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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70571691 No.70571691 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.70572427

Who? No, really she looks cool. I might check her out.

>> No.70572747
File: 548 KB, 1730x1679, 1708732481578526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onolumi. great if you like retro chuubas, but i really don't think she's for everyone. also welcomed in /tsunx/ if you want to avoid /vrt/ & /vrg/.

>> No.70576487

Ok thx bro

>> No.70578894
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imagine shilling my secret oshi on the catalog

>> No.70579007

My sleep schedule is absolutely fucked, so I've been watching her more lately. She is super cute, but can be a little a quiet sometimes. I really felt for her when she was getting emotional on stream recently about wishing she could express herself better.

>> No.70579396
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>le catalog
I'm gonna now post her in random threads just to spite you

>> No.70581689 [DELETED] 

buy an ad

>> No.70581759

You know what? I'll bite. She looks cute, I'll give her a sub and check out her dungeon keeper vods later.

>> No.70581783


>> No.70582129

Would that make the fags in /vrt/ seethe?

>> No.70583100

She's a good girl trying her best. Lumi love!

>> No.70585081

I admit: for a very long time, whenever I saw her, I thought that she's the Opera vtuber.

>> No.70585709

I have mad respect to this chuuba for her being to based for my knees to handle. I'm now paraplegic

>> No.70587459

Entering /vt/ as a dramanig tourist and finding out my secret oshi was also a /vrt/ favourite was a real shocker

>> No.70589756

That is true.

>> No.70589781

I'm sad because I got banned from one of the /vrt/ tubers a while ago and they wouldn't even tell me why, so I get slightly salty whenever I see one of them.

>> No.70589950

A fun fact I know about her is that she made her own (SOVL) covers of the music in Fallout (New vegas? one of the 3d games) because she heard that the originals might trigger copyright, so she modded those covers into the game
I dont watch her though so I dont know exactly which game it is

>> No.70590733

first reveal at timestamp:
she has a google drive link in the description with all the cover versions she made

she didn't cover every song in the game, just the ones that would trigger a copyright strike

>> No.70593022

stop being such a weirdo

>> No.70593753

My knees... they're kneeling on their own...

>> No.70594383

People were hoping for more Radio Lumi when she played Bioshock (which also got copyright strikes) but unfortunately it didn’t happen. Those songs are rarer so it made sense not to bother.

>> No.70594478

No, /vrt/ loves lumi.

>> No.70594570

Now that there's people here, she currently premiering a clip compilation right now

>> No.70595090

>secret oshi
Oshi means push. You should be shilling her yourself or she isn’t really your oshi.

>> No.70597256

Post the other 3 too

>> No.70597442

You're right, I should

>> No.70597913

Thank you

>> No.70598773
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>> No.70600479

Her favorite game is still Planescape Torment?

>> No.70600832

ngl thats pretty based

>> No.70601195
File: 1.99 MB, 414x500, Do I need to shower_ I don't think it's necessary.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxqs2wv.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this stinky chubba

>> No.70601228
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>> No.70601250

her fans ruined the retro chuuba threads

>> No.70601422

Bots try to shill the BASED "Japanese" vtuber who plays their cool old games when actually that's all that's cool about her. Her streams are pretty boring and dull

>> No.70602915

The only chubba I know that has played Freespace 2.
She's alright in my book

>> No.70603866

Seems like she'd be popular with boomers and people from my generation that grew up in the 90's by the games she plays. Same energy as the people who only want to play remakes of the games they played 30 years ago so they can pretend they can chase the dragon.

>> No.70606250

She streams at a horrible time for me

>> No.70608362


>> No.70609376

If playing ALL the cool old games to completion was her one and only redeeming quality, it would still qualify her as full caps BASED and worthy of shilling. No need to seethe.
t. only watch her vods every few months when she's played something I care about

>> No.70611455

I can only watch her on weekends.

>> No.70614201


>> No.70615321

A gacha girl. I think Mihoyo's?

>> No.70617456


>> No.70619728

It's not so straightforward to mod bioshock right?

>> No.70620541

Love Lumi. Hate bots. Simple as.

>> No.70622296
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>> No.70625387


>> No.70626353

For music I think it is similar in both, just replace the sound files for the songs with custom ones.
Bioshock uses a much stranger file format for it though so I suppose you’re right.

>> No.70628994

There needs to be more art of her.

>> No.70631643

*grooms my way into her shoebox apartment*
*keeps her up all night so she can't stream as long*
nuthin personnel bots

>> No.70632324

I tried, but she kept coughing right into the microphone. Hard pass.

>> No.70636057
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>her true form

>> No.70639390

wtf is that

>> No.70639718

It's does seem like she is sick a lot, like half of her clips are of her snotty nose

>> No.70640335

She is allergic to dogs but adopts senior dogs from a dog shelter

>> No.70640875

checks out, she seems like a sweetypie

>> No.70643241

her true form

>> No.70646159

her story was something like this:
>adopted a couple of old chihuahuas (well before she started streaming)
>started having allergy reactions, assumed it was hay fever
>allergy condition continued well past spring and summer
>went to clinic and did an allergy test
>found out that she was severely allergic to dogs this whole time
>started taking allergy medication instead of giving up the dogs
>some time last year in 2023, the old chihuahuas died, both of them.
>took a week off to mourn without telling her chat anything, but everyone kinda guessed what happened
>came back to streaming, completely void of any dog barks or noises in the background. pretended nothing happened but just avoided bringing up the dogs
>a few months alter, dog barks were heard again on stream
>confessed that her dogs died a while ago (we knew) and since then she had gone to a dog shelter to donate money and somehow ended up fostering a couple of old dogs

>> No.70646595

>confessed that her dogs died a while ago (we knew) and since then she had gone to a dog shelter to donate money and somehow ended up fostering a couple of old dogs
absolutely psychotic of her to trigger my urge to protect like this when I can't go protect

>> No.70647264

Checking out her Warcraft 3 streams and I've been enjoying it so far, she's neat

>> No.70647486 [DELETED] 
File: 1.58 MB, 1293x784, onolumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love her, but her community is absolute dogshit. Letting the indogs fester early on was a mistake.

>> No.70647597

>her community is absolute dogshit
They did ruin a few retro threads ngl. I kinda wish Lumi was actually popular enough to warrant her own thread so the bots could finally fuck off.

>> No.70648506
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actually if you check her valentine's day stream and other quake streams where she invited chat to frag her, her audience is spread all over the world

>> No.70648942

not when she's coughing and clearing her throat into the fucking mic she's not

>> No.70649554

>not appreciating her phlegm
filtered casuls

>> No.70651862
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The hilarious thing is that the retro thread originally was just about lumi. It only turned into a general so vtubers like Ami and Kiki could be discussed. Guess we've gone full circle now.

>> No.70652314

is that why there are two retro threads now?

>> No.70653935
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meche butt

>> No.70654017 [DELETED] 

/vrt/ got invaded by self posting /asp/ie males and their fans, they constantly anti Lumi even though /vrt/ always was the Lumi thread. One guy spams links of random 1view vtubers and is in all of their chat at the same time and spams liveposts about them and he hates Lumi. He seethed about his oshis not being in the OP so he's been making page 1 bakes to remove everyone from the OP for months, and he shitposts and spams pics on cooldown to reach the bump limit faster when someone else bakes before him
so people made a split to talk about the main chubuas only to run away from that schizo (he shitposts in the split too)

>> No.70654481 [DELETED] 

why did the mods protect the threads without the op?

>> No.70654736 [DELETED] 
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Kinda. In /vrt/ any chuuba that streams retro is generally welcome, whereas a few especially thickheaded tribalists maintained that the thread should always be about the girls in the OP post (some of whom don't even stream retro anymore), so after a few shaky threads full of metaposting and shitflinging people decided on a minimalistic OP with all the retro streamers gathered in one link. Regrettably, a select few anons didn't like that so he we are now with 2 retro threads going on.
Probably because it prevents further shitposting. Both threads are actually more or less peaceful now, although most people still post in both.

>> No.70654796 [DELETED] 

if they delete it he just changes his ip and makes another one, up to 5 or 6 threads, then he starts shitting up the other thread
there isnt much you can do about someone like that

>> No.70655018

>/vrt/ always was the Lumi thread
It stopped being a Lumi thread the moment anons added Ami and Kiki to the OP making it the Retro Game Tubers thread. A hard pill to swallow, I know.

>> No.70655076 [DELETED] 

not really, it was mainly for Lumi and no one had a problem with that until this schizo (probably you) showed up like a year ago

>> No.70655224 [DELETED] 

>people decided
faggot you literally samefagged while everyone was telling you to kill yourself then you started making page 1 threads
kill yourself

>> No.70655241

Breaking news, no one has a problem with discussing Lumi streams in /vrt/ alongside other streamers (which, it seems, is something you have a big problem with).

>> No.70655263

Meant for this anon obviously >>70655076

>> No.70655303

The voices in your head?

>> No.70655335 [DELETED] 
File: 494 KB, 631x810, 1704968124136105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the generic schizo just cant stop shitting up lumi threads
he did it in /vrt/, he did it in /vrg/ and now he's doing it here

>> No.70655458

Well, you see now exactly why we have 2 retro threads.

>> No.70656355 [DELETED] 

Because none of that is true.

>> No.70656572

baking is serious business

>> No.70656691 [DELETED] 

why are the posts getting deleted?

>> No.70656894

her fans literally started the retro chuuba threads
/vrt/ was, and always will be, the Lumi thread, you can keep seething about it

>> No.70657082

>/vrt/ was, and always will be
the place to discuss all retrochuubas equally, devoid of mindless tribalism and favoritism

>> No.70657115

no one likes the 1view males you shill there

>> No.70657162 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 306x318, 1691508352794899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why this was deleted but this guy really can't stop seething about Lumi
at least stay in /vrt/ and leave the catalog threads alone, why do you hate her so much?

>> No.70657252 [DELETED] 

Dunno what you're talking about, Lumi is loved in /vrt/and people always discuss her streams when she's on.

>> No.70657292

all bots already left /vrt/, it's just the selfposting aspie thread now, it only has like 5 actual posters
one guy posts about her for 10 minutes then moves on to the next chuuba, even her 10 hours streams barely got any posts

>> No.70657359

>played X-COM, proper Fallouts, Planet Escape Tournament, Dungeon Keeper and more
Yup, based.

>> No.70657368 [DELETED] 

>all bots already left /vrt/
Wishful thinking. Most people post in both threads.

>> No.70657426 [DELETED] 

nah /vrt/ is usually dead until one guy wakes up and starts spamming

>> No.70657542 [DELETED] 

>usually dead
That's /vrg/

>> No.70657603 [DELETED] 

not really

>> No.70657769

Are you a dog?
