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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70707316 No.70707316 [Reply] [Original]

The tweet has been deleted as the artist said they got a lawyer.

>> No.70707348

>dosent payment

>> No.70707464

two fouls an esl
if one and not a Sister,
then no need to fist her

>> No.70707498
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too bad japs are under some shitty slander laws so they can't whistleblow much about it. also Anycolor can't afford another yab right now, especially on the Japanese side since their stocks are in great danger, so i can see them getting a little desperate with making him shut up.

>> No.70707840

Thats fucked up

>> No.70708009

I've seen betting pools on who will be fired/graduated next. I've seen betting pools on who will be the 1st nijiEN 2 view. Can Kurocolor make it through one day without a yab? That should be the bet.

>> No.70708058

>betting pools on who will be the 1st nijiEN 2 view
That's not fair it's 100% Finana

>> No.70708234

>This post has been deleted

>> No.70708295

There are consequences to violating NDAs you signed? Whoa

>> No.70708377

CEO told him to calm down and delete the tweet and that they will find a lawyer for him

>> No.70708399

Hello sirs we hate nigisanji too

>> No.70708403

Aster is the favourite last I checked. Finana is 2nd favourite. I think past success is clouding people's judgement.

>> No.70708450

there should be consequences for not paying for work that you had done

>> No.70708592

There is only 1 person on /vt/ that can actually read that.
And im going to bed.

So good luck.

>> No.70709103

Western artists (plural) complained about the poor payment
> I sleep
Japanese artist (singular) complained about the poor payment
> Real shit. Tazumi himself find a lawyer for him

Really makes you think

>> No.70709439

Thank you, I'm stealing this.

>> No.70709743

You need to sue Niji just to get paid it seems, they sure do love and respect artist.

>> No.70709828
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Here's a translated version made with Google Lens.

>> No.70710392

>tell artist to do x work
>make sure not to pay them
>let them complain on twitter or something
>bring them to court for defamation (such is japanese law)
>get money and free arts
>repeat for more profit

>> No.70711079

Impressive. It's like niji learned nothing at all. Even if they win, and they probably will whether they settle or go to court, it's still another blemish on niji's reputation and further marks it as a radioactive dumpster fire that nobody should have dealings with.

>> No.70711961

>Anycolour dosent payment artists then threatens legal action when they speak out.
The tweet says something entirely different. The artist had not received a payment from Company A and was denied negotiations. They finally settled to pay, but the artist was informed that someone had bad-mouthed him to Company B, and he received a letter from B that accused him of breaking confidentiality and damaging its reputation. The artist denies saying anything and says that the claims are baseless.

The letter lists Tazumi Riku in the upper right corner meaning that B is Anycolor. The text says that Anycolor was informed of the artist's violations by 望月陽光, who is the CEO of Unicreate (the company behind Liverary), so it's likely that A is Unicreate. Anycolor claims that the artist said that he had to wait for a long time and was told "You're fired." and that he was fired against his will.

>> No.70715099


>> No.70716835

I just started looking up unicreate and man that looks like a major shitshow. Basically all their talents graduated last year, but one of them (Mochizuki Himari) crowdfunded over 26 million yen to produce an eroge. In the graduation announcement they said they were still finishing the game, so no refunds. Just yesterday they seem to have reiterated this but a lot of former fans are unhappy.

>> No.70717256
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>4 Furthermore, since all of the facts in this case are facts that damage the reputation and credibility of our company, their disclosure would also constitute a tort.

>> No.70717469

>Guys trust me! This deleted tweet from a Japanese nobody proves Nijisanji eats babies

Continue your retarded drama spew. You retards will continue digging for more bullshit drama since this board has been infested with redditors and dramafags for weeks

>> No.70717826


>> No.70718043

>It's okay for Anycolor to refuse to pay its suppliers and violate contracts because I like them.

>> No.70718354

We're never gonna stop digging for the truth Enna. It's over for you.

>> No.70718364

Imagine suing artists but they didn't gave an NDA for the most part because they kept screwing up the names of such artists.

>> No.70718897 [DELETED] 
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Ammo discovered! Time to fire more shots at the 2% yacht!!

>> No.70719091

I'll post it again to clear up the confusion
it's another shitty company called Unicreate failed to pay their workers, not Anycolor
also it's just a warning letter not actually suing the girl

>girl used to work for Unicreate but they refused to pay
girl: where is my payment?
Unicreate: no, fuck you
girl: WTF? *complains to the government*
government: not cool, you have to pay
Unicreate: fine, but you'll regret this, we will spread bad news about you
>Unicreate and Anycolor are neighbors btw
Unicreate: hey Anycolor, we found out this girl has been spreading drama about you all over the place, source: trust me bro
Anycolor: WTF? how dare she, call my lawyers
>sends letter to blackmail the girl
Anycolor: I heard from Unicreate that you have been trash talking about us, breaking NDAs and spreading false info
Anycolor: cut it out this is not cool, we might sue your ass
girl: ?????
girl: I didn't say anything and I didn't even know you

basically Anycolor is being used by another evil corp to fuck over another girl
another case of their intern lawyer failed to do proper investigation and just panic like usual
also the girl gets response from the lawyer now and it's nothingburger and delete the tweet as advised

>> No.70719284

No one will read this because it doesn’t support the crusade.

>> No.70719837

So it's a false alarm? I thought we'd gotten our hands of another Niji yab but I guess that's not the case.

>> No.70719992

now we know nijisanji's lawyers are also on the yacht.

>> No.70720039

Niji literally can't stop shooting themself on the foot

>> No.70720163

Even if true
Nijisanji as a corpo is a lolkek as usual

>> No.70720366

Kurosanji at this point is the CCP version of JP

>> No.70720395

Reimu read this thread, she's panicking. She'll bail out.

>> No.70720434

so what you're saying, ANycolor's Legal team got used as attack dogs on the whim of another business they have a relationship. With no oversight or investigation to the veracity of the business partners claims?
Not exactly covering themselves in glory again.

>> No.70720474
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Give us this day our daily yab

>> No.70720547

I wonder if japan's defamation law also works if you insult someone or a company indirectly.
>you work at x company
as you don't post anything incriminating directly, can x company sue that guy to oblivion because he works at that x company?

>> No.70720622

> they have a relationship

>> No.70720776

Reimu is the number one nijidefender on /vt/. She's a huge piece of shit

>> No.70720995

Unicreate (Liverary) has literally been refusing to refund a crowdfunding campaign from a graduated talent for 3 months now and is probably faking statements from the talent saying they still intend to deliver the crowdfunding rewards to justify no refunds
This is who Anycolor considers a trustworthy source

>> No.70721146

Classic Kurosanji

>> No.70721205

Fag, I'm not. It's just business. I know what's going on bts and just trying to play it safe and will quit when it's sinking to deep.

>> No.70721244


>> No.70721630

I'm too esl to understand this. Anycolor is going to jail this dude for disclosing that he was fired?

>> No.70721705


>> No.70722336

That's what it looks like, yeah.

The only alternative is even worse, i.e. that Tazumi or some higher up OK'd the letter as a favor or a payment for the other company.

>> No.70722341

Is this the new thread?
The other ones keep getting deleted.

>> No.70722384

So my point stands, Niji Legal got used as an intimidation tool on the word of a shyster.

Absolute lack of professionalism

>> No.70722497


>> No.70722552


Stop coming /here/ to out yourselves you absolute 39 iq retards

>> No.70722617

>at best, nijisanji are considered such a poorly managed lolcow of a company that other black corps use them as dumb muscle to do their dirty work for them

>> No.70722644

>This goes against the narrative
Get in the program

>> No.70722778

t. redditor
How ironic
And you should bring your friends back to where they belong

>> No.70723092

any leads on who she formerly was. certainly not Himari, Original Uni, Mutsuki, and Tsuzuki because their roommates are immediately spotted. it's probably the second Uni that was skinwalking her during her "return" last year

>> No.70723204

ohh. it's Original Uni.

>> No.70723317

So what? The company is on fire it's going to crash anyways. I don't fucking care anymore.

>> No.70723500

damn, 2% is in a separate discussion.

So there chance to negotiate a higher cut.

>> No.70723735

Unfortunately under Japanese law truth is not a defense against libel/slander charges. If it's true but it's damaging to a company or public figure's reputation they can still sue you for saying it and will likely win.

>> No.70723978

So Reimu, where are you on the graduation queue?

>> No.70724061

Are you "attempting" to get terminated?

>> No.70724272

Take your ERP elsewhere faggot

>> No.70725109
File: 18 KB, 463x453, 1620977370509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of the facts in this case are facts that damage the reputation and credibility of our company
>all of the facts in this case are facts that damage the reputation and credibility of our company
>all of the facts in this case are facts that damage the reputation and credibility of our company

>> No.70725720

kys reimu

>> No.70725754

The family got that artist

>> No.70725831
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, ooga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me look bad! SUE YAH SUE YAH SUE YAH!

>> No.70726322
File: 271 KB, 800x800, 1673194961164514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are there so many shitty companies in Japan, or Asia on the whole? No wonder why the suicide rate across that continent is so damn high, or why people would rather be NEETs than spend a single moment working.
It doesn't make Anycolor look that better either if this Unicreate is who they consider to be trustworthy or reliable.

>> No.70731303

whistleblow next thread or you're a LARP

>> No.70733284

Every company is shitty retard, you just don’t notice it until the slip up and drop the facade.

>> No.70733398

make an attempt Reimu ...an attempt.

>> No.70734869

>two fouls an esl
I don't understand.

>> No.70735406

>broke contract
>receives a warning
Be glad they didn't went to court directly, because that's an effortless win for Niji.

>> No.70735714

One broken English. Two, I don't even know if a contact that involved a payment would hold up within court after the person who made said contract voided it by not paying as stated within the contract. It goes both ways when you draw one of these up.

>> No.70737185
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>> No.70737420

Japanese court, while she has no assets in Japan. And that's assuming that contract won't be thrown out even there, which I'm now not so sure of because of its contents.

>> No.70738104

Mumei just enjoyers.

>> No.70738170
File: 23 KB, 340x340, 16533456809129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon I got some crypto to sell you.
But you need to sign an NDA and you need to pay first before I can give the crypto to you.

>> No.70738247

>No wonder why the suicide rate across that continent is so damn high
Suicide rates are actually higher in the US than Japan. Japanese suicides don't have any particular gender difference, but the US has about the same rate of female suicide and 2x the rate of male suicide.

IIRC the whole "99% conviction rate" thing also has some fuckery behind it involving different metrics, and if you applied the Japanese metric to the US then its conviction rate would be even higher.

>> No.70738406

Not paying someone is breach of contract. Just saying.

>> No.70738458

Its family m8, they just don't want to be hung up on some cash in family matters.

>> No.70738516

Its just a specific kind of shitty. Just look at the service industry in the US, they legalized slavery and blame the customer if they don't "tip" people. Its just as shitty, but a different flavour of it.

>> No.70738649

This is the result of the president of the unpaid company and the president of the unpaid company tag-teaming and sending threatening letters.

>> No.70738651

>be JP artist
>work with Unicreate
>create art for Unicreate
>Unicreate refused to pay artist
>artist threaten legal action
>suddenly Unicreate agrees to pay
>artist now works with Anycolor
>Unicreate slanders artist to Anycolor
>claims artist defamed Anycolor
>Anycolor accuses arist broke confidentiality and caused reputation harm
>artist tweets about it
>gets lawyer involved
>deletes tweet
That about it? Why is it worth posting about again?

>> No.70738873

Unironically because of this:
In the west we have these things called "rights." So things like "the truth is the ultimate defense" are enforced by the government. But what you people need to get through your thick skulls is that this is all shit that popped up with the Renaissance thanks to the Humanists, and wasn't even codified into constitutions until the 19th century with Latin Right and Common Law. For Asia this is all just wypio shit they don't do. Hell some of them (China and India) actively scoff at it because it damages your GDP by lowering productivity (yknow because money is worth more than human lives apparently.)
You're looking at a whole ass continent where businesses are effectively oil barons because their business regulations are still effectively feudal/despotic in nature.

>> No.70738954

their defamation laws can't be this retarded. how the fuck is telling people that X company doesn't pay defamation if they actually don't do it?

>> No.70738972

The text is stamped with Tazumi's seal.
you can't get them back when they are stamped, can you? Give it up.

>> No.70738988

>violating NDAs
and? they also breached contract since they didn't fulfill their side

>> No.70739002

They have concepts of public and private face. They not paying you is a private issue that should be dealt with in private without damaging the public face. That's the logic behind the law at least.

>> No.70739010

How the fuck does a country allow it to get this bad?

>> No.70739066
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>Suicide rates are actually higher in the US than Japan.
WRONG. There's a couple years where USA has had spikes but on average picking any year since the 20th century Japan has it higher than the US 90% of the time. And the US already has a ludicrous suicide rate for the west.

>> No.70739140

Honestly not that bad, it helps not fuel the rumor mills when it goes the other way.

>> No.70739200

As said here: >>70738873 they never had humanism so they never tipified this shit into law.
Essentially their "defamation" law only cares about wether or not what you say causes economic damage. If it does, its defamation, even if true.
Their law effectively runs on "feelings don't care about your facts."

>> No.70739252


>> No.70739332

The problem is that defamation itself should only run on the logic that someone is being dishonest. It essentially protects companies from ever being criticized

>> No.70739337

It means if the person has a legitimate point, grilling them over what could be a typo or hastily edited sentence does more harm than good, distracting from the point. If it's egregious then sure, go ham.
The phrasing is a bit old timey if that's what is throwing you off.

>> No.70739372


>> No.70739443

Complete misreading of the law, it's to prevent people from dragging innocent people through the mud to try to silence them. It's unfortunate guilty people also benefit from the law but it also happens in non-JP countries and it's harder to prove slander and defamation because you have to prove intent. JP actually has a better system.

>> No.70739469


>> No.70739471

>It essentially protects companies from ever being criticized
that's the reason why things still haven't changed anon

>> No.70739558

The system would make sense if they also had whistleblower protection laws. Which they don't. America doesn't either (not in any real form, anyways *cough* Snowden *cough*) but at least their defamation laws aren't as retarded as jp. It's like having no witness protection laws and expecting witnesses to actually report what they saw. Why risk it?

>> No.70739610

This is how Johnny's (a japanese ojisan) raped hundreds of underage boys for decades and they only just now have started talking about it (now that he's dead). It would be comical how retarded this shit is if it wasn't so disgusting.

>> No.70739628


>> No.70739668

friendly reminder that in Japan you can get your ass sued for defamation because you left a negative review. a FUCKING review.

overseas artists are safe but anyone in Japan are fair game for Nijisanji

>> No.70739676

>You have to prove intent
Uh yeah. Because then at that point you could sue a newscaster for telling the world you tried to commit a crime on the same grounds as a tabloid. Do you not see how utterly retarded that is?

>> No.70739694

Because you're only thinking of it from the perspective of getting the bad guy and not protecting the innocent. US defamation laws are retarded. The way it's setup in the US you can talk all the shit you want as ling as the other party can't prove that you knew you were lying, and even if you do the courts sometimes throw out the case anyway. If that's the case then it's better to flip it the other way so no one can talk shit and only settle it in court. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.70739738

Except it only protects corporations and institutions in Japan. Both of which are the last things that need advantages.

>> No.70739759

Yeah, the girl that falsely accused men of rape was just remembering falsely right? She just dreamt she was raped. Really happened btw. US laws are fucking retarded in regards to defamation.

>> No.70739768

>JP has a better system
>because in JP you don't have to prove intent.
1-You STILL have no protection for people stating true facts. So no. Not a misreading. You mofos are literally punishing people for stating objectively true facts and nothing. NOTHING could make that system palatable much less good.
2-Not having to prove intent is a FLAW, not a benefit! Sure it may be too hard in some countries and its certainly not a perfect system but are you SERIOUSLY saying punishing people just because what they said caused a damage, even if they had no intention to cause damage and they were right, is somehow better than a system where you DON'T punish people for exercizing their right to free speech.
You utter, utter crazy person.

>> No.70739782

It protects everyone, corpos included. Stop excluding the innocent people that don't get slandered because of the same law that protects the corpo.

>> No.70739816

Speaking the truth should never be illegal.

>> No.70739825

Slandered by the truth you mean.

>> No.70739846 [DELETED] 

>If that's the case then it's better to flip it the other way so no one can talk shit and only settle it in court. Makes perfect sense.
No it doesn't, you know it doesn't

>> No.70739878

>muh objective facts
Settle it in court, not public opinion. Not hard to understand.
>prove intent
You can't prove intent unless the person literally says or writes in a memo their intent, everything else is circumstancial. The amount of people and corpos that get away with defamation and slander is retardedly high because you literally cannot prove intent in most cases. Proving intent is a flaw because no one is a mind reader. It's better to hash it out in court or just reach a settlement.

>> No.70739922

>If that's the case then it's better to flip it the other way so no one can talk shit and only settle it in court. Makes perfect sense.
No it doesn't, you know it doesn't

>> No.70739995

It's 2024 anon, lots of truths are illegal. Some even gets you banned from /here/ so stfu about muh truth
You only find that out in court, not before. Not hard to understand.
I know it does because I've seen it play out and the slandered party has no recourse because they couldn't prove intent since the guy could've just been mistaken or had wrong info, but the damage was already done. The US defamation law is retarded and only helps the rich and powerful with little to no protections for the little guy. Better the law just makes everyone stfu until all the facts come out.

>> No.70739999

>"Your company doesn't pay people and I have documents proving it"
>Person is sued for try to get a company to pay people that work with them and loses, and now has no money to file a counter suit

>> No.70740021

Japan does have Whistleblower protections, but they only come into effect if they can prove they're not saying it to hurt the company, benefit themselves, and the company/public/market is in some form of danger if the whistle doesn't get blown.
For reference, I'm reading a translation of the law, not the original text, so it's a bit foggy on some of the details and there might be translation mishaps surrounding "intent" and "purpose" since those concepts tend to be difficult to translate.

>> No.70740028

>shitty slander laws
mangy western dogs don't understand the true Nippon tamashii of bushido. Nijisanji's meiyo to un could be harmed by the public airing of private disputes. you wouldn't want Riku-sama to have to seppuku in front of shareholders, would you???

>> No.70740033

Maybe don't make public posts about it and focus on getting funds for legal action?

>> No.70740057

>It's 2024 anon, lots of truths are illegal.
It's not like the truth was more legal throughout history. And look up the difference between "should" and "are".
>Some even gets you banned from /here/ so stfu about muh truth

>> No.70740079

Japo defamation laws are FUCKED my dude. Shit is real bad.

>> No.70740091

>Settle it in court, not public opinion.
NO. Fuck you, free speech, bitch.
>You can't prove intent unless the person literally says or writes in a memo their intent, everything else is circumstancial.
That is NOT how it works. To quote:
>To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the reputation of the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.
Note how it says "AT LEAST NEGLIGENCE". Yeah, proving "intent" is as easy as proving they should have known the statement would cause damage. Unless you plan to add "malice" which is an aggravating clause that is. It is one of the easiest fucking things ever and for most defamating statements its directly assumed to be true given their damage should be obvious, EG any statement relating to a criminal accusation.

>> No.70740100

The issue is that in Japan the truth can still be defamation. That should never ever be the case. I don't care if someone only came forward with the truth in order to hurt someone. The truth is the truth and deserves to be heard.
Lying to hurt someone is bad for society.
Telling the truth to get it out there is good for society.
Telling the truth to hurt someone is still good for society even if your motives make you a dick.

>> No.70740101

US law being retarded doesn't make Japanese law less retarded
Are you going to defend the Japanese retardation or just go on about your personal feelings

>> No.70740121
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>> No.70740145

>Truth as a concept no longer matters because of some Mongolian basket weaving jannies
Just admit you're a corporate shill and go away

>> No.70740189

The purpose of a system is what it does. Japanese defamation laws protect companies from legitimate criticism and punish people for telling the truth, therefore, that is their purpose.

>> No.70740194
File: 40 KB, 800x800, 1709654291105961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just sue a corpo!
Yeah because that's a thing people can do on the regular in Japan... Wait no, no they cannot. Again, if the truth kills you, then die, bitch.

>> No.70740199

>easiest fucking things ever
Tell me more about how you don't know shit about defamation cases. No lawyer takes them on unless it's a slam dunk case because it's so retardedly hard to prove.
And who decides what is true? The public? Like a mob? No, just make your legal case and hash it out in the courts.

>> No.70740211

>No, just make your legal case and hash it out in the courts.
Anon, Japanese courts will STILL find you guilty if what you said was the truth. That's my point. The truth is not protected there.

>> No.70740220

>The issue is that in Japan the truth can still be defamation. That should never ever be the case.
Eh, it's complicated. Evil corporations aside, it all boils down to the issue of privacy. Like, when your ex is airing your kinks masquerading the "intent".

>> No.70740241

Truth in defamation cases LITERALLY does not matter in Japanese courts my man

>> No.70740263

What you guys are missing is why is Niji legal acting at the behest of a third party on unproven statements? The issue is between the artist and Unicreate. WTF has that got to do with Nijisanji? Clearly the artist has no dealings with Nijisanji and it is extremely doubtful that she's going to bring up Nijisanji in a dispute between her and Unicreate.

Like really? You expect me to believe an artist trying to get paid for her work is suddenly going to slander Nijisanji who has nothing to do with her dispute? Why? What for? What benefit is it to her?

>> No.70740268

>slandered party has no recourse because they couldn't prove intent since the guy could've just been mistaken or had wrong info
The biggest benefit is having slander against you proven wrong. That's what a company should want. It ruins the reputation of the slanderer and makes whatever claims against you invalid so they can no longer be used against you.
>The US defamation law is retarded and only helps the rich and powerful with little to no protections for the little guy. Better the law just makes everyone stfu until all the facts come out.
What you're saying is directly contradictory because the little guy is not going to risk speaking about how they were forced to work overtime through a holiday and missed their flight to visit family or how their manager slipped a hand under their skirt if they can't afford to fight a multimillion dollar company and their legal team specialized in pointing out and exploiting all available faults the little guy did. This is the way that corporations get away with egregious shit, when the process is a hassle to go through and their is no guarantee of restitution in a time period that would still matter to the one pushing a suit.

>> No.70740275

Yeah and that's WHY it's fucking retarded

>> No.70740312

Mofo keeps bringing up US defamation laws as if UK defamation laws aren't even worse.

>> No.70740346

JP law is 20% less retarded than US law in this specific instance.
And who decides what's true? (You)? No thanks, you're obviously not smart or ethical enough to know what is or is not true.
It's why you need to Yamaguchi their ass if the legal system fails.
Wasn't talking about the slander, was taling about whatever grievance they had with the corpo. Hash that out in court. Stfu about it publicly and avoid slander/def accusations.

>> No.70740360

Because you're not being sued for saying falsehoods, you're being sued for spreading information that damages their image and livelihood.

>> No.70740385

Ok but who won?

>> No.70740415

Depp lost in UK
Won in US.

>> No.70740418

>and who decides what's true?
The people with the most money, duh

>> No.70740428
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Are we sure they signed anything though? (I cannot believe i'm legitimately asking this question and not just trolling right now)

>> No.70740431

What I want to know is what's the origin of this? I do remember hearing this from a poem or something.

>> No.70740442

Yamaguchi was almost a century ago bro. Japos are cucked man.

>> No.70740444

oi, gunna need chew see uh loicense fer that there slander m8. ma'ah fact, cough up yer bloody loicense for postin' on the internets too while yer ah'it m8, blimey.

>> No.70740457

There's literally entire legal firms specializing in defamation. There's even sub specializations like digital libel. Every US circuit has tons of defamation cases every bloody month. Some states have had to make entire branches just for defamation because they were being overrun by SLAPP cases abusing just how easy defamation already is to weaponize in the west. What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.70740459

>And who decides what's true?
The document that has all of a company's financial dealings.

>> No.70740467
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a Haiku...

>> No.70740468

Which is a bad law. The truth should be protected. Instead, the immoral actions of people and companies are being protected by making it a crime to reveal them to the public.

>> No.70740482

crazy right?
and there are also consequences to being a black company

>> No.70740507

At this point I'm convinced this is all just Enna being /here/

>> No.70740516

Or it goes the other way and since you couldn't prove the slander was with intent the court sides with the the defense and it was indeed NOT slander, so now it's official what they said wasn't slander even though it was wrong. Has happened many times. Also nothing I said was contradictory. The examples you gave are the same problems in US corpos and have nothing to do with slander and defamation.

>> No.70740529

>6, 7, 6...
isn't it 5, 7, 5?

>> No.70740551

It's super easy to bring a defamation case to court in the west if you have the money but you aren't winning. I guess you could say you are weaponising it because they have to front for lawyer jews to defend but so does the person presenting the claim.

>> No.70740594

Anon is being quite butthurt over the concept of truth so you might be onto something

>> No.70740643

Yes, most defamation cases are treated as frivolous because they can't be proven and are getting thrown out. This is not supporting your argument.

>> No.70740680

Again, who decides what is the truth? Some Tweet? The public? Really?

>> No.70740709

The rhythm and structured meaning were definitely inspired, likely by the same thing you heard though I have no idea what; it would have been decades ago.
I'm just happy someone found it amusing kek

>> No.70740735

They didn't fulfill their side of the contract therefore the NDA it's void. Any decent lawyer would tell you that.

>> No.70740754

>since you couldn't prove the slander was with intent the court sides with the the defense and it was indeed NOT slander, so now it's official what they said wasn't slander even though it was wrong
It only gets to the intent if your slander is proven to be factually wrong and you're about to be held responsible for it. Proving that there was no intent to spread slander doesn't immediately do a roundabout and make what you said true.
Who decides what is a lie really? The court? A lawyer?

>> No.70740808

>The truth should be protected
I'm not a relativist by any means, but facts and the "truth" can often be bent to be convenient to any point of view. I also don't mean to be too patronising since in principle I agree with you, and I'm not that old myself, but you sound quite young and idealistic. Ideals aren't bad to have, but you need to be realistic and accept that these systems, legal, corporate, or whatever, are the way they are because of hundreds of years of complex history, and come to terms with the fact that you definitely aren't the first and only person to point out how unjust you feel these laws are yet there hasn't been significant systemic change.

>> No.70740810

The court. Which then prosecutes you anyway. Are you even making a point here? Let me say this again: The Japanese legal system will still fuck you even if they determine that you are speaking the truth. The Japanese legal system DOES NOT CARE. The only thing they care about is that you don't hurt someone's reputation. They don't care that they actually did those things. They would rather protect the reputation of someone that did something wrong than let people tell the truth about it.

>> No.70740822 [DELETED] 
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So are you gonna keep spewing bullshit? Because I BROUGHT THE FUCKING RECEIPTS.

>> No.70740835

Absolute truth is a defence to a defamation suit in the UK; you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.70740852

You keep saying this over and over as if saying 2+2 equals 4 being grounds for defamation if somehow the company proves it put them at a loss is a good thing.

>> No.70740874


>> No.70740880

There are consequences to trying to run slave labor and not paying as well
Your shit company is going under this year

>> No.70740977

Unless it was factually wrong wtf would you bother going to court over it? Of course you have to prove intent, that's the entire point.
And again, for the 3rd time, stfu about them in public and go after them in private. If you already talked shit and they sue you then it's too late so stfu and go after them in private.
Do you not understand just not talking shit about a person or corpo if there is threat of lawsuit and if you have grievances against them to go after them in actual court instead of the court of public opinion?

>> No.70741009

So you are are just a dumbass who doesn't understand that not being able to warn the public about bad companies leads to more victims. Got it.

>> No.70741097

Maybe they should stop being victims and collectively sue the corpo win or lose or Yamaguchi them into scandal and bankruptcy?

>> No.70741109


>> No.70741111

Most legal systems have safeguards stating that the truth is not defamation. Japan does not. It's an unjust law that has noticeably detrimental effects on their society. Black companies get away with a lot of shit because workers cannot legally inform the public about them without being sued. This allows them to constantly get new employees who are blind to what they are getting into.

Appealing to history is irrelevant. Not once did I suggest that my opinion would somehow cause the laws to be changed. I'm not sure what point you are making here other than trying to undermine my view by claiming I'm "young". Which is utter nonsense. If you have an actual argument to make other than attempting to patronize others, feel free to make it. But speaking down to others without addressing their points is poor form.

>> No.70741138
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Actually 95% of defamation lawsuits are settled between the parties before it even reaches trial. This btw is how USA does EVERYTHING. Even criminal cases have a 97% plea deal proportion, which is, just bonkers. But point is, that's why its so hard to find USA's statistics for everything since settlements are private.
picrel is why btw. In UK defamation is a civil case, which means the standard of evidence goes all kinds of fucked. UK civil court is a joke.
Not as bad tho as Japanese court. Where shit's so fucked that scientifically the easiest way to predict the outcome of a case is to know the occupation of the plaintiff and defendant. No. Really. I brought the fucking receipts. Shit's fucked.

>> No.70741168

Unless it was factually wrong wtf would you bother going to court over it?
So you could make someone stop saying things that hold your company accountable for its behavior, do you think that these lawyers and companies don't know when something is true or not?
>Of course you have to prove intent, that's the entire point.
No, the point is if you have evidence enough to prove what you said. Intent doesn't matter if you're speaking the truth and have evidence to back it up in any reasonable court system that values truth which is to say any reasonable court system.

>> No.70741239

>sue the corpo
Yeah sure. If you have a million dollars to burn on legal fees. Are you so ignorant that you don't understand what happens when someone attempts to sue a corporation? They stall you out. They will drag the case out until you can't afford an attorney anymore. Then you will lose. That's not limited to Japan either. That happens everywhere. The difference is that, in other locations, the corporation can't win a defamation case against you for calling them out on their bullshit.

>> No.70741287

Or collectively sue
Yeah I already pointed out settlements so everything I ranted after were specifically about cases that were filed and went to court or at least papers made it to the judge.
>intent doesn't matter if you speak the truth
Are you retarded?

>> No.70741331

Not to mention that if we're being technical, under Japan Defamation Laws if it's proven said lawsuit caused financial loss for the Company (which duh having a court case made public most likely would) they can then counter sue on grounds of Defamation and win.

>> No.70741363

>Or collectively sue
It would take 10,000 Japanese people 10 years of their salary just for one month of Corpo legal funds.

>> No.70741414

Class-action lawsuits generally require either a VERY large number of people to contribute, or some of them need to be rich. Because the cost is still unreasonably high. Generally speaking, victims of black companies are going to be very poor. Because the company was mistreating them. Wealth inequality has an extremely detrimental effect on your odds of a winning a case. Far more than whether you are right or wrong. It's a global problem that will likely never be properly addressed because the lawmakers happen to be rich themselves.
If that problem was properly addressed(which it won't be), then Japan's defamation laws wouldn't be such a problem. Because like you said they could just take it up in court and ruin the company. But that's just not feasible to do. The next best option is to warn the public so they can't create more victims. But Japan won't let you do that either.

>> No.70741541

Again, the law protects the corpo just as much as it protects anyone the corpo slanders.
>but le moneys, courts fail, etc.
Then vigilante their ass.
>they shouldn't have to
It's ALWAYS been this way. Make them pay financially then make them pay personally. That's what the corpos do too btw.

>> No.70741690

>just as much as it protects anyone the corpo slanders
I don't follow your point here. The issue isn't whether the corpo slanders people. The issue is that the corporation can mistreat workers and nobody can stop them. You can't take them to court and win. You can't warn the public to prevent them from creating more victims. There are two separate failings of the legal system that, together, work to protect black companies.
>Then vigilante their ass.
Now you are being silly. Breaking the law to get even not only shouldn't be the answer, but realistically isn't feasible either. You can't just shoot up a corporation in Japan. Guns aren't publicly available there. Telling people to kyoani their place of employment is also pretty fucked since most of the employees working there are victims too.

>> No.70742902
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>> No.70743745

>Then vigilante their ass.
What a shitposter you're.

>> No.70743861

Good posts. You're wasting your time but you really put in perspective why the system sucks (in most countries not just Japan).
Thanks anon.

>> No.70748490

Yep. The only part that's not certain is if the artist is currently working for Anycolor or if it was in the past.

>> No.70753377
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>> No.70754374

>I think the laws should exist in such a way that the third-world shithole I live in is the only possible end-result
Society doesn't benefit from people being able to spin their true personal experiences as everyone else's problem

>> No.70755776

Does NijiEN not have 2views already? I feel like every time someone brings up the branch they mention like three or four new people I've never heard of

>> No.70756484

This might come as a shock to you, but only third-world shitholes consider the truth to be defamation. In first-world countries, the truth is protected speech. You can still take someone to court if they badmouth you, but you will lose your case if the court finds that what they said was the truth. Your reputation being damaged by the truth is simply the consequences of your own actions. You have nobody to blame but yourself. Shitholes in Asia care more about the "Honor" and "Face" than justice. Which is why they inevitably suffer from severe, blatant, corruption. You can't call a spade a spade without being sued for it.

>> No.70760463


>> No.70760570

Hol' up, I thought niji loved their artists?

>> No.70761380

love exploiting them.

>> No.70763118

Shut the fuck up Piccolo.

>> No.70765507

