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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70838624 No.70838624 [Reply] [Original]

What would it take for you to forgive Nijisanji?
The complete dissolution of NijiEN?
The public firing and overhaul of middle-management?
The acknowledgement and public remorse for what they allowed to happen to Sayu and Doki?
Nijisanji is the biggest corpo around and even has Sony's support but it's completely unfair how they're being entirely demonized for the mistakes some terminated members did.

>> No.70838660

total nijinigger death

>> No.70838775

hating niji pays well so no thanks.

>> No.70838808

I'm just sick of seeing them ruining my fun.
I can't even make a joke about a Hololive member without 50 ESLs calling me a Nijinigger.
I just want the EN branch to be dissolved, all NijiEN members to kill themselves and all discussion or mention of Nijisanji to be an autoban on /vt/

>> No.70838859

Maria needs to reveal roomie-"chan"'s gender.

>> No.70838923

you retards allowed tourists to flood in all because a 3dpd male was shitting on Nijisanji.

>> No.70838928

>The public firing and overhaul of middle-management?
>The acknowledgement and public remorse for what they allowed to happen to Sayu and Doki?

It's the minimum for them to atone for their fuck ups.
If they don't do that, it just means that they don't give a shit and that Riku is still stuck in his completely retarded short term gain view.

If nothing changes, they will end up completely dead at some point, maybe tomorrow, maybe this year, maybe in five years. But at some point, they will die.

>> No.70839309

I don't think it matters
Pretty sure maria is a bona-fide dyke
Or else she would have fallen in love with my comments already

>> No.70839536

No, that was r/4chan parrot
Some of you faggots worship that filipinx loser and then cry that this board is full of tourists

>> No.70839779
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Never forgetting nor forgiving
The company is trash
The """talent""" they employ are cunts
Thei fans are sub-human SEAfaggots who's have been a fucking plague on Hololive since fucking forever
They can fuck off and die

>> No.70840026

complete overhaul of contract and complete change of ownership and upper management composition, both of which are not gonna happen

>> No.70840174
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>Riku Tazumi steps down.
>Yoshitaka Fumoto is removed from the board of directors (picrel).
>An actual, proper investigation is conducted and anyone found to have engaged in gross misconduct is fired. This includes both middle managers, talents, or hybrids like Elira. This means Luca 100% gets canned.
>A public apology is issued to fans and the vtuber community at large. Anycolor commits to revising and updating it's contracts to be fair and reasonable.
I don't actually believe this will happen and I'm not certain it would be enough to save them from total Niji death but it's the floor for what's required.

>> No.70840284

Forgive them and then what? Continue to not watch any of their 500 low tier livers? Honestly don't care what happens to any of them at this point just want the shit show to reach it's climax then it's conclusion so I can see anything else be talked about.

>> No.70840341


>> No.70840711

Sister get this in your thought deprecated skull. I'll even dumb it down for you
Nijisanji EN = Burning Dumpster Fire
Graduated livers = Winning
Contracted livers = Seething and crying on being found about their true faces.
Nijisisters= Escaped Doxxsite mental asylum to 4chan to get ass blasted on each thread
4 channers = SEIG ZAION.

>> No.70840769

Literally just get rid of Enna. That's all it would take.

>> No.70840846


>> No.70840876

>sub-human SEAfaggots
But enough about holocucks

>> No.70840888

fuck elira but you can't cut a part of the cancer to cure a person. you gotta remove it as a completely in this case they gotta nuke Millie enna reimu vox and lastly elira

>> No.70840931
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Dissolve the entire of the EN branch. We don't care about JP

>> No.70841022

this is not a hello games situation, anon. they burned the bridge, and the materials to make a new one with it. their only hope now is to appeal to whoever is left on their side of the divide; the audience that doesn't give a fuck about morals or drama, only the product. the fans who left will stay gone for good.

>> No.70841039

JP ? huh? niji even has a jp branch kek such a negligible company.

>> No.70841107

>mistakes terminated members did
The sooner your shitty community disappears the better

>> No.70841188

sisters never left the doxxsite. that is literly their nest.
but anyway
back to brownvtm with you, now. go on, shoo

>> No.70841193

I want the people responsible to admit their guilt and show some signs of actually wanting to atone for what they've done, whatever it actually was. Maybe they quit, maybe they have some kind of internal reform, I don't know. I'm not one to believe that someone can be truly irredeemable, but if you want forgiveness for your actions, you have to do something for it.

>> No.70842055

Turn NijiEN into a subsidiary

>> No.70842178

>The complete dissolution of NijiEN?
this, nijinigger.

>> No.70842870

>stock prices tank
>entire company gets bought by Yagoo
complete holo domination

>> No.70843056

I don't want Niji to die. I want them to survive and contain all you sisters, shit managers, shit organs, shit merch in one place. I don't want you bunch of cunts infesting other corpos or indie circles.
May your oshi stay in niji forever and all their superchats and memberships are paid for in ARS

>> No.70843109

but I want them to be NEGLIGIBLE

>> No.70843277

Actually follow through with the restructuring they promised, maybe if things get better after that I’ll respect them

>> No.70843571

They would have to be REALLY open and public about what they are changing or nobody is going to believe them
Livers going "everything is fine now, totally not forced to say this btw" is not going to cut it

>> No.70843627

All of the above, and a public statement that they will never do it again, by threat of full corporation dissolution.

>> No.70843660

I could write a milion reasons, but let's be real, nothing is gonna happen until the yachtphile steps down and stops fucking up.

>Riku steps down
>New CEO properly investigates EN and makes a proper clean up of those who broke the rules and bullied people.
>Offers everyone there who is clean a chance to graduate without conditions or redebut in a new EN branch.
>Properly apologizes for Sayu and Doki and shows respects for them by considering them "graduated".
>Fires all managers who clearly have fucked up and hires proper replacements.

At this point however it's way too late. They had unironically dozen chances to solve this peacefully, but aren't even able to admit their own mistakes. If they think they will be ever welcome back in the west, well, I hope they like filipino tampons because if we don't forgive we don't forget either.

>> No.70843694
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They can never be forgiven for what they've taken away

>> No.70843744

Them going after their own fans for harassment

>> No.70843766

Nijisanji most likely won't do it but they should replace EN management and completely update their corporate rules. They need to stop encouraging a toxic workplace where their vtubers are fighting each other like hungry animals. The problem is that most of the people in their EN branch are going lie and say that it was only an issue with the terminated livers so there is a good chance the only change will be making the NDA even more strict.

>> No.70843780

There is no way to save NijiEN it must die so some other group can grow.

>> No.70843811

You’d still be able to see a difference though, talents generally being more positive, less graduations, more projects and events not getting shitcanned, new gens that actually have a budget spent on advertising, theres been a very obvious difference in the management quality of NijiEN in the past year or so in particular.

>> No.70843850

Unconditional release of contract for

Executed by guillotine

Everyone else is tried publicly for crimes against vtubing.
Every NDF sister is executed by firing squad.

JP side unaffected.

>> No.70843983

They should just step back from the EN market entirely. Theyre clearly not equipped to operate internationally if that esl translated contract is anything to go by.
Just focus on funneling more people to Kuzuha or something.

>> No.70844060

Dissolve EN. Public apologies to Doki and Sayu.

>> No.70844146

>What would it take for you to forgive Nijisanji?
Tangible evidence that they are reformatting their internal structures and policies to create a healthy and supportive environment for their talent.

Which, at this point, is essentially asking them to become an entirely different company.
So I guess they just have to burn.

>> No.70844208
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Forgive? I thank them for letting Luna exist in my life.

>> No.70844210

>dissolve EN
>fire everyone involved with EN management
>hold a public execution of the clique
>apologize to Doki and adequately compensate her for everything she's endured
>fire nukes at FalseEyeD's house
>bring back Taka
>let Roa stream again

>> No.70844221

They must give Elira to me

>> No.70844342

Give all former and current EN talent their model and IP and close the branch ala Prism Project. They're so far gone that this is the only path to redemption.

>> No.70844394

JP on the contract too:

>> No.70844469

Let Selen hatefuck and impregnate Elira with her retarded dragon incest babies

>> No.70844621

>"Even if the contract isn't true, the fact people think Niji might actually do this means it's already over for them"
Sisters, strategy meeting at the usual place, now.

>> No.70845511

>Harry stepping down and replaced by someone that has business experience that knows how to encourage quality content.
>More than one manager per wave, and managers actually being competently trained instead of being middle-men that only know to relay to their supervisors, salary higher than minimum wage so that managers stay and turnover rate is lower.
>Changing the performer's income from being % only, to something like closer to a salary + commission.

>> No.70845562

elira footjob with facesitting

>> No.70845590

So is picrel an actual vtuber?

>> No.70845675

>Forgive Nijisanji

>> No.70845769


>> No.70845817

I want to call you a newfag but i guess I'm just old. Gibara was in niji from 2019 to 2021

>> No.70845836

Friend had to kill her

>> No.70845856

>>70845511 (me)
I forgot to mention
>Nijisanji changing to be a talent agency where they actually work with talents to make connections and sponsorship deals
No wonder the managers are currently so few and incompetent when their job is to only wag their fingers without actually doing any work.

>> No.70845870

Nui comes to my house and gives me paizuri

>> No.70845945

What happened with KR anyway? The only one i still see streaming is roha.

>> No.70846305

>What would it take for you to forgive Nijisanji?
good content
some girl could be slaving away in utter misery off screen but if she was having fun on stream i would tune in and enjoy it.

though i dont think anybody still in niji en can produce good content unless its more negative drama. the ones who had potential too are phoning it in at this point and i dont blame them. if you try to make good content you get fired and put in debt doing so.
at the same time theyve completely fucked over the talent pool so nobody new will come in an save it.

>> No.70846619

>The public firing and overhaul of middle-management?
This plus Riku resigning as CEO. Nijis problems are a byproduct of their business model and penny pinching and slashing costs beyond what's reasonable. To be serious for a moment here you actually need managers to manage talent in order to maximize the talents potential profit in a sustainable long term. You actually need to do mediation between talents for operations to run smooth. You actually need to give them incentive to create and sell merch. You actually need a decent legal team to review and negotiate contracts. If your CEO would rather play games with the stock market and maximize short term profits blindly without a realisticly long term plan you don't really have a chance to fix those issues, he's just gonna keep hiring minimum wage undergraduates to screw up and pretend they are doing anything to keep scamming vtubers out of superchat/membership and merch money.

>> No.70846799
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>What would it take for you to forgive Nijisanji?
unconditional surrender

>> No.70847558

>Kill NijiEN brand
>Nijisisters mass suicide
>Apologize for all the bs these past years
>Riku live sudoku in his yatch
>Anycolor is officially dead
>Maimoto total recovery
>Graduation to all NijiJP except Hayama, Ars, Shiba, Debiru and Maimoto
>Cover hire remaining organs
>Lulu returns
>Korone, Debiru and Lulu collabs
>Maimoto, Subaru and Ui collabs
>Hayama, Ars and Nene collabs
>happy end

>> No.70847634

Live execution of Elira, Enna and Millie ISIS-style.

>> No.70847678


>> No.70847705

i miss otogibara...

>> No.70847728


>> No.70847791

thread theme

>> No.70847916

>even has Sony's support
Oh no. Definitely dead.

>> No.70848049

If the company shuts down and stops poisoning vtubing, I think we may be able to let it go. Until then they stink up our hobby with their toxic fans, unethical talents and exploitative management style.

Vtubing would be better off if they left the industry. They can go into selling insurance like the other corporate scammers, it fits their style better.

>> No.70848187

fippity bippity

>> No.70849081

Elira sucking Doki's cock

>> No.70849310

can someone update the list?

>> No.70849401

Fippy bippy

>> No.70849701


>> No.70849756

Ogey, Nijinigger

>> No.70850131

There's a lot of good streamers in Niji EN. The problem I have is that any money I sent their way would go to Nijisanji the corporation. I am a merch buyer. Niji merch is shit and it all goes to the company and not the talent. Whenever I think of the way they treated Selen or Pomu, I go into a seething rage. My solution was to not interact with Niji as a whole ever again. No need to seethe if I unsub and block them. There was a point where I watched more Niji than Holo. That time is gone. Half the people I watched from Niji left and badmouthed the company on the way out. I believe them more than people contractually obligated to protect the company. Back when Zaion was fired, I believed Finana about the allegations. I don't anymore because of the consistent way Niji deals with things. Slander, drag through coals, and not allowing any response. Now we learn they contractually fuck the talents that get fired too. My solution is to kill off the company.

>> No.70853657

I dont watch NijiEN so rather than forgive, what would make me stop seeing them as the Black company they are is an acknowledgement that the termination announcements of Zaion and Selen were an attempt at character assassination, apologize about that, promise it will never happen again and that they have actually taken steps to improve their management policies.

>> No.70853698

How does Nijisanji have worse rigging than 1view indies?

>> No.70853799

A bare minimum spent on their talents means big profit margins reported to investors.

>> No.70853824

I would like for them to get out of vtubing.

>> No.70853828
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>for the mistakes some terminated members did.
You are confused. The clique is still in Nijisanji. And Upper management is just as responsible for allowing their branch to degrade into an anime adaptation Lord of the Flies, sonething which is implicitly stipulated in their contract I might add.

>> No.70853962

Good take. This would be a powerful move to show they are dead serious. And Riku would get to keep his yacht.

>> No.70854761

This is not Reddit. Fucking niggersfaggots normalfaggots redditors.

>> No.70855100

>fool me once, fool me twice, fool me for the 100th time
no forgiving

>> No.70855281

Riku has to resign and a new competent ethical CEO has to take his place.

>> No.70855436

This so badly, we all want Riku to get out. Even if he takes the golden parachute.

>> No.70856067

>The complete dissolution of NijiEN?
It wouldn't make me forgive them, but it is, realistically, the best case scenario. Everyone in there would be so much better off under any other corpo and many would make more cash as indis even with the smaller draw (save Elira who can never work in media again, for better or worse). It'd also make all the other corpos take notice that they can't get away with abusing their talents.

Less realistically:
- All new contracts, publicly posted.
- Firing anyone even suspected of being clique.
- Sack Yuki for violating Article 15 - 1.1 (viii)
- All new management, who have experience and real wages (not high schoolers).
- Massive donation to a random suicide prevention charity. (Don't care if it's grift.)
- Free online professional therapy for everyone.
- Play buttons for everyone.
- Public apology to Doki, and never running up any major events in her time slot ever again.
- Public apology to Pomu and Zaion.
- Regular raids on Doki and Zaion.
- A cookie for Yugo.

>> No.70856494

I don't know if I can forgive Nijisanji so easily. To do something like that would come only after Anycolor spends months or more than a year to demonstrate that are willing to own up and learn from their mistakes. From their sleazy exploitational contracts where you either go on their terms or else they slander you (and even then there's nothing stopping them from slandering you if you sign it), to how ambitious talents like Pomu and Selen were essentially neglected and left to wither on the vine, to how the branch is essentially an anarchist state where favoritism grants you immunity from the rules, to how poorly mishandled the branch became circa 2022. Pomu sunk money into her Year 1 Lazulight anniversary project with no support, meanwhile Luxiem got a "half anniversary" with a full on channel and a whole original song dedicated to them. It was frustrating to watch, I took breaks and somewhat came back around late 2023, but this year was the last straw.
Like sure, its good that Petra and maybe Rosemi will get their 3Ds soon and it is a step in the right direction. But why did it take their stock price dropping and more than a month of bad PR to get them to finally do this?

>> No.70856692

Give them as much shit as you can, that one was literally not their fault. They shouldn't have bought out a company without understanding or looking deeply into it, blame them for that retardation, but they didn't bully her or anyone else out and promptly executed the entire brach shutting it down soon after learning about Uiha's bastard sister's control over it.

>> No.70856875

Fold the branch, releasing everyone, let them keep their channels and IPs.

They'll sink or swim of their own accord after that, but there's no way to forgive them as long as this branch survives. Eventually, it's going to destroy every one of their careers and sooner or later, get someone killed, either by suicide or murder, seeing as how the management is so eager to put their talents on the firing line to deflect blame away from themselves as well as eager to set talents against one another. When that finally happens it'll fuck the whole industry, so the sooner this shit show is closed, the better.

>> No.70857500

The fundamental problem is that Anycolor is facing a Catch-22 with NijiEN, in that the number of talents they would need to fire to get rid of the toxic culture in the branch would a) leave the branch with very little revenue remaining and b) not really improve normalfags' opinion of the organisation, since firings are always bad optics. So, they're not going to fire the toxic members, and so the branch is doomed to continue decaying due to their toxicity. There's no escape for Anycolor because of all the previous bad decisions they made.
While some small corpos like Prism might do that, I think Anycolor is too greedy; they didn't release IPs when other branches folded either.

>> No.70857708

I think monetary compensation for Doki and Sayu is also necessary. Their actions have definitely hurt their wallets

>> No.70858043

Nah It's fun seeing mentally ill anons seethe about Niji anti threads.

Especially if it disrupts their boring Myth and Advent spam.

>> No.70858236

It'd be a nice additional gesture, but Doki's laughing all the way to the bank and Sayu has the qualifications to make a lot more money doing something else, and used to, but chooses not to. Thus I think the public apology is more important, while the raids would serve better as compensation.

>> No.70858285

ang tanging makapagpatawad sa Nijisanji ay ang pagbitin kay MIllie nang patiwarik sa billboard sa EDSA

>> No.70858302

Riku committing seppuku on stream would be a start.

>> No.70858323
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>> No.70859302

Niji is a 2 billion dollar company, they can send them some cash on top of the two you mentioned. I don't even think raiding them would help because Nijisisters are staunchly anti-Doki/Sayu now and even if Anycolor apologized these lunatics will still hate them

>> No.70859359

qrd on what you said about finana?

>> No.70860142

Naked dogeza from every bully towards everyone they harmed
Weird how Japanese culture is about apologizing, but we haven't heard a peep from the EN side

>> No.70860400

Maybe restructure your fucking contracts so you aren't literally raping your talents and then going full koukai benjou if they try to escape.

>> No.70860690
File: 267 KB, 585x564, Barganing [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fkx0tqp.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've fapped to some fucked up doujin and even I think Nijirape is too much.

>tfw I made this soundpost as a joke but now it has become real 3 years later...

>> No.70861154

Finana just made a short comment about how she didn't take her advice and thus was "gaslighting" her... Clearly not quite understanding what "gaslighting" means.

Not nearly as bad as Hex and Kotoka, though the latter seemed to regret it later.

>> No.70861612

Hex's comments are really weird to me. It's not like they hung out often and even then Sayu doesn't come off as a person who would crack rape jokes privately. My gut reaction is that he's making some stuff up and using her termination as an opportunity to virtue signal and farm clout

>> No.70861692

he was often in her chat, they would just call each other names though

>> No.70862547

Fucking kill yourself please

>> No.70862729

It's classic virtue signaling and corporate suck up.

>> No.70863234

The horrible fanbase is tied directly to the Livers who are most heavily implicated in the bad stuff going on at the company. If you get rid of them, you get rid of that fanbase. There are plenty of "normal" Niji fans, but they have been fleeing for the exits (look at the revenue chart some anons have been posting in other threads about Enna's streams, showing heavy reliance on China for income).

The point of Nijisanji EN is to appeal to the Western markets which Hololive has currently captured. There is no reason Niji shouldn't be able to compete, but first you have to actually re-orient the content back to Western audiences and stop baiting Chinese fujos who then chase off everyone else with their psychotic behavior when they get in the door.

>> No.70863262

Pretty much. Its not like NijiEN was in the position where they could over what was morally right or not even back then. Now its even more difficult to take them seriously if they try and back some serious movement or not.

>> No.70865870
File: 391 KB, 573x686, Black_Company_Slayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count with me ONE, TWO, THREE
How many LIVERS can you RECRUIT?
How many turns you plan to last?
How many TERMINATIONS you need?

So DON’T you stop
My fires from BURNING your everyday
You and your BLACK CORPO are nothing but temporary
For when I win
And I shall win
And I shall win
Yes, I shall win your ONE-SIDED GAME

>> No.70866052
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Add Luca to the execution list. That shithead got away with too much crap that should have gotten his ass terminated.

>> No.70866148

I didn't care about Niji before this year and I don't see that changing even if they get competent managers. I've watched maybe one NijiEN stream and several collabs with vtubers I actually like. There's nothing to really forgive, I just dun like em, simple as.

>> No.70866185
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Or we'd have another Aster Luca collab.

>> No.70866682

>Purge incompetent management staff
>internal investigation into all management and livers for misconduct
>Purge livers that are guilty of misconduct, even if they lose most of their livers this will be a necessary evil to start anew
>restructure the liver management teams
>get actual managers in and pay their proper salaries
>actually reinvest profits into the company, new infrastructure, new projects, original songs, etc etc
>actually fund the projects of the livers, even if partially
>reimburse the livers that has to fly to Japan
>better contracts for all livers
>livers should be paid a base salary+a variable component made up of SC, merch sales, etc as opposed to the status quo
>have strong support staff for the livers both for events and for things like taxes or advising them on purchasing hardware
Probably a few more things, but fixing Nijisanji's problems and reputation will have to be a long term plan. Viewers won't be convinced that things have changed immediately, time will be needed to show them that things have changed.
Also, more importantly, Riku and the other high management will have to be willing to fork out the money to spend on all the new staff/projects. The investors will be pissed of course, but to right the ship they will have to make the jump.

>> No.70866695

Precisely because they killed Gibara I'll never forgive them.

>> No.70866810

>they killed Gibara

>> No.70866834

I don't think it's about forgiving anymore. The remaining livers' (Decent Person)/(Human Trash) ratio is getting worse and worse. If you think it's a shitshow right now, you're not ready to see what'll become of NijiEn in one year.

>> No.70866944

>killed Gibara.
Stop saying this. Gibara was not fired. She quit according to her accord. If you are really her fan, then watch her.

>> No.70867847

>>70866834 (me)
Speaking of, if you're very familiar with these, where do they belong? Haven't watched enough / can't make up my mind about them.

Meloco, Ver, Vezalius, Vanta, Kunai, Claude, Finana, Petra

>> No.70868266

Claude's a hanamori, do not trust.
Petra has shown remorse towards the current state of NijiEN on her PL account.
Vanta just wants to do his shit without drama. He doesn't have any big yabs to speak of and he's pretty chill.
Meloco is ESL. I don't think she's done anything wrong. Wants to be NijiJP badly.
I don't watch Ver and Bandage enough.
Finana's probably a satellite at worst.
Doppio is a Sayu soldier and they follow each other's PL.

>> No.70868519

(me) personally I just want NijiEN to dissolve at this point and have the good remaining livers spread out across the next few companies. Maybe poach Doppio and Vanta for StarsEN and Petra for Holo, absorb Meloco into NijiJP.

>> No.70868724

>The point of Nijisanji EN is to appeal to the Western markets which Hololive has currently captured. There is no reason Niji shouldn't be able to compete
Worst part is, they WERE competing with HoloEN fine at the start. They just kept shooting themselves in the foot with all the minor drama, content that are offputting to regular people, poor management, etc etc. To the point they're a shadow of what they were.
HoloEN had a slow growth with Council(now Promise), but they did well to right their ship and now Promise is a strong pillar like Myth is.

NijiEN don't have to emulate HoloEN entirely. NijiEN is in a good position to bring something different to the table. There is much to be learned from what HoloEN IS and ISN'T doing.
If the liver(s) want a concert, Niji management should do their best to make one happen, 3D debuts, etc. If the liver(s) don't want to sing and dance, then of course their 3D debut(if any) can be of lower priority.
Niji's strength is in their large number of varied livers, some of them can be esports streamers that don't need 3D streams, some of them can be singers(which would need 3D for concerts), some of them can be zatsu streamers, etc etc. They don't need to fit ALL their livers into the same mold like Hololive does(and Hololive is able to produced varied content in spite of that, Botan has her ramen review streams, Raden has her art streams, etc). Most important is that the livers are able to produce content and get support if needed.

>> No.70868867

I don't claim she got fired, they killed her because they killed her drive to stream anymore.

>> No.70869293

Completely dissolve EN, with all livers terminated rather than absorbing the branch.
Riku publicly livestreams his own seppuku.

>> No.70871185

I will forgive them when notGibara and notGundou didn't say they met in prison

>> No.70872290


>> No.70874980


>> No.70875053
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>> No.70875120

Bring back Crossick

>> No.70875586
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>back to brownvtm with you, now. go on, shoo

>> No.70876125

Force all of NijiEN into JAV using Riku's yacht. Elira and her clique naked dogezas. Nothing less.

>> No.70876252

I still am processing the fact that we started the whole shit ever since zaion's termination, exploded with selen's termination, we got confirmation of multiple shit that were rrats before (The Clique), then we got the leaked employment contract and silencing contract, and now we're finding out that one person at high command (board of directors) have a protegee (Luca).

We've been just escalating each time, i cant even fathom what could be next, hard hint that the embezzlement rrat is real?

>> No.70876471

>high command (board of directors)
Fun fact. Japanese company often sent their worst workers to oversea.

>> No.70876731

I Kneel!!

>> No.70876803


>> No.70876917

>debuted her 3d model to great fanfare and earns alot of money
>gets a recording contract
>graduates 1 year later
Seeing the contract they have to sign, it now makes sense why she quit

>> No.70876931

anon, parrot is Columbian...
go study geography please, might help to know there's not only esl in the planet

>> No.70876941
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fpbp. Vox Akuma getting charged for grooming minors would be nice too.

>> No.70877196

Real answer: a western company that fucks up this hard would at least need to blame the problems on some people and fire them. Doesn't have to be talent, they can scapegoat some staff as being the source of the problem.

Now that will stop the bleeding but won't really repair it. The quickest way to repair their reputation is to do something for the people that were harmed the most by their shit (Sayu and Doki mainly, but also un-cancelling projects for remaining talent would be nice). I'll get called a dookieturd for suggesting this but it's not about Sayu or Doki, giving reparations to the victims of their crimes is the best way to show repentence and actually making things right by action when their word is already worthless.

The NDF response is "they can't admit to liability" but that's not a valid argument. Lawyer guy and Sayu herself have stated that suing Niji is not an option because it is prohibitively expensive and Niji would just bleed them dry of money. Their existing contract is already completely unenforceable overseas so with no risk of legal action, you may as well attempt to salvage some public reputation by doing something to help the victims.
If they won't do this out of pride then the company deserves to burn for their arrogance.

>> No.70879155

This is why Hololive is better.

>> No.70879592

sorry but every black company needs to be taken down ASAP

>> No.70882128

Then start with Hololive

>> No.70882268

Bring back Aloe and Mel

>> No.70883520


>> No.70883560

Riku Tazumi committing seppukku live on stream.

>> No.70884322

>We've been just escalating each time, i cant even fathom what could be next, hard hint that the embezzlement rrat is real?
Don't forget Reimu PL was part of a gay pedo grooming circle.

>> No.70884337

The whole thing is a cesspool, from the management, the organs, all the way down to the fanbase.
It's would not only be a good thing for the vtubing industry if it dies, but it would be good for the stockholm syndrome ex-organs, as they would actually make bank from their activities.

>> No.70884363

some of them unironically deserve to get raped in jail

>> No.70884520

The fuck?

>> No.70884757

Have fun >>70872968

>> No.70885044

I used to think the "there was an attempt" tweet was just a coincidence, but now I'm pretty sure it was intentional. NijiENs are disgusting people. The whole branch needs to be gassed.

>> No.70885394

The sisters are trying hard to bury inconvenient posts, but it will come to light soon again, trust the plan.

>> No.70885451

She's a sassy latina. The chances of it being accidental is slim.

>> No.70885685

>hehe they will never find out the real meaning
>reads recent posts on /vt/

>> No.70885923
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>> No.70885936

That the mods yesterday deleted two threads talking about it and also some of the posts including the links just makes it seem like they want to bury the topic, the same way that the link to the post detailing the controversies surrounding Vox's PL are automatically blocked by the board. If they are burying this so hard, it just makes the claims sound more and more legit.
As for people asking for the tweets where Reimu's PL was harassing the kid, I think they have long been deleted to save face and put the narrative in her favor. It also doesn't help that the kid's account has been eliminated.

>> No.70885945


>> No.70885974

sisters infiltrated mods???

>> No.70886016

Working on it as we speak

>> No.70886058

You were given the option to coexist with
And most of you choose the latter
Now enjoy coexisting with those niggers who think being edgy is the way to fit in kek

>> No.70886097

I have the theory that at least 1 or 2 mods in this board are pro-Nijisanji or at least they are paid from time to time to delete posts that make the company look worse.

>> No.70886109

What do you call people who collab and are friends with those cunts?

>> No.70886161

sisters are tourists, redditors, dramafags and normalfags though

>> No.70886164

Based on the Nijisanji contract, betrayers.

>> No.70886178
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>> No.70886244

>Discussion about Reimu controversy
>Deflection posts start turning up again
How convenient.
Save all the Reimu stuff.
Imagine Kindrones aligning with Reimu to save their precious corpo rumao.

>> No.70886256

contract transparency
public apologies to ex-livers
Monetary restitution to relevant parties

public breakdown of how the controversies occured
firing of culpable parties

Nijisanji making good on their anti-harrassment pledge and going after dangerous Sisters
Rescind doujin restrictions
Opening a sextuber branch

>> No.70886264

Ha Yun, Nari, Nagi and Suha that are still active too. Hari can be sporadic and Hada only streams when she wants to.
With the exception of Mia (whose reincarnation disappeared for a year but has recently returned), all ex-KR members from the last graduation wave still stream. Other than Yami/On, they've all gone their own ways though. I miss the random Twitch guerilla collabs they used to have with each other.

>> No.70886738

oh my god yes. then we can just throw up the vox reimu date hate and ask why they're defending her. This'll be hilarious.

>> No.70889112

calm down brzzcode

>> No.70891225

Please don't torture kindred like that. That's just sadism.

>> No.70894627

