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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7074771 No.7074771 [Reply] [Original]

>makes vtweeters and 2views seethe

Nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.7074830

>makes anyone with eyes cringe

>> No.7075408

You are coping

>> No.7075814


You shouldn't say the word "trap" in 2021

>> No.7077247

She doesn't deserve her success

>> No.7077581

really? I've never seen anyone seethe about her outside of this board

>> No.7077691


Just wait til the doxfags find her pre-isekai Twitter accounts

>> No.7081562

Losers are jealous of her success and say it's unearned

>> No.7081611

This is a stealth Hero Hei thread. Taking tweets from 5 follower literal whos and blowing them up to the point of pseudo-relevancy should be a crime.

>> No.7087804

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Let's give the guy a break. I went back and looked at his older 2017 and 2018 videos and he seemed more energetic. Then the 2019 kickvic drama happened, showing that the entire western anime industry was pozzed. Then the rwby shitfest happened, which is relevant because apparently he liked that garbage. Then all the bullshit with cover happened after he got into hololive. It's no wonder he burnt out and stopped giving a fuck. Optimism is a casualty of the culture war.

Even in the vtubing scene, YouTube's moves to appease the perpetually offended trickle down in the form of self censorship, bans, and increasingly sanitized content that often fails to entertain. There's just no escape from that bitterness. Hero Hei just responded the same way Ayame did and started phoning it in. Haachama outright pissed off until Coco begged her to come back. Coco quit to escape the gilded prison. Vtubers en masse are copying one another, producing mostly the same content, and flooding the market with cheap knockoffs. At this point, there really isn't much to look forward to as there doesn't appear to be anything driving positive change or innovation.

The only people actually happy right now are those with other hobbies that still pump out reasons to be hopeful for the future of whatever they're interested in. But that's not where vtubing is right now. At least not for viewers. Only for chubas, because the Fubuki and matuli anime cameo was slightly promising for those hoping to one day break into the mainstream anime and game industry.

>> No.7088015

I'm waiting for him to try and bring a gun to a convention at this rate as he looks to be legit schizo

>> No.7088258
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SJW trannies keep saying this
Like, I understand the connotations when referring to them like that, but the weeb term is used when talking about cisgender crossdressing anime characters. It doesn't make sense that it's a slur
And when you point it out to them, they say some nonsense about the hate they receive or how it has been a damaging cultural term since time ago, as if words didn't have more than one meaning and they believe the entire world is against them
Hell, I don't even hate trannies, I know some of them online and they're chill people who know about weeb culture, but the ones that are SJWs are some of the most obnoxious cancer I have seen

>> No.7088374


>> No.7088600
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banning the word "trap" in shit heaps like animemes made sense, because they kept misusing it. meanwhile, femboy and crossdresser are both used to insult / misidentify trannies, yet SJWs fucking seethe at trap the most.

why cant retards just use tranny like a normal transphobe, dont fucking taint the word for cute boys.

>> No.7088638


The word "trap" is bad because it implies that transgender woman are deceiving men into believing they are cis women.

>> No.7088671

Did she? Most people seem to support her and understand she earned her position.

>> No.7088714

I think it's more the word Trap (in conventional context) has the more malicious implication overall as a word compared to femboy or crossdresser

After all what do you put out to kill a mouse or rat? A trap.

>> No.7088776
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Trust me no men think you're real women

>> No.7088820

"crossdresser" is literally just a less friendly version of "trap," and "femboy" implies theyre a regular male who is just acting feminine, not transgender.

>> No.7088841

the term trap doesn't exist until a couple of decades ago when internet was booming. Relevancy of transgender woman was amplified in recent times to match with current nature of white people culture, therefore the shit political correctness got mixed into anime tropes of all things. Trap in its actual definition is MEN deceiving another man into believing they are WOMEN. Get this trans nonsense out of here and leave my boipussies in peace.

>> No.7088855

How did we get to this point from this OP?

>> No.7088888


Tell that to the numerous trans women who get murdered every year by men who try to proposition them and fly into a fit of rage when they find out that not all women have vaginas.

>> No.7088894

In /vt/, anything is possible if the autism wills it.

>> No.7089006
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Traps are an idealization created for the satisfaction of men with heteronormative modes of aesthetics that, in many ways, can not, and does not, exist outside the arbitrated realm of the artist's pen. If a character is the 'same gender' as the one they are presenting as then it's not a fucking trap anymore. The *whole point* is that they are actually a real boy (or real girl) in every way that counts under the exterior appearance. Trannies are not traps. They are also not women, and not men either for that matter. They are just ugly biological dead-ends that can't succeed at *any or either* gender roles, never mind the ones that only exist in their dreams.

>> No.7089028

Yeah, I've heard stories of people calling trans cosplayers traps. But that's why you make the distinction
Even some real crossdressers AND trannies like to call themselves traps, because at least they have trust in the people calling them that
And actually, I think SJWs were preferring the term femboy but some started to take issue with that as well. And the tranny ones tend to identify themselves with trap characters, who ironically are cis, take for example most recently the MC of SMT V
I agree, but keep anime characters out of the equation

>> No.7089049


>> No.7089095

All women have vaginas, society just likes to pretend that some of them don't because it's the only relief for some mentally ill people.

The only time I haver ever seen people seethe about IRyS is here or on Twitter and let's be real, the average Twitter user has less neurons than everyone in /vt/ combined.

>> No.7089214

How many X chromosomes do they have?
If the answer is less than 2 that’s a fucking dude.

>> No.7089280
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Any term used to denominate a dysfunctional demographic inevitably comes to carry negative connotations of dysfuctionality in of itself. That's why there is always and already a never ending conga line of renaming, rebranding, and redefinition with such sorts, shedding names like skin, as the new names naturally morph into slurs like all the old names before them, reflecting the recurrent characteristics of that which is being named. In their nominalistic solipsism, they so desperately desire for change (of themselves, especially) to be as easy as simply changing a name; but inevitably, it is the names themselves that become changed, instead.

>> No.7089288

All I know is.. "Trap" erasure is real and it's the filthy fucking trannies who are trying to erase them because they don't fall into their tiny obtuse mental lines. Trap was never and still isn't in reference to them nor has it ever been a slur. Anyone who unironically believes it is, is willingly believing a fabrication and also willingly spreading misinfo to suit their inflated mentally ill ego.

>> No.7089463


>> No.7089541

Why don't they just tell them up front rather than try and trick them?

>> No.7092050

Wrong. Trap implies a cisgender man, crossdressing as a woman, that decieves other men into believe they're cis women. This does not mean they're suddenly trannies.
If i were to go put on a dress and makeup, with the goal of fooling other people into believing i was a woman, that would not make me a tranny.

>> No.7092317 [DELETED] 

While tranny could be referring to both Transexual or Transvestite. Trap is definitely a dude pretending to be a chick. The first time I heard the term trap was “Line Trap” on Reddit around 2010 and it wasn’t derogatory.

>> No.7092401


>> No.7092432
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You will never be a woman

>> No.7092517

Based. Sadly, she also makes me seethe, because I'm an yuro.

>> No.7093122

Hi, HeroHei.
