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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 88 KB, 987x847, MiuKyunBlanket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70676843 No.70676843 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy and snuggly edition.

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to increase their numbers, and gain an audience.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, although we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>Should I post in /asp/ too?
The thread recommendation is to introduce yourself in as many communities you can, so yes. Just don't bring the general up unless asked, that particularly applies outside of this site.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like 4chan ads)

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."
Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight.

>Last thread FAQ
Unfortunately, not much of note in last thread.

>Some resources
https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)


>Threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Global
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt/euro/ - European vtuber thread
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up
>>>/vt/jong/ - beloved offspring for mahjong players

Previous: >>70616235

>> No.70676897
File: 38 KB, 112x112, Miupatpatpat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for headpats.

>> No.70676907
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>> No.70676955
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>> No.70677671
File: 833 KB, 1000x750, 1706372524606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna take a nap. Name chuubas and I'll get to them when I wake up.

>> No.70677795
File: 140 KB, 1200x675, 1697102966752746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw Meredith SaveHymn Its her birthday this saturday

>> No.70677851


>> No.70678000


>> No.70679196

page 9...

>> No.70679449

i have nothing to ask
my biggest hurdles at the moment are financial related, time related, or something this thread cannot provide advice on

>> No.70680314

cool png tuber, actually funne to listen to

>> No.70680464

uhm this is the woman's thread and that is a male.

>> No.70680568

>no raids
>just playing retro
Too bad she's playing jong soon

>> No.70681442

When you’re in a collab, do you shift your personality to be less “you”?

>> No.70681749

You might want to be at your best behavior depending on what you want out of the collab and what kind of personality/content your collab partner usually do.

>> No.70681919

Depends. Is it with some 2view male vtuber? There's nothing at risk so it doesn't matter?

Is it with another femchuuba who has a fanbase? Better bring your A game and get some of her viewers

>> No.70681932
File: 474 KB, 1561x2000, Layla Smells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70682000
File: 322 KB, 870x1280, Spooky Mond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70684089

Retro is a viable niche for girls and a dead end for males, it's good to see her doing well

>> No.70684120
File: 895 KB, 3840x2160, WeAreOuttaPunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70684184

I'm glad to see it, some of the guys in the chat have been very supportive of vtubers in the past, so I'll hope they treat her nicely.

>> No.70685294

i miss my viewers

>> No.70685301

Miu Kyun

>> No.70685408

nice ritual

>> No.70685451

No one misses me

>> No.70685608

I miss you

>> No.70685682
File: 942 KB, 828x900, 1701481025549375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70685860

I wanna start doing real promo prob by posting here but I’m so nervous lol maybe one day soon when I finish my 3.0 model or finally buy a good one

>> No.70686161

I can feel my throat and ears starting to hurt when I swallow.. I hope I’m not getting sick I hate canceling streams.

Do you stream when you’re sick or take a rest ? Do viewers care if you’re sick?

>> No.70686168
File: 175 KB, 1010x1500, 1690468095580324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70686211

Yeah its concerning if it feels like you shouuld be taking a break but still decide to stream to "not disappoint" us etc menhera reasons.

>> No.70686638
File: 385 KB, 128x128, 1709479454984163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Ria, her Hi-Fi Rush gameplay has been really enjoyable and I want to keep listening to her brain rotted thoughts
t. VOD watcher I refuse to say hi to her chat, sorry!

>> No.70687146
File: 196 KB, 848x1200, ESWSSIuWoAA8Cqy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kof 2002 is a retro game

>> No.70687208

Which lady would look good in a gown? I'm taking a break from drawing hunks and getting back into fashion

>> No.70687833

All of them but especially (you)

>> No.70687903

the flat ones
try khubie

>> No.70688402

pittie but her being too sexy is dangerous

>> No.70688686

Nobody really cares. Well, your future viewers will.

>> No.70689709


>> No.70690680

personal choice but arisu model is pretty hot

>> No.70692162


>> No.70694735

care to elaborate?

>> No.70696047

i miss my chuuba

>> No.70696278
File: 603 KB, 1140x370, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70696657


>> No.70699162

sexy pitty can summon all the gooners in the world

>> No.70700267
File: 262 KB, 1920x1080, GHl_TOnaUAEwZKQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VAllure. Avtuber corpo. Focusing on audio, Female only.

>> No.70701014

who here can make it

>> No.70701141
File: 146 KB, 593x619, 1685522354744159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you apply to the sockman sad girl company

>> No.70702719

Gobbo live

>> No.70702799


Elfin live

>> No.70703070

QB live

>> No.70703764

I believe in femanon.

>> No.70703881

ngmi, too much time reading and shitposting in pcg

>> No.70703920

I love her so much...

>> No.70704043

sell her to the rest of us

>> No.70704269

Didn't Grace have like 40 viewers her first stream? Wtf happened?

>> No.70704461

>Didn't Grace have like 40 viewers her first stream? Wtf happened?
debuts will very often be your most viewed streams for months to come

>> No.70704556
File: 421 KB, 1170x1145, BF2934D9-C81A-4C75-A3AC-27D46773CDFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your favourite kinds of animated emotes?

>> No.70704663
File: 15 KB, 147x144, 1678754517658737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wigglies of course

>> No.70704747
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>> No.70705000
File: 6 KB, 577x577, template squib.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70705327

I love wigglies and squibbies

>> No.70705397

Squibbles and wigglies are my go, but almost all the gifs from big chuubas are unique enough that it's hard to reference them, while they are also very interesting with what they do

>> No.70705456
File: 61 KB, 345x318, squibby wiggly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70705994
File: 183 KB, 112x112, 1701103812955071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a man of culture

>> No.70706390
File: 536 KB, 447x435, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had been called one too many times this shit, and if I get called it once again the same bullshit here, I will now really end it all. HOW DO I SOUND NORMAL? WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH SHOWING INTEREST ON THE CONVERSATION? I HAVE MY COLLAB IN TWO DAYS I NEED TO FIX IT BY THEN PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME WHERE TO START

>> No.70707121
File: 269 KB, 460x276, 1691650643818967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine yourself to be the coolest person you know
now act as if they would act
there, now you are cool

>> No.70707135

how the hell am i supposed to help without you dropping a link

>> No.70707521

how do we know how to fix your problem if you wont show up what your problem is

>> No.70707567

i applied to some companies but haven't heard back anything yet. still too early to hear back from some but we'll see where it goes i guess. i unironically really want to get into vallure, whore reputation be damned

>> No.70707631

you can tell a lot just by the fact she is posting here
to begin with, she has autism , social anxiety, bad relationships with both men and women, spent a lifetime on the internet, weeb, sadgirl, mentally damage, scared to open the door to talk to the delivery guy, etc

>> No.70707653

I haven't used my mic in a long time and I barely changed any settings but for some reason now it seems like it's way quieter than it used to be despite being set at the same windows volume, it clips way more when I yell despite using the same compressor, and I have to be way closer to it than before for anything to pick up

>> No.70707732

groomable tbqh

>> No.70707735

Those are great traits for a vtuber

>> No.70707813

you just described like all the waspies.

>> No.70707861

Would you like to practice conversationalism with each other

>> No.70707900

Which mic? USB or not? Any mixer?

>> No.70707907

usually i hate british accents but khubie is so fucking cute

>> No.70707930

Q2u, usb, no

>> No.70707986

Something that actually emotes and not just for spamming. You prolly need a bonk emote animated or not

>> No.70708066

You gotta be more clear if you want help. How are you not sounding normal? Are you too monotone? Do you stink at engaging with other people? You don't have to reveal yourself but give more info.

>> No.70708069

Who cares? It's not liek you're gonna engage with chat

>> No.70708199

you will make a buck at least
gfe+e-thot is the only thing that gives more money than an actual job

>> No.70708323
File: 824 KB, 1616x995, 005 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ass hurts from pilates, late short stream, but i just wanna chill

also nice to meet you, cute aspies


>> No.70708518

do you like mahjong

>> No.70708608

Uh, can't really help you much. First unironically turn your PC on and off then check your drivers I guess. I assume Windows so could also be a Windows thing.

>> No.70708919

>over 1k followers

Lol fuck off you leech

>> No.70708984

Go back to /asp/

>> No.70709152

why do we shun bigger followings again? it could potentially encourage collabs

>> No.70709225


>> No.70709245

>everyone I don't like is the /asp/ boogeyman

Because it takes away viewers and resources from those who actually need help establishing themselves

>> No.70709385

>Because it takes away viewers and resources from those who actually need help establishing themselves
It's a competition. You might wanna go back to /asp/ and jerk the circle

>> No.70709414

we dont, we never had
more cute girls the better, thats a crab from asp

>> No.70709419

Please be more of an obvious pick me

>> No.70709445

Oh no, it already started T---T

I mean that I don't know, I just want to talk with males and not get called a whore, to be able to talk with them and not get called dick-starved, to not get called a leech and a nymph, I have heavily cried before when my "friends" called me that or similar because i was... engaged in the conversation??? I don't know how to explain ITTT SORRY!

I guess it can be said like... how to have interactions with the opposite sex without being perceived as a whore? Should I say that I'm lesbian to nullify any possibility of that? NO I AM NOT A FLIRT SO THAT ISNT PART OF THE PROBLEM I GUESS
Gomenasorry for not being capable or answering T---T

>> No.70709513

>everyone I don't like is the /asp/ boogeyman
yes actually, historically it has been that way

this thread made a lot of people upset, specially (you)

>> No.70709520

>everybody I don't like is the /asp/ boogeyman

So you're okay with massive streamer posting their links hoping to snag a few more CCV and then disappearing?

>> No.70709535

hiya elfin

>> No.70709604

>everyone I don't like is the /asp/ boogeyman

If you want to make this place a leech fest, you will gatekeep these threads

>> No.70709637

Yes. More choices will always be better than less, /asp/ie faggot

>> No.70709658

Post your link you sound cute.
Judging by the way you type, Im guessing that females are just being jealous because you're a cutemaxxed female that's fun to talk to and males just have fun talking to you. There's really nothing you can do realistically, you're gonna step on some toes no matter what and since you're not doing it intentionally, it's really not your fault at all.

Post link.

>> No.70709664

recycled bait from asp
males have that mentality because the women steal viewers from men

>> No.70709674

>my headcanon is reality


>> No.70709731

She's streaming right now retard.

>> No.70709775
File: 905 KB, 1920x1080, 1695239102884451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you like fighting games?

>> No.70709819

no, anyaposter, not today.

>> No.70709851

You should realize that /wasp/ hates males so just ignore it. As for your actual audience, just keep it casual and not overly intimate when you talk with males and you'll be fine. Never flirt but you said you don't do that so you'll be fine. Also ditch those friends since they clearly want to shit on you for doing what every good streamer should be doing, which is networking.

>> No.70709884

I like this boy

>> No.70709937
File: 561 KB, 768x756, 1702591426151558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, what brought you to this mental asylum of a site?

>> No.70709980

Personally I liked the idea of not streaming my POV with males.

>> No.70710181

This place isn't about viewers it's not twitch's homepage, it's about help and advice for ASPIRING VTUBERS

It's off topic

>> No.70710216

This is not your thread

>> No.70710262

Kill yourself

>> No.70710263

Yeah they dont sound like your real friends, real friends wouldnt be like this. Just skip them the next time cause they sound like bitches.

>> No.70710271

>ass hurts from pilates

>> No.70710281

>he finally revealed he's a vtuber and probably an /asp/ie

>> No.70710289

>i will disregard who you are without even knowing your intentions
what if she came back to ask if we enjoyed it?
Get rekt son, be more humble next time, you psycho.

>> No.70710344

>cute aspies
it's waspies akshually

>> No.70710351

The thread is for aspiring vtubers. Not viewers to have a choice of girls, go to /wvt/ if you want that

>> No.70710445

>uuu my ass
Please stop

>> No.70710521

Off topic

If Gura posted here, it doesn't matter because she's off topic

This is for vtubers, not viewers to groom

>> No.70710556

>uuu my ass
please continue

>> No.70710613

Who's live right now?

>> No.70710619

>off topic
He said the thing! Neck yourself, faggot.

>> No.70710655

No wonder she needs to leech, boring bitch

>> No.70710734



>> No.70710740

>wtf what do you mean my thread title that says aspiring vtubers isn't meant to be my personal grooming thread

Not disproving the groomer allegations

>> No.70710838

Fuck off back to /asp/

>> No.70710864

dont you have a gay dick to suck

>> No.70710921

>assumes everyone who doesn't agree with him is a groomer and not one of the /wasp/ies tired of seeing his shit
Fucking hilarious.

>> No.70710962

projecting there hard friend , what would rura think if she knew you are a schizo

>> No.70710999
File: 104 KB, 900x637, 1689357673928532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna groom vtubers into Twitch partners.

>> No.70711053

Don't you have some girls to groom?

>> No.70711132

still that faggot?

>> No.70711143

>im a /wasp/ie

Post vocaroo and prove you're a woman right now

>> No.70711174

Aspies aren't taking their meds again, anyways-

/wasp/ what do you use as a Stream Starting / Ending graphic? Is it original or from a website? I need inspiration.

>> No.70711263

who else could it be

>> No.70711607

>it must be the same person

>> No.70711690

Waiting on that vocaroo groomer

>> No.70711798

No vocaroo? Pretending to be a woman to give your thread more legitimacy but proving you're a groomer when you get called out?

>> No.70711969
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_1480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a custom made animation and music for a starting screen. Currently commissioning in a brb screen / music and then will do an ending screen soon

>> No.70712276

hah churning butter? Nice. I like animated starting screens, makes things feel so cozy. I have no idea what I would want one for one, though. I still haven't figured out a theme to center all that stuff on.

>> No.70712482

Spend money on a model because yours look like it had down syndrome

>> No.70712563

I think they’re nice and definitely bring in a professional feel. You can do anything really, but be careful animation is expensive. This was 160ish
She’s supposed to look retarded

>> No.70712601

please no biting bait

>> No.70712800

>She’s supposed to look retarded

Nice subtle crab

>> No.70712857

Yeah I'm not tryna spend money on it just yet, but it's definitely a goal. I think I'd prefer something simple like floating lights or sparkly shit. That will hopefully be cheaper.

>> No.70712876

she literally talked about posting on 4chan during her stream lmao

>> No.70713022

> I just want to talk with males and not get called a whore
Collab with whoever you want, whore.

>> No.70713107

>I did it ma, I saved the girls from the groomers by harassing them

real homobeggar hours

>> No.70713302

>I just want to talk with males and not get called a whore,
there is zero way out of this, sorry
law of the land

>> No.70713391

You're not welcome here if you want to collab with males, go to /asp/

>> No.70713413

>You should realize that viewers dislike male colabs so just ignore
and other great advice from the homobeggars shitting this thread except when they see the opportunity to use them as a stepping stone for their homosexuals

>> No.70713530

>You should realize that /wasp/ hates males so just ignore it
go back to /asp/ already male vtuber

>> No.70713801

The sheer fucking mental gymnastics

>/wasp/ies shouldnt collab with males
>except when the person saying it is potentially someone I don't like so you should whore yourself out as much as possible

Can you make up your fucking mind?

>> No.70713873

They told me this was the useful thread but it's exactly the same as /asp/ just with some people saying to go back to /asp/

>> No.70713934

are you stupid son
it's asp without gay erp, so it's considerable better

>> No.70713938

/wasp/ies should collab with male vtubers to own the male vtubers who want to collab with girls

Wait, what?

>> No.70713964

Ask this in asp and I'll give you a serious answer.

>> No.70713978

>Not new IP

>> No.70714014

Yeah that's what they said

>> No.70714051 [DELETED] 

I'll slurp down your girthy cock any time you like anon like the good little boy cum guzzling slut I am

>> No.70714165

Both threads are shit. The difference is that you have a slightly higher chance of actually getting advice here.

>> No.70714185

honestly the best would be to get outside of 4chan altogether, this is a unicorn site for the most part so there is no place where that will fly with except for asp, and aspies will tell you it is ok just so you collab with them which in their head makes them your boyfriend

>> No.70714188


>> No.70714292

/asp/ has given more consistent and better advice than /wasp/ has for a while now

>> No.70714326

if this is what you post when you are just visiting a thread you hate I can only imagine how much gay erp you post in the thread were you actually live

>> No.70714404

Have they recently? I just remember nonstop crabbing while these threads had a bit less.

>> No.70714433

You want to punish me don't you?

I want you to push my boy button by slamming your girthy cock into my hole over and over

>> No.70714617

In my opinion.

>> No.70714662

/wasp/ has answered 2 of my questions
Neither of the answers were useful, but that was more answers than 0.

>> No.70714732

Speak fucking clearly, you sound like a tranny when you don't enunciate

>> No.70714830

/asp/ has answered all of my questions, /wasp/ just told me "don't collab with males and you'll be fine"

>> No.70714890

If youre done quizing both threads to make some kind of point then fuck off back to /asp/

>> No.70715003

What a quality contribution

>> No.70715097

well its not wrong

>> No.70715161

Seems like /asp/ is your thread. Why are you here?

>> No.70715266

Why are you here?

>> No.70715529

Doesn't help unfuck my mic settings

>> No.70715602
File: 634 KB, 887x733, 1695980350154200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intra company wars and a personal battle against nijisisters spamming the catalog

>> No.70716173

Ignore them, post questions

How do you make good thumbnails?

>> No.70716382

I like when people post about me because I’m able to see what people like about me / hate me. I’m also able to recognize what my character is and how to improve on it.

>> No.70716389

lewd anime girl pic always works

>> No.70716501

How do you get ideas for your content ? Do you trend recycle?

>> No.70716641

Good thumbnail artist

>> No.70716776


>> No.70716870

watch other vtubers, copy

>> No.70717163

If you need a thumbnail to carry you, your content was shit to begin with

>> No.70717774

never played, im too stupid

played sf4 and sf5 but labbing is too hard i had to stop cause i sucked

frequently other boards over the years but only learned recently that there was a chuuba board !

sowie i copypasted from /asp/ cause they told me to post here and i was already streaming . ill do better next time

its okay, my streams are supposed to be comfy cozy and people fall asleep to them so im not surprised you think this way.

i got adult braces but also im working on it. maybe i needa get some professional help for this cause i sound stupid sometimes when i ramble

>> No.70717872

I liked your stream :)

>> No.70717991

You're so new here. Dont reply to the trolls and schizos, they lash out at anyone. Welcome to /wasp/ and make friends and enjoy your stay!

>> No.70718004
File: 160 KB, 410x320, image_2024-03-05_232402375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fanart/skeb commission combined with a visual of the game/content. you want for the vtuber design to take up about 1/3 of the thumbnail. try to make it related to the game in some way like a face expression or action.

>> No.70718044

>I sound stupid
if you want real feedback, learn to exaggerate your speech for better enunciation, the best way is the way of the exaggerated gestures and unnecessary emphasis on words, even slow talk (goes along with comfy vibes!) so that ends up being a really easy way to get better wording and sounding voice.

>> No.70718575

Please never post here again, we don't need leeching cunts

>> No.70718684

please keep posting here we need more cute girls

>> No.70718819

You are here looking for someone to groom you aren't you

>> No.70718826


>> No.70718973

Imagine trying to get real support and getting so crabbed that the only option left is to leave. Thanks, goodbye!

>> No.70719057

Can you fuckers fuck off from /asp/?

>> No.70719251

What's wrong with you losers? You're really shitting up /asp/ to prop up your groomer split?

>> No.70720233

thank you for tuning in!!

thank you! it probably doesnt help that my voice is on the lower side, so it probably gets too bassy when im not enunciating properly. this'll help me with my irl job too so it's definitely good advice

no u

>> No.70720408

Kill yourself.

>> No.70720861

i see you fell for the obvious falseflags of shitposters trying to stir shit

>> No.70721108

/asp/ has no incentive to crab newbies (also notice that only new girls get crabbed, never new guys hmmmm I wonder why?) and this shit only started when /wasp/ came into existence. /wasp/ does have an incentive to crab new girls to drive them here

>> No.70721319

>low voice
Then certainly so why it becomes very unintelligible. Not enunciating makes the sounds blob together, if you are a contralto you might want to really practice and stretch face muscles, sometimes just 5 minutes of tongue twisters, non-habitual face expressions, as well as more defined as exercises, like holding certain muscles tensed on the face and moving certain parts like the SCM, or scalenes, as well as swallowing and vocal cords warm-up with gargles, lowest to highest transitions and such. But maybe this last part was more of an advanced thing, just practice being more expressive overall when speaking, went to watch the VoD and realized that you also are very expressive if you get interested/excited about what you are talking about, so that seems to be a strong point of yours, in those cases maybe what can be used more are techniques like calmer breathing to not rush ahead of yourself, and to be overall better at what has been the main point here: enunciating your words. But, you have it bright Fwofie, I believe in you! You can overcome the braces and be a better chuuba!

>> No.70721351
File: 537 KB, 856x750, 1691181056289854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey if you have played street before that already makes you better than most chuubas out there
Check gran blue vtubers here like that one

>> No.70721450

>helping a leech

>> No.70721505

Holy moly this is good advice. Do you have any youtube videos or books to checkout about improving and exercising your voice?

>> No.70721525

>/asp/ has no incentive to crab newbies
one incentive is to stir shit for no reason but to get the threads to fight, followed with the cheeky suggestion " we should go fuck their thread to see if they like it" as they done many times before and its a call to raid

>> No.70721601

>the incentive is 'no reason'

Occam's Razor anon.

>> No.70721653


>> No.70721822

yeah im contralto. makes it hard cause i wanna do music covers in the future. im actually gonna write this down and try to improve cause this is beneficial in so many ways and will probably make me even more confident in speaking too even when im rambling. i appreciate the in depth advice!!

>> No.70721931


i wish i knew who that was and isnt granblue a jrpg?

>> No.70721992

learn to read

>> No.70722003

Can you fuck off already?

>> No.70722040
File: 755 KB, 1384x2048, 1689804918808152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put on the hag tag. We have lotsa thirsty haglovers out there

>> No.70722377

I would recommend checking them out, everyone has a strong point or two in particular, but if you never have watched any of them, all of these channels can be a very good starting point on lessons and knowing:
https://www.youtube.com/@voicelessondotcom - https://www.youtube.com/@TransVoiceLessons - https://www.youtube.com/@CherylPorterVocalCoach - https://www.youtube.com/@TamaraNozik - https://www.youtube.com/@Victoria-Victorious - https://www.youtube.com/@supervocal3039 - https://www.youtube.com/@TheCharismaticVoice
Some of them I have watched almost religiously, some others I had to go and search now that I am asked about. I wouldn't say which ones I watched and which ones I didn't to not bias people towards exploring them tho ;)

>> No.70722441

>wish i knew who that was and isnt granblue a jrpg?
its a franchise and it has a fighting game called versus rising

>> No.70722513

Occam razor says you are the fag that keeps bringing up the Occam razor

>> No.70722576

Laine, Nerururu, QB, and I think Pittie have played it

>> No.70722585

>Occam's Razor is a super niche and esoteric concept that only a handful of people know about


>> No.70722705

Ooh thanks, I'll check those channels out then.

>> No.70723054
File: 9 KB, 312x163, tags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done. any other tag suggestions?

ooh i see. i tried playing blazblue back in the day too, looks similar

>> No.70723104


>> No.70723199

No link posting, me scared crabbo-sans active too much, later will happen -w-

Eeeee sorry for not wording things well, I meant that I HAD them in the past, so far nobody knows I'm a vtuber on irl hehe

I will prove to you that male and female friendship is possible! just believe yourself too, anon!

hi crabs (-w-)/ >>70710262>>70713022>>70713391

>> No.70723432


>> No.70723472

I already don't like you, you come across as a pickme

>> No.70723685

>I will prove to you that male and female friendship is possible! just believe yourself too, anon!
oh they are possible, its just that this board will still call you things
it is more of a cultural war between the jp larpers and the twitch tourists

>> No.70723812

This thread was swearing up and down about how girls should never collab with males and now suddenly a girl shows up who does want to collab with males and then it's all out the window

How can anybody trust advice from this place when you flipflop so hard?

>> No.70723859

take care, im curious to learn who you are. Hope your collab goes well and you'll find some real friends that wont hate on you just for being yourself. Believe me, it's a problem that's very common and it takes a while to find a bunch of cool and chill people that support you instead of crabbing behind your back but there are a lot of good people in vtubing you just have to find them.

>> No.70723922

Please understand. This thread almost died on page 10 five times today because the only advice the thread even offers is "don't collab with males or I'll cry and unicorns will call you a whore".

>> No.70723983

A certain vtuber hag Aussie shark revealed that there were a lot of traffic from her hag tag. Ofc it's not magic bullet, you still gotta sell you're a hag

>> No.70724218
File: 3.60 MB, 1900x2005, smileheart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night waspies. thank you for the advice and support! hopefully i can get to know a few of you more in the future!

>> No.70724266

Dumb bitch

>> No.70724279

Dont be a stranger! be sure to post your streams when you do stream

>> No.70724396

thank god we now have you here to bump it

>> No.70724468

I will schizo you if you do you fucking leech

You do not belong here, fuck off already

>> No.70724505

t. occam razor homosexual

>> No.70724550

>everyone I don't like is the same person

>> No.70724563

Oh anon, you don't understand the narrative here. The real waspies stop posting when it gets convoluted with crabs, and then the crabs start echo-chambering this same thing. If you can't perceive when it happens, I recommend to lurk a little bit more, the same happens with "BFE pill" on /asp/ or "R*bel advice" on /wvt/, nobody really cares, and because of it crabs run the main narrative to the ground when they are given the possibility of doing so.

>> No.70724573

thanks for showing up and dont worry about the single schizo, he is just a literal homosexual turk with lot of issues, he already doxed himself before

>> No.70724575

cute art, sleep well

>> No.70724629

Goodnight! Forgot to follow earlier, I was busy in xiv. Hope to see you again soon!

>> No.70724708


>> No.70724719

I will love you if you do

you belong here, come more often

>> No.70724799


>> No.70724889

>posting off cooldown

>> No.70725041
File: 193 KB, 1008x1390, 1680244151503501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well he has spammed this thread before and made us the third fastest thread in the board so its not like there isnt a precedent
also I should check our speed right now

>> No.70725068
File: 132 KB, 387x274, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70725113


>> No.70725142

Post the screencap coward

>> No.70725207
File: 411 KB, 1346x594, 1683030280138669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even top 8... schizo getting soft

>> No.70725405

Still waiting on that vocaroo from the supposed /wasp/ie

I'm guessing I'll never hear it because this is a man pretending to be a woman to give the illusion this thread is totally not full of male groomers

>> No.70725422
File: 18 KB, 636x149, 1694766367972245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70725428

Actual advice, and this applies to any collab, male or female, ask yourself what the collab brings to your audience. If it's just you and another chuuba hanging out, that's not compelling content. Think about what your audiences want to see and plan collabs accordingly

>> No.70725457

i knew my numbers would go down after my debut but it still stings to see it happen
at least i'm getting better averages than before

>> No.70725470

>my advice is to do things that your audience likes

This advice definitely justifies an entire thread

>> No.70725514

well no one in asp seems to follow it so yeah

>> No.70725592

it's natural, but also keep remembering that one day even your debut numbers will look like nothing
you are here for the long run

>> No.70725601

>Refusing to quote my post accusing you of posting off cooldown to give the illusion to a new girl that there's actually more support here than there actually is because you know you would be exposed

I usually just say this as a meme but in this case that's actual groomer tactics

>> No.70725665

You'd be surprised how many vtubers fail that extremely simple task. If you just want to hang out with other vtubers and don't have any actual content in mind, I don't want to see it on your stream

>> No.70725670

It's not good advice anyway

>> No.70725714

I refuse to watch femchuubas that have sex with men

>> No.70725808

you keep using that word but it doesnt mean what you think it means

>> No.70725823

If two people have natural chemistry together, watching them can feel like being part of a friend group. The advice is patently wrong because in the days of old like H2O delirious and Vanoss, their entire schtick was just a group of dudes playing video games together with no set collab idea. Those guys became titans of the YT gaming sphere, so this 'don't collab with people just because you want to' is so fucking blatantly wrong it's funny

>> No.70725895

thanks for justifying the existence of this thread

>> No.70725910

Not seeing a screencap in your post, groomer

>> No.70726067

I've never even seen a man in my life, give me all your money

>> No.70726199

I wish you were real. Listening to a woman that has had dicks in her mouth is peak cuckoldry and pretty gay too

>> No.70726202
File: 1.47 MB, 1080x1368, needalittlegoat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch goat

>> No.70726288
File: 44 KB, 897x230, 1703128490892642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apology accepted

>> No.70726337

don't worry, he didn't get it, he also doesn't now probably, but good one.

>> No.70726515

Then fucking open the HTML,screen record and post a webm

Are you a baby who can't figure out shit?

>> No.70726576
File: 1.28 MB, 844x1145, 1679856705294898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not that easy, competition is big. Even Enna pretends to be a virgin in the corpo world
of course, they are lying, but the fact that they are clearly willing to do so already gives a them a headstart over those who dont

>> No.70726653

you are not very clever are you

>> No.70726657

>If two people have natural chemistry together
Extremely rare, and even when two chuubas have good chemistry, it's better when they have a specific goal. Look at the Zelda randomizer collabs Bat and Nina do together for an example of a good collab

>> No.70726898

I don't even consider myself an unicorn but i lost interest in her instantly when she talked about meeting up with the first male vtuber friend she made. Even vshojos aren't that direct about being nothing more than cumdumps for male vtubers

>> No.70726908

>screen record
>open web broswer
>go to thread
>open HTML

Stop avoiding it

>> No.70727123

i give you one schizo point if you figure out how to bypass that

>> No.70727222

In the time it takes you reply to me, you could have very quickly done it to remove doubt about whether or not it is edited

>> No.70727433

you havent figured out but I only reply to you if its educational for the rest of the thread
too many newfriends such as yourself and they could use a course on skepticism
You have been useful a couple of times before and you will continue to be useful
For example, I can teach people about new ips with no images every time you pop up

>> No.70727560

>if no new ips show up it must be the same person instead of the one of the any other 46 people in this thread

>> No.70727602

dear god learn to read

>> No.70727867

You're in luck because the only men I like are fictional

>> No.70727932

that works

>> No.70728434

I have heard that before only to see them find a man they would drop everything for. Better just watch some bros they wont do this to you

>> No.70728574

>Better just watch some bros they wont do this to you
nah fags are incredibly disloyal, the second they get a girlfriend they stop streaming
this has happened to me so many times

>> No.70728796

Those are non bros. The bro doesn't care and realizes he is better of doing what he truly enjoys. He would only be miserable with a woman that would probably start whining about his manly hobbies

>> No.70728816
File: 3.07 MB, 451x451, 1699278190475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want fictional boys to kiss fictional boys and for fictional girls to kiss fictional girls. Matters of the flesh do not concern me.

>> No.70728914

You get me, anon. You just get it.

>> No.70729014

Are you sure you wouldn't jump on his dick if he cosplayed or voice acted your favorite fictional man perfectly

>> No.70729055

no true brosky fallacy... they all ditch you...

>> No.70729232
File: 551 KB, 854x519, 1696454462079483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you

>> No.70729329

There is no such thing as perfection, silly. That's why anime exists.

>> No.70729477

Srsly, if vtubers did this, everyone will be harmonious

>> No.70729952

are you me... even when I see the voice actors of characters I hate it. please be a fellow woman... please. pretty mmo players disappoint me enough.

>> No.70730193

please rate

>> No.70730288

you? if not you, unrelated.

>> No.70730340

Yep, just checked, she has been streaming for two hours, unrelated completely, good luck next time shilling randoms.

>> No.70730339

I like the outfit but I don't like the horns

>> No.70730412
File: 2.23 MB, 2032x1138, 1700458129801984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually an interesting fact: the Japanese are ok with male collabs as long as it is for business purposes. This is why Korone can sing with famous male singers on stage or participate in the raccoon cup.
Only here in the west a fuzz is made about it because they don't quite understand what unicorns are, they just think "men on screen bad" and use it to bait replies in the catalog.
To a Japanese, a unicorn means no boyfriends. Collabing with a male is bad if only to play games, since it is seen as "flirting while on your job" which is bad working ethics, the worst sin for a nipponise.
Towa got into shit because she was playing apex with two men even they were off screen, but her biggest sin was pretending those guys were staff, which is seen as using your company to cover your ass, shamefur display. I have not kept with 5ch but I think they took the side of Niji during the Selen events for that same reason.

Meanwhile in /vt/ corporate culture matters for naught, the important part is "anti nijification" which means opposing corporate mandated shipping, like in the case of ILUNA. This is the real cultural war.
This need for "anti nijification" also spreads to whether vtubers should play characters or do voices, trying to "save" vtubing from western influence and trying to keep it loyal to its roots, roots that in fact only began after the idolfags took over and hololive became a superpower. Early vtubing during the 4 heavenly king era was a bit wild, it could be said that true GFE didnt take shape even in Hololive until after gamer gen.

>> No.70730423

tfw won't live long enough to be able to purchase android boyfriend who sounds like Junichi Suwabe without all the gross human man drawbacks

cute dragon/10

>> No.70730478
File: 3.78 MB, 350x350, 1681754933375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The appeal is that they're fictional and uninvolved with me. If they were real it'd instantly repulse me and I wouldn't be interested. It's like playing with toys in a way. Also anything that looks realistic or semi-realistic doesn't attract me.


>> No.70730620

>yandere karaoke
got my interest let me check

>> No.70730766

ok checked her voice is pretty good

>> No.70730852
File: 687 KB, 1045x684, progresso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're making progress, /wasp/, but there are still like half of 'em left. It doesn't help that some icons make it hard to see the actual character design. old hag eyes hurt, i sleep

>> No.70730879


>> No.70730904

thanks for making (me)

>> No.70730944

It's a ruse, I'm sorry!

i appreciate (you) the most, anon

>> No.70731081
File: 119 KB, 240x240, 1681094118855168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i appreciate (you) the most, anon
number one!

>> No.70731101

>mea fasciatta quando
no problem, i will suffer in silence until my queen arrives...

>> No.70731194

If you want a rec, next thread of >>>/vt/euro is going to be italy based
This one was posted as a suggestion

>> No.70731328

i had to double check the VA. i saw their voice in Starmyu. i didn't figure out which character though (i haven't played brother's conflict or Uta noPrince-sama yet)

also i feel old, i had to search what tfw meant and when you mentioned android i thought of absolute boyfriend manga

you are cultured, glad we breathe the same air

>> No.70731352

Rare sane anya post

>> No.70731701

what is a good age to start streaming and being a vtuber? as in, should i start as soon as possible (i am 20) or should i wait until i'm older and smarter and have an actual job and finished school? i really want to make friends but i feel like i'm too young to start without fucking everything up or getting groomed and making a fool out of myself, but on the other hand i'm afraid i'll regret not starting sooner if i start later.

>> No.70731793

As someone who is (slightly) older than you, it's fine to be in school but vtubing is a VERY expensive hobby. It'd be best to get a part-time job unless you're rich
You won't get groomed as long as you don't talk to men. If a woman grooms you use it for yuri bait.

>> No.70731988

It is very cute! Thank you!

>> No.70732025

>afraid i'll regret not starting sooner if i start later.
This, existing for longer gives you lot of advantages. Take is as much of a hobby as you can, but start.

>> No.70732203

>absolute boyfriend
the fucking whiplash I just got, holy cow. I had the physical manga in my highschool days. Good taste.

>> No.70733357

guess i will bake

>> No.70734235

Just do it. It's not exactly a massive commitment and you're as likely to get groomed and make a fool of yourself anywhere else as a woman on the internet.

>> No.70734371



>> No.70734439

a bit old for that.

To quote some loser.
"The best time to start was yesterday.
The next best time is now."

>> No.70734565

the term has come to misuse, specially in this thread, but in general use it means "being gaslighted or manipulated into a relationship" and it can happen to adults, it is just less effective with them than with kids.
