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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 57 KB, 883x252, zetard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
71030613 No.71030613 [Reply] [Original]

is zeta retarded?
hope she’s ok though

>> No.71030663

Why do Holomem keep one upping one another in excuses?

>> No.71030767

stealth suspension for cheating in Bread and Fred

>> No.71030780 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 329x389, 1691536558765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like boyfriend

>> No.71030877

yeah, me

>> No.71030949

that sounds made up

>> No.71030984

axel fucked her too hard

>> No.71031251


>> No.71031300

I'm sorry anon I didnt pull out in time so I had to do it

>> No.71031320

No fucking way this is true

>> No.71031576

Nah, she's just following Ollie's footsteps
who also fell down stairs
twice even

>> No.71031715

so i guess the lesson is dont use stairs in indonesia?

>> No.71031815

I tripped down the stairs my dog died my mom is sick in the hospital I have depression I almost killed myself tummy hurt I have anxiety my social battery needs to recharge I have to visit my family I have to go to the doctor I have to get surgery I have to go to the dentist my throat hurts...

So yeah guys, I can't stream for a month. :(

>> No.71032056

Nah it's don't use stairs after masturbating all night instead of sleeping

>> No.71032222

Does anyone actually believe these blatant lies?

>> No.71032322
File: 29 KB, 640x480, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to go to japan. sorry, chumbuds I can't buy a decent pc to stream. not that i care about my fans either. i just want to quit this company but cover make me as mascot forced me to stay. i hate my job

>> No.71032332

>I fell down the stairs.
Save her from her abusive husband.

>> No.71032378

but he didn't hurt her she said herself she fell down the stairs

>> No.71032379

Zeta is legitimately stupid.
She's chill though so it's less obvious how outright dumb she is

>> No.71032385

>tore my arm's skin
what the fuck does this mean
why did she word it like this
did she scrape herself?
did she fucking deglove her whole-ass arm?

>> No.71032405

If she wasn't before she will be now.

>> No.71032427

Oh right. She should stop being so clumsy. He should beat her for being so stupid.

>> No.71032446

Yeah, she feel down the stair.
the stair is Axel's HWD

>> No.71032501

And let me guess: she got a blackeye from running into a doorknob too?

>> No.71032709

She's so clumsy. One time her husband (me) was swinging around a bag of batteries and she walked right into it! Several times! Haha, I don't know how she keeps doing it

>> No.71032901

Sorry bros she was pregnant and refused to get an abortion, you know how it is

>> No.71033156

is it like that one time she tripped and landed directly on your closed fist when you fond she didn't do the laundry like you asked?

>> No.71033265


>> No.71033506

I fell down my stairs the other day. Cat hair and carpet is slippery.

>> No.71034142

>carpet is slippery

>> No.71034160

Sorry I got her pregnant and had to push her down the stairs. My bad bros.

>> No.71034204

Meh I don't find joking about falling on stairs funny. I hope she gets well. Seems like she's still fine considering she's still able to tweet out. But head injuries aren't funny so good call to go to ER.

>> No.71034227

Yeah, we don't want her to come down with something serious

...Like the guard rail.

>> No.71034274

Are there commie building blocks in ID? I know the stairs in those buildings are actual death traps.

>> No.71034345

change your shitposting image to not sound as a hypocrite

>> No.71034488

Anon have you never stepped on carpet?

>> No.71034509

Carpet is the opposite of slippery, unless you spilled soap on it. What the fuck kind of carpet do you have?

>> No.71034530

what the fuck kind of carpet do you have in the third world, anon?

>> No.71034550

anon we're specifically talking about carpet on stairs. carpet on stairs is slippery as fuck

>> No.71034553
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No. Zeta is sex

>> No.71034579

>she degloved her hand

>> No.71034611

NTA, but I don't understand what you could possibly not understand about that statement.

>> No.71034617

I live in Indonesia and last year I fell from stairs because of the slippery carpet on stairs too.

>> No.71034645

This isn't an Indonesia thing, it's a basic physics thing.

>> No.71034781

Okay this must be some SEA bullshit.
Do you have a picture of this magic slippery stair carpet of yours? Because I've had carpet on stairs and it was not fucking slippery.

>> No.71034809

Burger here, I'm as completely baffled as you
Carpet by definition creates friction, which means it's not slippery

>> No.71034838
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>> No.71034955

It's probably a climate thing desu.

>> No.71035015

I lived in the asscrack of the US with 90-95% humidity most of the year and I never experienced that

>> No.71035052

No, I'm not going to doxx my stairs/carpet.
But the bottom part of carpet doesn't stick to the ceramic/marble/floor.
Even with one foot on the carpet, if you try to move your foot the carpet would move slippery.
Some of carpet (usually bathroom carpet) will stick to the floor when wet, but if it's dry it's still a bit slippery too.

>> No.71035059

mine is made of ceramic
1 drop of water on stairs can kill u

>> No.71035090

>carpet is slippery because whoever installed it is a retard
>carpet is slippery because it literally moves
Jesus, the absolute state

>> No.71035114
File: 48 KB, 1375x772, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The carpet going over the corner of the stairs creates a bend in the carpet, which allows for the protruding carpet fibers to move more along the direction of that bend, since they aren't in contact with, and propped up by, the surrounding fibers. It's like when you cube up a mango - those cubes are much more wigglable once you push the skin inward.

This allows your foot to have more possibly of movement in a position that you would normally consider stationary and stable in that moment of that particular step. Adding socks into the mix ups the slipperiness, since they both increase the layers of unfixed material between flesh and stair and decrease the friction between those materials.

>> No.71035118

oh fuck, yeah I've dealt with some rugs that do that. Even if you buy like those sticky whatevers, they wear down eventually after a while.

>> No.71035138
File: 81 KB, 500x500, stairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I googled it, do you IDs have something like this where the carpet isn't even attached to the stairs, it's just a bunch of fucking rugs?
Because if so that's a retarded death trap, no wonder.

Ceramic isn't carpet, and that sounds awful.

>> No.71035200

>do you IDs
We've already established this isn't an ID-exclusive aspect, why are you focusing on that?

>> No.71035213

>stair carpet
My stairs doesn't even have railings

>> No.71035215

No. There are way more skyscrapers in India than Indonesia despite Indonesia is 2x richer and India only has 3x bigger economy. Because Indonesian despise apartments, people would prefer to have a small house with land 3 hours from the workplace than an apartment 10 minutes from the workplace. Apartment business is difficult, let alone a commie block apartment.

>> No.71035231

Ok so the malfunction here is that people think they have carpet when they have a fucking rug
Got it

>> No.71035287

Apparently. I have no idea what retard would design stairs like this but I guess it's common there.

>> No.71035312

One person is talking about a rug. The rest are talking about actual carpet.
You are either stupid or are intentionally misrepresenting what you read.

>> No.71035320

what the fuck is this shit, why on earth would anyone think that would be a good idea.. crappy little rugs like that on wood/fake wood is so slippery

>> No.71035333

What are you even on about, if you think carpet moves you either installed it wrong or you have a fucking rug. Quit being a retard

>> No.71035380

>carpet /kar·pet/ /karpét/ n a floor covering made of fleece or thick cloth; rugs; carpet;

>> No.71035406

ppl in sea sometimes call rug = carpet too

>> No.71035427

>The term carpet is often used in a similar context to the term rug, but rugs are typically considered to be smaller than a room and not attached to the floor.[1]

>> No.71035460

Damn, I didn't have much sympathy for SEAposters before this thread but if I had retards setting up deathtraps in my own home, I'd probably shitpost a lot too. Sorry SEAbros, I was too quick to judge

>> No.71035494

But I'm not talking about carpet moving. That's why I pointed out the distinction between the different explanations.
You are either stupid or are intentionally misrepresenting what you read.

>> No.71035516

Every SEA home is like navigating the vietnam jungle in the 60s

>> No.71035548

Your comments don't even make sense. Either specify the comments you're speaking about or fuck off, SEAmonkey

>> No.71035573

Ina also went down stairs

>> No.71035601

I can't believe Axel threw her down the stairs

>> No.71035604

>be SEA
>get hungry
>walk to the dumpster to get some pagpag
>trip on stair rugs
>get yet another TBI
>make it outside
>trip and fall into a bamboo spike pit
you SEAbros have it so hard...

>> No.71035619

Anon if you can't understand the differences already I don't think me making a list is going to help you. The fundamental issue is that you have dumbdumb disease.

>> No.71035649

>brown monkey continues yelling at the sky

>> No.71035672

woah, I learned something today.
Well, two things. People cube mangos like that? Neat.

>> No.71035743

I am neither brown or yelling. You are inventing aspects about this conversation to lash out against in an attempt to distract other readers from latching on to your own displayed comprehension inadequacies.

>> No.71035763

ok SEAmonkey

>> No.71035808

Fuck you guys. I hate unicorns too but these anons are falling for such obvious bait that I have to cheer for them.
I hate you for making me side with them.

>> No.71035839

>Well, two things. People cube mangos like that? Neat.
How do you eat your mango anon?

>> No.71035862

I posted in the wrong thread. It's 3 AM. I need sleep. Laugh at me.

>> No.71035895

>>71035839(not me)
I quoted the wrong person on top of this.
Fucking hell.

>> No.71035909

DST is a bitch anon

>> No.71035924

Usually I just slice it into slices like an apple or pear, or bite into it directly. But generally where I live we don't eat raw mangos very often.

>> No.71035992
File: 803 KB, 900x900, 1709128982631019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is giving me whiplash from the topic changing

>> No.71036008

She pulled on it too hard

>> No.71036024

no announcement from holo id regarding her future activities yet?

>> No.71036027

ITT: Cultural exchange with SEAs resulting in everyone being called a retard.
As expected.

>> No.71036051

Anon, she's just in some pain so taking a break, she's not in a coma

>> No.71036076

Damn is Indonesian architecture Chinese-levels of fucked or what?

>> No.71036085

She's in the ER so I guess we'll see later

>> No.71036117

Man, go to sleep.
>slice it into slices like an apple or pear
>don't eat raw mangos
The fuck

>> No.71036120

no, just their carpet (rugs)

>> No.71036152

...What do the Chinese do?

>> No.71036177

You tell me

>> No.71036330
File: 14 KB, 236x236, 81355f8ba76f090fb01e903c4b2914cc-1627273539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont fuck with stairs man, yes you might have climbed that same stairs hundreds of times but that doesnt mean you can't mess up and fall to your fucking death.

>> No.71036362

not easy being a vtuber

>> No.71036416
File: 1.23 MB, 1216x780, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm, picrel has a higher chance of you slipping and falling compared to having no carpet. not to mention the carpet gets smoother the more it gets stepped on meaning less friction.

>> No.71036448

They make buildings out of corncobs, bamboo painted to look like rebar, fake bricks and pot metal. Also any project involving concrete mixing a bunch of concrete gets sold or stolen.

>> No.71036502

Ah just like the Soviets

>> No.71036624

Damn. Luckily China doesn't get any earthquakes.
Imagine the scenes.

>> No.71036774

No but their infrastructure is so bad that gigantic potholes can open up out of nowhere and swallow entire city blocks.

>> No.71036828
File: 199 KB, 1000x1413, my carpet suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta but this 2x1 carpet is a literal death trap, there no friction, there no grip, it literally plastic underneath it and my floor(most of asian floor) a smooth tile. I wouldn't be suprise if people did fell from this type of carpet. Also i just put it on another carpet with grip, problem solve.

>> No.71036901

I've been going up and down stairs everyday my whole life and I've never fallen down before, its such a rare event idk why anyone would use it as an excuse

>> No.71036911

>Luckily China doesn't get any earthquakes
They do, big ones too. Just not as much as Nipland.

>> No.71036952

They had a huge earthquake last year and they fucking covered up the death toll.

>> No.71036985

Yeah apparently Asian stairs are death traps. I will take note to avoid stairs if I ever travel there. Stay safe on them bro.

>> No.71036989

>>71036911 (me)
Wrong link lol

>> No.71037015
File: 1.99 MB, 240x330, everything hort [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flwi7jj.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh she learned well

>> No.71037033

better take those notoriously safe asian elevators / escalators instead

>> No.71037050

Accidents happen. It can't be helped.

>> No.71037085

Fuck it I'm just going to avoid all of Asia

>> No.71037158

Just hold the rails in case you slip

>> No.71037271

For the people in copium, just a reminder:
>AAaaaahhh! I fell the stairs and broke my fucking back!!! Can't fucking stream anymore!

>A few moments later

Hey NotSana, how you're doing now that you're not in Holo?
>Totally fine. Why do you ask?

Keep an eye on Axel's RM and very soon we'll have our answer.

>> No.71037390

What are you talking about? What does Axel have to do with this?

>> No.71038238
File: 123 KB, 900x900, IMG_4435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry guys I was about to stream but on the way to the computer I slipped on a banana peel, after which I staggered and accidentally stepped on a rake on the ground which stood up, hitting me in the head, causing me to fall down on a mouse trap I placed in my room earlier. While falling I also pushed a bowling ball which rolled, accidentally colliding with a pair of scissors, which then cut a string which was holding up a piano that proceeded to feel on my head.
>So anyways no stream for a year, sorry

>> No.71038260

lurk moar

>> No.71038556

Sorry guys. Was fucking her by the stairs and she came. Her legs went weak and wobbly, she lost balanced and fell. Didn't expect her to be so pon.

>> No.71038858

You're supposed to use carpet tape or an adhesive.

>> No.71039122
File: 86 KB, 788x1024, FVnvYMIUUAAbLbF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I entirely memory holed both of those.

>> No.71039837


>> No.71039960


>> No.71040119

they didn't have to push her down the stairs for that...

>> No.71040220

>No, I'm not going to doxx my stairs/carpet.
Not making fun of you but that is the funniest fucking thing I think I've read on this board.

>> No.71040412

>le lurk moar
So you're spouting nonsense? I should've known.

>> No.71040431

It's understandable, if I had to deal with seeing you fuckers posting tributes over my stairs, I'd probably kill myself

>> No.71040666

I only remember her doing it once and hurting her ribs, what do you mean it happened twice?

>> No.71040773

while i doubt that might be happening but we are on 4chan afterall,

>> No.71040904

the small carpets move easily if they aren't glued to the floor

>> No.71040940

it's a rug, nigga
catch up

>> No.71042068

it's common trope here, usually it resulting in either amnesia, or miscarriage.

>> No.71042191

I can show her how not to rip the skin

>> No.71042402

She's not in EN

>> No.71042426

That's not SEA exclusive
t. Euro
I think the excuse is that carpets are such a profoundly retarded idea that they are not really used outside the anglosphere

>> No.71042548

It’s an esl thing

>> No.71044708

well since she said a few days and not a few months, I'm guessing it's not severe enough to affect future streams.
On the other hand, Sana.

>> No.71044832

Take the bungalow pill.
We are all going to get old and the stairs will kill you one day.

>> No.71044846

Who's next? Fauna's tits ran out of milk and has to go get another injection?

>> No.71045151

Its been years of excuses, obviously they are gonna run out of normal ones at one point. One excuse affects all girls, for example it would be weird if Miko went "tummy hort" like Ame, so shes gotta come up with something else, and regardless you cant use tummy hort all the time either, you gotta chnage it up. As time passes this forces the girls to come up with stranger and stranger excuses, becaus they cant just say "i really dont wanna put up with you fucking otakus today"

>> No.71047199

now she gonna get a bad back like reine
vitamins injection needed in certain time interval

>> No.71047496

sana was a lazy grifter, not at all the same

>> No.71047687

Even better thighs than Mumei. Goddamn.

>> No.71048053

Code for my bf cummed inside and now I must go to doctor and get abortion

>> No.71048185

Sorry, we are going to our honeymoon

>> No.71050580

Jesus Christ that is horrifying

>> No.71051650
File: 315 KB, 1042x892, zeta_3d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71051685

That's how you cheap out on an abortion here in Indonesia

>> No.71052082
File: 349 KB, 740x370, q6t5utfqnyb61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I imagine Zeta is right now

>> No.71052092

Blink twice if Axel did this to you

>> No.71053426
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1463, 1697377997702172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71054724

You guys are addicted to cuck shit huh?

>> No.71055270

To be fair having a rug on the stairs is extremely stupid. Practically a death trap.

>> No.71055463
File: 24 KB, 752x469, 1686870058751611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, yeah, they are meeting up with not Magni.
Man, shitposting and baiting non-existing Zeta's unicorns aside, imagine actually going out with Axel, rpr, Altare, not Magni and ID girls in Tokyo. Visiting multiple bars and karaokes with talented and funny people while having fun and drinking with them must be great...
I wish I'd have friends

>> No.71055692

>not Magni
How can he stand being in Japan? What if he sees a Japanese salary man in business suit? He might start seething really hard and beat them up because of his horrible trauma of having a super cushy industry job.

>> No.71056025
File: 66 KB, 514x542, Ukemi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to practice your breakfalls, anons. Falling down is a minor inconvenience when you're young and have joints made of rubber, but is way worse as you get older.

>> No.71056176

now try that on the actual stairs
not flat ground

>> No.71056581

Worst fall I had recently was in a uhaul with the fucking giant ass box-shaped wheel wells (I was carrying a couch backwards). Gave my coccyx a good pounding.
"Lowest decks" is a meme, there's a reason why the pros opt for a higher deck that is completely flat. No chance of tripping and way less annoying trying to fit furniture around the wheel wells.

>> No.71056652


>> No.71056757

my mom is indonesian and also fell down the stairs before, i wonder if its just a trend over there

>> No.71056776

She meant scrape. ESL pls ahndastan

>> No.71056857

Falling down stairs was invented in Indonesia.

>> No.71056933

they're simply not used to stairs
i knew someone else's mom who died from falling down stairs too

>> No.71056957
File: 138 KB, 640x774, pray-for-the-squirrels-roof-v0-uialpg8axs9a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since that time Risu's fucking ceiling crashed down on her I can believe any claim about catastrophic state of ID architecture.

>> No.71057040

Fake ass hollow ceiling.

>> No.71057164

She shouldn't have tried to catch Bae.

>> No.71057315

then why do you retards call it a flying carpet instead of a glying rug????

>> No.71058119

Sorry anon, someone pay me to push her down because he dont pull out when do the seg...

>> No.71058735

now i can imagine how hurt it is if i have big tits and trying to slip down the stairs like that

>> No.71058830

>I fell down the stairs
Your oshi is being beaten

>> No.71058976

>t. Doesn't watch streams
Multiple girls use tummy/ear/throat/head/nose short to not stream

>> No.71059288

How am I supposed to practice those?
I'm assuming a soft impact absorbing flooring is required, no?

>> No.71059532

Yeah, you need some kind of soft mat. Soft enough so you don't eat shit, but hard enough that you still understand if you're doing it wrong, and can imitate hard ground enough.

>> No.71059587

actually the real lesson is all the ID girls are retarded

>> No.71059648

Why are women so weak and dumb?

>> No.71059668



>> No.71061403

why the fuck would you put carpets on stairs? even if you affix them, eventually it's gonna come lose. and guess what, it's gonna come lose when someone is stepping on it. that's like asking to fucking die.

>> No.71061466


>> No.71061794

Ehh, I can think of plenty of ways to secure the carpets to the steps. Something like velcro attached with some really good adhesive won't come loose and still allow you to remove the carpet for cleaning.
I don't know. To avoid getting the stairs dirty in a public building maybe? Or the stairs are just really fucking slippery.

>> No.71063219

I'm an expert on these cause I once fell out of my bathtub (standing) in a tiny-ass restroom and somehow missed the toilet and washing machine with my back.

>> No.71063329


>> No.71065669

They don't need excuses. Ayame or Gura just don't show up and they're still around and making mad bank. Your claim is way more absurd than theirs.

>> No.71065915

Same reason old ladies put furniture covers on their davenports and doilies on their end tables.

>> No.71066346
File: 595 KB, 4096x4096, zetathighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would anyone with these thighs be retarded?

>> No.71066918

ID takes discipline very seriously

>> No.71067880

Those stairs? Me

>> No.71068084

Where I live falling down the stairs is a code for domestic violence

>> No.71068517

Where I live is code for police violence.

>> No.71069189

Where I live is code for getting pregnant with my kid

>> No.71071245

That baby? Me

>> No.71071560

>bite into it directly
nigga why? I did that once, and never again.

>> No.71072357

>indonesian stairs are carpeted weirdly
>everyone falls down the stairs constantly
>people just accept this as a fact of life
You learn something every day.

>> No.71073070
File: 43 KB, 686x248, stairs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be happy that it wasn't more severe.

>> No.71076316

what is the number one cause? cars?

>> No.71076426

Wait, what? That can't be real, got pics of these carpeted stairs?

>> No.71079419

Because it is.
