2cef07cc506396ba3e7fd9c0 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already doing it tho
lift hags

>> No.71180105

it's fun and I get paid for it

>> No.71180511

I only started working out recently so I could stop being a lethargic piece of shit. So mainly just a lot of stretching and light lifting. But now I feel like I have too much energy, but nothing to direct it towards.

>> No.71180566

You could double down and lift harder, add cardio. Clean more in your house, meal prep, put more effort into studies/hobbies.

>> No.71180596

It helps with not fucking dying from fat related health issues

>> No.71180699

dont feed the trolls

>> No.71180767

True, they probably eat enough Maccas already

>> No.71180794

I remember that happening when I first started and had trouble falling asleep but it will die down. Since you hadn't done anything in a long time and then suddenly start your body overcompensates before settling down.

>> No.71180872

No cash for gym, weights or even chicken.

>> No.71181067

Oddly, it feels like I really need something lately, it's a weird sense of longing. I can't get rid of it now.

>> No.71181394

Any pro tips for working out? Should I focus on cardio until I can run for more than 50 meters?

>> No.71181951

youre restless. its not a good thing unless you manage to get productive with it. i always get existential thoughts/down if i cant find anything to do whilst in that state

>> No.71182032

Are Fuwamoko into fatties?

>> No.71182089

i think it's pretty obvious that fuwamoco fucks each other

>> No.71182151

get a job so you can either go to the gym or buy home stuff

bodyweight doesnt work after 6 weeks. anyone who says otherwise is 160lbs dyel

>> No.71182239

If he was a monkey they wouldn't be "other" men, they'd just be men. Work on your reading comprehension, ESL-chama.

>> No.71182285

Her macho stream was great. Was happy to submit for it as well.

>> No.71182398

Femcel hands wrote this

>> No.71182660

You can start weightlifting and do cardio, no need to do them in order.
For example, you can lift weights day 1, cardio day 2, weights day 3 and so forth. Or both in the same day if you have the capacity for it.
If you are very fat you only need to be careful with high impact cardio such as running as this can negatively affect (damage) your knees.
For details on lifting and cardio youtube is your friend. Find something basic and don't get caught up in roidcel minmaxxer grifting bullshit.

Don't care too much about macros and focus on making your own food (i.e don't eat 300g protein a day from protein shakes because some youtube fitness guru told you to) that your mom would've made you when you grew up. Sleep is very important and the fundament for a healthy brain and body. Good luck.

>> No.71183879

Already started, since Tenma's valentine stream I have been going 6 times a week to the gym.

>> No.71183964

I will feed the troll(You) so that you'll get fatter.

>> No.71183984

>Sleep is very important and the fundament for a healthy brain and body. Good luck.
Shame the brain damage from skipping sleep can't be undone

>> No.71184076

Wait there are women out there who actually still like bodyhair? I thought it was either twink or bodybuilder these days, both hairless.

>> No.71185169

That might be true. I have had sleep issues for 14 years. This year I started having struggles when trying to articulate myself. I have started slurring words and I often start stuttering because I have to rearrange the structure of the sentence I was trying to speak.

>> No.71185439

A significant portion of Japanese women like big men. Even fat strongs.
The Koreans are weird and the Chinese probably have never seen a man over 50 kilograms.

>> No.71185600

>A significant portion of Japanese women like big men.
Do you have any proof or statistics to back up this claim?

>> No.71185658 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.71185684

Maybe Korean women changed over the years, because my mom throughout my entire life complains about me not being taller. Even said she'd prefer me to be fat instead of thin.

>> No.71185715
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>tfw I work out quite regularly and get called buff/fit but my oshi only thirsts over beanpole femboys

>> No.71185784

anon... only other men like real buff dudes

>> No.71185791

If that was true we'd have a big guy JP idol industry.

>> No.71185815

Dance. It's a full body workout

>> No.71185939

NijiJP has several big men. Gilzaren, Banderas, Chaika and Keisuke.

>> No.71185992

All women like big men. Regardless of country. Just like zoomers and teens tend to prefer ottermode men. All countries. This isn't hard.

>> No.71186006

And nobody cares. Case in point.

>> No.71186346
File: 553 KB, 760x545, kaoru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Subaru's ideal male, according to herself, is Hanayama Kaoru from Baki. If you want to plap the duck, you better work on those gains

>> No.71186421

But he doesn't train.

>> No.71186437

Mateusz Kieliszkowski is going to fuck the duck?

>> No.71186542

>Eternal skelly mode
It's over...

>> No.71186577
File: 765 KB, 374x374, tau1zt37gkkb1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muscular men are generally just gross to women

>> No.71186600

They are not. Where are you getting this information from? How old are you?

>> No.71186624

men are generally gross to everyone, they have to make up for it in other ways

>> No.71186755

Right after stuffing her with toffee.

>> No.71186771

who could be behind this post

>> No.71186818

Look at the characters from otome games. The muscle men are basically always dumb side characters. Muscle is only attractive to men.

>> No.71186968

Lol. Anime characters are not representative for the real world. I love muscle chicks and big, massive green orc women at 9ft tall with 40 inch biceps. I am not attracted to oompa loompa varbies IRL.

>> No.71187013

I can't even tell what people want. Some people say they prefer ottermode, some people say they want ultrabuff gigachads, some people say they like fat bastards, fuck it. I'm just going to assume women like every kind of man except me.

>> No.71187074

Prettyboys were the mainstream for so long that macho fetishists became an entrenched counterculture and now it's suddenly mainstream. I wouldn't say it's the majority but it's definitely around.
They strongly associate macho with foreigners because Japan has no bodybuilding culture. A japanese girl saying she likes buff guys is signaling she's a gaijin hunter

>> No.71187108

Look at what women spend the most money on. Hint: it's not buff guys.

>> No.71187133

Sounds like you have some sources. Mind sharing?

>> No.71187154
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You are all failures of men who think the last hope for you to get women attention is being all brawn no brain chungus. Women HATE that. They like twinks if they like any men at all. Muscle is threatening and associated with low intelligence.

>> No.71187201

Post wrists.

>> No.71187232

My source is the fact that there's no buff idol industry, but twinks have multiple all over the world.

>> No.71187306

Teenage girls =/ women. Starting to think most of you twink lovers ITT are only looking at what 16 year olds are attracted to. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Puss is puss.

>> No.71187382

>Teenage girls =/ women
They're men???

>> No.71187385

All I know is I've seen and heard a decent amount, and I know it's over for me.

>> No.71187384

>People who work out become mentally strong and gain high self esteem. There's a good reason right there why someone would start working out in the first place.

>> No.71187393
File: 40 KB, 439x689, 171261101130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ideal male body. You may not like it or agree, but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.71187447


>> No.71187516

Girls are men?

>> No.71187593

search popular male celebrity among women
gymcels are the bottom of the barrel

>> No.71187613

Yes retarded manlet twigs with no skills are the most attractive male archetype I learned this from harem animes

>> No.71187743

LMAO @ seething twinks ITT who think that they are "ottermode" or "celebrity" physique when they are 110 lbs with auschwitz "abs". No, you are nothing like some twink actor who has 170 lbs of lean mass with a decent physique at 11% bodyfat. That's otthermode whilst you are skellymode. You are NOTHING alike and your oshi wouldn't give you a 2nd glance.

>> No.71188297

1. Working out doesn't mean will thirst over you
2. You are probably never gonna meet your oshi, its pretty stupid to work out for a women you pay to say two sentences to.
3. You should still work out just for health

Probably putting it out his ass. Anecdotes are not statistics. Also we would see more buff Japanese dudes in media if that was true. There is a good chance for a lot of this girls tgis is just something they play up for views

>> No.71188481
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I am 5'5 and ugly, i am already gross to women, but at least i am healthy.

>> No.71188621
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Some vtubers only react that way because of the shock factor. Muscle is bizarre and alien to them because women don't grow muscles and they don't see them everyday. Women love femininity.

>> No.71188690

You have to be handsome, tall and in a healthy weight. You can be buff if you are handsome, tall and in a healthy weight. I am short and women pretty much see me as some non sexual blob, i dont even register as not dateable because dating doesn't even come up in the thought pattern. Everything else like "shortking" is pure cope. Reality is most dudes here are not gonna find a gf anon, especially now when women have way more options out there than before with onlije dating, tinder. That goes double in the US. If you are a dude in your late 20s and you never had a gf you probably should start getting comfortable with the idea that you are just not gonna find anyone.

>> No.71188700

Yeah that's why every single female in japan, 10 till 90 years of age, love Kiryu in Yakuza and similar hyper masculine characters.

>> No.71188731
File: 145 KB, 689x1365, Machio_Naruzo_buff_(anime).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but Machio in your image is legit jacked.

>> No.71188744
File: 188 KB, 407x399, 1688193644512328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work out for health, not because im delusional enough to think i will get a gf. I already accepted years ago, im not dating material.

>> No.71188865
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>> No.71188912

Go back to /plg/. This board can't comprehend lifting, much less your strongman competitions.

>> No.71188940

>Muscle is threatening and associated with low intelligence.
I swear half the strongmen I meet at local contests are software engineers and they're all very nice.

>> No.71188994
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, 20220501_151436_copy_4032x3024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL make /vt/ and /plg/ one and the same

>> No.71189111
File: 137 KB, 1073x1086, GD-TgNdW8AAoJww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fairly sure that anon is trolling. Whilst being a meathead was associated with low intelligence decades ago, it is not the case anymore. It also became a stereotype because of envy and jealousy by classic nerds who never succeeded in life. Lifting is very normal now and many top leaders and highly credited academics partake in it. Even bodybuilding has its share of well spoken and articulate members.Anyway, that guy is probably pic rel and assblasted.

>> No.71189353

I just want a vtuber to feel and compliment the muscles I worked so hard for
Is that too much to ask

>> No.71190144


>> No.71190514


>> No.71190547

They are not into men

>> No.71190603

I'm working on getting ripped, but my body type fucking sucks... I can easily lift hags tho, you lose some, you win some

>> No.71190620

can someone explain to my dumb lil self what the belt is about? thank u xoxo

>> No.71190691
File: 143 KB, 720x1280, IMG_6142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really believe it

>> No.71192032

Supports your spine, compresses your torso.

>> No.71192558

Sex with Bae

>> No.71192901

Already am but my oshi likes twink boys unfortunately

>> No.71193103

>lifting for women in 2024
KEK trannies get more action then the average /fit/cel

>> No.71193111

There's no gym for your face
There's no gym for your height

>> No.71193882

>mid 30s
>my own gym that I go to for at least 45 minutes every week day for the past 10 years
>can move essentially forever without getting out of breath
>chunli thighs
>guns bigger than my head
>resting heartrate in the 40s
>still look like a fucking skeleton wearing a wet XXL windsuit
>literally only way to fix is to spend money on plastic surgery

Worst part is, I even have plenty of money so I could do that, but it's just such a fucking psychologically offensive thing to do to myself that I will never do it.

>> No.71193943

Small frame?

>> No.71194139
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I'm sorry I only care for Kurokami.

>> No.71194159


No, just ex-fat.

>> No.71194198

I do it for my work out bro Yagoo.

>> No.71194232

Oh that kind of issue. I feel you. Still, if you've filled out what you can then a surgery isn't the worst thing you can do to yourself. Sounds like it's bothering you a lot so it might be worth it.

>> No.71194385

My oshi said that she liked muscular pretty boys like Inosuke from KnY , I was already working out but there’s no way I be that pretty without surgery.

>> No.71194452


Alas, I could fill out more by just becoming fat again, but the fat combined with the muscle tissue is even more weight per volume, so it's gonna be an even more massive strain to my health than just being a regular fat fuck.

And the fact that I look like a monster isn't bothering me, it's the fact that people keep spreading this false hope and lies that "hitting the gym will fix everything!", I've basically wasted 10 years of my life and gained nothing except a longer lifespan.

>> No.71194570

Started squatting just the barbell like a nerd and now I’m squatting 205 still a 5’6 manlet though so I don’t think there’s going to be any thirsting for me.

>> No.71194739

My oshi only gets turned on by frail teenage boys

>> No.71194823

How fat were you?
I thought if you got muscular it filled out.
What age did you start losing weight/How long were you fat?

>> No.71194897 [DELETED] 

Already do but definitely not for my oshi. She's got awful normie with daddy issues taste in men, aka she's in to all the edgy "bad boys". She lusts after Vergil and fckin Shadow (from Sonic). Yea.. I'll just enjoy her silly antics, cutness and gaming skills, she's a lost cause on the wife material front.

>> No.71195016


192cm / 160kg at 25 years but I grew up on farm labor so it wasn't all mcdonald's sugarfat, slowly got fatter and fatter since 15, losing it was very fast though, only took a few years to lose almost half of my weight.

>> No.71195192

>losing it was very fast though, only took a few years
That still sounds slow to me.
Congrats on weightloss, currently working on losing weight myself and I find it takes way more effort to burn off calories than it does to consume them. It's pretty much ensured if I have kids I won't have the lax approach to diet my parents did.

>> No.71195244

>>71195016 (me)

Also here's my tip to anyone of you who still wanna lose weight.

Row. Get a rowing machine or use the rowing machine at a gym, just do that while you watch vtubers or whatever, aim for at at least a steady pace of 4m/s and you'll be literally melting your weight off.

>> No.71195309

That's 1.7 lbs every single week for 2 years. That's pretty fast.

>> No.71195422

>That still sounds slow to me.

To be clear, I didn't cut. I didn't make any major caloric intake changes, I just rowed more than I ate. If you do something like go for a 1000cal diet on top of that, of course you'd lose that even faster, but I wasn't really speedrunning it nor did I have a schedule.

>> No.71196051

same bro but my bicep. probably torn but i hate doctors

>> No.71196295

>its pretty stupid to work out for a women you pay to say two sentences to.
its not a stupid reason to lift for your oshi, anything to get people to start living healthy is good reason enough.

>> No.71196383
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>holos dont like muscly men!
today i remind them

>> No.71196440


Is it tho?

Economically speaking, the fat worker is the best worker because they die just about when they reach the ripe age of receiving their pensions.

>> No.71196623
File: 2.12 MB, 432x444, 7635251112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that doesnt even come close to what you're trying to compare it to

>> No.71196728

It's simple.
Girls with sadistic tendencies want a twink to boss around.
Girls with masochist tendencies want a buff man to manhandle her.
And girls with daddy issues want a fat old man to pamper her.

>> No.71197496

>Do push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and planks five days a week since the start of the new year
>Up to 200 per day, plus two two-minute planks
I long for death, but I must continue until I've reached my goal of being fit enough to accurately cosplay Shadow from Eminence in Shadow. Anyway I'm on to my second plank, godspeed anons

>> No.71198152

Fuwawa has been caught multiple times lusting after fat ugly males.
Mococo loves skinny-fit guys though.

>> No.71198195

You know what actually gave me low self esteem, being asked by female friend to help her move and then being stuck on box and clothes duty while all the other guys were moving furniture and shit. Started going to the gym the next week and have no regrets.

>> No.71198215

they are both lesbians

>> No.71199997

I distance run because it relaxes me, both in the moment, and in the rest of my life. If I go too long without running, I have too much energy, and people around me find it unpleasant, or even obnoxious.
I also "work out" at a gym once a week because if you JUST distance run, you can get weird muscle imbalances and it can fuck you up in different annoying ways.

>> No.71201988

noted for my session next week

>> No.71202075

You fucking IDIOTS. You don't lift to have your oshi thirst over you. Fuck outta here with that.
You lift to help your mom with heavy groceries.

>> No.71202190

It's a numbers game and some people use the belt to do bigger numbers without blowing their back

>> No.71202384

>Girls with sadistic tendencies want a twink to boss around.
>Girls with masochist tendencies want a buff man to manhandle her.
>Girls with daddy issues want a fat old man to pamper her
Regis Altare

>> No.71202535

Hey, Nerissa also needs a woman to have her child for her

>> No.71202543

This entire thread is a psyops by vtubers wanting us to get fit and jacked. Dont fall for it fat chads

>> No.71203292

It won’t work on skeletons like me because I don’t eat enough anyways.

>> No.71205437

>performance looks like

>> No.71205728

I am comfortable with it. I probably shouldn't be though.

>> No.71205799

For both
