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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71140243 No.71140243 [Reply] [Original]

You can only post itt if your oshi has over 1 billion views

>> No.71140917

what site is that?

>> No.71141095
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>> No.71141187

autismspeaks main website
you can tell because it's nothing but numbers

>> No.71141282

The Queen herself

>> No.71141330

Why does /vt/ get the lame numbers autists like Nate Silver and not the cool numbers autists like Ramanujan

>> No.71141513
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She might not have a billion views but she might have a billion yen

>> No.71141739

Can someone tell me why twitchfaggots grifters use the word Oshi?

>> No.71142035

To make you mad, faggot

>> No.71144359
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kneel before the goddess of numbers

>> No.71145580

Shorts are monetized?

>> No.71148776


>> No.71149390
File: 2 KB, 195x32, Number_Empress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel

>> No.71150718

muh dick.

>> No.71151878

Her personality feel like Fauna but pandering to real children

>> No.71152059

are the condoms on her waist real? isn't she a kids' channel?

>> No.71152209
File: 1.33 MB, 2591x2160, 1700778922159079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

filian is based

>> No.71152240

my dyslexia baited me with
>post tit
and now I'm disappointed.

>> No.71152307

please tell me that belt is actually on her model and you didn't just edit that in.
Because if so, holy shit what a kids vtuber.

>> No.71152371

>literally 99% from shorts
doesn't count

>> No.71152418

Made for shota cock

>> No.71152427

You have possibly the shitiest taste on this board

>> No.71152464

Obviously it's edited retards

>> No.71152525
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Pure, unfiltered cope

>> No.71152641

>unable to argue against a stated fact
that's the real cope here

>> No.71152692

You didn't state a fact, you made a judgment. You arbitrarily decided short views don't count which is retarded. You're obviously from /#/.

>> No.71152790

shorts are OBJECTIVELY worth less than regular views, youtube itself agrees with this because shorts pay lower than normal videos per view, and this is a FACT

seethe and cope

>> No.71152892

I don't care how much they pay for short views. A view is a view. Someone saw your shit. The pay is a separate issue.

I'll just cut this right in bud now: I'm not changing my mind, you are wrong, they do count, kill yourself, end of discussion.

>> No.71152965

lmao by this logic a red superchat in ARS counts as much as a red superchat in USD

you are literally coping so hard it's hilarious

>> No.71153309

>doesn't even stream on YouTube
>you still need to cope

>> No.71153456

then why are you counting youtube views lmfao, tally the twitch views then

>> No.71153490

Youtube is her primary platform, ironically. Far more people watch her shorts than her streams.

>> No.71153857

being 1st chuuba to 1bil youtube views with it not being her primary platform is a bigger accomplishment. mogged the competition on their turf

>> No.71153983

are you going to brag about whoever the #1 ARS superchat recipient too?

>> No.71154650

/#/ keks are so quick with the excuses every time holos get btfo'd. If we include twitch views, it just looks worse for everyone else. 2nd place (marine) also got the majority of her views from shorts and actually streams on the platform.

>> No.71154721

who said anything about holo? is this what this is really about? holy lmao a genuine wild schizo

>> No.71154809

>mogs half of the holos in ccv
>mogs all of them in yt views despite it being a side hussle
>mogs everyone but marine and gura in subs
i kneel zoomer queen

>> No.71154843

Nah, just assuming since no one else was close to 1 bil, so you wouldn't be arguing if you were a fan of a different corpa.

>> No.71154911

nice damage control schizo

>> No.71154990

>no rebuttal
cry harder /#/ kek. Everyone knows who argues #s on this board.

>> No.71155001
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>> No.71155065

rebuttal against what? you factually had a mask off moment lmao, that's on you, not anything I said
>Everyone knows who argues #s on this board.
you're the one who made this thread about numbers lmao holy shit, real schizo hours

>> No.71155365

Mask off? I just made an educated guess. If you're not, my bad, but we both know you are lol. And I didn't make the thread, schizo.

>> No.71155435

you're still arguing about numbers, while complaining about people who argue about numbers

you're a proven schizo no matter how you damage control, better luck next time incel kek

>> No.71155682

>a view is a view
Any random shorts is over 20 million views, 99% of those people don't even know who you are, they just randomly watch shit because they're terminally online, they aren't fans.

>> No.71155717

No argument so you start sperging, rumao. Who was the one arguing why the views don't count? I called clear /#/ kek behavior like I saw it. Prove me wrong, who do you watch?

>> No.71155859

>mogs half of the holos in ccv
Do you mean holoID? Even Iron Mouse beats Filian in CCV

>> No.71155916

>pointing out your hypocrisy and self-contradiction doesn't count as an argument
you're trying so hard to steer away from this part because you know you've been called out. probably going to ignore this in your next post and only focus on my next line

I'm not giving you any ammo to use against me no matter how hard you beg kek, I know what you're going to say for any possible name I give because you don't have any solid beliefs besides shilling for filian

>> No.71156655

>reddit spacing
What hypocrisy and self contradiction?
Literally only a holo fan would have a horse in this race since filian and marine were the only ones close to a bil. You downplaying filian gave it away. You're arguing this point so hard because you know I'm right.

>> No.71156962

>What hypocrisy and self contradiction?

>> No.71157402

Calling you a /#/ kek and saying arguing #s is bad are 2 different things. The excuses are what I was making fun of.

>> No.71157466
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Cookie is that one hidden boss in the game who's just doing its own thing while lesser beings wreak havoc on the world. in FFX, she's Penance while Gura is Sin/Braska's Final Summon.

>> No.71157588

you said
>cry harder /#/ kek. Everyone knows who argues #s on this board.
so you are saying everyone who argues #s is a /#/ kek, which includes you, since you are arguing #s right now

don't worry, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this is just the best damage control you have, rather than being mentally retarded and not being able to recall your own posts

>> No.71158200

>Everyone knows who argues #s
I'm obviously referring to who starts the arguments. Not every statement is made to be take literally, ESL-kun. Use context clues

>> No.71158259

the OP started this argument, and you take his side in this argument, while arguing in this thread, imbecile

>> No.71158420

I'm not taking anyone's side, I don't even watch filian. I was making fun of you for coping, retard.

>> No.71158538

Wait Nate Silver has talked about this place? Why didn't you fags tell me, i wantes to ask him if he thought DeSantis would be reelected given the small margins of his original win and if the pools said his approach to social issues was still winning voters, also how that compliments the florida Democratic party weak outreach effort in the last election, especially in Miami given the supposed demographical advantages they had on that area.

>> No.71158595

considering filian is the only vtuber with 1b views on youtube, the OP was obviously inciting literally everyone else by making this thread, so for you to now damage control with this suggests you're a cuck

of course, that was my assumption before you exposed yourself just as doing an anti-holo shitpost kek, definitely not some obsessed sperg with a chip on his shoulder

>> No.71158614
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>number monkey
>political number monkey

>> No.71158701
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>> No.71158760

>genuine analysis
Im sorry your retarded ass is too stupid to understand the analysis provided you dumb faggot.

>> No.71158943

Rumao, you're so mad that an indie reached 1bil first, and you try to act like you're not a /#/ monkey. You shifted the argument to some irrelevant shit because you couldn't make any points. Cry harder, cuckold. Not anti holo, but if believing that helps you cope, feel free.

>> No.71159018

Is mostly shorts thou... her views are not bad, but her videos and streams, are just a fraction of her views. And yes, it matter that is shorts, because is one thing to get a view from peoples actively watching your content, and another to get a view from a short that someone is watching 3 seconds off, while scrolling trough YouTube shorts.

>> No.71159184
File: 250 KB, 1301x2048, 1708388689601509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is filian too much of a brand risk to ever collab with Holos? She almost had a Selen collab before the termination, so I guess she's able to collab with Nijis if she wants to (not that she would want to anymore). Although I guess Nerissa is the only Holo who would even consider it.

>> No.71159320

>drops all semblance of an argument with "u mad"
yeah, I accept your final concession, hope your jerking off to the 1b views (while acting like you're not a numberfag) helps you sleep well tonight

>> No.71159598

Yea, yea. There was no argument when all you could say was "y-you hate holo." Losing that 1b milestone is definitely gonna keep you up at night, /#/ kek.

>> No.71163655

Calliope Mori so definitely. Feels good to support one of the most influential vtubers of all time.

>> No.71168368
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 123321231213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgetting about the actual god of vtubing

>> No.71168482

>1 billion views
>barely cracks 5k concurrent and has to be giving 200% energy the whole time

>> No.71168800

>Filipino Boy was denied of neurodog's knot
Well she managed to snatch a considerable amount of zoomer audience, but she needs to stop leeching from the shark to earn my respect

>> No.71168906

her 3 month average is 6.6k

>> No.71169408

Trying to include the sloppy december award to inflating the noomber I see

>> No.71169912

Sorry numberfag, Cookie mogged her to hell and back. Let's see your cope.

>> No.71170215

I bet if you posted a Holo this thread wouldn't be a shitfest

>> No.71170264

I don't see the appeal of this bitch. She's just a twitch whore who tries too hard to play into the autistic, "I'm not like other girls" cliche.

>> No.71171356

Fake numbers fake engagement
Wake me up when she becomes Japanese

>> No.71171484
File: 159 KB, 356x434, 1708816152519400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those condoms? Full of my cum

>> No.71174872


>> No.71176608

underage posters aren't allowed on this site

>> No.71176976

Fucking Penance, I spent a month redoing the whole sphere grid to get everyone to 999 stats (also another week farming the smaller black summons for op accesories) and the fight still took me like 2 hours.
