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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 171 KB, 800x1000, 64ad807714d9999c70f0e563_Gawr%20Gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70545504 No.70545504 [Reply] [Original]

>comes back to play the most FOTM games, then disappears for another 3 months
Okay but her fans KNOW she only cares about money, right?

>> No.70545544
File: 80 KB, 736x736, a37cb270d9786907f967e3f69f4ba4e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I forgot to include this image

>> No.70545724

Chumbuds are the purest fanbase.
They love her for her talent and accomplishments, not because they mistakenly think the streamer is their friend.

>> No.70546811

>Mentally ill person here to shit up the catalog all day again.

>> No.70546887

Kind of like how I only care about reading the same fucking shit every god damn day it is my fucking lifeblood

>> No.70547038

if she only cared about money wouldn't she want to stream more to farm supas?
at least make your bait make sense

>> No.70547360

Things Gura cares about:
>Not having to do anything
In that order.

>> No.70547534

>Not having to do anything
she just did an asmr stream and a karaoke

>> No.70547674

2 weeks ago isn't "just did"

>> No.70547808

>Not having to do anything

>> No.70548095

She's just like me frfr

>> No.70548761

>to play the most FOTM games
That's all she ever plays. She's not a game streamer.

>> No.70553509

I only care about Gura!

>> No.70554464

imagine if a producer could unlock her

>> No.70556649

>If you are only playing the newest, most hype games, you aren't a game streamer!
Playing old or unpopular games does not make you any more of a gamer, you pretentious faggot.

>> No.70557183

This has to be sarcasm lol

>> No.70557270

Yes, which is what she's currently doing

>> No.70562602

Gura definitely cares about the other EN talents and even outside of Myth has shown a lot of concern for Kronii. She wants to go back to 2021 Gura so there is obviously some contract issues going on with management. Was rather suspicious that her 3rd year membership badge keeps getting delayed especially since other talents were doing the same thing.

>> No.70562665

She's coming back tomorrow.

>> No.70565153

it can't just be that gura is lazy. these contract negotiations have been going on for years according to you fags

>> No.70565231

but she did something for her fans right?

>> No.70565352

Her Japan trip isn't even started, her return would have to be after that, probably after the fes.

>> No.70565554

How'd you know my name?

>> No.70565759

She streamed for a month. Anyone who cared about membership cost didn't auto-renew. We've been through this before.

>> No.70569599

I understand why some anons like the cynical answers but there have been a lot of radio silent health breaks and suspicious coincidences that have been going on with HoloEN since 2022. Even if Gura was only doing the minimum amount of work it doesn't make sense for her to completely stop membership content for over 5 months after the Advent debuts. That even membership badges were getting delayed while the EN project manager was telling employees that changes are slowly being made would indicate that some contract disputes were going on behind the scenes.

>> No.70572637

Smart girl

>> No.70575412

Funniest thing I've read all week.

>> No.70575490

Holy fuck, it's the "radio silent health breaks due to contract disputes" schizo. You just never stop. Any day now, we'll learn that Gura has been fighting for Kronii and Ina to get less lewd outfits, or whatever your severely deranged mind has cooked up.

>> No.70575810

Gura is the ultimate sex goddess vtuber therefore I'll always support her no matter what.

>> No.70575982
File: 166 KB, 1001x1343, Screenshot_2024-03-04-11-30-05-35_3aea4af51f236e4932235fdada7d1643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe nijifag your streamers cannot get her sub growth even in her inactive period says alot about the clown company that nijiEN is.

>> No.70576075

She doesn't really get much say in things, she either agrees with the company choices or she catches the door to her ass. Sure, she's got SOME pull, but if the company goes "Yeah, if you're not working you're not collecting a paycheck" come her next contract, she can either take their offer or lose the absolute only thing that makes her big; the Gura name.

She's not going to pull a Doki and reappear to some massive support because there's no controversy and people realize how she has been going on 2 years now. The majority are not going to follow her to somewhere new. Hell, if she doesn't go back to her old account, which already has more than 1M subs, and instead goes to somewhere like VShojo, I truthfully believe that she wouldn't even be able to break 1M.

She's a washed up talent who will gladly collect a paycheck as long as morons willingly support it. Cover won't get rid of her either because she's a status symbol to them. The can sell a shitload of merch and advertise having "The most subbed vtuber in the industry!"

>> No.70576171

Would you all stop complaining if Gura streams a handcam masturbation stream.

>> No.70576457

Gura would be the most successful vtuber no matter where she goes. You are absolutely delusional. She would make Doki look like a joke and blow the rest of HoloEN out of the water in terms of subs within a month.

>> No.70578956

Cover has plenty of marketing and sponsorship connections in Japan but I doubt even management believes they are invincible in the western market. They didn't replace their EN project manager because they were confident that losing talents wouldn't cause a loss in revenue or reputation. They may own the copyrights but having so much invested into their character IP does mean that losing talents does hurt the company in a number of ways.

>> No.70579540

how do i make gura my sugar mommy?

>> No.70579815

You act like she doesn't have sponsorships and merch sales. Like you're implying her only revenue comes from streaming.
Please do some basic thinking before posting again, underage doxsister.

>> No.70580036

I think you are the one delusional here. Covid is over, asians only care about cute shark girl not the talent and no hololive buff. So hardly doubt that she would be that popular.

>> No.70581746

yeah and? she gets stressed trying to think of stuff to talk about. she doesn't DO anything, she's out of stories. She just wants to bake bread and play deep rock all day. So she fucks off for awhile until she's got a new stockpile of shit to talk about and perms for stuff she'd been waiting on. Unload her new stories, play the games she wanted to play, shill some stuff. Rinse and repeat. I have no problem with this, it's actually become a pretty comfy cycle by this point. I watch too many vtubers anyway, I don't mind that she doesn't crank them out any more non stop.

>> No.70584748

She will be back for Holofes
