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70641767 No.70641767 [Reply] [Original]

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: TBA

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>70625244

>> No.70641841
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Thanks for the bread

>> No.70641859

ugly and smelly

>> No.70641909

I wish I could smell her right now

>> No.70641933

Don't spread lies about my son

>> No.70642096

he is kinda ugly sometimes but i doubt he smells weird he probably has a nise fragrace from all the baths

>> No.70642404
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To any tourists entering the thread for the first time: This is an anti run general.
Look to >>>/lig/ >>>/euro/ and >>>/uoh/ for actual fallenshadow discussion.

>> No.70642455
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>> No.70642482

no it isnt

>> No.70642516

The shondaki isn't enough tonight. I need to feel her against me. I wouldn't even do anything weird I just want to hold her

>> No.70642562

cute dog

>> No.70642616
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All healthy communities need gatekeeping. I think it's great and will continue to do it with enthusiasm

>> No.70642729

and ill follow prometheus shogga's example and help husbands who pass my vibe check get up to speed

>> No.70642850


>> No.70642870
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i love her

>> No.70642944

spelling bee reps

>> No.70642966

very woman of you to try to punish the FOMO people with gatekeeping but I guess if you genuinely care about shondo you deserve to suffer because you're a shit person and should probably end it

>> No.70643021

be nise

>> No.70643123

if you have fomo do your reps and get the connections
shoggas probably wouldnt dropping you a hint if youre not a total sperg

>> No.70643187

>if you have fomo do your reps
It's not that simple

>> No.70643205

just saying it's very woman to punish another person in your group because they don't stalk your internet friend like you do, they haven't earned it

>> No.70643225

I'm not punishing anyone, I'm keeping out the riff-raff.
If you choose to see it that way then that's fine and IDGAF

>> No.70643255

it IS that simple, i know because i did it myself
apply yourself

>> No.70643339

i will quite literally never ask a shogger for anything involving reps
>"hey bro give me a hint about [dox]"
holy shit kill yourself if you ever do this

>> No.70643380

Fomo isn't that straight forward and it doesn't go away with that little, I'm not talking about doing reps being hard

>> No.70643393

congrats you passed the vibe check, drop a syadouwiggly in chat and I'll dm you

>> No.70643402

the worst part is when you people aren't being catty bitches to each other about gatekeeping FOMO bait you repeat the same retarded jokes or gossiping about other shoggers

the only way to be enjoy her is to not give a single fuck about her or her community, or don't interact with it

>> No.70643466

>not give a single fuck about her or her community, or don't interact with it
Sounds like a great idea, and you should give it a shot

>> No.70643525

doing reps is worthless, there's nothing worth learning about her

>> No.70643546

Cool now can you tell me what's the page for seeing all the maro answers? I can't figure it out I might be retarded

>> No.70643627

stop nigging yourself wifey

>> No.70643646

the maros are worthless too unless you have complete trust in a fat loli LARPer

>> No.70643703

I want to read them though

>> No.70643774
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will this topic be dropped by tomorrow? i doubt it

>> No.70643856


>> No.70643924

she's a mentally ill cunt with an equally pathetic community willing to enable her retarded little games

>> No.70643940


>> No.70643944

>the only way to be enjoy her is to not give a single fuck about her or her community, or don't interact with it
this isn't what she wants but it's how it is
other communities feel nice and tightly nit without gay shit and I wish it were the same here but they don't have competition built into their communities nor select for insecure men with anger issues

>> No.70644001

Arigato, so then the ones for shadowchama and fallenshadow_YT aren't accessible?

>> No.70644015

she replied to a drunk maro I sent that ended with pleas for her not to waste her time replying with a blank message and then deleted the response afterwards
I dont know if she was messing with me or felt bad about the joke but it's successfully given me brain worms thanks shondo I still love you

>> No.70644088

that one is for chama iirc

>> No.70644220
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there really isn't anything to be gained from reps, shoggers want you to think you're lesser if you don't know "lore" but anything she won't bring up on stream usually isn't worth knowing anyway
they want to drag everyone to their level, or even better filter them, but shondo wants people to be happy and to enjoy her company
don't join the rat race, just enjoy yourself

>> No.70644318

This is true of current shadow. Shadow 1 year ago was obsessed with secret knowledge and gatekeeping

>> No.70644459

she's a pickme that wants money and her community tries to gatekeep so they feel less cucked

>> No.70644564

that pathetic community member? me

>> No.70644586

even then it's not like you got much out of it
the hint to her alts wasn't anything like what hotel did she work at, how old is she, what's her real name etc
it was really only rewarding people who watch obsessively and were in the right timezone
she cared about being secretive insofar as she wanted a smaller audience who wouldn't flip out at her menhera attacks, and she wanted people to be up on the basic stuff like pyro so they don't blow up about it later

>> No.70644710

ok yeah its an anti general, maybe tomorrow goodnight wankers

>> No.70644716

>She will never make you her cat and castrate you

>> No.70644794

stinky femcels ruining the threads

>> No.70644882

Your gatekeeping was effortlessly undone by me in one post. Eat shit fomonigger, we're not special for being /here/ 1.2 years ago when that dropped.

>> No.70644926

if I were p--o I'd probably kill myself for messing this up

>> No.70644937

I love past shondo, I love current shondo, and I will love future shondo because she is my wife and forever means forever, I won't break my promise

>> No.70644982

i agree with this anon dont join the rat race
you will lose :)

>> No.70645039

you know that one shogga who always says he would never fuck shondo because he'd be cucking us? that's him. i kneel.

>> No.70645146

This. All the reps you need can be found on the archive channel and her last batch of maros. Link those to newfags.

>> No.70645238

why cant we all just be friends

>> No.70645243

speaking from experience i see

>> No.70645287

we are friends, you're getting one guy'd

>> No.70645308
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>> No.70645475

>I wish there was more I could do
The lack of self awareness. And dont get pissy at me; she doesnt notice me anyway so me venting wont impact her.

>> No.70645506

not sure which would be worse to deal with, shondo or her ingroup

>> No.70645507

she didn't have to steal my marg tower tweet

>> No.70645551

she doesn't notice you because you post here more than you talk to her during streams. shit yourself retard.

>> No.70645579

Ok anon what would you have her do to avoid in fighting?

>> No.70645609

ban all the infighters

>> No.70645640

she knows exactly what she's doing but doesn't want to openly encourage it

>> No.70645718

Ok I didn't expect you to be based, I agree completely

>> No.70645765


>> No.70645813

shondo is worth every challenge

>> No.70645847

She can't, they're the "super regulars." Banning Orange and Dewd is out of question.

>> No.70645860

>shit yourself
funny and based.
it's good you're white knighting cause i didn't feel like it today.

>> No.70645926

weird pick, but she should force him to give up his husband status just like mods.

>> No.70645950

>she could totally stop people behaving like assholes, she could just uh, ban her whole community!
Great solution anon

>> No.70645955

idk why she doesn't want to, it's something that actively makes her community hostile and probably stifles her growth but she won't treat it with the kind of no-tolerance policy that direct lewd comments get

>> No.70645972

It's too late to bring up now. It was that one stream or never and we all fumbled

>> No.70646002

Her problems can't be solved when there's an ocean between you.

>> No.70646059

If she banned all infighters she would have to ban every single regular. For a girl with serious dependency issues a community wide purge won’t happen.
The real problem is she still has 2view mindset. She thinks she can continue this way but it’s clearly having a heavy weight upon her

>> No.70646060

He loves white knighting against some spergs, escalating the infighting. One thing she said multiple times not to do.

>> No.70646114

Shondo could, I don't know, not rub her favourites in everyone's face by rigging a whole game to prioritize them? No, I guess being considered and giving a shit about the other 1600 viewers watching the stream is too much to ask of strimmer.

>> No.70646132

you only need to make an example of a few for people to start shaping up but she actively dashed any hopes of that by reversing moderator decisions

>> No.70646134

Am I forgetting anyone else that actively fights with others?

>> No.70646137

>whole community
if she banned like 6 or 7 specific shoggers the infighting would dry up to nothing almost instantaneously. she'll never do it of course since they are all white ribbons or whales and she values time (in lieu of actual commitment) more than anything else, and has a family of 6 to support.

>> No.70646147

I still can’t imagine fumbling that hard, I guess her flinching every time you even try to hold her hand must be exhausting to deal with though.

>> No.70646234

just keep bringing it up in the threads. i'm too much of a pussy to send it with a donation so instead i'll just keep posting it here and she will read (and ignore) it.

>> No.70646254

if you really tried you could find a girl like her who isn't fundamentally broken and needing years of work to even hold romantically

>> No.70646277

Your delusions do not constitute actual complaints
Set up a moobot giveaway and you’ll understand how it works and how rigging it like this is such an insane and unfeasible thing to do live. But if you really believe this is the case you could try asking her to show it on screen. Nobody has ever voiced issue with the giveaways and she has always done them the same way.

>> No.70646296

I don't have anything in particular against sharing the maros, if anything I think they should be more accessible, as they will scare a lot of people off.
I just don't like people behaving like moronic niggers.

>> No.70646300


>> No.70646384

I don't know what happened, but she was in her trying to be a normie phase when they were dating. If she didn't tell him about a lot of her issues it probably came as a huge shock. If that happened to me it would have been devastating and I would assume she hated me

>> No.70646480

IRL edition. Any 'real' relationship with her would require consistent exposure and you simply can't do that over a couple of weeks holiday a couple of times. Most shoggers would probably give up after a week if not sooner.

>> No.70646482

I genuinely think she is scared of the groomer gang. She treats them all with a strange sort of hesitance and given we know they were the primary dm harassers I wouldn’t be surprised if they had some sort of dox they’re holding over her directly or have threatened her etc. There’s no reason people like Pixel and Mouz would still be around, they’re not donators, they treat her like shit and talk to her constantly in a passive aggressive way. There’s no reason for any of them to be around except she’s scared.
Dewd you can at least argue she thinks is a funny chatter but the others treat her with genuine contempt to her face. I’m pretty sure Mouz is the one who made her lapse into teary silence during Dead rising for several minutes.

>> No.70646604

you are projecting and your love is weak
absolutely disgusting

>> No.70646663

weird rrat but however you gotta justify obsessing over men to yourself ig

>> No.70646753

These 3 used to get along with me well enough but suddenly out of nowhere I'm persona non grata to them. I don't get it

>> No.70646862
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i thought about this last stream and here is my rrat selection, remember that arguing over the gacha mechanics is irrelevant we already know how it works and that it can be rigged easily, and the pool was around 120-160 people, not the entire viewer base/chatter base:
1. in order to spite email/confession schizo she rigged it since he complained about magnetomaster getting in last time
2. the first few people happened to be favorites/super regulars and she thought it would be funny to keep rigging it to get more of them in (it was pretty funny, some favorites literally won twice)
3. she panicked after the first few people happened to be regulars and rigged it to get more in because she was worried it would cause more problems
4. genuine chance which is extremely unlikely for obvious reasons
please note that i dont actually care that i didnt get in, i just thought it was interesting to think about

>> No.70647018

You're projecting.

>> No.70647164

Let it go FF, all of them are decent guys.

>> No.70647181

you know how sometimes when youre breathing through your nose and its a little congested and you get little whistling noises? i think it would be pretty funny to hold onto shondo so she cant get away and lie in bed with her so she is forced to listen to that noise constantly just behind her head for 2 or 3 hours while you just dissociate

>> No.70647201

Shut up pixel

>> No.70647207

Funniest post in days

>> No.70647239

is jean okay

>> No.70647408


>> No.70647468

her internet has been really bad the last few weeks :(
she will pull through tho

>> No.70647560


>> No.70648167

>spite the email schizo
Brilliant woman logic if true, keep antagonizing some truly unhinged schizo until one day he finds her and rapes Shadowmama to spite her back. Who knows how he thinks.

>> No.70648580


>> No.70648618

>no goodnight tweet again
she hates us uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.70648918

Agreed. I like you tryhard shoggas, need to balance out the whiners.

>> No.70649206

You're right, it'd be funny

>> No.70649459
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>> No.70649471

Shondo please tweet more uuuuu... I want to see your tweets more... At least start liking a lot of memes... Anything...

>> No.70649487

She only hates prometheus anon.

>> No.70649491

>alright lets see what /shon/ is looping today
>yup mhmm gatekeeping, shiggers, studio right okay
>anything new and interesting
ok I love fallenshadow gnoight

>> No.70649524

When's the last time she mass-liked repliers? It's been a while, right?

>> No.70649567

reading through these again just made me feel sorry for her. Why do so many of us have to be such needy children?

>> No.70649582

its so shover she hates us

>> No.70649586

Gnoight shogga

>> No.70649640

Yeah, I hope she stops doing that cuz pitylikes are cringe. In her heart she only likes a few of the favourite's tweets.

>> No.70649678

couple weeks or so, and that time it was a cover because she responded to some BA questions

>> No.70649713

I get mad only because my brainworms are way cooler and I didn't send any.

>> No.70649766

If i was around I probably would've been unable to think of anything to ask or say, much like with the confessions
Also please understand, I only act like this around my wife

>> No.70649945

Because we're emotionally invested in her, she has favourites despite claiming otherwise. Sometimes I wish Shondo would make a $600 tier 4 subscription and call it the favourites tier, anyone there would be part of her inner circle and gets DMing privileges.

>> No.70650009
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Fucked up
I love my wife unconditionally

>> No.70650112

She did it on main last week for the schedule announcement

>> No.70650153

If anything they make me remember to be less sorry for her because she always avoids dealing with real criticism (partially because it always comes from a complete schizo, shoot the messenger and ignore the message)

>> No.70650253

how many people would sign up?

>> No.70650298

I would but be too afraid to dm her

>> No.70650352

if she did that i would wait to see if it was a big joke and if it turned out it wasnt i would simply leave

>> No.70650429

All her current favourites plus a handful of desperate shoggers like me. 10-15 people?

>> No.70650586

Half of her favorites never dono and are prime subs

>> No.70650632

As you note, part of this is that no one seems capable of expressing concerns in a non-spergy way.
But to me the implied answer is always clear enough: "I'm just human, I'm trying to work through all of this, please give me patience and understanding, and I will do my best. Also take some responsibility for your own feelings"
It's all just too much weight for a 2x year old girl with no life experience.

>> No.70650639

You're not a favourite RA, also name them.

>> No.70650691

I would feel similarly, but would probably succumb to weakness and pay instead

>> No.70650718

$600 tier is a trap, if you're rich just doxx yourself by buying merch

>> No.70650728

Khaal mouz magneto off the top of my head

>> No.70650872

He used to be but got demoted. She hasn't been paying attention to him lately

>> No.70650876

>$600 a month
kek some minimum wagies could afford that if they stop smoking cigs

>> No.70650938

Probably after he threatened to skin Otis alive

>> No.70650997

speaking from experience?

>> No.70651054

Leave Ray alone he hasn't done anything psycho recently. Give him a few months he's bound to do it again

>> No.70651076

Yeah, I could even afford a $1k tier 4 sub if I quit smoking.

>> No.70651389

last for I love Shondo

>> No.70651658


>> No.70651722

First for shontoes

>> No.70652312

Could otis take a shogger in a fist fight?

>> No.70652331

yeah, we'd lose

>> No.70652483

she's so cute bros

>> No.70653116

it's true the questions always meander into schizobabble ruining any chance for her to get a real chance to contemplate, but she also picked those ones out to make fun of
on the flip side it's crazy a fucker managed to manipulate her to talk about p**o more just by using stupid emotional give and take tactics, I'm baffled if she's truly that easy
I'm glad she just dropped it all because even if I agreed that the schizos weren't wroth the attention it was also a bit irksome to make a show out of dismissing every question

>> No.70653405
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love her

>> No.70654346

>despite your best efforts to get us to hivemind with each other
>These are the humans, my husbands, whom I will forgive, praise and spoil.
>And these are the rest of the parasites, regardless of their loyalty and involvement.
Love my unifying wife.

>> No.70654397
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I've never told shondo that I love her.
I think I do, but I also don't really know what it means.

>> No.70655056

Does she want to be my sister wife or daughter wife?

>> No.70655206

The first one, in the end it's up to you really.

>> No.70655244

>this sounds like shonshon to him
You don't even know your wife.

>> No.70655960 [DELETED] 

It means that you've fallen in love with Shondo aka fallenshadow aka Martha. Accept your feelings anon and be happy with her, leave this shithole of an anti general.

>> No.70656638

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.70657033

It's alright shogga, you'll get your own answer eventually, until then interact and lurk some
Unless you've been around for a while, then I don't have much advice to give, it's a matter of time I guess

>> No.70657266
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Here's my word of advice:

>> No.70657357

shondo doesn't love you, she's your wife and you're her husband and she views marriage in a very traditional sense, you're the one who needs to love and provide for her monetarily, to keep being loyal to your wife. She however doesn't need to love you because the only reason she got married was to send money back to her family so they don't get kicked out onto the streets, she does have to say "I love you" every now and then to make sure the marriage is stable and husbands don't divorce her and cut off their support, but otherwise that's all she does in terms of being a wife.

>> No.70657512

It’s Shover. All good things come to an end eventually. It was fun while lasted.

>> No.70657737

Untrue she's also made me cum countless times

>> No.70657859

Untrue, she loves me very very very very very much, she said so!
