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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7003507 No.7003507 [Reply] [Original]

>What is this
This is a Hunter: the Vigil campaign hosted by Hololive English, a World of Darkness homebrew mixing elements of older and newer iterations. Most of the tutorials feature them working out the mechanics of the campaign, with the hard-set rules coming in their first full session together.

>Why should I watch it
All of them are professional entertainers of some capacity and Mori(she's the storyteller) is actually competent enough

Current campaign listed below in chronological order:

Character creation involving everyone
Kiara's character intro
Ina's Character intro
Amelia's Character intro
Gura's Character intro

recap and Q&A Stream

First session of the game

TQ: what is your guess on who is the Fae hunting the girls down at the Hedge

>> No.7003508
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>what is your guess on who is the Fae hunting the girls down at the Hedge
Ignore the previous post, didn't read the question correctly. If I were to hazard to guess on who's hunting them down, it would most likely whoever Yuul and her professor pissed off during their experimentations. Isn't that the main reason why The Hook went after Yuul in the first place? Though that does raise a question in of itself, on why didn't The Hook and the Fae went after the professor? Isn't she the brains of the group?

Though I think you're not asking the right question: What kind of Hunter organization is at the bar? Because, unless I'm mistaken, we never really did find out about that. Unless Mori already stated it and I just missed it.

I also wouldn't mind knowing the implication of Watoto using the power of the Wyrm to strike down the hedge. Since the Wyrm is a spirit that consumes nature and all that jazz. How would the Fae react to that slight.

>> No.7003509

>Isn't that the main reason why The Hook went after Yuul in the first place?
I assumed it was the fact Yuul went to a frat party and then just ran over an innocent janitor, like a good dumb horror movie victim. Mori did mention (in the recap) Hook was supposed to show up regardless, except it was originally for the meeting with Dr Oopsie, so it definitely knows the humans are up to something and the Fae ain't liking that.

>Though that does raise a question in of itself, on why didn't The Hook and the Fae went after the professor? Isn't she the brains of the group?
To what I mentioned that Yuul was meeting with Oopsie at the place with the fetches. Things took a different turn so we can assume that Yuul was the only one there and Hook just went after the closest target and if Oopsie was still there then it's a wrap for the old Doc, assuming they were at the meeting spot as planned.

>What kind of Hunter organization is at the bar?
Madam M called it a cell meant to keep the balance with the supernaturals in Mythton, which I find very dubious due to and also despite having a vampire on their payroll feeding them info.

>I also wouldn't mind knowing the implication of Watoto using the power of the Wyrm to strike down the hedge. Since the Wyrm is a spirit that consumes nature and all that jazz. How would the Fae react to that slight.
I don't know about Changelling-Werewolf situation in oWoD, so I can only lowball it and say that the Fae want Watoto destroyed ASAP, as if being a gigantic garou target wasn't enough for him.

>> No.7003510

It's probably the Arcadian Huntsman. Calli's already thrown one true fae at her party. What's one more?

>> No.7003511

Man I like the EN girls too but, can't you at least keep it to when their actually playing like the critical role general?

>> No.7003512

While professor was the one that ought to be hooked according to plot (and Mori's plans) Yuul going vehicular manslaughter on Vic cought his attention. He didn't got his leaves and sticks in the end so he is not on the top of the shitlist right now.
On the other hand, Watoto is. Wyrm got chance to burn the Hedge and he took it. Somone in the sisterthread said that finale shapes to be battle royal of all Mythton fractions to get the privilage of killing his ass. I don't know if Werewolves and Fae have good or bad relations but I gusses there is a place for alliance of convenience.
The Homestead cell is based on diplomatic coexistance against humans and supernaturals, with some sort of conection with The Ascending Ones.

>> No.7003513

Nothing better for diplomatic relations than spit gasoline and set your lawn on fire.

>> No.7003514

You should know this is just asking for it, honestly. Frankly you probably do know, and are just trying to get it kicked off. On the extremely low chance that you aren't, keep it for when it's actually airing.

>> No.7003515
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Moririn~ Kawaiiope~
my oshi <3

>> No.7003516


>> No.7003517

It's Kawaiiope Moe now. Gura said so.

>> No.7003518 [DELETED] 

If the faggot tranny mods would do ANYTHING about posts other than ones that hurt their feelings this thread wouldn't be allowed here. It's so fucking clearly just a thinly veiled vtuber thread. /vt/rannies need to have a fucking global rule against them like mlp does. It has gotten to a point where they are just as obnoxious and shove their shit anywhere they possibly can with the thinnest of excuses. Fuck off /vt/ranny you are just as bad as simps that give twitch thots money. These girls are literally just twitch whores but with an anime skin over them and you fuckers trip over yourselves worshiping them. Kill yourselves.

>> No.7003519

>Frankly you probably do know, and are just trying to get it kicked off.
Never underestimate the autism of a rabid fanboy. This is the same website that came up with bronies.

>> No.7003520

All the mods do on their discord is share v-tuber clips.

>> No.7003521
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>Arcadian Huntsman
I thought they only get involved during Wild Hunts? Not doubting you or anything, but what reason would an Arcadian Huntsman be hunting the group for?

>Calli's already thrown one true fae at her party. What's one more?
She already threw in the Hook, Pentex, Wyrm, etc. Maybe its just me, but I think she should scale it down a bit, if only to catch her footing. The first session stopped in the middle of a fight, which really doesn't bode well at all.

>except it was originally for the meeting with Dr Oopsie, so it definitely knows the humans are up to something and the Fae ain't liking that.
>While professor was the one that ought to be hooked according to plot (and Mori's plans) Yuul going vehicular manslaughter on Vic cought his attention.
I just rewatched the Ina tutorial and watched the recap and Q&A Stream, so I finally know what you mean by Dr. Oopsies situation, especially since Calli said Ina was supposed to uncover some scheme in her tutorial, but got derailed before she could manage pull it off. Is Calli still going with the plan even though Yuul never uncovered in the first place? And does it have to do with the sticks and leaves?

>> No.7003522

Watched this briefly and... why is it better and more natural than 90% of podcasts and all D&D streams?

>> No.7003523

Hiding behind an avatar legit takes the edge off. I can confirm, my own in person games were always awkward as fuck and there was never a session where the spaghetti didn't come out, but when I played online with people I didn't know IRL it somehow made everything more casual, though there was also more derails because people didn't take anything as seriously.

>> No.7003524
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Because you don't know the system that they're using, so you don't know how badly they're fucking it up.

>> No.7003525

If you think Mori is fucking up the system that bad, then don't watch the actual White Wolf streams. Yikes.

A mix of what >>7003523 said about the avatar making things more comfortable, and that they're treating it like a home game that is being streamed instead of a game podcast.

>> No.7003526

>then don't watch the actual White Wolf streams
what did they do? explanation for non /tg/ please

>> No.7003527

As you might have noticed the dice mechanic for Hunter uses ten-sided dice hoping to get a certain value or greater to determine a success.
In the current system an 8 or greater is always a success, but in the old system the target number could change as the storyteller needed.
It's a common problem for people who started with the old rules to use the older system even when running the newer game. Mori's fallen prey to it a bit but the storyteller, who is a White Wolf staff member mind you, never stopped having that problem. She would also asspull inconsistent stats on the fly, and not for new monsters. She'd do it for things that had official stats. Though I think the most egregious thing she did was allow players to make their characters from sub-settings with very different power levels. Mages have no reason to be played alongside Vampires and Werewolves.

>> No.7003528

>allow players to make their characters from sub-settings with very different power levels
I thought this was only happened in greentext

>> No.7003529

So did I until I saw a White Wolf staff writer allow it in game.

>> No.7003530

what are their pc? demon?

>> No.7003531

>Though I think the most egregious thing she did was allow players to make their characters from sub-settings with very different power levels. Mages have no reason to be played alongside Vampires and Werewolves.
It's almost as if CofD is designed to allow this and has a whole source book dedicated to it, along with multiple other books talking about how it works in splat-specific contexts.

>> No.7003769

Told you guys last thread not to make a general. Streams do not get generals on /tg/

>> No.7003859

Yeah, these fucking idiots don't understand us when we said to practice restraint. Some of us originally came from /tg/, jackasses. We know the tolerance limits.

>> No.7006815

Is that out yet?

>> No.7006955

For about 6 years now.

>> No.7010579

I don’t keep up with the series.

>> No.7014678

You mean the word or the concept? Because 4chan also made the word Weeaboo

>> No.7015216

Anon, she clearly says Mori

>> No.7015515

who here wishes they could play a Mythbreaker campaign too?
Call me a schizo sperg autist incel all you want, RP'ing in the same universe the Oshimina do would, be great.

>> No.7015552

Calli's campaign inspired me to learn Delta Green and start running some spooky shit, and that's been fun

>> No.7015641

I thought tabletops just weren't for me because I've bounced off of D&D so many times over the years, but since this series started I've been more interested than ever because this setting and mechanics seem so much better.

>> No.7016080
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serious talk:
Dungeons and Dragons is the Worst role-playing game. it just so happens to be the first, so so many venerate it.
it's shit
let me actually TLDR explain:
>level system
levels suck and are a horrible way to run anything.
nothing in the real world works by levels except human-initiated organization.
>Hit Points
most other systems use Hit-points too, but DnD has Bloat since it's tied to level. so, a 10th level fighter can get knifed in the neck and not die.
>Vancian magic is a universal standard.
i have to explain this one: Vancian magic works for setting that use vancian magic. to be fair, each setting should have a magic system that works...for that system. DnD drags vancian into whatever setting you have made.
race is a legitimate thing, but in DnD, they pile fucktons of races on for no reason. this gets worse with Mike Mearls rainbow DnD added to the mix. in most fantasy settings, you choose 1-7 races that fit your setting. but not in DnD.
>Dungeon crawls format
just go get into a real fight, and tell me how a dungeon crawl adapts to that. then read 3000 years of military history and tell me how any of that can be rep'd in a Crawl?
only thing close is taking the castle and room clearing. that is urban only. it's not even one setting's combat, it's an aspect of it.
ok, this was somewhat fixed by free multi-classing, so i'll put it at the bottom.

but yeah, "have you tried not playing DnD?"

>> No.7016556

first of all, having good players / good friends who like that stuff helps.
then, you have to get a game that's good.
>other good RPG's
>Call of Chtulhu
>...(Delta Green and Cthulutech are similar, same general setting)
>World of Darkness
>Savage Worlds
>Fate (for the simple games)
>(old) Legend of the Five Rings
>Burning Wheel (also simple)
there are plenty, but you'd be amazed what you have to sort through to find what you like.

>> No.7016701

D&D is a pretty specific kind of RPG, mostly because it's really clunky for what it's trying to do. There are a myriad of games doing what it does better. Doing something very close. Doing something radically different. Doing something so far away from the concept of D&D you could be forgiven for thinking they're not even in the same medium.

>> No.7016958

D&D is a very good game for what it is designed to be.
Dungeon Crawling
The problems arise when you try to do other stuff with it that it is just straight up not designed to handle.

Personally I don't like playing D&D, i have always been a WoD person at heart with Shadowrun and CoC being secondary settings that I love

>> No.7017004

D&D, at least 5e, is a poorly made overly complicated, restrictive, ill-explained, poorly balanced, mess of a game. It's fine if you like it, but it's got more than its fair share of problems.

>> No.7017084

Well no, 5e is extremely easy.
Which is why it's popular.
3.5 was an overly complicated mess

>> No.7017179

Something can be easy and still be overly-complicated. It's easy to spin around 4 times, clap your hands 2 times, sing the corus to any 90's pop hit, say your favourite colour, blink twice, cough, and then clap once more. But that's overly-complicated if all you want to do is turn on a tap but you have to do that first.

>> No.7018570

Warhammer too is good.

>> No.7018971
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>D&D is a very good game for what it is designed to be.

No it's not. DnD has so many problems. Like completely fucked skill checks. HP bloat. Incredible balance problems. Etc.

>> No.7019180

5e is complicated as fuck it's just less complicated then previous editions. Seriously DnD is so popular on brand alone.

>> No.7019630

To add to this.
>Legend of the 5 Rings 5e because fuck you it's a great game
>Shadow of the Demon Lord
>Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2e/4e
>Conan: Adventures in an Age Undreamed Of
>Trudvang Chronicles
>Pathfinder 2e
>Scion 2e
>Wild Talents 2e
>Song of Swords (or Riddle of Steel but I like SoS more)
>Mutants & Masterminds 3e
>Degenesis (This one is free and has possible the highest production values of any RPG ever made, go get it just to look at the art)
>literally dozens of other games

It's a little offtopic, but if you have some vague idea of what you think you'd enjoy I'd be happy to suggest specific things. RPGs are an incredibly broad medium and there is a little something for everyone from tiny 1 page systems to exceptionally expansive and detailed games with 46 different one-handed swords all with different stats.

Also, what kind of psychopath suggests Cthulutech to someone?

You also forgot the crippling lack of diversity in progression. After level 3 you get very little to choose from.

>> No.7019728

you forgot gurps.

>> No.7019780

No I didn't. I only suggest games I think are good unless I know they'll be right for the other person. I don't like GURPS.

>> No.7020199

DnD is the first tabletop RPG. This is about as much a complement as "The Babbage Difference Engine was the first computer" is. It's notable for having come first, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to game with it.

>> No.7021597

DnD does a lot wrong but it also does some things well. /tg/ always complained about magic classes being more powerful but this is what most people want. A lot of RPG systems try to balance magic with warriors and it just makes magic feel underpowered. That leads to most players dropping those systems.

>> No.7021789

I like having a lot of options, Kusa. Only so many times I can be an Elf, or an Orc and have something new to do. I like the fact that D&D has a fuck ton of races because it’s allows for a lot of new. Granted it’s hard to justify why a robot can be in the setting. But that can just be DMs discretion

>> No.7022056

That Anon does seem more than a little salty. Plenty of options for races isn't a bad thing, levels aren't inherently poor design (and using realism as justification is farcical), HP tied to level isn't bad design either even if D&D doesn't do a good job of it, the whole thing about dungeon crawling reads like a tangential rant. D&D might be shit but that's probably the worst way I've ever seen it explained. Legitimately reads like a nogame trying to blend in with the cool kids, while sort of fundamentally not knowing why things exist in the first place.

>> No.7022134

I just clicked on this thread cuz the characters looked neat

>> No.7022372

How did it feel to realize this thread is just a tg subsidiary

>> No.7022645
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>Song of Swords
Very based. Magic soon for sure

>> No.7022685
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Magic right now for me

>> No.7022761

Those beta rules are pretty nice, I'll give you that

>> No.7022979

D&D was a great system for the Baldur's Gate games.

>> No.7023140

D&D has been dogshit for dungeoncrawling since the dungeon crawling procedure was removed from the core rules in 2E.

>> No.7023967

>It's almost as if CofD is designed to allow this
It's designed to allow this the same way the DC universe is designed to handle John Constantine and Dr. Fate fighting in the same team, i.e nominally/not at all/it happens but that doesn't not make it awful/take your pick.

>> No.7024040

>who here wishes they could play a Mythbreaker campaign too?
Yes, but mostly because the only GMs better than Calli are all on Roleplay Public Radio.
Like I don't think I can judge this 100% objectively, but honestly she's Just. That. Good.

>> No.7024121

She's a pretty average GM all in all, anon. She's got some above average RP skills but is lacking in the mechanical department. I'd try to avoid putting people on pedestals just cos you wanna fuck their avatar.

>> No.7024158

Oh, you're a nogame. That tracks. Any competent ST can make it work and have it be a blast. There is so much cross splat material for CofD specifically because it's fun.

>> No.7024227

Anything is fun with friends, we know.

>> No.7024440

>mechanical department
To be entirely fair, ST is, at its core, reprocessed Shadowrun designed for people afraid of addition.
I say that as someone who rather likes that system. It's not that much to look at.
> I'd try to avoid putting people on pedestals just cos you wanna fuck their avatar.
As I said, I cannot claim to be 100% objective here, but I've ground through a *lot* of recorded RPG content in the past and she's top 25% content at least.

>> No.7024532

What also helps is that they don't try to be witty.
Which, I guess, also has a lot to do with the reduction in awkwardness.

Like there's joking around and banter and references but it never feels like the game's buried in half-baked witticisms at every corner like most things in that vein.

>> No.7024590

Mages are only OP when GM allows it. Put starting mage and starting vamp in the same room and vamp will win 90% of the time.

>> No.7024601

I mean, you did just sort of make her sound like a worst DM. CofD isn't complicated and she is still making rookie errors. The gamut of AP DM's isn't really the gamut of games you'd play in. Different expectations and goals for them than us.

>> No.7024656

Shadowrun is like 5x more complicated.

>> No.7024736

If that session was more natural than other D&D streams I really don't want to see other D&D streams

>> No.7024846

>Shadowrun is like 5x more complicated.
Oh I know. I still recall one of my siblings coming home after a 5 hour SR 5E chargen session and being utterly crushed they barely finished. Some guy had apparently been there for eight.
Funny, now that I think about it. They had a similar issue to Ame and kind of defaulted to fantasy, so an elven archer was made.

> The gamut of AP DM's isn't really the gamut of games you'd play in. Different expectations and goals for them than us.
That is very true.

>> No.7028783

You really dont

>> No.7031637

>Baldur's Gate
My nigger

>> No.7034473

Doing your best to withold personal preference, which other WoD/CoDa (I never understood and refuse the alternate abbreviation) would work well for playing on stream/with relatively inexperienced people?

>> No.7034994

CofD. CofD's systems are easier to learn, not only do to better rules but better formatting and indexing, they're more mutable, and relies on less of a knowledge base than oWoD does.

As for the acronym, I'm not even sure what "CoDa" would mean. But it's CofD because Chronicles OF Darkness, and COD is also a fairly common acronym for other things. If you search for "COD game" you'll get Call of Duty, but "CofD game" gets you what you want.

>> No.7035653
File: 318 KB, 1242x1604, 6EA043E5-A602-4C01-A384-B77D2A7CF774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found this interesting. It’s only been one group session but Hunter is already getting more attention than it has in the last five years with a huge jump starting oh around May 2021. Paradox and Onyx path were no doubt caught off guard since as far as I know they don’t have any non nWOD Hunter stuff soon (correct me if I’m wrong) but man this feels like a missed opportunity. Maybe it’s for the best since it lets Mori just make her own eccentric home brew and have fun.

Fun exercise: an artist wants to throw in a little homage and wants to draw the Mythbreakers crew as background art for the next splat. Who owns the rights to the characters in the absence of a formal agreement?

>> No.7035888

>I know they don’t have any non nWOD Hunter stuff soon (correct me if I’m wrong)
HtV2e, and the companion are both out soon-ish. The core book should be out for backers within a week or two.

>> No.7036047

Isn’t Vigil nwod as opposed to Reckoning? Or is paradox only uptight about CoD vs WoD?

>> No.7036317

Vigil is nWoD, which is what you said. Paradox doesn't like nWoD/CofD. No official word has been given as to why but the most likely explanation is they feel it's internal competition with V5 and their plans for other 5th edition oWoD games. So they're not letting OPP make other CofD books.

>> No.7037225
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I have the book of the first edition of CoC in my library. Never tried to run a game with it considering how old it is, and kept it mostly as a curiosity.
Do you nerds think i could run a decent decent game of CoC with the first edition and a handful of people that have never played a ttrpg?

>> No.7038329

>Fun exercise
Yuul probably, the only one from Mythton

>> No.7038539

Not liking thing = ! Not wanting to want a certain group to touch thing.
They have their own resuscitated White Wolf.

>> No.7043729

>Fate (for the simple games)
is there any non-horror ttrpg that have simple system like Hunter the Vigil?

>> No.7044048
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Scout v. Tiara will be the Rei v. Asuka war of our generation.

>> No.7044092

And like Misato, the right answer will be Yuul

>> No.7044291


>> No.7044312

newfag here
does vampire the masquerade is in the same universe as WoD?

>> No.7044390

It's the same universe as the old World of Darkness setting, but the TTRPG is being run in a setting that's a mix of the old and new versions of the setting.

>> No.7044566

I wanted Scout and Tiara to arm-wrestle, and then it happened, so I'm trying again.
The next thing I want to happen is Tiara to give Watoto a piggyback ride.

>> No.7044749

FATE is way simpler than Hunter (I think, I haven't played Hunter), plus FATE works for any genre you can imagine. It's really story focused compared to heavier games, but it gets a bit improvisational at times because you really make up a lot of stuff and paint in broad strokes

I think it's as simple as it gets, anything simpler than FATE would be a one-two page micro-RPG or something

It's free, you can check it out here

>> No.7045526

Is watoto fat or thin now?

>> No.7047463

He’s thin. Despite his sheet all the art including Ame’s depicts him as somewhat short but thin dude with a mustache. Tiara also apparent finds him somewhat attractive so he’s probably not a green obese midget.

I just assume Watoto is paranoid enough to always put false information on any sort of form and it just extended through the fourth wall.

>> No.7048463

>Tiara also apparent finds him somewhat attractive so he’s probably not a green obese midget.
The country Tiara is from has ice cream available only in water and dirt flavors. It is entirely possible he is.

>> No.7048537

"Australia" has some of the best gelato in the world, what are you talking about

>> No.7048600

In universe ya dingus. At the ice cream stand, Tiara asked for some Somewhereelsian Dirt flavor ice cream, the lady running the stand said she only had Somewhereelsian Water flavor. Tiara was still overjoyed.

>> No.7049839
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This /fit/ ojou is going to BREAK Watoto's smelly goblin cock until he begs for mercy

>> No.7050360

Watoto's smell probably reminds Tiara of the hunt.

>> No.7050947

>official HM continuation thread gets axed in favor of the refugee thread full of fa/tg/uys bitching about mechanics from a different system
Jannies confirmed for biggest faggots.

>> No.7051207

Huh you have a point actually. Apparently Watoto's natural stink + Vic's cologne which I can only assume is basically Axe 2.0 turns her on so really anything goes.

Ina just needs to make group art so we can have official designs. Just mega mog everyone and get it over with, we all know it will have to happen eventually. It will also force her to draw an weird looking man, which is not exactly he wheelhouse, though I wouldn't put it past her to make Watoto hot anyway.

>> No.7051262

There's a Second Inquisition book planned for October release

>> No.7051292

Maybe Tiara's from France. Nobody there bathes and just tosses on perfume constantly. It makes perfect sense.

>> No.7052697

She's from somewhereelsian

>> No.7053482

I know Mori is running a lighthearted campaign but what are the odds that: 1) the girls are being used as patsies 2) they eventually get targeted as a cancer cell 3) Vic isn’t as bumbling as he seems?

>> No.7053811

Mori several times outright told us she wants to make things way darker and more serious. But it's obvious she loves her friends too much, she can't make them suffer. Not for the first game at least, they're still learning the ropes.

>> No.7054329

i'm an autistic retard so yes, I've already selfinserted myself in their campaign

>> No.7054939

as a teammate, it really hurt when kiara was flirting with ame. she was like wet dough in the phoenix's talons. bros...

>> No.7054996

I still don't know whether Yuul is male or female

>> No.7055044

Thats what you get if you take /hlgg/ shitposts seriously

>> No.7055327

How do you not know? She's female, that's how everyone refers to her, that's how she looks. Only Watoto is male in the whole party.

>> No.7055456

>1) the girls are being used as patsies
Yeah, probably by Vic.
>2) they eventually get targeted as a cancer cell
Yeah, but Watoto's Wyrm pact with a Nexus Crawler is going to make the prospect of hunting them pretty dicey.
>3) Vic isn’t as bumbling as he seems?
See 1. This is almost a certainty. He's probably a Tzimisce prince pretending to be an idiot and keeping his head low because Mythton is the site of a supernatural royal rumble. Pentex relatively nearby, werewolves trying to take them down from their base in the woods, fae also in the woods with true fae showing up now and again, Dr. Oopsie is someone the true fae are trying to hunt, now possibly Setite vampires moving in looking for something that could help them wake Set.

>> No.7055547

All the fanart and even the players themselves basically treat him like a joke. A well handled heel turn would be amazing.

>> No.7055607

We might eventually see escalation but early on it'll be pretty light. Expect by the end they're looking more like veterans of a Call of Cthulu campaign than anything considering how they're pretty much at Ground Zero of a Supernatural Battle Royale

>> No.7055768

Looking again, I read the job offer the party got in the video and it specifically reads oWoD "Malkavian" and not nWoD "Malkovian". In the nWoD Malkavian is a disease causing mental illness, so it's not likely they'd hold a ball of any kind. We got at least one oWoD clan, and Calli is probably going to just convert the oWoD clans for nWoD use. Vic is probably a Tzimisce prince that used his fleshcrafting to heal Yuul.

>> No.7055847

>reads oWoD "Malkavian" and not nWoD "Malkovian"
I don't know shit about WoD other than VtmB, are Malkavians as in a bloodline not a thing in the new canon? What is "Malkovian"?
>Vic is probably a Tzimisce prince that used his fleshcrafting to heal Yuul
Was there no normal way to stabilize Yuul? Something akin to a medicine check. Also keep in mind Calli made the doctor convert all her lethal damage into bashing damage, and from how she phrased it, I assume it's not really a thing that can normally be done, but was just done for convenience sake, so she might have pulled something similar outside of rules to heal Yuul back there.

>> No.7055975

>I don't know shit about WoD other than VtmB, are Malkavians as in a bloodline not a thing in the new canon? What is "Malkovian"?
The Malks as you know them from the game don't exist in nWoD.
>Was there no normal way to stabilize Yuul
Where she was in her damage progression, not really. The general feeling is that Yuul probably should have died. Remember, the initial thought was that Vic healed her by giving her some of his blood and possibly starting her on the path to ghouldom.

>> No.7056008

>Jannies confirmed for biggest faggots.
It autopruned. I know because I had both threads on my watch list.

>> No.7056048

>the initial thought was that Vic healed her by giving her some of his blood and possibly starting her on the path to ghouldom
is this not a possibility anymore? like should she have had some symptoms flare up by now?

>> No.7056123

I reeeealy hate how nWOD was oWOD but different. Having multiple products called Vampire (among others) but which didn’t share lore or mechanics but also had a lot of elements sort of cross over is confusing as heck for someone trying to get into it. I don’t blame Paradox for trying to unify everything but since Mori is just picking and choosing as she goes it’s impossible to say what she has planned. Once you start including multiple splats you sort of have to wing it anyway. Especially the old ones are explicitly contradictory and don’t really make sense together anyway.

>> No.7056125

>1) the girls are being used as patsies
Very likely.
> 2) they eventually get targeted as a cancer cell
The company Yuul keeps makes it likely they'll run into at least *some* adversarial Hunters.
> 3) Vic isn’t as bumbling as he seems?

>> No.7056154
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You don't become a ghoul randomly. The vampire has to will it. And even then the blood bond doesn't form until after 3 feedings

>> No.7056197

So that dude who stole their van and attacked them, what do you think about him?
They have only just became hunters and only the cell and that one unknown informer would have known where they were going. Was it a set up? Or could the attacker have somehow been able to tell they were part of a cell and thus targeted them?

>> No.7056239

>getting peppered by sniper fire
>Watoto at least tries to hit him with his sound gun
>Tiara sends her bird out instead of shooting back
I wouldn't have been surprised if Calli had killed Uhu for that blunder.

>> No.7056293

Are there any companion rules in WoD that would let Tiara bring her back somehow?
Also Uhu seems to have some plot meaning, seeing Tiara's intro session, so I doubt Calli would even want to kill it. Not to mention how discouraging it would have been to a new player on her first session.

>> No.7056311

Yuul has not only had a close encounter with a True Fae and managed to escape, her boss was delving into fetches and maybe even Promethean fuckery. So she was definitely on the radar. Watoto is literally marked by the Wyrm and made a pact with a Nexus Crawler so he’s not exactly low profile either. A fae looking for some amusement and maybe someone to drag across the hedge taking an interest would be pretty plausible

>> No.7056356

>her boss was delving into fetches and maybe even Promethean fuckery. So she was definitely on the radar. Watoto is literally marked by the Wyrm and made a pact with a Nexus Crawler so he’s not exactly low profile either
So are you saying that this fae has tracked them because of that, or is there some way for fae to tell that someone has some supernatural connections just by looking at them?

>> No.7056391

I would say winging Uhu so he either can’t fly or is so injured he has to stay at the bar for 1-3 sessions would be a good way to have consequences without actually killing him depending on how bad Tiara fucks up. Take the gloves off for season 2 onward.

Also I will love Mori forever if she ever brings back illegal eagle. The bird law tangent was one of my favorite parts of Tiaras tutorial.

>> No.7056771

>1) the girls are being used as patsies
100%, PCs being roped around by things way more knowledgeable and powerful is a staple. Watoto himself willingly made himself a boss that'll cash in the favor when the time is right.
>2) they eventually get targeted as a cancer cell
I don't think Mori is going to have this play out, but having Madam M's cell paying ambassador to every critter in town ain't gonna stay unnoticed, there's always someone ready to abuse that hospitality. I wouldn't be surprised if they find some heavy-hitting Hunters on the way though, and most aren't gonna ask for the full picture before revving up the explosives.
>3) Vic isn’t as bumbling as he seems?
Not at all, never trust a vampire. Even the nicest ones can't ignore the Beast pumping feelings of distrust and paranoia or the need to dominate anyone seen as lesser.
Mori can play him as one of the nice vamps, but any other vampire around him has an agenda and will find use of him one way or another.

>> No.7056968

>We got at least one oWoD clan, and Calli is probably going to just convert the oWoD clans for nWoD use.
100%, and good on her.
VtR clans are kind of weak IMHO. Honestly most what I like about VtR only came in in VtR2 and is mainly mechanics and the fluff meant to support said mechanics. Touchstones would be a major example of what VtR2 does really damn well.

>> No.7059166

I like Calli's dming, i have no experience only watched ttrpg streams, but i wish she had more range to playing her characters.

>> No.7059434

>i wish she had more range to playing her characters
true, she kind of has the same awkward speech pattern whoever she plays

>> No.7059472
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I wonder if she would be open to having some guests in to provide certain voices. It's not how DM'ing really works, but it would be a good way for some other vtubers to ease their way into the hobby before coming on as players:
>Irys to provide some girly roles to offset Calli's deeper voice
>Reine to voice fancy vampire chicks with seductive, alluring tones
>Haachama to voice the workers at the pizza parlor they visit after every mission
Peppeloni (the noo one) for everyone every session! FYI the above three are the only ones who have so far expressed interest in joining Huntermyth if a spot opens.

>> No.7059825

anons i have a few questions i wanted to run a TTRPG campaign for my friends since highschool but i had 0 interest in DnD after trying it once so

how much white wolf autism do i have to read to run a good campaign? i've already read the nWoD rulebook, and a half of the hunter the vigil rulebook

how much Whitewolf lore should i incorporate into my campaign?

how do i make a campaign fun for both me and my players?
>inb4 Reddit spacing. I'm sorry, I wanted to make it more comprehensible.

>> No.7060094

Yeah, some of these characters tend to devolve into sameness over time. I think in Guras campaign she had the better performance, probably because there were limitations set by the small outskirts town. When city folk are involved then they tend to get the samey genes.

>FYI the above three are the only ones who have so far expressed interest in joining Huntermyth if a spot opens.

I havent heard of that, they actually mentioned their game and desire to join? Even Haachama? Thats pretty awesome. Maybe Haachama can play a little plot sensitive sprite in a session encounter, would play well with her awkwardness as most things would probably fly over her head. Either way seeing Haachamas roleplay would be quite something.

>> No.7060283

If it's going to be your first time, get around 3-4 players willing to do a test run. It will be a legit campaign, but run it like playing a beta. See what works well, and make sure everyone is aware that stuff might "break" since it's all about refining the experience.

Example: Ina has started writing formulas down, perception checks and the like. If you as the DM need something similar, take the test to run to see what kinds of commonly used information you will always need on hand.

And this is a bit testy, but don't be afraid to suggest some homebrew changes if you think they will improve the experience, and most of all DON'T be afraid to change mechanics mid-campaign if they really aren't working out. Find out what works best for you. As for me, I'm stuck trying to find a group of anime girls to play with.

>> No.7060336

>I'm stuck trying to find a group of anime girls to play with.
me too but im stuck with 3 hairy guys...
thank you anon, i'll try my best at homebrewing

>> No.7060497

>>how much white wolf autism do i have to read to run a good campaign? i've already read the nWoD rulebook, and a half of the hunter the vigil rulebook
For HtV that's sufficient. I'd recommend you read a(n intentionally) random assortment of other HtV books to get ideas for equipment, enemies etc, but if you're not an utter madgal like Calli you won't need, say, PC splats from other game lines.
One thing that is 100% optional but will work VERY well for you IMHO is reading Demon: The Descent. It's ASS to run because 90% of all the really cool toys are gated behind TPK-bait mechanics (TL;DR: If you bust out your super form or more elaborate powers you ping on the radar of G-D and he dispatches a cadre of cultists and murder bots to flatline you) but it goes a lot into espionage campaigns and rather different, subtle forms of magic.

On that note, anyone here a Deadbeat wanting to help fuel speculation: Kindly send an SC asking of Calli's ever read Demon. Either, really, but mainly Descent.
>how much Whitewolf lore should i incorporate into my campaign?
Only as much as you enjoy.
>how do i make a campaign fun for both me and my players?
The #1 way to make Urban Fantasy games and especially HtV fun; Give your players a L O T of rope to hang themselves with. Things are supposed to be messy. Embrace it.

>> No.7060524

>As for me, I'm stuck trying to find a group of anime girls to play with.
Babaniku route is a go.

>> No.7060606

>Give your players a L O T of rope to hang themselves with. Things are supposed to be messy. Embrace it.
how so?

>> No.7060857

>FYI the above three are the only ones who have so far expressed interest in joining Huntermyth
got any links to where have they said that? that would be nice if they could join, even just as a guest character

>> No.7061225

>Example: Ina has started writing formulas down, perception checks and the like.

Look at storyteller screens. They have all the common rolls listed right on them in easy to see sections. Alternatively, there are some fan made cheat sheets floating around. They are great for people who haven't memorized all the common rolls just yet. And, as an experienced ST, they are still quite handy just for the quick reminders when you have a brain fart.

>> No.7061233

That's quite a lot, really. Sure, Holo is big, but also this is a game none of them are likely to have known before she started.

>> No.7061311

>On that note, anyone here a Deadbeat wanting to help fuel speculation: Kindly send an SC asking of Calli's ever read Demon. Either, really, but mainly Descent.
I was actually going to do this during the recap stream, but before I realized, she had turned off the SCs.

But if someone else does do this, make sure you include that it is a Chronicles of Darkness game. Maybe I misunderstood, but she seemed to think that Deviant wasn't part of CofD.

>> No.7061443

Wait. Deviant?
Why Deviant?
Demon, anon.
Deviant looks like a fun enough game but IIRC it only *just* sent out backer copies, and I think only the digital version.

>> No.7061470

I was actually going to send her some SCs related to her campaign, but I'll see if I can squeeze a few smaller questions in without coming off too much like a demanding sperg. I mainly want a gander at those revised / updated character sheets.

>> No.7061681

One question at a time!
>how much white wolf autism do i have to read to run a good campaign? i've already read the nWoD rulebook, and a half of the hunter the vigil rulebook
As much as you need. You're already on a good road because you got the Chronicles book and Hunter, for now these are all you need to get your feet on the ground. If you're gonna run Hunter the Vigil to people who don't know about WoD it's even better, since you can just throw as many curveballs as you want in regards to what works and doesn't against the supernatural. Part of the appeal of how each main book interacts with each other is that a lot of information is contradictory and each supernatural being has their own set of truths and myths that don't fall into public knowledge. Which is a good part of horror, not quite knowing what you're facing. You don't need to read the other books in the line (Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, etc) since Vigil has a line of equivalent books of each main splat: Night Stalkers for Vampire, Spirit Slayers for Werewolf + ghosts in general, and Witch Finders for Mage. Each of these books allow you to make enemies that emulate them without immitating them or delving too deep (as in, making bloodsucking antagonists without having to go all-in on Requiem, though they do provide good material for inspiration).

>how much Whitewolf lore should i incorporate into my campaign?
Same as above, as much as you want. White Wolf books have a lot of interesting bits and pieces that make those supernatural creatures interesting, but you don't have to use all of it, or any of it. Playing Hunter involves being blind about what you hunt most of the time, because some information is absurdly hard even to the creatures to get. Some crusty witch running a cult in an abandoned shopping mall doesn't know shit about the Supernal or the Paths and Orders of mages.

>how do i make a campaign fun for both me and my players?
That's a big ass question, but if I have to answer on the spot, then number one thing is to ask the players what they'd like to do. Some want to play Blade (high octane balls to the wall action), others prefer to be early seasons Supernatural (investigation and low-level horror), others like X Files (stumble to actualy weird shit from all sorts of sources) and maybe someone wants to do Shaun of the Dead (dark comedy horror). Regardless, make sure shit is deadly and dangerous, a hunter is constantly going through the meat grinder.
Even then, start slow and small and let your players know you're all taking it easy at the start, don't plan too much and keep things simple so you don't get stuck. Make simple antagonists, run simple mysteries to unravel, don't try to make a whole mansion when you're still learning how to fit bricks together. Less is more. Same as for rules, don't try to introduce all the rules in the book at once, and don't get worried about following by as written, you and the players need to be aware from day 0 that the books are a guide and not a Bible.
Another thing: if you read something interesting in the books, take notes. Never a bad idea to keep bookmarks of pages or write down a nice concept you can use later.

>> No.7061999

You misunderstand. I was going to ask about Demon but missed the SC window. Someone else asked about Deviant.

>> No.7062255

>to ask the players what they'd like to do
i have 3 players right now
>a drug dealing brawler
>a black market convict on the run (and his chicken)
and the most annoying one to deal with so far
>a corrupt rich businessman who has a dire wolf and an assistant to do his bidding for him
so i have a general idea of what to do but i genuinely do not know how would i stop the last guy from cheesing through everything with money and connections

>> No.7062339

>dire wolf
I'd put my foot down on that shit Game of Thrones normie shit, but it's whatevs. You could have his resources frozen when another corporation under a supernatural influence gets him in hot water over corporate espionage or something, and he has to slowly reacquire his assets.

>> No.7062476

for him so far im thinking about making his introductory session a fall from grace story where he gets fucked over by some CIAfags or something, goes on the run, comes across the hook or an enemy of some sorts, and i cheese his dice to kill his wolf, because fuck his wolf

>> No.7062655

>but i genuinely do not know how would i stop the last guy from cheesing through everything with money and connections
You gate shit behind having to know the cant & customs of a given area or community.
A lotto multi-millionaire can't just ring up a random congressman and ask for stuff. You gotta use that money to wine and dine the people and mingle *as well* as having money to put down on your projects.

Example of a couple that knows this sort of thing. I recommend you give it a full read because it'll answer a host of questions ontop of being just flat-out fascinating.
>how so?
I mean that you should give them a lot of opportunities, toys and offers. Players love to poke at stuff, hell most of my games were 97% poking at stuff.
Make the stuff interesting, alluring and dangerous, give them temptations to use the stuff and let them loose.

>> No.7063459

I say you better be careful with killing the wolf, I don't know the guy but if he is the kind of person to hold a grudge or taking things too seriously, this could become an awful experience. it's always better to talk things out like an adult or make having companions more expensive.I think I remember some anons talking about how broken those kind of characters can become, because is way cheaper to hire John Wick than becoming him.
Also, I am just a guy who just read too much rpg horror stories so I may talking out of my ass.

>> No.7063549

Man that seems like a bad idea. You want to negate his entire character concept in the first session. With the sanctity of merits, you're essentially asking him to make a new character after session 1, since you're going to refund those merit points anyway

>> No.7063755

Rather than kill the dire wolf, he should just put his foot down and say no, suggest a regular wolf or a wolfhound, which are far more realistic choices. If not that, then something like an ocelot, some kind of exotic, dangerous pet that rich people inexplicably like to have ownership of. I've seen some people draft up some lame or corny characters, but going full fantasy pet in a modern setting is just stupid.

>> No.7063887

>for him so far im thinking about making his introductory session a fall from grace story where he gets fucked over by some CIAfags or something, goes on the run, comes across the hook or an enemy of some sorts, and i cheese his dice to kill his wolf, because fuck his wolf
Don't do that. I know it's tempting but don't. fuck. with. the. concept.

It creates the sorts of players I'm forced to use multi-tiered sieving processes to not have wind up in my game.
Talk to him and tell him no.

>> No.7064081

>a drug dealing brawler
Pretty normal.
>a black market convict on the run (and his chicken)
Pretty normal too.
>a corrupt rich businessman who has a dire wolf and an assistant to do his bidding for him
Unless that dire wolf is part of some sort of creepy government experiment, or a Werewolf stuck in urshul form, that's a tough sell that one of those just exist and a businessman has one at his side. Frankly, I wouldn't do what the anons did and kill the wolf outright, I'd play up into it and make it interesting. Having a dire wolf walking around will attract eyes, normal or supernatural, that's a free magnet for trouble and opens a whole can of possibilities.

>> No.7064132

Alternatively, it's your game so if you think that won't fly then don't say No, say "Yes but" and provide something that can be as dangerous as a dire wolf but realistically so.

>> No.7064582

Seeing that Somwhereelse is a) dirt poor b) men smell and are ulgy c) they speak german, my headcanon is that it's some Saxon village in Transylvania.

>> No.7065022

Mori might just not know how to spell. Although Malkavians in VTR are perfectly capable of doing everything VTM Malkavians are. They just pull across all the clans instead of being their own.

>> No.7065095

She's 100% not in any way a ghoul. Regardless of game that's not how it works, it doesn't make any sense based on how the events were described, and it's kind of a dick move. It's basically like going "Hey, while you're PC was unconscious I got them hooked on heroin. Sorry"

>> No.7065342

>while you're PC was unconscious I got them hooked on heroin. Sorry
if the alternative was death, then it's not as much of a dick move. In fact it could be interesting. But yeah, I don't think she would actually do something like that, even if it's just to keep things simpler for the new players.

>> No.7065452

It's not something you want to pull in a tutorial that's also the first session of a player at all

>> No.7065481
File: 1.02 MB, 4096x1789, __gawr_gura_mori_calliope_watson_amelia_ninomae_ina_nis_takanashi_kiara_and_5_more_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_vyragami__5bf83b1a59c246d1bccd95ea57fdc3b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7065555

>Was there no normal way to stabilize Yuul?
Yes. You can stabilise someone with an extended Medicine roll. That's not what happened though because it was both described as magic, and healed them for 2 Lethal. The roll doesn't heal them, just stops them bleeding to death.

>Also keep in mind Calli made the doctor convert all her lethal damage into bashing damage...
I agree with you it was a GM fiat asspull too. However, there are ways a vampire can heal others but I'm going to guess it wasn't anything in VtR that he used. The only method to heal someone in VtR as was demonstrated by Vic is the 4 dot Crochan power called Blood of My Blood. It lets you spend Vitae to heal a mortal as if they were yourself, doesn't incur a blood bond either. It's possible Vic is one of The Bron, a Ventrue bloodline that has access to Crochan, but I doubt it. It would make a lot of sense for him though, given his role Crochan is an incredibly useful Discipline to have. Lots of focus on hunting and protection, it's kind of the ideal Discipline for your Kindred babysitting a bunch of Hunters to have. I think it's more likely she's pulling from VtM though, especiall now we know Malks are in the game (although VtR Malks are more fun, I doubt she knows they exist). So I think he's either got access to Obeah which has similar, if not a lot more boring, healing power to the aforementioned Crochan. Or, in a GM fiat asspull maneuver, he's got Vicissitude and he's using Fleshcraft to stabilise (which it doesn't nomrally do) or they have Wound Sculpting (A Fortitude, Vicissitude combination Discipline) and is using it on Yuul (which it doesn't normally do). So I'm pretty sure it's an asspull, as it's either something really obscure in a game she knows little about, obscure in a game she knows a little about, or a big meme-worthy thing from a game she knows a little about but doesn't strictly work as used.

>> No.7065573
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>says she could see Yuul going Slasher
How do we know they haven't already been coordinating this?

>> No.7065603

Becoming a slasher is the result of your characters actions

>> No.7065659

doesn't that just mean losing your character? I don't see why would any of them want that.

>> No.7065662

Just listen to their voices, Calli DID NOT intend for Yuul to get that fucked up by El Gancho. Even in session one, she gives Yuul a healing mulligan and says "you only get this once". I'm not shitting on her for that, but she should've added some context to the situation, like having the doc, Scout, and anyone else with any healing expertise buckle down and work extensively on her throughout the night, taking turns to watch over her and maintain her dressing, meds, etc. so she makes a startlingly quick recovery.

>> No.7065681

Sure ,but making them a ghoul wouldn't actually save their life. They'd still need to spend the vitae to heal themselves, which isn't an intuitive or instinctive thing. So going by RAW they'd still be dead. It's also obviously not what happen as Calli said he used magic to heal them. It was pretty clearly something Vic was doing, and there was no mention of anything you could interpret as a blood bond either then or in session 1.

>> No.7065697

You're going to have to explain that line of thought.

>> No.7065779

I think with their clan books they're no worse than any VtM has, they're just they're for a different purpose. Archetypal representations of vampires, rather than stereotypical political structures. You've got Covenants for the politics, so having the same level of emphasis on Clan politics isn't quite as needed. Although Clans do still have politics, and do still do all the VtM stuff you'd expect.

>> No.7065848

In the recap stream she said Yuul deciding to run Vic over shocked her. I know they're not in the same room during these streams, but based on her tone of voice when doing Dr. Oopsie, it really did sound like an order to kill.

On the other hand, it isn't that Yuul's actions are the result of an unhinged psychopath, but that Ina is a timid little Asian introvert who is easily pushed around and submissive to authority figures, so she basically had a moment of very, very poor judgment.

>> No.7065937

There are, but she's not using them. Uhu should really be a Retainer or True Friend. Both of which are Merits and if you lose access to a Merit, say if your True Friend dies, you gain the XP spent on that Merit back. She could then respend that XP on the same Merit again, so long as there is narrative justification for it, and get another pet bird.

>> No.7066230

>above three are the only ones who have so far expressed interest in joining Huntermyth
anyone has any sauce on it? can't find anything

>> No.7066278

I'd usually spend all 5000 characters on this, but short and sweet will do you more good.
>how much white wolf autism do i have to read to run a good campaign? i've already read the nWoD rulebook, and a half of the hunter the vigil rulebook
That's all you need. Just read the core rules and the book on the game line you're playing. I'd branch out to other Hunter books eventually but that's not required out of the gate. When you do want to branch out, I'd just pick one book you think sounds great and will make for a fun time. Or just pick the books about the things you know you want, like if you want Vampires go with Night Stalkers.

>how much Whitewolf lore should i incorporate into my campaign?
Nothing that doesn't come from a Hunter book or a generic "blue book". Seriously, you don't need to read anything part of another game line at all, and doing so isn't actually going to help. Even the most knowledgeable Hunters know pretty much nothing of the actual truth, Hunter books show that off, other books show you the truth. You CAN read other gamelines and then show that information through a Hunter's POV but it's more work than you need, just read Hunter books.

>how do i make a campaign fun for both me and my players?
I'd look into the Quickstarts and SASs for this. These are pre-built adventures that will give you an idea of the sorts of things to include. Just pick one of the quickstart stories, follow it up with one or two of the SASs that are for beginners, and then you'll know enough to make your own stories.

>> No.7066290

Honestly can't really blame Kiara there because she had the full character concept ready at the chargen stream and asked multiple times whether she could do x or needed something else.

>> No.7066442

That's a weird take on DtD, compromise is hardly a TPK-bait, and it's also just sort of integral to the whole premise. It's cold-war espionage behind enemy lines. Also, Embed are subtle and incredibly fun.

>> No.7066548

Okay, a word of advice here. If people make characters that just feel wrong for the type of game you're trying to play, feel free to work with them to change that. You don't have to let anybody just play anything they want.

>> No.7066598

Okay, if you're just gunning to kill the wolf tell him he can't have a wolf. It's too far out of the realms of believably for the type of chronicle you're after running.

>> No.7066610

>Fun exercise: an artist wants to throw in a little homage and wants to draw the Mythbreakers crew as background art for the next splat. Who owns the rights to the characters in the absence of a formal agreement?
You can always refer to Cover regarding the rights of what their talents did.

>> No.7066701

Regrettably there's no clipping if, but I'm scouring my history to try and zero in on the streams. They aren't substantial proclamations, just idle mentions of what Calli was doing and "maybe I'd like to join it too". Unfortunately I don't think Haachama's English is sufficient enough for a TTRPG campaign.

>> No.7066733

Oh, I wasn't blaming anyone. The whole game is a fucking mess of rules right now. They could all do with spending 20 minutes getting all their shit in order though.

>> No.7066953

Kiara exists to translate anything major, and she could just have her character be bad at English. Imagine the shit a Haachama character would get up to with Watoto.

>> No.7066986

thank you anons i'll see what i can do with him
>he goes on his shady business as usual
>fucks with the wrong person/thing
>has a home invasion situation happen
>has to run away
>has to keep his wolf stay in a safehouse because it draws too much attention
i'll give him a non social buff of his choice when he reaches the safehouse as a compensation

>> No.7067099

>Oh! Watoto... put mushroom pizza?
>Eeeh? You wan mushloom piza? Okay!
>haachama gets him a normal mushroom pizza when he actually wanted to put his special mushrooms on a pizza.

>> No.7067263

The first thing to do is just talk to them. Tell them you have an issue with the dire wolf, tell them what that issue is, and then talk about how you two could fix it. He might just be fine with changing it to something else, or having something different in its place. ALWAYS talk to your players about problems like this. Bad communication can break games.

>> No.7067360

The basic problem is anything that requires the girls to read and understand stuff from the splats is probably asking too much and they don’t have the luxury of hashing it out at the table like most groups would since they are streaming. Part of the issue of having five extremely busy streamers collab. I think basically winging season 1 figuring out who is the most invested and heading into season 2 with stricter mechanics might be the best way forward.

>> No.7067489

See, they fucked up from the start by using rules from a game they weren't playing. Had they done 2e from the get go it would have been so easy. They go "I want this Merit" then Calli just pastes it into whatever chat they use. It would've been really fast and easy to do but they were using a big mishmash of shit.

>> No.7067536

>Imagine the shit a Haachama character would get up to with Watoto
damn it I now want to see this

>> No.7068126

>Chammers and Irys in Huntermyth

>> No.7068270
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, chen 🧋 bubble tea addict - 🛒 #huntermyth #mythbreakers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More adventures with Mythbreakers in two weeks right?

>> No.7068322

Yes. It's inevitable.
Can barely speak english and well aware of it. It will never work, she'll be worse than tutorial watoto.

>> No.7068373

Speaking of Yuul, why did she not contact Prof Ayle and Neeta about her whereabouts? They're important to Yuul right?

>> No.7068388

>Yes. It's inevitable.
Not with the time it is currently scheduled at

>> No.7068440
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, ohrlly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7068454

Probably forgot. Being impaled by the platonic ideal of the slasher villain scrambles your priorities a bit. They'll probably come into play in a later session.

>> No.7068506

>"you need a lifeguard..."

>> No.7068518

Also, doesn't tiara have more than just one bird in her apartment? Poor those birdies starved to the death

>> No.7068555

Chammers is going to have to keep up with the entire session, which will take sustained focused understanding. Holding a conversation is one thing, understanding a plot, understanding the environment, communicating what you want to do... that's all tricky. But I think it's worth a trial run if she has enough time for it.

>> No.7068580

Inevitable, anon, eventually, not next week or something. Mori said she's open to it. People can drop in and out whenever then express their desire to. And when they do, of course it has to be set up first.

>> No.7068715 [DELETED] 

Which of you fuckheads made this?
Are we just doing ""stealth"" hate threads now?

>> No.7068762

Which of you fuckheads made this?
Are we just doing ""stealth"" hate threads now?

>> No.7068780

stop eating onions and using hair dye.
right now!
go outside and face the sun. drop your drawers.
lift thy penis, ensure the sun contacts thy jewels for 1-5 minutes.
you need to actually wake up.
wokeness is drug and media induced.
being awake comes from the breath and the sun.

>> No.7068928

I hope nobody here thinks that post makes any amount of sense.

>> No.7069128

>newfag here
>does vampire the masquerade is in the same universe as WoD?
It takes place in the same universe as oWoD. But now there are two WoD's, Old World of Darkness (oWoD) and New World of Darkness (nWoD). Calli's game is playing with New World of Darkness rules, New World of Darkness Hunter lore, but seemingly the lore from Old World of Darkness Werewolf and Vampire. To break down each of the lines.

oWoD has Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, Wraith: The Oblivion, Changeling: The Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen,Orpheus, Mummy: The Resurrection, and Kindred of the East. Then it's got thinks like Vampire: The Dark Ages, or Werewolf: The Wild West, which are the same creatures in different time periods of the oWoD setting.

nWoD is a reboot of various lines in a separate setting. Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Promethean: The Created, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Geist: The Sin-Eaters, Mummy: The Curse.

Then there is Chronicles of Darkness which is nWoD2e. It has second editions of all of the above nWoD games (although MtC2e and HtV2e aren't out yet.) CofD also introduces a few new games too, Demon: The Descent, Deviant: The Renegades, and Beast: The Primordial but we don't talk about Beast. CofD does also do different time periods but not as seperate games, they can a few books called Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras. Each of those just contains a bunch of settings for various games, often being crossovers of multiple game lines.

The reason it's called Chronicles instead of just nWoD2e is that they were forced into a name change when Paradox bought White Wolf and wanted to start making Vampire the Masquerade 5th edition. It should have been called Chronicles of Darkness from the get go all the same though. However Paradox feels (or is assumed to feel) that CofD is in direct competition with their plans for oWoD 5th edition so it wants to kill off CofD and focus on 5th edition. So Paradox hasn't allowed OPP to make much in the way of new CofD books, as Paradox has to okay any CofD projects. Allegedly, at least.

>> No.7069344

based effortposter

>> No.7069347

>It's not how DM'ing really works, but it would be a good way for some other vtubers to ease their way into the hobby before coming on as players
Mid-session? Would be extra work because Mori needs to direct and coordinate the guest on how to play the NPC so they can react to what the players are doing at every moment, if things don't go as "planned" things can get sticky even when Mori seems to know how to work at the edge of her seat. It helps when the players are on the known that they're talking to a guest NPC and shouldn't interact with them too deeply, it's not like it can't work but would be too much trouble for a session running on a timer already, and counting timezone annoyance.

A pre-recorded guest appearance? That'd be fantastic though. Having the PCs find a recording or a voice message and when Mori plays it, another holomem's voice comes out, that'd be a fantastic surprise to everyone.

>> No.7069512

Nta but thank you for the qrd

>> No.7069538

Thanks autism-chama

>> No.7069549

>A pre-recorded guest appearance? That'd be fantastic though. Having the PCs find a recording or a voice message and when Mori plays it, another holomem's voice comes out, that'd be a fantastic surprise to everyone.
THIS is a fantastic idea. it's hard to coordinate another VA live, but having them be a recording or something is fun.

>> No.7069601

Too much /tg/ in that post to be anybody that isn't from here. Probably some autist /tg/ trying to falseflag. Notice how quick people are readily trying to blame /vt/

>> No.7069773

Haachama as a voice recording for the really crazy Malk the other Malks keep in the basement would be pretty cool.

>> No.7070180

Irys as a voice recording of someone who got captured by <insert supernatural faction here> and needs help, but managed to get a call out.
and that's how they introduce her to the game

>> No.7070273

>Mori just calls Haachama to record an entire collection of messages ala the Grout Mansion in Masquerade: Bloodlines

>> No.7070314


>> No.7070335

Is the Roman numeral 27?

>> No.7070384

Someone should suggest this to her in a SC. It's a RELLY good idea.

>> No.7071064

>Fun exercise: an artist wants to throw in a little homage and wants to draw the Mythbreakers crew as background art for the next splat. Who owns the rights to the characters in the absence of a formal agreement?

are you serious?

>> No.7071385
File: 668 KB, 1968x1438, 1627141725718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would actually be some what surprised if Paradox doesn't tap Mori to write something from them in the next splat like how they tapped Mercer to do DnD modules and have him do unofficial add ons they release on their website.

>> No.7071874

Is it really bi-weekly? I thought it was a weekly thing.

>> No.7071891

It's a good question. Does Hololive own every idea created by their talents? Music sure, but it's not normal that a situation like this would occur.

>> No.7071937
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>> No.7072021

Yeah, I was surprised they didn't come up in the session. At the very least contact the professor, if she's someone who might know what the hell is going on. In fact I think the whole session could have used more questions about the world. They were all suddenly exposed to the supernatural, yet they didn't even bother asking at the cell headquarters about what were all those things?

>> No.7072586

that's a really cool idea, I bet the players would love it or at least get a good laugh out of it

>> No.7072776

>True Friend
can a PC have more than one True Friend merits?

>> No.7073422

>pre-recorded guest appearance
nice, something like Bioshock recordings

>> No.7073474

there's a chance she's here

>> No.7073526

One can hope.
Visiting doesn't mean she'll read every single post and reply chain. I'd still send her this as a suggestion in an aka, just to be sure.

>> No.7073904

Nothing really forbids it. i.e. Mage Harry Potter can have two True Friends Ron and Hermoine

>> No.7074037

Not per RAW. I wouldn't suggest house ruling it either.

>> No.7074220

Cover does but Paradox also owns the WoD IP. These questions are never as straightforward as they seem. You always have to ask if party x decided to sell a comic/book/etc using this asset who gets paid? Is Vic fanart of a World of Darkness vampire made by a virtual character owned by Cover? Is Paradox free to use fanart for profit if their disclaimer says they can? In theory Cover’s fanart disclaimer says the same thing. If a fan makes a Watoto x Tiara doujin and sells it in Japan who has jurisdiction? (Paradox wants EU law to be controlling by default)

Questions like this seem silly but they often kill what would otherwise be fun stuff like Korones doom reference and Pekoras anime cameo. This is why Cover gets uptight about actual written agreements instead of relying on the boilerplate disclaimers on websites. The latter aren’t worth much or have little clauses that seem insignificant until money is on the line.

>> No.7074844
File: 174 KB, 1024x1024, suit-710276_640-1024x1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream last night where I had my own character in the Mythbreakers campaign. I was playing as a mid-40s man who does hazardous materials cleanup and was strangely also a severe germophobe.
The crew was chasing down this one vampire with vital information to the story and he led us to this abandoned chemical plant where he left spills of acid and toxic chemicals everywhere as he ran through. My character found a hazmat suit to wear and gained some huge bonuses from merits which applied to wearing any kind of protective suit (chemical, fire, biological, nuclear, etc.), so it was my responsibility to keep up with the chase and keep him inside while the party operated the factory equipment to slow him down. The chase ended after someone tripped him up on conveyor rollers and Yuul pinned him against the wall with a forklift, then Scout and Tiara beat the information out of him.

I've never played a TTRPG before so this was really wild. My perspective kept switching in between a third person video game style and watching the stream with the Holos all on screen. Does this sort of thing happen to anyone else?

>> No.7074926

I’ve had dreams about campaigns I was really into. Helps if you can clearly visualize the characters which obviously is easy with Mythbreakers. That also sounds like a pretty fun scene. Maybe give it a shot irl?

>> No.7074959

good question:
how many of us, seeing the Mythbreakers campaign, went and made their own characters as well?
call me an autist, but i feel i'm not the only one.

>> No.7074998

Post it

>> No.7075191
File: 57 KB, 640x640, 1611482470793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine was an office lady, an experienced buissnesswoman. good at persuasion and with very high resources (contacts from some shady dealings, money, etc)

>> No.7075226

Posts sheets.

>> No.7075311
File: 428 KB, 688x1020, Rage Engine nWoD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in hindsight, i have no right playing with the girls.
it's a thing i did.
BTW: you can drop your humanity to gain stat boosts. it's not recommended, and Mori didn't bring it up, so this guy is disqualified anyway

>> No.7075391

>in hindsight, i have no right playing with the girls.
Who cares it's your story you can have sex with all of them and nobody can tell you a thing

>> No.7075622

actually a good idea.

>> No.7075662


>> No.7075842

Based watoto fucker

>> No.7075856

It's a thing for Humanity, but Mortals don't get that. It's never recommended for Morality

>> No.7075985

I didn't go make a new one but it did make me go wipe the dust off my old Blind Gunslinger hunter.

>> No.7076052

blind gunslinger?
you are that guy, aren't you.

>> No.7076060

Hunters get it, who are mortals, but yeah that's not a Hunter so they shouldn't be dropping it.

>> No.7076230

So is this a sincere attempt at a cool character, or is it ironic?

>> No.7076238

What do you mean? Ive never had complaints about my characters but I do have a fetish for characters that are in some way gimped or disabled, I guess its sorta how I avoid metagaming.
Like in DnD I made a sickly noble girl who was a fighter who could only actually fight 6 hours out of the day and then was typically carried by another party member. it was a fun character and I really liked how it worked out, I was a purple dragon knight so I often just played as the face of our party.

>> No.7076321

They mean the "cool blind badass fightman" is a trope of edgey players. Although I'm not sure I see the link between disability and metagaming

>> No.7076552

I could easily walk into an session of DnD with a half orc figher/champion, role through anything but the hardest combat encounters, and abuse followers and hirelings to brute force through any trap or puzzle.
I would rather make a weirdo gimped character to play because I find that more fun, and a disability is an easy way to do it, and I feel it spices up roleplay, like how Tiara and Scout have to defer to Yuul for written things. But now Ive gone so far in the other direction that I basically have too many disabled characters and am trying to do normal shit.
Thanks for visiting my vlog like comment and subscribe

>> No.7076685

If I were Mori and wanted to pre-arrange that one of the players would go Slasher and need to be put down by the others in the final session of the first “season” as a lesson in the harsh reality of the setting and the life of a Hunter, Ina is absolutely 100% who I would pick to help set that up while keeping it secret from the other 3.

>> No.7077057
File: 310 KB, 1280x720, Huntermyth Party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hasn't inspired me to join a WoD group (yet), but strangely it gave me the drive to finish my holo fanfic for the writefags in their general.

>> No.7077324
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 1585816149561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems one of the popular speculation is that Tiara has some phoenix relation to her that would let her revive or the pendent itself could do it, Question for you /tg/fags, is that mechanic actually available and would it be a way for them to save Watoto from his contract through something like killing him and then using the pendant to revive him?

>> No.7077390

Is that popular speculation? What I've seen is just "Phoenix = Ascending Ones" not "Phoenix = 1up"

>> No.7077391

>Tiara has some phoenix relation to her that would let her revive or the pendent itself could do it
I mean the Demiurge or god could do it, as well as a high level mage, but typically anything that brings you back in WoD isn't something you wanna mess with.

>> No.7077526

>but typically anything that brings you back in WoD isn't something you wanna mess with.
Would it be worse though than having a potential timebomb character that could ruin or kill the whole party at any time?

>> No.7077781

It ranges from "other hunters and supernaturals would want to kill you and your group" to "It would signal the end times and destroy reality". At the very least I guarantee you'd get a clan of werewolves after you.

>> No.7077868

Since Mori is setting up that players can leave at the end of the season if they don't like it, you guys think the last session would be bombastic? Like they face a strong enemy or heck literally stumble into a bomb at the last scene, so that by the start of season 2 Mori could kill off the players who left. Right now they seem to be enjoying it but who knows maybe by session 4 Ina or Kiara might feel like they don't want to keep going.

>> No.7077951

>At the very least I guarantee you'd get a clan of werewolves after you.
I mean, the very nature of Watoto's contract to the Wyrm already does that so not much difference, at least he might not fuck things up for the party later.

>> No.7078263

Really Ina and Kiara are who you chose to leave? Id see Watson as the UR Zoomie that she is leaving first. Kiara has a history with table top games. Ina I could see remaking a character since shes such a wet blanket now.

>> No.7078418

I didn't mention Ame cause if she leaves I think Mori will just take control of Watoto instead of killing him off like Tiara or Yuul if their players drop off.

>> No.7078464

You do know that you can leave a game without your character dying, right?

>> No.7078748

As popular as this has become, I find it less and less likely for any of them to drop the project in its entirety; that would be committing an enormous blunder against both the community and even though she says otherwise, it would hurt Calli's feelings a little because she's very passionate about the entire thing. The biggest blocker right now is scheduling due to all of them being scattered across the entire globe at the moment (get your skinny German ass back to Nippon, Kiara).

Not to say a player would have to drop out entirely or have their PC killed. They could take a break for a campaign, allowing someone else to come in, while their character temporarily changes to an NPC merchant / assistant / trainer at the bar, or leaves on a solo mission. There are a ton of ways to go about swapping players without killing their PC.

If I were a betting man, I'd say Gura and Kiara are hard locks. Ina might waver a little; she wanted to play a TTRPG with her genmates, but it is easy to see she's a little overwhelmed by the mechanics (notice how she is always writing down formulas and asking a lot of very beginner-ish questions, sometimes more than once). Amelia is the ultimate weak link despite her stellar performance in the first session. Her personality simply doesn't jive well with tabletop, but I'm totally down to being wrong on this one.

>> No.7078860

>Seems one of the popular speculation is that Tiara has some phoenix relation to her that would let her revive or the pendent itself could do it,
First of all, the relation Tiara has to the Phoenix is the speculation that her brother has an association with the Ascending Ones, which are a hunter Conspiracy created in Egypt that has started as a cult to the Phoenix. Nothing to do with reviving or something. The pendant MIGHT have something really powerful and special, but we got nothing so far.
>is that mechanic actually available and would it be a way for them to save Watoto from his contract through something like killing him and then using the pendant to revive him?
In WoD, reviving someone isn't a clean and sparkly process like D&D, the best outcome is to be a rotting puppet due to how the ghost repossessed what's left of their body. The worst is, well, something you destroy on sight. Sure that Mori can rule out a magical and perfect book end revival scene where a character comes back in one piece, but that would betray a bit what she has set up in her world. She might do it though, who knows.

>> No.7079062

>how the ghost repossessed what's left of their body
Ah so then does that mean one way to save Watoto is put his soul in another body?

>> No.7079363

>the best outcome is to be a rotting puppet due to how the ghost repossessed what's left of their body.
Why would you say something just so objectively untrue?

>> No.7079788

Yeah, I can imagine the dynamics between my thief character and Watoto and that's about it

>> No.7079980

It's just once every 2 weeks, its not like Irys is the only one to not have the time be outside of their usual schedule, Mori herself is facing it since they are both in Japan you know. If Irys wants to join im sure its not too bothersome for her to wake up earlier(or sleep later).

>> No.7080009

I'll be honest, I've never heard of a PC being revived with them coming out as clean as they were before they died, and I don't remember any book mentioning such a method either. I'm not a WoD buff by any means, but at best there's becoming a Body Thief from the book called Immortals, but the way those work (as they come from the same book where people bathe in blood to become immortal) might as well be making an enemy with how the process goes.
NPCs/Enemies revived into something heinous and dangerous? That's a whole lot more common, obviously.

>> No.7080088

I know that there's a vampire from the end of old WoD who managed to come back from being a vampire and thusly come back to life by beseeching god in a church. He was a super moral vampire though and it was a special thing.

>> No.7080256

>In WoD, reviving someone isn't a clean and sparkly process like D&D
Awaken the Dead, The Gift of the Golden Ankh, The Boon of Lazarus, Raise Dead, Deny the Reaper, Resurrection and more all bring the dead back either side-effect free or Souless. Then you've got a myriad of ways to reverse the death from happening at all with various time and fate based magics from Mage, Demon, or Changeling. Then you've got even more ways to bring the dead back with side-effects that aren't "I'm a rotting corpse" like a post-death Embrace from a Hollow Mekhet, or enacting the Bargain to being a Bound, or costlier things like Atonement.

I really hope you that was you not knowing the game and not you wanking over edge.

>> No.7080488

weren't everything that happened after the climax of their tutorials retconned? eg: how Tiara enters the bar, Tiara's brother story, how Watoto met Yuul and Vic, etc.

>> No.7080589

why would you think that?

>> No.7080611
File: 864 KB, 2513x3263, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my sheet >>7074844
I've never done this before so I don't know how much I screwed up. The concept is supposed to be a smooth-talking tank of a man.
For specialties: He's well versed in taking care of burns of both the fire and chemical variety, loves to chit-chat with people that are currently at work, and can easily lie and convince someone the area is in immediate danger due to his employment background.
Two of those merits I picked off the included dropdown menu, but the last one is made up. I don't know enough about the system to try and increase certain attributes or skills to a reasonable degree, or if it would give an entirely new effect.

>> No.7080871

Nice work, actually knows the rules man.

>> No.7080897

Well, someone has to. If you want to know more about anything I said, I can explain how they work in brief terms.

>> No.7081020

But would those methods work as a way to get around the Wyrm contract that Watoto has? I was just throwing out a guess, since I believe some said the contract will fuck up Watoto's soul directly, would killing him and revival be a valid way to save Watoto from being the Wyrm's slave?

>> No.7081147

The only thing that was retconned was that Tiara set out for the bar alone at the end of her session, whereas in episode 1 she arrives with Vic, but that’s hardly something continuity breaking

>> No.7081166

oh I'm sorry memory problem, ignore my statement about Tiara's brother story. In my memory Madam M talks to Tiara about her brother inside the bar. For the other things that I've mentioned probably its trivial matter.

>> No.7081215

Yeah, my memory is a bit hazy.

>> No.7081469

how about, drug induced?

>> No.7082829

i have a question from someone who never dealt in necromantics
is that oWoD or nWoD or CofD??

>> No.7082892

You're going to have to be more specific than that.

>> No.7086471

That's surprisingly solid for a first character. It's a good concept that's well backed up mechanically. There are a couple of mistakes, especially if you're making a Hunter, though. Not a mistake but I'm not sure why his Stamina is so high with his Strength so low, feels like he should have at least another point in his Strength for his job. You've got one more dot in Mental Skills than you should. Next the dots you've marked next to the Skills you have Specialties in, aren't for denoting that. Those boxes are for Asset Skills. Speaking of which a Hunter gets a Profession, which you have written down but not applied the mechanics for. You get 2 Asset Skills, and a free Skill Speciality in of of those Skills for a total of 4. Asset Skills don't actually do anything on their own though, and only work with the Professional Training Merit, which also gives you 2. HtV2e changes that and just gives you Professional Training for free. The two Merits you chose are good ideas, but I've no idea what the ones you made up really does. From the brief description it seems very strong though. Generally though, I'd avoid homebrewing stuff until you know the system fairly well. Not that it much matters here. Other than that your Morality should be 7

>> No.7087509

I did make a minmaxed hitman character, it's boring so it's not worth posting the character sheet.

>> No.7087728

I see, if I decide to look into this further and find a group to play with I'll try and reconfigure it properly. My only reference was the info on the bottom of the sheet so for everything else I just winged it, although I looked up some of the merits that were listed on the sheet.

>> No.7087744
File: 1.09 MB, 832x1075, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made something. Concept is someone adopted at young age by a couple who taught him how to hunt and cook. But someone (or something) killed the adopted parents and it set him off on a journey to find the killer. He sold all of his inheritance to build a Restaurant-RV (hence the crafts). He now wanders the country, looking for leads to his past, all while making a name for himself with his delicious dishes and fresh meats. Personality is a straightforward and guileless, with maybe a touch of overconfidence
* Politics +Academics represents his knowledge of local hunting laws
* Medicine for first aid
* Occult represents hunting superstations

Also, is it just me, or is Professional Training really packed? One dot in it gives you a dot merit for some reason???

>> No.7087813

*a two dot merit

>> No.7088053

They definitely have no problem tapping fans to write stuff if they think they're good enough. Dave Brookshaw started writing sourcebooks for them just off the strength of his Mage Actual Play writeups and ended up becoming the lead for the second edition Mage corebook.

>> No.7092147
File: 496 KB, 2195x2391, Vic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite. After dragging Yuul's dead carcass in, Vic said he had to go back out, then there was a timeskip (cue Yuul healing montage to the Harlem Globetrotter's theme, ending with Scout obnoxiously slamdunking the bundled up old bandages in the trash, putting a hole in the wall and causing the stink-eye from Madam M) and Vic returned with Tiara. Most likely Vic was scurrying around looking for her after the encounter at the old house and caught up with her just outside the bar. A bit convenient plot-wise, but plausible enough. I declare it canon.

>> No.7092834
File: 167 KB, 1200x859, 20210726_071853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something that's been on my mind with Vic, does he know about Yuul and Tiara was going to encounter supernatural and was working as janitor waiting for them? In Yuuls case, Vic knew about the professors involvement with the Fae and was looking into it and Tiara he knew about her brother and the Phoenix pendant which is why he was eyeing her owl so hard. I have a feeling Mori is planning something big with the former vampire prince.

>> No.7093276
File: 1.06 MB, 4096x1911, Huntermyth Party Alpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convos with Mom confirm Vic was on his own mission, just not if it was recruitment related or recon that happened to coincide with the girls encountering their own supernaturals. She also seems similarly dismissive of Vic, which is yet to be explored; the only one who is even neutral towards him is the Kid merchant, while Yuul is okay with him, having been saved by his efforts and all.

I'm getting "exiled king" vibes from Vic, in terms of his current position. Lots of nations throughout antiquity would harbor rulers who lost their domains and had to flee. Within the court that hosted them they were often graciously tolerated due to their possible use later down the line (or in the case of Hannibal, highly regarded). Mom and Bertha could honestly do without him, but with their cell in such a sorry state, they can't be picky about their allies.

Here's my theory: if the players can somehow get Vic a woman, I have the feeling he might become much more inspired and competent. Just look how he behaved around Scout and Tiara (but not Yuul, oddly). Calli is playing him as the clumsy, hopeless romantic type, and those sorts always get their shit together when they have a girl to fight for.

Posting vintage party art, because I'm running out of images.

>> No.7095628

I suspect Vic is wearing a mask of amicability, and is uninterested in relationships.

>> No.7095713

I'd definitely give the books a read if you're interested, although I'd go with Chronicles of Darkenss. It's a better game, and has not garbage layout. By the time you find a game the HtV2e should be out too, at least for backers. There are links in the /tg/ CofD general to everything you might need

>> No.7096517

Watoto is the best character, none of you can convince me otherwise.

>> No.7096600

wish she'd at least speak normally

>> No.7096638
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>> No.7097711


>> No.7100182

>Madam M called it a cell meant to keep the balance with the supernaturals in Mythton, which I find very dubious due to and also despite having a vampire on their payroll feeding them info.
It sounds to me like either the Lucifuge or the Ascending Ones. The latter in particular, Calli outright going out of her in the recap stream to put attention on the Phoenix Pendent and the fact Tiara’s bro is in Egypt.

>> No.7100241

Watoto is a faggot, just like Amelia.

>> No.7101452

Question for anyone who knows:

What are splats, exactly? I thought it was like Vampire is a splat and Hunter is a splat and Werewolf is a splat. But then I saw someone talking about Vampire's X and Y splats and now I'm confused.

>> No.7101770
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I doubt VIc will have a female love interest unless there's a season 2 and one of the newer members romance him.

>I'm running out of images.
You can never run out now that Tiara has a canon look to her. All that's left is Watoto but that may never happen.

>> No.7102427

#Pelvisbreakers when?

>> No.7102672

Your assessment is correct.
However remember that "Vampire the Masquerade" and "Vampire the Requiem" are different splats

>> No.7102917

The name derives from "splatbooks" which were your clanbooks or your tribebooks for WoD games. As all gamelines had this sort of thing you could refer to them all as *books where * is the gameline specific option. An asterisk is also called a splat, mostly in computer science circles, and thus *book became splatbook. So splatbooks were about broad options your character could have, and so these options were called splats. A clan is a splat, just like a tribe is a splat. But because World of Darkness got very big and had lots of very broad options in the individual game lines, each gameline came to be called a splat too, depending on context. New World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness changed some design decisions and introduced the concept of the character axes, basically each PC would have an innate aspect of their being and then a political or philosophical aspect. Clan/Covenant for Vampires, Auspice/Tribes for Werewolves, or Path/Order for Mages. So like the original splatbooks these things became know as splats too, because they're covering the same thing.

Generally if someone says "What splat are you playing?" they'll mean game. If someone says "what are your x and y splats" then they mean the Clan/Covenant stuff.

>> No.7103638

>Professional Training really packed
The idea with PT is that you can only ever have one instance of it, so you can't just get all your skills into profession. But yes, it is packed, especially if your PT includes combat skills (rote quality on attack rolls is an absolute menace).
For his reason, Professional Training and Mystery Cult Initiation are among the few Merits considered outright OP and banned on sight by some STs.

>> No.7104030

> side-effect free or Souless
For one thing, Soulless is a really troublesome Condition, so it is already not clean and sparkly at all. For another, Gift of Lazarus literally turns people into zombies, and is a very high level Theban Sorcery, and the first two look like high Sekhem Mummy shenanigans, which are not easy to access at all. Ressurection from Benediction has a time limit and the usual Soullessness problem, I think.
> Mage, Demon
Those are so high-powered that they might as well be irrelevant, they warp reality as they go.
> Changeling
Actually a good point, Changelings are slippery bastards. Not familiar with 2e Contracts, but dodging death should be a thing they can do.
> Atonement
Where is that one from?

>> No.7104416

Off the bat, nobody mentioned ease of access. So I'm just going to say flat out it's not a valid retort so I don't have to say it like 6 times. Especially when you consider that proper resurrection in D&D is also high level too.

>For one thing, Soulless is a really troublesome Condition, so it is already not clean and sparkly at all.
I didn't say it was, but as side-effects go it's a hell of a lot better than was said. Souless people live fine lives, and the mechanical implications of it aren't necessarily severe. Depends on the game.
>Gift of Lazarus literally turns people into zombies
I didn't mention Gift of Lazarus, I said Boon of Lazarus. It's a Benediction that can full restore someone to life without consequence so long as it was recent, and the body has no sort of limb loss. If it wasn't recent they're souless, which isn't a massive deal.
>Sekhem Mummy shenanigans
Awaken the Dead is full resurrection that's side-effect free. It's totally perfect and lasts for either a full story, or until they would naturally die with high Ren. Gift of the Golden Anhk with high Ab can restore someone who died in the current scene to life perfectly with no downsides. Both of these Utterences are available at character creation and you can begin play knowing how to do them, and being able to perform them.
Deny the Reaper is temporary side-effect free ressurection
Raise Dead can be totally side-effect free
>Those are so high-powered that they might as well be irrelevant, they warp reality as they go.
Well, I'll mention it once. It literally doesn't matter how hard it is to access. That is not the point at all.
> Not familiar with 2e Contracts, but dodging death should be a thing they can do.
The big one would be Unravel the Tapestry, which reverse time by 10 seconds and can restore the dead. No side-effect bar Spooked.
It's a Death •••••, Fate •• spell that lets the caster sacrifice themselves to raise the dead and force the target to awaken at a later date.

All perfectly valid ways to bring the dead back with relatively minor side-effects to the target and a whole lot less severe than was suggested.

>> No.7104475

Oh yeah, Resurrection is a Numen too.

>> No.7104679

>If it wasn't recent they're souless, which isn't a massive deal.
Permanently Soulless, which can't be fixed. That's quite bad, actually.
> Utterences
Big issue with Utterances is that they are attached to Mummies, who are extremely rare outside of PCs in a focused campaign, and unlikely to be very helpful if NPCs. Won't argue that top 3 splats turn reality into a pretzel.

>> No.7104722

>Permanently Soulless, which can't be fixed. That's quite bad, actually.
In some scenarios.
>who are extremely rare outside of PCs in a focused campaign
The fuck did I just say?

>> No.7104789

>it's not a valid retort
I am NTA, he must have had some edgy cunt as a ST. I mostly want to clarify availibility (very rare outside the top 3) and limitations (generally Soulless) of ressurection methods across splats for everyone else.

>> No.7104950
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Sure, that's fine. Although I sort of mentioned that all already. I didn't want to do another 5000 character post on resurrection methods and delve into all the specifics, I was mostly bothered by the "This isn't' D&D, WOD is edgey and cool" because that sort of stuff is sort of needless. Hunter's do get access to one of the best resurrection methods in the game though. The Boon of Lazarus is really great, even if it does cost a permanent point of Willpower. Just so we're all on the same page about Souless though, I've attached it. It's not crazy terrible all the time, it can end up being pretty negligible.

>> No.7109213

A lot of JP bros popped up in Kiara's chat all of a sudden!

>> No.7109239

I'm not sure what this has to do with the thread?

>> No.7109394

Well obviously because Kiara is a player in MythBreakers.....

>> No.7109406

Kiara went into quite a bit of a tangent going into her thoughts about how she played Tiara and what was her plans and thoughts on the first session.
Gonna get a timestamp when it ends.
Probably just multitabdrifting going wrong

>> No.7110091

Wanted to do the same, here's the timestamp:
Her thought processes about roleplaying and the flow of a session are surprisingly sound for a near inexperienced player.

>> No.7110236

Really hope she's not too busy and continues after the first 5 sessions. Her roleplaying is particularly strong

>> No.7110330

Splat just means type. It comes from * as a wildcard.

New World of Darkness separated characters innate group and chosen groups, so fans started calling them X splats and Y splats. For vampires your X splat is your Clan because it's based purely on who embraced you and you can't change it, and your Y splat is your Covenant (political group) because you chose it and can leave if you want. nWoD also has Z splats, which are sub-groups of some kind. For vampires it's bloodlines.

Hunters don't have an X splat, they just have Y (hunter organisations like Compacts and Conspiracies).

>> No.7111077

IT's worth pointing out if we want to be thorough. Not every X or Y splat conforms to innate/political, and Z splats are all all over the place when it comes to that too.

>> No.7111657

I really like this idea. It's a really solid sheet too, is this your first time? There are a few mistakes. The major one is really that Crafts is what governs cooking. Expression is the conveyance of emotions through artistic media, something possible with food but really for Crafts is the food skill. Your Aspirations are all long-term, which you might want to reconsider for a proper game. Nothing wrong with it, but it's best to have some short term goals to provide easier direction. At 5 dots of Professional Training you should have 3 Asset Skills and you've only marked 1. Your Crafts should be way higher though, if you've got a Michelin star you're a 5 dot chef.

>Also, is it just me, or is Professional Training really packed? One dot in it gives you a dot merit for some reason???
Professional Training is great, but it's sort of intentionally overpowered. Although I think it comes across a lot stronger than it ever ends up being. It's an intentionally attractive option for players because it really ties them into the setting and world. It's a little lighter on that in 2e, but 1e had huge sections for various professions. But stuff like 9-again isn't as good as you might first thing mathematically, and stuff like rote is only going to be massively impactful in combat. So it's certainly really good but I've never thought it was ban worthy like some others do.

>> No.7111885

New Thread?

>> No.7112257

