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70918583 No.70918583 [Reply] [Original]

>likes cooking
>likes cleaning
>is somehow in phenomenal shape despite sleeping 19 hours a day
>because she sleeps 19 hours a day, she won't bother you much
Is Choco the most wife material out of any holomem?

>> No.70918671

Remember anons, if someone is seemingly perfect marriage material yet isn't married, there's probably a good reason for it that you're not seeing

>> No.70918823

I imagine she's clingy. Like, yandere clingy. And a bit high maintenance. She did say that when she goes out, she likes to shop.

>> No.70918890

you forgot to mention that she has absurdly high standards for men.

>> No.70918943

She really doesn't. Her standards are don't be fugly and don't be a deadbeat. Apparently that's really hard to find in Japan.

>> No.70919087

lol she once said that she just wanted someone that bathes every day. Either her standards fell or she realized that she wasn't as uppity as she thought; the men in her life were just disgusting losers.

>> No.70919930

>wife material
You glossed over the fact where she's a literal whore who loves getting groped by total strangers

>> No.70920022
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We see it, Japan doesn't allow the kind of marriage she wants yet

>> No.70920098

didn't she forcefuck mel?

>> No.70920158

Forcefuck? She kissed Mel, and Mel was definitely into it.

>> No.70920519

All those stories about ojisans groping her...turns out to be her groping random women?

>> No.70920682

Yeah because she implied that the men she was interested in were all white. It’s over for ricecels when their foids are only into white men.

>> No.70920831

Japan has a birth crisis for a reason. Women want to fuck, they just don't want to fuck 5'2" otakus that smell like unwashed gooch.

>> No.70921172

Opposite. She wants ot live in a different house to her husband.
You must also be rich, her requirements is not only does he have his own place, but a car so he can drive her. In Tokyo most people don't have cars due to good public transport, so chances are a people who own cars pay a shit ton for places with parking. In Tokyo.

Guys like that have better options. It's like rich people in London.

>> No.70921557

nah I think FBK is probably still the best wife but Choco is definitely a good choice

>> No.70921748

>Opposite. She wants ot live in a different house to her husband.
>repeating this mistranslated rrat still
she said that if both of you are working from home, then she'd want some time alone, not that you live separate.

>> No.70921896

So she wants what literally every human being on the planet wants. How does this mean Choco has high standards?

>> No.70922224

It doesn't, some people have a vendetta against her because they think she's not pure.

>> No.70922948

>they think she's not pure.
She isn't fucking pure and she doesn't even pretend to be pure.

>> No.70923316

If a woman seems like perfect wife material but never talks about getting dates, she's already married.

>> No.70923344

I miss Mel so much. She's so used to being molested she doesn't even flinch.

>> No.70923417

She talks about dates all the time, bro.

>> No.70923544

I never said she was or wasn't, just that that's their reasoning and they get pretty mad about it.

>> No.70927729

cute feet

>> No.70932206


>> No.70932288

>You're either a multi millionaire or a deadbeat
You guys are pathetic. Her standards are high, I'm a fucking millionaire yet it would hurt my pocket if I would have everything she wants in a man in fucking Tokyo. No woman is worth that.

>> No.70932457

She fucked her teacher on highschool, a woman like that asking for anything is ridiculous, but go on simp, you're the bigger guy for accepting used goods

>> No.70932837

she's gay

also this

>> No.70933046

>she's gay
lol no woman is gay

>> No.70934177

>doubling down with more unproven rrats
why does she upset you so much?

>> No.70934252

Women can only be gay sexually
They select men based on status

>> No.70935430

She got to kiss Mel.

>> No.70942655

didn't she say it was lukewarm?

>> No.70943376

>Wants to live in separate houses so she can fuck around behind your back

>> No.70945916

i need chocos soles on my face

>> No.70946389

Women can only be lesbian sexually.
Only men can be gay.

>> No.70948891

You are brown.

>> No.70949260

>buys brand cloths and bags on a daily basic
>clicks man's ears on stream
>boobs and butt on the internet
>multiple streaming careers

>> No.70949551

Her male standards are literally out of orbit, iirc she unironically wants the 6 figures, handsome tall man in his late 20s-low 30s who will baby her and and expect nothing in return.

>> No.70951321

Because even in delulu land she's way outta my league.

>> No.70953402

Only if she lets you fuck her while she sleeps.

>> No.70953759

Fun fact: Consistently sleeping for more than 8hrs a day leads to dementia.

>> No.70953917

She's obviously attracted to trashy types/rich people who have no problem using her as a fucktoy for a few weeks then dumping her. She doesn't have to explicitly state it.

So does sleeping less

Stop being a zoomer. Quit it.

>> No.70954128

Or maybe just maybe chocoten haven't met me yet anon

>> No.70957481

>>boobs and butt on the internet
As a vtuber right?

>> No.70957505

Cosplay pics. Not nudes.

>> No.70957892

That's not as bad as he implied.

>> No.70958005

At first glance I read it as "me"

>> No.70958083

No but I suppose you could argue that she's still selling her body for money, which a lot of zoomers are against nowadays.

>> No.70958253

>which a lot of zoomers are against nowadays.
No they fucking arent. I finally got to meet an unironic, literal OF thot IRL, it was a zooomer.

>> No.70958737

some people just don't want to be married.

>> No.70958813

>tfw you'll never take Choco-sensai on a date to a pachinko parlor and then ask for gas money

>> No.70959209

Choco is a lesbian. It's so obvious.

>> No.70960686

(males). Obviously women aren't against it.

>> No.70963059

To be fair, no woman wants a Deadbeat.

>> No.70964561
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Chocos problem is that she has unreasonable demands in cohabitation with her partner thats bordering on the lunacy of western woman dating tiktoks. watch any mgtow channel reviewing these and you will instantly understand. also i better hope she allows her man to use her assets during sleep if shes resting as much as a cat.

>> No.70966343

Bizarre bait. Also Anis is a nice girl.

>> No.70966954

Japan's birth rate is the same as natives of Western countries and not really that low. It could be better, but if you want a crisis, look at South Korea.
