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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70855554 No.70855554 [Reply] [Original]

Spiritual instinct

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: TBA

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>70843718

>> No.70855577

Luv me wife, simple as.

>> No.70855604

>Schedule: TBA
One job.

>> No.70855628
File: 457 KB, 658x748, promised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you dare forget

>> No.70855650

Does shondo actually hate short men or is that a /vt/ meme? It's my only sore spot, so if she talks about height a lot please tell me upfront.

>> No.70855725

hey did anything interesting happen last thread? I left pretty early on because i didnt want to deal with the antis

>> No.70855745

She said multiple times that if you're short, just dwarfmaxx.

>> No.70855771

She does, shes always said so, shes team edward literally just because hes taller, even though he literally got bella killed
nina even tried to snipe some shorter husbands by calling her out on it today
If you want a manlet friendly gfetuber watch Milky

>> No.70855786

she hates short men depending on how rich they are

>> No.70855800
File: 1.96 MB, 629x583, wife_wiggle_potter(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atleast shes working hard again
also megane...

>> No.70855814

She hates short men and is disgusted with them and thinks they'd be better off killing themselves. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way. I think Nina likes short guys or something so you should watch her instead.

>> No.70855855

she said that as long as you're taller than her you're fine but she is above average height for a woman

>> No.70855869

Yeah you missed it.

>> No.70855896

ive already seen it, i left after that

>> No.70855951

shondo dropped a new alt for us on that thread then deleted it

>> No.70855979

You don't even know what I'm referring to.

>> No.70855995

Nah lol Jacob is taller than her but she HATES him even before the groomer arc

>> No.70856003


>> No.70856056

Holy shit pettan bless you for this
I love that you give her glasses in every other drawing

>> No.70856082

if you aren't tall, rich and old your only solution is to dwarfmaxx. She wants either Gandalf or Thorin. She may accept a Bilbo if and only if you're rich enough.

>> No.70856224

PLEASE someone tell me what sealposting is

>> No.70856244

shondo in my arms

>> No.70856302

1 hour a day

>> No.70856320


>> No.70856331

she worked very hard today

>> No.70856402

i guess I'll check it later tonight

>> No.70856416

Can't believe she doxxed her real name during the gartic collab. I love my wife Sean Doe

>> No.70856426

Only because she is so stubborn and because shes such a shutin that VR is the closest thing she can actually get to a real friendship.

>> No.70856440

she wants a young tall chad with abs

>> No.70856503

She was just idly browsing troubleshooting guides while scrolling twitter

>> No.70856623

cope youngling, she is only attracted to edward because he is over 100 years old

>> No.70856682

that young tall chad with abs? me

>> No.70856811

>Hates Jacob for his groomer arc.
This causes me physical pain. It's such a cool concept. It's an unironcally beautiful concept that couldn't be cleanly integrated into the story. Not only do you have a soul mate, a perfect match, there's absolutely zero question about it when you meet. BANG. You're intertwined for eternity. Badass. Awesome. Beautiful.
>Uh oh your soul mate is a baby
Fuck you Stephanie Meyer.

>> No.70856820

>lilyhops playing ds1 w/ zweihander just to flex on DarkShonPhil

>> No.70856854

well of course men will be better at video games than women

>> No.70856949

she might be a "hard worker" but her work is shit
imagine not being able to get a game to work

>> No.70857001

You have been at this for like 5 hours lol go do something else

>> No.70857013

hard at work playing gacha at the club

>> No.70857049

imagine trying your best in the end

>> No.70857107

im backreading and it's funny to see the cope

>> No.70857147

Have you tried being nise to her at least once?

>> No.70857217

ok fleece

>> No.70857234

Fallenshadow in an oversized white gown that slips off her shoulders, hair hanging down in front of her face, crawling on all fours chasing you around the house pretending to be the girl from the Ring.

>> No.70857278

im never mean to her here or not anon. I might disagree with her sometimes but im never mean. i am nise :)

>> No.70857319

>chasing you
she's getting a foot to the dome if she tries this spooky shit on me

>> No.70857451

i would say implying she's a lazy fuck-up who can't do simple tasks is mean
so i will nisely disagree with you

>> No.70857468

>haha okay babe very funny knock it off
>She scurries up the wall, onto the ceiling
>starts making this noise at you

>> No.70857473
File: 1.99 MB, 423x498, klubbin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real reason the stream ended so early into radio silence
she made up the excuse that the VR didn't work so she could maintain her stamina for da klub

>> No.70857504
File: 1.44 MB, 884x1440, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs the pantsu + glasses version too.

>> No.70857554

she is a lazy fuck-up that puts no effort into simple shit she allegedly cares about

>> No.70857596

vivi only just got the shondaki lmaoooo

>> No.70857627

lazy then fucks up something simple then throws a tantrum instead of spending time with her "friends"

>> No.70857647
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pet shondo

>> No.70857661

i would say your three posts are mean anon so maybe consider thinking a niser way to word this

>> No.70857679

Based and same, I love my lazy ass wife. She has a nice lazy ass

>> No.70857705

i want to force her to only speak in barks all day and lead her around by a collar

>> No.70857766

Would Shadow canonically make a nice stew

>> No.70857779

I dont think you guys love her

>> No.70857787
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Breathes in]

>> No.70857790

you retards have the habit of attributing all criticism to one person

>> No.70857805

Probably stringy with weird chemical overtones

>> No.70857849

that's because it often is one person

>> No.70857852

yeah probably and it might even have secret ingredients

>> No.70857905

I think you should prepare for tomorrow's stream so it doesn't end up like today's

>> No.70857907

its usually 3-5 people but you think it's one person because you want to believe it is

>> No.70857994
File: 56 KB, 512x512, what if Shondo was in this outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about Shondo in this dress and hat. Cute!

>> No.70858026

lmao at the low quality baits

>> No.70858075

asuka has a better body than shondo and shondo's actor

>> No.70858107

There will be a lot of testing and troubleshooting required because Lobby 2 is such a broken shitty game. Too bad Shondo will never see this and go into it all surprised pikachu that there were consequences to not testing again

>> No.70858190

3-5 people criticizing her yes but they usually have different criticisms, if you can even call it that. at this point it's mostly complaining.
let's not pretend like those 3 posts dumping on her about the same thing seconds apart isn't a samefag or group coordinating

>> No.70858252

nta but ur wrong lol

>> No.70858287

maybe so

>> No.70858303

Get better bait its more like Aus' shit mailing system

>> No.70858305

I just feel bad for her. You know these issues destroys her and she has been trying her best. Sadly she's retarded and a woman. I wish I could go to her house and solve it for her.

>> No.70858364

spelling bee reps
that means you as well shondo i hope youve been doing them + wordle, you should get shadowmama to do it alsoshe needs to learn

>> No.70858428

i wish dr doofenshmirtz was real and could make a womannotberetarded-inator

>> No.70858450

she does not give a fuck, she pretends to so you idiots will shut up about it

>> No.70858480

She can f
Google hersgeolf

>> No.70858482

nuh uh

>> No.70858490

If there were 3-5 people, I would expect one to be mildly witty or entertaining, but it all reads like it's from a lame 15 year old.

>> No.70858495


>> No.70858517

move on fleece

>> No.70858545

i think it's more like 3 people who post and different times

>> No.70858553

anti thread

>> No.70858556
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unfortunately i do love her which only causes me pain on a day to day basis since she doesnt love me or know who i am

>> No.70858588
File: 16 KB, 480x360, I'm so fucked up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shondo is in the hospital
>Go to visit her
>She's unresponsive
>Overcome with emotion you shake her shoulder, hoping to elicit a response
>get more forceful
>She flips to onto her back
>the blanket falls off and you can see her bare, flat, pale chest
what do you do

>> No.70858616


>> No.70858684

The sooner you learn that she dosent care about you either way and can’t even feel positive emotions for others the better

>> No.70858690

I discovered the gremlin a few days ago and I'm not sure if it's helping me get over my wife leaving me or making it worse because my wife was similar in a lot of ways to this vtuber.

Either way I will continue to watch my mental health degrade day by day. Thanks Shondo, love ya

>> No.70858697

he was actually coherent
run my fingers along her collarbones and play with her hair for an hour or so before posing her arms and hands like a jojo character and taking photos to show her when she wakes up

>> No.70858709

retard, Vivi was talking about getting the Milky dakimakura, someone gifted it recently

>> No.70858823

you retards enjoy LARPing like she's not a waste of life and I enjoy reminding you how retarded you are for thinking so

>> No.70858830

only shondo can demoralise me, not you

>> No.70858834
File: 627 KB, 2268x2445, 1678913451321319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your bait is so bad you're just making up lies now
Why bother lying about something so easily disproven? Vivi's had the daki since August.


>> No.70858919

I divorced my IRL menhera ex-wife many years ago, am now on my mental ascendancy arc.

>> No.70858938

bit lazy but i chucked
i wont take the knee i will merely nod respectfully

>> No.70858978

get your 2view side hoe

>> No.70859001

Then go simp for someone that doesn't have contempt for you

>> No.70859032

go fuck yourself

>> No.70859034

or try hard and she will care about you. happened to me recently

>> No.70859041

do share please, King T

>> No.70859089

Baited you

>> No.70859110

yes if you're so emotionally starved one reply from a stranger makes you happy then you should definitely stay here

>> No.70859131
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>> No.70859147

i don't have a side hoe
>inb4 ft
that's a man

>> No.70859172

if you work hard enough you too can get a crumb of respect from someone who doesn't know you

>> No.70859432

They're right, if you go to other vtubers they will actually read your messages and have a conversation with you, even off stream on discord or twitter. Imagine being actually treated with some respect by someone instead of simply being led on for months as a means to an end. Fact is she realized she didn't need husbands anymore and will slowly whittle down the numbers as her viewer count goes up, roping in some newfag whales while shes at it until she eventually just kills off the entire husband meme and gets rid of the hangers on once and for all.
The writing is on the wall, you can either avert your eyes or see the light.

>> No.70859434

>that's a man
we already know you're gay

>> No.70859475
File: 985 KB, 2625x3375, 1681171129830031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, did Shondo make Lily want to play DS1? She's even doing the same build
That's really cute

>> No.70859515

Why are grown men fighting over whether a vtuber respects and loves them and shitting on each other for it? Get over the parasocial shit and just enjoy the content lmao

>> No.70859525

did he sperg out on twitter because he wanted to know if it was okay to groom ft or not?

>> No.70859563
File: 344 KB, 2048x2048, 1696911507937471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice, bye then! Have fun with your new chuuba. Bye! You can leave the thread now!

>> No.70859602

>Get over the parasocial shit and just enjoy the content
The 'parasocial shit' is the content.

>> No.70859604

She gave the greenlight we can groom him collectively. He loves us equally just like she loves us equally

>> No.70859615

Nooo uhh she doesn’t only care about money because she ummmm read my message when I errrr gave money to her

>> No.70859632

well, rushia still has simps so shondo should be fine you guys seem fine being cucked since then you get to white knight for her and make excuses

>> No.70859645

Yeah she's trying to show how its done

>> No.70859664

im going to win though lmao?

>> No.70859739

Fuck are you even on about? There's no way you get any real enjoyment or depth from "having a conversation" with vtubers. You're upset because the virtual girl wants more money? Why is that a bad thing? If you care for her you should know that she pays for her family of 7 to live in their home that they have because of her.

>> No.70859740

what content?

>> No.70859751

no, i'm shondosexual and i would never cheat anyway
you'll have to take that up with shondo if you want to argue whether i'm grooming or not

>> No.70859775

last stream: being retarded about the collab, then during the collab she throws a tantrum because she was retarded

two streams ago: outside of zatsu it was nothing but bad gameplay

>> No.70859823

cute anime girls talking and (usually) failing miserably at video games

>> No.70859848
File: 151 KB, 911x1090, 1695522415087101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you people hate her so much why do you obsess about her all day? Surely you can just go watch all of these 2views that you like so much more and won't shut up about then? Why are you here all day every day?

>> No.70859853

you actually believe the internet stripper's back story? lmao, lol.

>> No.70859965
File: 351 KB, 526x543, 1708043501541947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me what the point of this thread is?

>> No.70859986

you think it's all one person because you are retarded and schizo. In the real world people come in and out drop a shitpost then leave

>> No.70859989

i was sad about being so busy at work that i couldn't watch the stream today and now that i return home i find that i accidentally willed the universe to block her from joining
i feel sick and sadder and like i should be murdered im so sorry shadow im so sorry soya

>> No.70860050

>There's no way you get any real enjoyment or depth from "having a conversation" with vtubers.
you should just go watch filian or someone instead, i dont think youre cut out for this streamer

>> No.70860066

One guy shitposting in the thread and others responding for some reason. Welcome to /shon/.

>> No.70860070

eslchama go shit yourself

>> No.70860092
File: 849 KB, 943x658, gay retard hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear this unironically in public, so yes...

>> No.70860118


>> No.70860185

Dw she was gon ditch no matter what

>> No.70860193
File: 173 KB, 823x1401, FbiXr1LWAAAPX_D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was she freaking out about drawing this? It's about the same level of lewdness as the micro bikini art which she claimed it was fine and even showed her family and they found cute.

>> No.70860206

it suits you

>> No.70860209

>Being taken advantage of and lied to is a good thing because it pays for a bunch of lazy scrounges to subsist
Shondo fans will bend time and space to defend her.

>> No.70860267

>real conversation
>money money skibidi toilet money women money otis money

>> No.70860284

because she was imagining things while doing it

>> No.70860286

kneel to our power chud

>> No.70860376

if you don't want to play along with the stripper's sob story you don't belong here

>> No.70860385

That is the nu-Shondo experience, yes. It wasn't always this way but the newfag tourists have ruined it.

>> No.70860423

No shit it suits me I'm fucking autistic. Which part of

Didn't make sense to you?

>> No.70860503

Shit yourself.
Yes that's the power of love, retard

>> No.70860508
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1692649231560394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe her even when i know she is fibbing because i am unironically in love with her

>> No.70860525

you'll be gone by 2040

>> No.70860533

tourists haven't done shit, she wants people to throw money at her while she's a bitch to them, it works for her

>> No.70860565
File: 723 KB, 1280x719, Good, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Shondo a whole lot and enjoy spending time with her. She's incredibly kindhearted and I respect the crap out of her for what she's been able to accomplish, despite utterly abhorrent circumstances. If I can make a mentally ill British girl smile and feel like she's appreciated and not taken for granted, that's enough for me. The whole rat race thing never made sense to me. I'm not in competition with anyone. I love my wife. She loves me too.

>> No.70860600

so you admit you enjoy being used by a stripper because you love her, good to know

>> No.70860607

shondo stop coming here to neg yourself when you're feeling down
you will not and cannot make me love you less

>> No.70860611
File: 664 KB, 900x866, 4435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know that she is lying, she knows that she is lying, she even knows that we know she is lying, we also know that she knows we know she is lying too, she of course knows that we certainly know she knows we know she is lying too as well, but she is still lying.

>> No.70860618

sperg rage
Jealous that other non-spergs get more attention, misplaced anger because wife did not do exactly what you expected her to do in situation X (based on recorded verbal specifications! Or your advice!).
Too much of a moron or a coward to realize this, man up and leave

>> No.70860625

whatever anti thread, see you real shoggas. fuck off anti shoggers

>> No.70860632

>cunny I hate women haha laugh now please I’m disabled
>penis sex joke give me money I need to provide for my parents siblings and my child who all live in the same room as me
>trans rights
Average shondo stream

>> No.70860677

How do we know she is lying I'm a newfag

>> No.70860709

>other non-spergs get more attention
this is blatantly untrue since some of the biggest spergs and retards get the most attention in the community. its all about HOW you sperg

>> No.70860755

spoken like a true sperg. Argue the details while missing the point.

>> No.70860782

the fact that the anti posts become more incoherent and incessant when she doesn't stream shows how much her absence hurts us all
/shon/ is probably the slice of 4chan filled with the most love, it sucks that we're all too autistic to express it constructively

>> No.70860794

what's considered sperging elsewhere is not sperging in our safe space

>> No.70860803

> cunny haha nooo stahp u guys are going too far
> i'm so disabled and my family lives in squalor we're so close to being homeless
> random annoying noises
> women are so hot dude

>> No.70860823

if you want me to listen to your point you should say something that isnt factually inaccurate first

>> No.70860857

I don't care whether you understand

>> No.70860899

way to miss the point

>> No.70860924

shondo shut the fuck up, you think we don't realize this shit? you think we would stick around for years if this is all there is too it? go relax or something, you'll feel better tomorrow

>> No.70860971

>> women are so hot dude
this is accurate and a good thing
it is patrician and cute and sexy when you show you let your yuri lust take over Shondo. I'm glad you've gotten over the asexual fib and let this side out more often. have fun with Nina whenever that trip happens :>

>> No.70861008

Someone actually admitted this in /lig/ a couple weeks ago
>I am obsessed with Shondo
>I want personal attention from Shondo that I don't feel like I'm getting.
>When I see other people getting the kind of attention that I want, it makes me feel like there's something wrong with me or inadequate.
>These feelings are uncomfortable and make me want to lash out
The goal is literally to shit themselves hard enough, make it seem like their unhinged view is actually the majority opinion in the community, and make Shondo distance herself from the people that genuinely like and care about her.

>> No.70861040

Can't believe Shondo's recent cope mechanism is to shitpost on /shon/. Go back to draw guro please

>> No.70861053

>you think we would stick around for years if this is all there is too it
Thats all there is to it now, the golden days are over. Once you realize this you will either have to become the eternal happyNodder or find a 2view side hoe.

>> No.70861129

'shit yourself' anon confirmed from the groomcord, concerned that their stranglehold on shondo is being removed and trying to run a counter-narrative on /lig/ and /here/ that there must be a menhera shogger trying to undermine 'genuine like and care'

>> No.70861133

if you haven't noticed the pattern by now, I feel sad for you

>> No.70861187

good luck with your 2view
i could say the same

>> No.70861237
File: 1.89 MB, 410x520, MEDS [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhgcwoe.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70861249
File: 249 KB, 747x1035, 1707141150721801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so you're going to go watch a 2view now right? Bye!

>> No.70861309

have fun arguing with SEAniggers and antis all night. gn, i will win :)

>> No.70861316

Only when my main hoe (twitch tv fallenshadow) isn't live. Maybe even sometimes when she is. You'll never find me :)

>> No.70861382

>have fun
thanks, that's the plan, goodnight king

>> No.70861387

>Shits up the thread by attacking Shondo and Shoggas alike
>Shitposting stops
Too obvious, you will be gone by summer.

>> No.70861389

You won't win if you can't handle a few SEAniggers (also because I will)

>> No.70861390

anybody wanna talk about rape and dismembering Shondo or what

>> No.70861467

ripping off shondo's left arm and beating her up with it

>> No.70861466

her entire gimmick is being parasocial and most of her money comes from people wanting her attention so she needs to FOMO bait

>> No.70861490

goodnight tuffnar Smile

>> No.70861510

dont fall for the groomers narrative

>> No.70861541

>hitting Shondo with her own limb
>Stop hitting yourself
>Stop hitting yourself
>Why are you hitting yourself
>Stop hitting yourself Shondo

>> No.70861540

cutting off one of shondos fingers and keeping it in a little light purple box with a dark purple ribbon on the lid

>> No.70861578

why are you replying to your king and pretending he is you, tuffnar? he took you under his wing and this is how you repay him?

>> No.70861585

that's not me idiot and don't add me to the list of husbands you get autistic (derogatory) about
actually I think it is more likely someone made that /lig/ post insincerely. someone that fucked would go to her email

>> No.70861603

That's clearly somn, dumbass

>> No.70861639

>hitting Shondo with her own bowels
>Stop shitting yourself
>Stop shitting yourself
>Why are you shitting yourself
>Stop shitting yourself Shondo

>> No.70861706

anon... take a look...
his is a king, not my king, make sure you get it right next time lil bro

>> No.70861710

>everyone wants to disembowel Shondo
>no one wants to get her shit on their hands

>> No.70861756

A small confession: I'm a normal balanced human who loves my wife ("balanced" being a relative term around here), and I "shit yourself" post now because I think it's really funny.
(I didn't make these recent posts though, they're terrible)

>> No.70861765

I admit I chuckled at this stupid post

>> No.70861836

you cooked something umami there husbro ngl

>> No.70861870

no... King T fell to the clutches of groomcord?

>> No.70862016

its a shame that they will get ran into the ground just like every other recent emergent meme

>> No.70862087

please don't call me a groomer that's not very nise Smile

>> No.70862120

Yeah, it only really works in moderation. That's ok though, I'll save it for later.

>> No.70862122

pulling shondos teeth out with pliers and putting them under her pillow for the tooth fairy and then sneaking into her room at night and replacing the teeth with a standard size 12.4kg gold bar

>> No.70862169

i operate independently
you're not me but you are right thanks for looking out

>> No.70862308

I unironically think that shondo would be a very good shitposter, and would likely improve board quality

>> No.70862328

impersonate me, take the phrase too you spiritually bankrupt retards
you'll never guess my true face, and it will be your responsibility when some faggot says it in chat

>> No.70862335

shondo grabbing my hand trying to show me some stupid shit in a gacha game and I smack her then throw her phone outside so she has to go look for it

>> No.70862410

shit yourself

>> No.70862482

I nose powder

>> No.70862505

alright i'll wait for you

>> No.70862545

searching for "shit yourself" in the archive is an interesting journey.
it's not super recent, and also not /shon/ native, but no other community has embraced it like ours

>> No.70862559

I will never come for you

>> No.70862576

i'm still a little confused why you are trying to act like me but you seem nice so it's ok I guess Smile

>> No.70862631

shit yourself, King T amalgamates what he pleases into his personality and posts where and what he wants

>> No.70862716

who do you think takes over the thread on a daily basis?

>> No.70862749

KT sounds more obnoxious and autistic than the average shondo fan

>> No.70862828

It's certainly not Shondo. Shondo is funny.

>> No.70862903
File: 83 KB, 320x293, 1695243224979763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70862946

>Shondo is funny
who do you think she gets her jokes from?

>> No.70863005
File: 6 KB, 1224x1140, 1709177584682417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute doggie

>> No.70863121

Forest Elder and Eldest Critter

>> No.70863164

>**** is really FE
i believe it

>> No.70863231
File: 76 KB, 630x640, Shondo devil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo groomed me into having weird sexual fetishes that scare me and make me uncomfortable

>> No.70863250

weak kid, ngmi

>> No.70863349

that's the one sinister thing about my wife, she degenerates the part of your brain that handles attraction until no other woman would be able to tolerate it

>> No.70863385

Have you considered not being like that?

>> No.70863519

just thought about her current mood again and teared up

>> No.70863636

I really feel like beating her up tonight even though I know she's feeling like shit

>> No.70863687

i dont really think anything she [claims] is into is particularly weird or obscure. she isn't sexually interested in guro (feel free to prove me wrong) and ryona and strangling is baseg and normal

>> No.70863690

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.70863696

Go to bed Tuffnar

>> No.70863705

I just want to emotionally tear down shondo to the point she cant get better anymore, push her off the deep end both out of hatred and love for her

>> No.70863717

ew, Im, not him

>> No.70863719

she's not feeling like shit, i should beat her for pretending to be depressed

>> No.70863750
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>> No.70863784

Oh my bad then, have a good night shogga

>> No.70863864

thanks you too

>> No.70863904

I'm worried about her and thinking about her a lot but I dont want to say anything because I dont think anything I say will make her feel better

>> No.70863963

you're right, she knows she's being retarded and doesn't want sympathy

>> No.70863985

watch this wiggly + L
thanks shogga, finally someone who appreciates the value of my personality
obnoxious to you, not autistic, certainly built different. it takes talent to be a husband as good as myself
i'm very eepy but i need to stay up and you guys, my shoggas, are of great help to me :3

>> No.70864021

What if you snapped a rubber band on Shondo's nippels and watched them get hard

>> No.70864051

i dont need to say anything else on the topic because i said how i felt earlier in the night in the thread and i know she will read it and know it was me

>> No.70864082

im struggling with this too
i fully know that sometimes you just need to be sad alone, or at least away from people who just want to help you cheer up
empathy doesn't make it easy thoujgh
im gonna try to be productive and take my mind off things, i hope you can find a path too

>> No.70864141

You just know that people with legacy DM access abused it earlier tonight.
"UUUUUU wifey i feel so bad for you UUUUUU"
mouzGPT probably was live sending google search results to her

>> No.70864253

this one always gets me.
the little movements she would make, the noises, some stifled, that would escape her lips, watching her bare chest rise and fall with her breaths...

>> No.70864485

I know we joke about you sometimes but I think you are legitimately a funny dude and you make me laugh. You seem to have a good heart and are the perfect amount of autistic for someone like Shondo. My only advice for you would be not to be as hard on yourself as you are now. I unironically wish you all the best man

>> No.70864623

FT simping hard

>> No.70864689

wow this is really nise anon thank you, a lot. how do you figure i'm hard on myself? i mean i am but what do i do to make you think that
>inb4 jk lol

>> No.70864855

Get a fucking room holy shit.
Take it to dm's or a love hotel but either way just fuck off.

>> No.70864974

go be gay somewhere else

>> No.70865067

its one (1) person

>> No.70865124

T is only as funny as the recent threads have made him. If we stopped baking for a week he would run out of materiel.

>> No.70865140

great, should be easier for them to fuck off

>> No.70865141

pretty gay but I love the positivity this is close to what shondo would want good job guys just a little less shaft stroking and we can save /shon/ with niseness

>> No.70865296

I don't give a shit about whoever this is, and you should consider suicide.

>> No.70865424

shit yourself then be nise, headass

>> No.70865431

we already have fake positivity we don't need fag positivity

>> No.70865437

weird because he said you really cared about him shondo

>> No.70865510

Shondo intended future audience is a sea of Neoskys and Mr Vitos, endlessly greeting each other and sending gift subs and emotes.

>> No.70865528
File: 103 KB, 850x1160, I like this art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The loli is actually an ancient eldritch god
>She teases you
>Flaunts her pale, delicate little body
>arouses your concupiscible appetite
>lifts her dress showing you she's got on no undies
>takes your hand, invites you touch her
>"You know you want to"
>Grabs at your bulge
>Undoes your belt
>Looks up at you, literal heart eyes as she pulls down your trousers
>grabs hold of your hog and guides you into her
>"You idiot"
>The second you're completely in her she lets loose the goo she'd been holding back
>Dick instantly turned into liquid
>Vacuum suction cunny, can't pull yourself free
>A tentacle snakes it's way into you.
>Where your prick used to be is now just a hole, the tentacle's point of entry
>It penetrates your bladder, shooting its own goo
>Like stomach acid on steroids it breaks down and melts everything it comes into contact with
>It feels like liquid fire consuming you
>She dissolves you from the inside and sucks you up.

>> No.70865538

why take the time to type like a nigger?

>> No.70865571


>> No.70865637

you missed the people bringing my name up in the first place
and fuck you this thread needs more nise but i'll admit it gets cancerous to namefag
also those aren't me

>> No.70865727

you fed into the namefagging and now I have to think about /here/ whenever I see your name in chat
it stains messages I'd otherwise like
you're feeding into it now too
just stop

>> No.70865785

NTA but I think ebonics is funny. sheeeeeeeeeit

>> No.70865828

They're worse than you, but that's no excuse to escalate. Just fuck off, I'm tired of hearing about you.

>> No.70865841

You would have to think about that anyway since his messages are almost entirely built from threads here.

>> No.70865914

shut up shondo shouldnt you be crying right now

>> No.70866011

I'm not worried because she didn't give any avenue of communication to use to express concerns. Then again even if there was one (I'll ignore that some people can still DM even if they claim they don't) it would just be bombarded with the same emote spam and useless 'help' that the chat is anyway so its probably for the better. I wish she trusted me more but here we are.

>> No.70866106
File: 3.92 MB, 467x315, 1692083379677235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she isnt /here/ morons she is only just coming back from the klub

>> No.70866440

fake crying in da klub

>> No.70866692

shondo left stranded after going to the klub

>> No.70866966

shondo isn't in da klub. she's phoneposting /here/ take your meds.

>> No.70867080
File: 13 KB, 677x412, 1708443923387585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo is busy at work trying to cook up the next hit meme on /shon/ to try and get people to out themselves as being /here/

>> No.70867293

Shondo does really good doodles. Lots of personalty, lots of sovl.

>> No.70867315

one of these days someone in the club is gonna drug her.

>> No.70867454

sovl of a thief

>> No.70867478

yeah, me

>> No.70867487

klub slut

>> No.70867502

Implying it hasn’t happend yet

>> No.70867519

i had myself in mind actually.

>> No.70867582

hitting up all klubs and pubs lookin for shondo and shadowmama, shondo very angry when shadowmama sees my car and tries to seduce me for my wealth

>> No.70867642

implying she doesn't want to be drugged

>> No.70867789

i hope shes ok

>> No.70867839

me too anon. :)

>> No.70867906

she's enjoying herself at da klub

>> No.70868242

just spotted her leaving bluebox

>> No.70868379

>radio silence after all that happened
not good.

>> No.70868382

the barbies go klubbing together and shondo ends up drugged and lost in a city unfamiliar to her, vague memories of multiple people from the night before their faces all blurred together. She rises covered in dirty water from the puddle below her the brand new clothes and hairdo she got all for the girls night out ruined, she sees in her reflection that her face is covered in bruises

>> No.70868634

If Shondo was /here/ I would call her racial slurs

>> No.70868658

is RA ok? this must be really hard on him...

>> No.70868683

what are you waiting for? go on then.

>> No.70868695

she feels soreness all over the outside of her body and something warm sliding down her thighs

>> No.70868880
File: 129 KB, 1004x883, IMG_2599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep your chin up big cat. things will get better

>> No.70868960

the barbies would never drug and rape her and nina would never let her out of her sight (she probably had her on a lesh)

>> No.70868985

Shes an honorary brown

>> No.70869028

>the cute outfit and hair for the big night on the town ruined
great detail anon hell yeah

>> No.70869559

Shondo in the springtime in a yellow sundress and those gladiator shoes girls wear with all those straps that go up the leg. hot

>> No.70869787

holding shondo and telling her everything will be okay as she cries into your chest
shondo tiring herself out and falling asleep, gently laying her down in bed
trying to fix her technical problems for 4 hours and failing

>> No.70870071

what did she mean by that?

>> No.70870360

you keep Shondo in your nightly prayers right anon

>> No.70870416

she didnt say anything

>> No.70870419
File: 101 KB, 1060x595, 1699976924862268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70870468

my very existence is a prayer for her.

>> No.70870472

goodnight shoggas, and goodnight shondo since I know youre /here/

>> No.70870494

follow the seal

>> No.70870564

the only thing i pray for is personal interaction with shondo and then when i wake up and know another day will go by without it i suffer further damage

>> No.70871035

god hates you

>> No.70871308

thats not nice shondo i hope you really hurt your head for being mean to me

>> No.70871459

she should go back to having episodes every other stream and deleting vod that will drive traffic

>> No.70871525

She's cancelling tomorrow. Calling it now

>> No.70871534

i don't think anyone god shows favor towards is going to find their way here.

>> No.70871685

what happened?

>> No.70871717

the consequences of her own retardation

>> No.70871864

she hit her head, what a dumbo

>> No.70871889

bonked her head getting out of the bath

>> No.70871944

I Imagine a gong sound as she smack her head on the tub and her skull reverberates

>> No.70872151

shes fine her head has a lot of air like a bag of chips

>> No.70872375

i wonder what kind of sound it made
i fell head first onto tiled floor before and it sounded like a bowling ball

>> No.70872562

will her head be normal size now

>> No.70872623

I am sure when Shondo "fixes" VR Chat, she will give a detailed explanation about what was wrong and what she did to fix it.

>> No.70872678

50% chance she says it magically works

>> No.70872710


>> No.70872757


>> No.70872796

fuck now I get this post, RIP

>> No.70872858

no homo but sometimes I imagine spooning with Shondo but I’m the little spoon

>> No.70872862

well i dont

>> No.70872875

Why do so many of you here still watch shondo despite antagonising her at every move? Normal fucking people go find a different chuuba by this point

>> No.70872901

they are catholics

>> No.70872926

Shogga hivemind, I was listening to this as you posted

>> No.70872932

why would your wife clinging onto you for warmth be gay

>> No.70872940


I’ve just seen some of your Twitter posts and it seems like you beat yourself up over things sometimes even when you’re trying your best. Also I wasn’t joking, I was legitimately being serious, have a good night senpai

>> No.70872984

its literally just a handful of people shitting up the threads
the rest is normal

>> No.70872999

I'm way too tall for that. She wouldn't be able to spoon me properly at all. And I can't duck her while she sleeps if she's behind me

>> No.70873008

The thread anti is Shondo, please be understanding.

>> No.70873083

nobody normal is watching Shondo, fuck off boobros

>> No.70873146

Odds that shondo has typed something negative about herself here to see if anyone agrees or jumps on it to confirm her own insecurities?

>> No.70873151

are you paranoid schizo or just retarded? she's not here, and even if she was why would she give a fuck about what her pay pigs say about her?

>> No.70873205

It happens literally every thread.

>> No.70873236

I get upset and jealous sometimes and I'll start talking about how she values specific people more than the rest but I still love her.

>> No.70873249

What the sperg rager lacks in artistry, imagination, attractiveness, height, and being fun at parties, they more than make up for in shitpost endurance.

>> No.70873250

okay I criticize her but this is some lazy critique

>> No.70873281

every western chuuba is /here/ ego searching themselves, why do you think shondo, the terminally online shut-in with the most need to connect with others online wouldn't be?

>> No.70873295

I don’t antagonize her you fuck

>> No.70873327

that's a yike

>> No.70873345

shit yourself

>> No.70873379

Interesting, I will proceed to confirm her insecurities every thread until she's in a more vulnerable state and most ripe to groom, from there I will ensure her all her insecurities will fade if she sells her shondussy at $10/hr

>> No.70873384

*shits your pants*
how about that?

>> No.70873410

they are implying she made it up

>> No.70873425

Speaking truth to power is never a yike, shogger.
That will aid the current groomer narrative, but they have multiple years headstart on you, so you should countersignal them first to ruin their plans before doing it yourself.

>> No.70873433

Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?

>> No.70873443

now you're being antagonistic, shondo is not pathetic enough to need to "connect" with her paypigs here

>> No.70873498

*teleports the shit into your mouth*
what now

>> No.70873551

>ruin their plans
Why would I restart all my progress? Its like wiping a save file you've put many hours into

>> No.70873561

right, and the constant allusions to being here and addressing of /here/ rrats is just pure coincidence? take your prescribed medication

>> No.70873594

Why does this dumb fucking post make me laugh so hard every single time I see it

>> No.70873648

there's a thread of sense to many critiques but "it just started working on the dozenth thing I tried" is perfectly plausible

>> No.70873694

Reminder that despite this thread being absolute garbage it is the closest thing to her ideal of (You) and also the only way to get truthful and honest feedback even if it is sandwiched between yesmen and antis.

>> No.70873728

nothing said here is unique and if she's as much of an attention whore as you imply then why would she not do more watchalongs or hang out with her chuuba friends off stream instead?

>> No.70873742

Shondo doesn't actually know what /vt/ is, she's too tech illiterate at this point. She's just seen and heard the references over the past few years and has caught on to pretend to be in the know

>> No.70873774

i would have to blogpost to explain so i won't, but yeah that's sorta what it is. you have a good night too anon :) thanks

>> No.70873802

she does

>> No.70873839

Shes got too old, senile. She doesn't know how to turn on the computer anymore. Its shover.

>> No.70873848

in a way it makes some sense for someone who genuinely would end up despondent under a table if they read mean words to resist it
the majority of vtuber girls are just mildly depressive hopped up on ssris and overemphasize their mental struggles to excuse catty behavior like constant egosearching and fighting

>> No.70873859

You should have emailed her, she loves it.

>> No.70873877

she might be a retarded gold digging stripper, but she's not pathetic enough to stalk /here/

>> No.70873943

I'm usually anti /here/ posting because its funny to be contrarian but now you guys are switching to it I'll have to start being a /here/ poster.

>> No.70873948

>not pathetic enough
Idk man have you seen her meltdowns? Theyre kinda hot desu

>> No.70874008

computer? she can barely get out of the bath
she is speedrunning old age

>> No.70874033

her meltdowns are over acted

>> No.70874077

its so stupid its funny aslong as it isnt spammed constantly
you lower your guard and it hits like a truck each time

>> No.70874158

funny post

>> No.70874171

From now on I'm an anti since she's here and will read my posts
Shondo isnt entertaining and I think she should grow tits and drop the cunny act, she would make a better hag
She should also do a thighcam because its really offensive that she hasn't yet and is upsetting to minorities

>> No.70874263

Can't blame her. I want the monkey to dance and make noise, she sure does

>> No.70874279

Shondo you said you would go to sleep.

>> No.70874280

not convincing enough. you have to talk about other vtubers and how great their tits are

>> No.70874341

i want to impregnate shondo so her completely flat chest grows the smallest of breasts for me to play with

>> No.70874396

if by some miracle she got pregnant her nipples would eclipse each other

>> No.70874434

pale poster

>> No.70874433

since you insist cause it does look that way:
it's something i handle comfortably, it's really not something anyone needs to worry about for me and i don't want anyone to. there's no sympathy to be had or trauma to be dumped, i just want to be honest and clear about it.

>> No.70874502

you could just shut the fuck up instead

>> No.70874536

I think shondo should have tits the size of milky's, or at the absolute smallest shylily, she has already branched out through the pedo market, there's no more people in that community to advertise to, unless she starts swinging around a fat pair of honkers and bring in the normies

>> No.70874589

i'll make it happen, making her happy is my life goal

>> No.70874639

she's not tired of cunnyposting and she loves annoying the fuck out of people so she'd start a new indietuber instead

>> No.70874654

Shadowmama would have debuted already but Shondo won't let her because she is afraid that she will be surpassed and left behind.

>> No.70874660
File: 75 KB, 300x250, 1682687475927112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love my idiot baby wife

>> No.70874715

yep that's the plan, stuff like it worth explaining at least once though

>> No.70874780

her mom has a better voice but that's only because she's not pretending to be a retarded child on the internet

>> No.70874796

You guys are attracted to a child

>> No.70874831

no, i'm attracted to a childish mid 20s english woman

>> No.70874857

The fact that this is true is both funny and sad

>> No.70874873


>> No.70874887

she's not a child she's only pretending to be a retarded unfunny loli to piss people off and make money

>> No.70874918

no she is just finding the one
aka me

>> No.70874926


>> No.70874964

last for insane forsen reaction https://youtu.be/hoRX46MvY1k

>> No.70874994

she wants to be an oil prince's shitty cat

>> No.70875008


>> No.70875054


>> No.70875075

Shondo would make enough money for her whole family to retire by 2025 if she opened a fansly with a whale tier that offers a footjob

>> No.70875141
File: 1.57 MB, 960x1660, 105_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last for i love shondo and the actress who portrays her more than anything else in the world

>> No.70875163

last for my eternal and undying love for shondo

>> No.70875180

Thats a child

>> No.70875213

when lobotomy becomes legal I will enjoy this

>> No.70875311

no, thats fallenshadow who i love very much

>> No.70875315

Cannibalising shondo

>> No.70875365

out of 10

>> No.70875390

Forsen or babytime?

>> No.70875420

You love a child aka loli
You are either middle east or being monitored closely by feds

>> No.70875484
File: 160 KB, 960x1234, 1708032711782668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i love fallenshadow
i dont see why you struggle with this concept

>> No.70875498
File: 31 KB, 595x245, shondie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dumb bitch is gonna die just like toriyama cuz she's too menhera to see a fucking doctor
