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70994912 No.70994912 [Reply] [Original]

Heh, nothing personnel, jp bros.

>> No.70995126

yeah that is pretty huge.
is there a specific name for it or is it just called a European sausage?
would you say it tastes better than regular sausage?

>> No.70995351
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she fucking massacred the black pudding unforgivable

>> No.70995467
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my hungry engrish wife

>> No.70995519

Oh shut up you massacre all food you touch.

>> No.70995569

>brown cock

>> No.70995729
File: 275 KB, 410x506, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britbongs are officially banned from giving any food opinions.

>> No.70995733

What did she name it?

>> No.70995800

is that supposed to be fries, avocado/guacamole and gravy?

>> No.70995839

chips, mushy peas and gravy
(why they have mushy peas and gravy who knows you either have one or the other)

>> No.70995902

Chips with mushy peas and gravy is actually goated and I'm not even a bong.

>> No.70995945

not as good as battered sausage and curry

>> No.70996023

This is the kind of garbage people in medieval fantasy shitholes eat.

Shut up, faggot zoomer.

>> No.70996093

What country are you from anon? I'll find some revolting look slop you eat

>> No.70996143

>brown or amerifaggot
call it

>> No.70996169

thx for the education buddy.
it looks...okay.
i think this is one of those things you have to actually try to grasp the taste.

>> No.70996344
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>> No.70996354

its not bad, taste better than it looks

>> No.70996358

It looks a lot worse than it actually is, it's not the most amazing thing on the planet but it's just fries, peas, and gravy so obviously it's not "bad", it's just cheap shit you can buy to fill you up

>> No.70996443

i'm glad bongs are being bred out by superior subcontinentals and balkans

>> No.70996539

50 on brown.

>> No.70996587

>medieval fantasy shitholes

im betting on landwhaleistan

>> No.70996644

If American food is so gross, why do you import it?

>> No.70997097

Half the shit on the shelves in America is fucking ILLEGAL to sell here lmao

>> No.70997148

idk, that looks better than just boring old ketchup with fries

>> No.70997258

Your lucky she ate most people wouldn't. Surprised she said she liked it even

>> No.70997330

Because Europe is a communist Orwellian shithole, that’s why.

>> No.70997656

Enjoy your literal poison food

>> No.70997696

Stop being full of shit.
What meat, vegetables, seafood etc are available in the states and not in UK?
Not a lot right? I'm sure I could make carne asada tacos, smoked salmon, beef wellington, etc whether or not I'm in the states or UK. And yet, like Africa, you guys have failed to put the blessings of the earth to proper use.
Dogshit teeth with 1/4 of the sugar America has tf

>> No.70998366

more proof why regloss is not holo, the girls literally shames the company's main audience on a regular basis.

>> No.70998401

we dont lmao, if we do its raw products, my country had a shitfit at the chlorinated chicken well never buy your food

>> No.70999078

>Only British people have blood sausage
LMAO AMerican's eat nothing but processed shit and then complain about other people eating shit without HFCS.

>> No.70999119

Still better than whatever future pandemic-causing marketslop comes out of your SEA country

>> No.70999141


>> No.70999499

Maybe I wouldn't be insulting your food if you actually cooked it

>> No.70999571

We dont
Its hard to be more Amerifat than this

>> No.71000350

ririka taking European sausage daily

>> No.71002111


>> No.71002283

cor that looks lush

>> No.71004834

They should be thankful people are still willing to immigrate to their dying shithole of a country while bringing proper food and culture to them

>> No.71004954

ririka still has cucks watching her?

>> No.71006024
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>> No.71009741

read some data instead of memes, dumbass, Britain has much fewer cavities than average. their bad teeth are because they don't do orthodontics.

>> No.71012059

Yeah, mine.

>> No.71013292

>gravy and a sort of thick pea paste on my potato sticks? EWWW!
>I'll take the tomatoes with sugar instead!
I've never had mushy peas but I know I'd like them. Every time this pic comes up it reveals manchildren who hate vegetables.
peas LOVE

>> No.71013839
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>yes, mine

>> No.71014278

>mushy peas
of all the things you can put on chips, why peas?

>> No.71014562

She should see the black sausage

>> No.71015921

I thank Thomas Jefferson every night for saving me from such atrocities

>> No.71023466

That sausage?
Yeah, mine.

>> No.71024063

thank god you only have to eat 150% of your recommended daily HFCS intake per meal along with whatever the fuck else they're allowed to put into american food because lobbyists and regulatory capture prevent you guys from having proper health and safety regulations

>> No.71026110
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t. English Rose

>> No.71026479

bratwurst, it's pretty good

>> No.71026717

I fucking love peas but why would you ruin french fries by making them soggy? Keep that shit separate.

>> No.71028113

Ririka will never eat anything but rice and sausage...

>> No.71030028

But anon she had traditional irish white pudding and scorched black pudding. She's in the IRA, anon.
