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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70843718 No.70843718 [Reply] [Original]

vr hate edition edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: TBA

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>70805175

>> No.70843773
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>> No.70843789

Blame the software, not the user.
I wish Shondo would take more time and care in preparing these collabs.

>> No.70843797

Thanks for fixing the non-working part, but you missed the schedule

>> No.70843835
File: 303 KB, 719x587, 1692377578882101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 hours is not enough time

>> No.70843866

AAAAAAAAAA I FORGOR because i also fixed the ribbon in the image

schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1765161383220416574

>> No.70843870


>> No.70843884

Not having your shit together a full 24 hours before the time of a large collab is unprofessional.

>> No.70843934


>> No.70843941
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WTF? Doesn't even look like her.

>> No.70843995

shondo in my arms giving her moral support

>> No.70844011

Yeah she's so lazy how dare she only spend 6 hours setting up for the stream, I'd better suggest she try verifying the game's cache or reinstalling it!
I'm sorry you think she should kick her sisters out of the bedroom, move around the furniture, skip a stream and spend a full 24 hours testing and making sure everything works? Kek

>> No.70844027

She has the most stupid and unhelpful community I ever seen. Instead of trying to help her you guys are getting mad at others and posting about how depressed you are that this is happening.

>> No.70844042

>spend a full 24 hours testing
Oh, you are just mentally stunted.

>> No.70844069


>> No.70844072

Going to swap to gartic now, I hope shondo will be able to join and tough it out

>> No.70844079

the creator of VRChat or SteamVR could be posting in her twitter feed or chat and she wouldn't listen so we're doing the only productive thing we can

>> No.70844116

>Yeah she's so lazy how dare she only spend 6 hours setting up for the stream, I'd better suggest she try verifying the game's cache or reinstalling it!
you're so right, whatever issue she had was LITERALLY impossible to solve, just like every other issue she has, whether it's a tech issue or an issue with a boss in dark souls. literal impossibilities lurking behind every corner, despite it working just fine for every other person on the planet. woe is fucking me, holy shit.

>> No.70844140

Anon you do realize that unless she left her full setup ready to go which involves moving furniture around her bedroom and having base stations on tripods which take up the whole of the floor space remaining, also with cables everywhere, this is not possible?

>> No.70844153

Pot, meet kettle. You're not helping by being a shogger Karen.

>> No.70844159
File: 49 KB, 218x133, 1703583656026698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here i thought mods weren't supposed to get extra privileges? how interesting

>> No.70844165

imagine if you put as much effort into anything else in your life as you do into being a cunt here

>> No.70844171

RIGHT? i think its the hair
shondo swears its brown but shondo's brown is not a brown i've ever seen in my life

>> No.70844189

all the spelling bee training should be paying off for you guys in basedas stream right now

>> No.70844216

anon you do know she can execute vr chat without the headset set up to make sure the software is working right?

>> No.70844218

I mean it's brown, just not the vtuber model. lol

>> No.70844228

if you make the mistake of suggesting something she has already tried she will get passive-aggressive

>> No.70844245

orange has serious competition

>> No.70844249

ye shes a side hoe now

>> No.70844270

oh right of course

>> No.70844285

>grrr how could you underestimate me like that
>the problem ends up being something she tried except incorrectly

>> No.70844287

unironically wtf

>> No.70844294

Why in the fuck would she anticipate that the game just won't launch through steam? This is something I've never seen before and I've had steam since 2007.

>> No.70844305

>sometimes it's hard to communicate with you guys because it feels like i have to walk on egg shells because you don't like cuck jokes or being made fun of for being short
>says the wrong well-meaning word to shondo
>proceeds to have a literal meltdown

>> No.70844313

its well known she has people added. for some reason he posted screenshots in sub chat in discord of her on his friends list playing LA noire during one of the last streams as some kinda weird flex or something

>> No.70844329


>> No.70844420

>suggesting the most innane, chatGPT solutions that come up on the first page of google in a condescending tone when she says she's been trying fixes for hours
>times that by 20 to account for the retards in chat
If I was drained emotionally and physically exhausted I'd be a lot meaner.

>> No.70844429

Some of the mods are also friends with FT's alt in case of an emergency.

>> No.70844445

this collab has been great

>> No.70844480

>Why in the fuck would she anticipate
it's her job to

>> No.70844503

if you treat your fans like shit you don't deserve any support. if someone says something you've already tried you can simply not respond to their message instead of being a catty fucking bitch about it. it's that simple.

>> No.70844551

i've seen this happen plenty of times and the solution has always been to just force close the exe through task manager because it's open in the background for some reason

>> No.70844579

Uh oh!!!

>> No.70844587

>like shit
If you don't want a catty response you shouldn't leave ridiculously obvious suggestions worded in the most bitchy way just so you can write a response to her
It's the worst thing about this fanbase and I'm surprised she hasn't told the retards to shut the fuck up with their retardation yet. ANY other vtuber would've, you're retarded.

>> No.70844592

she already restarted her computer several times you stupid cunt

>> No.70844628

abcs about to pop off

>> No.70844634

is everyone just having a meltdown now?

>> No.70844637

I might be wrong but I think this is the same mod who called her his wife when resubbing one time

>> No.70844642

except she spent 5 hours schlickni it because she didnt use task manager and kill vrchat.exe

>> No.70844648

Then how the fuck would rebooting the PC, updating the PC, reinstalling the app, all not fix it? That makes no sense you retard, jesus christ you are fucking dumb.

>> No.70844673

damn the groomers are trying to kill offline chat now but BASED tiddyman is taking the fight to them

>> No.70844717

I couldn't be here today what happened? how is the collab going?

>> No.70844725

How exactly would vrchat.exe be open if it's a fresh reinstall on a freshly restarted computer? Are you actually braindead?

>> No.70844736

soon as abcs calls in bapy to help its over for offline

>> No.70844747

its going great for everyone other than shondo

>> No.70844781

Thank you anon. I feel bad for Shonshon

>> No.70844804

worked for her dumbass haha

>> No.70844819

I would love offline chat to die only for tuffnarr to shut up for once. i can tolerate him here but using it as /shon/ lite is extremely cringe

>> No.70844822

you're right guys, her problem just can't be fixed. it's actually LITERALLY impossible. just throw your hands up in the air because it's actually literally over. there's literally nothing you can do. LITERALLY. it's impossible. nothing can be done at this point. VRchat just died forever. streaming just died forever. oh my god, i hope technology will be revived one day.

>> No.70844835

What are you actually even saying? No it didn't.

>> No.70844910

Shondo had last minute plans and has been posting via her phone this whole time. I wonder what she's actually up to right now

>> No.70844917

Holy shit what a fucking trainwreck. i feel bad for her and you guys are making it infinitely worse by being so needy, stop making her problems yours, just let me sperg out on twitter in peace Smile

>> No.70844922

Why are you replying

>> No.70844945

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.70844956 [DELETED] 
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>> No.70844954

Why do you type like a woman? Nobody said that. She's spent hours trying to fix it and will doubtedly fix it again. She's physically and mentally exhausted as well as upset, and the only suggestions are retarded shit she's already done. Why are your panties so twisted? Do you have no empathy, understanding, or logic in you whatsoever? Let her recharge and she'll figure it out. "Verify game integrity!!!" is not a good solution just because you're a needy bitch who needs your 5 second attention fix from her or else you'll throw your toddler tantrum

>> No.70844966

please be nise Smile

>> No.70845003

nope, it's impossible to fix. it can't be. because she's cursed. because the universe hates her. it's over and we'll never get another VRchat stream because her computer literally can't be fixed. there's no way out of this. at all. literally. nothing can be done. nothing. literally nothing. forever and ever.

>> No.70845021

you wont sully klubposters with this

>> No.70845026

let me know when she joins gartic

>> No.70845061

you're right white knights, the world revolves around shondo, and when something doesn't work for her, it means there are no solutions, none. any problems she discovers are completely unique to her because she's the protagonist of this world.

>> No.70845072

be nise to tiddyman

>> No.70845089


>> No.70845097

why is that cup so big

>> No.70845148

no wonder he tried banning 2 of her biggest whales and got called literally who by her, he's a manchild

>> No.70845156

It's an 8oz cup she just has small hands
The merch cup was the exact same in her hand and it's the size of my palm

>> No.70845164

i hope tiddyman sticks around, he isnt a yesman he can be the wedge to break open the fortress of the groomers

>> No.70845172
File: 2.82 MB, 3840x2160, YOU_eschedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I'm not going home to my crying wife.

>> No.70845178

>pouting instead of joining soya for her last ever collab
do i have the white knights' permission to be disappointed in my wife's behavior?

>> No.70845215

i thought that was photoshopped for a second because of how absurd it looked

>> No.70845226

do whatever you want, we will whiteknight or anti at our own discretion

>> No.70845232

Nobody said she wasn't joining? But she said her room wasn't arranged in a way she can use her PC right now, she's likely rearranging it

>> No.70845241

Did nina say shondo might not join?

>> No.70845247

she has very smol hands please understand

>> No.70845259

maybe watch nina's stream? retard

>> No.70845296

try being nise instead of being disappointed in our wife Smile

>> No.70845299

She is "pouting" because she literally can't join because she isn't at her computer like she says she is. VR Chat will be "fixed" next time.

>> No.70845309

she wants to be a fleshtuber so bad shes such a tease

>> No.70845406

she literally had a meltdown on twitter because she'd never be able to interact with soya on stream anymore. she gets one last chance to do it, and she refuses to because she's pouting because of a tech issue. i'm sorry, i'm gonna be disappointed. she has the emotional maturity of a toddler sometimes.

>> No.70845426

But she deosn't have to stream. She could play gartic on her laptop

>> No.70845454

she's out of the house doing other things bro

>> No.70845479

About the 6 hour thing, she wasnt even awake at 12EST. How does that number make sense?

>> No.70845544

This, the tweet was recorded in advance
Shes in da klub

>> No.70845554

Why are you all freaking out when they said she's going to join? Let her prepare ffs, her room's set up for VR
She was online at 2pm GMT. Wtf do you mean awake at 12EST? That's 5pm dumbchama

>> No.70845552
File: 656 KB, 2048x1548, 1702974022277419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey repsfag, would you mind not posting everything you find /here/?

>> No.70845561

that ain't me, if someone is being obviously mean /here/ it's not me. i try to be nise here too

>> No.70845598

>Entire thread is anti shit and doxxposts again
Every thread lately is like this

>> No.70845618

She's moving her room back you idiot, she said she can't use her PC at the moment. I doubt her laptop is set up with her mic or model and ready to go instantly. Why do you have to flame her before she has the chance to prove herself? Nobody said she wasn't joining, they're literally doing this so she can.

>> No.70845642

Yeah she wasnt even on at 2 either lol

>> No.70845652

Stop replying you fucking retard goddamn

>> No.70845673

that’s not nise, there was literally nothing she could have done, the entire situation it out of her control. how was she supposed to know there would be tech issues.
maybe next time instead of getting upset with her you could be miser and let her know you understand how she feels just like i did.

>> No.70845703

Genuine anti thread, wtf

>> No.70845716

yeah its really rude of her to force them to make all these accomodations just cuz shes taking a lil day trip

>> No.70845765

>just like i did
shondo gtfo, this isn't the time to post /here/

>> No.70845767

why not?

>> No.70845799

its not dox

>> No.70845811

What makes you say that? She does physical setup before software. Her PC was on at 3pm so she was done with physical setup before then, and I saw her online on discord around 1:30. Do you just make this shit up because you don't think anyone verifies this shit?

>> No.70845835

I presumed you care about her well-being, if you don't just ignore my posts.

>> No.70845858

>how was she supposed to know there would be tech issues.
try launching the program at some point before today?

>> No.70845875

it was deleted its dox retard

>> No.70845882

the only reps i care about are the private ones i had in messages
those are the moments only i can claim. you will never get them.

>> No.70845883

1:30 is after 12

>> No.70845888

Your narrative is going to HATE hearing this: she organized this collab
Why would a program she's used countless times suddenly refuse to launch? Think

>> No.70845913

I figured he was a troll alt trying to bait people into getting banned

>> No.70845940

she isn’t a mind reader, how would it working before mean anything now since it doesn’t work today

>> No.70845943

its deleted because its against board rules, not because its doxxing

>> No.70845957

12pm EST is 5pm GMT dumbchama. 1:30pm GMT is earlier than 12pm EST. Stupid?

>> No.70845976

Then, why did she duck out of it the last minute
BPD behavior

>> No.70845986

i mean she deleted it where she originally posted it

>> No.70846033

She wasnt on until 1 though, youre just lying

>> No.70846050 [DELETED] 

that's really her? i saved it ages ago but i was hoping she wouldnt have done the ethot heart under eye thing

>> No.70846100

Stop covering for her Xive.

>> No.70846102

Please understand, she isn't a fleshtuber but still wants to provide a bit of service.

>> No.70846103

even if he was dont get baited? the mods need to monitor offline chat if its going to be up, thats the reason it was shut down in the first place

>> No.70846116

>faggots rtx looping again
is it really that hard to not be fucking retards posting it everywhere and keep it to yourself?

>> No.70846130

dm me ;)

>> No.70846167

This fucking community is complete cancer

>> No.70846171

White knights will literally bend time and space to defend Shondo on 4chan.
syadouYay in chat and I will give you my archive

>> No.70846223

fans reflect the vtuber

>> No.70846227


>> No.70846234
File: 1.37 MB, 991x828, 1696265945385533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Shondo's friends is anyone else excited for Shondo to show up?

>> No.70846238

yeah, i cant wait for shondo to get rid of the groomers, yesmen and doxxers so only boobros, snackers and tiddyman are left

>> No.70846259

she is only a stripper, give her some slack

>> No.70846298

damn nina is dunking on shondo's type

>> No.70846303

Nothing he did was in need of being monitored, he literally just made a joke and then all the groom squad immediately pounced on him. He did nothing wrong. Justice for Tiddyman.

>> No.70846307


>> No.70846309

I'm emotionally exhausted, if she shows up and sounds okay I'm going to bed.

>> No.70846336

What did she say? Kek

>> No.70846341
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xive is actually fucking weird

>> No.70846349

Nina’s actually super hot, I’ve never watched her before

>> No.70846358

Chaddyman runs this shit

>> No.70846361

i've been watching soya, what did Nina say?

>> No.70846377

i hope she doesn't show up so i can keep talking to neeners

>> No.70846389

told you. really dont get why that needed to be posted at all

>> No.70846409

he felt threatened by S and that's why he banned him. he's knows he's losing the race.

>> No.70846411

She said it's stupid when a girl only cares about a guy being tall

>> No.70846430
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>> No.70846435

groomer mods won't ever stop being a problem sadly

>> No.70846458

Shondo has said the exact same thing before newchama...

>> No.70846470

Why do you guys keep making sexually inciting OPs featuring your sexually immature oshi?

>> No.70846473
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>> No.70846496

i feel bad for her honestly, she deserves better Smile

>> No.70846499

Because shes sexy

>> No.70846504

I'm emailing this to Shondo.

>> No.70846514

Bapy, go after him

>> No.70846532


>> No.70846554

She said that only after seeing people being upset that she said she likes guys taller than her.

>> No.70846595

i wish she didnt hate her own accent

>> No.70846600

There are guys shorter than her? Is she going for Phillipines audience?

>> No.70846618


>> No.70846666


>> No.70846668

I love my strong wife

>> No.70846681

larping to make fun of me is not very nise, if i make you that mad you can block me so you don't have to see my messages
i think it's good if people recognize the amount of trolling and disruption that goes on here, usually i don't

>> No.70846686

soya's model is so fucking cute

>> No.70846744

Yeah but she was lying, she literally only hated Jacob because he was shorter than Edward

>> No.70846749

her new model is so good. shame she only got to use it for a few weeks

>> No.70846794

why are you pretending to be me, that’s not very nise, please stop or i will call bapy Smile

>> No.70846802

if you're shorter than shondo then you're NGMI. not just because of her tastes but the tastes of every woman in the world

>> No.70846853

soya is starting to hate shondo already, this friendship is ending after she graduates

>> No.70846872

is that a regular ! or a special ! shondo

>> No.70846880

i will anti whoever she becomes then

>> No.70846895
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Who should I choose for my new wife?

>> No.70846918

super mentally ill people always struggle with relationships. their protagonist syndrome is too strong

>> No.70846917

xive was grandfathered in wasn't she

>> No.70846926

watch me post this wet cat to prove you're not me, demonic skinwalker

>> No.70846939

far left so you get a side hoe for free

>> No.70846950

Hell if youre not at least top 20% of male height for your country its over

>> No.70847017

>if youre ugly everyone will hate you
So true…

>> No.70847020

She joined

>> No.70847036

not true im ugly and shondo loves me

>> No.70847062

god her model and character are so cute

>> No.70847069

not like I can tell her to just stop being autistic and upset 4head but considering she "is better at regulating her emotions" now she should understand when she's about to deathspiral and start making compromises rather than leaving her friend hanging on her last possible collab opportunity

>> No.70847128

>doesn't want honesty from his wife
I swear all manlets are insufferable. A manlet can't be her ideal man but she'd settle under certain conditions, that's the honest answer and she knows that for a lot of us she isn't our first choice. Get over it.

>> No.70847130

nina said she's not sure whether she's straight anymore btw, sounds like it's kind of up in the air. i don't think i'm okay with shondo off-collabing with her anymore.

>> No.70847144

>joins anyway
fucking child

>> No.70847164

this is what I was waiting for. I wish she could be more consistent

>> No.70847181

>she'd settle under certain conditions

>> No.70847195
File: 2.81 MB, 1024x576, NinaNiceCock[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgrubsj.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Nina will make Shondo her bitch, because Shondo simply has this need to kneel before the powerful Stacy, like the beta dyke that she is.

>> No.70847242

Shondo turned her

>> No.70847262

My gold digger of a wife would settle for a manlet millionaire.

>> No.70847269

as a balding, middle age, overweight and rich ojisan who isn't a manlet, i will accept your concession and win with grace

>> No.70847301

donate 1k right now

>> No.70847310

ohhhhhhhh thats how gartic works

>> No.70847311

of course shes isnt straight, all women are bisexual. she will never cure her baby fever with a woman however

>> No.70847323

reminder vivi has confirmed DDD cups

>> No.70847371

is she regressing lately I don't know why but she's becoming squeaky slurring 2022 shondo again

>> No.70847379

Ive tried chatting her up but she didnt bite. She needs a younger man

>> No.70847390

pay attention to the game, shondo

>> No.70847419

doesn't she have one

>> No.70847444

Her mind is decaying unfortunately

>> No.70847462

based retard

>> No.70847471

where did olivia and inis go?

>> No.70847490

She has one but hes a boomer schoolteacher, and it seems like an open relationship

>> No.70847495

Was Nina touched as a child? That's where sexual deviancy comes from. The reason Shondo thinks all women are bi is because all the females in her family got molested, raped or savagely beaten by men. Even FE shares Shondo's fear of men and male doctors for seemingly no reason.

>> No.70847508

Wait Soya is graduating?
I went away for a single week and shit is changing already. Did she say why?
Barbie girls won't be the same.

>> No.70847512

>Shondo killing pi

>> No.70847518

Oli went to work and inis feels sick from vr

>> No.70847516

got fed up with shondo's shit

>> No.70847520

oli had to go to work and pinis got sick from the vr

>> No.70847535

so you mean to say shondo would be calling her a whore if they weren't friends

>> No.70847543

She's a catholic so probably

>> No.70847552

no she didn't say why. it was very sudden and even shocked the barbie girls

>> No.70847584

How do I get into a position of leadership in the catholic church?

>> No.70847601

FE is probably just autistic too
they're at least all aware they're freaks but I still think it's not a good excuse to raise every member of your family as helpless and neurotic

>> No.70847629


>> No.70847702

you finally meet shondo and hit it off but shadowmama and FE don't approve of you so she ghosts you

>> No.70847744

This would never happen, FE and Shadowmama would tolerate me while trying to get Shondo to alimony trap me

>> No.70847756

I should think FE disapproved of shadowmama's boyfriends to no avail

>> No.70847787

FE would hide from you, its impossible for her to have any opinion on you

>> No.70847799

shadowmama would probably try to sell shondo off to me

>> No.70847809

i love that shondo's eyes sometimes point slightly in opposite directions. adds to the unhinged aesthetic

>> No.70847852

>helpless and neurotic
The helpless part is such a huge L from FE. Shadowmama's survival strategy was to literally get impregnated by whatever alpha psychopath she can find, nevertheless she doesn't have wife skills to keep the father(s) of her kids around. Any man would lose his patience with her but when a psychopath loses patience he turns to violence.

>> No.70847865

i doubt it, FE likes bad boys too according to shondo. it's all genetic anyway

>> No.70848148

Yup, hence why shondos a monsterfucker+serial killer fangirl

>> No.70848378
File: 619 KB, 2000x3000, 1705954789913661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're saying i need to start killing women to appeal to shondo?


>> No.70848423

Yes but it only works if youre chad

>> No.70848437

yeah soya is passive-aggressive now

>> No.70848454

Cute wife(mine)

>> No.70848487

Normal people despise the mentally ill

>> No.70848522

all vtubers are mentally ill

>> No.70848544

Actual mentally ill not just menhera

>> No.70848564

That's just how Germans sound

>> No.70848591

Nina's new outfit and model are too sex, please put her back down soya

>> No.70848831

yeah I think at some point you're just a bad parent if you haven't taken inventory of how your pride and need for control has deprived two whole generations of children from developing necessary life skills

>> No.70848869

its fine because shondos child with me will be a winner

>> No.70849013

ninasgoing to be the surrogate mother so shondos cursed genetics wont be passed down

>> No.70849042

if she doesn't kill herself during the pregnancy that child will be fucked up

>> No.70849052

>new mouth tracking makes shondo look mid-orgasm everytime she tries to smile
maybe this is a good tweak after all

>> No.70849086

shondo would never ever ever ever ever ever ever let you inside another woman
her incline will pass on to our child who will incline to the skies

>> No.70849095

im under her table sorry

>> No.70849159

tfw you don't hjave a single shondofag on steam :(

>> No.70849246

Goddamn I love her so much.

>> No.70849253

stay far away from my profile

>> No.70849338

Today Shonders proved she isn't a real friend to the bean. But whatever, that person is moving on anyway.

>> No.70849416

Stop posting /here/, shondo. Go do something else

>> No.70849427
File: 99 KB, 1176x1176, BaitNoGood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70849449

we already knew that when she made it all about herself and projecting her past traumas (primarily self inflicted) on her

>> No.70849453
File: 220 KB, 546x482, 1691725159216791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you hate me?

>> No.70849494

Meant for >>70849338

>> No.70849504

add me anytime shondo

>> No.70849559

Fe and shadowmama would like me, I'm racist homophobic and nise and I'm retarded and a practitioner of sillyism

>> No.70849742


>> No.70849760

I wrote this

>> No.70849825

I'd beat up ft and make him get stronger DOOMSmile

>> No.70850065

rescuing otis from the gypsies that kidnapped him a milisecond he laid a paw outside (otis already killed them all by the time I get there)

>> No.70850071

>LL "betrays" her by not talking about reincarnating
>shondo declares their friendship over, rallies her friends to take sides
>unsurprisingly the person you just called a backstabbing bitch probably doesn't want to talk to you anymore
>after time enough has passed to try to make amends, unsurprisingly again it's difficult to just act like nothing happened and be friends again
>fucking years later, a new friend is moving on to other stuff
>make yet another public scene, at least not calling her a traitor but still communicating that you feel like your friendship is over, don't even spare a word of support in public nor talk things over first or DO anything to ensure your friendship stays in tact

>> No.70850181

This didn't happen, anon. Unfortunately for your narrative she already explained everything that happened in a lot of detail. They had a fallout over something completely unrelated, it would've just been a minor thing but their friend group turned it into huge drama, then all the corpo shit happened and due to the thing the argument was about (which was never disclosed and supposedly private) Shondo felt used. And she's allowed to fucking vent on Shadowchama that's what the alt is for you tard.

>> No.70850250

I'm "allowed" to vent publicly about how I distrust my friends and think they're going to leave me but it's fucking stupid to

>> No.70850348

why? if my friends said that to me i'd only have support for them. it's hard to make a good judgement on what they "should" do looking from the outside
it's not wrong to want to tell your husband about this either

>> No.70850373

Have you considered, for even a minute during your /hlgg/ anti shit, that Shondo's side of the story was the right one? That LL, who is almost a decade older than her and befriended her when she was a minor, and when LL had 100 subscribers and Shondo had 50k, was in fact at best misunderstanding their friendship as being a "business relationship" and at worst using a severely lonely mentally ill girl?
Do you really think if Shondo was in the wrong here someone like Vivi, who is likely one of the few people who have both sides of the story, feels so protective and loving towards Shondo? They got CLOSER after everything went down.
Your narrative is literally the shit Holofags wrote about Shondo for months if not years. /shon/ is officially a 2021 bait thread, good job.

>> No.70850386

forcing shondo to shower with you daily and washing her back and hair for her with her favourite scented shampoo and soap

>> No.70850440

I never got this, do people actually put soap in their hair?

>> No.70850462

she didn't tell her friends she went to the internet to start crying do you really not see the difference here?
she straight up said it was wrong of her and that she talked it through with her friends later and feels better
just because you can post about shit doesn't mean you should; people who dump their woes on their social media accounts understandably don't attract other people

>> No.70850491

i do
its probably not good for me cause im oily af and now i cant stop using soap

>> No.70850494

>>70850440 (me)
Ok I read it wrong, but it's still something I've heard about

>> No.70850520

yeah and vivi still loves silvi and lemon what theyre not evil there was clearly wrong on both sides

>> No.70850554

people who are on a budget yeah

>> No.70850578

If this is remotely true then why did LL cut off ALL of her friends completely? Shondo's side of the story makes a hell of a lot of sense when you consider literally every other Holo is still close with and collabs with their friends, if not on stream then outside of it or on their PL accounts, but Vivi has said she hasn't talked to LL in years? Vivi who met LL before even Shondo did? They were as close as LL/Shondo or Shondo/Nina and yet LL completely cut off all contact with her friends as soon as she went Holo. Do you not think that's extremely fucking weird if Shondo was in the wrong in that situation and she wasn't just using them/or didn't care about them anymore once she made it big?
I will stand by that LL seemed like a really toxic leech from the very start and I always avoided her like the plague. She always seemed really fake and deceitful. I've been saying this since 2018 and the more you hear from Shondo/Vivi and the more you piece together through her old VODs the more true it seems.

>> No.70850598

Pic source please?

>> No.70850624

sorry I don't give a shit about hololive talents so you can take your board grudges elsewhere, and think of a better argument than
>do you think shondo would still have a singular friend from that time if she made a mistake?

>> No.70850635

I believe you but
>do i side with the person i can collab with or the person i can't
the vivi argument is stupid

>> No.70850669

Vivi has said she hasn't spoken to Lily in a long time, similar to what Shondo has said.
Whatever happened between Shondo and Silvi was obviously personal and just between them but Shondo/LL was a whole group affair

>> No.70850689

her not going to her friends first is a different subject, and you're right about that, if she had a problem with she should have gone to her first.
>dumping their woes won't attract other people
there is no need to attract people, especially if it's someone like shondo, she's not normal to begin with, her relationships should have different standards instead of her trying to be someone she's not. it depends on what shondo wants and neither of us know that.

>> No.70850736

Have you considered at all that she was upset and wanted to confide in her husbands?
Shitheads like you will complain she's distant and doesn't talk about her emotions and then when she does use it as bait fodder for the next 3 years

>> No.70850748
File: 183 KB, 814x790, 1709747506806919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone but shondo is in the wrong

>> No.70850786

you don't have to be "using someone" to just not be close enough to them to stick around when significant barriers are put up and you're thrust into a new environment, get your brain out of woman mode for a second

>> No.70850791

this but unironically. i will always be understanding and forgiving to my wife.

>> No.70850809


>> No.70850840

shes not gonna fuck you bro

>> No.70850863

i knew that when i got married

>> No.70850864

she doesn't want to confide shit in you she just wants to externalize her feelings
she doesn't believe a word of assurance any of you say, in fact your concernfagging whenever she does bothered her to the point that she almost never talks about feeling down anymore and will turn off replies if it's about something like her grandfather

>> No.70850869

petty bitch upset and wants her simps to lie to her

>> No.70850879

I was being unironic
Why would I want her to fuck me, all you whore think about is sex sex sex

>> No.70850894

Yeah I’m gonna fuck her instead

>> No.70850918

get your t checked

>> No.70850922

>not wanting to have sex with your wife
are you gay?

>> No.70850947

schrodinger's irony but based. unironically.

>> No.70850973

Both Shondo and Vivi thought they were extremely close to Lily. They were friends with her for at least 2 years and at least 3 years respectively when everything went down, and each viewed her as a best friend. Doing the "uhhh it's okay she dropped all of her friends because clearly this means they actually weren't close!" when both of the other parties tell a completely different story and are still hurt over it. This isn't a Shondo exclusive pain, Vivi's also extra sensitive over graduations and negative feelings and has said many times she's always waiting and hoping a certain someone will come back someday.

>> No.70851013

it's not meant to be describing what she's doing per se but everyone knows the guy who just brings the mood down so people stop interacting with him, it's not endearing
>depends on what shondo wants
friends, by her admission
>be someone she's not
le heckin valid bla bla not having it, improve yourself if you don't want to hurt others and want them to like you

>> No.70851062

You're in the Shondo thread sir, you should not be applying "Shondo is always wrong no matter what" mentality to every single discussion as much as this thread will hate to hear this

>> No.70851078

petty entitled bitch shit, they could still talk to her off stream but that's not good enough so they have breakdowns like retarded autistic children

>> No.70851112

Wanting to fuck shondo is the same as cucking shoggas, i don't want that at all >>70851078
Didn't they say they tried and she feels like a robot or doesn't respond?

>> No.70851129

>they could still talk to her off stream
Can you read? She dropped them both completely
Shondo said when she was drunk they've had a few short conversations but it doesn't feel like she's talking to her anymore but a tiptoeing corporate drone. Vivi said LL doesn't reply to her.

>> No.70851238

I had best friends who I failed to keep up with after moving away from them, because I'm mildly autistic and have a hard enough time with relationships. If I struggled with that and got accused of being a backstabber I'd probably just give up. LL could well have considered them good friends, or maybe she's just a bit autistic and is cautious with who she considers close friends. Shondo is pretty fucking cautious too.

>> No.70851245

your friends and what you want to change about yourself is something only the individual can determine. your advice is good on a basic level but you can't be confident that's what she needs.

>> No.70851294

Why are you here? Fuck off back to /hlgg/.

>> No.70851329
File: 1.85 MB, 498x454, sotrue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true shoomfie

>> No.70851375

LL isn't autistic though, she's someone who held down an IRL relationship, a streaming life, and a doctorate course in STEM all at the same time. She said she has a high IQ and has always seemed incredibly socially adept and borderline manipulative at times imo. I don't think you know the person you're talking about, but this personal is a highly functional rich socialate who used to brag about how many relationships she'd had and how she could get anyone to sleep with her.

>> No.70851387

>Wanting to fuck shondo is the same as cucking shoggas
for one we're not talking about something that will actually happen, and for two why are you thinking about other men, there's only me and or else it's not a marriage

>> No.70851410
File: 93 KB, 500x500, IMG_3654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh boy done with work
>I wonder how the collab went
>checks thread
Jesus Christ lmao. At least you dropped the pretense of being a husband and just went full blown anti-mode.

>> No.70851561

this is all very dumb, just clear things up with your wife
just talk to her
shes your wife right? theres trust in this relationship right? just talk bring it up next time you have dinner together

>> No.70851573

I wish they would finally rangeban that one guy that hates Shondo so we can finally be her husband in peace.

>> No.70851597

I'm not bringing it up while she enjoys her beans anon

>> No.70851619


>> No.70851690

true, i'll ask her in my next email

>> No.70851730

you are one of them

>> No.70851736

>we're not talking about something that will actually happen

>> No.70851738
File: 425 KB, 2048x2047, 1709624798699096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you address shondo? I just say shondo, wifey and shonders

>> No.70851742

This isn't unique to Shondo, I see the same thing in other threads, but I really don't get spending hours each day watching someone you hate just to complain about them for even more hours. There are many vtubers I really hate but I try to spend as little time thinking of them as I can

>> No.70851847

because this one is my wife, this is what normal husbands do

>> No.70851882

the only thing that makes sense is that they're husbands trying to push an agenda. that or very mentally unwell

>> No.70851926

/shon/ is like when boomers go down local to slag off their bitch wife

>> No.70852018


>> No.70852070

I enjoy her content and I enjoy complaining

>> No.70852077

when we're happy we dont funpost
when we arent happy well this happens
i shouldnt be held responsible for my own actions, its shondos fault

>> No.70852118


>> No.70852181
File: 13 KB, 450x450, dark-souls-shondo-art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole thing gets so much gayer considering there's only 35-50 people that populate this thread lmao.

>> No.70852206

its okay for her to give and receive affection from hundreds of men, the only way this would be whore behavior is if it were you

>> No.70852255

Oh shes here, hi wifey

>> No.70852260

They are all known as well, Shondo should ban them all.

>> No.70852321

why would she do that? she loves me

>> No.70852353
File: 115 KB, 850x567, 1709132810957499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that I love my wife

>> No.70852370

you are a known faggot

>> No.70852383

I love this art so much.
I like this art a lot too.

>> No.70852399

If she loves you, why does she also love hundreds of other people and never speak to you other than when she has to as part of her job? You are literally just a client at a hostess bar.

>> No.70852427

i'm no third rate ;)

>> No.70852428

she's so fucking cute i just want to squish her

>> No.70852441
File: 624 KB, 960x933, 1708989792212227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realised I haven't posted sho in a while, but i want to rape him for not helping shondo with fixing vr, if he helped her I would have raped him anyways because he was of more help than me

>> No.70852445

syadouYay in chat right now.

>> No.70852455


>> No.70852488

i'm glad i could brighten your day a little

>> No.70852504
File: 10 KB, 200x250, b-low-av-int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Shondo doesn't like league of legends players, but what if I don't play league of legends I just like watching gameplay videos of league of legends is that okay?

>> No.70852578

I get read a lot, talk a lot, have made her laugh a lot, attend a lot
Am I third rate or a favorite according to your logic?

>> No.70852613

deluded third rate

>> No.70852640

easiest way to know if youre a favourite is if youre namedropped /here/

>> No.70852644

why would she ever ban me? :)

>> No.70852679

Faceless client #634 at the bar. If she has never spoken to you privately and unprompted outside of stream you are not important to her.

>> No.70852729

being namedropped here just makes you a favorite of other men, unless you believe that 2-3 month newfags are favorites lmao

>> No.70852767
File: 65 KB, 247x284, happy to be here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love me wife and she loves me and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.70852788

Once she reaches 4k CCV she will feel empowered enough to remove all the groomers and troublemakers, but you won't make it past summer.

>> No.70852799

I have

>> No.70852812

kneel to king S, infamous user of the fourth channel, personally unbanned by shondo herself. you can only cope.

>> No.70852843

"tip toeing corporate drone" which is more likely, shondo is socially inept and over reacts OR a corporation has such a tight leash on someone they can't even talk offline? it's stupid women drama "i can't believe she would spend less time with us she's changed so much like we're not even friends any more"

>> No.70852920

hostess is a nice way of saying stripper

>> No.70852924

nah, if she wanted me gone i wouldnt even be here right now but keep praying on it :)

>> No.70852942
File: 128 KB, 704x728, 1701191194070561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70852959

thats cute
what extra things has she done for you
posted pics for you?
replied to your dms?
had a conversation in replies?
does she even know anything about you?
who are you?

>> No.70853014

>>70852729 (me)
except for king T of course , he mogs 90% white ribbon's follow age

>> No.70853049

shoggas coming /here/ to call themselves king of her cunny is pathetic af senpai

>> No.70853061

oldfag antichads get her unprompted attention and got to DM her we run this

>> No.70853100

try not to take the words said here so serious

>> No.70853114

they will be gone by february

>> No.70853161

we've moved the goalpost to june

>> No.70853182

shogger: i love my wife she's so loyal
shondo: you will only get my attention during work hours, otherwise fuck off

>> No.70853234

You mean "Get to take part in the attention gacha", you don't even get mandatory attention outside of p2w engagements.

>> No.70853259

Any news about the fumos Shoggas?

>> No.70853263

I want to lick her scars

>> No.70853288

me too but i dont like saying so

>> No.70853304

>he's not on her obligatory favorite reading checklist

>> No.70853430

Once you cross the 1 year mark or upgrade to Tier 3, you might be able to participate in the 'Preferred Chatter' tab gacha in Chatterino. Invites to the 'Obligatory Read' window closed to the public long ago, you can only get in via referral of the King Groomer.

>> No.70853447

Reminder to all schizos that you are doing better than 99% of husbands and shondo cares about you if the following applies to you:

>she replies/reads the messages you send in chat
>She replies to you on twitter once a week
>She follows you on twitter
>she has replied to you on Discord
>she replied to you when shes during pre-stream chat
>she has liked a tweet from you not related to her

>> No.70853460

The supermarket stream is going to be fun and personally I am looking forward to it.

>> No.70853510

mandatory art replies don't count for this

>> No.70853582

the existence of this only goes to show she does have unequal feelings for people

>> No.70853596
File: 136 KB, 867x481, 1682743566860073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Shondophrenic's Prayer

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not Shondo's fault.
And if it was, she didn't mean it.
And if she did
You deserved it.

>> No.70853718
File: 986 KB, 1920x1080, beware_the_snowman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what you did. you're next. i gave you a chance.

>> No.70853736


>> No.70853773

Story starting on pg 228 made me think of Shondo
(she said it wasn't cheating if it was 2d drawings)

>> No.70853775
File: 1.66 MB, 884x1440, 1685760793089976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70853836
File: 474 KB, 639x642, I love my wife's cute little hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, but I want to put Shondo's little toes in my mouth? I want to move the shorb around with my tongue? I want to kiss Shondo's tummy? And feel the involuntary contraction of her abs underneath my lips?

>> No.70853857
File: 100 KB, 400x400, 1709758998541224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70853954

>you know what you did
Oh God I was just getting over my breakdown.

>> No.70854061

If Shondo said that she didn't like the way your mustache felt and told you to shave it would you do it

>> No.70854093
File: 76 KB, 781x900, 1698266964160652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this

>> No.70854118

we're ruining our lives for her you already know the answer

>> No.70854136

I would trim it for her, but not shave it

>> No.70854153

Holy shit pettan i love this
Wish you added glasses i would have lost my mind

>> No.70854175

no, you should always do the opposite of what she says

>> No.70854205


>> No.70854209

Feeling manic and I want to my wife

>> No.70854379

Scared what did i do now

>> No.70854380

trust me home boy
she doesnt want you

>> No.70854424

she does want my wallet though

>> No.70854514

anon who posted that scenario about teaching Shondo how to ride a bike:
thank you I think about that maybe once a day and it's very cute and it brings me joy

>> No.70854525

That's not a factor in this equation Shondo

>> No.70854558

sending her flying over the handlebars is cute? (yes)
also you're welcome

>> No.70854564

Fallen "If you don't hit me you're gay" Shadow

>> No.70854567

Shondo isn't in the thread she's busy right now

>> No.70854653

i would only hit her lovingly aslong as she made sure that dinner was ready each night
if my food isn't ready then she won't get her mandatory violent interaction, only a kiss on the oinker

>> No.70854713

shondo socially engineered her whole fanbase to be sympathetic for her only making an hour appearance on someone else's channel today

>> No.70854721

This sucks, I want to watch videos in bed with her

>> No.70854746

Yeah with me

>> No.70854752

got you covered

>> No.70854793

she looks so fucking cute in her glasses

>> No.70854816

based evilmaxxer. she deserves it, i love her so much

>> No.70854828


>> No.70855043
File: 409 KB, 540x699, love-me-wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her a lot and she has had a positive influence on my life and I would recommend her to a friend. I have, actually. None of my friends watch vtubers. I showed them Shondo and they called me a faggot. But I mean you get the point.

>> No.70855129

real men are shaved clean. she wouldn't have to tell me

>> No.70855131

So was that the last time they will collab with Soya? Kinda felt weird they weren't addressing it directly and were just acting like it wasn't happening.

>> No.70855173


>> No.70855255

Especially Shondo who just got home from "somewhere" at 4

>> No.70855306

can someone PLEASE explain what sealposting is? i assume dogposting is related to the 25% meme and the capybaraposting is obvious but WHAT is sealposting????

>> No.70855340

damn husbands are so pathetic a discord reply is enough for them
