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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71058326 No.71058326 [Reply] [Original]

baking is easy you dont have to wait for me- Edition

Is your vtuber european or lives in Europe and streams at euro times?
Post em!

>Current focus country: Spain, Portugal, Switzerland and other unconquered territories during WW2

Euro Google Doc:
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Next thread OP topic: Germany, Argentina (War is finally over)

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Previous >>70854223

>> No.71058445


>> No.71058527
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>> No.71058780
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>> No.71058948
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Final bean stream!

>> No.71059039

Mouse isn't European but streams all over the place, so sometimes she's on during Euro times.
SquChan lives there

>> No.71059283

Remember when iron mouse was mad that a spanish speakings page was helping quackity to win a award and not her. Iron mouse is a number fag.

>> No.71059301

it's always a strange feeling to see a chuba you haven't really followed closely, but were aware about and maybe watched a handful of streams from, graduate.
it's not that i'm sad but it's certainly a bit melancholic

>> No.71059326
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Polish news:
>Blue woman is going strong with Destiny 2 https://www.twitch.tv/kibi_exe
>We might get a new chuuba soon from globie https://twitter.com/AlicjaDaLontano

>> No.71059353

Molten magma take, numberfagging is gmi behavior

>> No.71059771

when you are number 1, how can you not numberfag

>> No.71060162

Shiori is Serbian

>> No.71060987

I will remember that for when we hit ex yugoslavia next cycle

>> No.71061126


>> No.71061228

Why is ironmouse on the spain flag. Spaniards hate puerto ricans

>> No.71061413
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It's over.

>> No.71061461

And Alban Nox is Albanian

>> No.71061566
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I couldnt find any vtubers from spain or portugal I knew and I figured out the obvious bait would bring people

>> No.71061614

Dutch trainwife zatsu

>> No.71061912

You should have put a pic of Alonso or Sainz. They're Spaniards, and there's enough overlap between the fandoms that most F1 drivers count as honorary vtubers (especially since some of them are also twitch streamers)

>> No.71062012

>Spaniards hate puerto ricans
¿Desde cuando?

>> No.71062146

Since puertorican remind them of the mistakes and atrocities they comitted.

>> No.71062282

>that most F1 drivers count as honorary vtubers
I don't think the mods would agree. kek

>> No.71062356
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It's Alice, playing Overclocked.

>> No.71062437

>most F1 drivers count as honorary vtubers
Yup, /yuro/s are full blown retards.

>> No.71062502

Ni hemos cometido atrocidades ni odiamos a Puerto Rico. Vaya a trollear a otro lado.

>> No.71062552

>atrocities they comitted.
the indians deserved it, unlike the american ones aztecs were real dicks

>> No.71062692

Que dices si Puerto Rico no tenia aztecas, ni se cometieron atrocidades contra los aztecas, solo hubo una conquista.
Dejad de trolear

>> No.71062798

It is thanks to spaniards raping africans and indigenous people that puertorican were created. They can't claim to be white euro latino or africans because they are all those races in one they have no fucking origins or culture because of you

>> No.71062799 [DELETED] 

>euro chuuba
>posts black mutt

>> No.71062998

Nta pero imaginate pensar asi, nadie en Hispanoamerica piensa de esa forma, pelotudo.
>uy no ¿a cual de estas razas fantasticas inventadas por los germanos pertenezco?
>ay no tengo identidad noooo
Solamente un chicano podria pensar asi, matate maricon

>> No.71063012

Quien tu crees cristobal colòn era? Un angel enviandole bendiciones a esos pobres indios indefensos

>> No.71063073

Maricòn eres tu hijo de puta.

>> No.71063161

Ni hablar castellano saben, caras de pinga.

>> No.71063361

Uy, como le duele la verdad al mamabicho ese jajaja cagate en la chocha de tu madre maldito español violador.

>> No.71063553

Onions argentino, chicano pelotudo
Si supieses hablar castellano te habrias dado cuenta al toque, tragachele.

>> No.71063584

I hope OP learns to never do that again.

>> No.71063606

This is not even the current spanish flag but the fascist pre-constitution one

>> No.71063661

Eso es peor tu ere el ano de el culo de la raza latina "boludo".

>> No.71063852

Vos vas a llorar por siempre sobre tu identidad, nunca vas a ser aceptado en yanquilandia y nunca vas a ser aceptado en hispanoamerica.
Anda a hacer buches de semen, bobo.

>> No.71064075

Ironmouse franquista?

>> No.71064267
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Roca karaoke

>> No.71064277

I barely understood half of that taco language, I will never identify myself as a latinx. I rather identify myself as a fucking pajeet before, identfying myself as some cringe latinx. Thank god my parents migrated here legally from PR and that i am an american by birth because if were born in pr or any other latinx shithole i wouldve killed myself. Unlike you i have dignity.

>> No.71064921

>the grapes were sour anyways

>> No.71065181

What the fuck? Did something happen? Her collabs with Nina were some of the best content I've watched.

>> No.71065317
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nice argument, why don't you back it up with a source?

>> No.71065424

The US is hyper racialized, you'd pass as something else in Europe or south America if you really wanted to but never in north America.

>> No.71065465
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If I find kingdom flags I use those because they are always cooler

>> No.71065716

when that flag was used Spain was not a kingdom, actually.

>> No.71065864
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No one knows for sure. People are rratmancing about her being scouted but there's as much proof for as there is against, and as far as we know and she's said she's basically just done and moving on from vtubing. It was a nice last stream.

>> No.71065966

they have a king still??? how are they not a kingdom

>> No.71066075

the king was restored after Franco's death. And he was one of the most retarded kings we have ever had

>> No.71066126

Argentineans in the US make double the average income of PRicans in the (mainland) US, they are on par with the Japanese and Chinese.

>> No.71066545

Something like
20th century begins -> Kingdom -> Republic -> Civil War -> Fascist Republic (flag in the OP) -> Constitutional Kingdom (we are here)

>> No.71067252

Spain was technically a monarchy under Franco, but he left the throne vacant until he died.

>> No.71067587

They just couldn't call themselves a Republic and the would-be-king wasn't playing along either

>> No.71067748

encima el retrasado que puso Franco de rey mato a su hermano que era mucho mas capaz
Su padre lo odiaba.

>> No.71069076

>he's basically just done and moving on from vtubing.
never believe a chuuba lies, particularly when other vtubers are graduating at the same time

>> No.71069687

Should I lean into my accent more as a yuro chuuba? People tell me it’s kind of cute.

>> No.71069763

some corpo vtubers are even told to fake their accents

>> No.71072605


>> No.71073378

Lean in on the accent slightly and make speaking in your primary language a rarity. When you do, it'll attract the clipfags = free advertising

>> No.71077420

europeans pls

>> No.71078272

keep bumping, burger bros, it's 2AM here now.

>> No.71079851


>> No.71080527
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>> No.71083961
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>> No.71086502


>> No.71086911
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>> No.71087775

wasnt she going to jong

>> No.71089399

She wanna collab with the fellow Brit I think. Tbqh it would be bad if she go jong and stray away from retro

>> No.71089454

jong counts as retro

>> No.71089638

Hag alliance

>> No.71089911

Wait, QB is a hag?

>> No.71090939

She's just haglike

>> No.71091507

Please don't play with my heart

>> No.71091580

Please anon, it's not my fault her age is a secret... I must speculate.

>> No.71092333

nah she is a zoomer

>> No.71092370

I will never believe it

>> No.71092609

>other unconquered territories during WW2
which were those

>> No.71096388


>> No.71097215

If HoloEU becomes a thing what will we do with them?

>> No.71097333

that will never happen so there is no point speculating

>> No.71099563

That's what they want you to think

>> No.71099898

This Pole has been live for a while now

>> No.71101294
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>> No.71102420


>> No.71103398

Anon made it up. She's only ever been mildly annoyed when she noticed the trend of people on twitter making a big deal over other latina streamers making into a top ten thing and always ignoring her presence in it.
She wouldn't get mad over people supporting Quackity because they're friends, just like she was rooting for him when she instead won the award at the Game Awards.

>> No.71103598

Yeah so many atrocities. They were kicked in the ass as is normal in war at the time, made subjects but because of diseases a lot of natives died. Regarding the Aztecs their former victims where the ones doing the actual atrocities, because of decades of abuse. Now if you want throw around the spanish inquisition , so you can get schooled about its reality and not the propaganda mess protestants spread out of thin air.

>> No.71105043

Don't be a nigger

>> No.71105092


>> No.71105418

Post them for the glory of EVROPA ofc

>> No.71107582
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real awoo hours

>> No.71108964


>> No.71110468


>> No.71111319

>immediately throws the land of his ancestors under the bus the moment he is btfo
>indirectly implying his parents should've killed themselves
>after trying his best to talk Spanish the whole thread
why are chicanos so menhera?

>> No.71111988

European vtubers?

>> No.71113509

All dead

>> No.71113773
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>> No.71114458
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Takie this fish. She's gonna be going for a while.

>> No.71114638

Does she like Doom

>> No.71116182

what makes you think that?

>> No.71116425

Donkey starting a Fallout 2 playthrough

>> No.71116639

UK, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Sweden, Turkey

>> No.71118750

Iceland was conquered, actually. The British invaded it to preempt the Germans.

>> No.71120506

Vtubers? European?

>> No.71120960
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Wawa is already included, I fail to see the issue.

>> No.71121299

This is how you do it

>> No.71122226


>> No.71122667

best find at the end of a rainbow

>> No.71124947

europa pls

>> No.71125244
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Vampire boytoy

>> No.71125421

where is ray from, again

>> No.71125769
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>> No.71126299
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Literal 2hu vtuber doing the grandblue

>> No.71127714

Bella live

>> No.71127879
File: 3.44 MB, 1184x2047, d8d663776c780f8ebf20a89243d7d502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reina celebrating 100 days

>> No.71129812
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fin ghost

>> No.71129865
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Polish woman Destiny 2

>> No.71130199
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irish rab

>> No.71131169

This outfit is so real

>> No.71133479
File: 14 KB, 648x141, chrome_W3IKauzDaL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Khubie News: My cute dumpire sister wife will be streaming tonight have a bump

>> No.71133773

/euro/ needs more liveposting

>> No.71134095

no more 12 hours qb... you couldnt save her

>> No.71134188

She isn't employed yet, it's fine... Why must my wife have bills to pay...

>> No.71134354

but how if there are no good chuubas streaming?

>> No.71135136

you must become the good chuuba then
wear the skirt

>> No.71135422
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She lives on the other side of the world from me its not fair its not fair its not fair its not fair its not fair.

>> No.71137198

Airi Viridis Minecraft. She streams in English, but is German and part-Spanish.

>> No.71137292

this one was posted during germany week
she stole my bike

>> No.71138396
File: 271 KB, 619x693, 231654987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumpire live~! She said something about streaming Phasmo earlier but no clue what shes doing today other then yapping.


>> No.71140317
File: 875 KB, 539x738, 1691881968516431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emergency italian

>> No.71140482

interesting find, thank you
