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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 642 KB, 1088x614, Eliabday2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70832544 No.70832544 [Reply] [Original]

>/corpo/ resources:
>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.
>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.
>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.
>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt/jidf
EIEN: >>>/vt/eien
kawaii: >>>/vt/pkg
PixelLink: >>>/vt/pxl
PRISM: >>>/vt/ppg+
V-Dere: >>>/vt/vdere
Phase Connect: >>>/vt/pcg
V4Mirai + globie: >>>/vt/v4m
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt/indie
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt/vnug
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt/vrex
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt/tsunx

Previous: >>70678994

>> No.70832676
File: 2.45 MB, 1000x1000, z3bqgl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raki is my girlfriend

>> No.70832700

Io drawing and singing along to music

>> No.70833491

I wrote this while also fucking Lottie and Chiaki

>> No.70833573

Oh hi Miuna

>> No.70833624

Stop donating money to traitorous whores

>> No.70833674

Nene, your blood pressure...

>> No.70833740

Green cat

>> No.70833872

Miuna is fucking Nebi and whoring her up, she's the actual mastermind behind PixelLink

>> No.70833938
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, 1699401526680672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayla Yew Genshin

>> No.70834143

Globie new girls name reveal

>> No.70834151 [SPOILER] 
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You know too much

>> No.70834180
File: 256 KB, 1920x1080, aura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aura now live with another /unity/ collab

>> No.70834689

No Erika...

>> No.70835040

>dog girl
>named Bonnie Barkswell
Also here's her first tweet

>> No.70835048
File: 138 KB, 926x550, 1687395368096442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, they are all part of Gen 2 but divided at the same time?

>> No.70835304

Mixed gen without mixed gen unity, I guess

>> No.70835382

probably just theming since they're called Equinnox and Solstia

>> No.70835410
File: 2.97 MB, 1920x1080, vtScreen--YouTube-ELIASBIRTHDAYSTREAM-24HOURDONOTHONPT1-514’42”.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with Mieko right now

>> No.70835542
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Alicja is her own rigger. Kinda cool

>> No.70835831


>> No.70836217
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, F8bQQomXYAA1_2N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love chuuba names so God damn much bros

>> No.70836270


>> No.70836397
File: 35 KB, 479x245, Screenshot 2024-03-07 125603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real mate.
>Yes my name is Rhubarb. Rhubarb N. Kustard. *action movie hero music plays*
Elia...why are you looking at her like that

>> No.70836551

What country could she possibly be from

>> No.70836754
File: 318 KB, 975x191, Screenshot 2024-03-07 130318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros wtf Aura is doing a massive unity collab

>> No.70837559

Or sad

>> No.70837645
File: 42 KB, 149x191, 1826272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife

>> No.70837810

>she birthed herself
that's wild

>> No.70838298
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, xin cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new Xin cover (if she was green, she would die)

>> No.70839030 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 1080x423, congrats on 10k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some reason, i'm now very excited to see the socks vtuber debuts

>> No.70840165

>Already page 10
What happened?

>> No.70840601

Serafi situation is odd, if it is just exactly as was layed out earlier that sucks. Kinda liked her even if I very rarely checked in on her. The merch design theyre selling rn looks kinda cool too. Also that anon last thread is retarded if he's seriously saying a corpo going "no you can not do singing streams. you cant do variety" isnt moronic

>> No.70840684

if he actually believes that he doesnt watch vnu

>> No.70840867

everything went to shit after november and that damn trip

>> No.70841028

A Polish-Italian chuuba? Is she going to be more cursed than Panko?

>> No.70841136
File: 3 KB, 247x57, 1683631468955878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF Youtube, she was at 4.13k two hours ago, how much are you boosting vertical streams now?

>> No.70841223

maeve went from low 30k to 43k just with shorts, ccv remains the same tho

>> No.70841594

first Polish corpo vtuber?

>> No.70841672

Same, i hope straitjacket girl gets to be murdery

>> No.70841763
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Hey, Azuri actually debuted

>> No.70841787
File: 580 KB, 1711x902, 1691973281131252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a partial archive of Menace's vods: Sept 15 - Nov 7 2022. I know its a longshot, but I'm putting it out there just in case someone has them. Unfortunately these vods aren't on her YouTube channel. I'm not posting in /jidf/ because it'd be off topic.

>> No.70841821

discord killing websites that are actually searchable and when it inevitably dies all the accumulated info in it will go down with it

>> No.70842567

Everytime I see her, I am reminded of how much I hate Jason for depriving us of that model

>> No.70843010

Polish Italian, yeah

>> No.70843116

I don't know globie, do all their names match nationalities exactly?

>> No.70843361

Pretty much. Pippa is one of the few that doesn't use any real references, but "Pebblesworth" is obviously a bonger thing

>> No.70844246

Her "actual" name is Philippa, which is is the English form of the name and used to be somewhat popular in the UK.

>> No.70844616
File: 3 KB, 266x39, 1687033936734271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nebi spotted in abi's stream

>> No.70844882
File: 172 KB, 1114x720, Remember....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember what we lost.

>> No.70845246

I still think that name sets her up for failure because of unsearchability

>> No.70845484
File: 744 KB, 1200x1200, GGZWHZKWQAAMeho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we got this. Official art btw.

>> No.70845550
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, IoPretender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Io is still streaming for almost five hours. Might still stream after.

>> No.70845574
File: 181 KB, 452x400, 1684525869204916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is.. tgursda
Abi (live!) https://youtu.be/Ooo1azp46KM
Serina (in 1h) https://youtu.be/Ank61NQOIpY
Ami (in 1h) https://youtu.be/Pk3WQJTTx7o
Yae (in 2h) https://youtu.be/6NVnKK-NPBw
Yae (in 2h) https://youtu.be/Kq1CDW-aJdA
Bisco (in 2h) https://youtu.be/xE6pVGDmnCs
Chiaki (in 2h) https://youtu.be/zZKHKKXpzTk
Bisco (in 4h) https://youtu.be/matAv1uGu5g
Rosemi (in 5h) https://youtu.be/DphG9vJvsxE
Petra (in 5h) https://youtu.be/5CXxU5UfAbk
Aishii Ai (in 6h) https://youtu.be/Xn_BZkDZD2s
Miu (in 7h) https://youtu.be/KJxYi_XP7l8
Lumin (in 7h) https://youtu.be/HX81ZaOWzkk
Clara (in 8h) https://youtu.be/s1-3u8oEpzU

>> No.70845669

Has globie put out any merch yet? Also why tf would brave group make a merch store named brave group NA or whatever it is and not have globie on it? If youre not going to advertise them as much as v4mirai, and not give them 3d like v4mirai you have to give them SOMETHING

>> No.70845678

feliz jueves

>> No.70845682


>> No.70845825

So far they only had Valentine voice packs, also Globie is under Brave Group EU, they are distinctly different to Brave Group US

>> No.70845891

globie and v4mirai are different branches with different management and different budgets

>> No.70846105

ok I guess that makes some sense. I figured theyd all just be handled under a western branch instead of being that split between the NA and EU side
I knew they had different management and budgets but I'd figured theyd still be under some sort of umbrella together with higher ups thinking of both of them at the same time. not 2 completely distinct sections of the company

>> No.70846935

Probably makes more sense for Brave to work it that way since they already are made up of so many different units.

>> No.70847056

do you have any vtubers to recommend that had a good Outer Wilds playthrough and got really invested in the game?

>> No.70847395
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Nei live

>> No.70849119
File: 72 KB, 588x432, sheesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feesh sheeeeeeesh


>> No.70849236

Ayla genshin
Yuria supermarket simulator

>> No.70849679
File: 2.81 MB, 1601x894, EliaKunai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another totsu segment - Airi just finished. Kunai is now on fire.

>> No.70851140

V-Dere Gen 2 - ex-Vreverie
V-Dere Gen 3 - ex-Niji

>> No.70851280

>collecting all the castoffs

>> No.70851499

>V-Dere Gen 3 - ex-Niji
Kawaii is already collecting those

>> No.70851515
File: 6 KB, 454x75, 1703241993594774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Added Live2D before rigger just to make sure

>> No.70851546

they do? I thought it was just a rumor.

>> No.70851638

NijiID is basically small corpo

>> No.70851666

depends if you think 1 is a collection

>> No.70851727

Wtf Beryl is back, bros

>> No.70852821

Yes, the wait is finally over

>> No.70852890

Chiaki live

>> No.70853068

someone baking?

>> No.70853152

/pxl/ up >>70853122

>> No.70853241
File: 125 KB, 721x864, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70853438

twitter space, she's shadowbanned apparently

>> No.70853619

yume girls, make a yt stream room for free chatting instead of having to reply to the tweet

>> No.70853707

>28 A
my cock can only get so erect

>> No.70853896

I'm glad my oshi doesn't partake in this trend

>> No.70853957

>basically fucking blind
>28 a and doesnt own bras

>> No.70853993

Mythos was a bigger mistake than NijiEN

>> No.70854073

it's a twitter space wym

>> No.70854111

making a stream room on yt to use the chat as iof it were a zatsu stream where listeners can send messages

>> No.70854143

imagine making a freechat for a tiny twitter space

>> No.70854152

It's easier to use a stream thats scheduled way in the future that replying on twitter, but since they haven't debuted yet they might not want to do that

>> No.70854296

not a bad idea but also not exactly necessary?? it started off as her checking if she really was shadowbanned but now this girl is just yappin

>> No.70854433

The rationale is creating a permanent free chat for all future Twitter spaces. It’s not entirely necessary, it’s just nicer for interactivity.

>> No.70854500

she's recovering from covid so this debut is going to be a banger
met raein > mero > rhea in that order
they chose and agreed on the unit name on the first day

>> No.70854597

if this is how chill they are with each other, i'm actually really excited to see how debut is. this is how easily they joke around? it's crazy

>> No.70854600

Why the fuck would you not make a chat space for twitter spaces if you actually want to let people talk and read their messages?

>> No.70854652

I feel like this is better for post-debut honestly

>> No.70854682

she's just yappin and mad that she keeps getting twitter banned
don't think about it much

>> No.70854788

oh Rhea is now talking, she sounds cute (Rhea is half deaf apparently)

>> No.70854853
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, GIGNWExWkAAGSr_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mila Marlenka being the FF14 Queen again


>> No.70854963

it's kind of cute that they can joke around about management like this

>> No.70854975
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, GIGxIVoWkAAaL4t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zhuni Excel doing a presentation on Hatsune Miku

>> No.70855062

>rhea also recovering from covid
>they shittalk their boss(? a staff member at least) and said staff member called Rhea a bootlicker
Rhea likes to eat socks (i assume this is a joke)
these two are funny together but what the hell is wrong with them

>> No.70855114

Pretty standard indie response, but rhea is a shiki fan, which is neat

>> No.70855248

>mero was scared of eating strawberries as a child because she thought the seed was going to grow in her belly
Also Mero is probably from asia since she said "the west" when talking about eating watermelon seeds.

>> No.70855297
File: 110 KB, 1024x575, GIBCSMpboAA2sU3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amase Io continues Fran Bow

>> No.70855575

I was already getting finana vibes, not that i mind. Fuck, horny asians send my dick to space, im about to call my dick sputnik

>> No.70855992

the CEO (who they were shittalking earlier) is now listening
Mimosa/Rhea seems to be the gross/shitposters and Mero is just suffering listening to them both

>> No.70856083
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>> No.70856415

he was listening the whole space. i think they're all really open about this stuff, very joke-y about it. honestly i feel like i got a good look at what they're like from that

>> No.70856520

With most of the idol girls going MIA, I don't think they deserve that second place anymore.

>> No.70856579

yeah hearing them together is great, wondering how Raein fits in the dynamic since everyone describes her as the older calm type. A little bit more excited for the debuts now

>> No.70856645
File: 114 KB, 759x760, GIC0b1AbQAA9rVU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep deprived Io acting like a brat. I love this girl.

>> No.70856706

She's wiggling so much

>> No.70857093

>most of the idol girls going MIA
Isn't it just pocchi now? cunny octopus and nikki are out for health reasons, Coni is taking a well deserved break and idk about any other ones (I think the cute feet girl with thick accent also took a break?)

>> No.70857222

Poko will be gone, too. Katta may return anytime now, but when is still uncertain.

>> No.70857597

yoki and emma in 8 minutes

>> No.70859148

tl;dr heart hort

>> No.70859222
File: 780 KB, 784x713, 1698448891315712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live now

>> No.70859354

>all of this
>plus a heart condition
holy shit this girl cant catch a break

>> No.70861295

Io is too embarrassed of this stream and will delete the VOD. She is too cute.

>> No.70861665

Ah Katta yes that was the one I was thinking, I'm assuming Poko is off for vacation as well, I mean all in all only 2 are actually missing because menhera

>> No.70862050

Yuko basically committed seppuku

>> No.70862368

Yuko didn't kill herself

>> No.70862483

content suicide is pretty close

>> No.70862548

She killed the profitability of her brand. That will affect idol, too.

>> No.70862587

arguably she did worse

>> No.70862887

She killed killed so many whales she put the japanese to shame

>> No.70863030

fucking kek

>> No.70863730

Menace should kill herself

>> No.70863838

not before i have sex with her

>> No.70863853


>> No.70864008

>raises $25k from paypigs
>flirty male call-in

>> No.70864096


>> No.70864109


>> No.70864649

she's so fucking funny, unlike (You)

>> No.70864658

Funniest vderefag

>> No.70864861

I don't even watch vdere. It's funny how easily you get upset

>> No.70865132

Gave upon her visage

>> No.70865224

but that's Pippa

>> No.70865378 [SPOILER] 
File: 140 KB, 500x400, Dubious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

careful now

>> No.70865670

Who the f would make the greedy whore the thumbnail lmao

>> No.70865734


>> No.70865780


>> No.70865829
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, GIHCeqnbMAAaG_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lillian zatsu

>> No.70865939

Nope, i hate that whore too. But the whore currently money grubbing is worse. Her dumbfuck viewers dono like crazy as it is, yet she sets a 50k donothon, how greedy can one whore be?

>> No.70866013

What are you even talking about

>> No.70866164

don't hate the player hate the game

>> No.70866381

I choose to hate both

>> No.70866452
File: 146 KB, 1920x1080, GGLb98kWEAA8EWt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The orc Vtuber of /corpo/ playing Palworld

>> No.70867173

a real hater in /vt/? that's crazy

>> No.70867423

While she's at it might as well add discord call sex for 100k goal to highest donor

>> No.70867513

Why are you this invested

>> No.70867716

I'm not invested, taking shots at the whore while I wait for something

>> No.70867763

Isn't that obvious? He IS the highest donor

>> No.70867777

>Not invested just spending my free time

>> No.70867932

That would make sense

>> No.70868011

I'm in and out, probably like hundreds have with the whore

>> No.70868833

Ai boxing

>> No.70869090
File: 243 KB, 339x467, 1679268292305893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa sex

>> No.70870415
File: 147 KB, 1167x659, gsgdfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70870781

2024 just claimed the hardest graduation of all. akura toriyama

>> No.70870805

wish him back

>> No.70870848

PixelLink gen 2

>> No.70871114

Does Raki practice necromancy?

>> No.70871514

Way down for Kawaii, V&U gen 5 is already surpassing the latest Kawaii before even debuting

>> No.70872211
File: 822 KB, 1409x620, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawaii is definitely above this.

>> No.70872405

>Anon specifically says gen 5
>Anon proceeds to post non gen 5 streams

>> No.70872790

>anon speaks as if Kawaii should be moved "way down", uses V&U as an example of something that should be above it
>I show that V&U is full of 2views and is nowhere near as strong as Kawaii as a whole
I explained the mystery for you anon

>> No.70873411
File: 81 KB, 1080x302, 1682194562910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70875277
File: 25 KB, 493x132, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70877657
File: 212 KB, 523x478, 1709775893223626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70877934

I like how there's a Nanimo Navi and a Navina Nova

>> No.70879849 [SPOILER] 
File: 83 KB, 1137x991, no jong zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70880201

consider me sold on this one

>> No.70880958

I could never support an agency that doesn't allow talents to play most Yakuza games.

>> No.70882210

mythos legacy >>70876496

>> No.70882289

Why did the bra posting become so much bigger than feet posting? Are other chuubas more comfortable showing their bras than their feet

>> No.70882367

People can walk into a store, buy a bra and then claim that's theirs. There's no part of their body showing.

>> No.70882592

cuz some chuubas just have nasty feet

>> No.70883244

Are you really asking why your weird fetish isn't socially acceptable?

>> No.70884404

>a lump sum 10k $ donation
Jesus Christ Elia

>> No.70884463
File: 2.33 MB, 1921x1072, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eien isnt enough for prospect

>> No.70884489

can rewind stream like 15 minutes and she was at 40k

whales do be whaling or cc fraud

>> No.70884498
File: 20 KB, 191x107, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70884739

What are the chances she gets to 100k? What are the chances none of this gets chargebacked? What are the chances she collabs with Neuro again?

>> No.70884979

and I thought the 70k last year was a fluke

>> No.70884998

low, low, not a collab

>> No.70885226

Thirty thousand euros, holy fuck. Either a cryptofag or an actual oil baron.

>> No.70885332

hell's bells

>> No.70885498

V-Dere offcollab in Japan let's fucking goooooooooo

finished and raided Cyon

>> No.70886136
File: 167 KB, 720x720, 1709387257089471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like when somebody (or more than one person) is dropping $30k usd on you in a day you need to be seriously asking questions. Because there's a high probability that whoever that person is just gave you their entire life savings. Look I get it, she's not forcing any of these people to donate that much, but dropping THAT much money is either the act of an extremely rich person attempting to buy her for literal sexual services, or someone who is seriously mentally unwell. Even if you're rich giving that much to some small nobody vtuber is pretty fucking retarded. You could buy some top tier streamer whore to suck your dick for that much.

Like that's the kind of donos that AMOURANTH gets. If I were a streamer and somebody dropped that much on me I'd immediately be asking "Bro.....you good? I hope that wasn't your life savings just now." When somebody is giving you that kind of money as a streamer, they want something from you in return even if they aren't explicitly saying so. Your friendship, romantic partnership, sexual favors. Maybe just attention. But nobody drops that much out of generosity.

>> No.70886177

he did the same thing last year

>> No.70886475

Those are the same two paypigs from last year kek
Whorse won and kawaii lost

>> No.70886533

only poorfags care about how wealthier people spend their money

>> No.70886814
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x1080, 1706107156333597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking this guy is wealthy
The guy's probably running up multiple credit cards fully maxxed out that he'll never afford to pay off and has been in severe debt since he started watching and paypigging her. Wealthy people don't tend to drop multiple 5 figures of their own money in a single day on a relative nobody e-girl. And the ones that do don't tend to be wealthy for very long for that exact reason.

Other anon is probably right actually, crypto-bro who made a bunch of money and is burning it all away on vtubers. He could fuck countless high-end escorts for that money so if she's not flying out to "reward" him after every donothon than that's just sad. And even then no bitch is worth that much, unless she's a literal princess.

>> No.70886865

That was a sizeable amount of text to end up saying nothing

>> No.70886956

You might be right, but if so, fuck it, nobody is forcing this on him and you definitely have no responsibility over the adult decisions this man mad.

>> No.70886959

And I still don't know why should I care.

>> No.70887096

It's just sad is all. Or funny, depending on your point of view. But simps gonna simp. More curious how certain vtubers cultivate such a generous audience compared to others. I've seen several times bigger vtubers get a fraction of what she made in one day over the course of 2 month-long subathons. It's bizarre. Do you just have to hope you by pure chance net a stray whale or more out of the blue and that's all it boils down to?

>> No.70887210
File: 6 KB, 377x53, prospecttheorist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wants to see her feet. $30k for feet pics.

>> No.70887294

feet is at 100k >>70884463
he had enough sense to not do it

>> No.70887335

isn't this guy a Sayu mod

>> No.70887391

He is eien mod too

>> No.70887402

>he did the same thing last year
When? She's not even streamed for a whole year, this is her first birthday stream and also her first donothon. Did he just rnadomly drop that kind of money on her one day out of the blue?

>> No.70887432

Elia when she was a honse

>> No.70887443

Prospekt paypigs for multiple vtubers and e-girls, he works for cali big tech

>> No.70887465

Considering how consistent PK talents at getting big whales, there is clearly a personality archetype their management specifically looks for. I can't really point what exactly does it, because this same thing filters me hard after a couple of streams.

>> No.70887479

it's the Kawaii horse girl

>> No.70887691

>corpo newfag

>> No.70887714
File: 36 KB, 258x108, eliadonothontop5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just sad is all. Or funny, depending on your point of view. But simps gonna simp. More curious how certain vtubers cultivate such a generous audience compared to others. I've seen several times bigger vtubers get a fraction of what she made in one day over the course of 2 month-long subathons. It's bizarre. Do you just have to hope you by pure chance net a stray whale or more out of the blue and that's all it boils down to?

Every single donothon/subathon ever is entirely dependent on 1-5 dudes propping the whole thing up. The successful 'thons are the ones that have these whales. If you're a streamer and you don't have any whales in your audience your 'thon will probably flop, as the majority of anyone's audience already doesn't give jack shit and are largely reliant on the occasional (1) sub or whales. If you've failed to attract your own whales you aren't making much money if any from these things.

Pic related. Look at this. Out of the $80k lbs she made today, $69k came from FIVE people. FIVE PEOPLE. If those 5 people just didn't watch her stream, she would've made 11k today. Which is still a lot, but a mere sliver of what she made thanks to those 5 whales. That's all donothons or subathons ever boil down to : whether or not you have cultivated your own pet whales and how many you have.

>> No.70887799

do you also say 'za you colossal faggot

>> No.70887974

what's wrong with 'go 'za?

>> No.70888088
File: 1.55 MB, 9999x9999, 1699637726289427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just liked the idea of referring to donothons as "thons".

>> No.70888418


that thon, th thon thon thon

>> No.70888476

I didn't want to keep typing donathon / subathon so I just shortened them both to 'thon because both of them end in 'thon so saying 'thon perfectly refers to either a dono-thon or a suba-thon.
What a blast from the past. Zoomers here won't remember this one.

>> No.70888639

Thong Song isn't exactly obscure among zoomers.

>> No.70889408

man...meeta had the potential to be so big

>> No.70891128

10 uohhhhhh

>> No.70891671

Some of the old AA accounts got privated, had their names changed to Archived, and pfps changed to a lock. When did that happen? I would've assumed that everything was just abandoned.

>> No.70891774

thank you for this post, i checked her recently and nowa was still afk, but apparently she had full control of her accounts all along

>> No.70891934

Probably after athy's cover got copyrighted. IIRC their youtube channels were already locked by that point, but twitter was still open.
>Jason is locked
I wonder if he got the boot or just trying to rebrand.

>> No.70892117

>prospecttheorist - £29795
>nick22 - £22300
stanana - £10500
i wish those 30 minute calls were recorded theyre going to be so fucking funny

>> No.70893026
File: 271 KB, 1280x720, 1685717135360086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genshin stream

>> No.70893117

is this guy still talking about vtubers farts and poop

>> No.70894912

Inflation is out of control. A "private hangout" with Lumi in Discord used to cost 400$ in 2021.

>> No.70895107

I googled vtuber inflation. Anons, please don't repeat my mistakes

>> No.70895873

Any rebrand attempt with skinwalker models, he's going to get shit on. Unless he does it in China, Chinamen don't care about stealing IP.

>> No.70896034

Won't surprise me, they announced gen2 on some random ass cosplay convention in China after all.

>> No.70896913

he jumped into EIEN discord days after dropping 20k on Elia's first donothon and they instantly moded him XD

>> No.70896978

This is worse than being a paypig sex pest

>> No.70897034

>former groomercord modding a paypig

>> No.70897642

20k Euros
Holy fuck

>> No.70897786

>Stream a ton of hours
>Become beloved by your fans
>Be funny an outgoing
>Have the most ccv put of your genmates
>Decide to become a wagie by getting two part time jobs
I don't understand if she wanted money she should've just done a donothon

>> No.70897849

>Any rebrand attempt with skinwalker models
On the other hand what's stopping someone to just stream with the leaked model

>> No.70897892

He'll try to copyright strike like he did with Athy, piece of shit.

>> No.70897909

too bad male collabing for 6 weeks didnt help her numbers

>> No.70897971

We don't know what the cut is for vnu

>> No.70898163

>I've seen several times bigger vtubers get a fraction of what she made in one day over the course of 2 month-long subathons.
The smaller you are the bigger your whales, the bigger you get the smaller you whales. Nobody likes to support the big streamer with 10k, it's contrary to some economical instinct in everyone

>> No.70898456

>The smaller you are the bigger your whales, the bigger you get the smaller you whales
what is bro smoking

>> No.70898897

And he banned another paypig, don't forget that

>> No.70901034

Good, you were literally the most annoying faggot on the entire site and never stopped bitching about him.

>> No.70901117

this is tonight if you forgot about it

>> No.70901263

I like Kaya

>> No.70901518

Anon, there's literally an Angy Catto that gets talked about ITT. "Bonnie Barkswell" is surprisingly reserved and subtle by contemporary standards.

>> No.70901593

>Equinnox [sic]
I guess they're trying to do a Lazulight/Obsydia kind of thing, but simultaneously.

>> No.70901888

>a western branch instead of being that split between the NA and EU side
Anon, enough existing NA companies struggle to get their shit together well enough just to deal with time zone differences across NA, adding EU to the mix is a huge strain on business for people who like to conduct meetings or do anything real-time.

>> No.70902235

>Lilly and Hisao in the same person

>> No.70902420

pic of what, anon?

>> No.70902555

>preemptively shutting the entire company out of Phase collabs
Bold strategy....

>> No.70902904

>"Thong Song" is a song recorded by American R&B singer Sisqó. It was released on February 15, 2000, as the second single from his solo debut studio album, Unleash the Dragon (1999).
Anon, zoomers were literally not alive for this.

>> No.70902968


>> No.70903051

I googled vtuber inflation... why my pp hard?

>> No.70903071

No he's right, who even gives more than a minimal aka to Holos these days?

>> No.70903241
File: 703 KB, 254x232, 1683258081273867.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some waiting rooms
Hu (live!) https://youtu.be/rVQkFyuBUDo
Abi (in 1h) https://youtu.be/vLHMv03W5Q8
Pippa (in 1h) https://youtu.be/EmQSB5IdWIU
Uta (in 1h) https://youtu.be/XCm2UuRSs5o
Kaya (in 2h) https://youtu.be/dmWE83WXcqg
Mono (in 3h) https://youtu.be/0KheMt3owDc
Lottie (in 3h) https://youtu.be/y-qVpNYOcfE
Roca (in 3h) https://youtu.be/Jo1-RV4O1oU
Serina (in 4h) https://youtu.be/l90coTIKEgE
Yae (in 5h) https://youtu.be/VepJUTAJBLY
Yae (in 5h) https://youtu.be/bsR5FQUhMG4
Chiaki (in 6h) https://youtu.be/lpIQkyYyboA
Mariya (in 7h) https://youtu.be/KqfOp301HpY
Bisco (in 7h) https://youtu.be/0kHMe1Z_Avw
V4Mirai* (in 7h) https://youtu.be/OtwfzodOmM0
Uta (in 7h) https://youtu.be/DpeAUycnaPg
Kaya* (in 7h) https://youtu.be/cOr5YlZn_Iw

>> No.70903430
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>> No.70903478

Whales thrive on personalized attention. If you're one of 5-10k+ viewers, you don't feel special and can't ego-boost as hard. Even if you give a massive amount, you won't get the same interaction as you would a smaller streamer. I guess a certain big corpo streamer who had a famous yabpocalpyse handed out private discord calls to her whales but such cases are giga-menhera exceptions to the rule.

>> No.70903882

What is this logic? Are you really not ashamed of posting this?

>> No.70905254

Save me white girl
white girl save me

>> No.70905511

My brain randomly recommended me a foggy memory of seeing a YT stream frame of a vtuber doing a "rating my stream thumbnails" stream, anyone know what vtuber it might have been?

>> No.70906966

Maybe charlotte suzu, i know kawaii gives bonuses monthly or weekly for the nicest thumbnails

>> No.70907523
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>> No.70908578

There's just something about Pippa's intonation that hits directly into my pleasure center.

>> No.70908644

Why would I be ashamed of pointing out that zoomers are zoomers and everyone else is older than they realize?

>> No.70909146

Uta doing more shorts singing. Already having to call out retards.

>> No.70909536

True, the most someone gives a big streamer is just an akasupa and all they get is a "hey thank you so much for the akasupa"

>> No.70910343
File: 14 KB, 965x644, 1692407412193438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would be the vtuber equivalent of this

>> No.70910567

You mean someone that cleared the 2hu games?

>> No.70912591

Yeah, the plapping center

>> No.70913900
File: 356 KB, 494x1042, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you call this?

>> No.70913959


>> No.70914058
File: 222 KB, 293x454, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the pinnacle of vtubing

>> No.70914142

I call it Lottie.

>> No.70914155


>> No.70914633

That's literally Pippa

>> No.70916487


>> No.70916540

There's a flower to make you less scared

>> No.70916756

pink woman good

>> No.70916973

where's that anon that said miki is her favorite specialite girl? he needs to be put on suicide watch

>> No.70917746 [DELETED] 

She doesn't care at all, never has. She has somehow gaslit her fan base into thinking she does. Will get online and tell them everything they want to hear with the same shitty speech pattern then go fuck her BF. Then hold a donothon every year so the viewers can support their lifestyle and holidays

>> No.70918017

When a chuuba doesn't get enough fanart, they make do.

>> No.70918124

It's already over for specialite. Miki has the english of a five year old, and that's why I watch her.

>> No.70918154

Specialite Gen 2 announcement btw

>> No.70918193
File: 3.17 MB, 1273x1800, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a travesty that this thing that hasn't streamed once has an order of magnitude more fanart than most vtubers

>> No.70918376

Well what do you expect? It was assumed it was gonna be a 6th member of Council or at least our own A-chan and the design is the single greatest thing Cover ever produced(Besides Botan) so of course artists jumped on it. I still mourn what we lost...

>> No.70918431
File: 1.44 MB, 700x1044, dasc_1629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still amazed that Spica has a dedicated JP cosplayer following her

>> No.70918476


>> No.70918535

blue dorito = Apple

>> No.70918538

Why are you gay?

>> No.70918645

Because bussy make me unwise

>> No.70918896

Rhubarb N Kustard will change the game

>> No.70919023

Is it that tasty?

>> No.70919046

Back when Council debuted, this(OmegaAlpha) was also announced around them, and it was speculated that it might be a secret 6th member at first but it was just a management account. There wasn't really much they did, but when they responsed to a maro about pronouns or something with "whatever is fine" /here/ started hating them as any other tranny. The acc went dead after like 2 weeks as well and was basically forgotten.

>> No.70919205

I thought you were joking, but I'm not sure she ever finished teething

>> No.70919358

miki toriyama...

>> No.70919614

what was the announcement?

>> No.70919626
File: 449 KB, 529x597, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's taking a week offline, a famliy member died

>> No.70919896
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>> No.70920126
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>> No.70920606

What's with you antis and your constant cuckold fantasies?

>> No.70920856

oh, he's here too

>> No.70921085
File: 325 KB, 583x642, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kaya preserving the /unity/

>> No.70921794

we love unity

>> No.70923484

I'll never forgive Flowey for killing Lottie

>> No.70923492
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, yoki roblox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoki playin Roblox with some others

>> No.70923967

man kawaii got some great girls lately, but their thread is still unusable due to some retards there. kaya is the right balance of fun and unhinged for my taste, and her model is sexy af. it is what it is

>> No.70925735
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>> No.70925927

That's some serious leeching. If they weren't too small to be on her radar at all, if I were here I would ask them to stop doing this

>> No.70926012

Being utterly shameless is an important part of promoting yourself

>> No.70926214
File: 274 KB, 856x616, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70926317
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, ping-pong-the-animation-episode-6-12-46-lonely-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminded me of this

>> No.70927710
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, 1705822542388951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BondEN Valorant collab

>> No.70927849

V4M have their cover now
Multi-Corpo cover soon

>> No.70928318

This Raki girl have a very lovely voice. Any anon wanna sell her on me?

>> No.70928367

Don't trust her fanbase, they either want kidnap her or stalk her

>> No.70928479

>where's that anon that said miki is her favorite specialite girl?
fortunately it is not over today at least

>> No.70928634

That was an uplifting song and all the girls were cute.

>> No.70928768

Raki is a sweet girl, very endearing, was groomed by Shiki and Nerissa

>> No.70928844

Perfect woman, the living definition of pon, friend of some of the new gen of Kawaii, dedicated singer and all around cute and innocent girl, doesn't stream as much as she like due to school. She's also Lottie's other half so you should check her out as well

>> No.70928934

Watch sexo kawaii witch talk about stuff

>> No.70929015

Cerenity Cosmica with a happy song

>> No.70929365
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, elaynaexit8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elayna Duskfell playing Exit 8

>> No.70929369

Bisco molded chatgpt into writing correct fan fiction about her otp from teen wolf

>> No.70929453
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>> No.70929597

Can't believe lads cheat on this

>> No.70929672

It's ok, every other chuuba is also Lottie

>> No.70930676

no once comes even close, but she understands the cheating if it's with ragi, mariya or suri

>> No.70930995

Boomi GTA 4 pt.12

>> No.70931852

has this been posted before? I didn't even know they were streaming

>> No.70931950

Chiyo and Buoy get posted about

>> No.70932376

