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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71004106 No.71004106[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

unicorns BTFO

>> No.71004217
File: 750 KB, 262x438, 1659704497547.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this again

>> No.71004269

regloss wasn't a flop b t w

>> No.71004306

I don't against that, but I hope she collab with another smoker and smoke together during collab

>> No.71004325

anons here can't speak japanese to begin with. you are just gonna get petty comments

>> No.71004330

This is a falseflag nijinigger thread.

>> No.71004364

Are we pretending like regloss wasn't specifically marketed like this again?
It's Yagoo's attempt to market to normies, it hasn't worked super well but that is the market purpose for them.

>> No.71004410

>it's okay when Shiori does it

>> No.71004415

we just had this thread >>70989151 have fun looping I guess.

>> No.71004431

unicorn schizos have been proved to be nijisisters since luxiem came out
they want holostars to crash and burn so their males get more of the pie

>> No.71004466

Yeah, I'm sure ririka was meant to appeal to normies, that's why she did gfe content and then cried about unicorns leaving

>> No.71004510

if dev_is blows up Nijisanji would be toast

>> No.71004845

Thread glows

>> No.71004896

>thread which has "unicorns" or "homobeggars" in the op
guaranteed shit thread
bonus shit points if there's a reddit post, twitter screencap, or AI unicorn in the OP

>> No.71005209

>about unicorns
Why lie?

>> No.71005617

That's not really what happened but Ririka also is a bit stupid and handled that entire situation pretty poorly.
Their branch was still very clearly outlined to be aimed at people that aren't currenlty watching Hololive, a.k.a. women and normies, Niji's audience.

>> No.71005830

>remaking the same thread
last one didn't go so well?

>> No.71005829

Women don't watch vtubers and those that do generally only watch the boys.

>> No.71005887

We already had this thread though

>> No.71005990

nijinigger falseflag alert!
nijinigger falseflag alert!
nijinigger falseflag alert!

>> No.71006149

He is hoping people don't point out that it's clickbait and Raden was actually relatively fair and understanding of the backlash. She didn't go "go educate yourself parasocial virgin fucks" or anything like that. She said "I don't have a right to tell you how you should feel about those collabs. I will go through extra efforts to make sure they don't happen on my channel again so you can completely avoid their existence if you still want to watch me, I'm not going to try to force it in your face."

>> No.71006221
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Are nijifags that desperate? Having to remake threads?

>> No.71006821

Are we pretending like you faggots didn't obsessively post "TWO MORE WEEKS AMIRITE SISTERS?!" anytime anyone would say that they will collab with males.
Several brain damaged unicorn cucks latched onto a few ReGloss members because they never even watched them.

>> No.71007027

Didn't they tweet at everyone in the company, including holostars, about how excited they were to join Hololive and wish to collab eventually?

>> No.71007059

Doesnt matter
We are the overwhelming majority of not only THIS community but all communities in the world.

>> No.71007129

The difference of regloss is they aren't exactly pure idol like the rest

>> No.71007211

yeah ? we still have kanata, gura, lamy, okayu and nene to entertain our unicorn interest. raden can go be a starscumdumpster all she wants.

>> No.71007313

Raden has never, not even once, in any way, EVER stated she was gachikoi, or unicorn friendly, or that she wouldn't collab with males. Given she never said this, she never betrayed anybodies trust or expectations. Plus, you don't even watch her in the first place.

>> No.71007334

Everyone coped that they were forced by management. Management always gets blamed for anything male related and never the people actually doing the interacting.
They never said anything about collabing in those tweets to anyone though.

>> No.71007345

>remade the same thread to keep stirring shit
Not subtle sister. Also, she asks people in the video not to fight about it or make it "blow up" and the yet all the argumentative EOP clipwatchers are jumping in with the
>fuck those weirdo unicorns they shouldn't even exist get dunked on
comments, trying to start shit expressly against her wishes.
Looking through it now I can't find a single comment shitting on her which is not surprising because despite anticorn propaganda, "unicorns" outside of the very few retards who break containment with supas are far more likely to just leave without saying anything on a talents public videos or clips and are not watching regloss besides. The transient homobeggar dramafag like you on the other hand will blow up any official channel/clip comment sections into what they perceive as a morally justified shitstorm because they are so sure they are "correct" and that hololive should be how they want it to be and that secretly all the talents must agree with them too but just can't say it.

That's why they are so comfortable directly going against Raden's wishes here. Not only do they not watch her in the first place, they only appear when they smell another fight in their culture war. The same thing happened with the IRyS holizontal comments, kanata clip, ririka clip/stream, holoexpo video and the following FWMC morning vod.
These retards will hop from one fight to the next involving vtubers they don't watch all over a very public platform where the talents might actually see it and then have the temerity to call the unicorns toxic fans and themselves the good, sane ones.

>> No.71007482

raden is actually really fucking cool and I wish there were more vtubers like her

>> No.71007519

>They never said anything about collabing in those tweets to anyone though.
Oh, I guess I don't really remember them (don't think I read any one them) but it was probably something like "looking forward to working along you", doesn't help they tweeted in english too

>> No.71007559

I have never gone to a Regular Loss channel, are all of them homocollabers?

>> No.71008370

Leos Vincent?

>> No.71008493

and there is the sound of a career crashing and burning. She must hate money

>> No.71008538

whats the point of drama threads? don't you get tired of inciting irrelevant fights over unimportant topics?

>> No.71008621


>> No.71008805

Kinda based desu

>> No.71008909

Of course, why make threads about their livers when even they don't watch them

>> No.71008947

Did she collab with a dreaded male? I thought it was Ririka and Ao that were the only ones just upfront about it

>> No.71009022

this was always going to be the outcome with that branch. not sure why they waited so long

>> No.71009078
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Worry about your dying branch instead nijikeks

>> No.71009275

who? it's her community trying to save her from dropping to a finana you Collab Beggar.

>> No.71009393

It was her community who asked for this collab.

>> No.71009864

i hope she won't come crying again after when nobody sc her and buy her merchs. fucking nijimale enabler

>> No.71009875

>I understand that you don't like male collabs, but please understand I have to do a lot of prep work and that it was very considerate of them to accept doing this on my channel
>I don't have the right to tell you how you should feel, but you don't have to watch everything I do
>but I won't ever bring up this stuff you don't like from now on and I won't let anyone else do it either

>> No.71010001

youre trying too hard sisters

>> No.71010008


>> No.71010139

And apparently she knew it was a bad idea since she asked them to not bring him up in other streams and locked the comment section of that vod.

>> No.71010217

>NTRlive chuuba
>does NTR
wow who could've seen that coming

>> No.71010219

Clearly it's a loud minority making a lot of noise, especially after the collab.

>> No.71010347

Could've fooled me, considering the main branch collab spam.

>> No.71010364

Based and very mature response. Unicorning over people who don't intentionally pander to it is so weird.

>> No.71010429

i knew it

>> No.71010469

She asked them not to bring it up after a loud minority started shitting up her chat and comments. Her community still objectively asked for this collab to happen.

>> No.71010501

3k for 6 women. That's like 1.5 finanas each

>> No.71010507

Don't care. Love Raden, love Ririka, simple as.

>> No.71010572

>I will go through extra efforts to make sure they don't happen on my channel again
The Kronii defense eh? Let's see if it's maintained this time.

>> No.71010592

Where are these "homobeggars" you're talking about? Raden's members asked for this collab.

>> No.71010683
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>every male collab up until now was crickets
>but all of a sudden there's a supposed shitstorm after a collab with a niji
Reeeeeeeeeaally makes me think. Totally not some male sisters mad that their viewership is being siphoned away even more and falseflagging to the moon.

>> No.71010767

You say that as if any unicorns gave a shit about regloss, we knew they’d be doing this from the beginning, and even then it seems like she’s still sort of trying to appeal to us, saying that she won’t bring up or mention these collabs during her normal streams

>> No.71010802

Where was this loud minority for her previous male collab?

>> No.71010911

>Male sisters
These people need help lol

>> No.71011019

did they now?

>> No.71011076

You guys say this all the time as if the entire homostars fanbase isn’t a loud minority

>> No.71011098

Where's the proof that they didn't? Where's the proof that it was "homobeggars" that forced this on her?

>> No.71011190
File: 1.96 MB, 580x433, ittig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exposes herself as a normalfag who's back has been btfo multiple times
>reddit spams "BASED"
>oblivious as to why that's seen as nauseating
>if you don't like it don't watch it!

>> No.71011220

Why are you talking about the homostars fanbase? Raden has not collabed with a homostar. I get the feeling that you don't watch streams or even clips and just shit up this board with your retardation.

>> No.71011342

If you didn’t throw all of regloss into the trash pre-debut when they were all tweeting at homostars, then you’ve brought this upon yourself, they were all used goods from day 1

>> No.71011534

Homostars is just niji 2.0 so i don’t really differentiate them, if she’s collabing with male nijis, she may as well have collabed with one of the homos, it’s the same shit regardless

>> No.71011552

>who's back has been btfo multiple times
Tell me more.

>> No.71011613

ask your mom, similar story

>> No.71011620

so no proof?

>> No.71011780

Raden said the collab is the result of the comminity collab poll. That's all the proof I need. Now where's your proof that "homobeggars" forced her to do this collab? You never even watched had and you definitely didn't even know that she asks her members who they want to see her collab with.

>> No.71011882

oh, so most of them are, got it

>> No.71012120

Wait, are you unironically claiming that "homobeggars" make up the majority of her fanbase now? you literally just started seething because the people complaining about the collab got called a minority.

>> No.71012240

They were right there, retard. This clip is from a stream the day before her first male collab on her channel but you EOPs didn't know that because this clip was only posted today.

>> No.71012401

i like raden, i cant understand japanese so i watch clips of her ranting about subjects that fly over my head but she seems very cute and cool

>> No.71012579

Yup, nobody unicorn them because of those tweet. Their branch specifically cater to normie.

>> No.71012750
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>> No.71012941

I'm assuming she locked that comment section too, then.

>> No.71013052

So what the different between that stream when it was her first 1v1 male collab and the comments section are still open while this collab with niji it was locked? So unicorn pick and choose male now.

>> No.71013231

Unicorns could easily pretend that the first one was "professional".

>> No.71013277
File: 504 KB, 1080x1378, Screenshot_2024-03-10-11-35-02-078-edit_app.revanced.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Homobeggar sister, how do we cope

>> No.71013351


>> No.71013473

This is a homobeggar collab.

>> No.71013757


>> No.71013862

>Chud coping again because he can't breed his ideal image of a woman again
top kek

>> No.71014184
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It's okay because she's not in Hololive. I mean she is in Hololive, but not in Hololive.

>> No.71014264

EN and ID are also not in hololive.

>> No.71014586

This a deflection thread to prevent people from discussing Elira's tweets.

>> No.71014593

anon... take your copium mask off

>> No.71014652

True, but they are in Hololive

>> No.71014693

But you're the one coping by claiming that Regloss are not hololive.

>> No.71014856

Yes it's the same difference.

>> No.71014864

Not really, they're hololive, i love the fact people still trash EN or ID just because their schizophrenia and not breeding syndrome.

>> No.71014918
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Begone, homocollabing thot!

>> No.71015317

They didn't, but Advent did.

>> No.71015522

Why are you joining conversations that you're not part of?

>> No.71015569

Ririka with that sexo model of hers could've easily become popular if she wasn't a dumb homocollaber.

>> No.71015617

Sorry, this is not your echo chamber. Probably twitter is more of your taste buddy.

>> No.71015660

How many comments does that have compared to 20 seconds of silence or the Kanata video?

>> No.71015798

You're here seething that someone called EN and ID not hololive in response to someone else calling another sidebranch not hololive.

>> No.71015850

Cover's branding is a fucking mess. I get that Hololive is the only brand with some pull they have, but they should have never used the full name for the whole production, it just generates more confusion and misunderstandings.

>> No.71015919

I didn't know repeating ideas makes someone smart, thank anon

>> No.71015941

too bad, and just like everyone predicted the whole unicorn tirade of hers didn't affect her numbers at all

>> No.71016046

or probably they're all hololive, but how dare them to put girls and boys each other, fucking tradfags.

>> No.71016169

In the USA they're targeting vtuber husbands to cause mental illness and raise the level of accepted violence in the states. There's literally no such thing as offline para social but they'll tell you you're responsible for your oishiis mind like Hamas hiding behind women and children. They're exporting false versions of unicorns last viewings and supported tasks of devotion by remotely flaying them from the person and reorganizing the meaning of that person's life via emf and long range radar. For instance, any moment your home is not it's exact emission or expression unto you which you might have lived in normally, your home is potentially being 'read' which means the slight difference from that normal is producing a alternative state which can be read via emf and long range radar. The offline shit is literally just terrorism by the same people who initially offered these services, forgotten of the fact that they were all at one point part of the same genocide in 2013-2014. I don't think there is a thing humans can do because even though there are obvious war crimes going on us soil they'll eventually just raise the violence on the server. This is the 653n buck, potentially part of an arg left to the very clever @flowerguardnatsume. All these interactions with reality are meant to set off surplus neuronal activity. Unfortunately there is no nighthawk and as a result the 10 am nighthawk doesn't mean anything. Instead of a peaceful existence where one could emit the natural processing of reality to create the surplus activity necessary to cause a new portion of the arg we have a world where the unicorn is likely being soul raped without intervening parties. also, what you explained to Muslims is that they havent sent enough people to party in Bellingham Washington to stop themselves from a failed offensive In Israel.

>> No.71016480

What numbers?

>> No.71016582

viewership is the same, superchats are the same

>> No.71016924

Guess at the time they thought Holostars could stand on their own feet, but trying to course correct afterward was an even worse mistake.

>> No.71017016
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The most important one, money
>b-but CCV
nobody cares about CCV in v-tubing you farm oil barons and you're good to go.

>> No.71018147

is that also why they did 3 fucking stream to backtrack their retarded branding faggotry?

>> No.71020033


>> No.71020709
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jimmy is safe

>three falseflagging sisters mean that all other holofans love the homoleeches, never mind that OP's clip is about upset japanese viewers

>> No.71021191

I know you are anon. No need to announce it.

>> No.71021575

What happened to EN being the thot branch, Last samurai bros??? I remember when you fags shitted on EN when their homo arc was going on, now you guys are coping now that JP is doing homoshit and male eceleb collabs semi regularly with "Errrr uhhhmmm... we actually always liked homo collabs!!"

>> No.71021688

Did you all memoryhole when regloss was flirting with homos pre-debut? Don't act disappointed if they homocollab, everyone knew it was coming and it's also why regloss isn't technically hololive and is branched into dev_is. The only thing I found slightly annoying was regloss collabing so hard with holomem, but even that isn't worth fussing about. Any unicorn following regloss is just being retarded on purpose.

>> No.71022101

JP have always been whores which is why nobody here watches them. Some people pretend to like Miko, Marine, Pekora etc just because they think they don't suck cock behind the scenes but they're whores just like the rest.

>> No.71022238

She's a whore just like the rest. She talked to homos on twitter.

>> No.71022297

the early interactions aside she's integrated into main hololive in a way the others haven't, i don't see her upsetting the apple cart

>> No.71022478

>the others haven't
Ao is the most integrated and she's the worst of them.

>> No.71022904

do you ever stop to think about what you are doing?

>> No.71023016

so why was there a shitstorm when kronii did this exact same thing again?

>> No.71023034

This is the only thing that gives their life meaning. Let them have it. They don't have anything else.

>> No.71023042

Why would I, and do you? You're here saying that the one you like is "safe" which is essentially doing the same thing I'm doing but excluding the one you like.

>> No.71023071

EN was on a path to full nijification but without the streams, Jap saved it

>> No.71023149

falseflag doxxbaiter btw

>> No.71023237

Cope and seethe dogfucker

>> No.71023404

>posts 2023 data

>> No.71023436

>Guess at the time they thought Holostars could stand on their own feet

Anon, "Hololive Production" was established only half a year after Holostars debuted when they were rock bottom.

>> No.71023450

what saved EN from becoming ultra dogshit was unironically unicorns throwing a tantrum. maybe sisters should be more thankful?

>> No.71023481

sorry, I should've clarified I am not the anon who you were replying to. I just find the idea you would call a chuuba you don't even watch a whore because she interacted with males over twitter a bit extreme.
don't you get tired of talking like that?

>> No.71023823

Anons thought because they weren't replying to homos every day on twitter and collabing all the time it meant they were going the path of no males when it just meant they're normal and have no reason to engage with people they're not friends with (yet). They apply the same logic even to known homocollabers, anons literally thought Mori of all fucking people was "getting better" because she hadn't talked to a homo in a few months.

>> No.71023830

She's a real one.

>> No.71023866

I'm pretty sure none of you faggot thirdworld shitskins and EOPs actually watch any of Raden's streams.

>> No.71023950

>Mori of all fucking people was "getting better"
It's funny because they're still trying to fool people with this about mori and kronii

>> No.71023969
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close, wolffucker

>> No.71024164

Except the Kronii-Vesper therapy collab was the best stream in the history of HoloEN.

>> No.71024174
File: 987 KB, 1280x2311, berespectfulanddontstartfights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actual watch the clip. She telling anti-unicorns to not attack unicorns.

>> No.71024181

vtubers are 95% mid bitches who can't even work a real job, don't pity them or feel feelings for them. If you met them you'd pity them and wouldn't want to be near them

>> No.71024220
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>ENshart thinks the EN side isn't full of whores

>> No.71024332

>Stream full of niji tier humor

>> No.71024401

EN embody the soul of hololive while JP are completely nijified.

>> No.71024511
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Literally any fuwamoco stream mogs it

>> No.71024635

Explain why there are more than double the amount of fag collabers in JP than there were in EN then JPkek. Whats going on here?

>> No.71024737

Probably because there are over twice as many holoJPs, retard

as a percentage they're probably close, EN had 4/10 homocollabers pre-advent (5 if you count ina's cover)

>> No.71024786

>ENcel cant into number of GENs

>> No.71024804

why do unicorns get so mad about this? just go watch a multitude of other unicorn friendly streamers cuz this one obviously isn't it
it's like going to mcdonalds and yelling at the cashier because they don't serve pizza

>> No.71024832

don't post facts here, this is a shitflinging thread

>> No.71024934

not at all, this is more like going to mcdonalds and complaining because they keep adding literal feces to the menu

>> No.71024959

You forgot Mumei

>> No.71025027
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>> No.71025050

You still haven't explained how JP is supposedly innocent unlike the EN "whores", ESL bro

>> No.71025064

I completely forgot about that one. Still, she's normally not lumped in with Ame/Kronii/Mori/Bae because she avoided Tempus and the StarsJP collab was a bizarre one-off where she just autistically drew in the corner

>> No.71025090

Cope, last samurai.

>> No.71025159

good take on a shit thread

>perceive as a morally justified shitstorm because they are so sure they are "correct"
I guess this is what they call Virtue signaling?

something that always bothered me every time a situation like this happens I'll always see one of these comments pop-up when even there's not a single "unicorn" or larping as.

>> No.71025209

>nobody cares about CCV
NTA but that's cope. The whole streaming industry revolves around that.
Vtubing IS somewhat different, just not different enough to outright discard the fact that ccv = money due to sponsors and marketability

>> No.71025248

oh, you're mentally ill
thanks for answering my question

>> No.71025338

For most of the homocollabers it isn't about the collabs themselves but also about how they deal with their fans about it. Mori, Ame, Kronii, Ririka etc. deserve to get rightfully dunked on for being cunts about it. Raden has my respect for trying to be nice about it, then again kronii tried being nice too but in the end listened to mori and decided to shit on her fans so time will tell

>> No.71025357 [DELETED] 

Larping in the comments
forgot to complete sentence ffs

>> No.71025387


It's also funny how they claim to only care about the talents being able to freely choose what they want to do, yet they openly seethed over FWMC choosing to stay silent for 10 seconds during the homo segment, and have anti'd IRyS for saying no to direct interaction and Kiara for not being sad enough about Vesper and Magni graduating

>> No.71025483
File: 182 KB, 380x526, 1691666819087100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she really say this? Thanks, I'll unsub from her. But you nijikeks are still fuckwits who stay loyal to a black company with shitty employees. Enjoy your subpar content.

>> No.71025570

Larping in the comments
forgot to complete sentence ffs

>> No.71025822

Hey, real unicorn here. I gained a lot of respect for Raden, she's the first Hololive member to directly call out anti-unicorns. She can ride on my back anytime.

>> No.71025885

She told anti-unicorns to respect unicorns and to not start fights.

>> No.71026003

Ah- ah- my horn... I- It's breaking ahh
Why didn't (you) make this post a week ago when the stream the clip was just now made from happened? Ahhh my horn. I'm dropping her. Can't believe it's been a week since that stream and we're only just now finding out. I'm gonna need some time and some glue to recover.

>> No.71026134
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>> No.71026831

Like Raden, this thread is collabing with Niji clowns.

>> No.71027254

So true, sister! Own his ass! Keep cutting for milord!!!

>> No.71028215

This is why I have pretty much dropped Hololive at this point. I only watch FuwaMoco at this point, and Kanata and Marine sometimes because these girls are the only ones that actually know what it means to be an idol.
Slowly but surely Hololive is becoming a whorehouse, and fans who doesnt complain about male collabs, or cucks as I like to call them, are the ones to blame.

>> No.71028416

>these girls are the only ones that actually know what it means to be an idol
You mean srreaming games and rarely recording songs while spending 90% of the time off stream doing god knows what (we all know what, but you'll cry if I post it)? Yeah... tru idols indeed lmao

>> No.71028565

NOT idols:
Simple as.

>> No.71028656

good for her. don't listen to virgin losers.

>> No.71028691


>> No.71028750

>side branches

>> No.71028990

They are more idol-like than JP

>> No.71029010


>> No.71029350

>t. virgin

>> No.71029407

after seeing all the replies i'm more inclined to believe this

>> No.71029598

To be honest, they are more seiso, honest, and mature.

>> No.71029798

The entire board agrees with me.

>> No.71029940

>non virgins
wew lad

>> No.71030688

Who cares if she collabbed with males. Ayame has done it. No threads for that.

>> No.71030693
File: 935 KB, 220x220, ptsd-dog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kronii ptsd

>> No.71030881

It's like Kronii, but she skipped past the worst part. She even said she doesn't want people to talk about men when she's not collabing with men.

>> No.71030887

For me its just important that she wasn't a bitch when she said it. I'm refusing to watch clippers since they are awful subhumans and do nothing but bait with titles.
If she said it in a passive way like oh btw some of you might dislike it but I'll continue doing this so it is what it is, then that's fine. If she was pissy and had an attitude then that's not so fine.

>> No.71031160

The clipper said he didn't like the drama in the comment section and will switch out the thumbnail.
